- r-r i .... -r. , , , THIS PAFKK P UtASE NOT CX. tabBhed every evening, Bandaya ex- s Wa win be tlxd to reeerre ernmaslaattoas rXtrtrHaiiaaj7ajBU ii cabjeeu f general Interest but 1 6 i - Tb aameef Ue wrtUe mart aJwaya be far dabeA totteEdltit.-. ' OnaTmiTtlttoaa aaaat fee wrUtaa om ex)y neeldeef tne paev. . . , ' PeraoaaSttea mast be aroKlaiU ' " " ' And It la especially tad parUcmlariy rsylta tood that the Editor doea not alwaya aadoea the Tlewa of correspoadeata nnlow ataicd la the editorial coUu&na. : V :eplet by . JOSH T. JAMES, SUCSC1HPTIQX3',F0STAGK PAID: One year, i.0O. Six montha, iOO. TLrce inoniha. $L0Q ; '0nc ittonth,; S3 pent.' The iper will be deU reined. by. cai-rler tree of c&argtVln aay part-of the CItT ;trthe aboTe nM, orlo cents pcr-wrfcek.'' ' Adr-efctislng rate lo. wvl liberal. jfrnjubacTlbeTS win report -any atut all full area to. receive tbejr' pVptr jriguiarlyY " " ' ' VOL. YII. WILMINGTON. N. 0.; MONDAY. JANTJARJ 15. 1883. NO. 13 .T- - : " - - r , r. , ..- -, .. , JL- 11 - -JUtJlU JL T;JLlifcilJ V JLiLJ V V o T -" . - ......... . . : . ", , , - T ? , T -r""t . ""V" ' i "" " - :. 1 T . ' ' ' ' - .Tht'-DaffyJietiew haiiht larywt biui fide nrculaiionyof, any. newspaper TEN CENT ! ' " "- - ' ' 'JijOLvxtfrfrffcyt inserted in, this col mn at 1 0 vmU per line, each insertion, but -no cka rxfc of. less than 30 cents will wH5e. Nothing but cxkin5-reouire!.' . Apply at S. Ckruer Tbird and Mnl berry street. -'f -' :--' ..ltc.lU- -; Tm.Thuw1i wrai 4fi jear.old on the i'aUi wears S250.0CO in tlVc KuVrwm tvne In ,4Traviata.' ' v":-:" H : i l i ' -.Reports of the prevaleneaof thosmau pox cjmie iroui UunVcttuus 'localitfi'S In the Sonthl Texas is lairly scooping 'In the cmi that they, w ii..;-.. - .."i,-rAConiHar.lr.arc ,, t.. j . ftpt.,-Jokja&Ct tBOTy warp; ytyr4,. 1, it. ,,:if 0 .nHA'fiS!1' 'vM trfKM The Waltham'Wateh Company madO -Barque fii7tVjlUams,jfron Jfam friends in - this .city waoynlXuHgret hit It.:,. . i$iiitdEl3tmBC:es.bi:ia fnu 5;;J fS?irq .u rti'"i v :iv-.vyiJtJ ujckJ h its 2,b6o,OOOth watch tho other day. aiid burg : for '.this' 'riorfc. pgsFatmonth. decision; o'aleoTbito,3&: ioctriiofcri .iV i'Ji v; "'-'r11 ' I , the thirty fbremcii in tho : Avfrk had; a Eng.. Oec.-2Sth; , -, ; . - ;. i :7 ,r . inthe.num.bef-;3ori&cottrso with-xff l-Mrht. it i!tii 'M:!! ?An hrol -a:Wom Vottki, The stockholders of tho Tcoplc's lis-1 with the State Treasurer! laft- Satnra, aengcr Railway., "of .!rhjIadBlphia;Pjy A1527 rf 1 ". ' out of pocket $1W.OOO' by last year ' 'the storm signal which was "raised 1 business. . . - r rants. The JNorth western arm vtne "Yesterday was pleasant' enousn out ctranK a topot'swa-water acu venc 10 . Southern States are the principal kVl! to-dav 'ba been cold "and .:clondv with I bed toctire.hWM tTho doctor had;a; lriuMt'fAoick and rlc fl;n - - ! thP wind from lb. Nnrfh i "WP? v.;. -"-1. , ! , , i ,iky saya ; tne rfW" wm- caicow ;,lbaok6:ih8TcrfJitfi6af: and. ill put the nrice of-grain Up I city. on Saturday; night from, a trip.pt .a per busheUrt is an a .PdaysLV to 60 cents niative. gambling movement. iIon.;KandaU.L.:GibSdu. Senator- elect iroin Lonislana. will; it is said, re sign his seat in tho Senate to. accept. tho presidency of a collegofto Uq erect vl in New Orleans! (ion. Kausdm' will bo reelected to the U. S. Scuato to-morrow, at 1 o'clock. We had been under the impression that tho election would take place four days earlier but in this we were mistaken; C Mayor Edsoni of New; York, seems . to have, surrendered .to John Kelley. All of the principal papers of that city, with one exception, havo attackedjhim. , . , Kdson arid Kqlley . are : perhaps yleter inined to butcher tho young Democratic riant in that city, -.: Women havo found vindication in . an unexpected quarter. " The report of 1 " the Census Bcreaa shows thaf .men in tho United States spend' more money in dress thari womeri- ;The figures are . $498.000.000 for men. and. 3lX"0O0,00O tbr women i The average is $13 a year for .men and 27 for. .Womci),.. , . The Albatross, a s wi ft scho oner,1 ' haJ been placcil at the command ' of Prof. . ; Baird. bivlho government for the.'pur p.$e of booking after the propagation or - rish along the' Atlan tic coast in ( other 4 wocds i.is ; a soientific. cxpediturc Jor the benefit-of dolphins and TjlWi- fish, . rsiia have every!rcason to be grateful, to Prof; Bairdind thajV S. Goyeiueri;. It would be interesting to know the ;;Vst"oT.oTerJ'.&h'taten.fm the water which is pulthero by.Prof. Baird. r Wo find in the Vewrs Courier 'some very interesting' "statistics as re- : cards" South Carolina's -growth and , , progress during tho decafo'endjuft with caco.; tak'on JegthwisQ.as Sinchej rnfiuln1&bar of 8laf ..; .;l$80,M..Th"6-llgbres';arp-.frnm tho- imtid . a-nti 5 inches' a -taken- the. other.; rsr k:.ii"i1.4ft!i : 1 DOOKpreparcu Dy me - oiaic vvivu-. ,T35,469 bushels of grain uiado in 1870, against 17,010.593 bushes in IS3L m operation in 1870. with a capital mr "-""- " vested of 2.537,000 : and products val ued at $139,937, against 18. mill?, W.: x T?8 swindles, ee.708.5(K) capital, 3,m T70 taIuo 'of products'; in 1BS0. V ; .Iltocnf is. v there were 3,t)10,539 acres "of: improved remainder of theday! j J : - f 100 oiZ Z loTr road " 1870 !AWt V TO y. U t Biactcn coun-j John-Thompson. StrJo . -r . So matter: what vour -ailment Brown's Iron Bitters will surely benefit vr;.vQrtfcrlJ:cctiujr .f... - - For the Wilmineton- district , cf the v: MetbooUstX..Cnnrcuf' Satiih.At Vr . : (riESX KOtJXD; t2? pakt. ....... llaTlrig on ; :Xarge...o'ppljrr.oUiitogt Jjght -Infantry, at 6ermaira iv-. ..--tKir TOCWng opriag roioc.. vu . , I . i1 a. -1 I- .Ml 1 t i J0 remaanaorpt;oiiri;uintcr..gc)o :- rA."Vrv; fMEt?t9M hmitortTrC :HaattMoBje: dozen ianfir. z. .-uiii.-u at .lAcoars iTardware Depot.jii'f.! illLf& &VzJFti , LOCAL NEWS. -j - INDEX TO NEW ADYERTISHEMrX. r " v f; r-. il UC ! ,,!v. i t UAGLEI-Loalind MOdJ i J n Mallard A Ner Stock V, Giles A ilcEcmsoN Another Lot ! ! ' ! , TTKsA-W'rappIag Paper and Pdgi -r. , Orfin. Ilotfcfc ' Arwundthe World"-- ; iv; K SmixioEa JL Go Breech loaicrs : J'AiiKEK & TATLon-Cou't KeepTbem'. MtKM Dro A Fresh Stock Garden Feed "QTTrEBOCjLGlted-Tlag Slaughter Sa!e ' V IBriiobuh. & Co lircat Reduction KkncusEK Caldek Bnos Groceries at Wholesale'' .:-:. WokI M retailing' for .from. SO cent's to .P?1: !?d; ,:j The recdple of cotton at thb port! U? iriay foot -up 453 bales r rj .i "Schwrter" Knle ' G: Rabbins. Snoyf hffwee. arrived At: I5alti more Jan. 13th. Sheriff. Wallace; of Duplin, , settled , j r- i frrnoon. -raise alarm. i 4 . ! . Steamship .GuJ Stream, Iuraro.j . w January loin, ar.u saueti me sauf; uay. There1 was only :bnu!cascthrt.of worn a n-f before theMayor this morning,- charged ' with, disorderly conduct'. She was' discharged. .;. . . ; " 1 ; Capt Thornton reports the river fall ing slowly when ho left Fayetteyille, on Saturday morning. There was then SO feet oh the ShoalsH s Both bT ttre'new cars designed as first class and sleeping coaches On the Caro lina Central It. R: are now regularly in the traius on that rbad ,r ' ' ; .- Pop-corn bails soaked in whiskey and rolled ip sugar are said to' be in'grea demand bysucl people "las' 'want tp get drunk slowly and gopn! a- bender1 at hoiUC! - ; : .; : : ; ; ; ': Mr. Isaac L. GreencWald will turn his face to the Xorth this evening. .'He goes to Philadel phia, Ke w York and Boston, to lay-in. his Spring stock of boots, arid shoes.; ! ;. : ';. . t ; . Wo invito ! attention to the advertise ment'bf ilf.'.I: H. Mallard, as it ap pears in this issue.- He i in receipt of new stock.uearly eyery day and wfll sell everything at tho lbwest prices lor cash. " : . . Wo are glad to know that Hon. A. IL VanBokkelen, who has been confined to his house for a monthjpast, and who has been very sick during that time, has sx far recovered as to reuturo out this hioming, for the fir3t: time since he J wasCrst attackeil. T I ' i Mr. William M. Hays, Jr. ha a hen hich laid "an: egg on Sunday thaCES3 j a monster of its kind. Its circumter- it iseaiu inai ioe,nen was ao juuuiiuv leiier-puizio uicu agH ho makm tho anne lettera pell " . k s N j liht&ti.' - 1 .....- aonnmmrv Ti rnn iwtniTW ment and in tho manner prescribed : .hy the ruTw." "ri'ii.J.li U-ti V: ! General of the State, will arrWf ft AM 1 orrvV Thursda v iVcxt' ria wl deliver . w . w. M ' - . . w r T- Dr.'Thos. F. Wood re urncllo the: cJd 1e K 'ifTO5 "S11 a .W&r;tA 'ItttafirtfoYf.lTstf 1 city on Tnursday next ana win uenver ,emjaniaoilress:'on;F'ri jot -jo clock arinV Jhe;;id4.rs, whiclt wiil consumo. about an. hpnr timo-toits LiMjr -in mntitoi with rSni(4J ! showing the. .usefulness., df a oefi military organization dr the Stat the.participants Resignation or Cant. Johnson. Q. Johnson, for so tnany;year pasti,aisp1ay h?9 reTsatilitt.-- In "AYotind OcnimSil$emt&&it&v? the Carolina the World1? he I has "d!Tered a ipew. ivV - i --rr-'t) vL-. lV-L-i l -.-:lrav of accomDiishin? tfcft same obiecL. " ..:. ' tion: . Ilia risrfatipn tate effect at once andX3aj5t:: Johnson leaves here to - rnizht for Ws homeln Ijficoinlon, where rT1W.J7 u -t I .Capt:' JofinsobaileteTclfilation to. re-; aiirn was made, knovra . last .atnrda (In responso to enquiries made by t was lmpcifedHo'alns'stcp" by tho fac: el rest from the cares and worries ox business an d': Ire' tnodght the best ay MaocomdiBh this would be to re- izn ttio position lie helo.lie nas ioa hi m has always been of "tbo iost pleag ant naiui and we have received nothing oitfoi kfWfisC JU. courtesy - his bands. ,Wo tender w : v?l9 le&Wflost Encere arloll6ws;asTelated by t r his future WfSJind Pr;.febil;l3I: Holmes 1 wishes for ixiiit. ,-;; t.i a: . .fv."t z' r1 A Michigan -btjyte a bar of soap: -;,;;;;.'"" ' - 1 We are pained to chrontcfe tbe death bf CaJack Mj.J isdl. which occurrea at nis resiaence in I"arniin, Ddpimeoirntyon'Satorli the 13th . ,i I.- 1 . ChurcTr"weToe3iay CATmrrjannary, iuin. instil Ile was tr.tekeu:vrfh: paralyswfpsrKTiTiCT son,ethg:more.thau a,mMth ago.! ajri Hgtdte accouut. 01 wnicn appcareu ai me iiuie 1 in the ! Review!' ana was'afubbst speech- less for several oaysv ""-Sub seq aeiitly however, he regained toe a onsiderable recovery was deemed uliopteJeS COflj SatuHay.mPrnjOio'X another seveio attack -of paraly sis'. which ter mYnatedfataily ' tnefl'same day. '"5n Thursday, the . 1 Uh .inalrs; J ahic? Sontheriartd,' motber:of 'he wife of Capt. Hartsell, died after, a hortibut scyere illsfpih()jsnmed that this sacU&njJwci pttatijl the attack upon him", ana. hatened,.' Hlsr J5eathl" Capt. Hartscil" was.' we' belie-fe; -about 40 years of ajo. Ha was, a captaiu jn. th' nfederafe. sery. arid ' was captured near Kinston in 1865 and carried to . -Fort "Delaware where' !; ;.he-4 ':yiepiA prisoner until the ; Wssalon:-of:-;th hostilities. He then camo ito Jklagnotfa wliece ik unarrie4andbre-4i since. - He mji ben prominently iden- tified with every good wdrk in thaU town; has been an earnest,zealous and successful Sunday School superintend dent, and a warfridrocilt of the cause of education. Though quietipdes arid unbsteuiatlotis in his mraners -lbl will be sadly missed from the Tflphecel of usefulnesalnwhioh he was a cen tral point. vlleJteaves a wife, who is Beriousiy if nci oriticallj ill, and three vmanircwTOHwv4Rn8. We tetrn derto them our eincere ymp'albytfndl lliction'aimi: heiTJBniEa& nQXlvThursday night; wecliptr K&d : rr;:w,;n(,iiirAJ l'- x -........,... . ,.. ...v . . . . ..... i.v .f.. . -ah-i- . .j-jh n i 1 If-fenv oerson aniiochester doubU that there 1sttricure'TdrMlicaeihd' shoultl havet'nessn'Star jpoaio- 1. 4. T I rr 1 - .,:, .n xiL-abiuuii. vtttvu. tvvtviuvii ap6ef to'jarr all tods of paio,-an-i chesi Thonlpsod shonM comemtol thisvhca0. and gn: -file corei Toee T Vnn "fdrrrfct vour r0 play'llWInJple aATBJ C: thQanJit etuaLaxoltijiifl.fot lcnaiag peiore me anilbtDan; -Yr-hkeet FreSQsa '"Li " W . T - v . . a i . tx J lip Dre w treaa ciosciy; r j nceis. t ine aumence ttoythink. pono. strum eots we ouso dialogiuc.: ctinost continual ry - telbrcf rhc tocdBle; md in this the audi- i iroeoDie Dnnz extent tne poTO3rwiuwu,mi,.aMViirivp BuuM,:pi.vpt 4ttiijn.o,.5.' i 1 r L. t... ...IVa. in. nf tho brain intervened, so that niiT:!1! , jRnooDikau Forks, low arantea'as an lniaiuri . ; -tr-uiTA r ird 1121 it h,: v-t p-.d . . t . j. L t- . . ' haxbegms- has brfpriJ ln Uanq ntl otner eensauonsausms. ncn ce years 9o at last he' decided. tfr hid adieu to the JBKou.iiin inciuents wqicix were niue to dd iertiGe asr thread n Don which i to war of aQcoraplishing the sarue f ibject. In firt t K vanrf . ?- a r Mi(a(aintnanf o- bure incbawleri'-fairofviDterest and (fan; that pli Who Zee it cannot help but be, pleased. 7ThoT performance vrill be .ViWafeKIneinp.m6rr6r aflompbn; ciptiicMsnrnft. jr..: snaucYpf tW - ! i4 i tor, .or., a .local fret2ht on the Carolma Central KifK- aialceAqnito sic5i at Dmrinburff, oa last: Friday night. wa1ritTCkcd whUe walking al6iie:t1iff tlie CaroHoa Cenfral K. K. CojTabJy foVdamages for" being cjecte'fmmja thiijjf iThe circanltce; w Chat .fir-.ciass ticket On'the paroliniCenirai and claimed that the coach in, which was directed to go was nftt a dTstlass dPeoifmi So -he. went : claimm ticket' bought! Tot a firstr-elps, carV. was ejected from 1 exira tare, xnis is iae casw a&-'-wu trm gather from Mr. Holmes' friends.'. , .MAttRIED. ' , t.. -Ti. EMrvRSONxPAL.pJVrM. 5r.pes i j1 f tH .Lil'i iJH f t'f'WJOiifiNi i" CJtUtyH- . wchdo welptorglve iplva oa3Eia te.re?Cltrbr x iieW at?KJ aacT 4c as r'aia elllnx at low prl ea for.Cab. Mariuficiurmir and Repairing done at Short notlca- vall&l.tbe old. Saddle and Harness Store "ot T ' ' X. n. MALLARD, i Heart of-SteeL!- A NEW ISO vEL BT ' CHRISTIAN KE1D cy j j - Fourlh supply j ust roceif ed ', priced t JS'. Cnh Books, Records, Receipt, l5ooe,ote and Draft Books, 3kc; &c," for 'sale; .cheap at lire5 B'oor and Musiv Store r 1 m m -M w m mtt jt vw- - M rgC W r CCK Blacksmith and Steainboatf Grate and- Stove Xoal ! , ABttlllT" Ul2llti Xijr. F. BAG LEY-! i f mfclrrtBTlfc CalderrBfo's,; :, jDflii 5v2ll fTl3l0 s 1JX:J AND WHOLESALE DJSAI9B&I&7&.1. r ri,rSLouR, MOLAssE?rsc3mif; 8op7tArei1sXfn2Peaalit CandyCandl street anf UCpidu. JltWa f$R i very sick on Saturday but to d-ty? KT r.Xjo.?joe i . . JJ; HpJiK ! ategladtojeawihs reported' beaftrUTuuCaW.mioivirdV vir fln PeueMi ftenooul it'Snx and r Ipr'irrlvere to-V pfJsittarKtvas1 riot paralysis, 'iiow tMrmcan b-fijnat-- ".' Seata ferouie a jA-er tJ wt'jaa lt i ew, '6 "teported by tho ariotUfP -faSMT. .it?Tt &Al? 1 Cheeee:4aekera, Can Goods, IJeiitfaCrr fAratot8b,tiilra &iCofsraxe&f the le6t and cheapest Wajron made-j -u, a jrfJO P rrfj Q If SI? EXfe-JEW S? W1?;? . -t homoson will make! irrra! 4wLi-0 --ii.-.i.r-'.T - r. , " . . ..I ' - 1 - -r v - arvB vvv 1 . . m m m u t , r ;ft im'weratintettCoaidnaw J I mmm mm m w m - m. s.wa..-'T "".v.T.vu iTTVA ; . i I ' ' I m m mm m-m OtiAMi t r. . U- EeroleJaora jmtiLthcr cn& iUGloxtota Cooedyioa." .iiS? ti0r Wfy ,VJ.V.r;Vii-.. ' UiLtaS;r fc - ,.rTsrxv8 CZA w;iveiB,jrnrcn. NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. CAN'T KEEP THEJI ! TTEOPiS WILL HATS TH03K T0VE3. ..-, I -: Another lot expeotedJ Send2youx ordera. Jan IS " ... - -.' I PARKER A TAYXQD. i: ANOTHER LOT ; 7x' Trfosfe ' iiANDs6iE Trk toilet , v........ - ILE3 MUKCaiSOK M -:i.r:iV u.Uilrtr.ni !t5v I A Caiit t oit.'6f Wl."k:BjHkR..' :nfn f t 1 , T . l" .it.,i.fcxi Ij Jo hsioi: O -H'; ' -' VJ p&TE - r'4ii : ri.':i oi'.i. ' r;i, FERB0tiRC!S Jtted, tiae Slaugateiv: Sale. ;j;Hrj:iod t:uxU i&i li .W....J .. . . J'. .J..- ... ' mikes uunug iuc psi, ww. ifin;y I'.. . .! . -9 i J A,i ' -t . 4JI.Uk (M,kCU 11(711. IU MfUl VV, IUUi gou snr. K Ul thrthinsr ttir Urtw taee-of the Vwruoaii to' select i-"?kAiMsnt.Uf-i" p to ecu t mate a Inter- -oo.!s, re- - : I a4Wi0-onst4lP a I uo,-.8 11 Marotaqh spring tock cow 1 araliauie 1 aa iKftj!Pni h wbWh Ul bv ! Laid , betere I mil .ut -. r e in Inn eaaAn " ExccIIerifuits Sll, ! ' $13a d $U, . 1 " ' O' 112. 1 I B A - i fVX3BtaOA ftfa, 86, $7 and 1 Our$r-atr1 f 8 Overcoais pot ee PuxabllltF, CcjUf j' tajldJtx.&Wntjd, and "aro 'tfar- rntl to eland .the. v?ear. .urTTfcjtera. rtf UN ticf :W u -e Cair aTlU Slll .beAt the w"eldvi.-IeIfeirtedi:Iedi r launeli ih4rtaMtl Drawersa Mewdid nriltieatftl.liedi bet , ter still at SI 75 and best at $i, J " " A line of. . Ladlc(8' '1 ravclnsg'Crunia-nt JUJMir petit lttrt limit iv otui .1 fcetaenjiAer, this U thy. flratsand only origfoaT R DL U SilAlGIIXtt'ALliAverintro docea ltt'.WllhiltfSrtOn:'"' -""I :" r ' - ientV-mts ba-'iiif pria tided thmelTCa;wf Tl.' Hi Uiiug ior.4JiUCY,irierviu utm it tuthetr mat vantage fc. lay In a supply QvV for nejrt.' "" '-- p&e limited to-CithtAV Loklj tjterbourgv KINGCIOTHIEE. I' ""i ' l" : . ; 1 .. ,;Nbrt6r yront'St CatlRe d u c t i o n I '""li In r Pf 1 6e:6f G pdceries !; :; 4 rbvemeiit r.-:;j.-;crj vita;? '3 .v.,,., . . . , - i- f z . ixiiQiialityjl .... .'j WE AEEj SELLING 'rffi- il UST '$ ELECT , ' 1 ' - HAMS. B. BACON. ' .... i i . : Shouloers nd Dried J Beef. a ? THAT- pAN BE EOUGHT F J If ill v i:.-: ; -vi;?r.;a -:tr I I ' .r.v'i h&tftfkC I 't 'r-U1' Jii r .V-iKT y,4 KcsPAnlrl ti 1111 ; water. Only 11 vd' irom Wltahtffteo" J lanl3-lwd-lTr : : ' 1 i rgtiuaoad oi oxrr btius wanutuc. )riciiiaVi deslinr IMJ Ci l Illllftll lift ' flu. J . ! I.'"' ("l'f . ' " J.. . 'I' f C " 11 1 1 i ! opera: HO mce. One Night Only! OOXlftrAN'S OPEllACOMP,r Tle fanjoaa Baritone, opported by 40 ARTISTS! .40 ! t ia tbe o.H NatvnaVBaakCorutr.trnt and rM t'e4 fctTeet;'Ridatifrtfo1tt'3ta,tt-ei. Om. ...Jrfrtn5HorhlCTitttnP a4 La7lnF Carpets. Jjt.re Mm a rli., T .?;'l .-!.T.;QI?;4 - s r " a. rplIA-T mirtfitrtK ftvt Ttl8r D-eJHnjf, oo,tb fcmitii ee ftf ?1 SHf.tVw. Tiiiii'l' fcwihi V'eslintir'ebt -tffftrnd other cm- TfDtOCCOrv , , 1 1 tprtor'aauTprtlrTiiiijjBpu3r to .i-'V ..l.,... Jv' (..44 i.I- 6rlVv-Ai4vrijV'Jrtl?I.LA Jr. !BerS.Mtap Cuano. p-3 I 1 Ocuuinc Lo1oh fluano I TJilt&CT iMTOTrTATlON. EXrtXjlfl-it .ifE4 and"ttor rale bj !01ra: ESmitIi,.l& Co. .-ivnolida-irtSe Ql'ECjfAL'ATTiKACTlONS'r'OR THE ' StMk- Cellulojd pet,. In -Plash. Satin lvalue ri ae.- Jfww ami uiimp uaaea. Bflttlea.,TollctvSu.,aad,.Vaaea, Trave Case's; CothW, Hruhe, ilirrors, Ae.1 1a Style ana Lowest Prloj I WILLIAM H. GUKEX, Drujrrlt, dec 15-nac-tf ... -Liu k . . Commercial Hotel V-:;Witnilrtgtpn. c., jpnLAsa tsr BVEar &bpeot. JPlraelaaa - Har and : rtrr t J Attn iu i j.- New JOTelryStore. 1 rjlIIE 'CNDEEfllGfNlj BXSPECTFCLLt annonnce.t9 tta cJaLteru orVUminrton, taat h jhaa leaded UiepretnlioAXe.JS, Market St.. andlinowU reoelplof a4 J HandsomeStbcfcdf Goods, 1 v W 'P9 rr$rt i 'cw day. : .Watckaad Cloek repAhlng a ipeeiaJty. 5 A1J5 NE35L. PEANrjf SACKS AD . - &Ftcm Stock GOAL Lyf -antftTTh' Hlt'CTlOONtnt SALji NEW ADVERTISMENB. vj

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