M ISCELLANE0U5. ! -jri5 Balk; ST DiAaA Is an effect, not a ciuv. It ni.ln without. ITene, wur.in; :ia manifestation to dire the disease thejCAUSE munt be kieot M, aad In no other way can a tire bo eOVctd. WAILSKR'S SAFE KIDNEY AND L1VKU LURK is established on Just C'. principle. It rc&llu-s mat 95. Per Cent, of all facs arise from deranged kidneys and tvtrr and It striked at cnoe at the root cf the ilrticultr. The elements of which it i cm pobed uVt dlrectlr upon the great orx.m?. both as a FOOD and JlKSTORKU. nnd br p!a-Jrr them la & healthy condition, drive d&tt nn4 aln from the sj-s tern. For the Innumerable trouble can cd by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and U-ihiary Organs; for the dietroinjr Dbordera of Women; for .dnlarla and for phy&icul deraugement gener llr, this grc.it redely has no equal. Beware of lmno3tsr3, imitations and concoctions aUl u be just as good. For D-abete ask for W J .USER'S SAFE DI ABKTES CL'UK. Kor sale by all dealers. II. II. WABN'GB & CO., apl 14dm Rochester. N. Y. f o 5" O o 7) o 02 OB 3 & a O ) oc S C 3 c "B 1 I H - g" 9 K H to a I 3 ?i 2 13 O o O S5 r rr a W I? 3 s K r 2 F o 3 IS o r o t 31 U a 5 o a 3 5" 3 O to 3 3" 3 " 3 B O O ' LOG ROLLING. AVhllo Wrestling with a Fallen Tree ii Lumberman Receives Consequential Dainages. White on a hunUnjc exenrstun In tbogrvat coal aud wood region near Carbondale, Pa., the writer met William Coil, a lumberman. Accustomed to life and labor In the. fvm?6t from early manhood, he was a true Knight of the Axe. Many a tree had fallen before his ringing tdroVe, and fleets of rafta had borne away to market the sawed product. Coll is a character, and if 4)sear Wlldo la riirht in ray ing that all movrments ia unhiudercI labor wo gracefal, onr riend Wdllam, stripped for bis work, and att; cklng a tree as Richard I. assaulted the heavy doors of Front tie Bumfs Cast-e.iuuBt have yroacuted an admirable pic ture. Ouo dy, however, bu.t lt hhn t-?'! tht story h'.ms-lf, as ho told It to rae : "I was out In the woods, you know, trying to ptart a lo;Vowu a hill. Thinking I could aret a better prurehaso on it from the lower eMe, I tackled It there with my log-rolling hook and threw my weight cm the lever i She started, he did, hut as lack would bat If, before I rould get ont of tho way, t-ho rolled right over me. If it ha'hi't been for a lot of timali limbs and brush lying in the road. Which lifted her up, she'd a crushed me flat. As It was I got np without a broken Done, mn w;m some mighty bad bruises." "Then you were all right," snid hi auditor. : "Not by a blamed sight, stranger. I took cold, rheumatism set iu, atd, if I had'nt hc inl of BEXFON'S C A PC INC TOKUS PL ISTUltS nd used 'em it's my opinion I shouli never made aether chix fly. Bat the Cpcluc took hold quick, and I'm 'bout as good as new. But there's ono thing you kin calkllate on I ehall nevrr wTastlo with another log unlc?s I have the advantage of tho ground. Fur, as I told you before. If It hadn't been for them brushes I'd been smashed t, you could 'a wld mo for a door mat." The Capclne la the thing for rheumatism. It doesn't keep you waiting. Tho word CAP CINE ia cut in the center of the genuine. Trice 23 cents. Peabury & Johnson, ChcmUt. New York. Jan 1-tw Worth & Worth. QFFEK AT LOW PRICES TO PKOMPT buyers : 10,000 Bushels CORN, 1,000 do. MKAL. 500 Barrels FLOUR. 150 Bag COFFEE, JIOO Barrels SCGAU. ' 100 Boxes BACON. 100 Bales HAY, 250 Hhds. and Bbla. t.000 Bbls. LIME.CEMKNT & PLASTER 1,000 SPIRIT BARREL, New and seoond hand 1 Obacco, SnuJT, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, Candr. Candle. Hoop Iron, Na la, Ac, octi: SEED COTTON Wanted. PREPARATORY TO THE OPENINXJ OT the new season, we call attention to the fact that we WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR KET PRICES FOR SEED COTTON. Apply at ' . WlllardSe I go 49 19 tf TheDaily Review. OX 13 BONO. ' - - , ' T'.mo changes all; and, soon on Lite. 'I hy, who seemed one of heart, T lekl nnut uiightier law of fat. Now happier walk apart. " ' . - I , i : r ct MiGcLirne8 Into Mtfuory's land h ith frlleutHtep' they go, j And heaLng waters fro ji'hif hiud 'A htlr fphlu overflow. j Iklde a single crave tbeyl stand ; The morninjr glow has fled, "Yet ucif red Heart and part1 haiwl Clttp o'er the sacred dead. ; liar Clemmcr. A Square Failure The agent of a Now York clothing house, who was sent to Atlanta to eeu lie up the, failure ojl a retail1 honse, mad. a few inquiries of the man next door. ! I relieve it.vhas a nare failare.M exphnaed the ruan. ! : . What mak3 jou think so?" - I "Vhell, he didn't drink, nor smoke, nor gamble, nor run alter der vhornan3, nor drive a fast horse: and ash lor his rhife. the never huvs nothings, and keeps no help." ' , j . i fht?n vo'j lav it to tho staniant hoh- ditionot trade?" . . j - 'Vhell, trade was purty dull, but you eee herhasnotdcr right soil of man. Vnen a man shtopa to buy a west for two dollars ho doan! mako hiih pelief dot he rhants an oafercoat lor tit'tcen, und vhen a man Ftops to buy an oafercoat for filto:-n he doan' convince him dot he needs a feecond-hand suit for twenty. Ho may do in the grocery 1 peesncss, but ho can t ran soinoj clothing store mitout argument." A Perfect i'ieture CiiAitLESTON, S. C, Feli.' 17, 1681. ' II. II. Warker & Co. : sirs Your Sale Kidney and Mver Cure has cured my niece of 13 right's Disease, and made her the perfect picture of health. V. A Bradley. Conductor S. C. R. R. Wanted, to le a NeiY.spaper Writer, j The other day Col. Gtllit; of Black Fork, accompanied by hs son, visited tho Traveller office "I'fe been layin1 off for some time,"l he said, "to letch my boy in, but we've hail to save the fodder and git the fattening hogs outen the woods. I know that you wank somebody to help you on this sheet, for it's mans natur' to git tired. j Now. my boy Tom, here, ihas had a heap of nioney spent on his eddy cation, t and I don't think that it's right to waste him on the farm. The fust indication we u'la tuat ne was litteu. lur newspaper vor,k was when he Jwrit something on the fence with a piece of charcoal an' got into a fight about it ; What was it you writ, son?" "I writ that Ben Buckle was a liar." answered the boy. j : j "Now, don't you see what stuff there's in him? Just look, a boy; only how old are you, son?"' j j "Twelve, goin' on thirteen." "Just look at a boy only twelve goin' on thirtoen Avritin' sich a political ar tickle as that. The man w 10 writ the pa er of independence couldn't do any better than that. And you ought to see him with a pen. Son. show the gentle man how you caa freeze to the eend of a pen and rar like a hoss." j j The boy took up a pen, pressed it up on the table and caperpd around. j "That's wtoat 1 call 'complishmentt' continued the lather; "That's what I call snap. Son; show the gentleman how you can throw your whole nature into liar." . i Tho boy took the pen j and wrote '"liar" with a bold smear. J "Xow, son, write hos3 thief." Tho boy wrote "hoss thief," and capered around with a juveaile grin of malignity. . . j ; i( "That's what I call the1 result ot ed- dycation," resumed the fatheri "That's what 1 call newspaper! Jability. row sir, now mucn is ne worm raontnr" 'i-would dislike to place a hurried estimato.of value upn such active ser vice as the young man could render, , said tho editor. "Besides, wo could not utilise nim nere, for tnis is not. a political paper. Your eon is a political writer, and I would advise you to m?c the proprietor of a daily sheet." 1 reckon you are liffnt. inis is a sorter tame cstablishmcat.! Come on, son.-1 mus' git a place whar you can sling your jints." , i ) . . The young man wll no ; doubt j be come an eminent cam baign writer, and will eventually exercise great influence in local politics. Arkcuisasl Traveller. The "FavoritoT'rescntiott" of Piorco cures ' female weakness" Dr. and lrinrlrfkrt u Tirl irtns Tlr rli-nnrirjcf druggists. tuce-fri. - .A Wouderf nl Invention. ' Tho J-ieggo patent sends as many words over a single wire in a minute as the most skilltul Morse operator can. B3nd m a hour, delivers at the receiving station a fac similo ot the copy furnish ed, and does it all without the help of a skillful operator, jj Anybody who can turn a crank can send a message, in his own ( handwriting, with any . private marks or other devices ho pleases, sim nlv by first writing his 1 message on a chemically prepared piece of paper fur nished -by. tho. company- Practical trials ol this apparatus have shown a speed of 2,500 words a minute, but it can be enlarged so as to do; even better. A Morse operator who can! send er re ceive 2,000 or 2.500 words an hour can command the highest salary, and even then thero is nothing to guarantee him against making a mistake a thing which bv the Legge process is impossi ble. Pictures can be transmitted in this way, and an enterprising reporter can send, not only the words, but the music of the new opera by wire: but the great advantage the company claims for" it is the transmission of correspon dence. It is expected that the onergetio business man who ha4 an important letter to send to a distance will no long er, drop it in the postofflce unless, in deed, an arrangement cau be effected by vhictt the Dostoffices will be made re ceiving and delivering stations for the postal telegraph but will bring it to ti e company's office, place it with his own hands in the machine, and send it humming in a moment to its destina tion. PA iladclphia Times. , For Pocket Kuives or Table Cutlery, to Jacobus Hardware DepotJ Tomsy. - Ho was just a little colored boy, the announcement of his doaih . but will make many hearts sad. ; ; s" Forsixyetra bis bright black; face bad been lamiliar to all callers at Trin ity Rectory, and to all friends of tht family, lie wa9 a courteous,' gentle manlike little fellow, and looked on himself, as, indeed, everybody did, as one of the family. He" believe! his great mission in-life was "to take care of the Doctor." : ' A short,. sharp attack of tetanus, fol lowing the most trifling hart from one ot those murderous toy pistols, carried him off in three days, notwithstanding thojutmost power of science and skill We know here, as none can know but those who live with them, how close dark-faced servants weave themselves into our lives. And when one is so bright and truthful, so honest and faith ful and trusty as this poor boy was, tho family attachment is very strong. There is great srief at the rectory and among the large circle who have known "Tomsy" for so long J Ho was "only a little. colored boy,"' but he had the-qualities that make the truo gentleman, and he did his day's work well, and many loved him wcll. Aw Orleans TimeS'Democrat. A locomotive boiler, it is estimated, will last until the engine has traveled over 350,000 miles. On some lines however, tho boiler, under favorable circumstances, particularly when pure water is used, may travel 400,000 r 500,000 miles before becoming unser viceable. Assuming that the life of, an engine is determined by the endurance of tho boiler, and that if under favora ble circumstances it will last, the 500. 000 miles, then during -that time it is estimated that tho fire-box will proba bly require to be renewed at least three times, the tires of the wheels fivo or perhaps six times, the crank axles three or four times, and the tubes from seven to ten times: . Buclni-Patba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. SI. Druggists: " : r. 'ETCGRa EdocateA End practical rrowers now assent to our Lotto "Thai I ne mrtner Itorth HerAm own the earner their prodnct will be." true to name, ktowd on dryuphmd; Scotch Fyfe and Blae Stem Wheat ; White Russian Oats ; tampes Cob b&8w said to beona week earlier than Early York : our North Ktar Yeliow Dent Corn atill takes the for fodder Is equal to air i of onion seed, tomatoes, carrots, peso, &c La., a full Ilae and larye crqp. cjl 18S2 growth on our own f-rnia. Wild Hi- tar Wk ponaa aivraya on mm a xor brmxsr or tt&i eowlmr. 7 th Annual Catalon.aL rrt. T7M. M ETCA 1 TP. alvraya on haavl vu&l Catalotn.a. brrmx or eowl trwsxlmtMrter&JhbersHU Paul, Minn, "MOORE COUffTY GRIT" CCKN MILLS AND HIUSTOKES,. T (AlXSlfXS). MMAOiitimaiiiiiiii SAUFLES OF MEAL 8SST f OH ArniOAZXOH. ' ROSTH CAROtlXA KILLSTOHE 3. Branch Office TSiHnto. K r ' tanaKsnoN this papeb A JLeaChuj London Phx" Odoo ia 'New VotIs. for tiie Cere of. f) EPILEPTIC fits; Dr. Ab. HMeroto of InAm), vr&o mke a spe cialty of Epilepsy, bM wltfxrot donbt trtatJ end cured moroeMtbAan70thorUTlnsrpb7te1an. nisvaeoeM has simply been Mml8btns; v fcae hoard of coses of frver o reors' stnl1n(p scvsWy ctirt-l by him. Ea ft as published a work on this llcao, vrtilth be sends with a largo bottle of hla rnndrf ul cnr fro to any sof farer who may sndtblr express and P. O.Addrosa W advise any one wlshlnr acnretoarttlretis i Lime, Kainit arid Plaster ! BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL UME, 1 i CARBONATE OF. LIME, KAINIT; LAND PIASTER AND 'MARL? GOOD FERTILIZERS, AND VERT CHEAP, Send for Circular. FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C Jaal GUNS AND CUTLERY,! A VINE . ABSOttTMENT OF Muzzle and Breeoh-Loader Revolvers and Ammunition, i SILVER PLATED : - SPOONS & FORKS, I A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF i . . . i ' Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery; Popular pricca to salt all at N. JACOBI'S, HARDWARE DEPOT. , No. 10 Sonth Front St deetf New J ewelry Store. 11HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY .! . i .. - . announces to the citlzena of Wilmington, that he has leased the premises No. IS, Market St., t - ami U now in receipt of Handsome Stock oft Goods, which will be displayed fa a few days. Is..'"-"; ff3 Watch and Clock repalilng a specialty. decW JNO. IL ALLEN. Corhrnercial Hotel Wilmington, -N.; C. t M. SCHLOSS, Prxip. plBST-CtiSS IS BVEBT. EESPECT. LOOS ATTACUEP. ap 8A mm tew f'TBfm "MISCELLANEOUS. AVINES AJfDPeruvin Cuanp. LIQUORS. II. BRUNHILD & BltO., a UN o. 2 Granite Row, WilmingtonWii C y-OUI4RXSPBCTFDLLT ANNOUNCE to the public that they have lately Imported from first hands in Europe, and which ia now in bond at Custom House. . . KnNTB WI3STES NOTED VINTAGES , ALSO A LARGE QUANTTTT OF Delicious Sherries Po rts of th eFin est Bo u a u et , And most celebrated brands, - Thpy have fnrthennore added to tbeir foil and well selected stock a complete line of FRENCH COnPI ALS AND UQUKRS suitable to the palate of tho most fastidious. Tbe Rochester Brcwlnir Company, throngh , irefEra; Henry L. Bcck'er & Co., have pltcn them tbeagrncy for their "Export Beer", and i which does not want for praiae from ' rJ! qtar-' ters. They sollett patronaze. I John Li Boatwright's 'PAROLE D'HONNEUR RollerSFrocess Flour. For -Beauty, Strength, PPurity, and Bread pro- liiii.iC,jLiuaUties,Slti8 the highest attain- able standard. Guaran teed J in e very 1 1 11 h i s n ce T IT, n WCLLPROVa ALr. -V.fi J CLAIM POS IT. OIIN L. BOAT WRIGHT dec 19 SOME MORE. JU3T RJCCEITED, ANOTTI EK LOT OF those ELEGANT HAVANA CITEBOOTS. Warranted the best . TPtyi CENT CIGAR, In the elty.' ALSO A FULL LINE OF .1 '-. Tobacco & ' Tobacco Goods. Call and tale a emoko, i . - i N. GREENE WALD, So. Front St., Just below Exchange Corner, dec 18 " Wew Restau rant. npIIK UNDERSIGNED WOULD KESPJXTi- fully announcer that be has justfltted irpat No - . ; . . S, Granite Row, South Front et., a reetanxant ' ... . i " :i :.. - '! v - .4 for LadSee and Gentlemen, where meals as refreahmenta may be had at all hours of th day. Ererythlng la new and first elaae. 'To lite waiters and courteous attendants.: sTGame and Oysters la seaeon." jTTue W lnes. UqnoTS andClearB. -! uovis - FT A. 8CHUTTE. Prop.' Breech-Loaders. : ; piNE BEEECn-LOADlkG , SUOT-GUXS, fchelle. Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartridge Bajja, Gun Cases. Reloading Tools, Game Bags, Pis tola all kinds. . If yon want a first-daes arti cle of the above pood, and low prices, the same can be louna at A . W- E. SPRINGER & CO'S. ! Successors to Dawson & Co, ! ian 1 , ; . z,. 19 il and 25 Market Street If You Wish to See tAPT.B.1 J. JACOBS, of Senior j Keserre notoriety, the oldest Saddle and llarnees, Av, maker In Wilmington, lost call at ILM.BOW DKN & C'S store ana bay s nice JLep Robe and all other articles In a Saddlery eetabii&h ment for it is the place to get them. Qj oonnrranr 7 II "lacraa toe oe abr Clatmsm; bj i bytta thm wecsc kind sad f vmx ta Itsetseaer. thm I WIU scd TWO I-OTTLiJ FKtX, tf rtbr witU V ALCAKU TKXATIS1 wi thy CH s. f aywTitnw. n upw r. o. .44i mm MISCELLANEOUS: 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guatio 1 DIRECT IM PORT ATTON, EXPECTED DAIL1 ndfor galery Ohas. E. Smith & Co. dec 16 I ! ' Farmers, Take Notice. lroRRis' noa choijera compound is just Ue thing to cure or prevent Uog Choi J . . . - " I ' i en and aS diaeaecs to which BwIub are enb- - - ' i .-- " "j jeut; tt 1 will prevent that dreadful dlRcaee known aaTrlchnap, and will put your hogs in a thrifty, hcaithy'ccndiUon, cleariag the kid- ;.! --. - .. I - '.. -'-r ' eeys, liver, A-c, TTorma axrf parasites. , ! . ' ' " i . '. 1 Each ! package contains ooo and ouc-aalf pounds and will, if given etricly according to directions cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put 20 hears In a condition to fnlten In one half the usual time, thereby harinsroae hnlf oftbe feed. The farmers of Duplin coantv are giving it the praise. All fanners ehould bar a pack asv . . ''! ' Tor 6alo .wholesale and! retail, bv; W. II. GREEN, Prujrglst,MrUettrret, ViJmington, S. er ; .. - r dec idAw-U5 Marvjin's Celehratqd . JURE AND BURGLAR .TROOP SAFES, All Slaes and Prieea, from SO.W ' to t2,200.C0. Acknowledged by the nest uthortrteato be the BEST SAFE MADE, - ' Uxtract fixra Scientific American editorial ot Feb. 11th, 1882; "We are alao Tasked as to the beet fire proof &fp. We say MARVIN'S a; a. wiliIard. dec 10 . ' Aent at Wilmington. First National Bank of Wil- ! .. mingtbn, . CAPITAL STOC-K. . SURPLUS FUND... . - , ; - ..... $250,000 ...... 66,000 Deposits received antl collecticss made on all accessible poinfa in the United Stater. DIRECTORS j El E. BURRUS ID. G. WORTn, A. MARTIN, JAS. 8PRUNT, JAS. DAWSON. OFFICERS : E. E. BURRUSS........: JAMES DAWSON....... I - . A. K. WALKER W. LARKINS apl 23 President. Vice President. Cashier A'sst Caahicr A FEW PACKAGES OF CHOICE MULLET ROE . FOR SALE BY- HALL&PEARSALL dec 1.9 ' . . ! IB UTTER I -IlLrEDCB. , OLEOMAROARTK7C . j ' ' TEAS, ! . !r COFFEES, " ! j MOLAS3ES. , Ac. , Ac. ForJ-ialeiat lowSprice by DeRosset &lCo. de4 19 t Eedrfc kczZzxtt tra ttsX v 33 Dsyj' Trial. TO MEH OMLY, Y0U.1G 03 OLD, IV Xorr VrTAurr. lck or wm f osie Two. Wjurmca wawi58. nd ll lot IIXMXaI. JiiTVtte rfi-alunx from AJrc mn-X . ! invrn Crr- fp-crfy reJ.ff mni irt ruy , r-tka of Ii altr, Viij rrt iav-Tw- CAU.if.ui. mm: eiit ca.-;KAgint;craH;' July I7-deod&.wl 1 BEFORE AND - AFTER 1 it AI LI tO ADS, &c. Carolina Central R. R. - - --- - - - . r Company. i -. ! i rfbclBtM,Ti. C.,s Sept. 28th, 1888. V r Change of Scnedule. QN .AND AFTER "SEPT. 80, X8S2, TU m folio v in tscneaate wlUbe operated es. lhil' Railroad . .v , ;, PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRATX, ' DAILY. - K . t Leave Wilmington at....... Att P. kt. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at-.....:7.40 A. kt, Vn (.Leave Charlotte at..........7.&5 P. kt. fl0, I Arrive at Wilmington aL...9.W A. U. Tralju No. 1 and 2 atop at rfTruJLar station only, and to!nts designated in the Coorpanj HmeTabfo. . - -'.' ..j -j Train No. I. Dally except Sunday. . J Do. No. 2. do. , do, 8atorday. 1 SHELBT DrVTSIQX,. PASSENGER, UAXL, r express aud ntEiqirr. ; Dally except Bxrndayv j j . .. Leave Charlotte..... A. If. Arrive at t?hclby...'.."...,.....li.a) P. tu Leave Shelby.. .V.....v 1.40 Pj M. Arrive at CharloUe... AM p. m. Trains No. 1 and 2 make c iCHeconbectloii a4 Hamlet with R.AA. Train tt nnd from VV elgli, and at Charlotte with -8heiby Drrisios Tram.:':.- 4 - ' "ti-'lf-t - i ' ThMogh SloeplngCara Icrc-n Wihnlnrton and Charlotte and Raleigh ard Charlotte." ' Train X04 1 makes ronHfietloo.vt Charlotte with A., T. Jb O. Jlr-U. for Stflicsville, eo nectlrg there with W. X. U UR.foraH point on said road., ' . ' fv , Train Nos. 1 makes connection at Char- iouo wiifl. a. ' a v.1 K. 'R. for Bpartanburg. Greenville, Athena, AtlHiUa and all point be .on. Aiuiiua ana an point r , V, Q. JOHNSON yond. sept 2S-tf ; '-Gewjral 'tmiKaintendent. Wilmington ;&;vyo(lon EaUroaa'thipAny OVFIOa OF GESKkAL fiUTkBOTEKDiatT, ' !. - ' .:'' i f WlhnlPgton, N. C.f Kov8,-1882. - - i .1. ,4-jf li 6w . .F I a ton & Wchlon l!lhxad,wiU run as follows t DAY MAIL ANDJBXPItlCSH TRAINS DaILT Nos. -47 jroRTH aji i?oirrn. Leave WUndnrton, Front SlLlepot, 6.40 A. 14. Arrive at Weldon 1 .J! 11.40 P. M. ieave veiaon.. S 30 P H Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'pt. . p'. M. Fasjt TilROUr.it Mail A PA.swnrn Tiritwa Daily Noa. 4-1 North axto 40 South. . Tavo WIImingtn.iVYentSt., Dejot, 5.45 P. If. Arrive it Wtldon. l.io P.M. Ixjave Weldoii....,...Ji......j;.... e.10 P. M Arrive at Wilm'gton.Fi-ont St. D'p't 10.63 P. JJ. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DartT., NoS. 45 North and 4)3outh. Leave Wilmington .' q,3q p. Aniveat WeMon... 4 09 A. M Leave Welion at. . ....;.. i.. ao A1 M' Arrive at Wilmington.. 7,0 jf! - Train No. 4t) South yrl) stop only at Rocky Mount, 11ob, Goldfloro hivI Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Dranch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarlwro at 115 M. and 7.15 P. M., Da!X' : Returning, loave Tarboro at 9.00 A. HI and 3 P. M. Dailv. Trains on Scotland Necfc Branf h Road levo Halifax, for Scotland Neck at eio P. If. Re tumlng leave Scotland: Neck it 10 I o'clock daily. - J - ..' Train No. 47 makes close connection at We wn lorau points ortlt DailvJ A!) rati H Rich wa ond, and daily except Hutoduy via Ray Train No. 41 runs dailv and maltxa aW mh. nectlon for all pobiU NorUi tla lUcbmond and waphingtor.. No. 47 makes eloso connecOoa forTarboro. - . - . -- , - a- r . .tra!n8 run sold between Wi'mlngton and Washington, ani have Itillman PaUoe Sleep. ers attached. JOHN r.,DlVTNK, . General Superintendent. - T. M. EMERSON, .neral PigerJLWt. 4i Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. 11. Co. Oftick or General aurKmnmrvxart. 4 Y7Tknlcgtin, N. Q. Noy a, ls?j. j I Change of: Schedule, i " Yl K OT: 5T1I, 18W2. At 7. u Mj,the following Passenger eched nl. will be ren on this road : . NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS; DAI LY- No. LoHve Wilmington.....,..,., tM p. kt. Leave Florenco..; J.R5A.M. Arrive at CCA A. JBncl3on;....i 6.S0 A. kt. Arrive at Colnrabia.. ........... . e. 40 A. kt. Leave Columbia.....:.. .......i...I0.00 P. It. Leav C, C. & A. Junction........ .10.50 p. M. Leave Florence.... M . J.JC A. kf. Arrireat Wilmington.............. 6.9 A. kt.' NlOirrJlATL AKD PAMKTGEn TKACf j DATLT. No. 40 West, and Dat Mail akd Paj 8E9GEB TKADf, NO. 43 EmL Loavo Wilmington. . :.M....H.I0 r. H, Arrive at Florence..... 2.45 A. M. Leave Florence. ........ ............13LC5 P. kt. Arrive at Wilmington..... a.25 p. kU MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS Datxt Nos. 42 West and 45 Eat T Leave Wlhniington....:....;;;.....!. A. M. ArriTc at Florence........ ...:.v..UJt3 A. It. Leave Flerrace at. 4.50 p. U. , Arrireat Wilmington. .....9jMP. If. Train 43 step at all Stations. r No.spps onlyjt riemlngton, WblterLTc, Fair BmflTand kiarSon. . 1 , Passengers for Cdransbla and all points o O. A C. 1L 1C, C, A RJ E. SuLIoea, ilken Joao tion.aand all polnff beyond, should take it Nlsht Express. : -. .-. 1 S Separate Pnlhnan Sleepers; for Cnaxleatos ana for Augusta on Train 4$. ; . , All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. ' . JOHN F. DIvTXZ,! General SaperlntendeaL T. M. EMERSON. General Paesenger AgU nor 6 . '- ..- .' -s. ....-i . , A week made at home by the tnduetrions. Best buAL ness now.lf fure the pubovi. Captial not t ali w win start joa. 1 Men. wonsea, bors and girls wanted everywhere t6 wirk fur u. Now la the the time. Tom ran work tn rpar time, w give your wtole time t the Ltutc x other buii win pay too nmry as well. -o one an in umLe trutrrtHmn rr. br m aelsx at once, to tlr osfrtt &tl inn fM louey mane caswr ami LmionLlri ctrefesTKi r A o..Aujrr.i.tj. A!arn. 1 aov 16-dA w tf. PTJE0BLL' HOUSE. -TJNDER NEW, MANAGEMENT, V; ? I ON, D. L. PKRRT. Pioprr. Late ProprieTcr Atlaatfc' HoCcL Flraf-Clasa. uww ppomxmenia. xerma a 2. so to ex.00 & day. j feM ' .H r ! Changejof Schedule, fS AND ! AFTER NOV. 8. -1882, AT w w ni .-IssnM. .

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