i -i pgca fo, WvOl tsegiad to reroce asfcsd cvcuy tl THE mt iTtoadw on any and all JOSH T. JA3IR9. 1 JtsiTatntst toil Tb. ttjuoe of the writer antn always brutal -bN w ti Fdifcfc- . Cornaunlcation, uium b wrUSea a ; one side of the taper. ,X " iSrvMui'.tks must be avoided. trKCKimO POSTAGE PAlDt rear l "Bth A2.e. Tar.' . One m--nU, Si rent. f o.Brr HI be rteMrrtwl by CJUTicns me .. tnt icut of tLe cttr . a,lbeaVo .-cat per week- rate bw and HberaL. iin HI ort any and all fall. sf " f i -A44t s epocaU jl parUcaauHj aa VOL. VI. j.tMPtodoca net always WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18 .1882. : :Na.:2?5 ; I 1 1 tbe editoiial column. tl .r - rrsniUrir, km f : u tr tun the iaryurt fir reunion f any newspaper the irmn&on. Jtl LOCAL NEWS. al-l iB tW StlVi lit.. rs e Carry rv 1 1 tt-Ch.ara:s -arrvaaed lltlp. err-To Make Ko.a jgs , vita Reedfriartcra. uaKZ-ew Book. J K 51 HO V land's Major aEMax Tw4Hiya Mart (buiiTurr A Tea tiOToa Florida Or Rar;vT' ciroBi pctforma in Mneca The n : - ' ,n th's per- jp!in 0um! 5ip iurt CO' -tv.tr i n' K ren-ri'li-.n Mnnlay nc.'. The moon ctMuitHtails lirst qnart r thu ittiHralBg ml 88 minutes past I istcat news fr. ni ihe fpat war i i list Cad iire-'n" myjtriiy i thi" ilUrrii t is. exactly 300. Turn ia Almanac saya that it wi hrctHdauH rry t4-dy and the it icaiitt certainly piiil that way. T..-li-ii nndoxster markt t was ui u.ii well supplii fM rday. Niw Riv r .-: ra were selling lor $1 H ca on. ' The C : -Vn".la IIhM I!e ar ; . in taw nimkct fr 2 1 OBMl ITKK & (n hnvr sld lar.e qtiaotH Sni rrr I -nlv rnj" h f Kn-d Kucueo. mtkmmA, -mo aoemr of whee exploila we have puMUhrd ass arrestel erlcrday :ii the S m ami brought u to city and Uidgetl ii Messrs. Barrrntlne A Turliniou. at fieir cigar sod tobacco store, on Mar-! streot. are in receipt of a large lot l'i -;.i- u-i,;..i. ti.... ol aneet Horkla oranirel which thc . aa S . I will aell in any quant i. ten uesinii. . Unmaiiablo matter remain in the Ffstt-ffice In this city mMnsM.il to Jol n Hulaml M Ct . Nww York, care Ten Astm-s. and Jay. 45 Broadway, ami Sanioel McPheraon. flacv. Boston. Mass. v . mm o. I, t - $ The sidewalks on Fourth, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets, we aie glad to see. have been newly ballasted k ii an improvement which ha beet: aincli needed, aa it was one of the or: thoroughfares in the city. . . Our telegraphic columns give report. of the terrible storm which, was pre tailing yesterday over-almost all por tksu .if the United States. We an- thatfui to say, howeer. that Wil mington eaeaped its ravages. Wr understand that Mr. A D. Brnwn s horse, which was so badly in jned in the runaway on Thursday, ae lab h.l by os yesterday, baa sine i d i h:i injoriea. lie was one of th. h; ndsomei: and mot valnab!o horse . the city. There should be a enalty pronouncetl and enforced axaint the uraciicw i thruwin Inrit narinirs on the side . , T . 1 - - I v adyslippel yesterdav fcaasna skin on the pavement op) tte i thee awl fell lo tbe grountl. ltr . tn.v .;:c was uK. hurt but was bad t . . J lr.Khtene.1. Ilur . . . . a Utfl . k r -" l ! an imuMJl U. hi. VmV wl ' Miu.u-nullj lanre mv. i ran i nnn..t...iu. n .... .L.r,.ik...t, .'Ml l-i.iiiil. V ' T it ia t III., . 1 . IV I - . - ....-. . ... in. v v. - er w- - H. tie choiera tiavin played tle wild ! with th. o. Just hen it occur to ia to nmaik that llufiii I!"? Chohra Cmp.itsi, which is highly recun Mer.iK b many farmers, ia for sale at v. rceo?. drug More. 1 waa reported here xetcrday that a dipatch wa reriv.tl in CfowlitU on T.mrxlay evening, fnau Xcwtoti. ) Lt:.vana county, stating thai f.utitr i; iiriMtion htl ls'tt had ihert ir in i H''ax i c u:t h en nak.ta the re turns count up jut I? majority tor H bhina. Thi- ia th. fact as re.nr.s tfc.e reported soocial nfeive-l b ih. Mr. Tir.w yeterda ami wiLcb scetus to. haa aM ttsr t- mm arise. Tlieriuoiuei ric.tl . Front Ikt m..aI Oli . I him rntr corssJa ihe f.4 .iwirki n-enl of U . t t- . -.T. i . ..n- in,, m. ,m.w.,.i f -"t Tattanavr aneru.si Ailaata AS A'iui r.7 Chariest' n M: CharWta-; Oiar key 71; i.al- Jkstaivil- Til: K- W.aI 75: Mont- rmtr m. S-w Oieaw. 74; lahtiaa. (Tesaa) 57; IVnaacla 7; Port Ebt 77 : Punta Basea 74; Savannah 71; j Wi The Viliuiii;ton Hospital. The following article, which is taken from the Nov.n.ber i.sue of the AorfVH W:n TTZZSi TT ,0r i. ti u -, ,. , r . ... . iV,wi 5. An isolated dead house snould be o trottn t Meui.ai journal, will be real with interest. U in a hort paper pre pared by Dr. Woo I, gfoiag a brief io sumeof ihoopcratitMis ot the hospitals in this city tiiuc ihe r.oso tf the war. It will oc eeen mat Dr. Wood ciuj m itd very warmly the preaeul ytem and the exel e it manacmeui of the n rW hospital: Si:uv the war the fate of hospital in this city haa beeu prccari-. Tim tirsi JtStB uskrt taken Hi:-c i",MirHtitTi tit aiUKti-PoA llOJ-MUtl v lOllVil llptMi r- cit hy tt:e TtvediMu- liuieau, it T ren iii.ed u -ei ih a tuuu.ie raent for nine moat la. dtinav wk.ei time seven hamlted a l Ur.ve cm- 0 mailn were in UMkM tii. 0b.ir.eiU lUecny. there wa.a-.ivat uu proVeU.eu . Il Was ie. t :. mi ; wreuiicd coaditiHi. S-e- - hice n grKy. iti alt stages if sotall-yoa, Men couti in tiMuiis vitl: no wiml.iwa. (the wind w oaHiiugs haviug bee (J tl t ke.-i..ut ll.C Colli) m.tle a tl females intermingi.c fieely. i m-ie W i-. n- Oed.liU eXecpL the sleazy arn y au-vc'S or raiher they aoui1 ha n - !U... bail tties nut been atifi wi.h aiuS' -pov UuiU. t'aeie wum di De m i in t.t-ui;a tr C- t, ami ttie vet tu tl v.-. li-.ti'in!l mi tuei' us. l ite tij. . a. M tne iHViea:io:i by .he city. lb t- d .Mill tit'Ut I e hospital c.oi. : -ted t c.i lone, ot Im ad. ami three two-aai hi wa.er cans id suhm -! . of t'Up Ki i - t i.t . -tinee Ml ienis. The uiagi.'oi re sotliiek t s ! that ii w: dirticted to b t i"V away to preen the In If-Ma si o.. -t.v m. ts dm gi-eili!y W tl nig it- Flic dcath oc currei on the lirt day. A- naidij . u c .:! be done b -ste.i i- vs. n- prvaaaii wnn m.ttiresst autl b.aiikci-. tub huie Uras liU4all IHHjil ."ii, and then sc Uiid and Willi W.iS.ie I. uilab.e veiiliiUttuii WffM pnoriretl, pro.-er Jil wi p:epar- , Mil I in a lew tl.-t)S me :-p ;t. via u .vi-.; uflf h- ini n's:-!:ou-.v la IbOH tuia iii-apua; a iri..-el. and ttiere wa. nirtlj bapitaJ until ue wa opened in tiurin the adiaimstratiou ufMay i Alar. in 11. . lit h-likit a 1 KlliltillliT I lion 1 1 Jim 1 uii l(w Ututm ii pi al n Ki.luh: street be ween A.m ami X in. Iiie sick of thu 'iy c-.timy. and also the .iek frtwu easels in the por.. were trvtet' cheie. ul7.700 m l7u and Ml til itrsii.i M-m, i i it ii i i m: mil K. - it .-m n . . cu.4tM in 171 During a aubM'qiiont municipal ad HluhMnuMiSl mis iithspilai wa disbaiKl nl. has in been III existence a lt'W)rar. D iring its exigence il waa a Murce oi i oat autl eiiib irassiiijj expeii-:. on ac t ouni 4T ilW .aige number f ete psui er m ut r4N ih.e aojoiniug counties ling a!aM ihe river Mini the line ol .ne railroads enteiiui; thu city. I he cuaiier ot the cit) was so amend ed that it was uiado uu awlul for the corporutiou t mainiain a hospital ats was i-:..s!ilt rel a much neede (inn beeaiiMi of ihe hnw of the ebarttj pken tif above, ititlicting a h .nit n the t.n pralio!t was uit ab e to incur any lunger. I he ast lie.'isiaturo obviated thin Utli6tiltyfc.by pasm a cccial act, on- abiiug t.ie cit and county jointly to laDiun a i.obi siai. tne county to uta three - 11 P.hs a id ihe citv two-Uflhs ot tne expense. Au cnttrc square was purchased, formerly known as Klein's lleer (iar- en. lucre were locate i on mo prop ertv a tw su y building with eiijht ! n"DJ?. cn trail. Icaisl. and seveia1 ; siuatl btiUdinasfroitinE on Walnut and i RadOrK Kiets, In add:U'n t til tiu re v. aa a uiuiiii" or.iicn U4ei ai a b-tv. linx ai e. Thu I'-iiials were nice ly i.nd tu MM well et m handsome urubbery. A v-ar a' the ciLibSishinent was orjtanizctl a d put in order lor the re- cep in of p.: ; s. under the charge ; the situation in the p'.a. Mrs Chan i lr. W.I.miu VVaherLM. IhniifjCraQ has a wealth ot wromamy grace tthw wmmr ndintf N'. v n.ber. 133 1 16 i md tenderness that i'ives the well-worn niT..t3 hH lo t ho il a (resh inLere8t i 4laxa , NV K,xen. t ,iXr resident physician has pahi unrtmiuiin p - csoiial a tnilin Hi the stamry. mii nn tlies-.ni:.-. and dl-iadi.-!:; of tr.t ocal dreaalais. ai.d dia-n.-i: til th'M. We have cailed this matter Hiti-ntioi. ol our readier s t. ahoil Mou .i a bjeinrtit.y Ima been made k . i Ti I.. - ... I hi uC'i - ee 'Vi i n ' . ! euuiite ifrc eit ilizaibm of a ooMinai- IV In ilh' eMi'lll niMI illHIillt-l hht'mhiuv,. in h ..ttilnl. f -r tile illlteiit siek. :uid t - n iamiiallitj can escnpe ne klu n m the i-g eel of the pr and uin r uti itart I'he renort I Dr l,aneLliie l.otni K . ft t Manage-s ha mmm s utfrnm v, nipl he restiit of his w rk o i jo.! and on Mich an eeoin-niieal plai. ... . . - .ti i.. ' -.r n-t .:.!!!. i :i! Dll aimr win nroriili il vrn r -rr.tr mrt- ruum lr lis la-tlcr adiuinisti alto . The Mini t-'H or the mippnsH aaai ver j arivati'agu hr th -rough drainage It iotiiurio an ei li e squaic under th j pt.in mi i.f fh! surj.-on f i'i-nt- have . . l ample nanii for r crea'HUi B the open MO . I H'TI" IS ai'" aoipir- i mu tt i : 1 cn:ion .f aiii'ioi al huildinys -ra I 1 . ... I r t FW .. i. .. .... i....- c.i,r..c.tiiin Lo IMtfl. which max ItaveV-csped the Uea-j t.-n i til h iiiuiim ift-lN : 1 B t or .ic.-oiiiinoHsfMnsshouio oe . a , t iius. r.n.rnLtl I'.tr latri S. it is ibie t.. have nearly a PUnr at a .iiall cos, b tak ns advai.lafv of mtii creek thmofli ID-.H .no .-f -ne aqietn- ' . H- h- ilniajM froatlnf on YTnl- nir an-1 H.1 Cro asreH" - oul I b r x M . . . ..a artca omUaJ executive huitdiu. 3 ,M.ans -hniM he pp.viIor tna rxi ingnisl mcnt .f lirv. ami this UJ" . iBfilizvd for haih pu 4, Esptcial wards ahoultf be pra- 1 pared for contatooa diwMWi. m a ! erysipelas, diphtheria and scarlet fever: : nall-pox. yellow fever and cholera I erect cH. Wuiirthcse improvements the found ation win be well laid for more satis factory work. We have nthin but praise for the wav this charily hat been conducted, both on the part of the Rwident Physi cian. lr Iane. and the B"ard of Man agers. We bespeak from the public a ltWral support. It is neediea to point out to a eornnaunry. the ladii of which lentsu h a wil'ini hand t provide c mk.. f t fur the uT ring sick throRgJi f or vj ars ofcalaiiiimus war how much thov ctn do to help on work, an'1 how much is needed b s.t e the pr- wi oq r-i-ve iho weariness of the pick bed. ,4l move," said a delegare In ft Ir jinia cuenr1on. ''that our chairman L i a dose of Dr HulTs Ciuh Syrup, u' i- h.ir.e UuU 1 cannot undcr tand him " That g';ir!-'inan had no 'oubt tried thi wonderful mel:cinc, The rumor referred to elsewhere in reference to Bobbins' election, turns at la bo true. A dUpnteh received here last night, from Raleigh, state l hat he is elected hy a majority of 17. A magnificent aurora boreal:, the first neen here in year, was vi-ih!e last niirht abimt It o'clock, in the Northern heavend. It was probably the refl-t'.-n t some co lest i.'fl lire works gotten off in honor of the great Democratic victory. 'Partel.' The above named comedy-drama was presented at the Opera House laet night, lit rather a small audience, but n a really artistic manner. Mr-. Chatifmu. a- Grace Shirley, fully esiah lished her claiu: as an artist of fine ability and talent. Her acting war charming and her impersoitati n of ih character remarkably good. Mr. Ta- leitre, tne author tf "Parte I, M as Shir I Uy Itorsey. was excellent, and the sup xirt was exceptionally good. Mr, F D. Allen, as Ilirry Amon, was p cu Itarly felicitous in hia iart. In fact the entiro ocrforniance was an honor to the prolesion At lho Matinee t his afiei immsb, the New Etst Lynno" will t;c presented. Mr. Taylo.ine is ala the author of this play. To-niht Kit, the Arkansas Travel icr" will ho pre sented, which will close the eni;pgt uient of the company in this city. LmAj Isabel le." In speaking ot the impersonation el Lady babel, by Mrg. Chantrau, in the "New East Lynne.v the New Yoik Dramatic Sctes sa 8 : The novelty of the engagement ot Mr. and Mrs. Chanfrau has been the .ippearance of the latter at the Wed neaday and Saturday Matinees, in C. VV. Tayleure's new version of "East Lnne." Mrs. Chantrau has hitherto oeen know n as tin impersonator of j characters of a domestic nature, such as Dora, in which she achieved one of t he greatest artistic triumphs, but in her performance of tliu character ot Lidy Isabel, sho has sh'iwn herseit to tie posssed ol rare emotional quaii- Lies She has in a Janre degree that , i 'quality wnicn me rrencn can u -If.. dan le voix. a id 6he u-e i? .1. . I T : enrh ir , m' nnnlli'ii III T rti mill' " i.-!l L.snne. that she at once captures the j v r Corcer umwkm sadWeood streets. " regard and sympathy ot htr audience, i i roprletor of tbe oul ie r. ."aasag Mr. Tavh ure, tno, has strer.sthenetl ! aov is Factory in tk lata. grace! The Loaders of Low Prices, Again we must remind our readers ?o ; ll II t. T I M, ..i i (.III tltll I'll J. W M. . OI1IIV1, in .liainri j o thesrnit. and osamr.i their immense I j k f F d Winter Clothing ft r . r . . - i ctliiAmm u, iM-!ii 8. lo s an ! Children s weai. ami i - - W5 have no doubt you can be suited a: d : save money. Give them a call. t THE MAILS' Themalle clae aad arrir. at tbe City Povt Hi-c aa follow. : CLOSE. Northern throngh malls, faat P 00 P. M Vortliern thr'ntrti awl 'nv nutiu -V' A. M ihlJS m.mr. M. and .VI0 A. M Mails for the N . C. ICtilroad aud ruti snuplieil Uieretnni Includ- Im V. C Kiilroai a 5.4 A. M. tiu rn Mail fT all pt.into Stuilh. luly 6A M. and S.00 1. M. Wett m mailfc C C. Kailwayi dally, -vi-fi.t uukivl a.0it P. M. Vll ptdnu between li&miei and Kal- S.S0 P. M. D1KII - - 4Hfjf0rCber.iw u.nd IHrl mrton K!l r,.,1 6 SO A. l . ant s.OT r, M. M i'Ib for polut betv.rn K'nirem-e and CharUn.n. . . 6 30 A.M ad S.00 P. M KavettevlUe a:iIBv- .toCupe Kear liivtr Tna rlark and Prid-ir LOO P. M. rv.u. i i,..i..w r ll. M.ml mierrnenUite na eee, Toewlay aini Krklaya 6.00 A. M. SaiiUivtllc raalla. by tcimboat, laily j.wfor saaliou Sntvlars) A- y lliu. tow. cr a. ShaUoU. awl Utile KItct. Tue- day. aad KrVtaya- --- a. . iffV3 r VJEk ir.t-.i or i . Northers ttinKWh aad way aaalla w" xw- ' ,Mm iata M andtOS A. M. MalH- LJD A. M. Cmmamm. (antral Railroad. KXS0 A. M. stawotj OAoe opeo froaa S A. M t. iSM.aal froaa to a r. si. w Stamp. foriSs utaWi iwinth tmmnldB uiit aad on NMan nv ass to ua A- M DIED. T a PSON In Mtls rttv. aa S m-t , Xrs. A ears, "ri'iow of or thi. citv. ! rite ruaerai wiu tase nla- from Um rmM ?tre-t Mcthoittst Cburch. at S p ia. to-.ter. NEW ADVEKT1SEMK Tb. OPERA HOUSg. THE CHANFRAUS ! 8ATUBDAT AFTEKNOOy AD EVKNISG. - ATURD MATtNFF Isriiea' .av Cheap I rle. Fimt periormaMc In thi cIit l of C. W Tayieure's cetebratvl :.i v (eiMl . adapted fc.r Mrs Chaiitru) " 1116 ri8W Xil8t LJUTIGm Lal iMbela, Henr-ctui t h.infr si A:(Mie-i i ciri.. is, c t . I ay leu re, ungiiL-u Ainruiroi tac o Ucioal Eaai Lv.iut1 S.V U RDAT M'.tIIT Firot lime 3ier. of Kit, the Arkansas Traveller. Hy E-i'jrard Siiencw ft C. W. Tayleure. The b-.jt Anieilcao rs ate ''raniaor !totao.,, Xew Turk Herald. Witno-oi by one mil ion .f auUitonn at Boota'tt, WaUaeVri nil ah first cla.-1 the-itrvs. t h i realized Wr Ch.t i rau over 100 0D KU Kotktinc F & t ha frau. Pki KB aicillaSt ud SO.-. No extra rhar lor hei ve t - ti MaUn'e, 25"'. bl divn 1 5c, ltMr? oh-a t qu trusr past 7 B-gtM at s. MATIN he. r.aimurt-s mt S V-ock. noT 18 . Florida Oranges ! TUST RtCKIVKD, DlttECT FROM I'larida i lot of Flue, Large. Lusci u ORANGE:-, j Guaranteeo" rips and sweet. For ealo in lots to suit, large -r atnall qaautitles, at BVRKKNTIXE ft 1 L'RLINGTOS S, il gar MaH Ttibacro stre next to 8. vv. Coiner Market awl -c onS Streets. D'lV IS WANTED . COJCKhTMNT M ACH1 VIST A S O Bo Or HtJBt to !in;cot and repair Boiler aad Ku g ne and aet lli.e of ehafth. LSO WANTED AM ENGINEER TO KtJH boiler and Engine. Perma-ient situation; must lit w 1 recomme ided; teatperatc habits. None S ! ether, need adlres MACHINERY, Review ofBVe ao Id It To-Day's Market. J WILL H AVE MT USUAL EXCELLENT upplyof BEEF, MU1TON, LAMB, TEAL, PORK. SAUSAGES, ftc, for aile toiay. Call and eee some of the prettiest Stall Fed Beef in the city. JNO. C. BOR.NEM ANN'S Marke: Street, between cec;od and Third. UOT IH Cleveland's Majority ITrAS A LARGE ONE AND SO IS OUES. I he honsekeepera all say that tbe largest and ; fin-: atsortoacat or , Meats of all Kinds, SUCH AS STALL-FED BEEF, TORK. SAUSAGES V4f, LAMM MUTTOV, VENISON. ft., ftc., Ac. Can alwars he fonni at fiemember Your Wife ! BernemberYour Children! P.P.rn PTTI flPT Vaup PriftTifls? I jl v w aa fc-rvA a.wi.a. aav w i A D CALL AT E. J. MOORE & CO'S., CANDT -STORE AND GLT .-O.ME OF TIIAT FRESH CANDT TO TAKE 1IOM&. We have new varieties every day- GUce Nute, Orape, Fruit candy, P!um utt dlng Cndy. all kinds oi Cream Shttj Cno jobtc Crvaro?, Caramels, and a large vai It ty of all SUGAR GOODS. Absolute Parity, Elegantly Made, Large Varie y, Great Profusion. Orders from tbe country solicited Uxaay sjaacUly. Send for price list. . J. MOORE & GO. Bar IS FEOPLE ynx HAVE THEM. FANCY aad OFFICE STOVES. COOS STOVE IOW DOWN. If TAJULEA TATLOR. llWoi)drd: f WLi. . c - . I 1 u 1 rxx ', rajUWrj I ths ai ott place nor U J: A SPltTNGSR. We Carry S LARGE AND A5 CoMPlTE a atock .fi urug. Patent Miclnw. Pcifnmery, T 11- jetnudKancv Artlfk-a, a l an thincr uanaUv I r,tlne, any Ini -ton: ia the city ! . Z3 rBe'vi every wi e., woica aecpaoui- 3fA 1 ML, D3 BROS, Pharmfirlrr,,, i;rral t. nor 12 lOO Sets , ; nAKNLSS JUST IfJXTElVKD, and wlU have au ther lare ot oV Tlugio !a a few days. Give u a call, r.or 1 OFttHAlt'VT ft CO. TO MAKE ROOM JjiOR HJUsTMA- GOODS WK WILL u ll Wall Paper and Shades' at pri-ca boss before reached In this market. If yn want Picture Frames or Wlndaw Cornice, or a frood Hair Mart rasa, call at S. JKWETT's. nov 12 t7 N. Front St. No Liquors. jgUT A STOCK OF FKEaTI, A NO. t GKO CERIES will be fci?pt at our storr, No. 45, Market Street. 3I jrooiU sold by ua will be as rsprceatcd Q)l tOODS AND SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OCR MOTTO. XT dve u a trial and be oinvinciri ga-iwt-22-tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH ft o. New Books. 'JHE AMERICAN CHATTERBOX forl&Jl 1 i- The English CbAtteriKx for 18.-1, Webeter' Unabridged Dt -nonory. Woroeeter'i Unabridged Dicttonr.ry, Jut received and for aale at I IlEINSBERGElt'S, I4ve Book and Mania. 8;ore hot 15 The Best W VOOLEN GOODS SOLD IS TUT- Salem Cassimere. i A nice kind of KERSEY for Boy's n J50c per A larav upply jos TOc,rd fron the Salem ;'N. O Fiicvory. nov JNf. J. HEDB1CK. not, lif- ia sweeping i hy, go an ' dnre b- fore you dlo. a me- thinx rolirhlv and I J sublime leave behind to conquer time." a; j ween in your wn town out tit free, No ; rirk. Everything new Capltd not required ! j We will fumUh roa everything. Manv ar 1 j making fouoe.-. Ladles fonkt: ae much as j I men, and boy and giiU make great pa v. I - . . ,ni uiuiiiet!i a i in: n , nui au i j m ike great pay all the lime, write for pari led utrn fco-.ti. uLii . j . , i una'.'!, fliaine. novfdftw tf IAa Uvp MAt iJR at oar appearance agiln. We come witli i : aooi news. GREAT REDUCTION IN GROCERIES I This Pleases You ! WE DO MORE, WE GIVR ToU THE BEST I G ROC ERIE- FOR TOE LEAST MO VET. HAMS, CORNED BEEF, &c . o Soyal Baking Powders. FINE ASSORTMENT OF . Cakes & Crackers If you ooskc to store aad aad goods we awi svatiaScd tbat please P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. 13 Wo l S RE BOW 9K1A.IN LAO IE asM 1 J5wr (nn SsBBWsJB(tfBjr 'f ai'y sbhs &$&inMflMfM tEsrwJkj . ! LstfuTi'Siiil "ti M.BOWlEV h Baw WdMsvy sjsd Trsak House. A isar be H M. BOWDEN A Ou. REST HELP fT-VOWt MKCH.NT TAILOUING DC pnrtocn'.riab5r ns to turn oat work .'ator. Leavo roarnlera for tK.e UOtlD. Y-. aor it ' Ciothler and Msrcha-t TalW TOU CAN Fl3tJ TI1EM I irou C AIT TOD AH ! EAST FTlTiK, COIMTOBTABLK AND MR ABLE Boot or Shoe AT IXW PRii fcS AND Ml !ltM PItiCB an I th.ia ebewbero ie the Stale for the same grade 't gtxx at GEO. IL FRENCH ft SONS, nor 1 89 NOrth Front SL , Coffee, Sugar, &c 300 BA9 wfikk 100 n"l vUGAB 100 00X158 cu8Ef,t' SEPTKMBEB MULLETS. FOE SALE BT riAU.&PEAKSAl.L nt'V 15 W. E. Springer & Co., (ucce-soin f John J Co ) yyr.uKiN wheels, axli, lbs lna, Hu-'jry, ulkr, .? i rt Wheels f aU klntls il ij, iti or. s.tt, Cup-. , tirtn- ft- 14 C r, ll ' I'P, h Inn of cr r d. mci iptlo i. taud Market Mftrt. OiU iS Wlliuinosna, N C SEEDOOTTOil Wanted. JREPARATORY TO THE OPENING OF a?trx - .u ... It.- that we WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAE EET PRICES FOR SEED COTTON. Apply at Willnrd's. tng-tf HEAD QUARTERS jp tt EVERY THING IN THE BOOK i -.atlonery l:na. My !'.n? d Fancy Oeotia fr the eontiaa son will turpaea an; thing lierstefore offered. New goods receive I every day. PIANOS AND ORGANS, guaranteed xtriot : ly flr-claa, at reaaonatQ vrlm. HOT I It ..iK-TK. OI R WIVES. My wito condemned my ju-i ment tin! 'at la eckMtiag fundtar. and scokted beciu4. I did not purtli iitf! of ; Mv wife appiored my fttiecihm and pareha ! si of furel urtj made 'to THE NEW KI KSITUBE HTORE OK BeU j rend ft Maaree, 8. E. Cor. Market aesaM 5ta.,WilmlDgWw, V C. j nov Mullet-Mullet--Muliet I 1CA BBL5 CHOIGS FAT MULLET. loo For sale by KERCHNEB ft CALDBH BMjn. BOTl Salt-Salt. 5,000 ,U jgaL.w nor l: KERCflNER A rALOKW ( Rice Straw ! Bice Stiaw i (f BALES COMPRESSED ltice 5. raw. duw Forssss low by aov H KERCH NfcH At CATPSR EM S. Butter Cheese, &c-, &c. f ARTJN'S GILT EDGE OLEO. BUTTEB-CnrjlCE, STARCH: COFFEE! TEAS! MOLASSES. Ac , Ac , As. THESE GOODS ft I L BE SOLD VEST LoW BT DeRosset Co. nor 17 Simon Bear j 1E8PJTFI1XY ANJUKJNj . XV .etiarlu--l in lbs Tail t i4h wll iajsaial caftatde Tit AT umrzmm . ii at raklMc. lva bsaL MKMtrfsw aura n usiiriii Ctntiitau All or- tiers proitpu aUclvd to. Prlw axwlsftsw Shop labr ,00 Market

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