1 1 I. THIS PAPER published every evening, Sundsya ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, BOITOX axd pbofxxxtob. . scuscniPTicrss pobtaqe PAID: ocd year f4.uu. six inonuis, tou. lure months, $1.00; One month, S3 cents. The paper will be delivered by. carriers free of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal. 49Subecrlbers will report any and all fall area to recelTe their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in ike city of Wilmington. JEl rEN CENT CO LTJ3IN. Advertisements inserted in this col umn at 10 cents per line, each insertion, but no eharqt of less than 30 cents will be made on any advertisement. 1ST WhatCapt. F. M. .Woolen of New Ilanover (Jountv N. C. says of the Wilcox, Gibbs & Go's. Manipula ted Guano after using one ton. Tell Air. Petteway Bend me another ton of name Guano. I like it better than any I hare ever used. I can tell in three days to the row were I used it ; better than the Peruvian; wane it quick hs possible. For sale by J amks 1 . Petti: wat. Agent, jan 9-10-11. , TEN CENTS Best whiskey 10 cents at McGoWAx'ft. .lust you try it and don't you forget it. , jan G 3t. 3T WANTED A good Cook. Fair wages. Nothing but cooking required. Apply at S. E. Corner Third and Mul berry streets. dec 1 1- It is estimated that 300,000 people followed Gambetta's body to the grave. Baltimore has had the small-pox bad although the disease seems to be sub siding somewhat. Forty-three new cases were reported last Friday. The House committee on the . tariff have agreed to replace the tax on qui nine for tho benefit of the two or three monopolists who control the trade. n , ., , , - The Carolina, Cumberland Gap and Chicago Railroad Company have made a mortgage of their road-bed and prop erty for $10,000,000, and also a mort gage of their income for $7,000,000, to tie farmers1 Loan and Trust Company of New York, and propose to push their road to completiod. The question llow long is it neces sary to keep children away from school after aa infectious disease?" was an swered sometime since by the Academy of Medicine, Paris, With scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and small-pox, iso lations to be maintained for fortydays. sChickeh-pox and mumps lose their con t igious power after twenty-five days. - m Among other bills to retlistrict the State is one introduced by Mr. Wo mack, of Chatham county, which throws New Hanover into tho Fourth district and with Pender. Brunswick, Columbus, Kobeson. Richmond, Stan. ly. Anson, Union and Cabarrus. ThU fulfills tho requirement that the various counties shall directly connect. The population of these counties is 111,000 and in them Jarvis1 majority was 1,058 and Bennett's S78. We would dislike to part company with our old friends bnt wc might go farther and fare worbo. Ixgan, in his three days speech in the Fitz J ohn Porter case, took an en tirely uncalled for occasion to stab tho South. In speaking of the solid Dem ocratic vote in favor of Porter, he said : "This vote means that that side of the chamber is ready to restore those who played us falso or acted a false part jon onr sido during tho war." J j AIJuisviileCotzncr-tTbtrirtMispatch. In spcakins: of the language, says: "At this remark, Vance, of North Carolina, walked over to the Republi can side and, tncotiDg Logan, who was on his way to the cloak-room, said: "dhat was a d a mean speech you made. Logan. The latter replied that he did not in lend for it to be mean; that he was per fectly sincere in what ho said. 'l did not wish to bo understood meaning to say anything personally disre3pectfal to any Senator.'' "Nevertheless, what you did say was contemptible." said Vance. You must have fully understood the import of your language. -You know very well that' the Southern Senators have taken but very little, if an3 part in the Porter discussion to influence anybody's vote in his behalf. Tho Porter case was brought here by two Northern Senators, one a Democrat and tho other a Republican, and we have simply con tentedourselves by voting as it suited us. Yon go out of your way, sir, to attack us because we do not care to listen to your lonz sneeches. It has come to a pretty pass, when a Senator cannot do as ne pleases on this floor in the way of voting without having his motives impugned. Your speech, sir, was a bitter and wholly unjustifiable one, and your mean charge totally un founded " Tho conversation was heard by sev eral Senators, and created quite a sen sation. Both Ix)gan and Vance were getting hot under the collars, and had not a friend of Vance come along and locked his arm and led him on, the quarrel might have terminated . in blows." That Husband of Mine Is three times the man he was before he began using "Wells' Health Renew er." $1. Druggists. Tha celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard 1 VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4a T Petti; w at Fertilizers Jons L Dl-dlet, Sect'y Notice R M MclNTlRB Selld Comfort Hetssbekokk Wedding Presents Yate Blank Books, Stationery, &c jltsM Bros Manufacturing Pharmacists Thanks to Senator Vance for public documents. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobx's Hardware Depot. . f : 1 1" ' Wc wefe pleased to receive a call to-day from Mr. B. F Miller, jgent for Ihe Charlotte Journal. 1 This is the usual "long wet spell in January," only it H longer and wetter and muddier than usual. I I The street force has, been kejjt busy trying to keep the crossings clear ot mnd but it is a difficult thing to do. Ssrry are wo to learn that the Oxford Free Lance has suspended We are sorry for the publishers and sorry, to, for the Democrats of Granville county. They never should have allowed it. X r The present disagreeable weather seems to be general all over this section of country. It is hoped that there may be freshets in the small streams and that thereby much produce will find its way to market. . i .Capt Mclntire has made .heavy re ductions on many articles ho is offer ing, such as ladies1 cloaks, dolmans and jackets and children's cloaks, which he is offering at cost and j less than cost. Those in need will find a chance for some rare bargains there. The Richmond llo'ckct is the name of a new paper which' comes to us from Rockingham. It takes the place of the Pjfc Dee Bee, the proprietor ol that pa per. Rev. Frank Sariford. having sold to Mr. Robert W. Knight, recently f j the Stanly Gleaner. I Alio latter is a yung geatleman of ability, pluck and perseverence. We, know, him of old and he is saro to succeed. He has our i blessing. Exports Foreign. Ger barque Fidelia, Capt. Meyer, cleared to-day for Antwerp, with 200 casks spirits turpentine and 3,103 bar rels rosin, valued at $9,857.98, shipped by Messrs. Patcrson, Downing & Co Tii Posioflice. The renovation off building, by m'eans of the Postofiiee the scrubbing brush and paint and varuish has ; been completed, in the interior as well as in the lobby. It i3 the firk time, we be lievc, that paint has been found neces sary since the building was 1 first erect ed, some ten years ggo. we: think. As there seems but little J prospect of our getting the government to erect a ppst niHMi luiilili'np- in this citv it is as we'll w O - . j to keep that now in use as such, which is leased by tho postal authorities and which is admirably designed for the nuroose. as neat and comfortaplo as mm possible, ricnce these tears. For Senator. The latest advices from Raleigh re ceived he:e are of yesterday 's date and they seem to throw discredit upon the report published by us yesterday to the effect that ths election for Senator lies - j between Gov. Jarvis and Col, Waddeil, a report that, is will be remembered, wc took the liberty of disbelieving. It is now said, and from excellent authori ty, that Gen. Ransom will be nomina ted in caucus on the first, ballot, thus confirming the opinion so frequently expressed by us. The caucus is to be held to-morrow uight aid the election takes place on Friday. ! Wilmington Light lufuiitry. At tho annual meeting ; pf this Com pany, held last night at. their armory; the following officers were elected: Captain John LJ Cantwell. First Lieutenant U. II. Beery. Second Lieutenant-W. C. Jones. sm m Junior Second Lieutenant r Meares. Ensicn F. M. Fremont Civil ofiicers K. F.Parker, Chair . Thna rv .tames. Assisitant Chair man; F. L- Meares, Secretary and Treasurer. . " , - , It was announced (as has already been stated in the Review) that Adjn-, tant General Jones, of ihe State Guard, would visit the city on the 19th instant , and deliver a public address on State military matters. The same evening a ball will be given by the Company at Germania Hall, complimentary to the Adiutant General.- 7 J r . Tii militArv convention to he held at Raleigh on the 224 irisL, was discuss ed and delegates were appointee to rer- f 1LL.J W ILMINGTON. N. C. "TUESDAY; JANUARY Legislative Locals. ' Mr. Lyon, of Bladen, introduced in to the Senate yesterday a bill incorpo rating the Grand CouHoil of the Amer ican Legion of Honor and subordinate councils working under jurisdiction of said Grand -Council. J In the House Mr. Proctor introduced a bill to protect fish in Columbus and Robeson counties; also, a bill to pre vent the sale of liquors within one mile of Long Braach Church, in Robeson county.- - .. ? Mr. Newell, a bill concerning rBig Swamp,11 ia Bladen county. A citizen of the Quaker City, Mr. F. Freed, living at I22,Vine St., recently spoke as follows; .'Being afflicted with a cough,? Dr.-Bull's Cough Syrup was recommended to trie for relief' ! am happy to say that a few doses snot only gave instant rfclief, ; bat effected a complete cure.'? : j-'! Heart of Steel. We have received Christian Reid's s , new book, Tleart; Steel. It is.Trora the press of D. Appieton & Co.'.Tew JY"ork, and was received through Mr. Ileinsbcrfjer, who has it on sale.- -: With one exoeptibn ' we nave" read carefbyy.and we may add with much de light, all of Miss .Fisher's works. Mor ton House is probably tho best of hor many productions and! Heart ofSteel is not far behind it, the difference lying in the construction ot the iomanee, in which Alortoa Jfcuse is the superior of the other. The plot in Heart of Steel is' weak-and. wb do not think that the authoress is happy in tlie make-up of the heroine of tho . work. There is too much of the Idealistic and tod little of the real, in the portrayal of her char acter and the devotion which is ac cord to her on all sides, a fault, by the way, which i9 a rery prominent one as regards other characters than those of Irene. But these weaknesses are in a great measure redeemed by tho beamy 0f language, originalty of ideas and charmingly descriptive powers so freely displayed throughout tho works. A 'Mad Dog at Whifovillo; Dr. J. F. JIarrell. of Whiteville, writes us of a ease pf -hydrophobia de velopcil in that neighborhood. We, in common with many others, had thought that mad dogs were to be feared only during the warm Summer months, but in this it "seems that we were mista ken, j Dr. Harrell says that the rabid beast of which he speaks lias bitten twenty cats and dogs and several per sons in j Whiteville. The remedies in the easel f human beings are uncer tain, ass the results are not uniform. but to bei forewarned is to be forearm ed, and be hopes to be able to prevent any evil consequences. He thinks, moreover, that only irme of the five or six persons bitten will take the malady. and the symptoms will. not manifest themselves until twenty' or thirty days after the abrasure has healed. ; Oormansj Company. , . r We spoke yesterdny of the presence in the city of Mr. Cllho, Ihe Agent of Gorman's Onera Company. We un derstand now. that Ihe troupe will ajw pear hero two nights, Monday and Tuesday; on the former occasion in the Mascotte and on Tuesday in tho Pirates of Penzance, An exchange, in speak ing of the Mascotte as' rendered by this company, saysi O O .noijil A large audience listened to- the ren dering or "The Mascotte" last night at English's by the Gorman Comic Opera Company. The company is an excel lent onej and gives entire satistaction, as was manileited by Irequent and gen erous applause. Signor Tagiiapietra carried the audience by atorra with bi3 full and magnificent Voice in fact,-the part of "Pippo" does not aflord him sufficient scope for his powerful voice. He is too heavy for it. However it is not a very bad fault; and did not lxter fere with the enjoyment . of the opera, ne is a splendid looking gentleman, and Kontifnl and cultivated rendition.. She soon won the audience and kept it thor oughly interested throughout. She is pretty, graceiut ana . winning, wuu rich and sweet voice. Browns "Loren zo" was capital, and so was the "Roci co" of lir. Frear. Miss Hattie Ander son's "FiamettaM was .very good, laek-. ing, perhaps, somewhat in,spint. yctlt of Mr j Glover also deserves special note- In lact the entire pejTorniance was sai isrArT. It mnst besesnbT all who like good music and the comic in opsnu 0 . . ... ;.- j 1 Vn matter what vour ailment . is. Brown's Iron Bitterswlll surely benefit You, v' . , : I .,r Quarterly Meetinc .-Li ; ; For the Wil mlngton. district of ) tM Meth6diSf E.'Chnrch, South: - . (riBST KOUND, IX PAKT.) " Smlthvillefjpm)...: Jan 10-11 Wilmington; at Fifth Street, Jaa 1514 Topsail, at Rocky Point ... .Jan 0-51 Brunswick. PyS1? his voice is run 01 power anu occasion ally of liquid sweetness. Miss Carson s VToav-iMi- " or Bcttina." was a very NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOLID OOMFORTi OUR ALL WOOL RIBBED UNDERSHIRTS. 36, 23 40. ! ' o , Children's Cloaks, a fhw left, at cost or les.. Ladies' Cloaks, Dolmans and Jackets, u Sixes , -n THW4-rfABGK SIEES, VERT CHEAP; - - 'A JjianKeTjSt j ; What yon want la this llnsrfa somethiu? GOOD and LARGE. UOrsOiSi uoreois r ALL FANCY DRESS GOODS 'ARE; BLACK CAMKREtJubI bringf Carpets. Oil Cloths, CA SHOW GCD fiTTLES IN ALL ,100 GROSS TURICrSTl ,BATn SOA. n 1 i w -' -if , jan Oakdale Cemetery. v ThA V4lir RrmtiA meeiinir of the Lot bwnew ot Oakdale Cemetery . vas; Lot held last night witk Ck)l.JnoL;Cant well in tlie Chair and Mr. R. J. Jones as Secretary;'"' '' ; "f '.'': 1 "71" 5:r:" : ' The annual statements of tho Secre tary and Treasurer and the Superin tendent were read and received and rp dered on file. '( Mr. Donald fMacRae was elected President, and Messrs.! Edward Kid der. Win. J . Yopp, Jas. H. Chadbourn, W. II. Northrop, Geo. K. French and Dr. A. J. DeRosset were elected a Board of Directors. Subsequently the Board of Directors met and continued Mr. It: J. Jones ns ?ecrntarv and Mr. T. IX - Donlan Su perintendent.,::, j ; . ,V C First National Bank. , The 17th annual mectinii -of the stockholders , of the First , ;NationaM Bank was beld at, their banking house in this city this morning. Mr. W. Ai French was called to the Chair and Messrs Jho. W; "Atkinson and Wra. Calder were raada" seers?ta- It was ascertained that 137 shares of stock were represented in person and 1,855. by proxy. ; , 1 nll lt An election4 lor directors wai an nounced as in order, whereupon Messrs J. I. Macks, J. Fernberger and M. J. Heyer were appointed tellers. The ballot resulted in the election of Messrs A. Martin. I). G. Worth, James SpruntTB; F. Hall and . E. Burruss, all members ot the old board,' exc-jpt Mr. IIall,: who was elected t6 the , va cancy made by the death 01 Mr. James Dawson. We understand that Mr. Sprunt declined a re-election. , The new board will meet lo-mtrrow ,un ccrs of tho bank. The rtoval Arcanum The following officers of Cornelius Harnett ! Council o.frr Royal Ar canum, were installed last night by D. S. K., N. Jacobi, assisted by D, S. G., John Cowan. Acting R.I. L. Greenewad,ff If hi .V. R. Roger Moore P. R. H. I- Kasprowicz O. W. W; Shaw. S. B. A. Hallett. . CoL-Jj- Weil. ... ..i U.fl T. W m . LArains. C DnB. Cutlar. G. L. T. Beatty. W Henry Savage. SI E.Levr!f :V t Trustees M. M. KaL-., Nathaniel jacobi, Roger Moore. ; . Thi- Tftdm Ad irf v&tr flnumhlncr condiUpn. Jt Was organized four jean ago ana nas naa out nve aeain iu mv interim. The families of these deceas-. edm embers hayo received $3,000 each, MSjfJOO inalli, b . 4 . ; The regular meetings art held on the j second and fourth Mondays in each month. i At the meeting of North Statft Lodge. No, I. O. B. B.v held last evening, the following ofScers wero Installed lor the ensuinz term by u G P. N Jacobi and PP, Leopold Brunhild: P-JT Macks. I VP Wra; Goodman;. i jp p-lj Etcrnbcrgcf,- f. :? MXt&ifs: -- a lV-R Greeaberg. .V. " s V NIsaaoTBear. t X T, Truslee?Jnheinstein7 Morris Bear, irCnmhild,vSol Bear, S Solomon. lie receipts of cotton at tnia port to day foot up bkla. u i n Silver Plated Spoons and Forks; low prices, at Jacof.i8. ! ; ' t NO. 8 I A NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. " -V 86, 33, 4, 42, I.K33 THAN COST. ,m . v-i - " uureuta r a large assortment! 9. 1883. REDUCED, f IF k IX TVAXT - OF BLACK SILK OK yonr judgment to bear on oars. Crumb Cloths, &c. OF TIIESE. VERT KEASOKABf.K m 1 . .1 Oreut'CIosInjr Ont Sale. , "avS on nan a r large., suppiy. w Clothing and in order; to makroom for coming Spring ' Stock, wc will , sell the remainder of oiir Winter goKls rer gardlcss'oi cost. 1 A'.' I. Shriek. Re liable CIothicrs".i No. 34 Market street. jan C The officers of v Wilmington Com mandery.jKmgiits Templar, will be in stalled to-morrow night at 8i30 'clock, on which occasion an address will be delivered Mr. W 11 inent Commander. I Chadbourn, Em The installation will take place in St. 'John's Hall, and he public are invited. , Banish ill health, nervousness, vexa lion, frctfulnesa, etc., by! using Brown's Iron 15 1 tiers r. , Non-Coinml.sli. The following- is a complete list of the non-commissioned I officers of the r . Wilmington Light Infantry as recently appointed: First Sergeant F. A. Lord Second B. W Dunham Third " '-L. P. Thomas.. Fourth " George Harris?, Jr. Fifth " W. H. Robbins. ' ; , First Corporal J. D. Shackelford. ; Second ' V Jno. .J. lledrick, Jr; Third. W. B. McKoy. Fourth " M: S. Willard j A fine assortihent of Guns and Prstols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Jotice. Mite M KM BE ELS OT SECUOX N ). 22 1, E. B. K. of P.- are herebj notlflcil that Rfjnlar lleetlni? will be hel-J.la Castle Hall ; of Genoa nla Lodjco No. 4, t-nljfht. at 7' o'clock. : ; JOIIK L. DUDLEV, Jau 9-lt Sect'y anl Treaa. . ........ Wedding (Presents TONE FAMILY BIBLUH Albums, !?3k8, Fajicj Boxes of all kimb. . . Trcs-lng Cas for Lady or Gentleavuv " Oil Paintings, Steel Kngrarings, -And an chdlesa variety of uecful and orna- mental articles. Call and make selections at HEINSBERGER'S, - f-. janO . ! Lire Book and Music Store sicians ND COU5TRY MERCHANTS WILL DO well to get prices on Drugs Iron -MUSDS BROS., beiore purcnasmg. -y nIundb Bros-V; A PHARMACISTS AND DRtTGGISTS, 1.431 BROADWAY, JJEW YOAK, AN O WTLM1XGTOX, 2. C, - ; - YATES' ' BOOK,' STORE OFFERS FOR 1883, A FULL STOCK OF Blank Books, .... .Stationery, &c, .11. For every Has of business.' SCHOOL BOOKS of all kind. I"-. PIATCOS A?tD ORGAXS Cheap and on easy ternM. fjanS . r 1 z i f M. CROXLY, Aoct'r. By; CRON UT& 3IOIUMS . r. 1 K COMMISSTOSFirSSALK j Y VrRTUE AXD IX PURSUANCE OF A decree ml the superior vours ox r jwwTr County,midciln a. cause tkcre pending he- tween SI. Wagner, et al . pblntifT and JffJ. Lntterioh. et ai.. ueienaaats, wc Tuwt:n.isoi the Cononissloncr In said deere appolbteo, will sell by public auction, at the tale Itooroa f Cronlr . Morris, on Wednesday, January 13. 1SS3, at It o'clock, M, that valuable House and lot upon Cast side ot Flfthtreet, between Market and Prioecss streets, WxSJO focl.koow a a-the Knohl pTVtKKS jan -3t 4.9, 9. . r r Com'r. TLKASB NOTICE. , TTs will be glad to reccira eosamsnlssuoas from our friends on ny and all . subjectt ' of general Interest but . - j The name of the witter most always be Its Dished U the Editor. . , : ! 1 , Conwnnnlcatlona Most be wrlttam oa oay one side of the paper. ' ' j . 1 ' "j Personalities mua t be avoided. And It U especially :aad parttcolarly mder stood that the RUtor does not always endotM the rlcws of correspondents nnlcss m stated In the editorial colaxms. I , : .. 1 NEW ADVERTISMENS. J. W. King, ' TJPlIOLSTEltER AND MATTRESSES, U tho old National Bank, Corner Front and Prin cess streets. EcnoTaiin??oM Ma tretwes. Clean Ins and Repairing old Farulture. Cutting and Laying Carpet. Give him a call. ! Jan 6 , JXO. W. KINQ. For Gale. :, milAT DESIRABLE T1VO-STORT Dwelling, on the South side of Wal- y streets. Hons kaaJTlre roonuL Jdtcben, ne cessarv out-bonsee, good water n4 letber ee' .1. 1 v 1 ventences. vf: t" .Zctt. j " Tor tcrs itui piuilcoian tppif Vi M KS JCJJ A,E. riSLBTJ .... .vtjm.A t t or to my Attorner, JOIl 0 jLLAMTj Jr; TJo liiquoyo'. TJUT A STOCIC K. FttKillA-jko. 1 ;00- 1 M , ... j.. .. .... i . ! , ,, . t J CI1IES will be kt qur rterLu No. 45. MarketiStreot. AU goods soW by us will be at represeated. GOOD GOODS. AND SMAlj FBOmS j WILL Jfc UIt" 'MOTTO. -WGlve u a trial, and( be eonTlneed.s; ( ocfl-Ll , B. J. fiCAUUOROUGil A CO. Peruvian Guano, 200 -Tons Genuine lobbs Ouaiio DDU20T Illt'OHTATlON, EXPECTED D.ULl , nod. t t sale bjr Oha& E, SmitH: '& Go. '1 Jau S Farmers,' Take Notice. jyjpunisv noa . cholera :com pound la just the thlug f i euro or prercat Hog Cbol j era and all diseases to ' rliictt SWlne axe sub jeut ; rt will prurcnt that dreadful dlseae known as Tdciuue, and will, put tout hogs ia 1 - - ..- - , ; a thrifty, healthy copdlUopttfieartrg the. Ud- L ncyW, liver, "Ae , f wormWind paralttia Each r.aekacre rrtntalrur one ' atvt one-halt - , . . . f , .: . Age r rlil, il pounds and w 0Ten ttrtctlr noconllng to tUi-ectlonft, cure Jo hog of the Cholera and pat 20 no?s In a condition to fUe6 In one half the a Altai time, thereby saving one hall of tho feed. The farmers of Duplin county are giving K tlte praise. All farmers shouUI buy a paek ape. ..;.v, . .... . ' ! , For sale .wholoealo and retail, by W. H. GRKKN , Druggist, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. dee ldAw-tf HqUday Gifta. SPEClALtATTKACTIONS r6lt TIIK Bet; i, . ' ' T -S - r. ' ! ! ' i I son : Celluloid .Seta, In Plash,, Satin and Leather Cases, Jewel and Odor Cases, Colorne kttics. Toilet -frets and Vasos,, TraveUing Cases. Combs. Brushes. Mirrors. Ac Latest Styles and Lowest Prices . WfLUAM H. OREKJt, " Drurrist. dec 15 nac-tf Market Street. km fwloore" Condv. CVjVL STOCKTJIOLrGH dkpleted dor lo&isied wtnt a log Xtnas week Ss as,a!n rep 1 1 complete assortracnt made this week. we have also added several new . varieties, laelnd i .-. . i- ' ing ehrystallzed nga.Dates, prunes as4 Cream - 1 - " ! Almonds, Cuba Honey Combv 1 t. We are also prepared to furnish dealers with fresh jnade Stick Candy ever day, Of the best quality. Also, a full assortment of - FANCY CANDIES, which afford bogs profits and insure ralt 1 - , .' ssles.:" " . APPLES, 02AKGES, COCOAXtTTi. , - AXAS, KUTS, UAISIX. ' and oUber fruit os hand at ! 1 j i j t Wholesale and Eetaill ! - With many thanks for the .very ftattertag ! ' -'" 1-1 j- TMUronage we bare roeelved from the opeoiag n"ntIt;nor7we wl.n all "a Ilapirjr Xew Year ! f.4 E.J.MOOEE&00. dec : T . '-f ? ., --.( -tt.i , CAN'T KEEP TnEII I T3EOPLE WILL HAVaV TIIOK STOVK. Another LHepecl.6ed jour orders. jan I PARKER Jt TAYLOR. '!' Brcocli-Loaclcrs. T7IN Z BnEECH LO A DfXfS SI IOT O UXS, bUelU, Wad, Powder, ut. Cartridge Bars, GnnCases. Reloading5 1W1, xx lUjr, H tols allkuvis. Jfyoftwaata Art rl arU cieofthe abova pod?, and lw prices, the same ran bo fomtd at ; - - i . W. . SPRlXOKtl A CO'S , ' i Sueaessors to Jawson A.Co., tan 1 - IS 21 and TJlUrket Street 1 f j resent the Comrsny. ware Depot. " 1 Sri

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