PLKA8E NOTICE. The We will b gla4 .t ov friend air JOSH T. JAKES, ! general la tea Ml bat The name of the witter always be feet to the EUur one aide of the paper. renosalltSee mast be avoided. And It la especially ad parUcnlarly nn stood that the Editor does not always enee he views of correspondents no leas as lb the editorial eolnmna. VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1882. NO. 312 win report any end it ttx-tr paper rcgnlsrly. am THIS P Daily ., , 1 Review cxToa imo rsornotTos. aLBSCaUPT10S POSTAGE PAID: w 4.00. 1U month, ft. 00. Tnree Uu. ti . ooBaoaiA.tteeaae. Th ppcr will be delivered by carriers free H u; prt of iheeliy. at be IA ;5 -tt BS v, The Daily fUrir' has the large .ma rircmlatinn, of any newspaper bhsked, in the city of WUmimgUm. JP TE3I CENT COLUMN." 1 i Advertisement inserted in this ro-.-nm at 10 cents per line, each insertion. boJ rharoc of less than 30 enf trill made o any advertisement. ; "ZZ j )ST A Square GU1 Brtwt JT.oti Thursday mprninj. The finder erili receirc a liberal rewanl by leaving at BgmeVNaaVl Book Store. KVL06T A MBall riWerrier. An- Daiav". FI ad on red Si " Are ward wi" U sdd M Ml at cxierboorg's. dccsu-it- r ADMITED DY aLL KAKM Tbs) Wilcox Gibbsdb CVs.. Su- siaMsalsaal js aaaaaWsaW o any Aall Hmpbaie on the market; has Iecn tried and found to be the richest and Meet reliable. For sale by Jamf T. PrrrTWAT. AgenL dac&'Ji. "W- WANTED A good Cook Fair vacse. Nothing bat gwniing reouircd. AJr at5. K. Corner Ihini anu mui- herry sueate. dec II The Emperor William la again in Ul moal health Tkecreatest di stress la reported in Uoaegal. Ireland Sir Hugh Alton buried at Mon raa. Wednesday Tke ills John Porter bill is now be. (see lee fianatt for consideration. Oeear Wilde sailed for Liverpool on Wednesday en the Bothnia. Ta ta Oe-ear. The number of emigrants landed at Castle Garden daring the year, up to tee fnh lost., was 1M.98S. Harvard College has just been paid the sum oi $111,000, aa part of the tes uaeatary bequest of the late George B. Dorr, oi Mew York. Ia Phliadeiohia. during tne 1818, there bare been 477 applications (or divorce. There were 18S husbands aae 9M wives aa petiUoaers. There are nineteen undergraduate8 from Xew Zealand now at Cam bridge, Knglaad. Possibly ono of their num ber may yet be the predicted oketcber effclmafle. V. Builer. GoTernor-eleot of ysasaehuseUs, refused to attend the Plymouth Rock celebration on the 22nd aad Preacher Beecher was also conspic uous by his absence. Three cow-boys were lynched at Piaeville. Wyoming, on Monday night. The lynching committee said they aaaged the men on genera1 principles. SVQ President W. B. Plaitt, ol the Sa vannah and Florida Railroad, gave aa a Christmas present $500 each to four of bai subordinate and $250 each to six ethers. Five self-murders were recorded en Wednesday, which is a pretty big day's ork. The routes taken bv the depart- ed were bv water, bnllet. not son. razor ad coal gas. The Edmunds bill, to prohibit the eueitation or sayment of political eonr tribotions by employes ot the gorern ent. passed the Senate yesterday - - aw . F. H. RerfooU Pastor of the Retaw Street Baptist Church, in Balti mora, has accepted a eali to the Strong Place Baptist Chareh. in Brooklyn, at a salary of $5,000 a rear. ' asso- i assets ' The defunct Cooperative D a:oo In New Tork claim as $il0.500. ia which is $171,000 of iner a, cost value. aninat 4MS4 - worth .inabilities It is poasibis ; net thej may yet py all they owe. w - v M ' Mr. Tnoe. B. rVtnnArc r .w. v- w . . w. mm nw i ora Herald lor the past t waive years, it in need of rest and tT 2ehMbeTO ded by Mr Kdwerd Plynn. for the past eight 'ears editor ef the Herald junior, the '"tcyrvm " fightine a rood aM mMmAm 7 oi tne ousted city offi Iaey served six months wi thorn T served six months without a eat of pay, and are now in absolute H U1 take $10,000 to pay them aad the .-a. insists that this ahould "iUT,by TolanUl7 contribu- v -- hit- -Tmii?01? lictsa box LOCAL NEWS. IIDCX Tl NCW AOVERTItCMCnTt. Lost Eton LoT OU Breastpin Uom Baos Celluloid J ax T Prttrwat FvrtiilMi J Mnfx'i With Promptness Y ate? New anil Novr! Good J C Means Tate EpaoniWaMrv. Mass J Dak eh-Ladies' Bazaar 'oh B Mbltok Cheek by Jowl HETMSBEXoea Ptanoaand orjaa J Moom A Co- Moore" Candy A K Walsh. Cash'r Olndeod tfsnfae CaVLT Uoasift Underwriter's Pale The receipts of cotton at this port t dny foot p Ml bJss A fine aesortment of Guns and Tistols at JaroBi's Hardware Depot. t The Board of Iliiecto'rs if tlte First National Rank hare declared e divi- deud of 34 per cent payable on and af ter January 10th. Tne Iaui in burg Enterprise is hereaf ter to be known as the Lanrinburg Ks change. The first issue under tho nw name will appear next week. e have receired, "with the compli- menu of the carrier, Benj. F. King.'" the carrier's address to the patrons of the N. C. Presbyterian and to tho fhuth. They are nicety gotten up; the poetry is appropriate to the occasion and wo hope were a source ol profit to our young triend. who has our thanks for his thought of us. We wish him a "Merry Christmas" and a "Flappy New Year The celebrated 'Fish Brand1 Gills Twine to sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t A Rumor Denied. A rumor has gained credence on the streets to the effect that the Wilmington et Weldon R. R. Company have .made arrangements for the lease or purchase ottho;Atlantic North Carolina R K., with the view of continuing the con struction of the road on from Smith field to Florence, or perhaps some point on the W.. C. & A. R. K , this side of Florence. On applying for information relative to thia matter, to Capt; Divine, we were informed by him that-he, too, had heard the rumor, and that it was incorrect; that no such arrangement had been made ; and, further, that no proposition had been made by the W. & W. R. R. for the purchase or lease of the A. & N. C. R. R. To Builders and others Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. Charges on Cotton. The Charleston News and Courier published in a recent issue a compari son of charges on handling cotton in the cities of New York, Norfolk, Char leston and Savannah which is of in terest. Wilmington is not mentioned and perhaps for excellent reasons. In New York, according to the Xeus and i Ctourtcr, the expenses attending the sals I of a bale of cotton, exclusive of the commissions, amount to 80 cents a bale. in Norfolk to i eents, in Savannato to rmLa and :n Charleston to 67 cents- r? i : nmiiioH )vr ftQC Kews and Courier we supply the omission. It costs lust iu ty cents a bale to sell cotton here, which is 17 cents less than in Charleston. 35 cents less than in Savan nah, 30 cent less than in New York, and 424 cents, or 85 per cent, cheaper than M Norfolk. These figures are startling, but thev are correct. It is for the pro J duoer to carry them out and apply the ' difference to his entire crop, and see bow much more money ho can put into p" y ndin' cotton to Wil mington to be sold. ifnodtiome Appreciation. .;KnArRf Peril's E. L. Church ,c ,pr of tbo 1 DO OOUi I'auuii yji Mr. John Haar. Jr., the f thn choir, a very nsnuaoujc IHUl . v " V Xmas present in the shape of a beauti-1 Tho zi t was accom- , IU1 MWl J . 7 . . ! P1 106 foilowin te j gtT-The congregaUon of St. IrVSSSSoml SXS Church, I being fully aware of the pleasant obli- rations unaor wnion uwj do esteem it a privilege to present joj with a tesUmonial of their just appre matioaifor your faithful and effective a very Merry Christmas. Useful Holiday Present. We know of no better present to be made than a genteel suit of dothingOT a fine over-ooat, and, of oonrae, to find these, you have only to step into the store of A. L Shriek, Ko. M Mar SUver Plated Spoons andJForks, low prises, at Jacobi's. behalf, which thev hope you wil lreoei je with the best wishes from them hi! lor Credit to Whom Credit The Goldsboro Messenger publishes, word tor word and without credit, our report of the decisions in the caso before Judge McKae, in Chambers, about two n ecks ago, wherein Capt Oakamith applied for an injunction ngaint Mr. Nest and his associates. The Messen ger makes editorial oi the matter. Itlau to see such nappy appreciation. t The News and Observer copies antJ Credits the Messenger, after hariug pub - LuiiU. tit i ... .u- T"f"u wra f " wiuw'w' iw tuo jvr.- vir.w, nearly two weeks an This is a free country ! sere, but you cau't get Dr. Boll's Couah Syrup free t charge, it costs you a quarter every time. Military Set. Ve learn from the Xews and (Her ver that commissions were issued were isueu yes terday from the Governor's i;ffio Lo the folio ving field officers, all of whom were elected December 7th : First Reg iment: John VT. Cotten, Clouei ; Hal opt P. Jones, Lieutenant Colonel; D. K. BoearL Major. Second Reimojjt: A. H. Worth, Colonel; James G. Kf ' nan. Lieutenant Co.enel ; E. F. Mcltae. Major. Third Regiment: James I). Glenn. Lieutenant Colonel; K. Y Foard, Major. Fourth Regiment: W. H. Fitzgerald, Lieutenant Colonel; .T. A. YounL, Major. Fourth Battalion (colored ). Abram Halliday. Lieutenant ! Prlrnol (Irsnrcw T. Ijno Mainr. The First and Third Regiments arc in the First Bngade, commanded by Brigadier General Richard D. Han cock ; the Second and Fourth Regiments are in the Second Brigade, commanded by Brigadier General Matthew P. Tay lor ; the Fourth Battalion, colored, is detached. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Lilaiht Needed. The mail and passenger train on the Carolina Central R. R. leaves here now at 6:15 P. M. At that time it is dark, a fact whieh those who may be compelled to plod their way on loot to the depot up Nutt street, become painfully aware. There is not a street lamp on Nutt street, between Red Cross and the Caro lina Central do pet, a distance of a quar ter of a mile. The walking is not of the best and there are a dozen lines of railroad tracks to cross. Why the city authorities do not light up this part of the city remains a mystery to us. Perhaps they are waiting until some serious injury occurs and the oity is sued for and has to pay heavy damages. Wo can point out two lamps on the streets of the city which are used al most exclusively for private benefit, the city paying for the gas consumed, which mi?ht be transferred to Nutt street, at the railroad crossings, n'here they would be of public benefit. Ladies will remember that Join Dtek & Son, have an elegant line of white silk handkerchiefs tbey under stand. Personal. Daniel Shaw, Esq.. Chairman of the Pender County Board of Commission ers, paid us a pleasant visit yesterday afternoon. Mr. Shaw, in response to enquiries made by us, stated that he thought the Democrats ol Pender lack ed but very little of being a unit in their desire to see Gen. Ransom return - ed to the Senate. Mr. Jesse Wilder, a Wilmingtonian once and a Wilmingtonian yet at heart, although for several years past a resi dent of Brunswick, (ia., also called tip on us yesterday. Ho drank deeply of the Rookspring water while here and we confidently expect to chronicle his re turn to the old home some of these days. We were also glad to welcome to our office this morning Capt. Wm. Smith. li i V.11..ot. Iryrwrnaman irkrk ia OUT quoiiujiii louun-wnuoujBu, ttuv now Superintendent ol the Raleigh Gaston R. R. and ths Raleigh A Au gusta Air-Line. It is Capt. Smiths first visit to WilmiJgton since he left ns last September. Ho resides, with his family, at Wake Forest. The digestive organs weakened and wornout cathartic medicines restored by using Brows Iron Bittres. Magistrate's Court . Anderson Morriss, colored, charged . with the larceny of rice and cotton from ! tl it irorr was brought before Justice Millis for an examination, and was or-1 dercd to give a bond in the sum of $50 s for bis appearance to-morrow at 10 j o'clock, in failure of which he was j committed to JaiL Fanners and others desiring a gen- cral. lucrative agency business, ov which St to a aay can oe earrfni send address at ones, on postal, to 11. C WzuuxBOM A Co., 106 and 197 Ful-: ton SareetV New York. dec 18-e-ra. , THE 3IALLS Theraaii close and arrive at the City Post ! offlre as follows : CLOSE. Nonhern through malls, fast. S.O0 P. M. Northern through and wav mails 5.40 A. i. Raleigh 5.0SP. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routja pappllM tberefrorn Delud ing A. AN. C. Railroad a 5.40 a. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8 30 A. M. and .00 P. M. Western maa'- (C. C. ITeHaaJ) ilpH j. (exrept Sunday 5.fK P. M. AO poirts beUYOen ITaralct an! Rtl- af . . .- . ; Mail for Cberaw and Darlington UM1 1 Mail for i aud Cha ma-i o vu a. -i. ami ?.pu r. TKirTa between iorocce and Charle!on f.30 A. M. and ?.0Q P. M. . ravcttcvlVicaiMofflres on Cape Fear River. Tuer-dava aod t rl taye 1.00 P. M. rayettevP.le, vi Latnberton, dalij-, except Sundays ."...".0' P. SL Onflow C n. :.n i VavemiQtilalc of&. cc-, Tneadnrsaml rriflayj ..S.fO A. M. Smith'-Hie mails, by steam heat, tilly (except iWn lay) .?0 A MalLs for Easy IIilL Town C'r;k, fchallotte ari I4ttto Rive?, T . - dnvs Dd Kri'iara Kf"t A OPKN VtIt DgLlVERY. WrightsvUle, fially. .....8.30 A. Northern Utntugh au l way ioui 7, iO jsal no M. ML M. M So.-.thi'i-n Mails 1.30 A . M Mrm Central nailm;:d ti5 A. M Mwil1" roMe-tod from ftrrt txr eery day at Mt P. St. stamp Ofliro ujcu Irora 8 A. M. to 1 1 M., and front - lo yZ P. M. Moncj'opler and RegtstT Department open ame rh stamp office. Staaape for sale rn email quantities at geaer A dettveiy when Ktump office Is elosetk "ivncral delivery open from davltght to dark and on Snwlars miu 8.00 to P.30A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF A WILMINGTON, N. C. DIVIDEND OF THREE-A NO A HALT ir clnT. oas been declared iy ihc Board of Directors of thl Bank, payahleonand after . ' January loth irmary 10th. A. K. WALKER, 1 dec 20-2w Cashier. Ladies' Bazaar. Millinery and Notion Store, JJAVINQ TAKEN THE STAND, No. 42 AUrket Street, I will keep all sorts of Ladles' and Children's ready made Laces, Caps, Col larettes and everything in the Ladles Une of goods. The pnblla are Invited to call and see our Chrijimaa Tree to-night. All orders promptly attended to. Hair Work done also, dec 29-It MRS. S. J. BAKER. M. CKONLY, Aucfr. By CKON LY & MORRIS. UNDERWRITERS SALE. QN TUESDAY, JANUARY 2d, 1888, at 11 o'clock, A. M., we will sell at the Dry Dock of Messrs. J B. Blossom St Evans, for cash, to the highest bidder, without limitation or re serve, and under Inspection and supervision of R. E. Heide, Dan sh Vice Consul, for account of all concerned, the Danish brig "DEN 2 DEN APRIL", of Elsinore, 2S9 tons burthen, an she now in this port in distress, dec 20 2t Star copy Dec SI & Jan 2 Lice Moore" Cahdv. O' UR STOCK THOLGH DEPLETED dur- log Xmas week 1 again replenished with a complete aesortment made this week. We hATe slso added 60veral new varieties, includ- i lag chrystallzed Figs, Dates, Prunes ard Cream : Aunoads, Cuba Honey Comb. i We are also prepared to furnish dealers with frosh made Stick Candy every day, of the best quality. Also, a full assortment of FANCY CANDIES, j whlch afford tarf 8 proflt, and insure quick 1 gaJcs apples, oranges, cocoancts, ban ANA8, NUTS, FlGS, RAISINS, and other fruit oe band at Wholesale and Retail ! With many thanks for the very flattering patronage wo bare received from the opening until now, we wish all a Happy New Year ! E. J, MOOEE & 00, dec 20 Cheek by Jowl ! -TXTK. RI SPECTFUL LY rSVITE ATTE5. Hon to the fact that we have mide extensive preparations to accommoda'e our patrons with the best the market affords for Sunday and New Yean. In addition to our excellent holt lay assortment of BhEF AND ALL KINDS OF MEATS, bef axd all kinds of meats. we will have Jowlf enough fresh Jowla, salt irp7 wbote w -v-a irnvmrw , i v ra,i U4 s a rj W. Corner Market aad Second Streets, Proorietor of the onlr steam Sanaaav dec 23 Factory in the Mate. OFFICE TAE C L LECTOR, crrr or Wilmington, n. c, December 27, 1ES Oelinquent Taxpayers A EE HEREBY NoTIFIKp THAT I WILL il oegin, on tne nrsi oi January next, to makenp the net for adverUeeaaeet. Costs caa be saved ay paying EW ADVERTISMENS. Grind New Year's Ball ! Cermaiiia LoIsre No. 4. K. of P. AT Germania Hall,. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1st, 153. A HAPPY. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. TICKETS Toir.i Flaar. Jr.. W. U. p?r. C F. VonKansjOTi. L Gictchen. deo. JS- ierken. II. C Prem E. tv . Doecbpr, J. Q. Pianos and Organs, c 1HRAP FOB ( ASH OR ON TflK KASY i tttatabai al plan, ai HEIN? HERDER'S. Blank Book?, T4APKK AND ENVELOPES, i. I SK OF ALL KIN D5. BeaoUfnJ BOX PAPERS, a nevr lot Jost in. aid for fait: cLehp at ue-c 25 HKIKsBeBQEBM. Thank You. nriO A GENEROUS PUBLIC WE RETURN j sincere tharks far liberal jvttronage. We hire r ! fctill a large stock of Boots & Shoes to ' offer, and those who failed to get thelr Chrlfctmaa presents can now call and select their New Year offerings. Wo only require a small equivalent. L ome and call on us. Geo. R. French & Sons, dec 23 js NORTH FRONT ST. With Promptness QRDERS FOB CUSTOM WOB4S CAN NOW be filled by u ivEXJisrsoir, dec 27 Clothier and Merchant Tailor Fancy and Staple Groceries. IOC Bbls. Bow-White FLOUR, lj 200do do other gradee. 50 Box's BACON, 76 Buckets LAUD, 100 Bbls M' 'LASSES, i Cuba, N O. and Porto Blco, 10,000 Striped Sacks SALT, 100 Bas OFFICE, all grades, 50 Bbls C, Ex C and Gran. SUGAR, 35 Bbls RICE, 900 Busbs MKAL. 50 Boxes CHEESE, 100 Boxes CANDY, 50 Buckets do, 109 Boxes CAKES and CRACKERS, 100 Cases 1 and 2 Lb OYSTERS, 50 do SALMON, 35 do SARDINES. For salei by dec 27 K ERG I INK it & CALDER BROS. We Must Thank UK CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR Thottght- fulness of u& during the Xmas week, and If we were successful in our attempt to please them a continuance of their favors will be apprecia ted. WE ARE SORRY THAT OUR SUPPLY OF ROYSTEE'S CANDY gave out, but the demand was greater than wo expected. We will havo a FRESH SUPPLY to-day by Express, Fivo pound boxes of beat mixture packed by ROYSTEB for 42 50. We hope our patrons will excuse any delay In the delivery of goods last Saturday. On Xmas of '70 and 'SO found us unprepared for the delivery of goods, owing to our large trade, and although we bad previously used bat TWO Wagons, THREE were not sufficient for our trade Saturday. We propose to accom modate our customers next Xmas If It takes SIX Wagons. P; L. BEIDGEBS & CO. dec 27 Holiday Gifts. O FECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR THE aon : Celluloid 6eta, in Plush, Satin and i Leather Case, Jewel and Odor Cases, Cologne Bottles. Toilet seta ana vases, Traveinne Cases, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Ac. Latest St vies and Lowest Price. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist. dec 15-nac tf Market Street. TfttA EtifUiTTI Wftfpr ! I Q DRAUGHT, OR BY THE GALLON 'or barrel. t- IAMBS C MUNDS. Pharmaciat, 86 North Front Street. dec4 If You Wish to See i-IAPT. w notoriety, the oldest Saddle and Harnera, &c. maker In Wilmington. Just call at H. M. BOW DEE A Ce store aad buy a nice Lap Robe and aUother articles in a Saddlery eatabllah J ment, for it la the place to get NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS I K AT Z 9 S, ! 36 Market St. Silk, Ga8hmere fe Fancy Dresses I CLOAKS. DOLMANS. SACQCBS, j HLA.NKET. BEDSPREADS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, H'DnVFS, 100 Dozen Misses Hose, In foil Regular make. S25 Cents a Pair. Ladles and Misses Tests amS Comets. Hundreds of Fancy articles, useful aad seat rable at prices which will please aaS oompare favorably with tha. lowest Sort he ml catalogues. Evamlne and save money by buying thing useful of M. KATZ, 36 Market Street. dec 10 New and Novel Goods! JECEIVED BjY EXPRESS EVERY DAT The New Floral Poems Beautiful beyond deeertpUon. Call and see the Immense stock ef CHRISTMAS GOODS I AT YATES' BOOK 8T0BE. dec 18 1882. XMAS 1889. Millinery & Fancy Goods I THE LADIES WILL FIND AT EXCHANGE CORNER, Almost everything desirable in lbs way ef MILLINERY AND MILLINERY GOODS, HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Ae. In addition, we save a kuge aad stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS, anaoai will be found many pretty things for Sifts. ay Every si earner briaga frees Price reasonable and polite lady clerseon both Soora. i Miss E Karrer, dec IS The Latest Thing! I N SACHET POWDER IS THE f) fqnaea, tot tsM by Munds Bros Imnnrten nt rn CmI. 1.491 BROADWAY', NEW TOAE. AN D WILMINGTON, Jt. C p

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