PLEASE NOflCK j j Wc will be glad to receive communication I from our friend on any and ail subjects reneral interest bnl The name of the writer must always bcrur nished to the Editor. Com muaicatioa most be written on oa one aide of the paper. Personalities most be avoided. Ad1 itl especially nd particularly un The Daily Review JOSH T. BlrroB ao f lorwkToi. St-BSdUm02 rOSTAGK PAID: S4.SS. Ma Three S1JS; OnsaonU.. will beds vered by U.ay-artf aeeUy, at Ue above - iu rD ii per wee. s.ood that the Editor does not aivravs endor and liberal. Y.rT in WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1882. NO. 302 wUI any aad all fan- V UL. V 1. In the editorial column. en if The D llertew has ine largest, 4 fate ciraUalion. of any newspaper W. in the di of WUmingUm. MM rv rFHT roi I'll K 1 -w - dffr.innetUs inserial in this col- nt 10 -f His per fine, earn mstriton. MM .A.lnW i K arfrt.mfl. r in rwj ar urii. but rt rr s t t v . . .... : WAN I IM A goi-l o,h.. ratr ; -,.Mt Aoininz urn whimii i cm . - . , ; . I ... . utrcd , . 'ft.: .i I t..i l!Pl5 ,f at . r.. turner xuim Jini niiu berry street dec ll-3t lOO ACRES OK LAND, all or j iota, and prices to suit, ooe mile I rom iaaiv " vr.- rrrr u - ..: ii mnp inr irurkiiir. Ann v Miitaoic lor iruckins. Appiy c u h lk uornor .Mn i aim , - ------ - , Xlirkct itrects. dec 0 jyOYSTEKS NEW BIYSEOT8- , tr receired fresh crery day and de- I'TjiSKlTsBt'trlm- ISIS) 1 UUKl" I H ill I vu A a au. ;iivvti nearSeeotvl. dive us a trial. BLANKETS FOR LESS money at ll AHN'S Uian they can be lioughf ebewhera ia the city. dec 8 -7,i ivwm van i vs mmm' g A s a m sa s - si m v i-.HAllN S than they can be bought elsewhere in the city. dec 8 LADIES' MKRINl) VESTS dee 8 At I! AHN'S. gjM.ADI rnsIEIUNO VESTS dec 8 At II A II N - M I LLI H ERY GOODS Balance oi Stock will be sold regardless of cost, dec 8 AtHAIlNS MIUJNKRY GOODS-Ralancc of xock will be sold regardless of cost, dec AtUAHX'S. There are ho petal indications that a two-cent postal law will sson be in op eration throughot toe country. There seems to be a general depres. sion in business throughout tno coun try, though there is nothing as yet to indicate a panic. Saa Domingo bad another revolution a day or two ago, the second, or third, wo forget which, of the current year. It was all ores with in twenty-four (oovernor General Lorneaod his Im perial consort, the Princess Louise, are again in San Francisco. They have twice visited the Golden Gate without once haviag set foot in New York, and the Gothamitos don't like it a bit. The appointment of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.. to a seat on the Supreme Bench of Massachusetts receives gen eral commendation. The old man must psjoice in this practical illustrations of oae vt his pet notions hereditary abil ity. Dr. Columbus Mills, a well-known resident of the Charlotte section, died last Sunday evening. lie was princi pally known throughout the State in connection with the Patrons of Hus bandry, ot which he was at one time Grand Master. The Ixndon correspondent of the Manchester Guardian says that Her bert Spencer looks well, but protests that his bronzed look is only a tempor ary cooaequeace ot the sea voyage, and that be feels in reality the reverse of by his try. A beverage that is said to have taken the place of absinthe to a considerable extent in France has boon introduced in Xew Orleans. It is called amei picon, sod is believed to assist digestion to be an ap portent and febrifuge, to stim ulate agreeably, and to kill with cer tainty if afforded a full opportunity. The wife of Richard K. Fox. the fa tuous sporting man and the publisher of the immoral Wire (M?Ue. has brought suit against him for divorce. Mrs. Fox would seem to be a confirmed drunk ard as she has bono confined at an in ebriate asylum, but she alleges that she "as placed there by her husband to prevent her from prosecuting her ruit lor divorce. The Senate has confirmed the nornis lion of Jobs Pope as Major General ia am. y. Is is shameful! that while ot the Senate have fmind to boo Top. ioto . pitio h. w entirely unworthy to fill ti.v kvti Mll V et yet found time to do justice to Fit John Porter. It is known that nearly all the Senators are now convinced ol tft great injustice which has been done to Porter, yet they have given an unde rred reward to the one through whose malice and fshWiood the wrong was in flicted, while he still remains under the dium and igaomy of an unjust and freshwater Perch, Trout and && hooks and lines. A full assort- at Jacobi'M The New York Mail claims thai Uwre are more chol teacher in N w York eity and more money is expend- j for ed,tfion than " tne whole . .,,. V, ..... Siii' f nlwlnv I M? t li . Is A ! iar t n rr BrWA been ..,!: FUher. 1535: B.-alon. 1M ' - . . . v ... - I .!. 1.V1R- A 1 1 am lOI- Mr..-rd IftOl- - " .orns,l04; ork, IHOT; Jrskrnc, 1M1 ; 1 Ycld. 1837; Acton. 1847; Wiseman, l&i'j ; Cullen, 1878; Manning. Howard, Newman. Maccabe. 1 pn: i kki in irn rat k n r h iiv - i i nere is 100 raircn hoi k lor a sniiun ik i...o:..o.. i. -i i.i iii tins tA'iMtuii UIUIUINI. 11 3IIUU1U I in ihis pension stop just where it 19. The Democrats in Congress should stand square upon therr heels and toes and el u se to vote ''". the PPPnation of another dollar looking toward the increase or cxtcn sion of the pension lists. The first ; thing that should be done is to purge the list as it is now. There are tOO j many bummers and sutlers and camp followers now drawing pensions from i the U. S. Government who are no. more entitled to them than is the man in the moon. Wc have had an instance nar rated to us in this locality, that of a colored individual who so far from being wounded had hardly seen any duty whatever in the field. He enlisted with the troops here after the Fall of Wilmington and was as healthy and sound the day he left the service as the day he entered it and yet, through some political hocus-pocus, he draws a pension of $8 per month. Another in dividual, an officer who held a some what high position, having boon a Lieutenant-Colonel in the field, draws $88 a month, not, it is said, because of wounds received, but because he has the heart disease. There arc doubtless thousands upon thousands of just such instances as those we have here narrated, and until these very dirty Augean stables can be cleansed it will be improper in any honest man to vote one dollar for an extension of the claims. The present system is not only a wrong to the coun try at large but a grievous wrong to the wounded veterans as well. There is plenty of room for investigation into these oension frauds. LOCAL NEWS.' INDEX TO HEW ADVERTIIEMEITI. Boem for Bent HusaoK's Now Pink and White Brill iant Bn Certain meat Grand Festival and Fair Tarns "Heart of stel" Mcicds Bbos Celluloid Cases Flams Bsao&a "Heart of Steel" J c Mcbtds Tate Epsom Water. William H. Gsuekk Garden Peas. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,183 bales. The name of Bonbam P. O . , in Pen der county, has been changed to Vio la. Capt, W. S. Norm en t, of Lumber- ton, and Dr. Walter C. Murphy, of South Washington, were in the city to day. Mr. H. M. Bowden, who has been quite sick for a number of days, is much better to-day, and we arc glad to learn he is in a fair way for an early recovery. We saw yesterday at Messrs John J Dyer & Son's store a beautiful retienje for ladies, of a new ami unique design, the handiwork of MrsJ. D. VooGlahn. It is to be raffled off and all of the chan ces were taken "at sight.' If the coat, (norths pants) does not make the man; There is no mistake about a -MelTiile" Hat. 'Crown" Col lar and "Pivot" soarf, making him ap pear like a man should. t We have had all sorts of weather during the last twenty-four hours. ms to be no fixedness of pur pose about it, further than to keep peo ple in a glorious state of uncertainty. Merchants and others from the coun try are quite plentiful in our city, brought hither mainly to secure sup plies of holiday goods. The stores, es- I t . U LaaW anil fatnv frrwwll SifnPPS IT, Z Tfor ere cojhw i r suitable articles as presents. Prof. Reade. Prof Willoughby Reade, theielocu tionUt, did us the pleasure of a call this forenoon. He was accompanied by our fellow -citizen, Mr. Alex. Sprunt. who gave as the pleasure ot an in trod uc tioct to the distinguished stranger. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pill, pise sb at to take, sugar coated; no griping; only W cent a box ot Druggists or by matf. Standard Cure Co., lHNsasau fereet. New Tort. City Court. w. H. Campbell, colored, wasi brought before the Mayor this morn- ing charged with the larceny of a box! r - l .1 . . of grapes, and the testimony was so convincing that the defendant was or- . . . . - Uf,TePoI 4,1 50 for! h Rpe?DC !!?.neIl.term. the i M rimmn iVnirt I his h hii tr dr v" "" rind ho was oouimitlpd to iail. TZ Superior Court. la this Court the case of Jewis Mai- camc horc to Iiavc so,nc other teeth cx tin ts. John Martin.which was on trial j taactetl. as they have been giving her j yesterday, has been concluded with all trouble of late. Previous to this she t i k rnnn ;n .io;ni;ir -" ... . v. K. , , , , , TiwUv tiu Pniirt. i.oq Ka ncrrrA.i in the case of Charles Wessell vs. Mar - tin Rathjen, a land case. Messrs. Mc - Kae & Strange and Russell & Rieaud appear lor the plaintiff and Messrs. K. S. Martin and Junius Davis for the dc- fendant. The trial will probably occu- ) ot a larpft nart of to-morrow's session as wcu aa mat m uo-umy. A western paper says : Nothing will cure some sick men more quickly, than an office' properly applied. This 'cure' may be very successful in many cases, but wo would say: It a man sutlers from a cough or cold, give him Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Prof. Willoughby Keade. The Library Asoeciation have sue ceeded in securing Prot. Willoughby Reade to give one of his entertainments in this city, and it will be given, as per announcement ia oar advertising coi amns, at the Library Rooms this even ing, commencing at 8 o'clock. Prof, Reade comes to us with an excellent reputation as an elocutionist, the press, wherever he has appeared, giving him their most unqualified approval and en dorsement. The entertainment will undoubtedly be a pleasant one and will repay for the brief time occupied in at tendance and the Miouey expended. Personal. Mr. Allen Curr aud wile, of Dundee, Scotland, are registered at the Purcell House. Mr. Curr is a Scotch gentle man of means who is traveling through the country, principally, we understand, for his own gratification and informa tion. He has lectured in several places in the Western part of tbeState and in South Carolina and it is understood that he will remain here a week or more during which time he will do liver a lecture under tho auspices of the Wilmington library Association. He will bo the recipient, doubtless, of numerous courtesies at the hands of our citizens. Last N ir lit 's Debate. The Literary Club of the Wilming ton Library Association held their reg ular meeting in their rooms last even ing. The query selected for the even ing's discussion was, "Did the French Revolution aid the cause of Liberty in Europe?" The disputants were Messrs. B. G. Em pie and C. H. Gerhard t, in the affirmative, and Messrs. Walter Small-1 bones and J. I. M cares in the negative, and the manner ia which the subject was discussed pro and con by the sev eral disputants, elicited much favorable comment from those who were present. Previous to opening the discussion of the query, Mr. Thomas Radclifle, by request, recited "Shamus O'Brien," an effort in which he was eminently suc cessful, and which showed that he was possessed of rare elocutionary powers. A large number of ladies were pres ent to add beauty and grace to the oc casion, and these, with the gentlemen, w'u' cw,i TT that the cftorts of the Club were being r. m appreciate!!. Death of Mr. Dodson. llev. Elias Dodson, the venerable minister of God who has been lying iu this city so ill for come days past, died this forenoon at 11:35 o'clock, at the raaidnnoe of Mr. Alex. Oldham, on North Front street, Mr. Dodson was a Baptist minister ot many years' : tnd'm and was A rent in North Carolina for the Home Mission Board, and it was in pursuit of his business in this direction that he arrived here from Charleston on the 2d mst. lie was taken sick soon after here with diabetes, aud his ii rival tnis morn- injr he was called to his rest. He was horn in Virtinia, but had mnm North Carolina for many years as Agent for the Board of Home Missions. He was about 70 years of age and was unmarried. The funeral services will take place to-morrow af ternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Bapt ist Church. We arc glad to announce the conval esenceof Mr. W. L. Rivennark, of Pender county, who has recently pass ed through a very severe attack of ty. paoid fever. Export Foreign. Schr. Emma 11. ramtnond. Capt. j Higins, cleared to-day for Port of Spain, Trinidad, with 268,858 feet of t lumber, valued at I i t , , . - . . . , I j.ooi.oo, snippet! by ?desars. E. Kidder fc Sn. Eifttaiy-Seven Yars Old. The venerable Mr Stewart, of Smith title, was in iho. city to-day. She I seems to be still vigorous srmi hearty, notwithstanding her great age. She . nau iosi out one loom in an ot ner nie. i , , . , ..,.-.,... ... n i e sa w ner on tne streets this iore- 1 noon walking unaided and alone and 1 looking as sprightly as many a woman ! frty years her junior. Champion Fox Hunt j Several of the members of the Wil- j mington Fox Club were out this mcrn- ! in i .t.,, . tr. i ii'g, anu outAuvu an mmi iiiiia tu iaj vt ii acconiDanieU bv a lox and a wi dcat. Both wore large, especially the cat, which was one of the largest that has been caught in this part of the and which waa mastcred by , J , . , , , . four young and blooded puppies, owned by Mr. L. P. Thomas. It is known by many that there is line sport and exciting scenes on these fox-chases, but it can be better appre ciated by a trial. An invitation is ex tended to any gentleman oi application to any member of the Club. Useful Holiday Present. Wc know of no better present to be made than a genteel suit of clothing or a fine over-coat, aad, of course, to find these, you have only to step into the store of A. & I. Shriek, No, 34 Mar ket street. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pink aud White. rjlHE YOUNG LADIES OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will have a PINK AND WHITE PARTY, in the CITY HALL, FRIDAY NIGHT, December 15th. A great variety of Refreshments will be for sale st reasonable priced. Admission Ten Cents, dec lS-3t FOR RENT. JJS UNFURNISHED ROOM, ON FIRST floor of a private dwelling, with Southwest exposure. Convenient distance to business part of city. Boom has gas and nice size grate in it. Convenient to a nice boardlag house. Address P. O. Box 297, City, giving name of applicant. dec 33-2t Brilliant Entertainment. fJIHE LECTURE COMMITTEE OF THE LIBRARY" ASSOCIATION beg leave to an nounce that they have secured for Wednesday night MR. WILLOUGHBY READE, one of the arcatst humorists, who will give an entertainment at their Hall, consisting af Read ings and Recitations. As an elocutionist Mr. Reade is without an equal. Any amount of fun and laughter. Comfortable temperature maintained in the room. Commencing at S o'clock. Admission SO cts. dec 13-lfr Grand Festival and Fair. JJi ORGANIZATION OF LADIES OF OUR city have kindly volunteered to hold a Festival and Fair for the benefit of the W. S. F. ENGINE CO. No 1, in the Cty Hall, on the 20th, 21st and 22nd Insts. , the net proceeds to be applied in defray ing expenses already incurred and for other outfits necessary for the Company. A CommUtee of Ladies will call on as many of our citizens for aid as our limited time will T t 11 . . - u T ,1 permit, bnt we especially as, an our vuy mentis to contribute such articles as they may deem proper. - L . ; IJttlTGiant Engine Hall, corner Fourth and I princess streets, on the 19th and 20th insts. . E. W. MANNING, Chairman, Committee for the Company K. G. Parme- Please send an articles so comnLuieu w "n- ),-- V. O. VoiKftaafca,, tmwin Kewmnn, -A- I. Brown. ec 13-lt 1883. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-IS Pages. 81ITEP TO HOTS AND OIBi- OF 1'KOM 8IX TO SIXTEKJf TEAKS OF AGK. Vol IV. commences November 7,;1S!2. I " Th Young People lias been oeyfanticipation from the first A . 1'. Eve- l pJ- utinctive pnrP08C, to wMch it stead oy adheres that, namely, of supplanting the Vicious papers lor wm young w wi paper juoiv w w, .. -- - notion j our not. For neameea. elegance ot engraving, na ' . generally, it b uusurpa-sxM by any tJZJLS J bronbt tooar i r.aaxo : n ASTER'S YOUNG FBOTLK, S ai v Per Year, Postage Prepaid, MNOLfc Ni'HBuas, Four Cents each. Specimen ropy seat an receipt of Three CU. The Volume of Harper's Young People for 1SS1 aad 1882. handsomely bound in Illumina ted Cloth, will he sent by mail, postage pre paid, on receipt of S3 SO each. Cover for Yewag People for 1SSS, f cents, postage, 13 cent adsUdanat RMtttmsfiM shook! be made by Poet Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of kx. Newspapers are nm to copy urn wucrwsc- the express order of aurn a HARPER A BROTHERS, Hew Tors. dec IS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS They Have Returned ! AND WE ARE sUPPLYiN; Til KM WITH, T11K Purest and Best Candy ! EVER SOLD IN U n.MIN;TOS ! WF HAVE NOT HAD MUCH TO A BOUT SAY CANDY tv wv.-hI v,t lv int nnw that nir f.r patron are coming back crery d3y we cannot refrain anr longer, and tmtct SING AS LOUD AS ANY ! A LARGE SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED, oO CENTS PER POUND ! CREAM CHOCOLATE BULLDOZERS, WALNUT CREAM, ERUIT BAR, JAPANESE FRUIT, COCOA, DELMOMCO CREAM and several other varieties. Call and pet a pound sf PURE FRESH CANDY. P. L. BRIDGEES & CO. GROCERS. dec 12 Returned. jyjY F ill ENDS AND THE PUBLIC CiEN- erally will find me in the New Maiket Build ing, an Front Street, where I am MAKING PICTURES from 25 cents up. Give me a call. Respectfully, dec ll lwk JAMES J. BURNETT. Celluloid Oases, OILET SETS, AND AN ENDLESS varie of holiday novelties to be sold cheap by Munds Bros., 1.491 BROADWAY', NEW Y'OK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours day and night. dec 11 "Heart of Steel." NEW NOVEL, BY CHRISTIAN REID. one hundred copies were received by Ex press Saturdav. if ty were sold the first day at UEINSBERGER'3, Live Book Store. Price $1.25 mailed. Orders from the coun try promptly attended to. QHRISTMA9 PRESENTS, NEW YEAR PRESENTS, WEDDING PRESENTS, la endless Varietv at fiEINSBERGER'S dec 11 Live Book and Music Store. SOME MORE. J' UST RECEIVED, ANOTHER LOT OF those ELEGANT HAVANA CHEROOTS. Warranted the best FIVE CENT CIGAR, In the city. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Tobacco & Tobacco Goods. Call and t.fkc a smoke. J. GREENEWALD, just below Exchange Corner. So. Front St. dec U "Heart of Steel." Jt NEWNpVBL, BY CHRISTIAN REID. 1 I Daily additions to my elegant ami well se lected btor.k 6t HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Polite attenUon to all whofavor us with a call, YATES' BOOK STOEE. dec 1 1 Worth & Worth. a O FFEB AT IXW PRICES TO PROMPT buyers : 19,000 Bushels CORN, 1,000 do. MEAL, I 500 Barrels FLOUR, 150 Bags COFFEE, 100 Barrels SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY. 350 Hhds. and Bble. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 1,000 Bbls. LIME.CEMENT A P L ASTER 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, New and second hand nninrn nnn ii rsrssKr iiir. w din.i. lobaceo, Snuff. Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, r. ,77' lV, "r WD ' i aV s .ij' ' No Liquors. UT A STOCK OF FRESH. A NO. 1 GRO- CERIES will be keptfst ou-f store. No. 45, Market Street. AB geoda sold by us will be as represented. GOOD GOODS AND SMALICPROFITS WILL BS OUR MOTTO. SVGlve as a trial aad be convinced.. J. SCARBOROUGH CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gent's Furnishing Goods, JJDK'Fy.UALF HOSK, Ol LAU9 AND Cu!T;, ('idaundrir J Hdrts, ruderweai(Whlte and frearlet) Tie, Kearfj", Shields, Suvpemler, Clove. Air &. ivcxjisrsonsr, Ciutbier and Merchant Talk. For Sale. 1 U1E FINEST AND LARGEST MULE IN iho Mate. Yung and sound. At rery res- enable tnioe Apprv at SOL. BEAR'S, dec .it Market St. Tate Epsom Water ! QN DRAUGHT, OR BY THB GALLON or barrel. Far sale by JAMES C. MUNDS. Pharmacist, 85 North Front Street. dec 9 Garden Peas ! Garden Peas I I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF THE BAB best varieties, also seasonable Seed of all kinds. Prices guaranteed as low as New York, Philadelphia or Norfolk. WILLIAM H. GRBEN. Druggist, dec S-nac-tf Market Street. If You Wish to See 1 apt. B. J . JACOBS, af Sealer Reserve notoriety, the oldest Saddle and Harness, Ac, maker in Wilmington, just call at H. Sf. BOW DEN & CO'S store and buy a nice Lea Robe and all other articles in a Saddlery establish ment, far it is the place to get them, dec 3 EYERY WEEK J AM RECEIVING NEW SUPPLIES BY Steamer and by Rail, of all of the latest and i -, t most desirable articles In my line. The Millinery Department is complete, and the Ladles are respectfully invited to a close inspection of the stock. It is a pleasure to us to display our goods and wo are confident that for excellence ef material, beauty of design and low, scale of prices, we cannot be excelled Miss E. Karrer, decs Exchange Corner Christmas Trade ! London Layer Raisins, VERY FINEST. COOKING RAISINS. And everything else for Christmas fixing. WE HAVE THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS Ever offered in Wilmtngton. Call and see them. Crapon & Pickett. dec 9 Ladies' Bazaar. npHE OLD AND WELL KNOW?C STAND recently eccapled by Mr. Flanagan, will be occupied by MRS. S. J; BAKER, with aa aa j tire new stock of MILLINERY GOODS ef the latest style, embracing the most fashionable goods, to which will be added a large lot ef Fancy Toys and Fire Works for the Christ mas Holidays. Orders from the country so licited and promptly filled. Everything in oar line will be sold as represented and we guar an tee satisfaction. Santa Clans will make a special visit to lit tle folks next week. dec 9 NO. 45 MARKET STREET. n aep 'JL33HXS JL3HHVK O 'jo&idqujois soojjq jo cuots aoqj; pur loog raoarej eqi re fAoi osodjl -man-) jo $i3cn v et awqi 'teq noi pay ;matn ao; Ajop oasootid otix ;mr joj .! 1m rfjif) aqj, imeqr PJ seiqegr sqx 'KULL sirait Ai.ivaa jookyj aiix kzax 1 i Mawaiioxa ivaao DENTISTOY. T AM PLEASED TO SAT OH UT return heme, that?- am prepared to All all my engagement In my prof ami on with astfsfac tion. JAB. K. KEA, 80. E. Cor. Market and aovt-tf