PLEASE NOTICE. The We will be glad to ! from oar friends on any and all general Interest bat Tbe saae of the writer bom always W, Wr nit ted to the Editor. Communications m iCBScUfTlONS POTT AOS PAID be writ taw a oa 0 : one aide of the paper. Personalities mast be aroMe. will h dsBVSSWd oy la uj pat of th ctty, at tb abort And it is eopeolaUy a4 stood that the Editor does i he views of correspondents in the editorial column. .! .T. . ... VIII VI W LMINGTON. N. C WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1882. NO. 311 Willi this pap" " esses few JOSH T. JAMBS, lorroa ajtd faWFnnrron. Daily Better m V Daily Mwim has ike large . n f xiuMfatfon y rtny newspaper Kafir intkeeityof Wilmington. -s TKN CENT OOLVMN inserted in this col- r 10 cents Is perl toe, eacn insertion, of less tman 30 rewAs w7 mem. fyrHALLKNTiE THE WORLD produce iu eocal. Challenge Ixbor- i tariof Sp- No Boards or Bolters ceded. Can on rroi. uTiapna ox Co Seren'..n and rnoossssires.AgiJ. (Set smt r FERTILIZERS, .THE BEST I oT moat ratiabte. WOeox. Gibbs 6V Cos M stipulated Guano is the best. I cot relisble and c bos neat Fertilizer in Snperphos- -ex. Gibbs aV Cb'a hi. noexcsUed by any Acid Phoa- aSate oe taa amarksf. (lextaine German Kainit. imported r W:.cox. Gibbs 4 Co.. Charleston, S.C foe sals by Jas. T. Pettewat. WANTED A fodCook. Fair wages. Nothing bat onoking required. Apply st S. E. Corasr Third and Mul- a We now pay $50,000,000 for pensions, xcosive ef arrears. ts price of bear has been advanced ll per barrel la the West. The Charlotte papers and the Raleigh papers take three days for Christmas -.1 alilwsakse has a brewery that turns abort Christmas visit. We acknowl out 00.000 barrels f beer per annum, edge the courtesy ot a call from him or st the rate of 3.500 per day. What a my friends! The Passion Play is again exciting tea Mew Yorkers. The application for a permit to produce it is being steadily opposed by eminent ministers. We ass it stated thai Virginia pavt $15,000,000 s year for spirituous and malt liquate. A sore sign, by the way. :aat "there's life in the old land yet." Senator Vance did not return to Charlotte tar the holidays, but went West to bold a discission on the tariff quest toa with Emory Starrs, (he fa- saoas lawyer from Chicago, not from Cincinnati, as has been remarked. The Leagtry snd the Gebhardt are dividiaa the sAtsasJoa of the Philadel- paiana. They are frequently seen to gether and the spanking English grays ot the young millionaire are used as freely by the woman as thongh they her individual property. The of Philadelphia have very prop erly not extended any soeial recognition leMra. Langiry. At the Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia, Wemdesday evening, at the close of the performance Miss Mary Anderson, tragedienne, was presented y the Scale Fenoibles with a massive silver crown, studded with precious rases, snd having a fold star in the centre, set with diamonds. It was the fiff of the battalion to Miss Anderson 'or her kindness In aiding the Fencibles is their recent benefit movement. There is a queer muddle to us some where or somehow ss regards the lower We were told last m mm I week that a resolution to adjourn over far the holidays was toted down ; then, the next day. it was said that the House had agreed to adjourn over from the 91 inst. to January 3d. and yet the House was in session, without a quo nun. it is true, on Saturday last, and on that day adjourned over until to-day. Not one word have we been told as re fuds a rescinding of the resolution to djourn. sad jet it is evident that the Houc did not adjourn on the day set pert for it. W have received a communication from an esteemed friend in Pender nasty, signed "Rotation," which is imply intended as a "boost" for Mr. nortoh Senatorial wards. It would make folly a half-column in our paper snd that is too sanoh room for us to spare this time. Oor correspondent praises Mr. Dorteh very highly and estimates tkat the race is vary close between him d fieaw free urn. In this, it is need- to say.we difer with him, and it is evident that oar correspondent is not as pooled aa he might be. We don't P'Poee to discuss the merits of the question, however, and we suppose that the thing can be settled satisfactorily withia the ranks of the party, where think that we can safely leave it. Useful Holiday Present. w know mi mo beater present to be feade than a gen teal suit of clothing or nee ovar-eoat, sad, of oourse, to find u you have only to step into the oA.I.SB, No. 34 Mar LOCAL NEWS. TO HEW A0VERTISEMENT8. Bmmou-Pamto Mcvm Beo Celluloid Mcnwx'-With Prompta w Jss T PTTwat Frtlttser T atm w ud Novel Goods J C Ml'IM-Tate Ep-om Water. P L IMMM A Co We Most Thank Pror Uvisostok CeChallenffe Labor avba; Soap ebbchxkm a c aldbr bko Fancy and Staple Groceries The newspapers are full of Christmas literature. The receipts of ootlon at this port to- Amv t'nrtt tin A-?ft hlaa Norwegian barque Hilder, Pederssn. irom tnis port, nmrwi at Liverpool on the 29d inot. The celebrated Twine is sold only ware Depot. 'Fish Brand' Gills at Jacobi's Hard- t Sheriff Manning treated the prison ers in the jail to the usual Christmas dinner of roast turkey and "fixiws."" The water works are a blessing to the city ; of that there can be no ques tion. This was well attested by the fa cility and ease with which water was j furnished at the fire last qight. Mr. E. M. Cashing, of this city, who is now engaged in railroad work io Northwestern Florida, is here on a this morning. Thanks to Mr. W. H. Strauss, Super intendent of St. Paul's Lathern Sun day School, for sn invitatiion to at tend the Christmas Tree Concert of the School, to be given in St. Paul's church this evening. Military News. It is understood that a convention of the officers of the State Guard will be held in Raleigh about the middle of January. It is regarded as of special importance that every company in the State should be represented in the con rention, as matters of vital interest to the life and success ot the organization will be considered. A Mink Among; Us. A gentleman resident near the corner of Third and Mulberry streets lost last night every fowl on his premises. It is supposed that the mischief was done by a mink as the bodies of the poultry were all found dead this morning with their necks torn and mangled. Resi dents in that locality should be on the lookout and give his minkship a wsrm reception when they catch him. Ladies will remember that Jchn Dtku dc Sox. have an elegant line of white silk handkerchiefs they under stand. Fine Shooting. On Saturday morning last, the 23rd inst., Mr. John Watkins. of Pender county, while out gunning, discovered a covey of nine wild turkeys into which he fired and killed seven. This would be called good shooting for a young and expert gunner, but when it is known . . eaae srw . i . . that Mr. Watkins is 76 years of age the feat becomes remarkable. He is, how ever, one of the most active men in the county, being able to stand upon the ground and leap upon his horse with the case and agility of a young mau of only twenty years. Are you troubled with such symptoms of dyspepsia as belching, tasting of the food, heart-burn, etc.? Brown's Iron Bitters will cure. Cutting Scrape. We learn that a fight occurred on Monday night, at the corner of Fourth and Church streets, which came very near proving fatal to one ot the parties engaged. During the progress of the fight a white man, whose name was given to us as William Kumlin, was badly cut with a knife or some sharp instrument and had to be carried to his home, where physicians were summon ed and his wounds dressed. Store Robbery. The grocery store of Mr. R. J. Soar borough, on the south side of Market, between Front and Second streets, was broken open and robbed on Sunday night of money and merchandise to the amount of about $150. The thief gain' ed an entrance through s rear window, which he managed to unfasten In some way or other, he broke off the faucet to a molasses cask, which caused the wqUuups" to run out, and when Mr. Scarborough opened the store on he found the floor toe moli inmu eatk Dr. J. II. Durham, of this city, was; Wash Green, colored, was brought ; married in the Presbyterian church at before Justice Millis this Pittsboro. on last Wednesday erening, - charged with an assault and battery to Miss Nellie Alston, of Pittsboro, upon William Williams, also colored. The Attendants were : Dr. John Man- The defendant submitted, paid the costs : , t..i:. c -. w L -a u :j m ' mug anu iuih uuua ouuuii. jui. ai.u uj macuarguu. Thomas Hanks and Miss Carrie Ihrie; 1 William filliams, was then nrraign Mr. Frank Poe and Miss Mary Taylor; ed, charged with an assault and ! Mr. S. S. Jackson and Miss Sallic Hill, battery on Wash Green. He was It is understood here that the happy j found guilty, but judgment was sns eouple have gone North on a short wed- pended upon the payment of the costs, ding tour and are expected here in a in default of which he was sent to jail. few days. Clara Louise Kellogg is to receive , $12,000 for singing twenty nights in Paris. 600aniht! No wonder Bhe is m love wiin ur. ami s ixun ovrun. - the great remedy for conghs and coUls, "r wuusn sop uo wiwroui il. h uu should be attacked suddenly by hoarse ness Ball at Point Caswell. The good people of Point Caswell and vicinity, and especially the friends and patrons of the Point Caswell Acad - croy, are to have a Grand Ball at that place on the evening of the 28th inst (to-morrow.) The managers arc men throughout the day, and the day who know how to make it a success itself was as lovely and pleas and we doubt not it will be an enjoya-jant as the heart could desire, hie and delightful gathering of the sons j In the evening there was a display ot and fair daughters of (Pender. Wc arc fireworks the finest, we think, ever under obligations to the managers for ! witnessed in the city. These were got an invitation to attend. ten up by private citizens and were A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols ! f u from their Premises and hun T.u,'. WarH nf ' dreds had an opportunity of witnessing Southern Historical Society Papers. We have received the December number of the above-named periodical, which completes the tenth volume of this invaluable contribution to History. The contents are: "Gen. Early's official report of the Pennsylvania Campaign the "Organization of the Army of Nc rth orn Virginia;" "Two Foreign Opinions of the Confederate Cause and Peo ple;" The "Diary of Rev. J. G. Law." besides "editorial paragraphs" and "lit erary notices." We have read the numbers of these papers as they have been issued and al ways with much interest. They con tain a mass of matter, compiled from the most authentic sources, of great importance to the people, not only of the South, but of the entire country. The Sew England Historical and Genea logical Register does not put it too strongly when it says that, "No library, public or private, which pretends to historical fulness, can afford to be with out these volumes." Send $3 to Dr. J. Wm. Jones, Richmond, Ta., and secure a years subscription. Death of Mr. Dawson. It is with great regret that our citi zens learned of the death, in New York, yesterday morning, of Mr. James Dawson, of this city. Mr. Dawson was Vice-President of the First Na tional Bank in this city, a position as signed him by the Directory of the Bank when the business of the First National and the Dawson Banks were consolidated some few years ago. He was born at Castle Dawson, in the county of Londonderry, Ireland, in the year 181S and was therefore about 66 years of age. He first came to Wil mington in 1836, following his elder brother, the late John Dawson, and af ter first removing to New Orleans and at ter wards to Columbus, Ga., he finally settled here permanently in the dry goods business. The opening of the war found him still engaged in this business, in the store Southeast corner of Market and Front streets. During the war he engaged in the brokerage business and possibly foreseeing the disastrous result, he invested largely in i tne purcnasc oi cotton, wnicn was stored in out-of-the-way-places, where it was found in. safety at the close of the war and when matters had become m a a a a a somewhat quiet. This cotton he sold j to great advantage, realising not less than 75 cents a pound for it and wc at the time heard a gentleman who was ' well-posted in the matter assert that i Mr- Dawson realised not less than , 4300.000 from the sale of cotton at the , close oi the war. He was, therefore considered as perhaps the wealthiest in dividual jn the city of Wilmington? Of late years Mr. Dawson, although owning a delightful residence in the city, which has been kept up with scru pulous care, has resided in the North, returning here occasionall v. He died. it is said, of heart disease, from which .,UV " " ." 11 , . j , . , caught in the lactory, but this is a he had long been a sufferer. The. re, j which has not yet been anthen mains will be brought here for inter- j dented. It is also said that a boy ment,andtae funeral will take place j W in the presence of a number of to-morrow at 11:30 o'cloek, from St. 1 gere?ns ano Pj T . n, . ' fire to a piie of sliavmgs nnderthemul. James Church. Those who were earliest at the scene For FoekHKmvesor TabJtlery. fi " go to Jacobs Hardware Depot. was destroyed before the factory. - " ww . Christmas in Wj 1m ins ton. The day passed off very pleasantly. ' ' 1to anA T'ZXX i v j ,D4JWJ T iA f 1 . A 1 J 1 . i awv" cci juuhS u wai u cu- joyed themselves with the "tooting' of hom and explosion of tire crackers to their heart s content. In the latter k D f .,u extent that the stock of that particular lUilllLi LI L t LuUIUU LilU LU .1UI.11 dl I fldml of pyrotechnics was completely j exhausted. Wherever you could see a 1 group of t vo or three there you would be sure to hear the poppingof crackers, The principal streets were thronged the beautiful exhibition whose means would not permit them to indulge in the expense incident to such pleasures. Among other notable things in the dis play was a fire balloon sent up by Mr. Reuben E. Pickett, which pre sented a beautiful appearance. There were no serious disturbances during the day, and not more than the usual num ber of those who were too convivially inclined. The Fire .Last Nig lit. The extensive steam saw mills rf Mr. J. W. Taylor, at the foot of Wul nut street, together with Mr. R. W Price's sash and blind lactory. attach ed to the mills, were totally destroyed by fire last evening. The alarm was given out at about 6:30 o'clock but the tire had made much headway before it became general. The engines and hook and ladder trucks were on the spot in an almost incredibly short time and the firemen were gallantly fighting the flames. Seven streams of water were thrown upon the burning buildings but so inflamable was the material that but little headway was made until the fierce flames had in a manner exhaust ed the material upon which they work ed. The efforts which were made, however, to save the lumber on the yard and the surrounding buildings from destruction were, at last, very successful. The brick building ol Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, South of the mills, took lire in the window cas ings and on the cupola, but a stream of water suppressed them and saved the building. Some of the wooden sheds on the yard, and also i the fence dividing the premises took fire but the flames there were also put out Had Messrs Sprunt & Son's premises gone there is no telling where the fire would have stopped. We have never seen anything burn more fiercely than did the mill and factory buildings and it was a hard fight for our gallant fire men to save the adjoining property. Mr. Taylors loss is estimated at about $6,500, on which there was in surance for $2,000 in the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Company. The en gine and boiler of the mills is thought not to have been materially injur ed by the fire and the estimat- jwsa may perhaps prove to be somewhat less than the amount given above. Mr. i Price was tiro heaviest sufferer. The factory, together with tools, stock, &c, was entirely de. stroyed. His books and-papers, which were in a little office building hear the factory, were all saved. Mr. Price told us last night that he was insured for 6,506 in companies represented here bv Messrs. J. W. Gordon fc Km NortJmjn & Hodlzes and Atkinon rT.ninfr nri tw lw tima i.;c loss at $13,000. All that was was the lumber in the vard. saved The origin of tin fire is absolutely o dock, and he him self locked the door ' ot the factory after the departure of the ! m.n whn kW Kcnn . iw . j . & a. . . a . -M a. a , . 1 ? ..I J Ta. - . .. , . . . i . m w c mc very sorrv to near tost 3ir j w p yfmti 0fthis city ig at the point of death in New Tork Mr Wenzel Las heen known here for many j a M tfae cuUer for Mr A Dattdg ; ifK; .bj i,ofl " rDrwia i clothing house and has many friends here who will grieve to hear of his dan ger. He left here some time since, accompanied by his wife, for New York and there entered the German Hospital lor treatment. It was re ported here this forenoon that he was dead but enquiries made by us failed to con firm the report, although is was said that his death might becxpected at anv moment - J The Sews and Observer calls our de scription of the headless rooster a "hoi ; lua- "muaveu rooster eat and heard him crow, with n t r i ta i I nis bod standing erect on two legs and j his hf d m a vial of spirits, he would have believed it to be true. The digestive organs weakened and j wornout cathartic medicines restored 1 by nsiug Brow's Iron Bittres. OIED. DAWSON cityat 10 A -At Witnlsor Hotel, New York M. , on the 20th inst., Mr. JAMES iUWBDS . Funeral from St. James1 Church, at half past 11 o'clock to-morrow (Thursdar) morn ing. Friends and acquaintances of the family are respectruny invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISMENS. Promptness rRDERS FOR CUSTOM WORK CAN NOW be filled by us dec 27 Clothier and Merchant Tailor Fancy and Staple Groceries. J Cp. Bbls. Bow-White FLOUR, ltj200do do other rrades 60 Boxs BACON. 7ft Buckets L KD, 100 Bbls M I,ASES, Cubn, O ard Porto Rlc , 10,"' 0 "tripod ack- SAIT, I t Ba.8 i'Ftr i- , a f grade. 50 HbU U, Kx c; a..u Grao. sL'cJAK, 2o B'di KICK, 200 Itns M At, 50 U iX s CIH hi K, lOD B xjs CAVDV, 50 Bmc .CIS do, lot Bovc- (J Kf.S and CH ACKERS, 100 i aseo i Hud i Lb OYoi'&US, 50 do SALUoN, 25. do SAKDINK". For sale by dec 27 KKRGHNKK C ALDER BROS We Must Thank Cytii CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR Thought fvrbaess of ns dnring the Xmas "week, and if we were sncceEsful in our attempt to please them a continuance of their favors will be apprecia ted. we are sorry that our supply of ROYSTER'S CANDY gave out, but the demand was greater than we expected. We will have a FRESH SUPPLY to-day by Express. Five pound boxes of best mixture packed by ROYSTER for S2 50. We hope our patrons will excuse any delay in the delivery of goods last Saturday. On Xinas of '','.) and '60 found us unprepared for the delivery of goods, owing to our large trade, and although we had previously used but TWO Wagons, THREE were not sufficient for our trade Saturday. We propose to accom modate our customers next Xmas if it takes SIX Wagon 9. ! ! P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. dec 27 KENT WILL RECEIVE AID IN MAKING SE LECTIONS OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I For their Girlajtml Boys, by calling at HEINSBERGER'S. Tour wants will be supplied from his Select Stock. dec 25 Holiday Gifts. SrEclAL "s the 6 Bottles. Toilet Sets and Vases, Travenin Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Ac Latest rves ana ixwesi rnces. WILLIAM H. GREEN, urugKtot. Market Street. dec 15-nac-tf Tate Epsom Water ! QN DRAUGHT, OR BY THE GALLON or barrel. For sass by , JAMES C. MUNDS. dec.S North XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS ! . K A T Z ' 8, Market St. 36 Silk, Cashmere & Fanoy Dresses 1 CLOAKS, DOLMANS, SACQC7S8, BLANKETS, BEDSPREADS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, H'DKTt, 100 Dozen Misses Hose, In full Regular make. 25 Cents a Pair. L i ll s an t Ml sex Vet ai d Cort u. hundreds of rancy article, useful aaddssi rable at prices which will compare favorably with the lowt Northern catalogues. Examine and save mooev b v burla a thing useful of KATZ, 36 Market Street. dec 19 New and Novel Goods I JJECEIVED BY EXPRESS EVERY DAT V ... . I The New Floral Poems Beautiful beyond description. Call and see the immense stock sf CHRISTMAS GOODS t AT YATES' BOOK STORE. 1882. XMAS 1882. Millinery & Fancy Goods! THE LaOTKS WILL FIND AT EXCHANGE CORNER, Almost eterytnln desirable la the way of MILLINERY AND MILLINERY GOODS, . HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS. Ac. Ia addition, we hare a laigi etock of CHRISTMAS GOODS, win be found many pretty thiass fob Gifts. mW Every Steamer brings fresh Prices reasonable and poHtot lady clerks both floors. r Miss E. Karrer, dec IS The Latest Thing I N SACHET POWDER IS THE f SACHET BAG" hi twelve for sale by Munds Bros., Importers of Faacr Goods. XEW Y