t rata paper Msaateys ex mi.v Ret ; WiHtgiaa to raccrv oeaawriKsatfw renerad tc tc bnt The name. U writer rmr i r 5-Jf nlabcd to th Editor. Cofnrn antra tior brvu ht ruts eat aa KXHTOa AM WnuTO. .. MS iMHw, f5.. Tn ooeridrof Ov- -ct Per.nalides owt be avoHod. j . ; it t r-p."Ulr ,. tn utilrt ; sviod that th fftr do- mh always e&dar wfB fca dRi oat I by m-rn ff Ui ay part el tfco rjtr. l Uivm . . r neons wow. . rBlrtlw a .1 frbera.. n:nim vB) rv,wi t and all fnC , i,.t - otr paper regular! . . VOI,. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1882. to the ediio 'IQWM. T -- - The 1 I j i i 1 li it- lint CoiiofT. ! -. K8. Sbeohenl 07. Moo;. !'v I'hil Mr. v nv, r.. J.,. r.r i-nR.i..i ; Iar.r WO, McKoy 2.v, IMirn U U, NEWS. . a De jywralo j i l'ti rrpet w - Hoaitartor. ;t l vatG. i-hcrU" Taw . .T'aito-i-nw 'M! PaiaUn etol candidate a polled in the hcv.t.i! j 10a, MclUe 27. Kdard 10. Gilmer otmg rre'iict wnrdo in live ct and n Us (vniul v. a ':cl-.r -.eTk mi th Superior Opart. tr, Churchiil W. Shlnp 87. BABSrCTT TOWN SH LP. Soon I6d. Aruu:ron; Waddc I 13, Green ItS, Borne; Klfit, Sansfsmi VanAmrinr Cherry 171, Toobl64, Mannlnr U1. Ile.JrO 100. TKF. MA.1L&' rhvnuiU rli3c wl arriv -it i "4t3r iot CLOMt. Vortht.rn thftfnSQ luails, fiv 4 5..'ir M ;vJ a Mai! fr iLc N. XSnVrw I .x-A raillM if;rti: Uf trtyofj. .;r.inl o 11 .51 S'. C rtih-.l ;i .'..h A. If. Southern M.-.ii? t r ai' ixlr.t mufc. Wit- PM. .'t r wal2 C C Efifhpay . :'cvn i i'iTi;T . Sknfl F. M. .vlJ i-nm- ltjvrco tt r,, Ki t 's P. VI. l! A If. ti" A. M. X KW ADVERTISMENS We Garry 4 8 LAK'.il. ANI A4 1KS PMSTE stoci .A NKW ADVBRTIHEMENTS Told Hoiiihor 3 1 1 i ! fint;T Artie! rcjCi. cd T- AT 1 1 AN" !tnt w hat oi f. whrc ym lat, v r t " roai iari No. 17 M AIJKprrSTUKKT. vrhi'h fcvionr N'.vr motm Ihl crtnitr.; rfurt 6 o'clock. j .v.ni'i' Lartr. Ktn"cniHtivf t Con- JJocwrjr Benneil W. Ctondaj 17.1, Majif. rru.i i.i.viDaijbvr ji,! tgr.-5.ji from lurd Core-Mtumai j Grcn f W !.), Folk 107. Budin . uS'W rt. r-'-.W P' M ! i'uk. 49ooialo4ritio9 or it- .sM. j 1W 107. Sheyberd Pi. Moore inj. Phil- wjaU. v. m. ! :rfcmo Cmir?, t iv Jtidseto! r Superior "P'. Larby IO, BfcKo; Bf (vuthno fiiver. Prlisvs t. m. .... ...a i: .:... .i... ti:.j t.. IS?. MT?n At T-Ma-n; 4- tT. -l..- PrcWCHlpt m 7m4Minm. daKr, OPERA HOUSE. rxr 5.1 a k Krporf.i)r: . 4. . P. PJ 3iONJAV KVKNIMi. NOV. tU, WSf. CARPETS nuTMtm: vMM,.'.it. rfk.w . - . . . - . , . . . vj" ii -a . n I . J! -..r.!ay koi up 1.100 hair- emoi, to tl,., or-r panted, aa Ibi- ! 1. Galloway 84. H&SSSSSS&:'di . t.t yt . ... il-,. m .rmm T.wvn!P. '.;.;.--. .-(: a. 5t - v r. m. Stmm.tiiir On't Stream, from thu'lm5 r. 1-rlredat New York eaterdav. M UKKBOKO TOwyHtr. Do you think Prealdnni Arthur will f like xirinf thanks on the 30th inst ? Mr McDonald, of Baltimore. 3Jiil for Kas lm kik-t wakd. pcou 01, Avastron 42 t nddcll 1". fir! Dii ii 131, Arintrons I Gcon 46. Borne IS,8ampMn t:, Va . 103, Waddvil 130. Grevu 133. Burnej Amriogo 1. Cherry 18. Jacobs 437. Sampson 137, VooAOiriogA 436. Ct:eij 137 J.koiv 437. Manning 372 .36 A. Mi !ar acd Prliarji 6.S0 OI KN Full PEUTKRT iiaJi.....T :J .1. m. r 'j- t w . . - . - " . . .................... .tj . j - Manning . HQtr.,-tr . . -.vcrv .to. Ctircliaa vnTal Ka!lr ' i'l i i rrvtD ,r- '-'t jBettBdl 51, Conoaj 3T, Green OY !0.fl .v. M. ,-InrlU''iing thoso uisirvr;.l favoritjes NKI.r.lK Mc HKVHY V AT SAIBTRY, 51u;cj1 Vc -I?y. it '..Mi. ir. tfc... ' ir...t. IWI-...... t-w l-.. .... i?o P.I I-OIK II. hJllin 7. i'0 11 . :'...oui.;c oi-ii iroia - a. . o x-; ai. , ann KKKj KI II !IVI r I I IM ' IB" ' -v . - j - ... ir--.. . r. bi. ai&ncyoner bbu iu?g;ir v w , I onltry m IhU market lt.rabu i. R -7 Ft,wrda U, Gilmer 17. Uor..-r-;! .:i;vcry 4 froa .1a;.USl.t u, , cn br ami cm.- ,6r .Wptv.j lohieken.nrtaiiotlD ft. M U j ' CtetnMIl 11. Bhipp 17, W.,B 30 M 1 ""H j pnre and raerablo &o at 75JMcKoy UW lf , Galloww 50. ' Anything in tbo hardware lino can Wil. & Weld on E, R. 0 " riiSssavrTi nil .StXTHKTABTS OppC, WDmintoB, S. t: , Natcuibft S, 1? rpHE FORTY KNTD ASM'al Mi T. c comet ,chiil 434. S'aiip 106. WaMOn 133. G la still clearly viable. It oWMf iod. n-e a boat v o cick ano preaenta a faacltnfne. alihonsh a dlj?patcd ap pearance canned, perhap, by the late hoora it has been keeping. Let a all try ami get down to hard ln now and go to work and catch up u 'h bj-tines which ha fallen behind in conarqusoco of the excitement and coatem a m T the election?. PEDEKAL POINT TOWyaUIP. Soott 6), Armrtrong 7, Wadtlell 3S, (bond a.v reasonable piieea n' Jac ili- A Malaria, CLills and rever. and I tons attacks poaitiveK enred Hb Kin- i "M$QIOKAl&J MII.LINKUY Secnd Divtsion-Seott 423. Arm- K'n 37, Uur.iej 30, Sampson 31, Van tfr,.T rr Wndfioil 4i: (;rt-rn tiht i Amringe 12, Cherry 35, Jacobs 30, Unrnev 410. Samns. n 115. VanAmriMc Manning 93. Hewlett 57, Doekery 51. j op" Standard CnTc Kfls--an inlaUible j m. -u rr 110. Jacobs 112. Manning h , r 1 i srinate, ionstmiding cases where Qui-! WIKS' aad CillLlKi-Vh ii.to. 3W,nenlcttl03.1.H kt rvl3l.iH:inett70. ! IW,,UU w . nine and all other remedies iia-i failed. Canal..' 197. Groan, cW. .1 7:.. Kdk 11 Mooel9, Phillip)! II, Darby They vn prepared efpresely 'or mala-! ; th efdec t-t too Company, ia Wil . .. . v..o uv...ns i4u.i ; iticgaay, toe 2??t mt., t u ovock a. m. Haa a lam aad varied aasortomit of l jh t r- Tim.,.., - ; - - " iii-'jur.-v.-, .fCTT IONXKT-v LAS TllL ? iad BOWS j Wil. Col. & Aug. R. R.Co. M S30. Phillip. Ihul) a. Mc ; ' iUmZ Ch,'rdli" i nSr and a chili tfcr BaxS- T5i i Kny n, Gnthri 130. MuK:u.- 7d. Bd- PP "Mom 4. Sallow, li. Jed; contain no Quiniiw or Sitrcurj, I uranO UOSm f Koy , ward iaJO. Gilmer 7S, Chureliill 495 Til n H.-i i .r 1 i Kai al,M-A il.nfi. -a-a ' iMiiiin nr a rtrinimr T" rn frrii i 3r f"lwv flPii m . )l : . .a!... Ill! fi:TiltllMllt-MTMIT9IIJl-Il III L it i iM HIS Li DC notwilht l ,apt. . h-ina Wi.vnn 4.(7. (;all.w:iv 75 wHWUUjfmi:.iCTSi n- liVHuriT. r .TV " il V" "I. .u" . Bmn-n! n aa Treasurer ol , Tuinl di vision-Scott 941. Arm ; 4 scatteiins lor KegiatoT ot Deeds. : fwtuallv cleanse the svstem, and give I a a I I V - " . . Halifax eonnty. bo! he is somewhat atron Waildcl! 936, Gi?en !240. worrid because he thinks his friends B'lrney, 241. Sampson iWH. Van A will posh htm ir UM 1 rcatdeney hi UM4. as he has carried his county by 500 majority. .m- Imoroved. Wo are pleased to know that Mr Fr"d. M-u' c md it Ion was coniticrel more favorable yesterday. i(o has a evere attack ol cervbro spinal ineninfatis. Capt. f .I.Metts.his brotbar, did not leave f r Newborn y sterday niornieg, boeanse he was informed by telegram that Mr. Metis condition araa much more favorable than on the day bHbre. A Fox Hunt. The Wilmington Fox Club gave a pnektl bunt last evening. An old and ly fotr. previoafly caught alire. was famed loose at the Mineral Spring on the Turnpike, which afforded much ex citement and pleasure to the many gen :Miien present. The hounds were in 'Ptendid condition, tbo music was sweet and the ra!l"P over the country i-meilkree aaUea. was very exonerating. T .e fox seemed to enjoy ha frecJ- m sal snowed game to the death. scattering for members of the lgiala- now lite and tone to the body. Ae a tare, and 41 scattering lor Coroner. The Situation. ; household remedy they are unequal ed. ' . hor Liver Complaint their equal is not rov 8 it-wed th-n-i- at - A -a a a ra k I QF' WINTER MILLTNKRY. ALE TUE nrcst styles IT1ENCII If ATS, " BONNETS. &o.,at MRS. E. A. LlTMfDKN' FRIDAY, Nov. 10th 132. known ; one box will have a wonderful V a a 1 . ml 1 1 A nrr. riiann..), irnn. H!...!. w. ! ciiect-on tne worn case, i oey areuheq , riuge941. Cherry 233. Jacobs 330, aMan ninir 206. Hewlett 01. Dockurv. 941. UtM. Canauav blO. Gr..J av. ! "J Vl" L .St. . '.. " ' prcrib by Phyricto. and soldi 7 " " " .. 17. .. . ' lajiuuiftui, aaj? "lav, in Drnffidsta everywhere, or sent bv .1.4 V, FOUtnM, ruimn .ai, rooi the returns now indicate the elt-ctiou cf mail. 25 and 50 ceut boxes. Emory's . . . ' t . . i - . .1 . : i 1 1 i . . . . .j . . l&ruc i iiJH, o-v e?r mane, nts. Stantlard Cure Co., l!4 j ppt. New York Rra dw. Shepherd 98, M - .ro 211. Phillips 2ij i0(!t Kv.p iu thc Firsfc diatHet, instead Little Cath Darby 210. UoKoy . G.fhrie 214. of ij3tham. It also Saya that doubts J1 McKae 211. Edwards 211. Gilmer 9ft. m entertained as to thc election of'. ''u' L, Churchill 214, Shipp 20. W.ip$.m 31, Galloway 2j. -a a 1 1 a Scolt 135. Armstrong 315, Waddell 127, tireen, I2U, isurney ut, sampaon lectcti. I. VanAmrinijo 138, Cherry 129, Jacobs 123, Manning 13, llewlctl 2tW. Bonuett and Robbius. We have ahvays fenced for Latliam and Bobbins but havo not had any fears a to Bennett's election. Wo still believe that ho is SKY ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice Democrats. INHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF TUB Wicker, 138. Beuneit 3ln. Canaday 145.15, Xilig girc9 bini 47M njajority in j Green (W..F.) 311. Folk 131. Kuffin Columbus, 28 in Carteret. 10 in Cum-! 32-1. Pool 13 Shepherd 323, Moore 133. Phillips 323. Darby 149. McKoy 305. In this district Col. Green ia certain-1 yocxg mevs progressive demo ly elected. We figure his majority at ! cratic clfb. Friday uiht, November 10th, at 8 o'clork, at the Ho k aad Ladlcr Hall on Dock between Third ad Fourth street. berlaud, 610 in Duplin, 290 (estimated) in ilarnctt, 401 in Onslow and 500 in Tliermoractrical, Ptm tow Signtl Office in this city wo obtain the following record of thc thermometer, at the points named, at 3 "clock yesterday afternoon : Atlanta 0B; Augusta 71; Chariest. n Charlotte 68; Cedar Keys 72; Oal rescoQ T7 ; Havana 80 ; Indianola S3; lacksonrii: 7S; Key West 77; Mont- mery Ot; New Orleans 71 . Palestine Texas) 79; Ijosacola 7 1 : Port aL r.ri.a Bojsa 79; 6awnnnah 88; 'i'minjrton 4. (Withrie 133. Mcltne 323. Edwanls 131, . Sampson. Canaday has 328 in Bladen, t. timer tiiurcnm ui. ouipp j, u2 fn Brunswick, 1.182 iu New Han Wassom 117. Galloway 314. ; oveP anci gofi ;n p,.nder. Mnnm !a nn TIIIRI WARD. Scott 133, Armstrong '293, Waddell 131, Green 153. Burnoy 156, Sampson over and 206 in Tender. Moore is not carried to either sccount in this esti mate. Special dispatches to the Review Black B&monds ! 550 Toys RED ASH GRATE 30 : Whito 30 M Ret ftore. . 145 " " ' Cbpfctnut, 60 " White " Fiiroate. COAL In yard anJ afloat ami no mlftakc. Larjfo eale nnd enn ! prollts tho rule thi eea aon. imv 8 J. A. HP RINGER. A fnh attendance is desired, a businees of im- lwriance will be transacted. -411 yonng Dcm- ( ocrat arc Iflvitefl I DENTISTRY. ! J AM r LEASED TO SAY ON MY ixtarn home, thatT am prepared to flu all my engagements In ray profession with ealisiac- tion. JAi?. E, ULEA, So. E. Cor. Market and Front .atreeki nov 8-tf New Arrivals, By order Of nov 10 CHAIRMAN. MoLKLLAN'l ARMY 131. Van Amringo 10, Cherry 155. ?ivo icmCK-ialjc gajna as follows on the I Jacobs 139. Manning 104, Hewlett W7. yote for innett: Beaulort 300. Mav Dockery 101. Bennett KM, Canaday 172. tia wi. Pamlico 180. Pitt 25, Wilson Green (W. J , Folk 131. Ruffin t Carl6ret m Chatham 400, Dux .a n 1 a... 1 - - oru I .... I La I ami, roo. ij". ouepucrai arw. ! ham 237, jtdinston 263, Nash 100, Phillips 300. Darby 163, McKoy 9U6. j Grangc Alamance 219, Davidson Guthrie 137. 51,-Rae 299, DJwards 155. Cabarrus 616. Catawba 1.04, Gas- a u a . at, . m 1 i Gilmer 90i c nurcniii i, ntpp Wassom J40, Galloway 2w FOt'RTU ward TAXES ! TAXES ! -yyE SHALL N THE .TH INSTANT, i--ue onttee to all pertKn (which will add cost) who h;ive not paid their tate and Conuty i Taxep for I8S3. O ECOND HAND ' Sad dice . New tot ! HARNESS, cm LASS, HRIDLES, SATCHEt, TRAVELLING BAGS, ike. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Wilmington. N. C, November 3. 1SS9. JHE ANNUAL MEETING OK TUK took holdera ot tho Wilmington, Columbia A Aa gusts Rail Road Company will bo held at iaa office of the Company in Wilmington on Tasa lay. the 21at lost., at 18 o'clock, M ncrr4Jt J. W. THOMPSON. Sect'y. The Most Attractive I gTOK OF LADIKS AND OBSTS Udkf. Tmela, Niiklna nod D.ync ever opooed ta Wilmington. 1 acea. Fringe, Tucking and Tioa, with a roll aripy of White Goods, Ham- bargha ajvl Irbh Floancfng. Th.j ) adie are fnviuylto caU aad ex mine, nov 4 .ro. J. HKDRICK. ton 100. Mecklenburg 530, Union 800, Alexander 530, Buncombe 100, Burke I 300. C'cveland 000. AfcDoweli. 150. : Scott 123. An Area SjWaaWell BtolMB geo, GnUlord h Randolph 430. j 130. Green 123, Burrey 127. 6ampson ' Rl)Ckinghaai goo. Onslow 101, rredeil J , Va i Am in 40 130. Cherry 120. .Ta bi3 Rowan 200. cobtHT. Manning IS3, Hewlett 210. ; XneT foltearini majorities arc for Doekery 131. Benr. Canaday 116. y, Chowan 1T0. Paaquotank Green(W J.)8W, FoU 131 Ku:uul'72,;MO vr jll;iai;6 210, Craven 1,500, Pool 133. Shepherd 878, Moore. 133 I Edjreeonibe 1,46. Halifax 2,7on, War-1 Paiilps 27s. Darby 117. McK y (26 J, ron . vane 65, Granviile 150. Guthrie 135. McRae .71. Kd o arl-132 . . .... v n , m iMcoi'laud Helinl.lo t lot'itttg: w Gallowav2 w i a c ,u r; i v asom io. juo - av,ve do not confirm the vote of HOUSC. . FIFTH WAKD. .1 h rvantoirvA hcnrA fr.in hut nnlv l4it a U w V S Imm vaww a- v a a a w , a . -.- a a Messrs. A. aT f . Shricr. thc propria- Fir&t Di vision-Scott 326i Armstrong fgm i t,iKrte4 jnsterday and la nicht. CaU and make your Helectionaor tend orckra . Oflio wlBb open on ?atta-day evenings un- j jit MALLARD. lltSoVloCtt: t-rf h-1 ac.r.ip-'Klitti"n of labor- '. aPl Stand, Front at. in? men g - vc --i by vrvr.'ff PSjaMUi- nov 1" . B. H. MANNtNtt. Sheriff B No Liquors. CT A STOCK OF FRE4U , A N". 1 OUO- JUST RECEIVED. A FINE IT OF PREXCU PERCALE SHIRTS! ! CLf DOZ, MK DIC A TED ; OU SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 1 OO pZ. WElirxo HIUT8 and Drawsia, i lvFU from tt.e flneat to v.m cheapvt. My r tall stock of Clothing to complete ant am receiving them dally, and my lino of Bala ; defies competition, and th ey are toW at lowat price. SOL. BEAR, uct M Market dirsst. tcra of the above oid and favorite Cochin- Hows, K. 34 Market Street. ver oat the alert to introduce tbo latest : m t fashionable stvlcs In their - Hewlett 213. Docl:cr 331. Iknnct: line of trade, have spared no pains this M-aaon in tb sclectiVm of their Fall and Winter Chv.hiDg lr Men, B. xb and 1V). Waddell 317, Gnon 323. Bnrnc.. 17. 1 dipatcli from Asheville says that 331. Sampson 310. VanAjnriiatc M0.yfcoCB te clatttd by over MOOmajori Cherry 323, Jacobs 317. Mskuiu NO, y. that we lo5e tWQ gain on TO. DAY UY CHILDBEN'3 UIT.-. BOYS' SI ITi. MrV'S 5tTTs. OasERCOATS, C LITERS urt CLTERETrE! or ivcxjisrsoisr'S, nov . t Jothiei and Mcicliam TaiUu- Peruvian Guano. CSBI1SS will be k?it at otu- store, No, 45. Market Street. All fsoila &oM by oa will bo us reproeeated. ! YOU CAN FIND THEM ! rOU CAN KIND AN BART PITTIN';. WMFORTAOLE GOOll JODS AND SMALL POOPIT?! WILL BE OCR, ?JOTTd. a'yGrre n-s a trial and be con'. incfrd.jg0 R. J. SCARBROCon A CO. one 4. , . " I T hi mm T A V. , t ii ufi tx Liiij lAJZiiatuim liiai Canaday 338. Greeu ( u . .1.) law. i-o.k , Bqi!3cU hokls jarris' role in the Wet 320 Ruffin 16 Pool 330. Shepherd 160, ; orn conn lie-, the gains uol lo?o . .;f McMnn 330. Phillips 10. Darby 313. 1 setting. Cbiidien.' wear. d i , these selection McKoy 138. Guthrie 330. McKae 1 ; j edukltbc lsTaAure iTaaS; but we have exhibited their usual extisit E ! wards 320. Gilmer I6fi. Churchill fear lha. jjatham and Bobbins are :aste. The bouse has aiwas borne a 320. Shipp 16o. Wassom .W, Galloway both defeated. high n WH el inn for keeping only theilCO. best ol goods, and selling thcui at the -..vest price. The members of the firm 200 Tons Oennine Lobos Guano ! Dl VtTH T CM PORTA TION. ETPEC TED DATL" . .A r .- OUR WIVES. . AND ICRABLK Boot or Shoe AT IXW riUCES AND XED CM PUICF8 and leas than t Uewhcrc to the State for the same grade of goods at GEO. U. FRENCH A AOWa. j M 38 JWrth rmt St. Fine Oil Paintings, gEAlTTITUL RTEEL ENGRAVINGS, Elegant Ckromoa, Uy .kiug Glassss, "4 Eaael Frames, VcNt Prumoa. Joh roreirrd a large aasortwect at are old stagers in the business and slwasknoar when and where to bu. Thif is the universal verdict of th flnrishing trade which the firm cas commanded for long years. I a deed Messrs. A. & T. Shrier have become special favorites with tbo peo pb, not only of Wilmington, but TK.i TtAiihuliiiii.s Second Division cott 2t, Arm- , stron- in. Wa!dt li 260, Given It will not be forgotten, amul all of Burney 300. inenpM.!) 27i VanAm-! the excitement in reference to the elco rintre 2bi, Cherry 283. Jacobs 271. Man- n'ons. that Saisbary'. Trouba !oui are .. V ' tt ltt Dockcrv 283. t jri. c us a delightful cntcrtam m i. t at aina 213. Hewtotl na uennnra ana, ! Rtnnett 02, Canaday 2U3, Green (W. J ) 37, Folk 287, Ruffin 62, Pool 287, Shepherd 83, Moore 287, Philiip 62, Darby 289, McKoy 36, Guthrie 297. Me Rao 02. Edwards 287. Gilmer 62. Churchill 287, Shipp 62, Wassom 237. Chas. E. Smith & Go, cct 29 PEOPLE HEX HAVE TIILM. 7 00 :iao 5ELF j My wife eoodemsci Mr wife apptoved my I my judgnsent :ut taaie Miltictiona ant) rcrcha- in' sekcUog fumttnrc jc. rf furai ure mvJe j ami sooMetl- becoe ft) I 1 dil not uiirrha.f at yns: NEW FlTtNITCKE STORE OF Bch- M ..Wilmiiitrton. -v. . itHEAP FOB C SH OK c TI7E n.-.v j t v . ; J t Pianos and Organs, frs, and it Is only ncrnssary for the bujers to examine their extensive stock in orxW to be fully aatisoed that they (nnd all they may need for the cot the Opera House next Monday cvtuirv The New York Mirror says of them : Monday e-ening Rwth's Theatre was crowded t" greet Salsbury's Trouba dours in their new musical novelty b Rrooeon Howard, called Green Koom stoves. COOK stoves LOW Dow.r. Fun The composition met with iu- btant favor, due in a great measure to DOv s paukea a f atlok. the clever acting of the peoDle engaged i in its delineation. Ttw farcical inci- J? p J4F.! A w jbv w v -Jm a Mum w m j lajtalcjeai Pteu, m TTnTisAlfftftnftrR. Attention !; r , ' i aor net; I '.ce Rorkt gfti.M in ieu iua au ro wnjf fTT? A T OT FEEPF.RS and thcr FA NO" t OFFICE , always aiv! 100 ready ro- H tltmgh wlts a-' v-t to do yeair Xj EA"LRY TIRW. IN T iff. PPgQ tli I MIIW, rtr AKn 1 it r:in??f MASS OS RENoraTE M AlTtlESS-ES, a m. . - m m wnerevnr tbey nave become Known. An examination of their etoek jester- i Galloway 62. aaj fullv convinces us that there ia: cart i ear townsuip ro handsomer Slock this aide of Balti-, Scott 127, Armstrong a, vt ajueti ; dents, grotesque itnaitons. pertinent 127, - . ' w . . a a Jacobs 197. M mnmg ljy, uetweu . , -f, rbrht and attractive as any Uocacry iw?, uenneu a.njaun iw. Green ( W. J.) 90, Folk 190, Ruffin 27, nr staaioatiy Ita-3 And da any and all work la ray Utta. jtt j price wji. nji i ijjiiaju yon. B5 cfta t My Itae of Pascy Good for the oawmawtpsni satraaOsg hcrflar Saw foods featid ; Graen .97. Burn., WfP lT,4-. i C1' A" iTTStl" LT. - V T- a,-! ..a. hih Wa Mtd ' r w- wcrrmaaaraeM, York since last Bummer. etion f auna. P; ner SAf 1 lUnk linikilsg. ae? i TB8a i"OKsTom4

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