TtlW TAPER X JOSH T. .TABIE8, . k - ..nth will b delvered by carrier free : a " . - -- ..... ttwr. at th thaM 4 , , w!P4 yd all fall- ..i-tbetr paper teEalariy. r r""' Aii'y Hcr ieft hat ike InrgcmX r-niation. qf nrty newspaper j CENT COLUMW. irnrid in A ro- crlinf, earh irweriion. es (tan 30 cento tri7? if'irttJcni:. i R LESS MONEY AT vitfeey can bo baxt el rtr. 1 1 AT FOR LE1! MF.T AT' a icy can be bought ee dec S Mh.ElXO VETS AT HAMS'. MR B1MO VEST AT HAHN . i .v i.Y iinor-Bataacs of Stock .-,1 m.rdtcMetcee M- isKKT CtOO 1S -Belaaee of bteclr .,;uiN patents now number 396. More than were ever beforo granted to at man. The statue to Gen. Iee, at Ixsxing ton. Va.. wiH be unveiled in June next, and cx President Davis will deli rcr the addons. Senator Beck, in his grim way. said the President's message reminded one, of the boy that had been whipped : he was full of promises of reform. The machinery of the new cotton mills at Charleston was tested on Wed acsday and found O K. Tho mill has 15.000 spindles and cost nearly S 1 000,- A new tern -screw steamer, an armor plated barbatle ship, is to be built for isa British Navy. She will be 10,000 tans. 75,000 horse power and will cost t 000.000. Two cent letter postage is to be pro vided for in the post office Appropria tion bill thi- year by order of tho House ol Representatives. This is a step in the right direction. There is a chance of finding out what has become of the money taken from Jay HuobeU's committee before eloc tkm, a resolution on the subject having been introduced in Congress. New York is prolific in sensations. Mr Henry Rich, a wealthy New York merchant, disnppea roil very suddenly on Moml.iT night whn within a few blocks ol his home and hasn't been seen since. There is no reason lor an extra se ston of Congress," saidMr. Cox."for tlu IV ai. vmts would certainly not veride their great principle of ecnnmy for toe s ike of a few officers. H an extra ses S .n i called the responsibility faff it will b - placed on the Republicans." 1 1 "' "' "" a The House of Representatives hap passed a bill awardins (35.000 to the State c.f Georgia tor mooey alleged to san been spent in defence of the Union io 1777 This is about the oldest claim oa record. It is to be hoped tha. lh State isn't holding back a demand lor Id years interest on the money J Hi hone has not yet secured the con trol,. the R. & I). R R . although he has been moving heaven ami earth to succeed. Those who say that Mahone want it or wouldn't have it W know what they are talking about One. M: hone's hands the R. & I. may as wetl hang up iu shoestring fid die. M The Supremo Court o! the United Slates honored itself ami the cause of right and justice in deciding that the title to the Arlington estate rests in the hiers of Gen. Lee. U is a singular fact that Chief Justice Waite and J us eless Gray. Bradley and Woods, who disaeMed from the decision, are all bit ter Republicans, seated, as they are, on the Supreme Bench of the land. Simon Bear RnraCTrVLLY ANNOUNCES THAT HA tkaa embarked In the Taltortaa bairn an - sott m bjffeai aaaaaeafiaWas Butrgies ! Buggies ! VEW AKD SJtCOD HAND FO SALE v ':" aartaloa. ' T. J SOUTHKaXAni, "-PC tf UTery and MleStaldea PUROELL HOUSE. WTtJCUftiTOS. H. C T. Stay a betwaaa naawaflaaf The OIj. VI. LOCAL NEWS. IHOEX TO NEW AOVESilSEMESrS. See t-ahn's arts. Mt'saojTs Now DMacKa.-N ice. Jscw Iwo Fawaa. J K Mki.ToS BcauUful. HniiE to-alp Notice. Y ate. cbrlstra-i Goods. S B Vjjcccst Uphoisterer. C05lv Moaua Anclioa. J A grarccEK Sawed Wood. MCGOWA5-not Tool A Je tt. Krv Thomas D Prrra lactam. c Mrin-Tle Epeocn Water. Mrsna Rao Ask Yonr Dealer. William n G.ejcn Garden Peas. Hkukbsbgeb Cbiiatmae Presents. OrtE.v House Callendar" Mmtrel. JjtO C Boa"E3lAJJ To-day's Market. P ABKBS ft Tatlou Can't Keep Them. :.T ft Msjkcis Orange: ranges? The holiday will be upon m witbin two weeks. We will have tho new moon on Sun- day morning Col. U. B. Short, of Flemington. was in i no city yesieruay. New River oysters retailed from carts this morning at 75 cents a gallon. Very nice Myrtle Grove oysters sell now for from 65 to 90 ceats per bushel. Maj. J. C. Winder arrived in the city on Thursday, from Raleigh, in his spec cial car. The wood and coal dealers were hap py this morning and they had cause to feel some slight measure of rejoicing. Wood is retailing from the flats to day for a dollar a load of what is sup posed to contain a quarter of a cord. The December moon will fill the day before Christmas and if the nights at that time are clear it will be bad for the fireworks. The Xmas trade is brisk and lively, and already the pop of the crackers and the toot of the horn is heard at distant intervals. This morning was decidedly the cold est of the season. Ice formed in all ex posed localities, and in many instance-tin the house. The quantity of beef. Prk, poultry eggs and other necessaries and Christ mas accessories in the market is unu sually large, and so are the prices. The Daily Review still present itself as the best advertisimr niediu ti uiihlished in this eity. We have a few w. In nins specially reserved for Xni.e ads. , Man wants but little here below, not wants that little long, yet when he eall lor "half-a-dozen on the half-shcir l e al ways wants tight oysters and kj K the biggest in the flock. We are sincero iu informing am f iends that this issue of the Review i not a fair specimen f what it will be i th. near feature. We will get regular l into the new business in a day or two and then, look sharp! To Builders and others Go to Jaco Vs for Sash, Blinds and Doors. Glas Ac. You can get all sizes and at th lowest prices Rev. Thomas D. Pitts will deliver a lecture at the Tileslon Upper Room this evening. commencing at 8 o'clock. Th subject selected Tor tbeoccision is The Crusades Then Causes and effects." Seals arc free and the public is invited- Our correspondent at Wal!ace(Duplin Road) dots us to say that there weie shipped from that place last month. 61 bales of cotton. 234 casks spirits tnrpen tine. 300 barrels rosin. 86 do. crude turpentine and tar, and 16,600 lbs. of merchandise. Our Ten Cent Column. Attention is called td the new feature inaugurated by us to-day and which will be found in the first column of the first page of this issue. This is a 'en cent column." wherein short ad rarHcoments ol wants, losses, finds, or oven the sale of merchandise, may be advertised at a very moderate cost. It will be borne in mind, though, that no advertisement will be inserted for less than 30 cents. Th Telegraph to Clinton. A note from Mr. H. J. Charles, the gentleman who has been engaced in getting up the stock for a telegraph line from Clinton to Fayetteville, informs as that he will soon have the electricity plying between Clinton aad Wilming ton. We are very glad to chronicle this tact. Mr. Charles has worked very iniasell aad faithfully to seen re this line aad wears glad to know that the good people ot Clinton are soon to be placed In close connection with the oat lide world. Daily Kkvikw. WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER Magistrate's Court. Charlotte Smith, olored, was ar reted and brought before Justice M1 lis to-day, charged with an assault and hattery on Nancy Smith, also colored. The defendant submitted, paid the costs, and was discharged. Humpty Dumpty. The Opera House was crowded last night to witness the varied pertorm ance of Tony Denier' s pantomime ! troupe, aad those who west far the pur ; pose of haying an uproarious laugh 1 were fully gratified. With one or two I exceptions the performance was oxcel j lent. Silvo, the Innovator, performed some astonishing feats. The skipping j i rope dancing of Miss Josie Southerland waa TeTy graceful aad pleasing, but her ginging was not so good. Schilling:, the nne man brass hand, did flnelv. and the Indian club exercise, by Hartell. was extraorainaruy goou. xue uuu sonital bar performance was very good although we have seen much better. The ether attractions were good. Of course, it is needless to speak of Miaco. . Jt M I TL. 1 2 .the Humpty Dumpty of the occasion, for he is too well known throughout the country to need commendation from ns. Suffice to say that he, as the cen tral figure in tho performance, kept the audience convulsed with roars of laughter from the beginning to the end of the entertainment. Military Matters. There was a meeting of the Commis sioned officers of the Second Regiment of North Carolina State Guard held at the Armory of the Wilmington Light Infantty yesterday for the purpose of electiag Field Officers. Capt. E. F. McRae, of the Shoe Hee Rifles. was called to the Chair, he being the senior officer present, and Lieut. E. A. Oldham, of the Wilmington Light Infantry, was made Secretary. The election resulted as follows : Colonel A. H. Worth, of Fayette ville. Lieut. Colonel Captain James G. Kenan, ol the Duplin Rifles. Major Captain E. F. MeRae, of the Shoe Heel Rifles. The Wilmington LUht Infantry, Sampson Light Infantry and Shoe Heel Rifles wore represented by officers, ami 1 1 Anson Guards and Anson Veterans by proxies. A Convention of the State Guard will be held in Raleigh sometime in lanuaiy to take steps towards the draft ing of a bill to be presented to the Leg islature, having in view the enactment of a law lor its sostentation. Fearful Tragedy. Florence Morris, a well-known oyprianof this city committed su cide at about 11 o'clock yesierday forenoon, in the residence which she has occupied or a number of years, on McRae, be tween Mulberry and Chestnut streets, and which is known as the "Fan Tur ner" house. She was alone in the houe at tho time of committing the deed, al tnough a colored woman had been with her a few mo uents previously, to whom Florence had said that she meant to kill herself as she was alone and had no friends. She had a pistol in her land at the time, and soon after the colored woman left tho fatal shot was tired which terminated a fearful life by an awful deed. Hearing the report of a . a 1 i aa a-i t ho I the pistoitne coioreu .... ... : h uise and found the suicuie upon me floor in a dying condition, entirely un oonscious and the blood streaming from a wound in her head. Assistance was at once summoned, but before any could reach the house she was dead. Officer Howland, of the Police force. was soon present and at once took con trol of the house. Coroner Jacobs, hirimr been notified of the fact, sum moned a jury, who repaired to the house and haying taten losum.nj auu j tho hodv. returned a verdict that the deceased came to her death oy a pistoi j je?al quctions to-day between shot wouad intticted by her own hand, i distigllished coun9Ci Tho deceased was. we believe, a na- live of Virgmuv but has been in this There were two cases before the May city for several years. Two of her sis- j or this morning charged with disorder tere have lived hero, but both are dead . j ly conduct. A fine of $1 was imposed Geneva, one of the sisters, died a few j in each case, which was paid, months ago from the combined effects - - , D & . of an over-dose ol laudanum, the use of which had become with her a confirm - ed habit, nd dissipation. Since tn death of Geneva the deceased had seem- TSZlize her loneliness, and when not under the influence ol intoxication. aa verv much depressed. She was a m. nt about w years 01 age, anu before sin and debauchery had done urn vmmm i - . . m . terrible work moat have bly -good-looking. Freahwater PercluTroat and Lksaad lines. Aran ent tad swwBSt ptksi JaookW To Our Frienils. Two days ago. in announcing the a ul persons aui: hebeey icnancmn nf tntx n t n t WrviiMr imIIi. caufloaed aad lorewarnotl s ispension ot tno Uailt Kfa ikw. we av.nirit (V were frank iu the intention tKcre ex-1 f 'toexrew of N , . A. , . j Cant. Soniifwn-.asneitiicr tb Hi- Wi- m pressed by us. frr the present at leaft tororCoaeignces v.-ii! ivpoa- to confine ourselves to the publication ! "f-?,My ht!t ,w'u'd,rriDKft ro of the weekly VIL'GT Jotkstal But this determination was set aside and negatived ao cuiphaticauv by the protest of perhaps a hundred friends, that we were induced almost before U e ink on our last morning issue was dry to promise to resume the publication ft the Review as an evening paper. Having once made this promise we de- a i tcrmined that there should be no delay j in rnrrrinf it into eftt md 'enre We ! in carrying u. into eueci ami ..eucc e produce this altcrnoon the first issue ... , e tv r ! under the new order of Htlairs. e t trust it to the kindly and friendly criti cisms of our readers in the hone that it may meet with commendaiion and apt proval. We have not, as yet, lost one sub scriber or one advertiser either by this "change of base." On tho contrary we have gained already a handsome list of subscribers and several valuable adver tising patrons. We will do our best to merit a continuance of favor. Acknowledgement. We desire expressly to tender our ac knowledgements to the many friends who, on the announcement of tho sus pension of the Review, came forward so promptly with their warm words of sympathy and encouragement, and their kind offers of help and continued sup port. More than one offer of pecuniary assistance was tendered, but of course declined by us. We had na idea that either the Review or its publisher had so many warm friends in this city, and their words were pleasant to our ears. The Publishers of the Richmond, Va.. Enquirer heartily recommend Dr. Bull's Couffh Syrup and say. "It has been well tried in our flice and com poking room, and has eared our city editor of a very had case of Bronchitis. A Caution. Such weather a we have had to-day makes plenty of firewood a necessity. It is to he hoped that in keeping warm, however, no carelessness may cause the burning; of any buildings. Such weather is the time when houses are most liaoh; to be burned, and it is most irenerally the case that the neglect of proper caution is the cause. Every one having control of buildings, or who is in any wa responsible for their safe ty and preservation, should see to it hat destruetion of property should not oecur through any neglect or careless i.ess on his part. Callendar'ai Minstrels. Our fun and music loving citizens should remember the entertainment to be given at the Opera House on the eveninj of Monday, the 11th inst. The Company has been here in years gone by and gave very great satisfaction. We learn that the Company has received many important additions since then' and will present entirely now features in songs, dances, jokes, burlesques aud sketches. We seethe Company is well spoken of in other Southern cities where they have given entertainments this season. Superior Court. The Superior Court yesterday, His Honor. Judge McRae, on the Bench, was occupied in the discussion of the ofJithn McRac vs. the Wilming ton & Weldon R. R. Co. This suit is the result of the fact that about eighteen months ag Col. McRae, who had gone to Washington City on an excursion train, attempted to return by another train than specified on the bills and the i ticket and refusing to pay his fare was i nn( nff fostrs f fxtnton and fe. . c, f ,Va tiff and Messrs Geo. Davis and Stcd man is Latimer for the defense. The j igsae inVolvel is in poinU of law and j Knon snmn shim pnwin(rs t qaanUtiesor popular Clouded Au-1 , Half Hoge pair LnU thcy ire satjgfaction. t j Useful Holiday Present. ; wc know of no better present to be i Uade than a genteel suit of clothing or a Une over-coat, sou, 01 course, uuu you have only to step into the Ion of A. ft I. Shrike, No, 34 Mar ket streeL t Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco CiV t 8. 1882. NO. 280 SEW ADVEUTISEMEXTS HOT TOM & JERRY vs Bay. Cigars, Lag-cr Gixe the Tar Hce dee S FOUND ! DKB THE OLD NATION. HANK, corner i-rost ana rnn ces sireei. uor.n h . ki i;nii!RterlDir. I Clraolsfr aod Rep&inog Fnraltate, Making and HcnoTrattag4ftaturesee, Uniting nvA Lav- (! .P carpet , alf with, neatness ad disiutcb.. JNO. 'W. BfSQ. . ' lEOXURE, rjUIE GKCSAJME S THEIS CAl'ES AKD EFFECTS a Lecture hy Iter. THOMAS D. PITTS, in Tilesion Upper Eoom, FRIDAY, December 8. r.t S p. m Seata free. -t dee S-lt Auction Sale of GROCERIES, FIXE LIQUORS, &c.,iip stare of U. Dltgen, Marjcetand Fifth streets, will bo bold at Auction on g2 MONDAY NEXT. 11th inst.. at 10 o'clk, a.m. CR0M.Y & MORRIS. Auct'rs. dec. 8 2t OrangesOranges ! CARGO OF BR. SCHR. MABLE DAR LING, from Nassau, in store, for sale at following figures: i 1,000 $18,00 5,000 $17,00 IO'oOO $10.50 No more expected. dec 8 It CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctr'a. Garden Peas ! Garden Peas ! T HAVE A LARGE STOCK OFTTIEEAR I Host vnri.tift. also teasouable Seed of all kmrifl Prices iruaranieed as low as New York, Philadelphia or jsoi-ioik WlLLLAM H. GRKEN, Drag-net. Market Street. dec 8-nao-tf SAWED WOOD ! ! . j AM FULLY PREPARED TO MEET ALL orders for Sawed Wood. GUARANTEEING each cart load to co tain a full V4 cord or FORFEIT the same. i 65,000 Shingles, various sizes ana kinds. dec 8 J. A. SPRINGER. H. B. VINCENT, -TJPHOLSTERER AND FURNITURE and Carp Maker, Second Sheet opposite South erland'a Sial lea. Will be pleaeed to see and eerve all of my old friends and aU of my new ones. deeW.t CAN'T KEEP T11EE4 ! pBOPLR WILL HaVk THOSE STOVES. Another lot expected. Send your orders. dec 8 PATtKRR & TAYLOR. NOW SCOTCH WOOL SHIRTS AND Extra Shaker Wool Drawers Aie just tho thing wanted. A few Heayy O. Coats and Ulster left and will be sold lw. ivEXJisrsoisr, dec 8 Clothier and Merchaat Tailor NOTICE ! rjlBE ANNUAL MEETISG OF THE Stock holders of the Savaaa Guano Company ef this city on Thurday, Ufa Dcaembcr next, at II o'clock, A. 31. t Macrae, n.iv 21 tues&thuiro t m. bccrcTary. To-Day's Market. T WILL HAVE MY USUAL EXCELLENT ippry of BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PORE. SAUSAGES, Ac, for sale to-day. Call and see some of the prettiest .Stall Fed Beef la the city. J ,EMAinl,g Market Street, between Eeeoad aad Third. , decs l OPERA HOUSE, Monday, December 11. j An Aansexceet Eerelution 5 M u rsvtr "t i m : Famous Colored Minstrels. PitsenSag Atwohxte Nortl ties Only ! NEW SONG ! NW i CE3 I NEW SEETCHESl NEW OPLE- Superb Doobte QaarteUe ! Mammoth Grand EpeeUualar Baed Parade ! Iabradaetag the , Gorgeous, Glittering, Gashing Dram Major ed wttboat extra eaarge atD dee PLEASE NOTICE. We wili be glad to rood to co ulieflffi from oer Mends en asr and all rubjects reaeral interest bot TSw name of lw writer must always b?fur nisbed to the Editor. Coram unlce U ona most be written am oa rme Mc of the paper. Personalities moat be avoided. And It 1 especially jnd parUealarly an stood uat the Editor does net always eador he tIcwb of corrrpoThIet nnl in the editorial oolamns. SKW ADM-RTlSKMElfTS. Christmas Goods. C.l A. vr niK ELEGANT STOCK now jrs: at YATES! BOOK STOBE. Corapk Atr ' of Praaga', Celebrated Xmas Cards. '9 doc 8 Christmas Presents. riHt MOST BEAUTIFUL- CHRISTMAS Present?, In endless varietr, ever reeelred here, are now offered to the good citizen o vnbnliJgtou and tho country at the M09T REASONABLE PRICES. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS Over one hundred different designs, all very" handsome, At HEINSBBRQEa'S dec s Li vo Book aad Music Stare. BEAUTIFUL! THAT 13 WHAT ALL SAY WHO INE THE Splendid Beef SHOWN AT MELTON'S MEAT STOREj, We hare had already this season, aad JB continue to have, some of the Finest, Fattest Beef I that; has been shown la this Market in several successive years. And it Is not only Beef that we eell but pride ourselves on ex hibiting the FINEST LAMB, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, SAUSAGES, PUDDINGS & POULT BT to be had in the Market. Wo arc making special arrangements to ob serve tho Holidays and shall have oa hand every day full and fresh supplies. Remember the place J. R. MELTON, N. W. Corner Market and Second Streets, Proprietor of the odIv te .m Sansago dec 8 Factory in the rials. r 1 Tate Epsom Water ! rS DRAUGHT, OR BT THE GALLON or barrel. For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS. Pharmacist, 1 86 North Front Street. doc 3 Ask Tour Dealer For yUNDS BROS'. FLAVORING EXTRACTS 1 hey are the best, Manufactured by Munds Bros.. BROADWAY, VBW TOBBT, AND WILMINGTON, N. V. dec3 . . 11 : ..I, Rare Bargains BY THOSE DESIRING TO Q BE HAD purchase MILLINERY, at MBS. S, J. BA KER'3, before the Christmas Holidays set ta, come and examine for yourself. Closing oat straw Goods at reduced ratos. Hair Work done to qrder. dec 3 tf 2 c J3 3 "s 3 s B A 3 c o r. X c 3 a 2 B 5 o s i co l I! I O w S ST 5 5 1 I C5 on - r: m 5 - o i ; - i - I 1 CO 95 8? I 8 v rr a 5. 5 j I f I l S i 3 I 5 o I O 3 W O ' ! I g 1 2 f M J J i I 1 J H C I - il 3 f 5 ! H o I I s fcB i P & I s aH SB 1 1 i r o 3 2 . Q 11 III

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