PLEAS Ndr.'CK. VTa a to glid to recclrs cjmnnl&atLsA . frca ccr frfnrfi ca At t34 tU tntjecta ercenJ l-tercst btct ; ; ' ' j -if! mwrain. iloolaya ex I cepted by torn AjDoratrro -( .rrCElTOON:! ro3-A rV -U fiM. Tim 4 s!leo the rpr. - " . . r N' dcit.rwl by carrtora trr j,' f j ny pirl ! t) cltr. at C: bot j Ami tt Ls eeportaHy j-arWrrJiTly ca .... l- rtuV l I -t4id that tea K'.'jior rttir ilwari calcr lie Tlmr of vrrrpor Icnti m i -VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 19. J 882 1 . r- .IL' ry rt w-r.y j.t1 all fL' Tins paper LOCAL NEWS. ;V-.,. C'jf '... nr)H""T- . ' n-.,-tvLiT- -""or writ ilv-'' fl M 11E C We i iw. J ;l:.z:cr.-ib.5 Itctt. . y( Kilt-.!: and WTtjUt. Lia'.c lUfiit rcl Urt a,.iH A H'iiii-oiwrr. Xvf3 IN'l't'JCK UUry j II MiU.iU No .rrtv.U. jno-ti-rcv. IK!, El. i A Hi. V 1 1am d lrv A 1'lo.ETT-B.Unf P-ir r-;kS"- TiTtMU All .ll?W. .. . i.m i..ti : An-l'l..b iunl yaUr. 3 Jyu.iJ-r ' MLo ll.vuo Hcaut'.ftd .1 Jiti:ciii Taney tJid. K J , ss 2.t : A O No IJscra 1 A U" : u. s t U i rv h C' ? r a h t. It M Kf.U-N If-ulncr P.rajrjrlnj. Ki r.isk!i & to INv-Lind Utn r L i:-i:;iv- A lt Iyatr r Candy, iitti A I'unul u-Oaee, H str, ,f. ia K .viiM .1 C PcniTwn 4nfto O'O K tB-c-i A .-ov Yu: I Them ficiffioe i TCXUSOTOJf r.-.'rWi Or- taa ... Ptj' hntH lf hnrs"and 9 minute SurMt iliU afternoon at CO minute 3:rA.:ih!p Gulf Slrcnm. henro. from a! pTrt, nrrivwl In N'ow Vurk yoter- TKea wito two inloraionl bth ih'.K In OakiLalo Ccmttcry tbi Tufre wpro tn-o interments both in Bclloyno Onr.elery this Tlrro were two InternjcnU one v!u!; aad cnc cbiltl in Vino Forest Ccrrr:?ry th;t we:. 1T.3 Ri.-ter nl Deetln issuet five tirrii litTnstu thi4 week ; four fr L.c an.l one tor inlirtt! NuiIfA. Uninalliibles. TactMi!orin U alit of unmriilablc tvur nmatnin ia the postoffloo in wc:tj: Ju'?. Iliuiddi. N. Y. Tier Ajreia and 515 Rmadw.iy N. Y.; Sai'utirl KaWrsi. No. 1 Vi-sIey Place. Bs t". M2.i.; Aliew KvruArd, Odurubia 8.C. Thrriiiometrlcal. Fr,n th - Sin il tidlj in this rby tos i!i tjlt. r.l;mi:i.; ncnl f tl.- Jr.ivmet r. at thoM-ii:it n.iiuol. At 3 ci-A-k jrt-rd:iy nUfrm"!! : K, 15; Oiar K') GO; (Iv "U(a); IUvana SO; IudiruuilH 59; Jiv .. i - i- ii. . ..i xi . inMU o); Ky Wt .rt; Mont- FoiOiU Hi-att l l (I. b. luivom CraU. wifd of Mr. MaCraix. who livii on Third, be Srrn Cattle ami Church slrevt?. was kial deatl in bed eAicnlav im-rnin whs a l.oly of advanceil ne. e i arn has been fir n:n timej ?tii bad htnliht but nt of a el.aric to eau.e any andut alarm. Sin t.i lntl in her usual health n Fri hiiht, and In-r husbarwl wjit pn- t"l Ikt in eilin'Up ui yiterday "rn:n;, n,a cmllin- her. foUud heril. tfold embrace of death. llxports Irein. Tic following ant the foreign ahip with their Taluic. whteh elean-d J'V'tnUy: Ntr. Uirqt:e Hild.l, Capt. Mrr-n. fir UveriU wiih 1.1 1 1 Vt i f i icfam, aluel at l.tttU snip- k. .t ., . it vwsik ii. .M.ircuwm i!U) P" l-l-n - ' . u.icvw jj; t untune ; leci.ires I ever l3e.mi. i no buojwi wan IT-) 4J; IVimaeoia IW; Port Eadu 1'iie rempiatiii3 and TnaU to whieh ; Puara lUi 72; S iva-mah 72; Y.hiw? M n nro Subjl." Every Maun. , i ..I ir k I. - . Mtli i, n, :hH j, iujpreHl ,thso I l Hr Uverpcail. with I.lia bat c v.on. valued at $W.0CO. shipfxnl by Jf. Etiino McDonald The . bris Woofer, uiih 1I3.4&S fet lan.h. r and 100.000 shim;!.. vanel S3.373 67. shipped by Mt-i?rs E. Kid An j thing in the hard warn lino can fcocd it revocable prices at J aco t Ctt!. iln revil: f itlo;i .it this port furj JanirCbunA.ivnXArtKaalTUlrxl! 5.lliAVi.a Nu!n.t 6 4(0 baL for ' '- H'?1"? ' !.v.r..i f..i- iKa M K-l- " " , -ti-u. Taw. U. JW. Uocwr. ne rvrvlp'a .f Urn rn yer. lAf. T r ea y-farth 8adaf .titer TnnJcr. , rit.ti;iSl.rNli.itesn?n!nst3)5 4h!te'it Pmyrrai 11 . ia- tJutv -lalatV) t i N..vei:i!i-r 17of 11 renr. m ilreniw! I P trvtaj I'.ayw t Mr- tliis i-ar t.f l.KH b?tic. I The ()jrra IJouso Unt Niffht. .Kit, tho ArkiruAw Travt!or at llu 0Hra IInns 11 :Uhl with lr. Ch&nfntu Sit tho tiiAiI-f H'Uk -The company prtrel ititolf . 1m a :no-nf r.nd ileservinc t the pnt riiuaroi'f tlw ntbiie. Wo think Mr. l.'Ii.tufrau" niAnxora mai a mUtnke in Pn;itj; in thU Pilj "with ,Iondm Assurance. K matter fvivv (jHpiilAr : In? t'r. v is in t':r p'aeCS i5 tlid nr-i tVjc w.-l! in this city, and in fact, to nur rjinds. the ca.sto wai an i:ja!ir?r.t;& .r.e. The company in 'Parted. Enai Lyiiiie," Jiud 'Kit" fihcw! thai thc set! tlui tne metal of nrtiKtie. skili hicliwnd n liotievabiy lacking it i heir rendition ol jtndnn Aa5nr aitc Tht go heuco to Uichraond. Ki iuetult v tlio Poor. The doinly nkies and the cliil!?, winds aliontd xviutitd us all that Winter L uj To otuo it U lotiktHl I'oFtvani . with unlit-ioa i ius ot pleasure; the loii 4!fuiiii, to Ihj Hpent in'joou k nviiio? aronud the Litji), -oao n.tcd tire salt;; the fttlrjr to enjoy, unuiulestct kvitl: t!.i caies of businudi, tho aw ecu t tho homo circle; tho mother an uii UitialuioUicuut of the huabaud' com , itu ; lie g and ie.tivo bkharia wih wl licenil to call a litilo earlier &ud rol.Hi his staj soujuwhat later in tho company of ni laUy love. vTo tnany. ibu WiuterU wiitMJined with feoliub t.t pndo a tho ftcauu ii which the ir cuj of bli n to bo overflowing. Hut ihero is another ido to this pleasant picture, atidahu. how tuanx ol u think ol it? Theroaiothtso to whom thij fiC.i.uu of hilarity briutf dcaiitulio and want ai.d atiQurin; ihero are those t whom joy aud pU-iwuro anu i-onteiitiucnt. ne. tho icry nec aariea of lire, aro KtranerSj and they arc a-.-ro amou ns. Would it not be well tor all who have bctMl so graciously bicaacd ith tho btnntetunes of thi crld. brtoro entering iion tho eaon id auiusement and pleasure- now open ing before them, to first remember the mitortunate. and of their abuudauee Civc w)in?ihin lor the .relief f the ioort and by bo loin gain tho ap uenval of their ti:eience while revel iii in the peauru with which they .nro surrounde!, :ud have tho pleasant consolation that th-y have not been un- luiudful of the i-oor. While tbre may be case that may oo relieved, we know of no way in which thso who may bo liber aliy inclined can maniiWt the heart- inta ot their thankfnlrH-ti.V than ty a tVw. flllillj . .r tlx I . . I f .C1 Il-Miuvoleiit Society of this city. , Don't U.wuiuniw j . ... ' all f peak at onee. but let a see who will be the first to nporid. I or tho Uctletr. Itev. 3Ir. Piiyno'i lecture. Mk. Llitu I' ll wa uiy pleasure last evening to mi.!, wi.h a number of ounz men at the Sfeoim f rtDjieriau inuren anu J 7tllttt ,lf lh,b,t Ua Seriiid Prtbjtenau Cimren ami I tm I I...V K..rV.-A.T till. M Hi Hid itrnr o- j vr .v. .... Jcctnn r. Kev C. M. Payne, to repat i.. ouc'i one promicin,; to bring one or ,.,'or- with him the next time, i lie partly piouiNed to do so, ami iue notice will oe ihvn tlruli ur paKr lime aud placo. Sueh talk will old huiI outu. ami those w ho do not heir it w ill be tho lirer. Malaria. Cbili and fever, and Cil ious aUncks jitivelv to red with Em try's &audard Cure I'dlian infallible remedy : iever fail u cure the ant ob .Htinate. lomr-stHiidin ce where Qui nine and all other remedies had tatietl. They are prepared expressly for mala rious Mvtioii5. in tloublc boxes, two kindii td lii!p, containin? ft strong ca tharc and a chill breaker. ar-ooat-el; onitain no Quinine or Mercury oai:ns in rripin? or purpn:; they are mild and eliioient, certain in their ac tion aad harmless in all cases; they eX fori iii!r r!,mns the svtem. ana inve new lite and tone to the toay. a . ,U1 " "r, nnnaJcd household remedy they are Qnefiuaica For IJvw 0.mpWnt thci mDlaLnt their equal is not known; one box will h a wondertuJ elVect on the worst e?c 1 ney are cseo and prescribed by Physieian. atid aold by Druggists everywh7P. or test by niaiU'33 and 50 cent boxow. Emorr'B Uale Cathartic Pills. U-st ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Ox, 11 Sasao Stnt. Mew York.. md.Vw. To BaHders and others to J A CO El's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass c " Yon can grt all Firrs and . at tb Invest prlcss. I CUitrch Serrices T-lay. t. Joa Chnr-k. or9-Tbr1 ul Tied l. u.t fMtor. fwc atun ra, ana yt f m. ia.jlaia chi I " twotnrw fct. PunVn Bran. LntAn CiirrrV trarr f Sixth aJ lArkntrK.i. lr. W. K. Pw A P8tr. n? i trlff t H a.. tr Gvjn uryr at 7 p. m. uc ay p1k1 3To'f4iV p m. - - - . .. Chnr-b tly. ttio Ptr, Rer. f. W. -rchint iMitr in ftttva&iuftoa tio Lnriiemn !rn-i ! 'iArt son. m. c. iiclay IkwI ai ? p m. w". h. htra Sup't. - He ThAa2!Mv Prrt-OtbMrAL - First Hr at t a ni. !Toal Ma at. Id a. ra. ViTt ana Phi ." at JWfVtpm. Dilly Mm t first I5apt!t Ctnrf. forrser af SCarVrt and PifTli !rer. P-. J. B. Tatt, I. O.. rMUr. ictlAy So?ivi at 4 a. rvU-wja ftt u a. ra.vAtvi j.tJ p. m. 1-ravrrra.cinii i!''7 eU-htatT: clKfc. fnm!.1 itIiI. t. St. Paol'a p!l CTs'trcl;. f Fourth and Oracle 6trrs-t. Rv. T. M. Am bior. Wsctr. M-Vrrtta Pmyer at II o'r.Vot : Evcatng TrarcT at 8 oVJorti ; Sna-lsy rhvl At C o'clock. trw. . .. Frrmt litrrct If. fc. Chore, nfli. f o rev o Front ai4 Walaot' atrwta. v.. Fr ck u tOKXl, Pastor. Bwrico at li a. w. aa1 T-.- p . Sahbata siAooi at S p. m., w". P arker jnjXTlc tend tit. rravrr rartHsf ia4 km VMnrtAy e-rnlng at 8 oVloek. CluriaiAan Airtoolatfoa Taciay rrmiiy; aXtT nrat b1 thlnt SahhArh. at o'cVvk. 8at ftrw traBsrra aad rijJt ponllallj Invited. FLfth 8trw M. TS. ChnnH, boewem Jfaa a4 Chnrch atrcrta. Kr. T. Past Klntnd, Paotor. .rrr!c at 11 a. m. an 1 p. XI am mot log at X p. m. ; Prayer eoorons Tfecrrlay cm Ing At7u tclooi.. ftocend DiptltCaarck. SJrtk, ttws Chorcli hn4 C.tlo itrwtt. Br. J. P. Kln, I'Mior. rTlv at 11 a. m. and 8 p. na. flu day SelvMrt at. re. rajrT meeting evry Tiiwday alat.; TUrr Dr. C. . Tayknr, of Tme. willl preach at tho First Baptltt Churoh foolorod) oariXihaad tiampboll atroet, at Id a'clook a. m.,nd during tbd dty. Th puMlo rc reyectf ally Inrltd to hor hfc. A. K. Gon pnalor. ChrUl Church (ConarreinonAi!t)!f na atreet, hotrrccn Sixth and Scronth. liev. D. l. IXxlgft, ratniUr. Preaching aorrlcoa at 11 'clock, a. m. an t o'clock, p. m. Paatara Bible Cltas nt 1J.IJ p. nt, Praynr and PraUo moetlur, Woindy, i o'clrtok, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. dj.. In Memorial Hall, corner ith ud Nun at. TICK BLiVlLSv TKemalU rioe and arrlTw at ttto C?itj Port oU a foUowa : CLOSE. Sorthorn thronh maila, faat .00 P. M Northern taronfn and waTmalU. .... A. M B,lelah .fi.0o P. M. and 5.40 A. M tlalla for tb K. C. Railroad and ronton anpiUd thretrora Inchid- tngA. AN. C. Itallroada 5.MA-JL SoatneraMalUforall point Soath, ,laUT JLlUt A. H. and&CaP. M. Wetern malla fC. C Railway) daily. (exocpt aiunday) - V r. M. All iHtnU between llamlet and RaV ciitt MO P. M. Ufl for Uionwaad Darlington Ball. road CO A. M. and .00 P. M. Slaila for point betwwn Florence and ChArlealon .J6.30 A. M and 8.09 P. M Faycttertlle aid office on Cape Fear Klver. Too daya and Fridj-B 1,00 P. M. FayetUJTlUe, via Lam'jertoa. d&lly, except Snndaya ...o.WF. 5L Onslow C. II. and Intermediate !- ' ' . cea, Tr.eatlaj-8 and Friday 6.00 A. M. SralthviHemalla, by ateamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8J50 A. AL MaU for Easy Hill, Town Crock, Ciillotteancf Uttle EItct, Tues days and Frtilaya 6.00 A, M. UPKN FOR DELTVE1RY. Scrthom through and way mails i 7 JO nd ft 00 A. M. Southern Mall ".. ..-7.3 A. M. Carolina C-ontraJ RAHroad ....10.30 A. M. Malh collecto'l from atreet boxe e-ery day At 3.4 P. M. . . taran Otuce opn from 8 A. M. to t2ii., and fr .m - la a.30 P. M. M&oer order and Rerfaf r Dvpartment open ucm as atawp orace. -j stHinpa for ale la raaU quantities at grcaeral teUvcry when utamp onice U ocL itnoral delivery open fivm daylight to on ?TrxdAxa from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. dark Tho ticaderH of Low. Prices. Asain we must remind our readers to call call on A. & I. Shrier. 34 Market ss'tnot, and examine their immense tock of Fall and Winter Clothing fi Men's., Poys' an I Children's wear, and w- have no doubt you can be suited and sae money. Give them a call. f IHGD. v CR M i t tho residence of T. A. WaUon, at Hilt n, ovt-mber ith. LIZZ E L- cKAIG, aifed 18 year. n.ntb ani li ava. inur t Uziie. thou h.-t left a. Iere thr I wc d v'.y K"1 But H i.d th: t hh twreft tn. lie caa all ur orrow Leal. On the 17 a I t.,At Un-tllojj Uarca. Mid dla .-and. t tho reMea o Mr. -lamoH f.ranT? MrY. S 'C TVHS3 aged 8 rer, I " montta aid 2 das. 1 , F.ineralfrow lr. ram a on Middle, hon' d, to-day at 1 oVkck Friead and acqvl? tmcca are tnv d to attend. ' N1SW A U V KltTl S fc.Hl KN T;. '.Will Re-Open! kN MOSD iY (TO-M JUitoHO I WILL RE- SrovpcrsouAlAtoctk.n to Ue aafc-f ev-J nor-ia . 4i iiarwct ttmu lotheCitizensof Smithvilla OETXnAL MONTHS AT TU5 MK ntii fil aianv eltlzcna of BailthTia. SSftiSd l -L amor ttaa th,cj X NlEMEK CLlXADfcTu) I waaiaea tbo t Kff-t JhTpTtlr f -Ubt by .or- lo tX ilrtmue too . will b Ukea off tse una. , - - . . , JOS, BIS BET. ! J aer lMt v owen a My Oid Hnl. So. il M irke: Mryet. iV" 1 ViU d.a.K- of th. bal.ft of the i PUnami ai ra w " re. y Po. t , ' - kX. Urt AUI BtlVI"""1 - " . . , vvi at aeaincuc ov MEW AOVKRTfSRHPVTS, ready Cor laapoetfoa L a fer at 3. JH WBTTV 2T V. Froat t. dot ALL ABLAZE yiTII HHATLXi TUHKBT9 JviATED W OLTJ BTOTDt'JUSf eLR'A.XT.-' IVTil LAiup, Yb Wars. Fancy Goods. an.B a irrjairjjt. W. E. Springer & iO., - (l-eor! m Jonrs SAw?n A 5 ' yifr!f WnEBl, AXLli, Tfro Iroo, Boirpy, SnPcy, and Cart wc rf all kfcvt KAlla. Pow 7. .hxj Cap, Xea, iir1a'SrtMe Otiars, CAn.e, Tidn of erery TpvitL 19, d a-i a.ftlarkot frtrtt,., rift . WHnihtjri, VC """Uver-Garraonts. I - " . QmLDRBV 7 to 13 TEAtta.l OYa li to 19 TEA1W, I YtiUTII'a IStotl XKAK, I MESf'S Si to 44 YEARS, COKE At 8KB. iXTTsrsoisr, nrr 19 Clothier and Merchant Tailor Florida Oranges I JDsT BKCBIVKD, D1RKCT FUOM FUrlda. m U4 of Pino, Larjre. LAiadoua ORANGEY. JuAntntoed ripo and awoet. - For aato la loia to nit, larg or amAll quantities, at ' BARItKNTIXB A TURUNGTON'. Cgar and Toiaoco Store, next to ' 8. W. Coiaer Market and ae-.-ond troota. nor It YOUR CLOTHES QAS BE DEO AND CLKAKEO AT DBY'S V AHCOXD STREET, ' BETWEEN B2A.BKE1 A5D PRINCESS, HOT l't t a. W. DOYLB. C. A. LEGO. G, TV. DOYLE & CO., ff holcaale and Retail Do&lers ta l - Fresh and Salt Fish, Oysters, Lobsters and Game, South Water Street, between Orango and Ann, (In New Market bnlldlajr) WILMIKGTOtf, N C.' V All orders prcrnpUy filled, nor l&dt Turner's N. 0. Almanac 1883 ' TtTLL STOCK OF COMMBRCIAL AND School Stationery, Musical InetrumenU, Al- bams. Gold Pen, GUt, Ebony and Velvet Picture Frames and Eaacla, Steel EngTavlnga c, Ac. An elegant llre of Juvenile Eooka. nov IS I C. W. YATE4. Groceries I Groceries ! 100 uAG4coFFEE i U Bbls. SUGAR. 1.000 BbU FLOUR, 35 Caaea LARD, 33 Rares BACOS, SO B la. KICK, 60 Boxea TOBACCO, 100 Cages ftXUFF, Matches, Payer Twine. Bneats. ete. . aaki by : dot 9 KEKCUSEK 4 CALDB BROS Saved. Lost, I saved raooer by bar 1b; my i uruituro of T tw I loat money by not Daring my romxtc e of W j -ew rnrolrnra tor of Bcbrwla A Monroe. E. Lr-r. Market anl kwiki la., wmiog. ... C. when- V9wer b-n Urn .rgHt aa-rrtment. natmt. m.s c)eanT depiff a inrable wbrk. This fn ml rare baa beetent othbyAb 1 rre oanafarta-cr to ta xrett, and will be I at wnobraale and TvUtU lowfcroisa. Caeb ta lb bect. i 1 Wo ABE ow 8rxu f uuiu- km itt A im.v, .Alkr and I f arncaa trade. We -rantae teat cooes tor ltrse aaeortatewi .. U. i- buwuw w. ? rasa 3 i - Nott hadiDery and Trnak Uoaaa. - o J. .Arsn .NEW - An'VEUTISMKVS. Royster's Candy. K AUK hi ILL TS THIS F!BU POI; p4lrn.g?. J?v ua etola owA dts. bci th Jk teatier and nm't UZ 1 Eoyster's Candy, IS sTILL IS TH AOas'D VVC1T. C3B,n EK. PORKR, nSTTEB f Thaa any Caady evc ia w nisUjto. J Ppiit Bat, Wjlaot ('rvaiu, .m.Wtti Cr, i Tnna. Orny, iTrarlv;T-, Coc-i r:l Cb'c? Caram.i l?jrn: A-lus-Tl. aol 'CTtSny'rAbr I r7r!U. Fresh : Every Week !f : Still Sailing at 5U Cent? ! f : L. BRED GEES & UO. nov 10 BUTTER! QILTKDGfi, . ' O LEO aCAEO ARISE. TEAS, V COPFEltS. :-" j MO LAMS S3, Ac , &s . , Ax. For Aale at low pricea by DeRosset & Co. nov 19 Large Additions Men's Suits! Overcoats I -Ulsters and Ulsterettes RB NOW.BEIN8 ADDED TO OUR AL raady Immense atock la order to inoet the d roaods of the Chrlstaaaa HoUdaya. VTa hare a mammoth assortment, and Inteod to atll tbooaands of dollare worth of Clothing wltUn tke next Arc weeka: Don't tbo golden opportunity, lot came to tho popolir Bazaar of Fashion atd come early and of tea. OTTERBOURG, nor 19 - KINO rjjTntFM. Remember: Your Wife ! Remember Your Children! Remember Your Friends ! - . i t A D CALL AT E. J. MOORE & C0S., CANDY STORE AND GET bOME Or Til AT FRESH CANDY TO TAKE UOME. . We bare mw rarieiks evry -day. Glfe Xuta, Orapcs, Frnlt Candy, Plnoa fnd dlnjc Candy. aU kinds of Cream Ntli, , cbo.olate Creams, Caramels, ami a laryo Twfcty of all SUGAR GOODS. Atttolote Tcrfty, Elfantly .Hade, Lar Yarle'y, Great PrSfaalon. OrtWs frm the country MtMttd la any ! ifaS!tj. -Sd toe price U&U E. J. MOOBE & 00. Valuable Stare at Auction. M. GRONLV. Auctioneer. BY CROIfLY it MOUIIIS. Wrrm v OUK AL O.I OV WF.n. NEHAY iKX", ndfaat.ftt liorltik M . , we will act) t t raab tht i liable and ti firabia Ixh wttb Tr sv7 KrlHt id e there. m .tnuled mw the Scaih alks of Market, ! (e kxr Eaat of Wacr acre t, koom a No. . BTT lt 11T NEW A D Vi:iCT!Sr.!i:NT. S!otiee, XlAVXtr MUTUAL AQEESEMENT, Co icl kI1 t Strk tlr C- f.rra tho Law In aU Ctttta v.lttifl rvri:M i f..Hicl Tli;rliiy 'cltl:igOar Bttk, vuch hare oar vatesnt'd, Trlo ilark or Xamv attacad. All pi rota Q.Tta3sr1riWia tbclr iten a? I;cw j by H-araoil n-t to tdjp.'-'? th-3 Mm-) Coder Penlty of tbs Taw. Tor 11 at Inj Our totU'.a tu thctr ie!4ioa aro Rtvjucaud to S 1 FY I si. rtvl oi:i! aH irtt Tbora. JTLIU- M. LKIN. jent fyf t;:rURTPORTM:U. ' W.d. CKNAUT. nor ii-i na YOU CAX FIND TllWT YtT cas rtsn AS ( AM mrn Boot or Shoe at iw put t.. m Mn t:u rtrrnn.H kO I thanelpCAThem in tt 'at- , ..'.. i er rkbf fwn jri dr ir ".4 't , - .-n. K rKK1 H MIX!. t RflV !J 11 VOrlh Frvwt Jt. Wood, Brick and Shingles J V riM L iitPPl.v ' At IKrrruM PhlCE-tj . - ' -V- ' - - , t tbe Painld pLv I ' .... " '.!,.; , 00t h J, A rP;i'GElL We Carry A 8 LAlfUE "AhT A- CoilPLETE a atock X ... . :- . 1 i t Orujra, Patent Mwliotne. 1'otturarry, T U -tand Faev Artlcla, ad atnlhtn usually epc In our line, aa any lru fcurv l.i the. city .km1s roi--lvetl rery wwk,. walca kocpa our lock compete. MUXDd BIM3, PUMTnrUMv j ootT2 ... . , HrikJsu 1 TOO Sets 1 0 V HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, And will wkva an-tber large k of ltugzlea In a few laya. Give ua acalL : . dot 12 OKU f ARIrT Si CO To-Day snarket. J WILL HAVE MY UUAL 'XXCELLCXT upjdy of BEEF, att7TTO, LAMuj VEAL I r : . . . . I PORK. SAUSAGES, Ac, for aula to-day. "... j - I Call and aco aoxae of the prcitltt Sinll Fe4 nerf la tbfl city. ' . JNO. C. BORN;EMAXS,5 Market Street, between Sec-tnd and Third, nov 18 Wo Liquors. JJCT A STOCk OF FRESH. A XO. 1 GDO ;ERIES win bo kept at ur ilors t No. 45, Market Street. AH jjooda sold by cj .will be aa represented. GOOD GOODS AND; SMALLJPIiOFITS XYILL BE OUR MOTTO. ' ytitro ns a trial and bo 0QSvtacol Jt oia-tf R. J. sc AnnoRorcir 'oJ ; New Books. piIE AMEBICANCHATf ERBOX for 151 J Tbo EnfflUh Caatterbbx for 18f. - Webster's Unabridged DicUonory. . : ' . I. - ' ' " - , "" Worcedtr Unabridged Dictionary, ' 1 Jat reotlred and for al5 at 1 nElXflBERGEE'a, Lire Rook and Mnr r nnrt 13 TllO UQSt yOOLEN GOOS SOLD 13 THE Salem Cassimere. nloe kind of SCRSCr for B'a at c par ... ' ' ; ? . yard. 1 A large supply Jtu redenyj from ilm Salem (X. C.) Fartory. wT JS'K J. IIEDRICH, pj in.t", lif U w.'4i.j( , , a lre t4 f -re y.ii 'I'-:, ao nblime toare behind ia ef n fi r trw.n f wekiHytxr wa K r, s os! fn-. No rV-k. ETerrtWnjf ocrr I a;:t.l n-H rnctro-1 ' "e nl f .rh -y.a r-TyfIti. im tsaktsu foioo. I4ka tank- morh aj acn, aa! boj and f ! raiW irat py. Ktradur. 1 T.m vaiC la-l at e.:i. !i roa rtft ifrtat pa all th Um-, Mrrfrn fr trr I.14 I Urn to 1 1, if jm I-tTT-A PoaU d. JI-Lkv. nov lA-dA'ar f 1 I .... " 1 " r.7r's. G. J. Baf:er, pASII105ARU: MILI.IXEKY, ' ' Al Mr, rt-ket:' B-r Pn? . " f Iaa a lanr aid rrfl vrtr-K-;t f LAtIt3 aivl tll!LD:v H vi.,. KIBDX5 lit all th firr r kyW . awrr 7-.M