The Daily Review lMn l l ' MARKETS. 1 NKW YORK MISCKLLANEOU O i SATI'K1A NOVEMU R H. ay 7 ltt'v ' L.rLi '.. rircuhutOH A, J, in the Ry (if Wilmington. f anji itrtrtpapcr By Trlasm to DallrlBortew. MN.VNIJAI.. Nkw Yonx. Kovemter IB Night . Sterling eaefaaM I mtfi! - .4 ...t.oru IV KIM 11 nun v luli : new Jour unci a nor cCUita 1 p-r cent. 2taieoonu ih-s-y. cuvimu;(iai.. Cuttuii .juict; BBaW8 bHi?K.L land 1 7-H ; Orleans 10 ; eekly net maai i ii n it 1 1 : trio. to Great Britain W.9; WW: to Coutiueut Steak MW- Klour. Southern Mmmuii to fair extra good to choice $-'.GOg The Blcli Warklna; Against the Poor. By Tcleani U) m1t Boview.l AWASY. S.V...M..Y. M-T.C. ol N. 1., V . Juouiw, Yauderbuts. anil li iT ' s .i 5S rviif of Cc--utfii3, poids,fe b.Cronp, liiiitLl i .if .... u.ntl f 4lVnnv II V: ..... .,, t- -4.i.4 ,.i r!i jii'o. have formed a 9 I to trance uud steady : Wheat, cash .1 . Yl IIII .1 . . iU.i I hipn T i S 1,000,000, U oppoav uressed beef enterprise ot llammond ft Co., and Swift & Co.. ot Chicago. They will open dej;l in every city where the other firm have agents now. and wi.l rU beef, brought from ChM- American itcirizeraioi vv- which will just coer ..A go in the enrb, at u pnc ti.: '" '. ' V LA . Ijcnf trade i" THK ELECTIONS. . firmer noiii- stnoit n trine ocuut . j.w. --r -;-- , maJ ; sracJcl re1871.13 ; No. 2 red November ..(CI OTJ- Corn cadi nrlv delivery. l2 higher; un- a l . . uiiw , T4 t'l l Y l VJl . . ,. , t i . the interest of the.livc stock bosineeaoi ; .. M BroncSut the En st. Dr. CLARK JOHNSON'S Indian B food Syrup CUKE ALU liSKAS OK TTtR STVMAW. UT, ttOWKL. jr cv. cbi!! sxhI LU -hi. MlLlrlO9 lllff to Itt tftoor l hiltag nnm't di ie. ol prooouw it to be th BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO HAN. i.I .VI. NTtEl) TO CUW? OXSPfiPSlA Agents Wanted, l.arHratry T7 Wet M St-, Sew York City. Onifrjrlju mU ii in certifies Cmt vwir JM'IA iuaiuukcI' bas i-,rv Ik 'r t r rr t. kxj v (V ! 2 rol ef for Heart Ibcase a:itl Uver 0oaji biat juJy 'iT-lawdflri&wly 1 wmtW n-it bo without t fof flr JOHN LTAII jenzs, x iha,Whoopin Cough, In-j-IdpSnt Consumption and lor i he tt f WHAT Will THE WEftTHER BE TO-MORROW? ooj'saignmeennjronwer No. 3 4lim. Col- tJWalcanvaMoftl ycin th s . o ' s unchanged o'clock this 7ilOV. IVe;!.-. M Ml id H7. Ik 543 ' roue n'ieu .n. Th luaioritv for Zr'TS'in.. m., hU county, is 5 ' Hi majority m llM dklrid m e7. Additional returns Irom tiie rongrr.- JSTinKtdeletior, with dVu.0 cra's nnd loai republican-., I he Ueuv cUc waiority m the State t,cket will The Eccniny Journal wumato Vcvc Itod'fi majority at IM.flOO : flnv-mor. maiority at abottt 119.00" M.,lske firm and quiet: pw i Weans Rice Uict ano sieau . rn.iaruni "i Koin .-teady at .Sww.. -r - . NniriLS LUrOCIIUllU nun - V .1.KT4I.5 ami wt-sik at 53 und prices fork dull and weak. i without quotable eiiaiitte, PAlvsWmuy a Kequfsltcto licial loition. Kr Te'wapli to BaHf Kevicfrs SAu LAxeCrnr. Nov. 10- Night It has come to light that at n meeting I the higher pdeethood, ater the iuu oS Prarideat yloir infracted Ihetn that the priest and bishop a thier councillors are nut c-.uu.y. rk ltd i i r ?s Ot ; i c persons m a? i ' tie Disease. ForSak net :? tf I TArt Wc fs remiczi' d care fully to notice the nem and enlarged Scherw tot? drawn Monthly Capital Prh $75,000.52 Tickets only Sharesiu pro-! portion Governor, majority Gaa. Shicum majority ; nv.- nr. io; n 17 000. and Frcishts to ' . . I ' . .1 .oveinocr ii.wif "--5 : t i I t IT-fY i if II II 1 h V rL k. 111 t kocam uuuw I j T' i i Ac irl. l.Mit. ati-iin. ,u. claims that the trie t.aaaiu-; . . - - - . , gg-j balcs . gross , t e. it is 8.503 bales. Futures t i iW. lY.rn:in llllt the is auopuu ui w.vww."- ----- SSISe7mmCn ' iSeady; les 111.000 bales: 000 votes ,AViorht A 1 10251 December 10.2010.21 ; J Hashvillc. Tenn.. special to the A ,ujlt says: Bates, democrat, ma-, mnty over Hawkins, republican, for fcovCrnoi so far is about 20.000 and onr all about 16.000. The legislature ; if iareely democratic m llou5 BicnxuacD. Vs.. Nov. ir.--N.ghi - ..etion of doUn . . ise, coau- quanda about One very young ana ' ..A,wi;finn rf hohiinir hi3 orfiee beri "he ijoSteof the position taken by tho, church. It must fond by lt reltkon. law or no law. 1 3 it. feWHr'-'bss Telcirropiilc Krevitte tiouis. candidate fr t:igresiiian;at Uarge. is now a foregone conclusion, and it only requires the official nature to fix his actual majority. James Conway, who was in .tail at n..ii.inn v V i nr-ii wil l tne uiur j . Mln t-oriimittd SU ill"! Ji wmma . , . cide yesterday morning by cutting a Urge vein in the calf of his leg. TEXMESSKK. closed barely Novcm m-riii)!K- February 10.3310.3U; March 10.5O10.51 j April 10 .J2J10.6S ; ftfv io-310 71: June lObllu.h' July 10.0&; Angiifct ll.011105. nt the (ieoriria Vtea iv and u.Vhangel irfieal tinner; road Company over the Oconee i ei N. -; 'V. iallir2iw cash; 03 No-!at Athens, Ga.. jpsU JJy; lJSSK rembeTNo 3 do W Corn fairly ac-1 Gnc workman and seriously wounding live and higher at 4621. casli. 62 six others. ,r:i. ! v- i.. Oit to nr .iji'rr'.w, casn , 'ru Hnriv ni .s'e;-) icn jiun." . v -ili iii - . - . iu uvou r ..i.-.moio anna- . r voun" ami oe wo , i t undentood. has complied with LoUlSiaiia State IlOtteTJ ; C Kr.Mintr hl3 Otnce. 1 lllS ' tllO ! n-tn TTT xjuuipajjiv Ijuwrporateu in 1S63 for 23 Tc:rs hj tiic Leg uZ7Aii Kdnr-itlonal and Charitable pur " ."r";,-io, onnltAl of 51 .rjOO.000 to which i rtn fijt t,a Kail- 32i Xovcmlicr. Whiskey II 1 1 V. ... v .. nil. il 1,. ilUUlU; .v trade done in pork au'l meats. I xood inquiry, but none here. CHlCArso. aor. iu iisi". imiitMf nml hicher: resular tat vcmher; 93 December; Xo. i. rtid win- uiet. Fro- iarmer ol Putnam Co.. Ga., was Kiionnij , i0ndin :i gnllv near ins pwnwiwujw Lard in j. d ay jt is supposed that he was 1 ' j v.iir lt bv necroe8. " ...... f J V A. . i...i i,n EfiQlrui .Jordan, nas !2l Nt- hon a r rested. a reserve lunu oi u- a- H au ovci-r.-helminf,' ponulai vole ttefB- chlse was made a pari oi .u 'lx?u"! ".r Constitution iiiloptcu December 2U, A. 1--1-' T7ie ort.y Lottery ever voted on and endow ,v 0k people of any State. ft never scales or postpones. its Grind single Ffuamsa Drawings IDmPPORTOTintV TO wu FORTUNE. Eleventh Grand Drawing. Class L at New Orleans. Tuesday, November U, lSS2-150th Monthly Drawing. Look at tho CoUowtng feeheme, under tae exclusive supci-rUion and management oi Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLi , of Virginia, I mZTZimST rr mm wm flftftft I IHtHfillH uu uiirkf Nn THEKMO.HRTF.R rrXj tzixjZj Youi It will datect imd in-lioase kwnew ear enangvui uuvMtter in advanefl. It will U vht Ktn9 o( direoUon iayaliiaSle to bhywhi aofanlio to tM pCiroB. J ir., mu thmim:'i,T BEST IN THE WMia, d"i!y ifmK vi w jwf 's'-ta6ir Ttmrr Tnrrt ftntJl l iiii'ill. .T.i thi V V fforefer to tUa 54 yc-r, r trat. C National Banks, or r bnsine htw-o fa Ocvofa. T. iLitU a Benoiiin! and Terr PeelW llEAO WHAT THE PFIIIJC fAY AltOCT IT. r find Pool's Barometer woroewii Mono unonnj nn it pvary time, uapi, tBU. kooers. tsnip -nruifnt," 0Dr,lt. iiTr pt. rorired is aood order, and moatw tbatthe h Fool s anTow?- " j "2rf tTZliii the weather. It is e ronderful curiosity a ml works toll itaOMtfal F. J, Romwa, ftfihmekM, WW BEWARE OF WORTH LESS J.)HTATI0Na Mom fmie without onr Trade Merk, end signature of J. A. FOOL en the beck of ustn. Evrv inatrumfnt tvnrrnateil fcrft end Aeltabje. SiaetlS 3 1-4 wide. It not batisfied on recivui the innrawot, ntan hi wo will refund jour money. riwwowiiwirwiMiwi a iteeMsS PTlffll the alcove dlseeso; h I Ih.-xvo a pceit; RrtheTuTs other witn a "5VSTi3Z Tot' ThoVkndref eases o? the worst kind and ww sw. ATSwCCis, islFeerl St., Ke An Only Oanghier Cured of Consuiiiption . When death ts-as hourly expected, all reme dies having failed, ana Dr. H. J? erimenting vath the many ncrua ui a... accidentally mat a prupeinnwu " FROM AUCTION ! BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St El The Penalty for .Murder. rn T' mnh to Dil'' lUvtcw. 10 Night Sata-: ceinbcr rolorctl to-dav barMfsMI casli anil .Novemocr. va December. Corn strong nnd higher Jt 0U cash; 674W57 November: 61011 December. Oats strong and higher at i Mak rd Vovcmbcr: 31? l'c- - ni . i. m . i . . i 'u f i m, - - m - STATE NEWS. WHO manage all the drawings of this Company . 35. Mnwisr mid BKMt-AKKCAI.. and atle3t Political di3- : thc correctness of the published Official Mate Pork unsetthV. but generally i Ilcr priorct . brotsi-,lmveratHlH.-Jocasii; ic..oi". sls sasi - - - - . i - . - " nit- .YUtivemtKT ; . . 1 . . i , . .M uissenco of about g.ouo person, i" Lwmmm wnna idT from a wagon st 1 f-Jo Kr nnd i.I 10 minute b :M w UMA t the nlacc of execution doometl men spoke ftr about 10 min utes aadt. saying that ihey were pre- $ pnrtI to die and were ' 'going home to ; alrv." They warned those present to . ar.M)i tneir tan . mi; y.i- 17.771 Decern e"i bcr iarl in lair uciuanu aim innci at 11 cash; 11.124 November; 10.- ..YiDrinfi; iWrvmhnr. Klllk meats in Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at e t. . . 4-Z -v ni and at the cud ol io minute both tOAff 10.85 Iecomber muik mcai r'.r.r dead BaDfious sen ices ware uir demand; shoulders i ; rib Si Hvccntion. The cir 111. Whiskey steady and clear 1 1 cha!Yird 11? un- X A V A L STORKS. .. l.l nv.T l ! -t lace. . .... . .... .I.i in a strong voic! ooim www oven train." and Samu.-l - .tug -( lme to die no nwrc.M T!ie weather was besnt?fi:l andgiKxl i-dvi was pre served. 1b frinoQ lor which tM II.. !jv- brothers, were haBgwl was the killing f their brother-in-law. one year o rhey salzed him. and tied bis " . ... I 1 1.:... Knn.U mill aillion u" i.u. yyj Wiltetl McFarlanc ccansc he treated his wile; their sMcr. I; :in; Teks,Tarh to Dally Review. 1 ("HiKLtoT-'S. Nov. 10 Night. Spit- its turpentine nu let at Five lars Each. Fractious m i in proportion. L.1HT OF riUr!?. 1 Capita! Pii.e of 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 9 Prizes of 0.090. -. of '2.0iX ? of ot ol of ol cf Iol- hail ill lirm at i!l cents. Kosin 61.40 lor Stramc i miai.w . . a I. v t iood SsTttoea SiTASIsH, Nov. 10 Night. bpinls t in online Arm at 10 cents for rega in r Psin very quiet and unchanged. COTTON MARKETS. ! I .iirinVlliri I i.LUi LU lUI . . cussion provoked five severe lights be tween Democrats and Repubhcaa3 m ir .-;u laef Mnndav. and it was i not a good day for fighting either. Fayottoville Examiner: We regret; ' to learn that our neighbor. W. W. ! McDiarmid, of tho Robcsonian, has j I been compelled to place himself under i the medical skill of Dr. Graham, of Charlotte. He has been suffering with , ' his eves some weeks, and fears are en- tertaiUCU Ot lUS losing ina Chatham Record: Mr. Henry T, Bright has shown us a pocket- knilc that he savs is a nundred years i old , ami it still does good sei vice. Mr. (tco. W Thompson has raised a second oroj; of irrcen peas. They are "volunteenv having grown in m garaen iroin I that uroppeu noniu.i , . ; - m - - fo olubs should only . a . i r v uin it i iiii i i i i i , r t. v . - - - i j . l T .i-n;nr Mr Wil iam Hackney, of g llilivunwuioi. --..' T , . 1 Ills the world . . - . 1 . . I ..4 fl r x I ..I I II. rhild is now in this country, and enjoying kfUi ,r...Hi. Ha Ufta in-overt to the that Consumption can be positively and per niinentlv cured. The doctor now gives this Recipe free, only nbiimg iwo M. TttlS hCi'U aino ruref muv totnach. and will hreaK ecipc to oav cxisenses. ihc tKC.ur. jinu-vu . Tr . - .1 no a fresh cold ia twenty -ionr iwum. dwsss CrSddock Go , l,--2 liac iree,I hil- a-'ifli'hia, naming tbw paper. hot :j-4w 1 S Prizes 10 Prizes 20 Prizes PV) Prizes 300 Prizes hoO Prizes loo prixea l.sce... 209. . 100.. so. .. 75,000 10,000 12,000 I 10,.'3 i 10,000 10,000 ! '20,000 ! .',o,oao j 2.".,000 i 2o noo j that we SEED COTTON Wanted. ttEPRATG the new season, we A PPBOX IMATTOK PEIZES. a Aovroximatlon PriwM ot $750. o 5 ' 500. 350. R,750 j 4.500 j ii.'250 i W AUHINGTOX Th AsintliHt- C all tor lion. I ( niton Crop, i By TVcSTh lt lUly Kertew. WaMnwrvow, Nov. 10 Xighf- Sec ralarp Folger to-day issuetl a call lor 15.000.000 five er vnt. bonds, con tuiued at 3 per rc"1- Tho principal nnd interest will be paid at the Trcas urv on and aftet the 10th of I-cbmary next and intcreat will ocac on thatday. The Department of Agriculture re ports exceptionable fine weather during the past month, for maturing and har Testing cotton, and returns the esti mated yield ot the acreage of each State, as follows: Virginia, pounds of iinttothe acre. 178 North Carolina. I0; South Cnrolina, 183; Georgia. ISA ; Yrida. 1H; Alabama. ir0; Missis sippi. 190: ! ma. -33-; Texas,. M0; ArksnKxs,d83; Tennessee. l?t These ti-'urvs r the result of the consolida tions ol the revised county estimates and suppsed continuance of averagi weather for the six weeks of thc har ves: season vet remaining. The m:-ir bv the caterpillar and boli worm i ne4 ainreetahle. except in a fo a count tea. In four-Uflhs of the localities reporting thc presence of either. tlH-- have has tened the matnritv without leaning materially t-hc icld. Illy Telegraph U Ola 11 y Rolew.J KovMber 10 Xiaht. Galycstoo nteady at t ; Norfolk nuict at 10i ; BalHmom quiet at 10 ; Boston steady Philadelphia nuict at iv : oar at ia-io, at I0i vannan ciuicy- ano ?;wwg at New Orleans quiet Id -..ul atonflv nt 01 at Bf AugasU quiii at 0 9-lB:Char lest on dull nt 10 J. Oakland township, was oestroy. tire. The roofeaiight from sparks from the chimney. Wadesboro Tint: Another curiosity this week is from Mr D 1 Teal. It is 1 an ear of corn, joined to which and sur rounding it arc four other distinct ears. I AJl five ears crew in one shuck. - ; Wo lmve mi instance of good farming l.tMi Prizes, amounting to. . . ....... ' , f..vv:,'- tr cV.ioh Ehouid only no adi' to the oilier ok the Cbmpajny in Kcw Or- 1 - - . . 2- 1 i icariv, Y TO TJth; ftPKNING OF WUA, PAT THE lUGUEST MAR p KICKS FOR ?KKISJ(nTON. Appiyjat Willard's. igs-ti iOiiO-. vnr ftirt.hnf mformatioii, wnw Ids fcH fttldresB. (Send ox VNTtatPitMl T.vtir. or Mono j only to dera by Bxprese. jrr v Order .iddrccd ; xj' Worth &, Worth. PFER AT I1A)W I'JUV;. -A" ruvai i RAVING MAWK LARGE PURCHASE! AT THE KEGBUT ACOTtaS SAtt BLANKETS In Soat Tofk. tre are thus noabW a si such goods attoMl Twenty-Five Per Gent Lc5 thau market prfce. Wo aw Whlw Blankets froarai.M to PI Colored Blanket fnw Sl.WU 5.a 'J A. 1AUP1UK, How Orleans, La. i;u7 seventh St., 'Aashington, D. C. H. orders addressed to Now Orleans win receive prompt attention. cpt ll-wed-aat-twrdffcw 9i -Mobile i reported to us on Sftiurdai Memphis steady KORI'.ItiN MARKETS. FOR EVERY ADVANTAGE IN P.U Y T N ( i GROCEK t ES CONSULT P. L. BRIDGE RS & CO., NORTH FRONT ST. Mr M A this county i-aiseU tms year on a one horse farm l bales of cotton, already ginned, and 800 bushels ol corn. This :, nn example worthy of emulation him Ktil flhcll: About 7 o'clock , last night, the roof of W. . Rountree's i Br to Daily Kcicw.l . stovc on Middle street, was discovered lATKErOOuNor. lO op. m. Cotton, ; on fireand the alarm wns at once given November 5 61-61 ; Decern bcr-January i la an increJible short time, the fi:e had .5BlJMs95 6U-r.l; February-March o 02-; Co,nmUnicated lo adjoining buildings, 64 March-April 0 1-64 ; April-May 6 3- aml roof3 of thc tec house and Mr. II. 6t Mav-.Tnne 6 4 64 June-July 6 7-61.1 vy Wahab s wholesale establishment Futures barclv steady. Rosin, com- j wcrc on flre before our fireman m. m. is. Oil. a . .4 i conld get to work, though they did most in SJDo.m. Quints nrrant! snH nraisc worthy wors fni turpentine 3Ss. 6d.38e. 0d. , had streams from both of tho steam lire ( tmcnt an1 ordcrs thrmezh tmay. . ensfino companies in a .ws mo4- 4; minutes after tlic ben commenceu nir- builinss auuaea 10. Beahcls GORS, .h.. MEAL, BSrrela FLOCK, Bags OOKFKK, Barrel SU(tAR, OXC3 BACOX, Bales II AY, EfJlldK. and Bhl.-. . M 0 SEW CHOP CUBA MOLASSES, S 000 Bhlft. LIMK.CCMENT&PLASTKK, rrm cniT'TT Ti rMMTT.S. 1.1 lrl . . i ! It'. . ' " ' I , , Matches, Can; oct22 10,000 1,000 150 1(X 100 100 250 Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash Matchi laady, Caaillea, Hoop Iron, Na is. &c. u W. E. Springer & Co., 'E KEEP A LARGE w stock of .Hde and offer every indue AND SELECT irient to WEEKLY NET RECEIPTS Hy Tclepraph tq Dallr fccrvicw. Hi xv York. Nov 10 Night Thcibl ioiving are the total net receipts ol cot ton at all port since September 1st.. I J Galveston. 26l,057 MW8J the cummer. Country etsStxnaefs will all reeoire courteous' the mail will be promptly- shipped. (Saocessors to John Dawson A Co.) rAGON WHEELS, AALJCS, xxik xruo, Wheels of all kinds Axe?, Orinnstoncs every description. btreet, Hn.-irr. Sulkv, nr.d Cart Nails, iPow er. Shot, Caps, A Collars, Hames, Chains of oy 10, 21 and 23.Market St U PUKOELL HOUSE. NDEIt NEW MANAGEMENT, New Daily torial t 14K' nrty POICKIOX NKWS. Bf CUhe to laiT art lawr. AMI, N or. 10 Night Hie ivi.r iiJ tkis atorainc la an ad on t..e American elcetion. n ferring to il (mm(v nil. i m. sav: Vie in i .u It h.r tfrnUteil that disifust at eontituied indiflferenea ol the niaiiHgers to the national iliscv tenile.1 greatly to alienate thon-ands o! voter who staved at home, or defytag a;l :hu trtdit ion's of their political livas, voted the democratic ticket. It would bo ra ie it i- vcre reserved Tor thc aVuxjcr-ts to clean e the Augean sta " bios ot" American piljlic-. and to f.r ih. immd'.u what cve: we"! rr.l- w i . el State ,-4.yv !r. R70 bales: atODiie, n,w . to ren rc c u oy :i ...Lu vki u t'hurlestop. -10.262 :' 'So rinimunica U'iliu'ingtmu 43.240; Sorfolk , story of the Gaston H rt.h;m.i m 1.021: X'W i ork. 12.151 ; , n:rm two or three of ti in. un"-, - . , iil: . ! L llll ; . . ... iM7 it 'VKiencc. iw. - Ml, . T . ... IUIA . adelphaa. W.704 : W Point (d,fi. nn.;cn-u- 3 S37: Port Royal. .1,.5, v Point 510; Indtanola, tal. l.7t.l8. fi 021 To- rnast have an upright and ovnoN STATEMENT. I Uy Telegraph to ftitiy WllMH.j N ew York, Nov. 10. Night .Tho following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending Nov. 10. Net receipts at all tmted States iH.rl 259.086 bales; ditto same week bUt vear. 223.317 bales. Total receipts to late. 1,672 H8 bales ; to same date lat vear. LMUM bales. Exports for .ul .v- ijqis bales: same week inf. Tho three together with the building occupieu o Dr. H-5 G. Bales, and Messrs. Roberts Bros' store, were burned to the ground, while Hughe?, office was so bad-i.- iMimo.1 ti.t it will nrobablv cost as mm.h to fit it m Q.S it was. as it woulo . - ., ,. rL , new uuiw:ng iae- ted t the upper ouse. badly dam thc rooms front- :. . Kn. iivr lui'iflinir mid the heat. ! "l.". VKl fe o. Mr. H . i Enirli,!. Dairy, Dutch Head and Cream, :ilil 9UIUIW3 tauguu - - Sperling's dry goods store and Alex. Holton s liquor store, on tne uppunuc side ofJMiddle street. Ixiss about $25,-000. P. L. BBID0ERS & 00. WILMINGTON. N B. L. PEKUY, Proprietor. T f Pmi.rir ; rT Atl.'lllllf, HOIUI. 1 1 1 D . In all its appointments day. CARPETS W hare rocerred a fall aid elefMt ment of the nbove, ana yoo can rwy price ore thojowei fj tsOHj anal can ttlltbem lover. Terma f 2.50 to eS fel 8-t EL KG ANT MACKEREL, rnK'ts The Haesl ever bW here. j j j CbOtevogaT Cure i .ueoir? Prietl Beef chipped veiT th'n. CHEESE AND CRACKER 4. 50MSU&PT10H CAN BE CURED I w. HALL S UNDERWEAR I T.adifis'. Gents' & Chill reiis Underwetr. Oar stock la the Largest vrt htW aad we can assure oar patron J are as low as they oans aadfrNi H North or Sooth. A few NovclUea la Oeato' l era. CaBoetore IrarteC 4 you that tt is to TOW teUsrwt W BROWN & BOdH 5 and T Kortb Froai1! WHOLESALE AXT BETl oct J Fre.-h and Palatable. NICE CAKES AND CRACKERS. CAIL ON CS. ALSAM MARINE NEWS. nor 3 nAtcAnra hV Minnehaha, Bis- erenner cc uamer Dros.i e;5ffiilsaMSi TtrTi$ Cares Consumption, 'Colds, PacnmO' nia, Influenza. Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, "Whoopiiur Cough, and all m oases of the Breathing: Organs. It nTd heal h tfee Membrane ol permanent civil and indicia sen ice " w 437 bale,. Total exports to r'T in an editorial, mis "r - k-i-. morning, savs: Ifthe Kepnblicans uu tfie I nited Stales lay seriously to heart date, 025 Dales; saw o iwi T- T-'l J5J lKllr. - ,v, ' . , i A . . ; States porta, W6,Uo4 oaies the pUio lMon of Tuis s coctions f'T ;ir (130 bales. Stock ffL"!? "i.'SE'ttriuc UY WW.763 bales; same oate at all in- same oate YrVi5l tak Stock Uy ol 461.000 Dales ; same oi rlnm fr hon- la?t VCar. l.l.0W BT SINESS FAILURES. kv will not. in much rvason to deplore the magnitude ot tne disconiuiore. m n.e.. nol 461.000 t their leaders has involvedrn ' tAm that the result mn imrM'tua to Civil Sen ... iu iImy hone ot the future for lion est men of all political opinions and the remedy for the evils which now de prave politics. mimi Indications. For the Sooth Atlantic States slight ly saar weather, lixbt. variable winds, moatly southerly, sutionaij or By Telciraph to Dally Sorlew. Sew Tom. Not. l-Ti busineas failures reported to A. G. EhmTco. during the Z9 berlil.of whk 1 ooourred in the mntryolnNc,ryyrkclty- U. S. mail steamer r I : 1 1 f..,. lCV, omuin uit;, iviici . Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, j Point Caswell. R. P. Paddison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayettc- Wotth A: Worth Schr S S Bickmore. Iong. Bath. Me. E O Barker r Co; Sec to v. Iavis & ; Co Schr Samuel H Crawford, Tilton, Baltimore, (xeo Harries &Co. with coal to U S Government Nor barque Minda, Andersen, Glou- . crater. Entr. C P Mebme. salt CLEARED. 200 CB,nf! -T i t i i.- Fipnrh Lemon and Soda Crackers L . p. man suamer MinniiMiw, PoUh. Lye and Srarrh, liageing, Tie D8V, orauuvuie, Piaster. ; gjt. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, rayctte-; ville. Worth & Worth. ; V a T TTOTi Schr Mazaie Abbott. McKitchie, IjKJALj XlUJJO, HumaccY-i, PR, E Kidder & Son hovels and tong. fibeiron Exports. A!ID6 ANDM0SSi FOREIGN. ; llumacao. P R-Schr Maagie Abbott Fw Mto bjr 179.080 ft lumber. 10,000 shingles. 130 ; jrxzs & MCROH1SON, FFER AT WnOLESALL, XA Bo.w MK AT. 1000 Bb' Sr v Groun,! FT niTlt' S1A Rbls SCG A1I. JAQ Bajrs COFT EF. t AA Boxes Martin CHEE5E. AW he disease, and pre rents the n'gfiu woats and tbrhtness rosstte chest rfff T?-h?oti nifinit:ViY it. UsjrfoL' nON is net an jr.curahle malady. It I- onlv necessary to have the rtf at remedy, and H ALLS BALSAM to that remedy DON'T DESPA1E of RE- LIEF, for care you, aid fail. ti ei is benign gpeciflc will en taougn proiessionaj Seinfbroed Sbir QPEH FRONT OB BACl. 03 Rita forced 73 eanta. rk tkM nmralur shhts V wwia jr ,ir.rts la the UUIIUiTTUO VI ssvs " la the eountrr. aad tbeft tho public, aad seed bo ai , a wamBurw co -v W. DreM Shirt ffssS v. rw' Cotton Drawota from Jeans Drawers, double Shirts and Drawers nrea and a good St ahry "Twirl Prop. WllaU-S". to tand". and act S3 CA HENRY'S uc sun. bbis rosin, 10 do tar and 2 casks spirits j turpcminc l5IIOT 3 and 4t) Murrhin Block. th Mast Powerful Healing ment and Disinfectant ever JHscwfered Henry' Cnrhoile Httice h-mlmmrns. 1 Henru's C"SWo Salr trrtm more. Ilnru'9 Ca 6Mi? Salve allay pain. 1 H-rff' Carbolic 8al curt erupt' ' Jlmrtt's Carbolic heal pimp- Ienr' Carbolir &mty heal Sril' As.1l tor Hearts audi uae no oSer. 2" LEW ARE OF this ALL ON ITS AND GBT THE GOODS JIBBT B 8oU' WIIX BB 80U IX DeRosset oat a. Memmm i