THIS TAVm published every erening, Sundays eepted "by JOSHT. J ABIES, . PLEASE KOTiCE: We win bm gUd Co reeelva wT?itrnt1fto 2rom our frlcnda cm asy and aU avtgtets of general latorestbnt. : BDirOS AID PKOPRUSTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS P08TAGB PAID: Tba aaae of Ue writer imut always U hi wsaed to the Editor. - Oae yer 4.0Q. Six months," $2.00. Three wontha, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. Tht paper will be delivered by carriers free ConannlcaUoaa santi to written oa one aldoof tha paper. ; ": : ;" j Penonallttes most bo aTtld. And It li especially Jaad parUoularry of obnrire. In any part of the city, nt the above J ru-5, or 10 cento per week. der. Ac'veethslnj? rates low and liberal. ' rVT "Y"TT"T i-Sub(crlber will report any and all fall-1 V Olj. V X I . ares to receive their paper regularly, j ' . t tood that the Editor doe sot ahrayteodotM the views of corrcvpondesta valeaa m guted in the editorial cohrans. 1 VV ILMINGTON. NJ C. SATURDAY. JANUARY 6. 1883. NO. 6 -- . ' ry. . :j-'-.5:-'-'-- ; i - ' 1 .".-,, : ,v,"-l.- please kotice. I T ! - i - i i ' ' ' - . i ' ;'..). tit' - " -; . : I . I ft - -t i ; - i : n : . 1 ,. , : 1 : I ST Hie Daily Renew 1ms the largest hotut fide circulation, of any newspaper published, i7i the ctty of Wilmington. TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements .inserted in this col umn at 10 cents per line, each insertion. but no charge of less than 30 cents trill j be made on any advertisement. j ST TEK CENTS Best whiskey in cents at Mc(iowAV. Just you try it and don't you forget it. jan 0 3t. I !! - i ST- What Mr. L. W. McLaurin. i Faurinburg N. C says of the Wilcox, f Gibbs & Co'd. Manipulated Guano.- Used it seven years, commend it t! e i standard, sold at higher price than. other brands, but the difference in price over others docs not amonut to the dilr ference in the quality, universally pop ular, and sold by Jamf T. 1'f.ttf. wav, Agent, jan C 8. ST WANTEDTo purchase entire, r an interest, in an established, paying business in this city. Address, giving full particulars for one week. .John W. K, Kxox, care box 4.", Chcraw, S. C I, , t- i -. - WANTED A srood Cook- I' air j wages. Nothing but cooking required. Apply at S. E. Corner Third" and Mul berry streets, dec 11- Wra. II. Vandcrbilt sails from New York to-day for Havana, from whence I . . r , , . r , inpisfor.rclaxation.arid not lor bust- j ness in other words a relaxation ol tho j mind and not of the mirsc-strius i ': Mr. Blackburn, ot Kentuckv, thinks that Mr. Randall is too strong for either j . f. ,. . . ... I liimseu or Jr. Vsumaiu i" P"'l,Vt Air. Carlisle to and he therefore favors a union of their forces on Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, who he thinks is tho only man who can c.c-r - m. feat Mr. Randall. EXTRACTS FROM THE GOV ERNOR'S 31ESSAGE. THE AUDITOlt S RK.rOlIT.1' In 'the Auditor's report there, is a table, never before published, tojyhich I desire to direct your special attention. I refer to the table showing tho assessed value of land er acre in the 'different i counties and of the leading articles ol j personal property which apjear upon j the tax lit. It will be seen that these ! values in all the counties are surpris-; mgly low, atiM oy comparing one comi ty with another, they will bo found to be very unequal. 1 beg that each mem ber will examine this tableland see how laud, horses and mules are valued 1 1 Jus owncouutv. A stranger looking over this table would think that the lands in Xorth Carolina were wretchedly poor; and grave doubts will arise whether- it is not better to suppress the table, un less. it3 publication is likely to lead to the adoption of some plan by which the property can be assessed at something like its actual value. 1 kmuv-ot no subject likely to come before you more 1 imnortant or more difficult to deal with. ! It is manifest that under the present j f-vstem the valuations are greatly below j :ho cash value of the property and very unequal in the various counties anil I townships. If some one could devise a ! plan that would secure the listing of all i i- property and uniformity in its valua-j Beit ever made, Emory's Little Ca tion, ho would put the whole State un-jtharlio Pill&, pleasaut to take, sugar dor obligations. Ine taxation neces sary to support the government is tho price the citizen pays for the protection of law and the benefits of civil society. obligations. The taxation necos- j The burden of this taxation ought to -bear imiformlv upon all. At present it docs not, owing to- the great want of j uniformity in assessing the property for taxation. ; It requires about 525000 to carry ; on tho State government for each year, and this amount must be raised, wheth er tho property be valued at its present j low valautiou of $167,000,000, or at; something like its real value of $300,- j 000.000. To raise that amount on the J present valuation, it is necessary; to levy a tax of twenty-eight ceuts on the hundred dollars' worth of property; but il the property had its reasonable value of $300,000,000, eighteen cents on tho hundred dollars would be sufficient. So it is j ractically the sam6 to the tax payer whether the valuation of the prop erty be higher and the rate of taxation lower, or the valuation lower anil the rate higher. But for the State, when tttiWA ronnrte o rr ennt ol-rAnil if in. finitely preferable that the value oi tholP"ccs, at JACQBi a. property of the State should appear m j SuQSet ,0 mo iacu jusiuy. aim ine taic 01 ia.x:v- shoulrf nnnnir nw m Tvwihl - ; THE CAPE FF-V1UAND YADKIN" YAI.I.EY RAILROAD. The General Assembly at.its last ses sion passed an act appointing a com mission to sell the State's stock in this road, I pressed upon the Legislature by special message tho importance ot providing for the sale of the road as the speediest means of insuring its com pletion. Uniortunately, in passing the act, conditions were tacked on vhich made it almost impossible for a pur chaser to comply with them. Tho commission did meet, however, and enter into a coutract of sale; but the terms, as was exrjected- were not nom- plied with and so nothing came of it. I have reason to believe that other par ties will submit a proposition to, you during jour session to buy the Stale's Mock. If you do not make a sale of the property, then I advise you so strike out the rigid conditions in the act of last session and leavo the commission free to sell the State's stock upon the best terms that can bo had. Tho stock of the State in the road is five hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars, and it is this that it is proposed to sell. The grading is about completed to Walnut Cove, in the county of iSukc3. This j xvorkhas been done by convict labor entirely, and for it - the State holds a first lien upon th property which fnay be discharged by the mortgage bonq of. the cofiipany. ATLANTIC AND NORTH CAROLIN A KAIL ... ROAD. , This property was leased lor thirty years by the stockholders on the 1st day ot Julv, 1881, to the Midland North Carolina Hailrpad Company, for the " of for,ty thou-ud ooUmj a year and upon the condition that the Mid- laud Company would build a road from Goldsboro to Salisbury lit was this eoiniitiou that secured the ,voto of the Slate in favor ot the lease.) The Mid- laud Company built a railroad from Goldsboro to Smithflold. a distance of iwcuiy-iwo mnes, on ineir way to Sal isbury, and tliere stopped. I In conse quenco ot this cessation of the work, the st; c'iho!ders of the Atlantic Com pa n.f, after full notice to the lidland Company, on the 10th of November, 1882, declared the lease forfeited anij directed the President of the Company to take the. necessary steps to repossess the Company of its property. A suit lor mis purpose iias been or wm soon be commenced. j Si1iVtiirir it tvnn'H run thrrkiitrli heart of the Stated ancl would give to a productive section ample railroad facil ities. It would run along or near the tine water power Yt Chatham and Ran dolph and would; greatly! aid -in their development. Its ; value to the State ' T 1 r. T l II. ' -l I : a. w euuiu il uu uuiu, wuuhi oe great, auu i ask you to authorize me cnter intQ tR or some one act with any person or corporation to give them Suite's interest in the stockjof the the At- lantio road upon the completiou of the road to Salisbury. I dojnot know that sueI; .a nl can be piadef but it. is worth the trial. .The State s interest in !iAlknt (irfW( s not to-flav cally worth anything to the State, while an hundred and fifty miles' of new road from Goldsboro to Salisbury would be - . -I M worth a great deal. I It is true that the State has 'a nomi J pal interest in the stock of the Atlautic road to the amount of tfiN she issued her S1.26G,000. For bonds to that amount, besrinnimr 1st of January, 1856. to rim for thirty years! and pledged her stock in the road for their redemption. Some of 'these londs have been taken ub by the State at forty cents in, the .Hollar. lut tliere Is si ill outsfandinjsr .S'21S,ih.h with fomllcen years accrued interest, which U a lien upon the State's stock. Some of these bonds Titll due January 1st, 188tf: so that in years from now, the stock will be soul out and the Stale's interest in the mad lost. If in the meantime, this stock could be utilized to secure the building of one i Kindred and filly miles of new road, it would be good for i the State. The bondholder wonM.not o hurt- by it, because his interest could not be af fected, and the purchaser would ot be deceived, for he will have full knowl edge of the facts. The Stale now has an interest iul he ."lock with which she cau part, and I advice the passage ofi an act authorizing it to be done upon the completion of a railroad from Goldsboro to Salisbury, Charlotte or a hundred and fifty miles in . any dircc- Hon. Lht Banish ill health, nervousness. vexa- tion, fretfuluess, etc., jby Iron Bittersr. I using Brown's coated ; no griping; only Id cents a box ot iniggiats or dv mail. Manaarauure Co.. 114 Nassau Street, New York. iSm d&w ! "... I LOCAL NEYS. 1 INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .IAS T Pettew at Fertilizers j Yates New and oyel Goods Bxv's-YourClothea Mns Julia E Fix let For Sale Ciles & Murcuis6n' Another It nErNSBEKGER Diaries for 16S3 ! . v J-WKixG Upholsterer Richard J Joxrs Annual Meeting: j F II Dakbt Corainissioncr'b Sale Cnxrox A Pickett How to Uae Olive But ter Mods Bros Manufacturing Pharmactsta Day's length 0 hours and 60 minutes. Cold weather is orcdictcd for Tues diy. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low t afternoon at 2 . , l minUtCS past 5 O ClOCK. Blackjack oak wocd is at 00 cents to $1 per load. selling now On the 7th day of Janaary, 1836, cot ton sold for CO cents Per pound.; A fine assortment 6( Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Schr. John A. Griffin Rice, hence, arrived at Philadelphia Jan. 4th. i i i Ger. barque Soli Dei Gfloria, Meyer, hence, arrived at Hamburg Jan. 4th. There was one intermentthat of an adult in Oakdale Cem'eteryj this week. There was one interment--that of an infant in Bellevue Cemetery this week.' The Register oi Deeds issued two: marriage licenses this yreek, both for; white couples. . !; ' .- J- ' i There were five interments three adults and two children in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, j The Ketcs and Observer was not re ceived this morning and hence we have i. . .( no report to-day of yesterday's Legisla tive doings. , A predicament. 2 o'clock in the morning. sleet on the side-walk. ba by got the croup, Dr. Bull's Cugh Syrup in the house. Thanks to cousin George Dyer .for a copypf a beautifully illustrated alma nac just issued by hira, ' which is supplied free gratis to all who call for them . I " ' For Thick Hearts, Heavy stomaehs, billions conditions Wells' May Apple PiUs" anti-billious. cathartic. 10 and 25c There is an ladies in this organization of young city recently - formed. known as the 'SpinstcrsClub." It has about fifty members and they meet frequently. The old Durham Jlecorder comes to tus as the Recorder and Norili Carolina Tobacco Journal," and is now an eight page paper and rery much improved in its typographical appearance. Messrs Hackney & Webb are the editors and proprietors. , Magistrate's Court. Aleck Berry, colored, was ' brought before Jusioe Millis this morning charg ed with the larceny of a gold pen from Mr. C. P. Mebane. The defendant was sent tojail to await an examination on Monday next. j Great Closing- Out Sale. W Having on hand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to i make room for coming Spring. Stock, we will sell the remainder of our Winter goods re - gardless ot cost. A. & liable Clothiers. No. 3:4 i I. Shriek. Re Slarket street. jan V for Personal. , i . . Sheriff Black, who ha9 resided years past on Middle Sound; he having purchased the old Moore place, not long since removed to Point Caswell! and is Principal of the Academy at that place. We were pleased to meet him in the j city to-day oa one of his rare visits here and to find him looking well. The Carolina Central. One of the new coaches to b put on the Caroliua Central R. R. was placed on the line on Thursday night and the other will be ready in a low days. It is arranged for a first class carand a i sleeper combined. It is divided in the interior, the forward compartim nt be ing designed as a first class ccmpart ment while the other, part is arranged for sleeping berths. M On Skates. , The Skating Carnival given at the Rink on Thursday evening was very well attended, the inclement weather appearing uot to have' been a serious drawback to the . amusements of the young folks on that particular occasion. Some of the costumes were very elabor ate and all were appropriate:. The ! dancing was spirited and all present seemed to have enjoyed the evening very much. There is a call made upon the management for a repetition. Still There. Mr. TV. T. Banncrman, for years past tho efficient and accommodating Clerk of the Superior Court for Pender county, Is still filling that position. It will be remembered that a Republican was elected as Clerk but he failed to file an acceptable bond and the Board of Commissioners declared the office vacant. Mr. Bannerman was there upon appointed by Judge McKoy and he now continues to fill the office as ac ceptably as oi yore. - i - Quarterly MeeUnsrs .'.' For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South:, (first rockd, in part.) Wilmington, at Front Street, Jan 7 Sraithville (7pm)...:..-... Jan 10-11 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Jan 13-14 Topsail, at Rocky Point. ... - Jan 90V21, Brunswick, at Zion . . Jan 28-29 R. O. Bcrtox, P. E. Mr. Scott's First Bill. In t the Senate, on Thursday, Mr. Scott presented a bill to amend chapter 200, Laws of 1S79, so . that the provis ions o! said chapter shall noiipplyjto New Hanover county. We hope the Legislature will do no such thing. Let the law stand as it is. It is very short, and has but one small section,, besides the enacting clause,"" kni reads as fol lows::'; " ;! ..ur,: t - . Section 1. That it shall be a disquali fication and ground of challenge to any tales juror that such juror has acted in the same court as grand or petit juror within two years next preceding sach term of the court. .. . ..- -The receipts of cotton at this port to- day foot up 782 bales. The regular annual meeting of the lot owncn in Oakdale Cemetery will be liel next Monday evening. - j Adjutant General Johnstone Jones, u response to tn invitation extended to him by the Wilmington Light Infantry, will-visit this city on the 10th inst. and will deliver on the evening of that day an address relative to the State Guard. Exports Foreign. Br, schr. Mary L, Dunn, CaoC nen don, cleared to-day for. Kingston, Ja- j maica, with 147,743 feet of lumber, val- ucl at , S3.303 88.! shippei by Messrs Northrop & Chmming. n lessrs. Cfrapon & Pickett have laid.) before us a little book edited by Mrs. ! S. T. Rorer. Principal of the Philadol-; phia Cooking School, entitled "How to. Use Olive Butter," which embraces a collection of valuable cooking re- ceipis. it is lurnisned tree to house keepers. ; . - j ; To Builders and others Go to Jaco ei's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at. the lowest prices. ' ; ', - "... I . - f r . ; In the December number of tne Xorth .Carolina Medical Journal, Dr. Wood, the Elitor, has a yerj' pungent editorial article oh the releasejol DeJarnet-te, the slayer of his sister, who was adjudged iii sane on the testimony of medical ex perts, sent to the asylum and recently released.,. . Dr. Wood says distinctly that he has ho issue to make "as to the j scientific diagnosis of Dr. Grissom R3 regards the 'insanity of the persou, for j it?is presumed that lie made a careful and conscientious study of i,t in all its bearings.ibut there is abundant room to i - .... protest against a law that makes it pos- sible for the escape o,f even an insane ! criminal. Such imperfections of the L , w'l if . . r iw, onijr uiaKe ii possioie ior wnac we recognize as high science, (because we havcj none better) to come in and shield a dangercuscriniinal, allowing him to pas3 from the prisoner's dock through tne asylum as a place oi purgatory, ami thence into the world.rehabilitatcd with the privileges of former citizenship-." ' . There is much lood forjthought here For Pocket Kniv3 or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f Robbery. . , ' The market house of Mr. W, M. Hays,' Jr., on the corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets, was entered last night and beef, pork, sausages, &c ,! amount ing in value to about $40, were taken j therefrom. Thero was a vicious bull L dog in thi building at the time, with j whom the thief or thieves made friends j by giving him a piece of beefsteak. An entrance was effected through' a win-i dow on Chestnut street by prying it up and knocked oft' the boarding on the in side which had been placed there as a protection to the premises. This is the third or fourth time within a few months that" Mr. Hays' premises have been entered, and it is very evident that the robbery was committed by some one entirely familiar with the premises. Mr. nays is ever prompt to wait upon customers at any -reasonable hours, and takes especial pains to accommo date his patrons, but the frequency with which people arc helping them selves at his expense: has become mo notonous, and ho would like the parties cither to gve hira a rest or get arrested. Police! ( Foreign Carroes. The Br. barquo Geo. Davis, Capt. Macumber, which cleared yesterday for Liverpool, took out what is, we thinks the largest cargo of cotton that was ever shipped from this port in a sailing vessel, she having; taken 2,303 bales,: Yaluer at $ 115, 150. Tho AsheviUe Ctttjen, commenting on the sua of the cargo of the Norwegian barque Saga, which was 2,183 bales of cotton, says that it is i the largest cargo of cotton ever shipped to' a foreign'port from'Wiimington." In this th9 Citizen is not so well posted as it might be, as there have been a! hamber of cargoes of cotton shipped . hence in sailing vessel larger than that taken oat by the Saga, and the steamship Harnes more, which sailed hence for Liverpool 0ctJri$8C tt oatipargo valued, in allat nearly twilthat?carried by the Saga. The Barnesmort had 3,458 (1,625,085 pounds) of cotton, valued at $178,775; 550 bbls rosin, voiced at $1,250; and, 673 casks spirits turpentine, (32.100 gallons), valued at $16,550, iho value of the entire cargo footing up Si96,575.,;, r. ! Tho celebrated Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. . t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BLANKETS i: LOOK AROUND ASD SEE WHAT IS SOMETHING GOOD IX THE WAT OF BLANKETS. ALSO, KICK J ! CRIB BLANlfJSTS o BLACK SILKS ! YOUU-ATTESTIOS IS SPECIALLY CALLED TO THESE. I "WHITE SPREADS I LAKr.E ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICE TO SUKBTIXGS. SIItBTIKtM W.ND LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS.'&c . DAMASKS, CCETONES, Briissels Carpets, : 0, 73, 80. 0 hot BttlilC, J. W. King, TJPHOI-TERER AND MATTKESE. ia the old National Bank, Corner Front and Prin resa klreet. l:qro! MA Urrsse Clean ing and Repairinif old 1 uniituiv. Cutting nnd Lnylng C arpets. jivc Lim r. call jane JVO. W. KIXG Annual Meeting. rpHK RKGT7LAU ANNUA! 1 - - i the I-oi. owher of Oakdald Ccn:. u-j-- '1 h?M at tli Company 'd OiTiho, at S or jock. .n., 'Monday, Jflnnary the bfh. i niuiAwu .;. jan G-2t ,1 - Sc.t'y ftnd TiVHt. ANOTHER EOT TIlOSi: UANDSOMK TIN TOILKT ty.Tn diuly expected. : . I' . For sa li low by - ' -' ' GILES A JdCKClIlSON;: j.iu C ! 3S hiJ 4j) Murctilrton ItlocA. YOIR CLOTHES QAN BE lYEl AND CUCANEp AT StCONf tiTBBKT. BRl'WEKN M AUKLT i AND J PRINCESS. ja en Diaries for 1883. SVAY LOT J C.ST RECEIVED, ' A FOR EVKRYRODY Lawyer's Diasv for IS3. i Moser'K For ardo nt - i IIEINSBKIWKUV" Heart of Steel. I ' 1 ' ;..'.:..-.-.. VMiW XOVF.L. HY CHRISTIAN" KEU. 1 1 i l mirth Mindly ju.-t received, price tt.2.. I !.""'! . For :i?c ut : . ' 'I HEINSBERGER'S, jan 7 Lire Book .and Maslc-fitore For Sale. PilAT DKlllABI.E TWO STOUY 0 tllU, till UK VUlUtiUE Ul ill- IJt45jI streets. .House b:u Fire room, kitchen, nc eessarv out houses, good water ami other con veniencee. , - For lera'6 a wi particulars jp It to MRS. JULIA EL FIN LEY, BELLAMY, Jr. or to mv Atlornej, JOHN D. jan G-lw HOW TO USE OLIVE BUTTER- i - . ' i v. - TS FULLY' EXPIUNED IN A VALUABLE 1 ; : ' '. 'i'- little book prepared by Mrs. jS. T. Borer, prin cipal Philadelphia Cooking School, containing many fine Cooking Eeceipcs. Call and get one free of charge and JcaVe your orders for the finest Groceriea at lowest prices. Crap on & Pickett . jan 6 Wil. & We!. Kail Road Co. SECRETARY' & TliEASUEKR'S OFFICE, . WltjaxoTOX, Jf. C, Jan'r 3, 163 . A DIVIDEND QF;TnnEE PER CENT, ON THE Capital Stock of the Wilmington Jfc WtlU Hall Road Co. 5111 be paid to the Stocktikler oa and after the lHh Instant. " ? The Books far the trafcr or 'torlc will be closed from the tOxh to the luib. i J. W. THOMPSON. -jan4 4t nac , Oec'j and TrOai. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I ; WILMINGTON, N. C DIVIDEND OF- THREE-AND-A-HALF PER CENT, has been declared by the Board of Directors of tM Bank, payable on and after . JannarrlOUu A. K. WALKER, dc23-tw C&ihier. NEW ADVERTISMENS. ' BLANKETS I IN TIIK MARKET. THKX roxm a vri AND SPREADS. ' - BLACK CASHMERES ! i . .!' - EXTRA FI5E. A COMPLETE STOCK OP HOUiE FURXISUISG OOOIH.' FRINGES AND Q1MP4 and tip' TM u wnr ZZj:frlLZ iiv1- '.. i . . f A a r 9m vii mm iVI; iVIcI NTIRE. CommissionerSale of Real Estate- for t Partition. BY VIRTUE AND IN PUKM7ANCK OP A uenroe of iu vl on thi stii u r Lut-r . !., l$ns hy n,e i-uperior Court of Uie Pvbruury, A. I. 1-S3 wf 12 n l vi k.V.i lowin- property w'tuatcd hi in city of WI1- One lot beirimiinz Iti tlii Welt. tin RaeftirwH , nt iu Wioet.,uj wilh( Northern line or lot No. 4. blook 22-1 l.r alog j.hI.1 line-, McUietroetlKute? feat, iheuco twawlly ftl-.u the Kortheru JliMi ol lot ?io. o, al.out TiO rot, thenco; North wardlr wlt the Campbell Hue a-lMMit Chi ieet, tbonoe ne ilice hciwi 'vart of lot .Voa. 4 a ad a. bic:k 2'14. besiunhiir lt ihx.Hm.ii... it... i-i o. s. ol bkx-k 2-24. t (Via i. im.: lniersoen uiv tampU lI ;iine, mnnUyr thence jSouthvartilr amlU?l with aeventb Hreet .Wl tyet la .Walnut HimrX, thi-nre YH. vranlly oloi- lliij Northorw II.... uM.t - . . ... mr m m . TV UT1 U noHl street aoont tret u alcKao Ktreet, theoc NorthcnatwdPUy alonKtlie Wraiuru line of Mc I.te atreet aboiu jo ie4 u Us IntcrnecUon wluj thii Uanipbell Hun. thentHj North weatwardly with the Ca'!.beri:!jie'Aj'jnt j jo Iet totlui ' iMJfflUHlHg - , - , J 'JVrm' c'a ih. ' . . . -ThlsrCth day of .lanuarf, isjrj. . ' '' , ' . . il.IAKBY. ' j JuuG-tawtH- toniojiloow, Rflunds Bros.; I -jyjAKL-FACTUIlINa rilAlR.HACIf.Tiii. And Importers of Irir aud DrmegtuVi Hun dr!ev. ptnrt imrnrtmion.of all Undaof Fuaej Good?. i . . r hm nUOADW.VY,- NKW AND WILMINGTON, Ni C. dec 80 TO AT Holiday Gifts. grKCIAL ATTHACTIONS FOU TUB 8ea ?on.V C9iIulDia kcu n Tl tall, Satialjuid Leather Case, Jcu-cl and Odor Cases, OologBO Bottlea, Toilet Beta and Vaaen, TraTOlilnj: 'mo ouu iawi meet. - - . i WILLIAM Ik OREEX. Jrurlt( Market l dee 15-nac-tf t btreet. GREETINGS OF HE A.RTY GOOD WISHES WE extend .. !-! " I to all and frith fer you a year of peace ao4 plenty. we liaT endearord ftr th pa it iwtrm montha U merit the patron;' so liberally be-. atoired upon ut, and our constantly iocmi- : . . ! i '' Ing bualces is a proof In Itaeif Uat or Utoft arc appreciated. GOOD QUALITY, RULE TUK 1AV1 ! BEST ATTENTION GIVES TOOfttCtH- torners Lb every partienlar, aa 1 guaranteed. i Glre us a Lritl with yourordr9 fud If we U cot p!eu4 you w will "thrvivojtJie tpoox,' P. L. BREDGERS & CO. ""Jan' I '" ' .' 'j" ' . .: ' CAN'T KEEP THEM ! JpEOPLE WH.L UA VE ,TI10-K STTOTEf. l . " I I Another lot arnertL Fendfvonr orrtn. 1 .. .... I Janl . BARKER & TAYL03, i : ! liilA in . ftkrt tt I r. ..tvaol.,! I HnldCnurt. therein J'.iirlcJc Crr nt jArr i i Jo?ephlue Curr ro pl.dnilffH kinl -Lawrenci . r ursTiw. M-arrwHewntuni, tUo und;rltiwt.' thO Com L MKhTiNO of iMirtsioner, Ki.poiute-.lbr th fora.d decree ".,,. m JOMMMauw. nil! sell by ptiblle auction. , will ba j to tho huhest biM r . t iho i.nn ulZr- Jzil I in the CitVOf Wihn! ft. Ihm v- l . Hanover auuvsaJil, ou MomW. tlieftih ! f , i t V?-C brln rth irt of lot No. 1. block 210 in plan ot ald clt . af-p( tl eastern Mid or said lot au'J occupying a i-ee ot Cti feet North Ana.Sonth and hi c lurL v.,1 lr.., . . . - ("ilar'tti. if ... I , v . a. 4, about CO feet to the Uginnl-ijr. T 1 1,i!iTreT lllig lhhS W -Vt lot No. 5. !J 1d 1 aH of Um -'anpleU line auti vt of the Wctcrh liny of MclLio atrect, belui; the sama piece r IaoiI Lick m& coa vejcJ by aniuol If. liuntin .! i n . .www-

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