r smsmmasiss''' V I mmm 1 The Daily Review. KRIDAY..TANUARY5 1883. 77m: rttiy Itcricfc h$ the InrffcU hoik JuU cinxrftUion of 'any ii&rtpaptr publitcU in the city of Wilmtnglon LATEST NEWS. New and Observer. tHK GKSEBAL A8SKSIBLY. Orypt A I J. SECOND IAY. Tiiuicsoay, .January 4. 1B83. Messrs Clarke. Loftia and Toon pre sented their credentials, were sworti in by C B lloot, Esq. and took tteir seats. Mr Dortch A bill entitled an act re vising and consolidating the public statutes of the State. Calendar. m . . .-1 . Will miumI tir prohibition act passed at the session ol 1881. Calendar. -. mm n- . L:I1 I t. a nnrV. I 1 Mr inniX - Qliiiu icpuai uictuur bition act of 1881. Calendar. Mr Battle -A bill to repeal tho prohi bition act of UHI. ' Calendar. . ; pa motion of Mr Pinnix the rules were suspended and his bill was taken up, and afler some discussion, passed Its sererai readings and was ordered to be engrossed. .'' ' - Mr Pinnbc A bill- to provide for a railroad commission ana ior omcr .pur poses, was ordered to be printed and referred to the judiciary committee. Mr Caho A resolution of inquiry a lowneuierow uaiaie&u a seat in this Senate. Referred to com mittee m privileges and elections. Mr Womack Two bills to divide North Carolina into nine Congressional districts. Placed on calendar. - Mr Dortch A resolution proviuing that the judiciary committee oi tae iwu houses constitute a joint select commit tee to take into consideration the neces sity or the propriety of increasing the number of the judicial districts in the State and of the establishment of crim inal courts, and report by bill. Adopt -wt anrl aant tf fhft IlnilSA ftT COnCUT- OUU 7VU w . renco. , . Mr Dortch A resolution to raise a joint select committee composed of ten nn the nart of the Senate and twelve on the part of the House, to take into con sideration the report of the commission and consolidate th5 public statutes of North Carolina. Adopted and nt tn the IIouso for concurrence Mr Clarke A bill to authorize the election of county commissioners and magistrates by the people in the vari ous counties in the State. Judiciary committee. Mr Clarke A bill to provide for the working of the public roads of the State by taxation. Judiciary. Mr Purnell A bill to repeal chapter 141 laws of 1876 77, entitled "An act to establish county governments and to restore iwoi xt-ikwf " Mr Womack Resolution to raise a committee on joint rules for the go v ernment of both houses. Adopted. Mr Scott, of New Hanover Bill to amend chapter 200, laws of 1879, so that the provisions of said chapter shall not apply to New Hanover county. Mr Pay uc Resolution of instruction to the Senators and Representatives tr6m North Carolina in tho Congress . . . . . t Mx1itiAn (n till tariff and internal revenue laws. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The. House thcu proceeded to perfect its organization by the election oi it remaining officers. Nominations for the ofhee of Reading Clerk being in order. Mr Overman, of Rowan county, placed the name or Mr Y (i Burkhead, of Catawba county. - in nomination. Mr l'ase, of Jonea coun ty, placed" in nomination the name ol Mr J T Wilson, ol.hia county. Mr Burkhead was elected. . w Nominations for l'rijci pal Door K?nr ?n order. " Mr Ovcrmau ed by the House unless accompanied by the State Treasurer's receipt for the tax. I Representatives Williamson. Dixon. Frayser. Reid. Johnson, Waddell and Bryan came forward and qualified. .- The Governor's message was read, and.on motion, ordered to be sent to the Senate with a proposition to print 1,000 copies. . ! ji , ; ; On motion of Mr. Tate, a select com mittee ot five was ordered toj pasa upon all resolutions and bills relative to tho repeal of the revenue, system. Notes. Iu the local columns yes terday there was an item -to the effect that Air. Barrett, of Pitt, had not voted for Mr. Rose. The tally kept of the vote. from which our report was made, was defective i a that) particular. Mr. Barrett, like his colleague. Senator King, went into the Democratic caucus like any other Democrat and voted for the Democratic nominees just as other Democrats did (They are Democrats, just as this paper has always rated them. En. News and Observer. COMMERCIAL NEWS. STATE NEWS. of Mr WmSanderlin, oi ijcruo. mu vote was as follows: tiuuiiu o, pau- lerlin 22. , . 4 " T Nominations Assistant Door keeper being m order, tho foltowing names were placed iu nominatfara: Mr J P Nortou. of McDowell, by Mr C M McCloud; Mr WeWon Montgomery, of Warren, by Mr H B Eaton, and Hndy lkhart, of Wake. - by Mr E E Green The ballot stood as follows: Norton 80? Motgomery 3; IckhartCO. The election of Engrossing Clerk be ing the next . in order, Mr f Stanford 'placed the name of Mr V J Barrett, of Lnoir. in nomination. baUot being had. Mr Barrett recei vet! 93 ote all the votes cast. . - , , , Ti..w.fflnumjlwt; camo forwuiu anu al qualified by taking the oath ot office. M .,w.t4n of Air. Worthington committee of five was ordered to be ap pointed to prepare rules for the govern ment of the House. The chair appo.nt l Messrs. Worthington, Bunn, Tate. Peebles and Pace. . Mr Bullock presented the memorial ot George H. Parker. Esq.. of orth - ampton. contesting for the seat of R. B. rllf owew presented the memorial of James I. Moore. Esq., contesting for Uie seat of A. II. A. Williams, Esq.. of GMrVPower A resolhtlon relative to the Wpeal of the United States revenue 9yMrraLeno!r--A resolution relative to the repeal oi mo uiu.w system. Mr Bailey, of Mecklenburg A tho nrAithiLinn law. Caier Zlr. tianey. oi - to punish embezzlement by attorneys. CMr.dOverman A bill to appoint a Calendar. . V-D-kA Wx to Drovide for the election of magistrates. Judiciary committee. ... -. Mr.-McCotter-A bUl -to repeal an act enUUed an act to prohibit the man ufacture and sale of spirituous liquors. Mr Page A bill to amend the charr T . i Alntin Coast Lino. Com- lUl r? Ttlenburir. during tho Introduction of bills, raised the .- rii m h wlatina! to the char- vers oi corporations could be cntertaln- Lexington 7w;xUcft: bnow; began lalling last Friday, about one o'clock, and continued until noon the next day, when it was ten inches deep oh a level. If the ground had j been frozen at the time. It would probably have been twice as deep. Tho Conrad Hill Mine produced for the first day's run ot the'uew year, from their twenty stamp battery, over $480 in cold and" concen trates and 0.500 pounds of copper from their fu-naces. making tho total value tof the day's product over $ 1.500. Morganton Index: Married, m Una ker Meadow township. jthis county, last week, Monroe Shuford.. of Catawba county, to Susan Whistenhunt, of this county. Monroe, with old-time economy, brought but .dne horse, a small gray, on his marriage trip and after the ceremony the bride and groom afartod out on the honev-moon'tour. the groom riding the little gray and the hannv bride keenine anace at his side r r j . w . . on foot. I 1 . VAwhArn Journal: Eizbtedn hun dred and thirteen chattel mortgages rfliristerod in Craven for 1682. And ;on; Iv about twelve or thirteen hundred tax- The steamer Goldsboro cleared for Baltimore j yesterday ,with urentv-fivo thousand I Ueet of lumber in.! lhnv hundred arid fiftV bales of nnttcsn. -Tenement; houses are in demand. - Mr. Dbsonj the ! cotton fac torv suDcrintendent, says he wants to imnnrt familv and can't act a suita- bie house. ' . f'lJnton (Jtiucasian: We deeply re rrpt tn hear that Wm Frvar, of Taylor Bridge township, is lead. He died on the 20th ult. He was an excellent nhrijt.?an irnntleman. Mr. William Butler, of .Honey cutt's township, with one horse and two or three small child- ilrfti. made seven bales ot cotton, weighing 500 pounds each, on naturally nonr Line I. and had-to take the ton off .I 1iU harn to sret all of his COrtfill Mr- RutW onlv hired the nicking out of R2 nniind of cotton and hired one old nesrro abaut 60 years old tour or five weeks in chopping time.. Charlotte Journal :; Intelligence reach ed the city yesterday morning that a lire was raging in tne town oi .KpCKingaam at three o'clock a. ra. just as the C. C. west bound train passed tho place j Capt. Gardner, on stopping. his tram; at the Rockingham depot, discovered a fire in the old Sheriff's office, and at once began to use bis lungs on the still night air. After setting i tho people to work he rolled on toward Charlotte. AH efforts to ascertain the amount of property destroyed were fruitless, but it is supposed the Sheriff's office together with thft adjoining buildings were cither very much injured or consumed. Goldsboro Messenger: The outlook for a prosperous year in all branches o f business in our city is most encourag--,ns. Thc Goldsboro Rifles have already realized from their fair for the Confederate monument 1 the handsome ! sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, a nam- The Rev. North for the past four months soliciting subscrip tions for building a Catholic Church in this city, has returned to his post. .; We learn that he met with considerable success while absent, aud that the erec tion of a church will soon! be bcguuon tho lot given by Mr. W. S. 0B. Robin son near the Graded School. I Roxboro News: Mr Jas B; Barnett was painfully stabbed Christmas day by one Leo Walker, a negro, t Walker went into Mr Barnets beei saloon, and abused his clerk by cursing I him, and .vhen Mr Baraett heard of if determin ed to punish him for his insolence. Finding the negro across the) street he went for him and was gmfi wm a sound whipping, which he richly de served, when Walker struck Mr Bar nett four times with his knife, infliotmsj two wounds in the side, one ot which tMnetrated the lunJ and two on his left arm. WILMINGTON MARKET. January 54 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 48 cents bid. Sales of 75 casks at 48J cents and later 100 casks at 481 cents. . ROSIN Quoted, firm at $1.30 for Strained and $1.35 for Good Strained, at which prices sales have been effected as offered. TAR Qaoted firm at $1.80 per bbl of 280 lbs. 1 CRUDE TURPENTIN&rNo om- cial quotations. Sales of receioa $1.50 for Hard and $2.50 for bolt. COTTON Quoted steady, sates oi 250 bales on a basis of 9i cents lor mid dling. The snowing are the official quotations: ' I .b 3-io cm ........9 1-16 V Good Ordinary. Low Middling. Middling... Good Middling. 94 .....Ui DAILY KECKTPTS. Cotton-. in spirits Turpentme- Rosm Tar.. Crude TuTDentine... 429 bales 183 casks 838 bbls 243 bbls 171 bbls MARINE NETSr A HAPPY WEVJ YEAR AND MANY TIIANKS'TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS For thpir T.TRERAL PATROL AUJb liUJtt.iv xxau. rAai lluAK. AND !? r the Cure ol Ciiniis, v,oius, rHoarsehess. Bronchitis,Crot:p, lufhi J ler.za, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In -jf Icipient Ccn5innptii ana lor tne re- iefof consi r t: vcpcrsotis m hg van- 7id stigesoJiJie piFeasc. For Sale ?M I Wrqisti. Price, 25 Cents, f OCt3 tf . j" : RENEWED EFFORTS , .n.T Wi TirrnO!? ATT. WTTM AT?T TVMf i... AND WItO CALL ON US FOR ii DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ! Respectfully and Kindly. R. M. WclWTIRE. dec SO The Public is requested carefully to rtr and enlaratd Sck notice (Jm kern tob drawn Monthly WHOLESALE PFICES. following qnourUons represeni wholesale prieea generaUr. ' In mating np nave ixr i cubmcu The ale small ordere higher prices I ARRIVED. U. S. mall steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. . : - Steamer Joha . Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. R. P. u Steamer Governor -Worth, ; Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . Steamer Bladen, Skinner,-Fayetteville. DeRosset & Co. " . Steamship America, Savage, . New York, A Y Wilson, with guanto to CC R R - -; " ' - ' Schr Sarah Eaton, Dhc.' Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & CoJwith guaao to C C rr. ' y ! CLEARED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis- bey, Sinithvuie, Master. 1 , Steamer Governor Worth .Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth; . Steamer Bladen, Skinner,Fayettevillo DeRosset & Co. . 1 . ;i Ger barque Apotheker Diesmg. Stahl, RrrttArdam- Ilariiins Johnson, j . fir harnue Carl Mar. Beyer Liver pool, DeRosset & Co. , 1 Af Br barque Geo I Davis, Maeumber, 1 ?vrnrrl - Alpr SDnint & Son. I . Sf.hr Annie R - Iewis. Lewis.1 St Pierre,. Martinique,- E Kidder & Son . Rxports. Ii . FOREIGN. . Rotterdam Ger barque A pothekee Diftsinir 3.552 bbls rosin. I 206- bbls nitrth. 60 do rosin oil. 10 do crude tur i Liverpooi-Ger barque. Carl t M"ax---399 bbls eumthus. 30 do tar. 10 do crude turoentine Br baraue Geo ' Davis 2 - 203 halM cotton. St Pierre. Martinique Sfchr Annie R Lewis 200,274 feet lumber. List of Ve&solK in port Jan. 2, BARQUES'" Dan AuroriU, 570 ton. Thompson, . . i C MtwiDe Nor Germahla, SW Un, Aim, E Tcftchaa &. WMtermaan Gcx Gari Max, t9t tons, Beyer, r B t ecnaa & Welermann Nor EiTagoti. 420 ion. Wcbcr. C Mebane Br Mersey. 3 tons. Kclger, . i ; B Peschau A .Wetermann Nor A M Schwelsaard, 440 ton. Johnsen. ) - y C P Mebaoc r I H Schwen!fl, 3T tow, CUiuen. r : l!file & Co Nor Jona,TI4 lotxa,; Teieren, ' t . a j A frprunt A 8on Nor -Marie, 380 ioua. Tallaken. Ueirte A Cb Nor Formica, 894 loo, Jeooo, 1 i KG Bai kcr A Co Ger 1T1U PwcbaQ. 31 ton, Bremen. K FesrAau at'wwiertaann Nor Mark; . 434 ton. Taarrl , "e0 Nor Cawlenr, 4Vi ion. Nielsen. V 8wed Botty. 443 tons. Patterftcii, Bdae A Oo Vm- ftrvsr Odd. Sit tcm. TekCle9. i HoM A Co !Ctfr EHnor, 401 ton. Borcb. Heldo & Co Nor KrifUue, 84 J tons. Jameeo, IleWe A Co fs.n tnJjn 23Q tnna. LAracn. : HeUle A CO i lr rvnUe. 310 tons. Schroder. C P Mcbano Nor Thlnka; S4 tons. Yen sen. CP Hebane Nor Hans. 4S tons. Errirkwni. C P Moban r rnnM rAT- 612 ton&. Macomber. 7' Alox Sprant A Son Gct Apotheter Wsipg. 338 tons. Stalls, . B Poechan A Westermann r.n TmIu ' 3tf tmiH. Ffaiisen. i lie We A Co Nr Yatara. 667 tona. Olsen. Ileide A Co Not Emllv. 37 tons. Lawen. C P Mebanc nr .1 T Smith. 396 tons. Lockhardt. E U Barker A Co Oer Errard Fona, 3C7 tons, KlptV Ifoldc A Co Nor Josra. 4TI tons. Korensen. Helde A Co v-rvdflftj-. 317 tons. Soars. Geo Harris A Co V Tftamls . 303 ton. Albetlism. ; ..T rHcideACo l BRIGS. hTLil RmratM C. 28J tona. Caiulia, rwrt rwl of Anril. 247 tona. Soreascn. i ! Hcldo A Co c n . .1. L .Ana tfa.VnMi KG Barker A Co - SCHOONEltS. " .TuTla. Cilzabeth. 80 tone. Iurrani. - Cronly A Morris Henry D May, 2T9 tons, Morris ,. Geo HarrUs A Co B F Dee. 393 tons. Marts, Geo j HarrUs A Co Geo Moolton, Jr. S66 urns, Landerkln, EG Barker A Co BAGGING j Standard... 2 ft................ lft BACON North Carolina: 'Hams, V ft ' Shoulders, V ft.. Sides, V ft - WESTERN SMOKED Hams. Sides. W ft.........--""-" Shoulders.. DRY SALTED 1 Sides. V ft Shoulders, V ft ..i.. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand. each. . . New NeL York, each... Naw Citv.each BEESWAX, tf- ft BRICKS, M- BUTTER. V 8 North Carolina Northern. ......... . :. . . Wilmington. ....... Northern CANDLES, V ft - Sperm..........-.. - 'Tallowi. '. ' Adamantlae ...... CHEESE, V ft i Northern Factory. Dairy, Cream...,. State..... COFFEE, tf" ft Java. Laguyra..; bio ; CORN. MEAL, & bus. , iu sacks COTTON TrES, V bundle Domestics ( Sheeting, 4-4, V yd........... Yarns, bunch. . ............ EGGS, V" dozen. FISH - . I Mackerel, No. 1, Vbbi. Y7(8 11 00 10 00 ct) 17H 15i4 00 CB IS 15 11 14 18 15 114 Capital Prize $75,000: Tickets only $5. Shares in pro- ' portion. 608S3HPTI0S 3 10 H12 00 ( 11 75 90 i 60 30 28 I 20 7 60 0 00 1 85 8 t 00 6)l 90 & 2G 0-00 it 33 0 9 60 ATU 00 18 (B HVi( 14 (B 1310 14 8 10 & 18 10 S 10 8 25 12 16 14 141 12 28 14 18 80 1 60 k 1 75 7 1 00 00 7 1 10 25 ...16 00 IfAckereL No. 1. Vhaltbbl..' 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl......'.' 9 60 Mackerel. No. 2. V half bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl....;.. 7 75 Mullets, V bbl.. ....... ....... S 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring, V keg.... 3 00 DryCod.ft ;J..:.. 5 FERTILIZERS, 2000 fts Peruvian Guano, No. 1.......67 50 ,. 1 ' -J No. 2 ..36 00 -.-.. Lobos 00 00 . Baurfis Phosphate...... 00 00 .Caratna Fertilizer.... 45 00 iround Bone.. ....... ........00 00 Bono Meal...... ........ ......00 00 Bone Flour.. 00 CO . Navassa Guano.. ...40 00 Complete Manure. ........... .00 00 Whann's Phosphate... -.00 00 Wando Phosphate ...00 00 Benrer A'Bulz'B Phosphate..OO 00 Excelleza Cotton Fertlllzer.65 00 0 00 5 50 fi 00 7 00 6 60 5 73 6 SO 11 20 00 mo 00 &10 00 B 5 50 & 8 00 (S) 3 50 (d S 50 & 4 00 9 I (0X 2 50 fl27 00 (g)51 00 000 00 050 00 &40 00 645 00 57 00 4o 00 sn 00 00 (70 00 . 60 00 &i)0 00 &) 7 50 & 9 00 & 6 Ot 0600 6) 6 50 8 75 m 6 60 CO 6 CO tfb 7 50 & IS Louisiana State Lottery I , Company. ; We do hereby certify that tec supervise the arrangemanti for all the Monthly and Semi Annnal Iraicingi of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company ; and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted icith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and tee atdhor ize the Company to use this certificate, vithfac imilst of our stanature attached, in its adrer tisements" , .- . CAB BE CORED! ,tft rati m n n tanni 1 Ill V f 1 I 1 luhgs. ;o) Commissioners. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational ami Charitable pur roses with a capital of $1,000,000 to whch a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. . By an overwhelming populai vote its fran chise was made apart of the present Stat Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. j It never scales or postpones. Its Graku stN'ou: Number baAWiNOS take place monthly. ! A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing, Class A, at New Orleans, Tuesday, January 0, 1882 152nd Monthly Drawing. ! , ; ' Capital Prize, $75,000. 1'OojbOO Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES, I Capital Prize of ....... , I Capital Prize of ...J...... 1 Capital Prize of.... 1.......... 2 Prizes of 0,000.. 5 Prizes of 2,000...... ....... 10 Prizes of 1,000 ........j... 20 Prizes of ...... 10 57 73 . 4 10 90 00 75 80 00 00 ta & 1 at & French's Carbonate of Lime. . I 7 00 French's Airriculrural Lime.... 8 50 rrxUR, v bbv Fine Northern Super. ..... .i. .. . s Extra.......... f Family.......... City MlDs Extra.., Family.... .... , Extra Family. GLUE V 1 GRAIN, V busnei Corn, from store, bags, white.; " Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Com, cargo, in nags, wniie.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags. . Oots, from store.. i. ' Cow Peas..... HIDES, V ft I ! r -Grpea.. ...... .!..... ....... HA''lOO fts"" ' -Eastern Weetern...... North River HOOP IRON, V Ton. . LA.RD.V ft 1 Northern. W Vm-th riimUnA 00 St LIME. V barrel 1 10 & 1 LUMBER, City Sawed, f M ft. cnip ornu, resawoa. w wvj Rough Edge Plank. 1....15 00 Z West India CargoeAaccordlng to qualirr. : 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. .18 00 Scaufibijr trad Board. conPn . .13 00 MOLASSES, V gallon Nw Cron Cuba, In hhds...-. 00 (ft " i In bbls.... prrto Rico, In hhds tn hhln 75 G ) T5 W 80 12 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes I0d0 Prizes- of of of of 1,000. 500. 200.1. 100 : . 50. ! APT . t I:: 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 500. S " 250. 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 23,000 8,750 4,500 2,250 1 lit 1 10 85 485 on 14 14 5T' P20 00 nr on flf22 00 0)15 00 00 A 00 00 00 00 40 00 100 10 & Br Mary L Gunn. 180 tons. Hind revenue bii1 Calendar n matter vrhat U'oiir ailment i. Brown's Iron Bitterswill eurely benefit you. i - Farmers and others desiring a gen eral, lucrative agency tmainefle, dv which $5 to $20 a day can oe eamea send address at once, on postal, to II. C. Wilkinson & Co.1, 196 and 197 Ful ton Street. New) York, dec l&-&-m. 400 TONS COAL JUST ARRIVED PER SCHOONER 'SAL LIE MAIR," and is a Tory superior article. WOOD in full supply at REDUCED PRICES jan ' J. A. SPRINGER. ft P Mebane A DIVIDEND OF THREE-AND-A-HALF tKR CENT, has been declared by the Board i ol Directors of this Bank, payable on and after January 10th. dec 22w " A. K." WALKER, i . -j, j Cashier. Buggies! Buggies! jqW AM SECOND jHJLND FOB SALE Soma Bargain 50 DTHERLAND, dltf UrortwJ Sale Stables LAni of Vessels for this Port. BARQUES. ; Nor Abel, 463 tons, Danlclson, Antwerp, Nov 29. Dan Alagaard, 425 tons, Antwerp. Nor Condor, 380 tons, Nellson, Mantel lies, Oct 21 Bt David G Worth, 409 tons, McDonald, London. Oct 18 - m Nor Klenor. 310 tons, NeLUen, Liverpool, Oct 24 i Dan Elene, 481 tons, Dahl, GUsgow, Dee 6 Nor Kara, 400 tons, Albrethsen, Arendel, Sept 25 via Dover, Not 12 .-Nor Gunn, 481 tons, Hansen, Antwerp, Dec 14 - ' Ger taria Sothial 323 tons. Lbrwltz. Ham burg. Oct 11, via Plymouth, Dec 2, arrived at Nor Nordcn, 2SC tons, Woxholt, Ghent, Oct 19 . Nor NordensXJold. 29s tons, 'Abrahamaen, Hamburg, Dec 14, via Cuxferren, Dec 20 Nor Ocean. 475 tona i " Ger Orion, 332 tons, Clausen, Hamburg. Nov SO j -- 1 Nor Oscar ILj 572 tons, ' Haagcesen. Llrer pool, Dec fL - I Nor Progres, 419 tons, Xeilsea. Bordeaux, - " GerRlbnIU. 270 tons, Fretwurst, Glouces ter Oct 27 N'or st Joseph, 385 tons, VerjUeu,, Rotter dam, Dec 13 Nor Tbeedor, 303 tons, Elnermin, . Nor Windsor, 333 tons, .Walloe, Liverpool, Dec 9 ; ' ...'-a - u Ger Hermann Freldricii, 288 toss, Nkjahr, Hamburg, Nor a - r Nor Leott,;t31 tons,: Elmten, Hamburg, Nor Norja, 307 tona, Olscn.Uvcrpool, Dec 6 Br Signal, 312 toss, .WHHms, Uazaburr, Sot 29 I ; 00 90 00 00 XI 20 75 .00 60 50 Sugar House, tn hhds V tr. bbls Syrup, In bbls... - NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basis.. OIL8, V gallon Kerosene. Lard... Linseed Rosin.; , Tar.... Deck and Spar POULTRY KChicacns, 11 ve, grown ........ .' Spring ........ xurKeys. PEANUTS 4 bushel POTATOES, V bushel Sweet..... Irish, V bbl .............. PORK, tr barrel -.City Mess 23 50 Prime ; .....16 00 Rump.... .......17 00 RICE Carolina, if ft. Rough, bushel. . . . BAGS, y lb Country. rope"," ft" !.. SALT, sack, Alum. . juverpooi Lisbon........ . American SUGAR, V lb Cuba. Porto Rico A Coffee........ B " ........... " ;.. Ex C ti... Crushed SOAP. lb Northern...... SHINGLES, V M Contract. . . 5 00 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps... 4 60 , Cyprees Hearts 0 00 STAVES. V M-W. O. Barrel. .12 00 R. O. Hogshead. 00 00 TALLOW, fb. 5 TIMBER. V M feet Shipping. 12 00 fine snipping 11 25 . Extra do 9 50 Mill Prime.. J 7 50 Mill Fair 6 50 Common H11L 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary.......... 0 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 North Carolina..'..... 1 00 WOOL, V lb Washed 25 Unwashed 21 Burrr ipf 8 AT 8 , 03 at & 41 45 45 42 29 32 80 75 15 45 00 00 20 33 25 10 l,fW7 Prizes, amounting to.... ... f?3,500 Abplication for rates to clubs shouM only be made to the office of the Company In New Or- loarie. ' 1 : - I - FOr further biformatlon, write clearly, iv Reclstered Letter, or Money Order addrcssol only to 31. A. DAUFU1N. New Orleans, La. or M. A; DAUPHIN, ! t07 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. dec 20-wed-eat-4w-d&w , . - Salt, BaconLard, &c.,&c. 5 000 BaCf LIVERPOOL SALT, 50 Boxes D S SIDE'S, 1 75 Buckets LARD, h- 150 BbU MOLASSES, f Cuba, N. O. and Forto Rico, i 100 Boxes CAKES and CRACKERS, 100 Boxes and Buckets CANDY, 75 Boxes cream CUBBSB, 200 Boxes SOAP, 25 Boxes STAKCH. 100 Boxes LYE. Jan 1 j For sale by ! KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. IVlbore" Candv. UR STOCK TUOLGH DEPLETED dur week is as a'n replenished with a assortment made-(his week. We ft 75 a 3 75 ! I...... sT24 00 (BlU 00 18 00 4U 8 05 0t I 15 1H 14V 00 & & & 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 & 00 & s a 9 & 100 5 & 22 75 90 00 75 00 00 . I"4 3 8Vt 11 7 00 & i 50 & 5 00 ! 0 7 50 018 00 010 00 a 6 014 00 013 00 012 GO 0 8 50 0 1 00 0 6 0C 0 4 00 0 5 00 0 2 50 0 26 0 22 0 15 Cures Consumption, Colds, Pnen& aia, Influenza, Broncaial BiScultiH Bronchitis, Hoarseness, iAsthJ Croup, Whoopin5 Cough, and all dJ eases of tho BreatliiB Orrans. ' ft soothes and heals the Membrane i the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned i the disease, and Drercnts the nhh. sweats and tiglitness across tne chest I ivuicu uwKJiii.i3a.uj xi. vvri.tLJLr TION is not an incurable maladj. it is only necessary to haTe the riskt remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is this remedy. DONT, DESPAIR of U LIEF, for this benign specific) irill cure you, eyon tnougn proiessionu aid fails. I i HENRY'S CfltBOLIC ;SUII the Most Powerful Healing Oid mem and Disinfectant ever Discovered If enroll1 a Carbolic Salve trials burns. Henry's Carbolic Salve e-ure sores, lltmm'a Ca: hollo Salvo allais vain. Henry's Carbolic aaire cure t ernpiunu, Henry's Carbolic vilr9 heals pimples. 1 len.ru 's Carbolic Salr heals bruise. Ask. for Henry's and ume, no other. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS, 3 Happy New Year. TO MY FEIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Thank for their liberal patronage, a cootli uanoe of which I ahall always endeavor to serve. WINTER GOODS SELLING OFF IX) W TO. MAKE ROOM FOR, SPRING STOCK A FULL ASSORTMENT OFi SONABLE ;Simon; Bear RESPECTTULLYAIsNOIINCES'TIIAT he ha embarked tn the TaUortnsr bnalneaa. ing, oonrtnff an k ana capaDie 01 manng. are a repairing Clothln. Allor- irtenaea to. Ittcm modente. denvronvthi Shop on Market between Second ana Third ite o ing Xmas complete have alo added several new varletlen, lnclud-ing.chrj-Btalizod Figs. Dates, Prunes and Cream - I Almonds, Cuba Honey, Comb We aro abo prepared to fnrnlsh dealer wltli fre h made Stick Candy every day, of the beet quality. Also, a fall assortment of FANCY CANDIES, which afford large profit? and Insure ctulck "I'-. - SllC-3. - APPIXsj ORANGES, COCOASI TS, BAN ANAS, UTS, F1GH, KAJSIXS, . 'and other fruit oj land at Wholesale and Eetail ! With many thanks for the very flattering " I- ;. 1 , - patronage we have received from the opening "i r " - I - until now, we wlah all a llappy Hevr Year i Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods WHITE ooops; AND dec E. J. M00EE & CO. C. D. nIorrill. XT NDEKTAKKE. CABINET MAKER AN1 J I CARPENTER. Ofice and Work Shop on Sec i -. '. '-;!. -i -. ond street, opposite Sontherland's ttablea. .: : . .. , Eespectfolly solicits orders and guarantees gooa wore, pronxpi aearery and saOafacaovln EMBROIDERIES, Corsets and Hosiery. ALWAYS ON HAND. I rjj. m. katz, Sfi nrifAt Street rf fan 1 1 UtfAnK I 1 . fore vou die, fZ, U thi eTttT respect. lore you m Lninz uh"-- jt a sublime leave behind to conquer time- r week la your own town, oaiflt lf' risk. KverytlUng new;. Capital not rea We will furnish you everything, r 2 r making fortunes: Ladles make as """r- men, and boys and girls make PJ' V Reader, tf you want business at whln yr, make great pay all the time, write W'KLg, ars tcrll. IIallett & co., Portland, tf nov iu-uw 11. F. P. JONES, be Bute. Special attention rfrsn w Jj n LINTON, X. C, ATTORNEY sellor-at Xaw. Will nractlce In mayir-U ictloa ot cUlai. t

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