IJ THIS TAPES 1 1 TI 17 . -4. fci: r .JOSH T. .TAJIKS, IJ T 4iD.-iu:nios iostage paii i " ",.. :., . 9vslh, i ccuU. j 1U iLlji; ill' V V i - of lu per . vi ", 1 .... , - r. ( Gk city, at tut above m i. 1 , V.r w't it? y ai all falW , . . i-. c UC.r pr.'ter rulart y . 77 1 !!vUf ItuViC largest B - - rr n h m " XVt-Aiher Import r ... t;: tnite! freca the U. B. ......... i i ii Vt Isi . -T. 4 . -" ' i T!"tvr- iv? r iivnw- i T - - . . xT ,,v:5.... M......,..7I N.K....4 'tr' ' p . .14....! r.it .;..:.s..;Ai "7)CAL NEWS. " j;, The Bt V , : 1. r-v5 YcJrCharsr?. j v. rrEiOEn "aAiel WooJ. i,r.. r. TiU-.T MoantA'.n If. i;;.i:i.u..tr.-Tli3 are Corolnj O-nrcsi ctmvcnes ncxtMoml.-.y. V.Y.- .l scarce and high iathis market. A!::t!; less tbtn four weiks until .;I:n-t:na. 'H.-! n-ccipta of cotton at th! pirt xt-l '-tby loot up 1,817 ba!f. e I.avca't r-ceivol our ChrUtmas :urey jet, lat tho rctorr.s are not all in 3 t-t. Y.-gi Z3 cents per dozen t retail in r.ty ar.d only a few coming in from tlie ouur.try. The steamship stream, Capt. !i:.:ran. hence, arrivetl at Xct York yotenlay. TI. Superior Court cf Sampson C..;:r.!y. .Judge McKae, presiding con vu -ol at Clinton yesterday. Kr.hwatcr IVrch.Trout and Ulack L';'i !inks xntl line-. A full tscrt n :r.t a;.d Ir.we.t prirt at JACCJl's.t Y.:m men like stylUh furnishing r.rl tKr. n. T!r in ll.i- town , . . iw-. I.crc tliey all ratronizc it i 1) vr.;t s. t ; . The d.j4 of t!:e ThankKiving turkey arotecom:n lesi by decrees but the prior asked lir them, as yet shtvn no ?!ns c fa decline Tha iron trade seems to be at a stand but, judin- from recent revcla ti ?!?. the steal trado ii in a prosperous ar.d nourishing condition. In the State Senate there will ls SI ! -mcrati, 15 Uepublicans and I Ltb rral. In the House there, will be 70 JV.uotrats and 50 Republicans. Frlti.d Springer advertises in this th:t bo 13 fully prepared to furnish nwid wood, and guarantees each cart '.tad to contain one quarter of a cord. ! er.ouzli! The ordinance of baptism was ai m':i:trriHl by llev. J. P. Kin. of tho Sxn.nd Baptist Church, of this city, on San.Iay evening last, in the river at the f-ot f Queen. We have been furnished with .1 re cijhj for making a nlco soup out of a sazzll piece of meat, and now, if tonic or.c will tell u how to cet the meat, h o shall bo in ci.tacies. Thn? usual Thursday nuht Jxcture prayer meeting at the First Iap-L tV. Church, will be omitted this week. In ojnses;r.cnco cf the Joint Thanks ;"v".r.g rcrviccs at the Front Street ileth '.:t Church. I ltcv Tho3. D. Pitts, will repeat, by . Scott, N- XV. Ilarlleo, J. C. Price; cor-?-x:al rtHpiest, bis l6cture oa 'Charle' j responding s;oretary, J. S. I;a; re Hvlcni as a Hoalorist," at Ti!cto?i t cv.rding secretary, N. F. UobfTts; as- l i ;cr Boom this (Tuesday) evt-ninj. j Al! t!,o-e who wish to enjoy a literary ir.a: ii.o-.iiil p. Seats iree. Thy $ma!l boy is in a quandary. He is undecided whether to spend all his money and have a general good time on Thanksgiving day, or wait until Car!tna. We believe, however, that a majority of them have concluded to wait until the latter holiday. It is said that a sharp individual luns perfected an invention for i-olidifyins: whiskey, and incst of tho newspaper men arc discussing tho possibilities this idea devcl'pc, when such a querry as "have yen a piece of whiskey about your"' will Ikj as common as a do isand fo; a piece of tobacco. The Actrj and Observer, says wc had a vwi yesterday from ilr. Glavin. the veteran searcher after "lost caraoftho Wilmington & Weldon railroad. He would make a capital companion br Utt!o Bo-Peep," for when anything is kt he instantly goes after it, and gen erally knows whero to find it. Useful Holiday Present. We know of no better present to be n.atle than a genteel suit of clothing or a fine over-coat, and, of course, to find these, you havo only to step into . tho store of A. & I. Siinir.n, No, 31. Mar ket street.- ) t vol. vr. toninusjiioucr s 3Iectinn:: The CmvAy Commissioner heM a ispcclal &esujn .it their room in Omrt IIoue yc4!erd-!yafu.'r-i4ii. pfc - ent. Cliairr.4i II. A. Ij. aii! Msirs. Moor? a'i.1 Vn!i. Tnc s?--iia was a s!iTt i::c and tIo on!y Iu.Mnoa trans jrctc-J v:a the pasasof a gene ral or- p.iymeut of doah!e lax for t!w year Another StcaniHliip Alcl. Tf;e Steamship &tn!i hoaninso has been place! n the lini bctwucn this city and Now York, in connection with th Guff Stream. Regulator and Bene fiicizr. Wo wid havoitemuhip arrivals from Now York at h:s port, by the inth o! iiejeniwr. Wc are glad to: ehrnic!o these facts as it U an evidence ot increased busluc3 aiaoni; .ur nier c'unts and will afford them -greater facilities for setting their Chrikmas supplies. Tlionnonictrical. j ' From til? Signal OUica in thin city we obtain the following n-cord jof the thermometer, at the points named, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon: Atlanta 17;. Au.gustv 50 ; Charleston 51; Charlotte -15 ; Cedar, Keys CO ; Gal veston 51; Havana 84; Indianola 45; Jacksonville C6; Key. West 80; Mont gomery 53; Xcw Orleans 73 Palestine (Texa3) 45;' IVnsaco'.a G3; Pox-t Kads 72; Puuta Ka.5sa 71; Savannah 53; Wilmington 53. j Criminal Court. This tribunal convened at the Court House yesterday morning. His Honor, Jud;jc Mean's, presiding, whil Mr. Solicitor Moore appeared in the interest of the State. Little was done during the morning scasion save selectins the grand jury, which is composed of the following prsons: f 1 ... foreman, and Mes Mr. II.l III Eilers. srs Hosta Shepherd, Geo Hatson, T 1) Tolar. .1 S McEach em, II X Purr. Geo M Crapon. I) B Humphries, II Purkhimcr, Jr, J W Woolvin.llP Ila'.l.C II Edkis. EE Green, Edward Telfair, John II Craig, Henry (Jreen, P Palentine aud A J Scarborough. We have heard both j Demcrats' and Uepublicanii say that there is nhthin better for a Cough than Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup; this old reliable remedv never tailj to cure a Cough or Cold at once, and mav be obtained at any drug store for-25 cents a bottle. j Personal. I Rev. Geo. Patterson. D. D., who has lKcn resident at Palestine, Texas, has accepted, at therequest of tho Bishop of thi Diocese, charge of the jEpiscopal Parish at Tyler, Smith county, which will bo his address until further not too. Dr. Patterson lias not j yet decided whether he will remain permanently or but temporarily, in charg-i of ids new parish. t The State Colored Teachers' As sociation. ' The above named Association, which was in M-ssion in Ualeigh last week. atljourneil on Friday last. The follow ing officers wero elected, for the ensuing year: President, It. C. Crosby; vice presidents. A. I licks, Jr., E. E.. Smith, E. E. Green. XV. 11. Harris, iV. A siitant recording secrotary, u. T. Jack- son; treasurer. C;esar Johnson. The Xcwsawt Observer speaking of Governor Jarvia' address i before the Assxiat ion, says: . It was full of sound logic and gofd advice. Iloexprsted his hearty sym pathy wills thtf movement and his in terest in the welfare :nd prress of the c!rol pi-ople. He had ahvas. win-never duriug po!ihuI exirer thw fubjtvt hail been up f.r deussiii. al voc&ted liberal appnprialioi:s for the education of tlm ciored pe'le of the State. Ho considered it the duty of the State to educate a.l its hiidren, irre spective of race or condition. It was a plcaure to him to be able o say that the good resulU ot this policy were ckarly apparent in the decrease of crime among the colored people of the State, lie urged teachers to instruct by example a well as1 by precept, to urge upon their people the importance of getting homr and acquiring mate riat wealth. If be had lira power bo ruld lift the colored race far up from the im ranec and poverty into which cireuinstances had placed them- H jidvitl teachers to inculcate; am n the pcop'.o a spirit cf itulependence. which vt)n!d allow every man to txer ciso his right to vote as he sees fit; to treat crimo and immorality with the contempt which it deserves, and in this way to miio tho siandanl f moraU amonj tho people. The Gorcrmr re-, mark & wrm iironblv rvceiretl. and I marked by frequent applause. AtthojBaiko bite.. II r. Barnes suCl-red in- clse of his address, a vote cf thanks vta3 moved by J. S.Lca. and carried unanimously. W rLMINGTON. N. C;; TUE5 i Deatii of 3Ir. Lohtioit Ctt. Ileui,- A. I rnlon, a r.aiivs ami f.ir many ycara of hU iitoa rtM-r.t i0,!'J"Jnirt0. cton'ay nutrtuiv at PiitslMro. in the 75ih year.f his ae. For many mouths past ilr.l Iondon Iiad lecn asugerer from fteeero acute rhutua.ic attacks, but.it' has only Ixen ofiatethat lU lite had been despaired of. Ho had led an active.' iut-ot-dtor life, and ; v. ben the ooufii;cuie;.t came it was a soi-u nClictiuu in one of his habi.s. .His sufferings were intense, il being at times almut impossible to touch him without caushig him the niost severe agony, yet be bore it ail WitU scarcely a murmur and when the end came, perfectly conscious " of tho pres ence of the grim king of. terrors, with tho gentle, confiding faith of a child, he y;ebled up. hU fcoul to tliu liLds of his Maker. - - Mr. London was widely known and universally esteemed and re-specti-d aa an honeit, upright. Christian gentleman,.one who en deavored to walk uprightly," and who by example, as wollas influence, strove to lead others into the right paths. H was for many years past, and uni.l jhis affliction compelled him to re linquish the task, the lay reader ot St. Bartholomew's Church. Ho was indeed a good man, ono whose lightshall thinc and whose influence for good shali linger long after the gate3 of Paradise have closed behind him. Mr. London was about. 75 years of age. He leaves Ave sons and three daughters, and a loving, affectionate wife, one whoso devotion, to him has been unceasing and almost unparalleled City Court. There wero two cases yesterday morning for the consideration ot the Mayor. Tho first called wai that of John II. Giles, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, for which lie was sentenced ,' to deposit $10 in the city treasury. j Fanny McDonald also colored, was tho next case on tho docket, charged with the same offense. She was dis charged. ' i STATE' NEWS. ' i Shelby Aurora: Mr Jacob Hogue has this year made on sixty-live acres of ordinary land. 49 bales of cotton, and raises his own corn aud bacon at home. Whitevillo Enterprise: An! obi col ored man named linger Bright, alias Tinker Baldwin, aged 8S years, claims to have been the first to dig a grub on the Court House square when it was first clearod up. Wilson Adcancc: Mr Jarrelt Webb, of Edgecombe, raised fourteen bales of cotton on eight acres of laud. - Tues day night Air J W Thorne.'s gin house, atout four and a hall miles Northeast of Wilson, was burned. The ios3 is $1,300. Ho was insured for S(X). It was withoul doubt the work of an in cendiary. Tarboro SoutJitrner: Died, - near Whitakers, N. C, Saturday, 11th inst. Mr. Joseph Williford, aged 76 years. The deceased was well known through out thi3 county as a good man and first, rale farmer. Ho was the father of Lt. Wiley Williford, a brave toy killed at the battle of Fort Fisher, below Wil mington. Chatnam Record: A colored man, named Dock Andrews ii'Itd an eaale. in Iladley township, a. few days ago, that measured six teet and eight inches from tip to tip. It is said to have been a veritable "American bald eagle " A friend informs us of a practical joke played on two newly married couples at the recent Baptist Convention. He says that two ou pies went to the con vention on their bridal tour and that ho committee of arrangements as signed the bride to a home at one end ot the town ami the ;roni to a home at another end of the lowu ! I Charlotte Journal: Another interest jing runaway marriao U-ok place muht before last, tn parties being .Mr. rvat Savaue and Miss Houston, daughter f Mr. Frank Houston. While the family t the bride were at ehtireh Mr. Savage rode up to the residence of Mr. Hous ton and taking his bride, who came out to join him. the two proceeded to the reaidtneeof llev. G. I). 1 Parks, several miles in the country, where the knt was tied, atter which they returned to the hou-e of a mutual friend in the city. This k51 aid sucoesslul effort to get his brido is said to be the third which Mr. Savage "has made within the last two years, ' Charlotte Observer : Senator Vance's investigation com mittre is at work in Morgnnton. and nearly every revenue oflictT in the land has been summou.-d to the scene of action. Two color ed men go: into a quarrel at Kck Hill, day betoro yesterday, about wmnati and oik murdered th other , in chan c teristic Siivagery. The miik-s i f th two men wcroLoJvis Pett'grew and Sandy Workman and Workman wa lain with an axe, which cut a great hole in his Ule. "-Mr. John H Barne-. who lived in the upper edge of tho countr. near the Cabarrus - line. cxme t thn city ycattnlay wilh a hana that u;w swelled up almrt tho size nT hi head, tho result o! a C5oprcrhal came to thn city yesterday wilh a hand teusely from the bite, and says that it was only the most liberal potations of liquor that eaved ci3 Die. DAY,1 N0VEXIJ3 ER Tin: jLvir-sv Ti-rs:r.!? rlov? ?vi &rrt- at tiw City Ict ; OSi-e S5 fttUOMT J - , CIieE. . " '. i JL:!M$h ...... S..TV. M. - r-l i. t" A. I Hull inr t:. .. C. tUtir.vt.t : inc A. Ni. C. fta:'rojt a A. l-i, t Sovthcni fa:; tz .i.'t r.-irti r,k.r . ? ialiy .'1 A M. u?A . 1. 51 . Wert.'rr: mifls (C. C S.;ilvavj tiii?j ; ; (cxjc:X uu.Liv .t . 1 . . . - -. ..xco 1. il c4rh r.5i. StH for CSx-aw utl lMr:aMi Ka i- 1 ro-5i 30 A . M. a S.00 P. il. j SJai.5 f r founts b-:-rvr. ,fn Flrcce . cl Cliar.-on. ... Z" S . XI ha.il S.OO P. M FayettcvttVsbtof5rn- fear tilver, Tue lay wv.l r;i-Lif .1.00 i. U, TiiyettuviJ. vU. t;iVubeiioa. ialiy, exoepfSuiKtayif.l... 5.C0 V. 3J. nelov C. n. ani fc'.emieULite pa I ce, TucsftayB arvt t"rit.-y ...... ..C0 A. IL S!ltUvl!leni:ub,bytoinljatt,iail7 i . Cexcept suatiars) 5f for Es.-v II'.U, Tov Creek, hs.Uette.3n.i lAtlls IV.rcz. Tuca- days aoIf Krttlaj!. .00 A. 5L i OPfcN FOE DEUVEKV. Wrirttvi!j!?, daUy l...u.U)A, M. iertuera lUruuU aud vra.y nuilta I T.jO wad 8 Oi A. ?J. Southern Mali. -7.;U) A. M. CitrolS Ontral R&Uroad A. 11. Mall CrtHc-cted from etroet boxc every day ats.:50 P. M. 1 Stamp OUi oyen from A. JL to ri M., anl trn 'I to ft. S P. 21. Muncyonlex- and UegUt'r Hepartinmrt oiwu same as tamp otilee. st.tmvx for ale In Tnall qu;uiUtietiit goccral telivery when etauip oflic is closet. it-nera.! delivery open fi-oro laylljrht Ubirk mil nn Sunlarn from S.so U A. M iIYii 7 ( LOVnOV.Tn Pi-lsboro. N. il, on the cjornlna: of tho 27 li lit. , after lo g, ad tt5 Tero illneea', Bufc.NuV A. L UDOS, issel 75 cart. 1 I N EW. A O V EI6TI S KM E NTs SAWED WOOD! ! J AM F0LLY PrjEPAUEDTO MEET ATX orders for Fawed Wood GUATtAHTKFIKG each c-trt load to ro tala a full 14 cord or FOKFKIT the pame. 1 C'i.OOO Shiujjles, various sizes and kinds. nov 2S J. A. SPBIJiGER. Agents Wanted- A GETS WASTED AGAINST A HIGH commission for the sale of Tickets of T ot tfilcs. jniannt'-ed ly 'he tate. jivovhlvd witii prizes up to Mnrks 250.(K0 ! lor parilculars apy'y oflice of this paper, enlj: - I M. M., IIaInbarB, Ga. Ct nor 28 dec.7-3. Riountain Beef. J HAVE BOUGHT FROil SIR. ISAAC P. Kaodcs, the entire cargo of j . MOUNTAIN BEEF brought by him from Walhalta, South Ca.x-o-Bna. It Is the finest lot ot Beef brought to thl market, thi season. I Will have It on sale every morning thU wetk j I GtO. F. TILLEY, Second Street, near Market. nov. 53 St. ; For Sale. JJURISG THIS WEKIT, FURNITURE act HOUSEHOLD GOODS at private jealj. Ap plr at wt. John's Kector7, BOV J2t "By Special Request rpnE REV. TH03. D. PtTTa, Iteciox of St. John Church, will reioat h'ta Lecture on! Charles Dickcira 3 a Huiuoiia." in 1 i!estim Upper Room, on IUKDAV fc-VEN SG, .No em icr 2Sth, at 8 o'clock. The puulic rts c;t dially invitod. -enU i ice. nov Stf 2t THE BES T O' F CniLDUES'S AND BOYa C: OT1IING f roa one of the firt Manufaetori' a in the U. ! 1 , S. Well mad-3. well cut. well trimtnod ami porfect fitting. MCNSON his tho. nov 25 j , Save up your Change. DOUT DECEMBER !?t, I will open up one of the ljrgcat and best asoorted stocks of HOLIDAY GOODS I ever oUered to lh-i Wllxnlogioa public. It Is uclcs3 to try to eaunicrate, togTeat'il ths variety of pretty t!dn-s. nov 23 YATK? BOOK STORE. A Word TO TUT The ne-r Fumitnra StT-e of ehread X Mi.i r.". s. K. G.mer M ,r- Inj oM.il ned Irff suck f FuriitiiTv cctitlPr. B. J. JACoUi, of incl.r L'tecrve Inr.ff credit, wl't mI1 iha Mima t whJ-ilj and i U - - : - : f i :. reud 1 tw-r . ent Itwer iha f.zy hf is in tu. i t te. Q.ilck hxIm aoid ch are dsir otj o a Staple & Fancy Groceries. JgA'.ON, AlOLAEi. SUGAR.. COFrEE, rar. Eloc Lard. Heal, Cracker. Cand-. e r CLecse, Oytcr, alooa.f trdlaca, Creu4 Pio , pxration, Soda, Soap, f torch, Lye. Petailx. Pot eala by v tox ti JvET.CHNEIi & C AIDE 3 ESOS. 23. ! SS2. NO. 2S3 ti f ; J ltf i 1 ix. lw , ' .- J . . " " 5 and 7 NcrtJi l"roat St. COS TUIi SEASON" TTH-.' OFFER THE ' '. j .. .v.:, T,ABGST AM HOST COllTIXTE ' j. ; .;: ; - ... -; . :: . - : JL&O RTM ET CI . HOSlEltT; FOR , Ladies', Gents' & Children Our piioe aro wlilioufc doubt a Irr b , -LJJj i r;1 t t.uy cau be bisiitltt.."tb.3 "countiT- " .' UNDERWEAR!-: .1 ... At no tliae Lavo vre evtr. loeia so thoi-ouslity ! preparetl In -the above;. tlx. ty average . 1 - l -- -- : - er coct 1 wei i -. . . j . year' priie - jLlN.EMS;-.I:. -;,v--i Our linen Tabic Damasks, tapVlns, DoIU?' and Towela are rea!l7 worthy bf epecial attention. We a e . 'S;rluf oiue . Very Decided Bargains j In thosu vblch "cafinot fail to attract '"."C' , "..'- I .J'. the attention of sll gooil ' liousckoepo:s. Give 11s a Call and See for Yourselves. ' 5 and 7 Xortli Front titMj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EYEIY WEEK JAM RECEIVING SKW fUPLlEb BY Stcsiaer ami by liall, cf U cf th? lAtt anl - 7 I -r most ii?sirable articled I21 ni7 Hue. ' Th; ' I ...... 1 Millinery DeparLBiGnt iscoaipleto, tiid tLe Ladies arc respectfully! i 1 --. . - . I invited to a close inspection oi tic sf-jck:. It is a plaurc to us 'to dlnHy orxr g-!jil awi wc areconQuoat that for excellence of rautcrlal, beauty of design and low fccale of prices, we Citnuot be excelled . , ! Miss E. Kafrer,! nov 12 l - .Exchange CmtJpt The Holidays are 'Opming, XD I A M Si Y il display cf a well aij-ried M. A KING A LARGE flock from London. Paris, Vienua aud American markets. - ' he tjc'ectl.-n will be appreciated by the ran'. refivjed taetc.-. LK-jrant hh.w Ca-rs are filled, with tha aioS beauUfsI gnfciw. , . . . ' .. , :;v! ;;r . anl s-caa now ca!l and EX-iL3 cl-:Uor Ix fore the rueh. , - . A cordial Luvltation I exlecdcd tor all at IIElVSBKKGKir; IJve Book. aO'l Mu-1C .:ore Tax Notice- , . ; J WJLL DS IN WILMIKUTOX. OS TUS5 DAV, 25Ux Xovoalr receive taxes. I r. W. TAYLOR, t'Lertif nor rtrnn-I':k ". mtr. If You Wish to See T i.lorie.t th oi fc' Saddle 2Iir&-3 &. J t iu raiUr in v.mi tou, jt e (ij t ti. vi. tu W. UK.v A Ci? t fear a iste-j Leu t a a aU otaer nitic t,x ?EiWl jry ee.ui.li.k crsat, for It U tio iU.e tj tt ihca. Salt. Salt. SiU r r(( U7EUTC0L r ALT. U,U U 1 la rr:t-vd Sa. j . Pir al3 sj . 1 r-o? Z HCnCUMi- CALDE BH03J ' j 'e Jcr!f-f?rrjnn.!ci 'vv.!t t. ' 1 Njnv ad v Kin j s ! ;3ii:xr. CHUISTMAS TOYSj ivy toys f-v Cii i-toi. wit? Vr; irrapir.Ur n.lataM tfcr cror . c Sis c'fsj X4-i h. tr.-. i:rr3. I? Cc-zr f-e irro la a rtiy or wD p 1,. 05. M AXPACTTJDTXG j'HAil AOTiTi. , BROADWAY, NEW YOjSU, AVD WltMlXGTON, y. C. nov T2 iis. 8, J. Baker, JJ ATS AND COMETS. All grado asd quality. ; Pxipt to suH ibo CQtotsr, ( feet Street, clove Ito6DUi.' fhoo Storfw '" ". ' 1.- ' - ' . W. E. Springer & Co., ; - (Succe-sorii to John Dv.ron & Co.) f AGOX WHEELS, AXLES, Tlr Iron, 'ur'jry'; 'Sulky; ar-d.Cmt WUtcls t all kimU Nan, Pw er.ilut, Cap. xvt iri:i-ih4 U'i.ar., Il'i.f, Hi .rin f vt-ry dccr:ptioa. 1S. :i and Si ilatMrt cl t, ' n v '26 VVUuIng:on, SC Black D i am p n d g I JJO W TH kX K PARK Lh. TH I KIND OT wftihcT. Jnst try 1. to at S7 knd mix la a ord or so of Oak ai.d Ack Vf 4 ad yow will not regret it unlc you frjrrt it j ; nov so v ---'j j. A.bpAixcna. PROMPT ATTENTION - ' . - ' - . .. i 'llO CUSTOM SMALL ritOFITS AXT j i . 1 - ooc:ectioul7 Lec-ping every pnmfa made ' " : " ' ' ' ' , : K buyers, haa tnUt trp a large and rapidly La- , ..,; j crcatiog business. Wo pmnUe all fair aid ': ' ,'t. . - .. k.uorable troalxaent, r00 oyin and tie lew. ?t livlag price at vthlck thoy can 1ms soldi . GivenatrUL Crapon & Piclcett. Great Bargains. 1 OH riECI?S 7SE8T-BLACK ML8. CJ HATlNi ASlt ELAciv CASS. 1 Of) POZ GSRMAX AMH111SH J INEX A vv i owele, Blanket &a Doate.tL, to U sold at reduced price. Will closa out wjr f attro sttck t G.t, nruestls,, Tapettry, IrjraiB, 8 p!y. t! VITc Mattls. Coll od cntitm Vafer lsgeTewhrs. Alw, full atook f Cltki?g ad Ua4irzkrta , from iho ckcapest U tho fcet. : IrMt k , ofEcdand WLlie Fiaaael. - .. COL tiOvrG Murk" PL 100 Sets Qr HAK.S3S3 JCST UECE1YED, ol will have iujtsr ixrya it of Jtozxl !a s ttw l i 1 GItctis aeall. nor 125 GSUTIARDT Jk CO. FJo Liquors. JUT A STOCK 6r YRZiXU a so. i cno. CrlTHES will bo kerlat our atorc, .i i No. 45, Market Street, All ood soM by na mil be a rrprwenti. &X)l GOODS AND SMALICPCOFirS WILL bi: oui; MOTTO. ;-lve c a trial' s.c lr CAnt isi rj ,wdlf. IL J. SCARBOROUGH A CO. v BUTTER I ;' QILTEDGE, OLUOHAriGAniKr. 4 TEAS. V" s I XOLA&5E3, rc A-., i.. In, FcrriaJoat Ijiv ptlro Ky BeRosset 2 Xjuv CAN'T- KL'Hi TilEIi ! ARoyvcr l':-t cijcctL 5e.-id j-osr .-rdcrs. t;ov?3j , t" 4 PAPJirU TATXC:

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