11 this rvr.R tvrticd every tacmirs, MouIar cx- Ta1 by . . . . ; rom ourXricrHs o i-y r.d tV. jOHHT.JAMia, j ASP xrRiKior. - aLOX kit iuuiL. 62.00. Ttmo! ti.H-w; oo nwna, u cent. I ti j Cl b delirrrcJ by caarltxt frta y ,ir- U m Prt f U o'ly. at lb aJxa i :1 cc'- . it s.e I i ii s ere, t bn I . i .. .Thexaiae r.t ...the writer most K?wy tr r iltm tin on . ... . !. iTTa'naUi!i-s tro;U nrol lf 1 1 - And ll t epTlilJ trOodaJ-Jy i.n W I LMINGTON. N. C . SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1882. J iip! tltaf II E-iiw-r does n4 aJtv-aya cti'or NO. 260 , I L r!l 'TB "1"rr poutsnfi ue5e. o . I, MILf 1 iili T1.- IXtilti naricn ha the fanrrsi '.irtclw - "local news. "i3U TO BEW 1DVI2T1SLV.ESTS. XTm fcheil roi.1 was aJlro witii rrh tV ieicnlay afternoon. Tb rreeipu of cotton at t!i!s ptrt j rr!ay Ixt up 50 bale. j Verr few Myrtle drove ovslcrs liavcJ brought into market thi $eaon. Tl? weather ra uncomfortably virm ye-lcrday an ! lxidcd!y unset- Sir. Jas. W. Hewlett" etne. iu the tandaofilr. J. M. Hewlett and ctct. ci:i;htt5.0 nialldd nt WrihUviUe .xmieoflhe stores are already besin bg to put on holiday look anj ti lii p!aj holiday Ptocki?, l(r. J. K. Melton bad on exhibition yesterday the carcas of a very lar'so and fine buck which waj killcl not far from tho city. The North Carolina Annual Conlcr ce of the Alcthodist E. Church South. Hihop Keener presidin-. convene in R V.ei2h on tMe Pth of December. TheSOth of Novenilcr has becu set apart as a day tor Thanksgiving. Ixt aot the collection fortbe Oxford Orphan A5jlum bo overlooked when?rer seni tm are held. A nM.e from Jacksonville confirms p-evious reports as to tho vote in that coanty, and adds that the Democratic candidate in thatcoanty is alio elected by a handomc majority. Mr. Geo. F. Tillcy had on exhibition yesterday In front ot bis meat 4torc a hi which was a ho. It weighed ZfiQ pounds dreasetl and was very fat. It looked moro like a youns elephant than a hoj. On and after this dale our subscrib ers alon tho lino of tho W., C. & A. R. B. will receive tho morning ctliiion, in stead of tho evening cditiou, of the Re view, there now bctntwo way. mails each day on that road Dsrid S. Cowan. Esq., of Robeson county, who is now railroading in Florida, was in tho city yesterday. He eame all o( tho way from Live Oak, Ki.. t North Carolina to dep-jsit his vote In favor of tho candidates of the jraad old Democratic party. - Finloy McKcnzie, colored, charged with the larceny of a quantity of meat , from thp store of Mr. A. D. Wcsscll, mi before tho 5Iayor yesterday morn iajsnd was ordered to givo bond in tho mm ef $50 for his appearance at the next term of tho Criminal Court. A jentleman of this city on Monday last overheard one colored man inform ing another colored man that bis name is read out iu ono of the colored churches on Sunday last as uot beins festered In his ward. It is alvout timo for the colored people In the Sooth 1 to divorce their politics from their pul- - rit- . : ft At . ! Tho Old and Reliable. Cloth I ngr House. Messrs. A. & I. Shricr, the proprie tor of tho above old and favorite Clothing Houh;, No. 31 Market Street, ever on the alert to introduce the latest j and most fashionable styles in their line of trade, have spared no pains this season' in the selection of their Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Boys and Chiidrcns wear, and in these selections have exhibited their usual exquisite tasto. The homo has always borno a h'jh reputation for keeping only the heat oi goods, and selling them at tho lowest price. The members of tho firm re old stagers in the business and Iwajs know when and where to buy. This is the universal verdict of the Isrsc flourishing trade which the firm has commanded for lon years.! . . 1 Indeed McfErs. A. & I. Shricr havo become ipecial favorites with tho pco tie, not enly of Wilmington, but wherever they- have become known. exxciicatloa cf their stock vestcr day fuHj conriaccs us that there Is no handsomer stock this side of Balti-. er and H is only neccary for the ayrn to exaralno their cxtcnslo stock in order to bo fully EatisEcd that they a find all tly may need for th com-1 frrrsefmaa. ' I : v- . r , . . lThfl:ik.nifAi - i!l I,.-., u m.i I Wc Invito AtUatlon L tfni n.n-j-t' U'M :r t.--i- .i -.Mate hns been. rJvo rcturu romc i hurrahing for Now York. , 7 - V-, VUUI - w - w w ; i. ttit ill U UViJViri ; V. lU jUicutofAlnrrU' !ir2 cholera cfMiipouniliaj to the election" nf the State ticket, i . ..... . f a u apjKArs i;x tui isuc. i ht rttv.c- ,njr uiM huoiuu; it !im been thurouh ly tu?cdln vnrloiMitortion.tnrthMr unAiuine. We cnunot Kmicvu thU tio try ami Mr. Morrin ha ccrtirlntemt. think thai enough i know n ret JU for tale in" this city at Dr. Green" tjnj vrr. syocr JfjyiV .l.xV. Capt. Mc- j i n;. .:utrv i- n i lowing dispatch was received. It con lorto uico, with 12,060 feet of luralcr. i ?. . t ,ft(VM ... . f1, , , . ! forms the views epri'.ed by.nayester- 10,000 ehmslcs, 120 lnrrei3 tosin. 10 ( , J barrels tar and 2 caski .spirits turpen - .;..x .,t.. -.i n-.,,-,; i.. tine, valued at 6.733.. 9hjpP-l by Mcsiri. h. Kidder & Son.fl SerfcH of :iiterCaitimeiil8. The young cntlctnm of the - Litorwy Club of the Wilmington Library A g ociation have inaugurated a icriesof entertainraenti to bo held at- the Lib rary Rooms, on tho second and fimrth Tuesdays of each month. They havo issued very handsome caru3 and wo thank them for tho courtesy of ' an in- ! vitation to the series. ' I 1 i Dotuocrntic Club. Younr Mens Democratic Cluh was jorani2od in the Fifth Ward Thursday. J Tho ra"wlng was hcM hl lho i StPllman Backet Company House and was large ly attended. Mr. Gcoi W. Mitchell was electee! President and Mr. W. B. Orr, Secretary. The organization is to bo known as the Toun Bfen's Fifth Ward Democratic Club. ', Tlicrmomotrtcal. From the Signal Ofllco in this, city wo obtain tho following record of tho thermometer, at the pointa named, at S o'clock yesterday afternoon: Atlanta 72; August a 73; Charleston 7C; Charlotte 72; Cedar Keys ; Gal veston ; Havana 80; Indianola ; Jacksonville 70; Key West 76; Mont Corncry 7i; New Orleans 70; Palestine (Texas) ; Ponsacola 73; Tort Eads ; Punta Itajda 73; Savannah 73; Wilmington 73. 1 ' Blrtlseyta Company. The cclebratcil Birdsey 'Minstrel Company have arrived in the city and aro stopping m various localities with their parents. They propose to give to-morrow afternoon a matineo per formance of their unrivalled troupo nt tho New Opera House on Capt. Bird scy's premises, on Dock, between Front and Second ptrects. There arc six members in tho troupe and they will all do their united best to please and entertain. Admis:on five cents with ne extra charge for reserved scats. - Pcuclor County. The oflicial returns from Pender county show the election of Capt. A. C. Ward, present incumbent, for Sheriff. His majority is Tho republicans elect the balauco of the county ticket. Canaday's msjority i3 SCO. a loss of 27. Kuffingcte 1.038. Folk 1.224. Bennett LOW. Dockery 1.230, Green 1,031. Can aiay 1,237, Galloway I,0M, Wassom 1. HI. Armstrong 180, Scott 1.251, Johnson 1.020. Frayscr 1,236. The corains holidays will be more generally observed than any for many Ycars an,i wrWOuid remind our nadtrs ! that a bottle of Dr. Bull i tusn yrup willprovo a most- acceptable noiiday present. t A Good Idea. A devica now amoh discixtt papas and mammas of marriageable daugh ters in this cily is to have a card, or namented with bn'sht ribbous, sus psndeil from the chandelier, on which is printed: "Doors open at 8 o'clock and will positively close at 10 o'clock." Occasionjdly the hour is 10:30 or 11 but rarely later than ll. It theyonnman should fail to tako this bn.ad hint ho is told in plain terras that the habits of the household require tho j lights to bo put out and tho house clcs ed at tho appointed hour. 3Iaarlstrato's Court. Jesse Robinson, colored, was before . . 1 3 Justlco Miilis yesterday, charged with an assault and battery upon Celia Cow and, also colored. He w as found smlty but judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. The same defendant was then arrest ed on a peace warrant, sworn out by the simo party, and was ordered to jire bond in tho sum!ot '2S keep thej peace for 60 days and pay tnccosis. j Falling to come down r-ith the latter, he was sent to jail. hf thu j Sonic even going jo far t say ih'at it ! - : vrili tale the official c.-visit to doter- cxpreMxl, that Ucr.nctt anl the Judi- ! eial ticket an J ibe Iislalurc are all , .ifc. nad we an? bonfidcut that tho re- ? fult will justify this bt-licl. i Sir.te the above was written the foi- i v- v " I i Raleigh. 1. C. Jov. 10 lo p. m. ) Norlbampton ciccU K B. blcs. ! Deni., to tho Hotise. but avo Dockery i The news from the State is jueajrrc iothm? from distant counties. Ben nett's election seems certain. S. A. Asiie. Buxton's majority in lSbO in North ampton was 520, and in Lenoir 22. and the net Democratic loss in those coun ties now is but 218, which is much bet ter than wc hoped lor. ' To Be Continued. Wc are glad to hear that the Young Men's Democratic Club of th:3 city have decided to continue their organi zation until tho Presidential election. It is composed of excellent material and tho young men have worked like heroes and with good results to the par ty during the recent campaign. The organization is an honor to the oarty Green's Majority. It is now definitely ascertained that Col. Green has been elccud to Con gress from this district by 199 majority, Sampson county has given him 575) majority and therein she has douc nobly. This is said to be the official majoriiy.in the county. What's Saved Is Gained. Workingmon will economize by em ploying Dr. Pierce's Medicines. II is "Pfcasant;Purraiivo Pellets" and 'Gold en Medical Discovery" cleanse the blood and system, thus preventing fev ers and other seriou3"di3eases, and cur ing all srofulous and other humors. Sold by druggists. wed -sat. The Board of Aldermen meet in ad journed session on Monday night. Cleveland's majority in New York is now figured up as very near 105,000. Capt. J. M. McGowan advertises in this issuo another supply of lino New River oysters. To Builders and others Go to Jaco Bi8 for Sa?h, Blinds and Doors, Glas3 &c. You can get all sizes and at tho lowest prices. THE MAILS Thcinail clow and arrlrc St tho City Pent ofllco a foUowa : CLOSE. Xortlwra through uiaiLs fart p. M. Northern thnagb and wav mails.... 5. 40 A. M. Raleigh 3.fxP. M. and 3.40 A. M. alalia for the Y C. Railroad and route eapplled tbcrcfrotn tnclnd tng A. & . C- Rallroa4i a 5.40 A". M. Southern Mails for all points South, dallv 6 30 A. M. aud S.00 P. M. Wcateno malls (C. C. Hallway) dally, (oxwpt sundv) Sno P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.00 P. L Mafl fr Chcraw aud Darlington Rail road 0 SO A. M. and .00 p. 51. Mails for polnta between Florence and Charleston.... 0.SO A. M andS.00P.il F3Tettnile aud olllcce on Cape Fear River, Tu.-dajs and Friday 1.00 P. M. FayetterUle, via Lumbrruiti, iihr, cicent Snndar ....5.05 P. 31. Onslow C. It. and Intenncdlato oifi- ces, Tuesdars and Friday ...C0 A. M. SaithviUc malls, by ttramboat, dally (except Sondavs) 8.K0A. BI. Maila for Easy "Hill, Town Creek, Shallotteaod Little Uircr, Tnes- day and Fridaya..., COO A. M. , uit. tun utuvtKi. 1 Northern through and way maila and 8 00 A. M. Southern Maila. 7.30 A. M. Carjlina Central liau road w.sv A M. MaUs collectcrl from street boxca every day ! at 3.45 P. M. 1 Stamp 021cc open from 8 A. M. to 1- "SL, and ! from 2 to 5.S0 P. M. Money order and Regtsttr j DpTurtmcnt orxn ume as btacin oCico. ' Stamps for tale in small quant tUcs at general I dcllverr when bUmp office la closed. 1 General delivery open from layllght to dark and 03 Sundaj a from 8.S0 to 9.30 A. M. j u ?i,.cr,y .eet.!"?? .k r 1-or the Wilmington District Methedist j E. Church. 9outh, fourth I rorind, in CU.atclpress crcck...K0T. ..-15! Elizabeth, at Purdies.. Nor. 1S-I9J Cokesbnry. at Bethany "gov. SK6 1 Conference are all reonestcd to be pXCS- . ROBT.O.ltarrON-. . I Presiding Elder. Warners Safe Kidney and Liver j Cure. . I . 7Z. . t t . Freshwater rcrch.Trout and Black ' flh hooks and lines.. A full' assort- ! ment and lowest prices al jACCi's.t j U i niHibIo !o lei! vet w 1,057 ma orty. Iuoir ? major iv fur Ftfn , n"Vf ,7rJJ? .wch, w w,a bUb i Friday, jCov lJtiekerv X ll Williams Doni i-j! 1, ft Vll J,rOTcnt that drca lfal .ii5cac nov 8 4t-wcd th-Jri- at lot"Kcr . A., ii. t uiianiM, ajlui.. Is , known as Trlchna;. anl will im vnurhnmi m cii'cii u inu uouec i rum uranv uie. a inrmr. ncanov eouaiuoa. cieanuff tae kii- - ... u- if r r , . ... .... AI VKHTI HK31EVTM. f - I Oysters! UystersI OyBters! .n unlay, !ut t Uy tw un h..',t1 , , lire buiit-Ii. G re Uln a nor IMt 0"UQV S iVi fKet. i T" nii.i. u vk mt ihu ftpm TOKKV saU:Ai;g; Ac. for a.itc t?ar..'j CMlleorl M.mo'of ,c vrctllct FcH j IVf in the citv'. . '. i JNO.-C. r.OKNEMASN'S . Farmers', Take Xoticei J-ORKIV UOG cnOLER.V COlll'OUD U jail the tiling t cure orrrevrnt II og Cfcol- cots, lircr. Ac . of worms and naraslt 3 Each ' ijackarc contain on? anil one-half po'umi aii.1 will, if givca strictly according to lircet!ons, cure lahoge of tlio Cbolora and put -) turn in :i coalition to fatten in one half the svrbv Bariniouc h.-i Th? farmers of Duplin count? are idviur it ! the praise. All fare-, vra should bay a vac.-! a?c. For Ralo ,vliplealo an-i retail, hv W. U. 1JKKEX, PniggHt, Market Street, Wilniiaon, N. C. 1 nov H-tiTv-tf 'TO. DAY JJUT CHILDREN'S SUITS. IV1YS .SUITS, MEN'S SUITS. OTEHCOATS, ULSTERS ar.d ULSTF.nUTTlS of. nuv J) Clothier and Merchant TalW Peruvian Guano. 200 Tons Genuine Lofoos Guano ! -. , ' , 1 PIUECT IMPORT ATIOX, I EXPECTED DAI Ll , od for sale by u Ohas. E. Smith & Oo. oct 29 ; PEOPLE riLL HAVE THEM. Those fine SELF FEEDERS and other FANCY and OFFICE STOVEB. COOK STOVES LOW IXWK. uov 5 PARKErt & TAYLOK. OUR WIYES. My wife: condemned my judgment and taste In selecting furniture and . scolded because I did not purchase of Mv wife appiovcd my f-elections and purcha ses of furnhurc nindc la . THE. NEW FURNITURE STORE OF Beb- 1 i rrndi AMunroe, S. E. Cor. Mnrket A Second! St.,WilmiDgton, N.C ! nov 3 i New Arrivals. gECOND II ANT McLELLAN'S ARM.T baddies. New lot II A ICSES, COIX.ARS, BRIDLES, SATCHELS, TRAVELLING BAGS, Ac. CaU and make your eeleetiocs or Bend order Ho . J. IL MALLARD, BCpttl Stand, Front sL PJo Liquors. T X UT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. 1 GRO- 1. - . , v"u'"j 1 vu- Cl No. 45, Market Street. 1 ' au good oid hv n win be cs rerrcsentt '?.. " ""-rnon wnx be our motto. lM)BsaWal and he cenvincci. . r - &a n vtr a , wo, t txie s-mile tost on tub shell;-. ioa's . pieory roora rr tra- ? STENT GUESTS c-tw aad can sire yea riG. nsll FOR DINNER, . i tine dniic;? the lny. i XT T ' 1 .11 ll - a B , : m I S Z&JZ'' j M-ppra ndBttFir A TnxnkB at reduced price, to make rcra 1 1 "''f osr IncrcarlcsSaddfery aid Uarce trade. OASTS f urniehed anr guarantee bt sroJ for the Ut mfney. ED. Vt'lLSON 2IANNING, rrcpr. dot 1 A 1 VEICTiS M HNS. We Carry . H I.Ar.Gi: AND AS t:oMPUTf. b btck ; aatl raucy,. Article, nntt iythin Iwoatty tvvt Im our Unit, a iwy tru toro tfco rtt f.J iTucclrct e-rcry tresH; rbicJj kerv& otr f S " j Iasujonvvbus Jiru.iXKiiY, eta?eaMrark.!aortmet. ?"VIJKj; and CHILDREN'S WATS. PQK5ET!1, lACI3-TlBand HOWS, KIR BON'S la all the Scvr ftyks HOT 7-lttl ' i Grand Opening QF WINTEE MILLINERY. ALL TOE Jatcit Myles' FKEKIMUTB, BONNETS, Ac.; 'ftc, at MR?. E. A. I.UMiDEN, Black Diamonds ! I J r r a QOU , TONH EKD ASH GBATi:. JSO Whito " ' i 300 " Itcl .turns. , 12? ' - " Chestnut. 50 White Furnarv. ' COAL In yani nnl afloit and. no mistake. Large salc and email profits the itiio this sea son'. nov S , A.SrRIXGKR. DENTISTRY. -J AM TLEASED T0 SAT OX MY j return home, thatI am prcpnrcit Ui fill nil fur ! engagctnente in my profession with 'aatltfne- j tiou. JA i. K. HE A, I So. E. Cot. Market and Front ttreeta DOT 8-tf F. P. JONES, QLIKTON, X. C., ATTO RN E Y A N D Coua eel lor-at Law. Will practice in: nrixirt of he State. tiec:ial nttcr.tion pire-ri to tho col jrtloa of '.lalm.- Hcn-t ItVly Simon Bejar RES PECTFt JLLY A KNOUKCES T I ( AT HE haa erabarkod in the Tailoring Uaitlnw. lie is both willing and capable of making, lya lng, scouring and repairing Clothing, r All or ders promptly attended to. Price moderate. S,hop on Market lie t ween Second and TbJrdjtt. julylS- , .j r - . Housekeepers, Attention ! gRING IN YOUR WORK AND YOU wUI always find mo ready to put It through with dispaLch and neatnees am fully preparcl to do your Ut IIOLSTERIXO, , 1 CUT AND LAY CAUPETS, " MAKE OR RENOTATE MATTRE&3E8, And do any and all work in my line. My pricerj will not f- hrhten too. Ona call wUI certainly bring you bak again wha ron want anything done in my line. " Repairing and cleaning oM furaltuitJ a Bpcciallv. 1, - .1. W. KING, Comer Front and Princess Street-, w Old NaUoual Rank Uulldiuff. nov 5 tf i Cofl'ec, Snar, &c, -o 300 liAG coryLt I 100 BCLM SUGAK QQ BOXES CHEESE, SEPTEMBER MULLETS, FOR SALE BY HALL& PEARS ALL nov a For One Week E WtLL SELL A GENUINE HAVANA ! CIGAR for PX VK CE3STTS. 1 Sold ererywhero else for 10 cent. Onlr I 3 cents at 1 - THE LITTLE STORE AROUND THE " CORNER." I N. GREENEWALD, Two doors South of Exchange corner tctlfc-tf , , : '- 1 ; ;.. IOO Sets 0 F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and will , have another largo lot ef Buggies In a few ! 0 GERflARDT A CO. ., No Bettmg or Bragging' j ; tout if toe NiTiONALSAi, ifeSSKofSS'? quality toW ever any bar, dm atwya been .10 janyene. Jui-ttrrme. . r J - " -t23 ' W. IL M. KOCU. rycrrrrf.-trtr. . LtJC : a KB 50W &ELUNG LADIES and Gent I ; Larsea5ortTneat. II. 11. IX)WDt & CO. NEW 1., l-3- Ne-w fca-ldiery acd Tmri llr,i$t N Iv V A I V J : UT 1 8 K3I I :N TH. Cold IVoaliier ifrlS ivtA1 r l'.Iv - ftr,ot' J V V 1 H W.ANKhlS, Ac . a? N. I T;3f A It IC UT STU KKT. Girt a-r jll. -T, A" K. IV PKXST. CARPETS .badw. wllb hlelt I off'T harsaitn. 111)1 fit CC t 23 27 N. Front t. Wil. & Woldon E. R. Co Wllni:iton, C, XovciulKrS, l"c:' fjiilK WRTy'sKVEXTH ANNUAL HirT iii of tho MockhoWci- of thv .AVlbalnjrCoo & ' J cl-ion Knil ltonl C'ominy will held at too r.faeo of tJic Coinpanr, In Wilmington, a TucfKlBy, th.? 21t inftt.,atlloV:rK-k a. 1a. , ; ih?T4at ) j." w. TiJO-Mros, cn'y. Wil. Col. & Aug. R. R. Co. t! SECIiKTAnY OK PICK, j Wnmbigtoo. X. C, NoTcaibcT 3. 1S62. rpiIE ANNUAL MEElTNi OK THE Stock holder of tle Wilmington, Columbia k An gnata Rail Road Cotapany will ho )wll at iht office of the5eonpnnr in Wihututon on Tne day, the 2lt lust., at li o'clock, M 1 ' nor 4,".t j. W. THOMPSON, ?cct'y. TKo Most Attractive ! OK LA.DIKS AND OENTS Hdk'fj, TowjtJ, Xapkin4 tl Paylaii rwli r.pcned la WUmingtoo. I.ac, - Fringes, Tucking and Tiea, trUhafuTi supply of White Good, liars- barghaand Tiiah Ffounclnj. 1 . , Tho I adicaare lavlted to call aud tfxsmlne. nor 4 JXO. .T. nKDRICC; JUST RECEIVED. - A FINK LOT OF FRENCH PERCALE SHIRTS ! k f DOZ, MEDICATED till SCAliLET SHIRTS AND prtAWEK. inn D0Z MISRISO SHIRTS ar.d Drawer, ' IUU from the finest to the cheaitet. My ratan stock of Clothing U complete nad am receiving them daily, and my lino of defies competition, "and th ey are eold at Jowen SOL. BEAR. oct2 'i0 Market irtct. YOU CAN FIND TIIE'I! CAN FIXD AN EASY FITTING, COM rORTA ELL AND DURABLE Ghoe Boot or j AT 1X)W PRICES AND MEDIUM ririCKS and less thanel?cwhcrc it the S:ote v for the same grade of pooda at GEO. R. TRENCH & SON nor- S9 NOrth Front Ft. Tina Oil Paintings, JgEAUTirUL STEEL ENGRAVING , Efegant Chromo. Loaitrvg Cl.;; E.icl Frames, ' Velvet Franr. . Jest rwlTed a lirg e'lortmcat at HCINSRERGER'-j. Pianos and Organs, QUEAP FOR CASn OR OV TIIK EASY Instalment Tlaa, at- liiN6Ei:r.r;nr.5. Live R.k and liy;r. cor 5 .lt! My l.?is yf F-inr tWv trr ti,.-- xwi r,-ee?e.i -rr- i ty. -ruvmivi. (irr:v; !y flr?t-rl;i-i at 'na :oiJ, 'urkcternct 1 . r

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