u r this r .vnw yahed every wir ceptd by JOSH T. JAME8 Six aneiBa, Thne iir mmtn. cma. The Daily Review, rear ALU; -ZZncr Ill -Hrrrrt by -tW Ove , TwJ. tw ay part IS- city, at the above I ... ir- riu par iS ratretow and l!beal. rrT Tf win rrrrt y ami eu un- V71. X. - - - er n-yuwj. ' i JJM . fluilj P. view hus the largest WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1882. MARKIKO. We wtB be Atari to reo!-. ooaunmicaii e rmtn hot frfeada tn eajr aao" eR eoUItra aterft! iatert hot The name of the writer mnu aJaraye fcej'ti i ofaaea to the SOlir. Cua?an;it!cailM iqoml im written oe ca oateeMCOf t'.r Oirr. PwonalHics new he lotH-tea. J indii a particularly na 1 , Vt tjuit t.. .!ivr dr imH abvaya dt S in ae t-iiUwial L()CAI NEWS. , j, 70 KW aDVSWTWafeTt;. j.-, e.'f Carry . ,. : Mrt .. . t T-T'i Make Bourn u t!roartete. ,-i::ho Vine T Painting... n ..-ii Waod. Urt--k nt MiingV- Tlie Board of Aldermen. The Beniot Aldermen met accord' j a rough Umc ttoRy . inx to the appointment of tbc Mrr it 1 Pinters and newspaper men geiicmi.y. : Bl the City Hall Monday. Nov. P. . efedion ih,ws keeping th,.n bushy Sfi at 7:30 p. m. Present Hi. Hoaxer. jeesiOejred until late boors. Bet U - Onr Opinion. SKW An EKTISEMKTS. Ati.,i!y WlVrw. cwniy. "a.J Vftl' C kX Ff VII THKl ! r.-. 1-. a. i -.uri. rnw; U,4eirapher had oqunliy hard a &k NEW ADVERTWMER. at 7:30 p. mcnBovrdcn. Worth. Chadboum. Nor .toperrora.! w n , . , i ShinirleS ... ..-nt i :nr iIm. rMithfn! mid fffiHomn:-ivn- fY(KUi DiitK IID OUIUKJUO The Kel..rns. U,P m " - -1 by r,, cor,, in .hh r..- rj. ;u!ifv Kn K.rilonthat trnd aodappnJ. j ...... j . aid place i'.'I the Ihv.t liair ol the rit . h r 39 nnt- l HMt l licket h"rtJ ii r JudcJ Bfuuett and , ...il Angola front A : '-- e, : show invt hoxr the tnuUcr slauds .. . .. j i i i nretune uwv ZtaauE TJm; Mayr handed in the following itbeir dnty. tinthe day,. M mm hc Dt rC,M.H't r.Mort front Me,sra CWr & Morris of i are prone to H Rttta work a- tores in ! ble. the faHbfni work of Cwlhlul men 'j.i Th i.tiinwini? report from Mosisra Cronly .-liT.w i . 1 .1 r.U.. mmJi tvn It wiU i deemra the gralHude awl thanka of the pitWic whotn they set ve. ( cteainship Half fitrcni. Capt. r m Sew York, arrieetl at ; fcer wharf in thitcity o&tcrday room- t r . . 1 . : the Market Uonse. trom Oct. U . M1 W IA IOQ4 Raleigh, 7 T. M. The Committee on Public Buildings ; Bennett 100 ahead with seven conn- i reported progree on repairs to the ; ties to hear from that gave Jams l.iw Market Houe. majority. Tho Radicals here conc netition from Howard Reiief Bo-Lt lh Oncra House last nisht We Carry S LARGE .VD AS COMi'LJsTTE ft tck piece ; laa- ArUcta., ami anything n-ruillr i ,tH i,r lahnrvVTrntibadonrs' HH in our uar. iwwy lrns stow ;in tne ciiy ,.ivw.uv . ; wm v Oote rcceivivi v Cireen Boom Fnu. The above b the title of the 't: CAN UNO AN bv n riN; cMrrTABij( ami th nxitu: Boot or Shoe AT LOW KK,t Em aD Uf !.1'M MHClS ;in 1 U-i lmjLrwhcw n the tttal for ranH- frttdr nf go ' U0. tt. riiEM!M A SOJ, nov 12 XOrta Vroot b . Coffee, SnKai &c. it ercry week, whirb kwps onr ginc Co.. ho. 1. for new socttou wita Uescntcd a party of amateurs m an at-1 no. Xi Brooklyn. ... .. . i . i . . . family of Mr. CE Smith have u.t7I,n 7lOPi5f. ; reducible couplings to enable them to ; temr)t to 2et op a dramatic entertain .i to this ciiy and arc ?nugly: npnllui:l.J..: Mtimaietf elect Ben-! connoet with the tire hydrants, was re i ,t thi-. nroceeds to be devoted to a -i n the handsome new dwelt- ncU hy ;c-o majority. Our estimates , ived I chariuble purpose. To do this success- on the eat side of Third, b-wren : make his majority ; larger ThcJudgesj AldormaQ Huggins move tbat the j fully tbc.. call in the assistance of Mr. md Red Cross btreel -. run 2.000 ahead of BoaneU- In nldition to the above, there 'ill w i: ith rhtckens at tiily cent.- a piece, k,ij u. othcr votes to report Irtsh jwrk fi'.teen cents per pound, salt j bugp t,r incoraplcto returus. The :ecn ccnU per ROOImI. oyatcn vyc ia jlninHWick, it is now ascortain i .-0 per gallon, a poor mar. haatm a differenee of 30 in Ben- . , r n.ternattvc than to eat otfs javor, the official returns giin2 -A bellow. r,ia;,xr;iv for Docerky. instead of We also 4v7 mv-.vvw - A petition be granted aud the Chief ofljj, l. fbrcoi (N. Salsburj) to tho Fire fVepartmeut be instructed t j tncm n,c necesoao' instructions, purchase the same. Adopted. j amj finally induce him to take the prin" O lOO Sets r HARNESS JUKI TtECEIVKO, and win laughter of Mr. B. C. Bar s so terribly burned by her publish in tV.ia connection the follow- ....!. v : v. irnm ha nwhcrn ;:ing taktngfirc.au account of which m wmen t..r . .... - ri;n,.0.l .( rn-il: - A petition from the same company for ropain to their engine houae, was received. Alderman Cbadboorn moved that the repairs to tho buildiug be ma Jo under the supervision of the Committee on Public Buildiugs, and the cost of the samo not to exceed $123.93 to Public Buildings. Adop Aldernian.Chadboura moved that the cipal part, and to act as stage manager &c., which subjects him to untold au noyanow and final failure and disgust The dual characters Capt. Henry Op dvk. and the Eanlc of the Cray, wore 1 y haw another large M f nug n?w day. Otve us 8 cail. nor U OI.BnARlT A CO. PEOPLE 300 100 100 BAG r-OFTKE, BBL8. SUOAR, BOXES filKESK. SKPTRUBKll MULLETS. FOU SALE BT H A LL & PEAKS A 1 ,L nor 12 ILL HAVT5 THEM. Th.vo flm: SEl-j W. E. Springer & Co., (STXvessor to John ItAwaoa & Co.) AGON WHEELS. AXLES. Tiro Iwav rf all ktn.fci . .. . .. . t f . i i r ITmvnil i4t i,v it tnc Mate ?oes . ,""US v 1 . l. nnrit 1 to HO crcuit. ath. The afllieUM family have eur ! ..hc rracatrength on the Jan is-1 sam0 committer to have real condolence in their Nld DC nuxloU campaign was 1.212 votes. T)5 repairs, to the extent often dollars. I i ........ .. mi vu n nan irii i y mm i . i . m I'm-. v-wr taken by Mr. Joba Webster, and the V? VV cost of the duHl characters of Rev. me Duch- LroEaa ftnd other fancy and ofmto "jj , be charged worth and the Earl of Kensington were 1 collar. Hamt, Chains or every .k-wrtpUoo. ted I taken by Mr. Fred Iotto. These BR)OTOWB. 00016 SKXPBB UfW DOW j : and Market MU I h ltm It all bad boon counted-a loss ot , carili M passing through thM:tto. But as this was not bail enougn. r.vtiii wiiii'ii wh . M '- r- ' . r. .. z ji ..,.'. .. over locktT ot l) urns rcuuua Bennett -vote to 715 a lofd oi wi. P AUK Ed A TAYLOR. Interred at Writflitvillc. Mr. Samuel Green, who died at , tpect at this tiroo a shower of .:.vr tntprir M '' 1 'c 'n . i i our atmohphen. The o-iiptic ld Ur." V. nhUviUo Sound on lt Friday night. " ! this ,1111 Ho tho Hon of tbo t old Snap. law JuM 8. Grooo. who wmt far mmmj ...fc.M wither ii pnr..ohing ! . r, prori.-ns t the war tVcretary .TnwoaW TOnind our ro-te. who : and Treaaurcr of tho - who Bishop James put ou Brooklyn Eugine House, and tho same be charged to Public Build ings. Adopted. A petition for lamps on each sido of the bridge over the Wilmington & e don Railroad, at Sixth street, and one lamp on the bank of the Wilmingtou & Weldon Railroad, between Fifth and Sixth streets, was received. by braced the principal male character and they were all rendered exceedingly j nor it well and that of Mr. Salsbury exocp-: TrTvr, QTJTBT tionallyw. The parts of KWy Flwnpct I HJcj KliNw Oil lit 1 and the Indinn PiHnctes were taken by Miss Nellie Mclleury, and tho parts of Widow? WeetlaJsc aud the Marchioness of Delgmvia were taken by Miss Marie Hunter. Both ladies were excellent iu their parts. The play ltscit is a ! musical novelty, full of the most coi.? JS THE LEADING SHIRT IN THIS CIT1. Tbc only on6 with the PATENT SLEEVE A DTUSTEK . Cut liifftbHo Uio Cloth Alao tbc SCCATCH POCKET SHIRT, M jVCXT2ST301Sr'S, iwrr Ii ClfHhlcT end Mcrdiant Tall- JUST RECEIVED. A FINE LOT OF F3EESC9 PERCALE SHIRTS! s f DOZ. MKOICATKO .,. DU SCARLET SHHITS ANf? ORAWBUH. 1 nA MERINO SHlins awl Drawet. HJU from tbc ftncftt to ttv chdsp- it. TO MAKE ROOM OR CBBHTHiUt BWWi tj My wtail tock of Ctothtnf? u compkft fA am recciTtn them dJly. arwl my One M Hats defies compel Hon. and Hicy arc o 'otrea price. . . . . . . . . . , 1 ...... n f..i..il.vs . iion it. tv.. a"1 " t r.. U r.n brother to Col. James f- Ctreen, , Ia; lro some vcars since. I Creen. oi Mississippi. land Mr. The Katlroi-tl Cnsc. Judge Bnd was in the city yester day but Jedsrc Soy moor did not arrive and hence the railroad case was not opened yesterday. Judge Seymour ar rived lat night and the case will be brought np in Chambers to-day. The knin, i r.n ft motion to appoiut a W Kcelver for tho . -i the suit S. (iieen were brothers. Mr. (ireen died very suddenly of a hemorrhage of tho lungs. He had been unwell for somo days but was not thought to bo in danger. lis was a gen tleman of many excellent traits of char acter and those vrho knew him best will remember him as a warm hearted. . ending the pro- gcueroua mati impulsive, whole-souieti rctiLA.1 l.U friHiilshiuS. Hisre- Huu muiiiui - ceivably grotesque, absurd and riu'tcu A petition also was reeoived for a i mua, situations and its ruuditiou kept the lamp on the corner of Seventh arl audience in a roar of laughter from the j Orange streets, and on the corner of j begining to the end. The singing as well j Eighth and Orano streets, and on the j aa the acting of the ladies was supcro, n wall Paixrr ail Sha4c at prle neA-er j aDd every one was delighted. ; la thi tf nt j TT t? a Tj QTJ jX E I0 in wro interred in Ute graveyard ... !bnon Chaiel. at Wrightsvillo. Death of Mm. Colston. CapLA.D.Lippitt reccivc-l a telegram ; n Sunday lest and a large concourse iw nblM Mterdav announcing the i (.f sorrowing friends, many of whom death at that place of Mrs. Ionise Cols- wc(lt down Irom the city, were preseut l n. insert of Uenoral R. K. Colston. ; on the occasion. ' Mrs. Colston has corner of Eighth and Ann streets. A petition was also received for a lamp at the corner of Love's Alley and Nixon street. Alderman Chadbourn moved that seven oil lamps bo placed as- petitioned for above. Adopted. A petition from Hancock & Daggett for license to keep sixty barrels of kerosene oil in their fire proof oeliar in store No. 23 Market street, was refer red to Committee on Fire Department. On motion, the lease ot wharf from Mr. J. A. Walker, was renewed for one year, from Oct. 1st. 1882, till Oct. 1st. 1883, ou the same terms Oct 5? STATE 2JEW8. J Plt.nrc Frame or Window Crolcc. or a go1 j Louisbnrg Timw: Mr. J. F. Alton, aged 82 years, was believed tbo oldest white man who voted at the Louisburg hv- laat Tuesday. He is welt and hearty, and has been voting the Demc j cratic ucset since io. w unow his first vote for Gen. Jackson. Concord ZUgitUrt We have a sam nlrtnf cotton bolls brousht in by Mr. J. C. Cochrane, ol Harn-burg, that are the largest we ever saw. fiuj ma tured boils produced one pound of seed cotton. Mr. Cochrane has about 100 bushels ot tho seed and lie offers it for ' sale at $1 a bushel. Hulr MaKres. call at nor 12 . jew Err, 21 5, Front St. WR EVERY THtyO TS TIllv ItOijlC ASi OUR WIVES. Vrnvhorn Jourmd: Five hundred A pctitlou for hydrants on Xutt J bnshels ot rice sold yesterday at $1.05 street, at the intersection of Brunswick, ! for best quality -Our cvgar man street, at wu ! ufacturer, 5Ir. C. Erdmann. shipped on Hanover and Campbell streets, vv as re nwcg ywterdayf to Elizabcth ferred to Committee on Waterworks.. aQ1 other pojDtat W.000 cigars Rport of tbc Superintendent ell Mr. N. P. Smith, of Onslow ooun- t mm ... r o fnir ir.a ti- wants it to DC prociaimea ana iormerly of this city. Mrs. Colston nas Blliitll?r9 and others-Go to Jaco TaLZZa " Vu I known throughout the lour adjoining 'eon mite sick for the past two weexs. : BUnds aml Doors, Glass oflbc Hospital Cominlt- and her death was not nnexpectol. bhe you can get all sixes and at th! lor October was received aud or- wss a lady ol many excllent and lovable , t uereo OB file. Adjourned. -1 I a traits nf rhnrArter anil wi ; ui"ttti A V Pi I My llv wife appiovcd my solection'j aoo purcua sca of furni'wre nwie in wife roudoraned my jutlirmeatand (aate In fHJlerljug rorr.ur.re ami eoolded bccnue I Ud not pnronaac of ML i aiaUoacTj Rw- My lno of Paney tooda for tbc coming imnrwili eurpatw anything norctoCore offcnal. !few goods rccoired ererr foy. PIANOS AKD ORGANS, goantnWti -.trlet ly ftrst c1j9, at waaonnMo pitef at YATES' novlt DOOKSTORK. GROCERIES. B wmw counties that he has a mule that can clean up anything on tbc turf to be found in these counties. FUfonton Efvntircr : As Mr. Richard moth, rand wife. Her earthly troubles W mor? nes . are man end. and she is now at peaee. Ceneral Order No. JJJ disbands the Hornet s Nest Kifleruan Thermometries!. -nd , hc charlotte Grays, of Charlotte ; From th- Sitmal Office in this city ,a i he Newbcrn Grays and Elm City I health Never try to raise a family without ! Hines and his mother, Mrs. M. A. rpnE NEW KCRNITUBIS STORE OF Beb- . rende A Munroc. 8. K. Cor. Market & Second t Ste., Wilmington, N.C. j oov ii Mullet-Mullet-Mullet ! BBLS CHOICE FAT MVLLWT, For wlc by 150 a good newspaper, provided it contains j h ines. were naing out ou ioc oi i uv )t kerchnek a yjtggp the advertisement ot in. nun t umgn t town, on i uetHiy euuiua ISyrnp: lor mis tuusuw uiwiwifc ; rj was oeiwuicu uu uv r." OTTER 1 STARCH 1 OLEOMARC ARISE ' 'IE A ! coma i SYRCP MOLASfHSS ' , SOAPS, Ac. Ac., Ac. W1LI. BE 'SOLD VKRT IXW. DeRosset & Co. nov 13 necessary to keep your ohildreniu good j fijlly .though not seriously iiyured Salt-Salt. - ,, ,.v,, , nan,n . . . T tniDIVWll WAIT . mmj ixaqci 4 w r i t ri H'k. ( ii i n m ii iii . - .... www w.-. 'j . .Ti .T I i. KEHCnKEE CAI.DEB The Royal Baking Powder XT AS FOR YEARS MAINTAINED THB rtKtni ilu fidlAwimr record of the . K.flemen. of Kewbern. "About MajoHtles." sn rhowan county, on Sunday last, the i r li KULl tu: - 1 frrat mnk among aU tbo- manufactured, a4 thermometer, at the points named, at H The three regiments and the battel-j T Editob of the Revibw: j same broke in, .throwing !c jjfj' pipp QtraW ! ElCB StlUW I ' by ticr.UDcrhnicaianalyu, liasheaffgetttl u , vrkj .h-,,.pd as to make them Tn no oirit of oontrorsy, and with buirgy and all in the water, badly tu- j JUUe OtlaW i twuo owan . yesterday afternot- h are wcl.an.ed all. They M Movn the mot capable oidotag it-work welt, sM 73: Liiarlcsion f ,.ir reinients. tne mu rVi ir- -mi Mr TW. 1 -r!v nl Hpmeiv- without ftlMI ,, v,r ."w r " onrtftt WHSC hnLu-eeu Judze McKoy and Mr. Dar- i tortunately rescued themselves without ! olMI k i liMiiv tn sav that Mr. Darby ran ; serious iniury. nnv 12 l m J v v" w - mmM J " ' For - aIc low L v KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. '.ok.snville 7C: ,'mery i Tem Funta Rasea Wilmington 7R Fine Oil Paintings, Savannah 7;!made. that we publish the following v.. iiwiutn 7j: LiianiMtin f ,nr regiments, iiiu hirlottefiO; Cedar Keys 73; (.at- bcin.r noW known as tne roartn 151 fsst'ut 34; Havana 81; Imlianola 7i; ; m,.nl. i in Kew Hanover wnnty 13 ahead ot ; Nff , afld observer: Cotton receipts Kev West 7' : M.ut- man transrers are mnoc w wm- oi. iocaery uu i? r-.TTY- j yesteraay oaie. """ ; No-Ortoan. 38; PM.i.w , pani from r u. r u.y 2a?"JT-iaM. Kiiicigli j tkaijtipvi 9TKEI. BSORAVrHGS, ) 4W; rensaco. wi A ia asi5:urM,:' v .. Mcaoy ran iw tow wuhw w. now has twelve wniie courcnes. uicor nett and - votes oenina wh. unw j nuptial, two Episcopal, two 1 reaujuj behind all the State and Congressional . rian and two Methodist, one Roman Pndidates of his party in this county j r.thniic. - Jewish and a Christian ""iSSJTlmcn Bricks. e F,rst STwn C lli naVle (fuarttoj Thb is pet forward in no jswnt ot i d ten churches three DTPtr-! ' f !nlrv Ra h. U He marie t a , bnt simply in answercom. Methodist, three Baptist, two Eptsco- Mr. A II. I'siwison. oi ouig, ,.u mui , " "7 1 1 i 1 1 sboro : F. munication in your bubu-jb "TZ pal. one Christian, onetongiegawnaj. . .1 r-.-.,. f brick -1 and , ixr; E. Orange Guards. liiUSDoro, r. in .be official count-thc figures Gi. tiM twenty-two churches there ; able looaBvy abmt three miles mm l(,n. jI namtlton i.usru. . . i-- v Hanover than Judge for the aamc week last year : abore aU tblnga. the pateat ! -1 SI ! some Tcaet Powder made. ' FT IS A PURE CREAM TARTAR GOODS. that village machine, with EVfiant Crowos, Looking Glafeaca. Eacl Framc-i, Velvet Frame. Jfcrt recehrH a large aseorUnent at HEIN8BERGERS. ran ahead of Col. Bennett : fa 2 870; a decrease of 134. The if i -f.v. in 8amison. in wnicn. ciU.d , roc-iots to date arc ju.m; io ine Fayetteville j McKoy I (.'!. . He has secured a patent i unk Rifles. .. .. . . . i nd Resiment A. - - mm. .mm.m mm. A M I & . All . . M mm, W mmmWW 1 II WW II ft 1. V ' ' A W I s la f I 1 ." T" v lk. Indcoendeut Light lntaoirs- -irrfc- Sunday's issue. ; 1 XTIW vir thev were 23.875: ments. lor ueir manuiacxurc. Aa. LieM UOwtryL V.. " iL" 1771 MlaaaaaaJstte lisae gr: Is 3.712 The. ....inimfttJhsinot Wn horned i. :.-, rv- i. Dupim Kifle? , r . .1 uuge mc rvoy i -v . tnc .oCTeaso 10 uu "p,,. Ia1. urccn. air. .""V. i i stoca on nana is 1.101. ui-""-"'u more than Mr. Canaaay in cw lagt week were 3.000. Pianos and Organs, QHEAP FOR CASH OB OX THE BAST iMtahaest Plan, at nov 1-.' HEIKSBERGER'S, Lire Book end Music Store AAnuinin- fll.000 ha iuBt hen burned t l.Ttantrv off. and fhey are about the best we have , Sampson JJfbt 1;,' I , .L . .,r,L K. Anson cterans. luanulactarcii m me xum. it is 'j: . a much rieeded enterprise in this set -in ami we trust that friend Paddisoe will make it profiUble An.-ou r's C ourt. Vbbie Lee colored, wai maistrate yeaterday charged with as nult and battery on was found Light fantry : ngham Infantry. taros; j. wm. rn-rbind Fourth Regimcnt'-A. 9th ZlSTTw snt hern Stars; C. Iredell w IV lie. D Mouroe Light Intantry : F. a XySmmSmXXm Winston t.-. . IS lurhani Licht In -..:lr..rt i mvs: Ii. Kocal . r 1, :,!...-i a I.ltfht Pine Grove, over county, wnue uie r--- -that from the difference in the voles of Dockery and Darby, and Bennett and McKoy. tn oampoon. u, nLtnalrk : At the LoUHid Hill mine, bearing gold and copper ore, j A ' tk.ro ar now 130 men at work. Tbc shaa has reached a oopin oi mm x-; SU3iT gcests now and eaa gio J PIG T THE -MILK POST ON THE SHELL d. we hare parory oi room iwr iw IT, n..Kv rTd a ereat many more ; oait - - t hiteTDemocratic vote, in New Han- f21 "1 cTraTmm ' fish for dlvkbb. SCTPER aae BREAK over than Judge McKoy dW Kefmmi-1 rui-TTmiRe is also lurmsbed ! fast mnann. ojumiiv w i-rr ... . i. r.,m.M . can votes in Sampson. Conso v n.lL X? iflai iuni , a. u. .r. - , iv A ,Br UM all l SSM rourib Battalion tcni r if v goilty and City Biueo j C. Iiowaro .- i rr w .ujytl nf nun r,nnv E. Golds bOPO SBJSJ V- ' ! MKrtV tO give h m-mm ' - - r w a a t- -a - m a m wa mu a a uai w , -w i.a:cin tiuarus , v, regiaiu OTSTEB BOASTS fcTniahcl any j ahown ' with a copper matte smelling furnace uae daring the day- ZD. WILaOS MAJtyrXTi, Prepr. firures agam. 1 m is nov .. . . a .. f 10 tons per day: a k th fWure. but is suscepupio or ; -- "ZSTT-i mP tnrnW out It has aa bvrge a rale oa an othere It as pot up with great care to pre- got lap ; damage hr the west her. EVERY CAN IS GUARANTEJfl FULL STRENGTH. Wo eonSdeotty neomajend R t aD whs want the best. A freah lot Jnat received. SoW by J. C. STEVENSON, MARKET STREET. J. C.8TEVENS0N A CO., BROOK LY5 BBHXiB nor .w The Most Attractive ! gTOCB OT LADIES iwkTa, oar corres ing on .Zl roaeunr shed with a capacity o 100 . to pay a fine 4od the coats. n. of all these Ussia Allen was iu turn arraiened , rocct rvmber 7th to elect field oa a peace warrant swore out by Abbie ; officcrs for two years. Lee. Sbe was required to re.y mm ona . sad furnish a bond of $96 to keep lbs Froahwrnter perch, Trout aa ... il I I mm K kAnki anrl im a w bond and was discharged he DUtsupalair ! evideoce of btweess. K-"'it5!SSt,tiS aad Cabbage 8eod. tr sum se a fonett as an , ,7f, xhm is also a plant : . , . T. ri - 'VeaiTAS- tory furnaces, inere mo tont pobget that i have jxwt IndicaUons. - for the ebemicai ireauncni. ui wrK nrM. wttk cirht solution tanks ami . u..t,in .nd new4Ditatinc vats. This ateRaoovty of Beta Seed. Alto a ton , meet and lowest prices at JAOOMs.t For toe Sooth ittc5 TLdlr mi operated by the Messrs Clay-; ""JrJJ t CeTwko atoo operate the Ore; ly!nSahbTri Knob Copper Mine in Ashe eooaty. CoWwaat. Extracts 1 at both of my eton. i P. C. KILLER, Poora Eoo of Extracts mmSmrn mrm j Towels, Kaphisa ad Oeyla erer '. Wtlouaatoo. tacea. P Tnektaaj Ttca, with a toR paly M Whim Goada, Hen The Ladtea ere iaHeden caB and cxaudi 11 JTSO. .