THIS PAPER published every crening, SiiHdays ex cepted by, JOSHT.JAJ BDITOR AXD KOrKXXTOB. ' SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One year $4.00. Six months; $1.00. Three months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rates, or 10 cents per week.. . Advertising rates low an liberal! sarSnbscrlbers will report any and all ' fall ores to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JSL TENCENTCO LUMXV " Advertisements inserted in this col umn at 10 cents per line, each insertion, but uo charge of less than 30 cents trill be made on any advertisement WANTED A good Cook. Fair wages. Itothing but cookinc rcnutrcd. Apply at S. E. Corner Third" and Mul berry street, dec 11- Korth Carolina was Ransomed yes terday, from Carrituck to Cherokee." Missouri is rich in her schoo'l iund which amounts to nearly $9,500,000. A Washinghton City rumor is to tic effect that President Arthur wHl veto the Fitz-John Porter bill. Joseph Sailer, a Philadelphia editor, died on the 15th. lie had been in busi ness for 37 years and during that time had taken bat one holiday. London is at present paying fur 'fir. -insurance over $6,000,000 a year 40 per cent, more than the cost, of main taining 11,000 metropolitan police: It was a thoughtless Michigan phy sician who laughed while eating catsup, and so got some ot the staff into his. windpipe, where it choked him to death. Researches as to the origin of draw poker, convince the Macon Telegraph that the "game was invented about 1846 by John Kirkman, a Tennesseo turfman. The traction railway," the invention ot General Beauregard, which has proved a success in San Francisco and Chicago, is about to be tried in Phila delphia. ' - ; - - What a very barren compliment was that paid to Col. Johnston, ot Char lotte. in nominating him for Senator by the Republican (not the 'Liberal") cau cus at Raleigh! The business, through the New York postoffice during the past year amount ed to the enormous sum of $63,101,857, 54, an increase of $7,210,000. over the preceediBg year. New York pays her police justiees, eleven of them, $8,000 a year. Balti more pays her police justice, competent men, too, $2,200 a year. There is no credit to Baltimore on the comparison. Gray squirrels are so troublesome in Connecticut that the farmers wish to exterminate them, and they are . being killed in great numbers. A party of three recently bagged 105 squirrels in a day. Father Ryan, the Poet Priest, has ac ceptcd an invitation to deliver the ad dress before the literary members nt tho University of Virginia; at the Com mencement in June next. n Tho Germans in this country haTo -raado very large contributions to the snfferers by tho flood in Germany. The Merchants Exchango, in St, Louis, raised $22,000 within an hour one day last week. 1 Air. 1 inn ix nominated ocuaiar tu.i som yesterday, in the Senate, as his own successor, but his remarks were not in very excellent taste. His com parison of Gambetta with Ransom was in just about the same happy view as the allusion, in the same breath to GambelLVs burial aud Rnnsoni's 'ele vation to the very level on- which ho has stood for the past twelve years. . m . 1 C 4 .".. I . Anthony Trollope is said to have lelt be washed away. It has recently been more than one completed story of which thoroughly repaired but is now. so bad mot a-page na seen the light, ne ly damaged by the freshet that it is im used to say of himself that he ha'd pro" ! passable- III duoea more volumes than any other! . English writer of this or any other day. 'Trollope is generally considered, by people of discernment and taste, since the death of George Eliot, as being the finest romancer of the age, William Black alone excepted. Some have rank ed Trollope as very near Thackeray. The New York Tribune, in looking over the criminal statistics lor the year, discovers that the South does not nreeent such a chastlv showinsr as it has been the fashion to attribute to that section. Of the 730 murders commit ted during the twelve months only S12 were im the South, while 131 took place in New York State alone. Of the 101 executions'more than half were in the Southern states, which furnished less than one-third of the murders, while in New York state, which furnished more than one-sixth of the murders, there were only four txecutlons. . VOL. VII. , Senator Ransom was duly reelected U. S. Senator yesterday in - the General Assembly, by something more than a party vote, four Republicans having votedfor him in the House, namely: Messrs., Frazier of Peniter, Cain of Davie, Candler of Jackson, and Lan drcth of Alleghany. Tto "others, - oae of them Representative Green,, from New Hanover, were ; excused from voting. In the Senate, Mebane, a Re publican, withheld his vote, and in the House seven members were absent, one ol wholn was paired, j The entire vote cast was 108 for Ransom and 47 for Johnston.. It is likely but for the action of the Republican caucus in ten dering a complimentary vote to Col. Johnston, Gen. would have been Ransom n lelection almost unanimous. Several who felt compelled to abide by the action of that caucus ;and vote for Johnsten, very plainly intimated their regrets at not being able j to cast their ballots for Ransom. The two Houses will meet to-day at noon to compare the vote and to announco the result and thereupon Matthew W. Ransom1 will be formally declared the representative of the people of North- Carolina in the United States Senate for" six years Irom Aiarcn 4th, . The News und Observer avers posi tively thatCol. Doekery will contest Judge Bennett's seat in the next Con gress. U gives the following as the grounds upon which the contest will be ni3de: i That in several counties in the State thore was fraud in the registration of voters. - j That ballots given for Doekery were fraudulently counted for Bennett. That the poll-holders and supervisors were assaulted and driven from the polls. . :i j That men were allowed) to vote in counties not their legal residences That legally qualified voters were prevented and obstructed from voting for O. H. Doekery, in the interest of R. T. Bennett. 4 ! 4 j That ballots, by design or otherwise deposited in different boxes for Oi HJ Doekery, were throw nfout in violation of the United States Statutes on elec tions. ., I ... That in localities the ballot boxes were secreted until a j convenient and agreeable hour for counting out the votes was determined bn. That the boxes were reopened after sundown, in violation of law. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. W L I Complimentary Hop j, II kiks burger Heart of Steel, Yates Wrapping Taper and Bag R' C TaTLOR Good Cow for Bale Opbra House Hose EytingeAf ellcia BIcxrs Bros A Fresh Stock Garden Seed Jas W Jacksox. cctV Robt- ;il Cowan LodgeK&LofH f .... - And again it is rainy, muddy and wet. By way of variety, we suppose. For Pocket Knives or Tablej Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f Dan. oarquo Marrarcthv, Hansen, hence, arrived at St. Jobu;S. F; R., Dec. 13th. Sw. barque Comcton, Olssen, bailed from Liverpool Jan. 15hi for Smith ville, X. C. i V ' I About thirty rafts of timber; - 1 1 'little Sand bi$,w have arrived here on this the ? freshet from the upper 'waters ! Korth West Cape FcarJ j ! o I The Charlotte Observer learns that '; the depot agents and all other employes i of tho Carolina Central R. R. are pre- with a suitable testimonial on his retire ment. . J 1 Tremendous freshets are reported in Black river from the country above Point Caswell. Reports .say that there are great fears that Beatty's bridge will On the 12th inst., while Mr. E. II. Anders,, who is running a steam saw mill nearBeatty's Bridge, was moving a log, his foot slipped and struck the saw, which was running at the time. The toe of his boot was split on in the twinkling of an eye. but fortunately no other injury was inflicted. j Entirely too close a rub for pleasant reflections. Almost a Fire. On the night of the 1 1th inst. the resi dence of Rev. Colin Sjbaw, at Gravel Hill, Bladen county, -was discovered I to lbeon fire, but the flamca were fortu nately extinguished before any serious damage had been done. A hole, about ten feet long by three feet wide, was burned in the roof, which was the ex tent of the injury, between 11 o'clock The; fire occurred and i 12 o'clock at night,, and the saying of the house from complete destruction was indeed fortu nate. ' -: - . j '.!"-' -; MlET WILMINGTON. N.'C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1883. Personal. I We were pleased t receive a call thismorningfrom our old acquaintance, Mr. Arthur L.:Bult, of Charlotte, a North Carolinian and a gentleman of much talent. Mr. Butt is the artist who painted several panoramos whic h have been exhibited with much, suc cess in various parts of the! country. He has now a new painting, represent ing the beautiful stories of theBiblev together with his panorama pf "Reve lation," will be exhibited in early in February. , . j A Michigan boy ate a bar of 'eeap, drank a lot of soda water and went to bed to cure his cold. The doctor had a hard time to pull him through;- but the ooy says ine next time ne catches a cold ho wil use Dr. Bull's Cough Syr- ud. Tlien unci How." f This is the title of a book recently written by a lady of North Carolina, who writes under thenqm de plume cf Zillah Raymond, in which is given the history, trials, successes and perplexi ties of "Hope's First Schoql." The seenes are all laid in this State and the plot, characters introduced and inci dents are all North Carolinian. It is to be sold by subscription only, the price being fixed at $1 per copy, and Miss Lou H. Frayser, of Pender coun ty, is now in the city canvassing lor the work. This lady gave us the pleasure of a visit this morning, and we were glad to learn from her that she was meeting with very good success in her undertaking. She will remain in the city some days longer during which time she will call upon the citizens and give them an opportunity of securing a copy of the book. I A Narrow .Escape, Miss Matilda Petersen, of Beatty's Bridge township, Bladen county, aged about seventeen years, a pupil in the school being taught by Mr. W. Irving Shaw, while standing with her back too near the fire, on the, 4th inst., : iiad her dress ignited by the flames and had it not been for the presence of mind and hard work of two young men, Messrs Ed. L. Herfry and Willie Beat, ty, ! who were present and were her classmates, she would have met a hor rible death. When she became aware that her dress was on fire . she started to run, but was caught by the young men who fought the flames until they were extinguished. The young "lady escaped with no further, injury than a severe fright and a ruined dress, but we are sorry to learn that both of the young men had their hands badly, burned in their humane and noble - efforts to save their fair schoolmate in the hour of fearful peril. - "The Mftseotte." There wa3 a large, fashionable and critical audience assembled at the Opera Housejast night, drawn thither by the performance of the above-named comic opera by the Gorman Opera Troupe. The opera was well rendered and, as a consequence, was well received. In some ot tho parts there wad a slight falling below, other, performances we have heard and some of the, parts were never excelled, so that, taken all to gether, it was as good as any that has been put upon the stage here: We were considerably but happily disappointed, as we had recently seen adverse criti cisms upon the merits of the troupe and, consequently, were somewhat pre pared to witness a performance not equal to the demands of our, music loving public. But everybody, seemed in the best of humor and entirely satis fied, &s in our opinion they 'shoald have been! The vocalization of Signer Tag iiepietra, the baritone, was. excellent, and his acting perfect. In the ..spoken dialogue his rather imperfect English pronunciation was quite manifest, but it rather added to than . detracted from the interest attached to his part: ; There were quite a number of local "gags", and slang expressions, not in the origi nal text, interjected into the dialogue, which, though in rather questionable taste, had a very happy effect upon the audience We regretted to see so many leaving the house just before the con , elusion of the last act, thereby creating an annoy ing confusion to those who were beisg delighted with the fine music and acting. j v.'' v: 'j "Nor. barque Minde, Anderson, hence for Rotterdam, arrived at Plymouth, Eng., Jan. 13th. ; '-, ;r" " Great Closing Oat Sale. Having on hand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room for coming Spriig Stock, we will sell the remainder of our Winter geods re gardless of cost. A. Jj I. firiBmr. Re liable Clothiers. No. 34 Market street. &ntf : v:?v:; ': NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THEY WILL CO, THAT 18 IP YOU WISH TO BUT A DOLMAJf. JACKET OH SILK WBAF, TITET ABB SO CHEAP, TOU CANJCOT RKSIST THK TEMPTATION, AT THE PEICE. ; " : o ,". Closing Out Blankets. THIS WEATHEE 13 SUGGESTIVE . ' -i : - - i LARGE SIZS3 OSLT. Crib Blankets-and Spreads; - , ; Saratoga Trunks, 32, 34, 36 OUR LACE CURTAIN STOCK. IT IS OFTEN REMARKED. "I DLD KOT KNOW SUCH GOODS WERE SO CHEAP". ALSO, DAMASKS, CEETONES, FRINGES, Ao. TO SUCH A POINT .THAT .THE EFFPCT IS LAR3E SAL.ES, AN 1 CHEKRFUL FACES I - TO BUYERS. -RUGS, MATS. OII, CLOTHS, STRV MATT) NU, 4c, ! .! SO- ONLY A WORD la reference to our DRE33 GOODS, SUks, Cashmere;; Ladies' Cloths, and that Is, a large assortment of nice tlilrgs. - - Tlie Bladen. 31 The steamer- Bladen will hereafter rati regalarly between this city and Willis1 Creek, in Bladen county, leav ing her, wharf, foot of l)ock street, ; ex every Tuesday and Friday, and leaving Willi's Creek, on the return trip, every Monday and Wednesday. Measrs. C. S.Love & Co. are the agents here, with office near the steamer's wharf, and they solicit freight and passengers for all way landings, j Railroad Meeting?. The meeting which was announced to take place in the Court I louse here to-day, in the interest ot the proposed Coast Railway, was well attended by representative colored men Jfrom vari ous sections of the State. The meeting was called to order at 1-2-o'clock, with James D. Dry,, of this city, in the chair and J. C. Dancy, of Tarboro, as temporary secretary. Afterwards on report of committee, Rev. ', J. C Price was made permanent" Chairman and J C. Dancy and J. O. Nixon perma nent secretaries. The meeting is stil in progress as we co to press, and hence we are unable to present a in this issue. I full report Death of Mr. Urowoi I Mr. Thos. O. Brown, a prominent citizen of Bladen county, and a gentle man nearly connected with a number ofourewn citizens, died yesterday af ternoon at the residence of Mr. Samuel Hall, on Sixth, between Dock and Orange streets. Mr. Brown was about GO years of age and had been suffering for some time past with the maladies which terminated his life. About two weeks ago he came here to obtain med ical advice and assistance but help was beyond the reach of human skill. The body was taken up on the. steamer D. Murchison to-day for interment at the lamlly burial place. The remains were accompanied by a number of relatives and friends from this city. The Princess Louise. A telegram received here this fore noon from Richmond makes announce ment of the fact that the Princess Louise and her suite will leave tbat city to night, for Charleston, and will arrive here to-morrow morning on the 7:02 train from the Korth. The travelers occupy two parlor coaches of their own and it will bo necessary for them to change cars here, taking the Atlantic Coast Line parlor cars for the balance of the way, They will remain a day or two at Charleston but the Princess will mot remain there for the winter-but will ap to Bermuda in the British steamer. Dido, which is now at that port. awaiting their arrival. There will probably be a great many of our citizens who are not too republican to torn out at 7 o'clock in the morning to catch a glimpse of a genuine scion of royalty. ' ;!, V ' ' ' ; ' Exports Fore iff ru Nor. barque Hdrie, CapL Tallagsen , clearod to-day for TriesteJAustria, with 3,000 barrels rosin, valued at $6,775.63, shipped by. Messrs. Fatcrson, Downing & Co Barque Horace Scttdder, Capt. Sears, cleared to-day for iSt. Paul'- de Loando, Africa, with 173,159 feet lumber, 100 barrels tar and one-half barrel of hoes, valued at $3,014.46, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cum mmg. ' - ' . ... , ;- ; Poa't forget the delightful entertain ment to be ciren at the Opera House to-morrorr nibt by J ohn Ttiompson. the comedian, m "Aroand the orld." lnsh and grow iat U a soodthinVko Barans CTZoacrMekinzie, cleared at ; the oldSattonal Ban, Corner Front andrria niw uwt , vmu j rtaA streets. EevOTating old Ma' tresses. Clean- Boston Jan. 15. for this port, via Wood's lax and Repairing old Furniture, Cutting and it . : LMjinT Carpets. Clre him aealL ' - . -v - . v v. -r-,. .r .v .- - . NO. 15 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OF SUCH ARTICLES OF COMKOKT, R. M. MclNTJRE. MAIUUKO. REECE HAERKLL A t tho resldenre of the bribe's father, in Bladen county, or. the 4th inst., dt W. Irvlns ."haw, J.fP., Miss KLVIE B HARRELI,, daohter-of Mr. W. M. Harrell, to Mr. W. E. lib.KC'K, of Duplin Munty. No cards. ' " . Complimentary Hop THE WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANT RY to ADJUTANT GENERAL JOHNSTONE JONES, at GERMAN I A 'jIALLl FlIDAY EVENING, January 19, 1S83, at 9 o'clock. . Kefrcfihments will be served. Tickets $1 each. ;. No charge fr lidiei. Knights & Ladies of Honor. JEGULAR MEETING TITURS DA Y 1 EVE NLVG, 18th Inat, at 7:30 o'clock, of Robert II. Coiran Lodge, No. U9, K. and LI of II. jan 17-lt JAS. W. JACKSON, Sect'y. OPERA HOUSE. January 27, Matiuee and Etc- rose Erarnsra-E, ! In the last Union Square 8ucce :'F E-L:'::C5 I A! Played by Miaa Eytipge, at the Unioa Square Theaire,. New York, 110 Sight ' ' I - : ' and j A PKINCESS OF PARIS. NEW PLAY BY DUMAS. jaa n il - . OPERA HOUSE. One lUight Only 1 . ' L-e ' ' - j THURSDAY,1 JANUARY 18. - . i 1 - The World's Greatest Comedian, JOHN THOMPSON, V , In hie Glorious Coniedj- "AROUND THE WORLD A Roar of L ujhter In Three Art, people lauh until they cry. - I" Admlasloa, 25, SO and 75 ct. Itettcrred scats S5cents extra at Dyer'. i an 154t : - " GOOD COW FOR SALE. JKQUIKK OK1 'B. C. TATLOC, Snp't National Cemetery, jan 17-lt Steamer Bladen rpIIK STEAMER BLADEN1 WILL LEAVE her wharf ,feot of Dock Street, ewry -Tuesday and 1 Friday. Beturnlng leare Willis' Creek Monday and Thursday. Freight and Passengers sellelted for all way landings, jan 16-1 w C.3. IX? VK & CO.. AtrenU A New Stock Or SADDLES, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, Ac., Ac. , jtut receired from the Manufacturers. Parties in seed of any article in my Una wsuld do weli to sire me a call, aa I am new in receiotjof new stock, and selling at low prices for Cash. - 1 .1 - , Manulacturin- and ! Repairing dove at Short notice- Call at the old baddle and Harness Store of J. II. If ALLARD, jan IS- So. 8 Front 8t Heart of Steel. Fourth stiyoly just recei red, price 61.S&. i- or saie at j IIEINSBECGEK'3. Blank Books, yEDOERS. JOURNALS, DA V BOOKS. Cash Bookn, Records, Receipt Books, Note and Draft Hooka. Ac, Ac, for fjxld cheap at HEINSBERGER'Sj j janis " - live Book and Mnsie tr . - w - r r f 5 w r J. lking;9 iTJr nOLSTEREIt AND UATTSESSES, im PLEASS KOTte. :. '" M ' TTe will be f laa to reoerre ammcrloUosi tram mrtriesli on any n4 all mlfjecU ge&eiallatextrttai : : ; Tka xume qt juu 1 writer ara ahrays U ta sSahedtotaeStnl :: -j CoauanaleattMUBiut be wilttsa ca Jy oaetkLeer t3ae paper. ' . ; FtrMwAtfesmnstWaTekStdLVj-A' ...j And tt la especially 4 pMtfcmlart tOMSe stood that the Bdttor doee not ahraj eadetM the Tiews of eorrespoadenta TmTa mI ute4 ta tho editorial colamaa. I 1 NEW ADVERTISMENSJ Holiday Gifts: gPEOIAL ATTRACTIONS FOIl THE Sea son : Celluloid Sets, la plush. BatSs aad f-eathfr Cases, Jewel and Odor Cases. CoJo-oe Bottles, Toilet 6u and VaesTTreuSJ Ca, Combs, Emshes, Mirrors, &. UaSi 8tvot and Lowest PrhM. WILLIAM H, GREEST, rnwslst. dee 13-cac-tf Market Street. Commorcial Hottol Wilmington; N, & ! M. SCHLOSS, Prop. ' TORST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Flrftt-ehiM liar and BIlXlARD SA fiOON ATTACincn j - um rt Now Jewelry Store. rilllE UNDERSIGNED RWPECTTTLLT annoxinccs to tho cHlreoa o? Wilmington, that ha has leased the preTnUea.No. 13, Market 8t.t'U ow la -receipt 'of ' ' i k Handsome Stock of Goodsl which will bo displayed in k for days. F- Watoh and Clock repolitns a tpecLUt; t9 JNO. 11. ALLEN. I 20,000 NEW PEANUT : SACKS A5D 4 Bush el Oat Sacks J For Raid at r ' . . : - i : ' - Wi Hard's. jan li U A Fresli Stock QF ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED, .For Sale Wholesale and Retail by FJJundG Bros., 1.4W BKOADtTAT, NEW YO&K. CAN'T ICEEP TIIEM ! " ' . . '"-.T. :' ;' PEOPLE WILL HAVE THO-iE &TOVK3. 1 C . I - . . I Jan t pARKKK A TATLOC ... ANOTHER LOT QK TUOSE HANDSOME 81STS daily expected. TIN TOIUCT ''1' Ir sale low.Ly . J . I GlLta A aiDRCIIlSON, Jan 15 j agand 40 Murchlaoo Blee FOR SALE. THREE 8TOIIY HOUSE , tS femithTille, on Front Street, sear Hotel Brunswick. A Try flae house. . Apply to , it - ! iT. J. POTTER, " " RmlthTille. N. O. jan 13-lw BrccCii-Loa(lcr8, i JpiNE1 BREECHLOADIXO 81IOTOUK, &hell Wade, Powdcr.Shot, Cartrldflrs Cars, Unn Cases, Reloading Tools, Gamo Ban, Pla-tola--all kinds. If you want a flrst-claas arfl. cleofthe above jrood), and low prices, the same can be found at .1 W. E. SPRINGER A CO3, , - . Successors to Dawson A C9.1 i fan 15 ,19 21 and Market Street Kerchner & Calder Brosff Cominisslon Merchania, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS; , jyjEATS, FLOUR, MOLASSES. COFITE. ttugtr, Salt, Cern, Hay, Elce, SnnT. Tob&ec, 8oap, SUreb, Lye, Potaib. Q&adr, Caadlas, Cheese, Crackerfl, Can Goods, Ttwder, fliot, Cpfl" 4-' ' :'"V;' ' -: " j " AgenU for. Wilson. Chlld'a A Coa Wajm the best and cheapest Waron made. Jan 15 - . WRAPPING PAPER AliD BAGS I - . r , - .. . ,-.! 1 JANILt A FA PER AND BAGS AT LOffj est market prices. ' A Larye stock of Blank Books, Draft, Sole, Sereipt aad Letter Booka, Just recti red at YATES' BOOKSTORE. TtfAT VALUABLE PLANTATION AT fceottfs Hill, NewHanovef roonty, ooe m from the water, with laa-l'nr prtrtge'eo talaing: 113 acres, 63 -res of which are under high calUratloB. - Good dwelHaf house, tbne .- ' . ....- r . tenant hot?ee, hxnm, cTlbs, Av. Eveellr&t water. Only 11 taXX from WUoiLiWn. Will be sold cheap as I desire to ' move fxt n tisEttte. - -. ; C. B FCTCII. it 1 r VL Xii