TBI fAPH P.Ehil V ' i We srP.l be jr'-ad eseetTg eommunlretfeai Tee Daily Review eeeted by .fOSH T. JAWI, sen rt a eei i - ftrmi cur trfw.fis an aiy sod nil nbtecs i j The n-nc sf the mnM timn Nfur ) nlsher! to the F.!ilr. j Corai!.:rii -4i!,''! nwt wtei ee on ioWl!enf pspcr j PcrjonatJUe mzif be ro4e- I And H I repectalii .od r';.U)1ja' . t POlTAttl r v!t - ax ML M a;-ths. LV. Thrr. asJS: itttciR, re. nc paper win ;w Wwdfcf arrtra Area -fr'V. "V i rmm, T tistoS. rates law ad j -rto,? thai tfe? Editor does ih: ays ?dor WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 17. IS82. . i I 0 274 .1 nf crrr--t ttdeets nrlea so ; its Ute editorial r.5n. ;,Hhoa rr. ropv. any Sf 4 O - f- . r ,. inthtcifytf Wilmington. I .OCA L NEWS. IjTi aDVs;?Slltll. rr 0I Weyw orf Hoc Mpi Jctrr-Ti Make ko.b L vi .TV-Ho !o-..rh.r. . , x. vv.'-K-f Book. lr rrtT .t Co Butler ihceae. &e . 4c !a Unit up bnJ'. . U bae een some very coed beef gnd pork in the market within rtn paa: (rr dat. Tne i ri-ha at l.ri.miihs say the mcs. nl nor derit ay? that poultry ao iauifha at a poor man' pnr. IfiU 'luck are b4n bmuuhv to ari 1 qnitf Ircely and eli readsiy at tnni 50 to 75 rent per pair. I ilUlll I ib-iuii 117 .11-1 m.- 1 . w mo and buU lair U be an untiuri:n . . .. ' J. , r H eral are nit iti. r.d for mth-I e i Th- ' I-awu TVrmi nmrl haw Ms ; ran I hi M-a (fti. it maa iiiirely irw. awl John Over & Son were ih ver I rst to tet iIk-iu. They alwas keep tbelatrt. f The id machine hhop of the Wi! ninxton & Wrldonltuil Kml uhieh have Ueu Miaodiux tor ! , lh-eo maii vtars, are bainjc dfimditiunl to make r-om lor larger. uorc imprtved and ! betier ones. Wo notice that our merchants nc preparing f.r the holiday . b Ilie tlii f attractive aud Ix-aUlil'ui gi l t" pi. use all sorts of eu-tmers. i lu iraoV for tlioar gHaU will snmi -et it. with a rusa aud the average mail'b will maki- many and lrmieut iK iua t-up-u p-Ucr AgpiUfos ftir ibe wherewiiii lulay in h - sapply of to&c. li auy o ur ticiitls who indtttge in betting would lik t bet a tridr? in : glorious uncertainty, they might mnk ,ir loee by belting on the lime hen the eta-rvei returns tn m the ta:c eit 1 will be deHuiiel known. Yiun; men misht realize In-m vurh a U-t. but the ciiauves are that lbse of alvanceil : t hi 9 Hnuld be in their iriavcs before tbe Isct can be determined. Our barb-r, hich, d: ring the turn. rut. was quite 'are of hipjm-. be l ei to havo a busy appearance, and TM-els are cot. slant ly arriving and lie- j mm .no TliAru im .me. 1 ilt.t t . e!s now fn tlie way to this port, and by Christrutft wo may esp-a oui wharves and docks all to he opcupitd in en . .lin? and loading eanmas. '1 In- e-n shipments of eettOB have no; ' fair rxuimcneeJ. but scant will be. in i,, i Coud earn. -st. Coll Snap. !ap. ! . As the cold waa tner ts approacnin " " ' ! n we would remind our reader, who s sre in want of a warm suit of clothes or miat at low (inures. ea!: -t a. 4 I. 8URIER 34 Market stria. Ill He low. The Xorwefian barque cnon. Otpt ceusen. from Imkn. nianel to ' Mr. C. P. Mcbane. w'uh a cargo rrjfl kainit r r Mesr. E C. Smith & ( V . sxri-rl in at Smithwille 5atcrUav I 'vjiort.N Foreljro. Tho S!. barque ConseOts. Ctrl Olyn. elears-dyvstenlay fr lAfWfftA ith I.H93 haleaontoti. valued al hipfii by Metsra. Aba. Sprunt 4 Sn. Tlieriuoniet rlcal. Fmm th inil O.H-a in t! e.iainth.- I d o -zin tve-.rd of tl.e th rnioinet.r. at tb points naiurl. at 3 ociirek MinUy afU-nUMi Atlanta 53: 4fnata C3 Chariest ?) I; Charlotte 55; Cedar Kvs 7i; tiai we.4.4, ?5: Havana 79: Indiauoln TH: r-nserN 3. N.-A U ka. 71 : r ;- ;,,- ; (Tesaa) 55; IViin-.o.la l.n EaiWl ... i tun a iv.iKi n: :ivai:uri ti Wiln.mgion 5 " The cool change in tho weather ha- ' S"t tnl Riven an impetus to bii'neea. h; eenif t have froae u; all politico BnxiKy A fellow can now actual!) walk the distanee of a whole square without brinx interrogate! more thai ss tu "what is the htte-t news fnmi the election." Tn nur lait iiiiprnainr - I 1 ' w - - yesterday evening, we told bim all de j U-t lie. soap, let lie asain, and treat al Indeil m Uyda county, to which he nrnately with oil ot turpeniinu and wa "Hfgested that ft seemed for several ler. Silk the same, more caret nlly. ;t past that tbe retnrns from some- uing bvaaine iostead of oil of torpen waero were either bido-bound or lost. tioe. THE ELECTIONS. The, L.itrHt. be re!U-l upon aa correct: K A. LEIGH. ST. C. No; . 16th. 1R93. 7:t 5 p. m Review Beuoclt 207 ma jority, with lltle to. h'ar ffofli. Hyde tcprfed 15 tor Dooker. but thi Hckm culirnatfon. S. A. AsiiR. PeriMHuU Mr. W. W Mi Diarmid. of tbo Lum- j liertm Ritbcsoman. ha bu sevor'l iKfQ.cti'i lor eeveral weeks jmt with ,. .... ill -me disease ! his exes, which has . , . - . Jh .. CfiiiuelMI aim to abstain from all kinds ot ialair. He is we are happj , t , . . . tistat Moiueuhat unproMng. but hi" cmpU'le recovery prom st' ti coiiHiicie a number ot wi-ks H a ; uutlr ol wuls H. He has our h;. ui):iih in his svvrre afflietion and ur earner wish that his perfect r siotatiou to health may Mil be long de- bsyeAi UbL II. B. Short, of Columbus coun 13. w in thecits yteiday. t in- Comet. The henutitu! cotnet that has for so ,lr, a tUtf utx. a source nf wonder to tbu aIii put theiuelvej tojthe truh;e tu se il. im ito-dinx from un uith ::it rapitlity. Ttaona of our citizen who tfal lio view it in its most bril li;ttit 100411 itieei ice. ean et have a tataoi or a dluft while to look upon tl. k rism u-'W much earlier than irriui ri , being anvn the h 'riatMi amr as t'elOwdi a. m. It i oar laii4j nwwii kshfrj heuvenik visitor h .1 iib 1 a f 1 at.il one (1 tl WU1 ue called to rc-eoiiv U'n Hi tlie " i i tolKS of the nresM.- ... x . . em :.v wb.nih.-y have hecotue old. BlMi ib.t sUry ot its appearance will be re- la sd a a reuiarkabie eveul to tfcuna N 1") ;:ia e- ine after them. Mru. ( lianfraii, Mr. Ilenrii tiaCha'tdrKU will produce j formerl that he could not be paid until t . nuiu a now Auterkaui Omtsmtj en- l Saturday, deelared moat emphatically, tilled -Pariti!' expresiy written for j that rather than be parte.! from his bet bj Ur. U, V. Tayleure. which has friend, he would leave it all b. hiud, and won from so exacting a et i:;c as Mr. ; 'hrew down his -stick" and made pre Uhaa. A. l editor dlhe New Voik i parations for his departure. Seeing fiiwtmtie Tunes, the Liah encomium of I that not even the prospect of losing his beiujc the beat Americnn plav extant, money could induce him to be parted 1 lL" po" an mv-.oeiiL wwiiwni Vila a rrosut oaiK uuiure in rKtyn j N Y-. aud preeuU several ntuatlooa I ofexeiting interest. Mrs. Chaufraut ; pertmi if tlw leading role was en- j i ' a in tioston ami ftew trK. wnerv i - --lMmn, rtiHir rapLNl am inext to her Ulj Uhe,. tho raw I aiinal in.tav.oe of her anistio brilliancy rT7 u i rr ,. am ner ...lamiin &i n.m- . . . , t i-iaiiy. who is a n. oc of CaaswnU Ikwuregard. i ack:..vvl.-ded to be iu .ti -litton to the handsomeat la.!y slio American most cuiture.1 a bta-e. a! one oi me o the Armv of the Potomac" : Put ES-Ever.5mr. 7V aud See. No eitra ! ml aecompiished She I , atmmtmmmmm0im ;t Kv r.r th h-at W Re .ni Matinee, 35c. i m I . 1 UradiUsI with admirabio ability as a! rtiry wrilaP Mr. C. V fi leure ! ,vs. hcouosl her. is author ofthe come i dy.and lUM proil in this moat recent of bis nuiu.-roiis hta: pn.duet;ons, his hibe--t iiierary triumph. i lioiiHfliold Hints. An exeelleet turnituro pxdi.h i. mjulii j or eu:il roj;trii.iii 01 un fcr.uuc, i.u M.vd oii and vinegar, drv. h;M biiih. Apply with a Melt lialf an ounce of camphor gnm. j hall an ..ni.C- l s'.'H'w . u.t.i r.r mii'tiiri -i ow. nnti niJi w " etw, ' :o ! ;i(;ie num.-. v..j whiten them nicely. To fimm Maim from tbe hands mix .-.inul .piantiiics of oialic acid and ... ui - ttrit. ! thu hands . " V . J ... -.1 i a poc:e.s ot i.o mean jnovcr. ami mi. . . . , wh,;h hll.rAme tCt rnr n- ;,,a!l a,,,OU"; "f li'P PW- dice.rmanner in whicn he speaks ol the u - i';n 1,1 1 W:tllr- . v.ldiere of the Confederacy He jiives IJne:i dree r other garments will,. ... . - ---- j ,.m.,B if. onangecdor if a eMail quantity of 1 hay is put in he water in whioh th.y - tt - n nam- color tfa SMtall q'ot"y . v washed. Iiil and rin-e in the ha- w. i t r. usim; but little i"p. io remove tar, cart wheel grease, luixiores t fat, roain. carbon and ao etio aeid Inim clothing: On white giMrtU snep and oil of turpentine, alter uatine u ith streams of water. CoUired ikn .Un mS in with lard. .1 Killed by th Can. Mt. Artcmus Ward m ki-.ed at-1 'nItrtjre's.Ctmibinatiou.wiih Mr. and WhitevHie depot. Wednesday eight, by . Mn Chanfrap .is the "bright particiilar a peeetag train. H? attempted tocro?s star'' in "London A.ra:.o-." appear ' the track just ahead r.f th? train when : eti mt the OierH Iloav; UtMt r.iht. The j ho was struck ly the covr-caicber and ' atar ar.ond bteh the lesser orbj were , Krverely injared that he died m two honr after the accident. lie statod ;jnt brforo h' death that be faw the 'train and fjjegtifl bo wj? some dis - i tanee ahead of ft wba ieartod acres the track. Mr. Ward k'-pt a small think, an unmarried man. . Knnuwajr Excitement. aooui aoctocx yesteruay wrnwm, a a. 1 1 . k Mr. A. P. Brown, of tho dry good houie oTMessr Brown & Roddick, left i his stor to go to dinner, and just after 1 turning into Market street, at McIIhen ) n's oorner, one of tho forwanl wheels ! ofthe bujrey in which he wns riding. camo off. This frightened tho horse and he ran up the street, the forward axle striking ids heels at every step. Wlen neai ly opposite the Commercial Hotel, Mr. Brown, finding himself un able to stop the horse, jumped out. in doing which he received iome rather severe, though not serious, bruises and scratches. The horso turned the corner into Second street when he fell on the side walk and wa secured, when it wan ('und that no of his kind legs was ver badly out by the frequent blows of the axle, with more than an even chance that he ts ruined for further service. Damon and Pytliiaa, A few das since, a couple of print ers arrived in this city seeking employ ment, aud both were so fortunate as to obtain it. each in different offiues. The,) seemed to be unusually attached to each other; in tact, so cloe seemed their connect ion. that when not at work, where one was, there the other cotilu be found also. One of them received a dispatch yesterday inform ing him thai a "afc1 was open tor him in an Uj eountry town, and he iiuuiedia'eU ! made up his mind to accept it, and I (font ar. und to wh: rc his chum' was at work und informet! him of. tho faet- i, J whereupon tne latter snoweu tnu most poignant sins of grtet. and notwith standing his having made two days' work 'subbing" aud 'distributed" hi "case" for the third day, and was in- r . . uo i.'u . ... " tBon and Pthias went on their -a rejoicing. fifty-eight millitm uodais is the esU- timatod value or nnger rings or mi :eu nrv ait tails w-(rr- and still th r . mm.. . T M I r iSu SM Tj h V-i y- 1 m . . , , . hJZ wm,hm ,x dT,niv xm innveTt 35 cents for a We of Dr."" 2!l ITT? ""V' o.. n.?.i.T.k: ! By EdTrard Snenoer AC W. Tsyleura. ,nu:ie wu-n v:mw. w The Army of the Potomac. onave receivoa trom ocr.Dner . written bv or who ac - tK-f rm v thrniih aM its! t-t-'"' r W .1 memorable cam paisai as a eorrasponid- J tor the pre.s. and he speak where of he knows with a i rankers, candir and knowledge of tho subject that makea tho narrative the more intereat- t tntr mm woll mm rliahl. Thu tt'Arlr i in. un)w Mv Iiellan, Pope. Bornside, Hooker. Meade ami Grant, and hi- criticisms upon the mlllf. rvi kkill nnd KfratiriG nioveminla rf iboe tQ ...A tmll. Ur B.faatnsi ia an entirely 1 . . . . . , :.. I idepenuert ann leaneaa writer, du. wto is conscientious in the ttttcbarge lot hJ duty, and knows neither fear 1 1 (yor n he nuu upon 1 nj t , w , t,ri. .... . Another granu leature oi nis worn is msicmm h'hk u..-iu6uui.. ot lbtt Confelernle anny. and bealowa pecial pntise upon the gallantry, pa triotism, self-denial and hemic fortitude of her soldiers. The work it made mom comprehen sive by tbe addition of well-executed maps of some ot tbe most im ortant battle fields and Use location of tbe troops engaged. Numbers 5H6. 83.355 33 714, 8A.455 and 87.417 drew the big prises, in the order In which they stand, in tbe draw ingof tbo Louisiana Stale Lottery, on Tuesday, tbe Ittb ins. uPun -. ntiKlinhAra. SwintnnV "Tarn. Mt h is ?vai:zd Mr. Chan ran over 100 OvK). .London AMiirunce. 1 to revolve v hl. f.rth wish that briiliancj which we wre t expect' , from their re.vaia.iion and pri noticos, 1 nd lb lesser crb were crrcportdin: - j ly rfim. Ixndon Atfarane" may be a f wsatttnoi production, hot we must beg! totiifftr with Boueicau'.i, ttf ttS SIS- ! thor. Mr. and Mr.. Chantrsa i U may bo said, acted their parts i well, but too balance of the trot me . we thcn!fhr vwrv n,10- p)Kihv, c-, v r - r j the cane was an injudiciou-i one, ai d , the members will show up to better ad- j vautage to-uight and to-morrow sight To Baildfrrs and others Go to J cn Ji'e for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass Ac. Von can get all sizes and at th lowest pricos. THE Thomails ckM amt anivu at the City Tost otSets M tolluws : CLOSE. Nerthonn through nuiila, fast S.00 P. M. Vurthern through ani! war mails. .. .5.u A. M. Kaleisb 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. At Mai la for the V. C. Ratlroafl and route ni)jllel thcretrora includ- in? A. Jt N. C. I Raliroad a 5.49 A. M. Southern Mat for all nnlnta South, 1at!y 1 o A M. and S.00 P. M. Weavern malls (C C. KaUway) dally, (e vt-vt sunrlay) SLOO P. H. A!! tHiltits between Hamlst and Ral eigh 5.00 P. M. Vf all for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 6 30 A. M . and tMW P. M. Mails for poluts betwtyu Maemee and Cliarleston 8 30 A. M and S.00 P. M Eavettcvtlie aidlHj-- .n (Jnn: Eear River, Tuc days and Fridays 1.00 P. M. FayettevlUe, via LaralK-rton, dally, except Sundays 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi ce, Tuesdays and Friiays K00 A. 11. SmithviUe inaiS8, hy steamboat, daily .except Sundar) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Kay "Hill, Town Creek, shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridava 6.00 A. M. UPEX'FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails l.M) .ind HOC A. M. SiMitherr MaUs 7.30 A. M. Car-.dlna Central Railroat. 10.1 A. M. Mailt- colVjctol frin rtreet lKkCe every da .t S.t: P. M. stamp Ottkoe open from S A. M. to i - M., and crom 2 to ."ito P. M. Sfoey tinier aud Itcgitsl' i Oegmjrtassttt tpn same ai istrij) olh'. Stamps for sate in samll u.in titles at genera! lelivery when tainp othc.' b closed. Genera! delivery open from daylight to dari mi n SnmlavN fwm ..iO n Q.:o M OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVEXIXG. THE CHANFRAUS ! PARTE D, By Clifton W. I ayWure, of tl:s th Raltlm rc i Bar, CwtAwtlta JUaoceaston appear . iu bis own play) Grace Shlrlv H Chinfr -u. ' Doraey fhli ley C. W. laleure SATURDAY M A T i N K F Ladies' dfty -Cheap Prinee. First pcrrorm i nee In thl- dn, of C. W Taylenre'a celebrated play (eyrtalj adapted f.-r Mrs Cbaiifrau) The "New East Lynne." Lady Iatbelfe, Arcnlt-ald Oarlj te, .Henrietta Chanfru. . ...C vV. Tayleure. i Oriciii.! Author of the o Urinal EabtLvonc, -A l CRD AY M'tUl- Firtt iimo horu of Kit, the Arkansas Traveller. . . . "Tbe best American rebate drama of !tsc!asa.s Sew York Herald.' tt-i i . i i 1 tm M ; 1 ., - BoothV ,WaUaeks and all flrot ctaa theatres. Iteatea at K M A XiNBri craoKJr.ces ut 2 . t?ov 17 i ' 1 Pnffni PVioaoa Xm -m r iJUU UUl t VUU'vCVi NJC-'wi-t UfU, ' r M AKTJy'S GILT EDGE OLEO. BCTTEE CHOICE, STARCH I corrEF f JEAB! MOLASSES, Ac , 4e , Ae, THESE GOODS MIL BE SOLD VERY LOW BY DeRosset & Co. nov 17 INCREASED HELP JS UlR MERCHANT TAl OR1NG DE- pnrtmeot enables as to torn out work falr. Leave yonr orders for tne HOLIDAYS. dov 1C CVrthier and Merchant TalW PEOPLE ill HATE THEM. Those floe SELF rEXDEJtS sad other FANCY and OFFICE STOVE. COOK SlvrTBS LOW DOWTT. U PRKER A TAYIR Simon Bear O ERPECT IT'LL Y ANN' KTNCES THAT HE IV b embarked ha the TaDorteg tiustnuis. He ts beck wtlifatgafMi capmbla c4 makfarg. dye Uw. scowrhw aad repairW CkHhtna Atlor- yaiy ta 1HEW ADTItTrSMENS Wood, Brick and Shingles at v": man m : ;'-' ' . ; V96 CTTV ; 3. A SPBIXGER. ? LARGE A1 AM C Mr-E115 a tw 1 -,lu' 1 a!HH NfQKHHf. ' OIIHWiety, I II- evana rancr Aruci, ana an ttune usuaiiv -ept ir. onr Un, j any lrag -tore In I he city GkIs rc-?vtd every ivee, ,vhlcb keepe our 6tock cuffipiete. MUNE9 BU08, P harm ar tars, nor 12 imioklra. 100 Sets I 1IA.RNE6S JUST RECEIVED, aod wflj h ire another large kit ot Buggies In & ft w a oatt nov 12 OEltARrT & CO. 1U iylAJVJCi IkUUiU JpDR CHRISTMAS GOODS WE WILL h-H WslI Paper and Shais at prices never before reached In this market. If yon want Plctaro Frames or Window Cornices, of a good italr Mattress, call at nov 15 8. JEWETT'S, ft N. Front St. No Liquors. gUT A STOCK OF FUEslI, A VO. I GRO CKRIES win be kopt at cur ctorg. No. 45, Market Street. All gods sold by na will be as represented GOOD GOODS AJ?D SHALL PROFITS WILL BE OCR MOTTO. flPvitve cs a trial and be convinced jpf ot-tf R. .T. C A K lt R TT Iff O. New Books. 'JTtE AMEBIC AN CHATTERBOX for 1881 82 Tho EngHh Chatterbox fov WHt Webster's Unabridged Di -tlonory. tTitli QilU'i UnabridjfOi Dietlouary, Just received and for sale at IIEIKSBERGEK'S, Live Book and Mutrfc Si ore nov 15 The Best 'OOLEN GOODS SOLD 13 TJIE Salem Cassimere. A nice kind cf KKRSEY for fk)y'e st 50c ir yar.L A lerge snpply just recieved fnm tbe j Salem N. C.i Factory. i nov '5 .rso. j. nj.TKiCR. DRN ITSTRY. T AM PLEASED TO SAY ON MY . n.turu bm, tbaT am prepared to nil all my ... . ... .. . : Uon. i JAS. E. KEA, So. E. Ctr. Market and Fror.t streets nor 8-tf We Have Met I VlLr'J liE. THEREFORE, NOT alarm i I i j . ed at onr appearance r.iin. Wa come tvltii I : good nctrs- GREAT REDUCTION IN GROCERIES I This Pleases You ! WE DO MOKE, WE GIVE T'U THE BEST GROCERIES FOR THE LEAST MO.vEY. HAMS, CORNED BEEF, 4c Q Royal Baking Powders. o FrSE ASSORTMENT OF Cakes & Crackers If yon come to ssore sod inspect we feel saOsood that we eaa P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. IS Wo RE NOW SKLL1S . redneed prices, to nuke tomm Heifrosey awl Harness trans. M BOWIMSLN & CO. YOU . AX FIJfB TJIEM ! I EASY FITTING, COMFORTABLE AKD Dl K. Boot or Shoe AT LOW PRICES ..NO MEiD VH PKJ an i W.- tb&aeteewb ? to r.s for uV cAnsgn GKO. R, Sft ot pvilist. FTtEXCH A SfXS. 3 KOrt fivni St. nor 12 Coffee, Sugar, Ac. 300 BAGS corYiB 100 BBL rtxA,l 100 BOXIES en,ajsl1' SEPT RUBER MULLETS. FOR SALE BY ITAII.&PEAliSAI.L ur li W. E. Springer &. o.f (uoce-eors to John Dawson ft Co.) ITAGUJI WHEELS, AXLES, Tlio Iron, hihriry, Balky, at d Cart Wkeels f all kinds .ilis, Pow er. hht, Csp, Axes, Grin fc-tie Cot ars, HrtM rs, h his of ev.-r dvci rptiou. li, 41 aud 23 Market Mv."t. oct 29 W tludngtcn, K C SEED COTTON Wanted. JREPAEATORY TO THE OPETTtVG 6? tlie new seaaon, we call attention to the faet that we WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAE KET I'RICEb FOR SEED COTTON. Apply at lwMJ Willnrrt's. HEAD QUAdtTERS Jj R EVERY THING IS TJE BOOK and xatloncry Jin?. line of Fancy Ootids for the coming sea- I , soa nii rpajs aa thlnj; heretofo-e (ffoicl, Ner goods receive I . very day. PIANO-S AND ORGANS, guaranteed -trWt ly flrsf-class, at reas'ma'do price at I 4r nov IS YATE 3' li K-T flK. OUR WIVES M r Hvlfe condemned Mv wife appored my I n:v in U.ncul ttnl iaie belecilons and i nrcha- in ck-'l!nir f rt.itnro twi of farjl nro msie i and scolded bee u-e in j I did not purchase of JE JTEW iTURXITUBE STORE Of Be n nds A Munroe, S. E. Cor.. Market A Second MM.,W)mLng-ton, N.C nov 2 Mullet..Mullet--Mullet I 150 BULS CHO,ca TAT jjullbt. 1 For sale by novH KERCHSER A CALDER BRO - Salt-Salt. 5,000 SA-T v1- ka. nov li KEHCIINER A CALDRe. t Rice Straw ! Rice Straw 1 500 BALES COMPBESSED Rlee Straw. For tale kvr by nov 12 KERCHKER A CAi DER Bit . Li I'he Royal Baking Powder JJA FOB YEARS MAINTAINED TUB (runt rank among ail those auurafsetnred aod by scleottAcchemloai saaiyrfs. has sees proses tho most oap&ols of dohtg !:s work welt, sad above all things, the p-.-est aod mcs: wade some Yeast Porder made. IT IS A Ft RE CREAM TARTAR COODS. It has as large a sate at all others emobhatd. It Is pet up with great care to prevent Ms damage try the weather. EVERT CAN IS GUARANTEED FULL STREXCTfl. -tdeotly reeoejflssad R to afi wae Sold by J. C. STEYE5S0y, MARKET STREET. Jl C. STEVEKSOIf A CO., BKUOKLYB BBtLUB. f