Till PAJFES Ilooliva ex1 , v.". nn will Tx W r-; 'fVnori:rVi-. r ccvt "T .iosir T..JA3ir 5. trs a1 rxor set ros IT I fr-yns rr:T rscn m1 jr.b:4 I arm-it ir;'crt be ' ' ; : . l .- ill lu se j2e of ili pexfir. . - 1 s : rTOC.Ctt- CSft H' Ttl!4 toM that th Eiltv-r Aw, rel 5tt rtivLc j be Aiira-t of correpoyieftti ur.r jrt r-f t?n rl?y. .t tb 8b AO VOL. . VI. .J WILMINGTON. N. C EDNESDY. NOVEMBER 15. 1882. NO. -372. ! ....... i. lU r-i rt ar.y a?vl iH'U- S - - ....... t i. j . r ... v "... ' . .-SCR:iTI''J rTAS PAID: rr-r ? x .i -.!-, fiA.. TbT.e ' .T-i,r "I t,"r ly rairltT fn - . . ii' j ..';. !" (fit 111 i kTal news. - :rv A3YmEy sari. ,. , ,. . r.i; ""c Carry I-' Ktii- M 'rt v i II.'!'l,;tirtcri .;....; Ncv U fW !I CMrfrau. Wi ! !t'U Fair commenced . ycs- f ; - ;! i.:arkcl has bren rworh 5 , :p OnirJy Fciropena at Clin fri r-w. 1. j,.. i:.-;irl tvt i:nnth3 nines s.:r; i f tiro was s-viudcd in thif Sail: (t:;itw.i3 is eloctrd So J ;f::. r fthi-s judicial district by abvtit s" :.; -tity. Gd ! ( U. N". Pod- n. f Clintoh. S.imn i. M'y. "-t i;: the cty ncd wi!l rv- r. cr; l- 1 b.'t'"Mi-IUiluMlMM on ;: r 1! : ! v:i ol! by Dvr.i: iN: Son. !:; . ::,;. '4iJ. viri iu;tC"l vi:h .:,: :.-:?. i a: I !yicrin. U f"ij:;l t ; ... .s ft!. J j.Itabiiitj' wlurh H . rr::;:;!ii- I".Mri I'Uisf CfLnon. ! . !' Cain. 11. K. CoI u..:. wen- r--. .,! to Si. .I:u:a"v C2 lurch. Tlii : -r.il v.-i!l titkr j !-;" tlsi momlns-11 il ! i-k. 'VI. j af i-tur.o r t'C tU TfuUil c:n'.ri in. like a in'ie?-. D-tMU'irt" I hi !,; r i un ! i:ti!a.-i brLe. anl tli rii ir!i-c:ly worilite if I. Token. !i v nitay i!o!V:t:M c:i:itM;ti ;ir! it Tit '.: St.r.t; C. nvonti..u z in . a! Vnrit?.t.i, X. C. JliU v. ti. 7- I'.ii-l:: c!;tirt-ht'f thi c:iy,' l.ram. ht : : r.: ri!arli?t f i !cr!ia, bin L.i n .rli. ruiil any nirmbcr of thm il who r.i.iy bo pn'.Hl!, t act as ju'i;;:!1. WV t;ju!iT5tanil th.At Ki v. iai'..r. i-:y:ir. will bo in at U i.h f uj tin Convention, b.it ar - i-i-;:ive t!..t ;ny ot l.e iacnKr ef c!:"iro!: vrh leave for that pwv r. promise ru:n!o in our ".:..! r,i::t..j V itcn!ay raornins the .er.l :iroa:jl to the N-Tt!;. a ':-:; r.tln IV II il.iria tho night ar.d in F,Msk .-r 4f which, wu an li.nlnL' u. r .M'-ivnuMa ve.ther. Over r a v ! .'irri- wi ro hr.urjht t:t!o rt- niht whiwfi h.u Inl ji t-r. r, make the rli'lhiers smiio a""i:h. w..f! r.u ! coat dealers much T: iv tf Mr?. Virici.t B. M.it "'.i. ... 1. it. Murchi-on, alludotl to r! V Ktvirwr wa c n- ! ;rn!.v. but very H::Ii -n- '-y. It U ! -in: hcarl in Caam !): a-.lu !;cs P,.ml antl Soymo;ir, with .. . . . . .'I ... w i,;n;n";r, array 01 cuiMfci 00 . 1 1 i a:d will j.robably not Ki eu c i 1 la.., r two or thnod.ivs. Cohl Snap.. At:..c.!d weiihcr is approaching ra'-'';M remind our readers who i:s ... i.fa .van;i suit of clothes r Hhr.'vt: at figures, to call on w I. Siimru 31 Market stre t. Kv. Mr. Pitt' Lecture ltwt Th - repairs now Ixinz made to the Ll:.nr r-oin hive rer.dcntl it litres tir to --o-tptKic the keturi! by Mr. f s. whic h wa to have Iwen deli Vtrnl i'zm, uittu . 1. :..i hv mint, w e :11c .untlto ea!l public attention t the TIi eri:nii:iftr leal. th Signal OiVi.m in t m th Sirnal OiVi.m in thi city 1 rrfaln the loS'.owi.i-' r.Mrd of U.e j t r;ni.;nctor. at thof-.i.its nr.ra!, at 3 J vv-k je.trr.lay .nlUrr..n:' A:.i::.i M; Augu.-ta C.li Chr. ration fcl;C:arii:c5l; CVIar Keys f.l; Gal- M; Havana 7ft ; Indiiiio'V .57; 4a o.vi! r-1; K-y Wti 7o; Jin: -try :Zx NVw Orleans Ml .Palestine rr-t i) ZA; lVntiHNl. 53; P rt ..E-uls 'I Tur.'a ll.i'sa 73: Sivar.nah 0o: Jr Hinders and olhers Go to JaCO J's for Sah, Blinds and Doers, Glabs c. You caa pet all sUct and at tb" Prices. I'vporw Vorttlgn. The cte.iracc ye-terday for foreign p-irw. wnc a ioiiovj: : liio A or. ibbcd in tho Cuwta, to be awarded bajne A';,.V. Catt. TcrjUco. for at th 3ampa Countj. J-sir, which Tficte. Aui with harrrin Wnmin. . t. m valued at 7.rx shipped by M(rs. J. u. idutni ez tvand;-the or. briir Vine. CapL Iknricka! for IOndon, with 2,165 burreU; rosin. va!uxl at c3.5t"0. frhioped by Messrs. J. R Bios U! S: Eari; tho Xor. barque Sipird Jirl, Capt. 0!-cn for Glasowr with 3.1T0 l):fn-uli niin. valued at 8.800 slupietl by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Stiii, ar.d the Ger. birquc Empress, Japt. Veiilow. for Genoa, Italy, wHh l.&'O balcj cotton. valucVl at S7tf.Q25.i3, 8!iipped by 5I3srs. Potter &Co. . A Casn ot Aleut 3IiiulelneHH. t Ayu: man who lives not a thous and lui.ci n way, and who until recently iivel a; his tathcrV houc, married I not l.jp.ao. ar.d ranted. apartments and set up housekeeping for hium-lf. Ono evening a lew days after being married, when ho quit work ho walked up to hi father residence and when the sup per bell announced tho meal ready, tKk hi- seat an formerly at tho tabic. Hie f.iuiily, who. hail been patching iiis operation, eyetl hint .with atuazc-r. ment.and :tt InsthU mother liou.y in p:irtd. -'M) wn. have you proeurel a divorce thu early in yuir wcxhfed ca reer!'" A pale flush suffueti the younj m:in? face, which rapidly deepened into t-ardinrJ. Then ho gaspctlt' I forgot all alxnit bring married- Leaving the table amid a roar of laughter,1 tho young man hurrltil out and Walked hastily home, whoro hi. young wire vfsu impa tuv.tly awaiting hi eoming. A ilmii.-ti in N'ew lliciimond. O. Mr. K J. I)Milam. write- us the fol lowing: ! o.nii!er Dr. Hull' Cnh Srup oV.e.of the very lest thin made. Miieii altogether in iny own family atul can theielore reconnucud it. . The CIiaulVaiiM.1 Tho Ch.iufraus gio four, of. tho fine!. P?aj ever prinluod in Wilmington, Tmiid.iy night. I)hn Ikmiieult'3 cvl ehraled comedy drama Iondon Ai .4jrar.1v." 011 Friday. Taj leans drama o it i: led "Parted,' aid t bo tho finest drama on tho stage. Saturday mnlinec tho n.w East Lynne, cutirely diCcrcnt fro;n any yet prtxlueeil hero, and on Saturday n'uht the greatest acd nioet &ueee.-3lul ounedy ever in tho world. "Kit, the Arkansas Traveler, plaVetl by Mr. Chani'rau tor i"ear with great success. Popular price??.! 25. W) and 7a cents. Xo cnrgo fr rc-erved seats. Prank Chanfrau was (born In 2ew Yik City, of French parentage, in and ia tho wealthiest acUr now coui;-cted with the tago. IIU wife Henrietta Chanlrau, the daughter of a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, waa bont in that city in lr?4l, and cducatel in .cw Orleans, where ?otne of her relatives (connections of (ieu. Be.urc inl by mania.e), yet resido. She Is ti I to be the moat highly cultured of living American &cirese.. . Tr!carr. Manager of iha Chanfiaua. was born in South Carolina in lr32. He is of II utienot extraction ; U a mwu Iht of the Baltimore bar; and until his capture by Uuthcrlord B. Hayes in l-C3, was one of tho editors and war cora:ioudvati of the old Ilichvwnd En- ... ' On tlio Ituiiipno. ; Yesterday alterncHn, a cart with a t wo-3 ear-vltl bull atlaeiimcut, ana two young men from tbo "rural districts." created quito a sensation on Front and .Market streets. The cart was ono of the two bushel capacity sort and the bull, slaughtered and dressed, might possibly weigh 37J pounds Co the quarter. But he wasii't l:iughtca-l at ail. On tho i contrary Lc was very much alive and a girnd deal in earnest Just after cross ing Frinccs street, heading South, he struck a Maud S. gait, and went down past tho Pureell House with a speed tiiat would have !elt any onlinary trot t; - ti)Ck "way back." Arriving at thel corner i .narKci unti oc srvw-" k1" sofetl with tho idea that he was a I nu..t.u.twt fxirr'iiUtn !n a oolitical OOD- v,ni;,,n i.H tvnnid bolt the nomination. u-;h lhis iJca in yA RdSa he rushed up Market trc:t secnilng to bo in doabt whether the sidewalk, t tho gutter or the n:idl!c of tho strctt was tho better jSacv, but try ins- them. ail. when nearly opasltc onr oSce. after cavordoj and elntSjdin;; for a fow minutes, he Bue rctdal in freeing himself from tha two huaht-ls of cart and tho young men. and went tearing ur tho street in all tbo ..r TTa uraa. hnvi-erpr. rarturt if:cr some little dif-, fii'ttlty ar.d finally hitched up asain, ! when ho went ofTas quiet and docile as the best regulated beast In the eenctry. Tho 8inpfto Fal,w r;i tho i;at .W.i nPe!niamii nnb- ing cootributed from thia city: W. E. bprinzcr & Co.. one Grant fan mill for tho bust exhibitJftg of small rram Hall & Pears all. one barrel "Ons low" extra family flour'fbr beat broad made from this lfour. - - Hall & PeanfeH, ono barrel' Onslow" extra family flour for the largest yield of corn from ono horeo crop. M. P.. Dinglehoef. one nice silver preserve dish for tho best ' display ot pies and cakes. . t . F. A. Newbury, on barrel."Ambro sialT flour for best Sampson made quilt. I Parker & Taylor, ono. -tin. -toilet set for best plate cold water biscuits by lady under 18. . . , H. Bruhild & Bro., Wilmington, one keg of fine ryo whiskey for beit spple brandy made in the county. U.' Brunhild & Bro., ten pounds of flno tobacco for best leaf tobacco rais ed in the oonnty. - , H. Brunhild & Bro.; five dollars, la gold, lor best loaf of bread, j John K- Paddison,$2 50 la gold for best loaf of light biead from any brand of flour. r-V-V.. Adrian & Vollers. one box of Ijndon layer raisins to tho young lady cxhibit ing'the best fruit cake of her own make. ' Adrian & Vollers, C3 pounds French candy to the most accomplished busi ness youns: lady in Clinton. Adrian & Voders, one gallon ei cele brated "Old Valley Whiskey" totho ngliest man in Clinton, Adrian & Valors one gallon oi brated "old valley whiskey" to thepret ticst young man in Clinton: Annan As vollers. 100 west inaia orans to tho mother exhibiting the prettiest girl child under tweiro; years old. ! Adrian & Vollers 0:10 box of fine cigars, for the beet and largest exhibi tion of farm prod net. . Adrian & Voyers, ono keg. No to nails for tho best and largest exhibition offrtock. Adrian & Voders, or.o barrel fine ;pple for tho best and .largest exhibi tion of canned fiuit, preserves, pickle?, etc, by lady of her own make. Adiian & Vollers, 20 pounds assort ed nnts to the lady exhibiting tho best and largest variety f cctfrUo and croch et woik of her own production. Adrian & Vollers, ono cady fine te to the lady who takes tho greatest num ber of premiums upon articles of her own make. Adrian & Vollers, ope case brandy chearies for tho best and largest exhi bition of each brood ol poultry. List of Let tern. A list of unclaimed letters remainiag at tho Post Office In this City on Wed nesday. Nov. 15. A Trim Austin. ,Ann Eliza Alvis, J W Allenton. Hannah Adams, An drew Andrew?, Ellen Anderson, E V Anderson. - B Wra A Blount. George W Betts, H K Binghurst. C Ausford Crorm. Mrs" Cov ington, James Conners. Charlie Chur chill. Samuel Craig. P K Carter. D Nancy Dixon. James G Daniel, Lixzio lavi8, II Davis,-Denula IKrw Bettic Dougiass. - 1 E Neadharn Earp, Harry" Ellison. Eliza Earaua. Alice Eilis. F Brice Foy. D L FarrUr. Mary i Field. . ' G P O Galor. B Godwin. Wimam B Gray. Matilda Gerald. Emily Glees. Elisabeth Graham. Emma Gibbs. Georgw W Gibson. II Sam Holmes, Maggie A Hill, L W Hodges. Annie Hair, Henry Hii liircr. H J Herring. Emma Harris (2), KHa Hill. Elua Ilogan. Charity .Hall. Charlie S Howie, C E Henderson, An thony H olden. I Mary E Ingram. J William Jackson, Mariah John-, son. Mary Jordan, M J Jones, Moses Jacob. Henrietta Jones. K Washington King, Milton Kerr. J Kahn. Francis King. Diana. KeUcy. C G Keyes. LCaptT R Lane. R W Ltvermore. Emma Lane, David Iocke, Abraham Larkins. M David J Martin. W II Moore. Nathan Marks, J H McCarthy. Janie Mermon. Eliza Moseley. Edwanl MeUs. George Mall .y, Cuffie McDauiel. N Rev N B North. O J M Ogdcn, Isaac Outlaw, G Owens. ' S -Parker Quinco. , L J Pctteway, Melvin Prldff.sn. Morris Price. W M Petteway, WiUiam Thomas Payne. James Price. K Flora Kuss. oopnia uoomjon, Sadie Robinson. John Kivors. Henry S Alexander Skidmore, F D Scott. John M Stanford, Jos F Sellers, (2), James C L Sidberry. John Shuttc, Rebecca Samson. T J Surtevant, Sam uel II Swindle, Sallie Shaw. T Hill Terry, Henry Taylor. John Tonnerill. John G Town-send, Mattio Taylor, Swaflf Tajler. ' W Albert White. Betsey Wood. Susan Walker. A II Waring. A Ward. Charlsy Wood O WW-ggs. Rev E Wootcn, Harrr Wescott. Marth? Wiggins. Mary V fwefc Frank 5Ioore, Richard Woolen. S B White. Samool Walters. (5X W F Weazel. waitnam Persons callms foricUers in above rtwiilrka?5ay advertised;" if not 'ltc - iH Lav Called for WlthiD , ten CZJ to the dead letter oGcc at WajHcoo. Wi I ru listen. Kow Hanorer Cccnty, iT(u wuii'itun. uuvtw vuc f'tK'n Worthy -of Notice; GcnT G. T. Beauzard of La.. snd Jubal A. Early of .Vs., Certify set card with fao-tiimiiies of their signa tures in another column that t&ey su pervise tho arrangement lor athe Monthly and Semi-annual I)rawn5.,f The Louisiana Mate Lottery Company and in person manage and control tho Drawings, and and that the same are conducted with honesty, famous and in ood faith towards all partiee. . In; thesddaso d -cetion this bnad de claration will meet with a hearty re sponse on the part of the public tn pat ronage of this peculiar institution, too misison of which is to maintain a noble charity in tho city of New Orleans, without regard to sect, color, nationally or raco. The full particulars can be bad on application to M A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., who will cheerfully answer any or all queries relative theror to. . UnmallablcH. The following is a list of tho unmall ablo postal 'tuattter remaining Jn the Postofilco in in this city to-day : Mr Henry Malllns, care Dr J F Pearce, Mars Binft; 8 C; Mr John Huladdl, N Y. Pur Ages and Ing. W5, Broadway, New York. f Freshwater Perch,Troat and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at' J acC3ia.t DIED. COLSTON At Raleljrto. N. C. on Monday mornlnff. V'or. 13th. IsW. Mr. IXU1SA. M. COtf"TON. the belorcd wife of Gen. K. K. Colston sod rtsnffhtcr of the la to Capt v John Bowjsr, of Isxtffton, Va. i. ! A noit dAvetcu wife and mother. Alter many years of s4 affliction, of which th was" me-clfnlly . rwHieretl nnconiou. he ha fonnd rest nu iecr The funeral servloea will takfl plaoo at at Jame' church. H 11 mington, N C .! to-day (Wednesday) Nov., 15tu, At li e'elock. A. M. North Carolftia, Virjteia. Baltltnoro and Wahintn. D. papers nm requested to ropy. i - - 1 tMlTn-'.t 12 M., 5ov, 15. 18S3, at Burpiw of Cholera Infaratuta, littlo DORA, infant daughter of John and Margaret fcmltb, ajwi 8 moutbii. '8uner little children to come unto Mo, for of 0urh U tke aingrtern of Heaven." Why weep father and mother fr JOMT llttl babo who ha gone home? but rather toJo!-o. "ITarowcU, doar child, tar heart' toa piuob content. " i Farewell, awvet babe, the pleaaare of mine 4)yA FareweUl, fair flower, that for a space war lent. Then taken away into eternity-' v JTEW ADVEUTlSBMEVTft. OPERA HOUSE, Three Xlghta Ontyt fiateiTday Mitinoe! i Oommencing November 16 The fastens arttsu. ATJI CHANFRTJA ReooinUed and Minted by the world a tae very howl ot thoir bilUUnt art, a&d TATUEURK'S ePLEXDiD CAST?. THURSDAY EVBMlfGl A Dramatic Event Tirst aprearaare Jointly of these ia met Artiata ta lioQClcaulfa Comedy LONDON ASSURANCE. lady Gay spanker ...H. CUaiifrn e4r flarcart CourUjy ..F. Chmfrau rXID AT BVE3ClNGHeridtta CUanffau, PARTED; By (jaf ton W. lajkure, of the tU UaltlmoTe Bir, (wraowiltenthiaoceaalon appear in bi own play) , rroa oMrl?y,..., ....H ChnXrn. Doney bolrley.., .......CtA. Isylenra ftATCRDJLT MATIKCK Ladle' day Choap rrtecs. Flit perform anoa in tbl&city of C. W. TaTlvro' celebrated pUy (expressly adapted for Mo Chanfrau) The "New EaBt Lynne." Lady laabelle HeDr.tu Chanfrau. Archluald Carlyle,. C VT. Tayleure, CrWrinal Author of the o1lnal Eaat Lynae, SAtCKDAY M5HT FlTbt lime here of Kit, the Arkansas Traveller. By Bdward Spenoer & C W. laykure. t "Tae beat American coadc drama of Itaclaaa. Xew Tort Berald. . Wlfaoaeed by one mil ton of auditors at Booth'. WallacVa and all Orat.elaM theatree. It hu realized Mr. Chan.rau over $100,000. rit itaddinr , F e. Cha frau. rKICXS fcTCOlnx, T5o and 80c So extra tm-n fnr KMervod te t. Matinee. Ttto. CblWrealio. Doom open at quarter paatl. Beirina at S. MATIM2K commeaoea at S o'ctock oov 19 New Books. THE AMERICAN CHATTERBOX forlWl S3 The Enf lUh CbattCTbox for 162. Webftera UnabTWfed DictiosoTy. Worcotrra Cna bridged Dictionary, Jaat roeerred and for talo at ' FJETKS BEKQEK8, Lire Book and MasloSMrs cot 13 The Best i i yryOOLEX GOODS SOLD la TITE Salem Casslmere. A tUadel KXliSET Jr Bey at pr yard. A larj iir?pr)cst rtefcred trW tfce SaK-a (X. CI rsctery. NKAV AlVEimS3IENSj 'i iltfedo kertbft ctrttfy that ins HtptrrUe tr arrangtmHntB for ell th M nthJy and Srmi jtymvai Drencingi cf The Lovitima State Lot tery Company, od in perron ,mcafft end co troi tht Druycing thvntlves, and thai tfw tame are conducted win. hotgty. fatrnm, and ingnodfeilh totrard cU partfet, and are author tzt the Company to m this certificate, tetfh fao rtmCtM efevr ttffnciitret cttccted, in U$ cdver- Commissioners. TTNPRECnCDESTED ATTRACTION t I OYER HALF 1HLLIOS DISTRIBUTED. Louisiaua State Lottery 4 I Oompanv. InoerporatM tn 1S8S for ?5 yeara br the Lejr Ulature for Educational and Charitable pur poM with a caplUl of $1,000,000 to vrhch v. resorv fund of StO.OOO ha alnoa boot added. 1 By an overwhelming poirul&i toio Its fran chl&e was made a part of the present ntnu Constitution adopted December M. A. D., It?. ;itSUBAKD SlKOLE NnMBEK DKiWISl Wll' take place monthly. It ttenr wcoln or postpone, Iiook at the following H!atiillton: CRAN0 PROMENADE CDKCERT, I durlcx which will take place tho 1 13tat Grand Monthly I AND TUB liXTX.VOSllAET SEKI-ANMAL DRXWIXO At Sew Orleans, Tuesday, Peecmbcr lVto, 18S2. UndeT tho personal supervision and man agemout of Gen. G,. T. BEAUREGARD, of Loui-v iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY. . of Virginia. , . . Capital Prize! $100,000. SKoticb Tickets arc Ten Dollars only. Halves, 6A. Fifth, $2. ToctJw, ft. LIST OF PRfZES. 1 Capital Prize of $100,000. .,. 1 Grand Prize of M.000. . . . 1 rand Prize of 20.000.... eioo.oco 60,0m 30,0ft 20.00 20.001 Ofr 5,000 SO.000 40.000 00,000 10O.OUO 3 Large Prizes of J0,v.... 4 Largo Pruoa of 20 Prize Of 100 - 3,000. 1 . . 1,000.... 500 300 a 9 300.... 100.... 300 600 10,000 it l I APPROXIMATION PUIZES. 100 iApproxlmation Prizes of..... 200-o,COO 100 Approximatlon.Prlzesof..... 100 10,000 100 Approximation rrizea of 75 7,50" li.279 Prizes amounting to... S522.5UG Appllcatlnn for rates to ciuba.ahuahl ouly Im made to the officx of tbo Compkny la Kew Or lend. For information apply to it. A. DAUPHIN, sew Orleana, ia. ot H. A. DACPni o; avoncn ?s., Washington, D. C. 3fB. Oniers addrossed rw Orlean will receive prompt attention.! dot I J- wed-at-4w-d A w Wood,' Brick and Shingles TN FC1 L fsrrppLYI AT TXTTTOil PJ1ICES, at the Pav old piaoe nw It ' J. A SPK1SOER. We Carry 1 1 B LAtkC .ifDroj?, P B LARGE AND A 8 COMPLETE a etock et an4 K8ncv ArUrlea, ana anjrthinjf usual'y wppt in our line, aa any Drug More in the city Gooda rooetved every wek, which keejs our atock oomplet. rUND3 BROS, rbarmariflr-. nov 12 llroklyn. lOO Sets i QF HABNEA8 JV3T RECEIVED, and will aav another laro lot of Bues ta aftw days. GrfaaacaH. soT 12 GEKnAR'vr & CO. PEOPLE ILL HAVE TriEM. Tho?e floe SELF- FEEDERA ao-i thor FANCY and OFF.CE i. STOVES. COOK STOVES LOW DOWN. - . " - i bot 18 PAKffEA TATI)R. JS THE LEADING 8UIRT IN THIS C1T. The anlj ooo wllii lbs PATENT SLEEVE ADJUSTER. Ctlonjftbwiae the Cloth. I Also tb SCRATCH POCKET SHIRT, at 3rcj2srso3sr's, twvlJ ' Clothier an-i Merchant Talk TO MAKE BOOM TOE CinUSTMAS GOODS WK WILL in Wan Paper aiid tSiadca at vtbx cercr before fev&erVIa tiia taartat. It ycawtat Fterero !V3rMaorwl4Crcw,cTart natr Uattrcm cas at cor 15 B-JEWETTi. :f N. Trent &t- Turnip and Cabbage Seed. DONT FORGET THAT I nAVE JrST rerttred a foil anpply f liata Rfa Ttir n?p and Cabbajre freed. AU't a faU lit of Drars, iatcx.t Mcriac-a. Cok-zase, Extract and Ursf bw rf arr klsd, at both of rv tsrr- F. C JIlLtEIt, CoTvcr rrarth snd Nca ata. : afc33 - asJUiryrer... ' .. -. - NKW .-AnViatTWCJIKNTS. XOU Cm FIND TIIE5I ! yOU CAJf-riND AN , f EAST iTZTLVO. COilFOUTABLU AND DCRACUa Boot or Shoo AT LOW PRICKS AND MED UM , ' aal leas lhn elseXrhoro la tho Siato for tbc aame grad: of goolaat i r j GEO. JL ntENCll & SONH. nor 1J & NOrth Front St. (JolTee, Sngar9 &c.: 300 BAGS COFFKE. inn nBLS SCGAU, 100 150X113 ciiese SEPrnatREit mclldtj. j I FOR SALE BT -. . ' 1 ' HA LTi& PEARS ALL W. E. Syriiigep & Co., (Sncocaaora to John rawoo A Co.) AGON WHEELS, AXLE, Tire Iron. Ilcviry. Sulky, an! Cart Wheel rf a'Uln.Jj Sails. rv erk"ihnt. Cap, w. irSm'at'-noa 0liar, n.iie!, f h ir.ji f cvwy di-nciipilo.u w, zt ami iiarkci "PTrv t, i oct -ju Wi'mlnfctOB, JUST RECEIVED. A FINK U 1 OF FKKXCU I . i - ... PERCALE SHIRTS! i DU SC A It LET SKIU04 AN'D DiTAWElii. i nn fMz- aJKitlX1 n IK rad Drawers, ll.lv f ni tio lliu-st to t!ie rbi-apct. My r tail etoclt of Clothing U oorapVU nad am reoctiog thi-xn dully, un-i ray 1 io of Data defies compctitlou., ai-1 tLo are eUl at 'cnta prioo. SOL. BEAR. M Mnrktt Mrtft. HEAD QUARTERS pOR EVEltV THINCi la" TU a LOO !C aud statior.erf lln. i - My lino of Fancy Good for tbo comla acii. eon will eurpa anything heretofore otTtiroi. . New gooda received every day. PIANOn AND ORGANS, guaranteed eti-fct Jy flrt4las at rcaao.bl6 prlc-x t CI nov 15 IH K' TOR?. GltOCERIES. B UTTER I STARCH 1 OLEOM AEG ARINE I tea i ' COFFEE J J- , SYRUP I -, ' - ' 1 ' MOLASSES i , ' SOAPS, 4c, Ac , t WILL HE fiOlD VERY LOW. DeRosoet & Co. nov It , OUR WIVES. My wife condemned my jodmeut Sd inula in Mjk-rtlnr f iriiiture ad tool' led lecu 1 Uld not pure Lava cf Mr wife appiovrd my scloctlima and iurch -os of furnl uro tuoUc In ri!IE SEW FURNITURE STORE OF Deb- r rvoda A Men roc, S.E. Cor. Malket A ffecond , ta .Wiimujgtoa, N.C. nor 2 . Mullet-ilullet-rMuilec, I jqq BBLS CHOICE TATliCLLET, 1 ot 13 KECCHNER & "ALD2R r.ROI. Salt-Salt. K iinrt LirERPOOL S LT. OjUUU In stripe it. dot 14 KERCHNER & CALlE't IK'H Rice Straw I Kico Straw I KOft BALES C03rpf?E5Et S:rw. UUU rratlolosr br tiOTlS KERCUNfcK A CAllDE't EHO'. I Pine Grove9 T THE S-JilLE T03T ON Tin. f HFLL i,va.L Wo liive pl-rsty cf rrrj f-rH!A:T-atENTGUE5Trl tow and a W I,If FIU FOR DINNER. CI'PER cd r.RCA. FAST." OYTER "'-.ROAsXH frrr.'-Vl ta-dcr!'r.7thdiy.' ,. ED. WIIiON MAKM! G, I ; ; r. JOTl ' ' , I