I I THIS FJLFEB abashed tTtry evening Sunday en cryted by JOSH T. JAMES, APiroa ASD pbopsixtob. subscriptions postage- paii Oae year -00. Six months, 93.00. Three months, $1.00; One month, So cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers tree of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cent per week. AdTeatislng rate low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and aQ fall ore to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, intke city of Wilmington. J2 1Bi , i i i - - ... . TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements inserted in this col' ttmn at 10 cents per line, each insertion, but no charqe of less than 30 csnis trill b. made on any advertisement.. BT What Capt. F. M. Woolen of Xew Hanover County N. C. flays of the Wilcox. Gibbs fc Co'. Manipula ted Guano after using one ton. Tell Mr. Petteway send me another ton of came Guano. I like it better than any I have ever used. I can tell in three days to the row were I used it; better than the Peruvian ; wane it quick as possible. For sale by J a mes T. Pktte vit, Agent, jan 9-10-11. Egr TEN CENTS Best whiskey 10 cent at McGowak'. Just yon try it and don't you forget it. jan 6-3t. ST WANTEDA good Cook. Fair wages. Nothing but cooking required. Apply atS. E. Comer Third and Mul berry streets. dec 11- The U. S. Supreme Court will take a reeess from February 5th to March 3th; it m Sixty quails In thirty days is what an Individual in New York is attempting ow. An international exhibition will be opened in Calcutta next December, and will closo on Feb. 29. 1884. . m- r The limit of interest on money in South Carolina has been . raised by the legislature from seven to ten per cent. - . There is a movement on foot in West Virginia in opposition to Senator Da vis' return to the Senate. That State has its best man in the Senate now and should keep him thero. . . M. T. Polk, the missing Tennessee State Treasurer, has escaped to Mex ico. It Is said that ho had two vali?es full of money and it is thought this may have aided in his escape. - , Something over B.600 new buildings were erected in New. York last year. Hundreds cf these were flats and tene ment bouses, costing among the hun dreds of thousands of dollars each. Vanity Fair says that a Colonel in the Guards, who was under fire for just live minutes, has got for it the Order of the Bath, a Turkish order, and the Eng lish and Egyptian war medals, Texas has $1,000,060 lying idle in her treasury. Tmt is nnable to apply it to the reduction of her debt. $5,000,000, because her creditors ask $1.40 for the bonds and she is unwilling to pay that premium. The Federal Government has. recog nized the Confederacy at lasL A letter sent from Wircgrass, Ga., to Savan nah ran the prauntlet of two United States Postmasters with a ten cent Con federate stamp upon it. It is said in Washington that the Frinccss Louise has it seriously in con templation to pass the winter in Char leston. It is asserted that the Marquis of Lorne wrote to Gen. Sherman and asked him if it was safe (or her to win ter there and that the reply was per fectly safe." The f5Sth anniversary of the battle of New Orleans was ceiebrated in Boston by & dinner given by the Democratic StateIJxec$itlve Committo in honor of Butler's inauguration as Governor.- The Beast was there himself. Ex President Tilden was invited bun was not present. A letter from him was read and he was heartily cheered. The New York Sun has a blood-and-tti under story of a quarrel and a mur der at a dace at Liberty." which it locates in "Bedford" county. N. C. The Aim nan should con his geography. .We know nothing of any town by the aame of Liberty, or of any bounty by the name of Bedford. any where In North Carolina. The foundation stone of the magnifr dent Church of the Saviovr at Vienna, which has been under construction for twenty-six years, and is tho expression of & national thanksgiving'or the preser vation of a monarch's life, is a block of marble, quarried on the Mount of Ol ives. Jerusalem. The church will cost $1,875,000. The Warden of tho Illinois peniten tiary has collected figures as death rate in penal institutions, and astonishing variations are shown. While at Sing Sin the yearly deaths fjpom , 1,000 in mates number less than seven, at Au burn they are twelve, and at Clinton over twenty. The lowest rate is three in Wisconsin, and the. highest is seven ty seren in Mississippi. I.. .. ; -i -v. - . -t. ; ; "j: ., , I ; . l i k ' .: . 1 ' ' "' ;k PLEASE XOT1CE. k r 1 VOL. VII. WrLMINGTON. N.C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1883. NO. 9 r , p T Tho failures of the year just ended j were astonishingly numerous, amount ing to one In every 122 engaged in busi ness. The number of failures was 6,738. orl.156 more thau in!881. The'liabilities were $101,547,504. or $20,391,633 more than in 1881. The record is not as bad as that of the year 1878, which is known as the worst year for business since 1857. bat it is very bad. and its expla nation demands serious attention. The country is prosperous j jand the people havo enjoyed an almost unpre cedented succession of bountiful har vests. It would seemdifficnlt;therefore to account for the business troubles. L'Evangelistc." - Alphonse Daudet's j New Novel, which i is now creating! such a great sensation in Paris, is in i press, and will soon be published by T4 B. Peterson & Brothers. Philadelphia.! It will certainlv create a profound sen- haation. as it treats of a subject never jet nanuiea oy a r rencu nuvowai., mm one in which everybody is interested. It is a romanee of the conflicts of hu man emotions, with a gay as well as a stave side, and is .of intense interest. Ir France it is regarded aa Dandet's best book, and has given rise to almost endless discussion. Dandet. who is one'of the greatest novelists of the pres ent, dav founded 'L'Evangelisto'V on fact, and one of its main elements is a strange mysticism, -j j . i ' ! I - ! , : Dr. Pierce's "Pellets," or sugar-coated granules the original "Little Liver Pills," (beware of imitations) cure sick and billious headache, cleanse the stomach and bowels, and purify the blood. ' To eeteenuine.see. Dr. .Pierce's signature and portrait on Government stamp, cents per.viai Dy uruggists. wed-sat. I' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .1 as T Pbttewat Fertilizers ttBixaBBRQEK Wedding i Presents Tatrs Blank Book b, StatloDer. iAe Louisiana State Lottery Company . Ml'KM Bnos Manufacturing PharuacisU Plenty of Ice formed this morning. Hen fruit 35 cents a dozen at retail. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 230 bales, j j Good oak wood 6old at retail this morning at 90 ceuts a load. j For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jac.obi's Hardware Depot. Ger. barque Charlotte and Anna. Kruger,' hence, arrived at Stettin Jan. 6th. I I Briz Antclojx, Curtis, was loading at Matansas on the 3d .port. ; tnst., for this I : -J 1 Tho raiufall in this city from the night of the 5th inst. up U laitl night was 3:31 inches. Barques Zuigarclla, Devcreux, and Gymu, (Nor.)' JergenSen. cleared at Boston Jan. 8th for thi port. Tho Xev's and Observer failed us asain to-day and hencwc aro without legislative reports in this issue. Major J. C. Winder, (General Mana ger of the Carolina Central and the Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Au gusta lines, was in the city to-day. The sun shone for a short time; this forcuoon but soon went into mourning again over the aspect of the earth and the job he had before him in the way of evaporation. Thero was a heavy ! snow last night along the line of 'the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. It reached as far South as Magnolia. At Weldon it was five or six inches deep. I i i ' There was quite a heavy fall of snow here at about 2 o'clock I this : morning. It continued for about- a half-hour. The ground was jvet and not jfrozen and the flakes melted as fast as they fell. Yesterday morning. at(7 o'clock, the thermometer at tho Signal office here registered 44.5 degrees and at the same hour this morning it was down to 29, a difference in twenty-four tours of 15.5 degrees. j ; j A large number of delegates are ex pected hero at the railroad t convention called by E. F. Martin for tho I7tn inst., at which the prospects for con structing the proposed coast railway are to be discussed. Martin is in re ceipt of letters dally from interested parties in this and other States. I- : t j We have received the Augusta, Ga Chronicle and Constitutionalist "Annu aln for 1683. It is a handsome little magazine, profusely and elegantly il lustrated with representations of some of the most prominent and picturesque scenery ia the Unitec States, besides containing a regular monthlsJenaA and almanac designed espec. Ally for uixs latiiuac. Sale of ileal Estate. 1 Tho property on the East side of Fifth street, between Market and Prin cess, belonging to the estate of the late F. W. Knohl. which was advertised in tho Reviw, was sold at auction this morning by Messrs Cronlcy & Morris for $1,795. The sale was positive and will Se confirmed by tho Court. eatli oT Mr. Ferxrua WLcRee We regret to see in the Missouri Re publican, (published at St. IDuis, Mo..) ef the 4th inst the announcement of the death of Fergus McRee. eldest son ot Mrs. Mary and the late Col. Samuel McKee, U. S. A., la the 44th year of liis ageJ . . 1 ' , ki:: Col. Samuel MeRec was a jiaiLyeof this city and a brother of the late Di". James Fergus McRee, the Senoir. '.His wife. Mrs. Mary McRee. was, also a native of this city and the daughter of the late Mr. Henry Urquhart. lie re moved from this city to the West many years ago and when only about 25 ycai of age, and it was there that his children were born. Mr. Fergus McRee was in this city for a short time just subse quent to the close of the war, in the in terestof some property owned here by the family, which begins with tho wharf at the foot of Dock street, fcorth side. and extends nearly to the oorner o Front street. . Mr. McRee leaves a mother.and a younger brother to mourn their loss. He had just returned from hi3 sum mer vacation, and describing the beau ties ot the mountain scenery to a lady friend, he asked : "Have you ever seen the Cats-kill-mountains?'1 and she an the swered: "Not! but I have BnU Cough-Syrup!" seen The Frethetu. I t -. There is no doubt that there is a big treshet on the way down all of the 1 Iv ors, Northeast and North -West. Cape Fear, Black and Suth and Llllingtou rivers. jThe latest advices are to the efleot that the water is rising very rapid ly In all of the streams mentioned and their tributaries. A timber merchant told as to-day that be would nut be sur prised if it equalled the famous Sher man freshet, early in the year 1865, when the streams overran their banks everywhere. The water was at that time, we think, more than j fifty feet deep at Fayetteville. Steam boatmen report passing a num ber of rafts of timber in the river, one man having eoanted as many as seven teen. These rafts must have started on the previous rise as there are few people; who would care to ship a raft on the top ef a high freshet like the pres ent. We may expect, however, to see a goodly number come In on the ebbing ! waters, especially as wc understand that the freshet has penetrated into tbe water courses in Pender, Sampson and j Bladen counties. " The Literary CIul. There 'was quite a good attendance upon the meeting aftht above elub at the Library Room last night, though som0 were undoubtedly kept away by the bad weather. Mr-ECharlcs Ger hardt was elected Secretary to take the place of Mr. Farie, who has removed from the city. The matter of an enter tainment to be given jointly with the Spinster Society, on the last Tuesday In January1, was referred back 'to the Lecture Committee, with power tbjwt, subject to the' President's approval. Should foreign immigration into this country be encouraged?"-Is ; the question to be debated next Tuesday evening, with Messrs. M. S. Willard and James Struthers in the affirma tive and Messrs. F. LMeares and N. F. Parker in the negative. .. j-For Tuesday evenine. the 23d inst., the following oppointments were made: Orator H. W. Malloy. Readers W. M. Cnmmlng, Wm. Easdale. Declaim ers C. E: Borden, E. H. freeman. I The celebrated Fish Brand' GiUs Twin b sold only at Jacobi's. Hard ware Depot. 1 t quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South : 1 i . (riBST KouxD. nr takt.) .1 Smithviile (7 p m). . . . - Jan 1011 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Jan 13-14 Topsail, at Rocky- Point. ... .Jan CO-21 Brunswick, at Zion. . . . . Jan 28-29 R. O. BCBTON, P. E. Commercial Hotel Wilmington; N. C, IL SCHLOSS, Prop. ' ty Frel Ear sa4 TffT.TJI.ttrr- &A LOON AWAt3liS0u P !Vhy There was a 11 Excitement. On Tuesday. Dec. 10 ( always Tues day), the 151st Grand Drawing of The lx)uisiana btate Lottery, under the sole management of Gen'ls G. T. Beaure gard of La., and Jubal A. Early of Va., took place. Here are some of the re sult of the scattering of the $522,500 : Ticket No. 34,516 drew the capital prize or $100,000, and it was sold in tenins atone dollar each. Among some of the holders were Miss Kings'ey, a resi dent with Charles T. Yorkes, Esq.. former President ot the Kensington National Bank. No. 1.723 Master St., Philadelphia ; Mr. John T. Garvin, a driver on Metropolitan Horse Railway atRoxboro District Siatlen, Boston, Ias5-r and here it may well notice suirns coiiiomtJiiw-uia,ir iuo same manm Nov. 'SI (Vtoly a year ago), drew .55 15. 000: Tho F. Bell, ot No,' f?26 Kast Fifth st;. t South Boston. Mass. : Har per S. Fries , 13ZCourt St.. Cincinnati. ) Ohio.- Ticket Xo. 94.135, held in jn.u., drew the second capital prize of 50. 000. Ticket NoJ 31,401 drew the third capital prizev $204000-rsold in fractions also among others two tenths (costing two dollars) gave Mrs. Harriet Wood man, ot Vesper P.j O., Ojondaga Co.. N Y , a Christmas present of $4,000; and similar amounts for like invest ments were paid to parties (who do not wish their good deeds known) in Ft., Wayne. Ind., and San Francisco, Cal. Tickets N6. 13.242 sold to residences in Gienada,Miss,and L Sheltonts. (through the Kentucky Nat'l Bank) ; No. 24,193 in N. O., and Geo. C. & D. Ayres, Danville Va. each drew $10,000. Nos. 14,643 sold in Chicago and New York; 45,3561n N. O.. land St. Ix)ui3; fi9,83 in Chicago and Washington. D. C. ; 80.904 sold in St. Louis each drew $5,000. The next drawing occur3 Feb ruary 13th. Malaria. I Chills and Fever, and Bil- ioUS attacks positively cured with Em- nrv's Standard Cure Pills an infallible r. r' 1 v-. J i,7 Tw stmate, lonc-stanuing cases Where Qui- mm o1 v nowr tai tn nnrfi TUP. mosi on- nine ana ail ouier renieoie nau iaucn. They are prepared expressly for mala rious sections, in doume boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca thartic and a chill breaker, sugar-coated: contain no Quinine or Mercury. causing no griping or purging; they are tion and harmless in all cases ; they ef fectually cleanse the system, and give new; life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaied. For liver Complaint their equal is not known ; one box will havo a wonderful effect on the worst case, isThey- are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, or) sent by mail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Coj, 114 Nftsaau Street. New York. m d&w. THE MAILS Theinatla cloee and arrtre at the City Post otOaa as follows : CIX3K. Northern through mall, fast. 8.00 P. M. Northern through and wi mails. . ..5.40 A. 51. Raleigh.. ...5.00 P. M. and 3.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. A X. C. Railroad a 3.40 A. M. Southern Mai la for all point South, dally.... ...630A. M. and .00 P. M. Western mall? (C. C. Kallway) daily, . r (excett Snndar).. 5.00; P. M. All points between llamlet and Ral- I I ,elgh 3.00 P.M. Mall for Chcraw and Darlington Rail- ' J road ii 30 A. 31. and 8.00 P. 51- Mailn foT- noliiU'betAreen Florence and Charleelon f.30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. j f raycttevllle aidofflce on Cape Tear ! River. Tueda ya and rridaye ...... 1.00 P. M ; Fayetteville. via Lumberton, dally, except Sunday ...o.OO P. IL Onalow C. H. and intermediate offl- ctm, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith villo malla, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays)..... 8.80 A. M. Malls for Easy IlilL Town Creek, Shallotte and Little Rivet, Tues days and Fridays....:..... 6.00 A.M. - OPEN FOR DELIVERY. i WrightevilleV daily : S.0 A. M. Northern through and way mails j 7 JO and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails ....7.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad..... 9.45 A. M Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. ! . -.- Stamp Office open from S A. M. to riM., and from 2 to 5.13 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same aa stamp office. u Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office la closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Great Closing Out Sale. - Having on7 hand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room lor coming Spring Stock, we will sell the remainder of our Winter goods re gardless of cost. A. & I. Shriek, Re liable Clothiers. No. 34 Market street. )an6 , s w , ,. . - - : Banish ill health, nervousness, vexa tion, fretfuiness, etc, by using Brown's Iron Bittersr. ; ! : - . A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, i if. New Jewelry Store. rj1HE,t UXDERSIGXKD RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of WumtngtooC be has leased the premises No. 12, Market St., andUnowla receipt of a . . ) Handsome Stock of 4 . whlea win be displayed In a few days, -'jj-tratel'aad Clock repeJiliaiieialty. JXO. IL ALLEX. Bngjigs I Buggies!: TTEW AXH SECOND HAXD FOR SALE L " T.' J SOrTTTTETtLAXD. LI Tory and.Sale Stables 4n 1M DIED. In this city: at 1 o'clock this marnlng, ot consumption, MaETHA G., wife of John r. Garrell, ayed 36 years, 1 me nth and S8 daya. , Tho funeral service will take place to-morrow, (Thursday) afternoon at S o'clack, from the bouse.them-e to Front Street M. E Church, thence to Oakdale temftery. Friends anl ac quaintances are respectfully Inyl ted to attend. McREE In St. Toui, Mo., Tuesday morn ln, January 2, 1SS3. FERGUS JlcItKti, eldest ton of Mrs. Marv and tho late CoL Samuel MeKee, U. 8. A., In the 4tth year of hls ase. NJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tht Public is requested carefully to notice the nets and enlarged Scheme to be draicn Monthly ECapital Prize $75,000S Tickets only $5 Shares' tn pro- " ' '"' I portion. Louisiana State Lottery J ' Company. " J We do Tiereby certify ihnt tee supervise the arrangemanU for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing of The Txuisiana Stcte Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drvtcing themselves, and that the same are conducted vnth honesty, fairness, and in good faith toicara all parties, una tee auttor ize the Company to use this certificate, ttith fac similes of our signatures attacked, in its aaver tisements." I ! Commissioners. Incorporated in IMS fur 25 Tears by the' Le$? ligature for Educational and Charitable pur t-"'''"'"'"' f'.w'. " reserve fund of $5o0,000 una ilnca been added. 1 r kt an oTenrneiminc toiuiai vote lmrran- cuiee was; mane apart or tuo present Mate jonjutution aaopteu uecemuor t;u, jv. v., istv, The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the peopiepf any Atatc It never scales or postpones Its Grand Single Ncmbeji Dhawdcgs take place moatalj. A SPLENDID OPVORTITSITY TO WIS A FORTUNE. Second Grand Dravrtag, Cla ti, at .xew Orleans, xaeeuay, J-cbruary 13, Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Jacu. .Fractions In iylrths la proportion. I ! llst or vum&. 1 Capital Pri2C of 1 Capital Prize of. 75,000 25,000 10,000 lli.OOO 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 S0.O00 25.0(H) 25,000 6,750 4.WX) 1 npiutt l iuv oi. ......... 4 .. 2 Prizes of 0,000 '. 5 Prizes of 2,0X . 10 Prized of 1.000.. I i t T I , m 30 Prizes of 000. . 100 Prizes of 200.. 100.. ' 50.. 25,. a....... j of ........ looo ri-ize3 of 9 Approximation Prize of $750. O "nil l,J7 PrizH-'s, amounting to f 3S5,500 Application for ratoe to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans, j i Por further Information, write clearly, giv ing full addroes. Send orders bv Express. Eegidtemi Ietter, or Money Order aidro8?ea cniy to M. A. DALPHrN, i ! . New Orleans, La; WM. A. HAUrill, 007 SeTenth St., Washlngtn, D. C. Jan 10-vred-tsat-4w4d&w t Wedding Presents. JUNE FAMILY BIBLES, Albums, Deikp, Fancy Boxes of ali klnd. Dressing Coses for Lady or Gentleaaajp, Oil PalnUngs, I . f ' ; i Steel Engravings, And an endless variety of . ueclul and orna mental articles. Call and make selections at HEINSBERGER'S, jan 9 Llvo Book and Music Store , Physicians XD COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL DO well to get prices on Drugs from MUX DS BtiVfi. before purcnasiag. HIunds Bros., ' PHARMACISTS AND DRUGGISTS. 1.491 BROADWAY, XKW YOdK. AXO-WILMIXOTOX, X. O. . Jan 8 , YATES' BOOK STORE OFFERS FOR 1SS3, A FULL STOCK OF Blank Books, . 7 1 l Stationery, & c. , For crery Uaq of bnainess. 8COOOL BOOKS of all kind. PIAXOS AX D ORG AX8 Cheap and oL easy terms. : ! . J ; : ; , 400 TONS COAL J U8T: ARRIVED PER SCHOONER ,4AL. LIE MAXR, and Is a very superior article. ', t i f i V- - -', WOOD In full supply at REDUCED TRICES 41" Janl J. A. SPSIXOER., PLEASE SOT1CE. . We wul be glad to rooelre eommcsUtfiatt trom oar frionda ea say sad ail ,tfeU C geserallmtereetlmi I H . ' - - i . TLe aame ot U writer must always fee far Hiatal to the Editor. .' ' i i , . Comniimloagona mart , e wtLOsn a n&j - if i ; . one aide ot tae paper. , ' n PeraonalltSesBiTutbe avoMfd. j I And It is especially ;&a4 particularly vaMr stood that the Editor doe aot ahrmya eadetta tho view of correspondents nnl m statld In the editorial oolomna. I 1--L '! LAI NEW ADVEKTISBIEN8. J. W. King, TTPflOLSTERER AND MATTHES8ES, tn the old National Bank. Corner Front and Frla- rcta fctreets. flcnoratlnoriMa tresaee C leas ing ana impairing old rnrolture. Cutting awl lAymj carpet, uirc blm a caiL 1 jan o . JU. W. Kill G. For Sale. rpiIAT DESIRABLB TWO-STOUT Dwelling, on the South sldo of . Wal nut street, between Thlrdand Fottrth 6 tree U. ; rioaso has rive rooma, kltcheo, b. - - - ' ' ii ' cessarv out-houses," good water and other eae- venlenccs." 4 ' - For terxs aud partlcidara apply to . , ; MRS.;jrjUA:K. FlSUrri or to my Attorney. JOHN D. ' BELLA BIT, Jt. Wd Liquors. BUT A STOCK OT FEEftH, A. ?0. 1 CEItlKS wUl be kept at on? toii, ' . i No. 45, Market Streets AU goods sokl by oa wlfi1 bo as repreaeataa. .I--'- II- GOOD GOODS "AND SMALL PBOfTTti WILL BE OUR MOTTO. 43G1tc ha a trial and bo con vtaced.ef oct220f f B. J. SCA KIIOHOUGU A 0C0 Peruvian Guano. 200 Tons - - Genuino Lobos Uuano I J DIRECT IMPOKTATIO K. KXPECTED O.UL1 , and Ur aaJa by Ohas, E. Smith & Coi Jan 8 - : . ' ( ; ' Fdrmcrs, Take Notice M OHP.I3 Iltk CHOLEttA COMPOtntD is jurt the thing tu cure or pVerent Ilog Cl era and all diaeaata , to which . Swine are sh jet; it will preTent that tlrcKtful jdacw kitown aa Trichnw, nnd will ..put your lvgla a thrifty, healthy condition; cieariug kite 11- neys, h'vcr, c of woimn aoJ jMrasltvr. , i Each ".'package -'Con talus ooo ami ae-haif pound and will, if kItcu strictly aryohtinz to dlrectknsr cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put i 2ft hrtfru In a rmdlMoii tn fttr In niui hntf tho usual time, thereby paving one half of the feed. ncrvby paving one half oftle xeeL of Dnplla eountv arorlvlurlc Ihe farmers of Duplla eountv arorlvlmrlc A 11 farmers should buy a paJt-i ag. i For pale .wholccalj and retail, by W. U GUliEX, Druggist, Market Street, VVllmingtott. j. v. ' dec J9 axw-u Holiday Gilts. S PKC1AL ATTRACTIOifS FOR t son : celluloid eetn. In Praah, SaUtt a ad Leather Cases, Jewel and Odor Cases. ColHt Bottles, Toilet Sets and Vases. Travelus v;ases, imos, isracnea, mutots, xc le eryles and LoTCt-Prices. . , - j WILLIAM II.1 GREEK v, -JJ- ? v Druggist. dce.li-nac-tf Market Street. lift KIdore"; Candy. OUR STOCK TIIOlGII DEPLETED dor logXmas week U aatn replenished wtt! si - e '.k t ...-- - ... . f complete as sort mast made this week. Vf e have also added Beyers! nesr.Tarleties,! Inelnsl lng chryrtaMzed Figs. Dates, Prunes sjd Cmu '.V Almonds, Cuba Honey Comb.' 1 Wo are also prepared to furaith dealers with fresh made Stick Caodj ever day, f the best quality. Also, a fnU assortmeot of "SvM M.J I FANCY CANDIES, - . k. r r . , . .11 which afford largs profits and Insure qpid stlee. APPLES, OHAXGES, COCO ANCTi, BAt- AXAS, MJTS, FlOS, RAI3IXS, and other fruit oa kand at ; " - k i . i .; - : Wholesale and Be tail! With many thanks for the Tery flaHeriag patronage we have received from the opeai? cntli now, we wish ail , a Happy X'ew Year ! E. J. MOORE & CO. dee 29 CAN'T KEEP THE EI ! "pEOPIX WILL HAVE TIIOE 8TOVI3. Another lot ei pectwl. Send your orders. jnnl k , PAllKKR A TAYLOR. Brecch-Loadcrs. T71IXE. BREECH-LOADI 2 MUOT-GCXf, .! f: g htell. Wad,t owder, 8lKt; Cartrldre Bj-, Una Case. Reloading Toots. Gaios Bags, tt tolaall kinds, if you want a first-cli ant cleof the above coodi, and. Ijw prices, to same can be found at - IS i. , , 4W. iLiUPRIXGER A CO'8, k i - duceeasora to Jawsoa A Co.. tl l iiandts Market Btrt?V - ";-k';'i;:---: ; k .k - :k

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