1 ' u - " ' V ii ' - a - '' ' 1 """" - - ' -. II . . ... Ill IM .... . . . l - ': - wr '. . ' . . , V -l ." ".' ;- ' ..v.-." ' V . ' -77 ' 'w " - - v "j j -: p: V,-" ' : .-" vL';- .:7' v.: ' C- V:. - v v ' V v j " " .. ' : j ' . .' ; .. " y'Li'i" " - . .'. - . ". ; v; ' .. .." '' ' ."'.- " .7-7-:- i 1 . ..;... .well.. rnbllebcd, ifTf 17 evening, Sundays- x- 'cepttdibylJLi. -:;:vv;:':- . ? . 7-- , j . .... 1 please koticil : y-y 1 t S xorroB JLSD lEofTuxto.- 8UCSCRIPTIOXS-POSTAGE PAID: One year. W-P ontL; '42.C0tf 'Ttrrec The tir wiUbe Jolivre4 by cwrter7 of charge, W aiiy part ol the ctty.-at the above ru,or 10cent,a.pcr,rek. , AdTeHtialn rate loajilicnir.rr Vf!. abubscrtbert will report atty and -all' fail area to receive jthaiR nslw? T'Zrn 1 Q VVW" " " - -LOQA-L- -NEWS. , i ?J..Xi'4zi ; vuM,ted, thverc bf wuminstoni-ja r 110a u-ieW ApvEimstMtm. ,:, i umn ailO citUs ver-Unc cacA iiiierii6n. mm i 10 eenl3tr.tin-- rh'rL4,,'A but nocharr&Xiflt&sthanZb cents toil I be made 4n"&ny advcrlisanctit. - r ST WANTED A good Cook. -I'ajr wages. . Nothing bat cooking required. Apply at CornetThird. and' Mul berry streets. f i, .. dec. I -In 18G0 tho-debt of the. United, States was onij; aooui jw.uoy,ooo. ' : . - .. ' . - - '. T.'.."' ;!'.V Two reeiments at.Canlerhnrv: . Kri?. land, had a sribw ball fiiht toircther and it came near beinff-a serious affair. ' 1 . " AtWrney-ClenerKrewiLtcr inkstand for which he djdn't y out of his own pbekets. .; ; , , ; ' - Soaje'.' hotel 'proprietors 1 1 n ; England hare,, endearored,- - without avail, to break up the practise 6f.' guest$-foein sorTants. ... .; in,., ; paytonr Ohio, is to organize -a. com pany Witbi0doio6d;.capital..to on a slate 'mining; enterprise 'in' Craig county, Va.- . : . ",', .! r The New "York" Times does ; not ; like Key. Ir. Talmage. It says hb ser mons are one-tenth ..ideas ,and nine tenths arms and legs'' '. !' ; ' "-' The splendidly paved streets of AVas h ingtou have suggested! the use-there of tricycles by the mail carriers;; ' -The ex periment will be tried. .-; -. ' i . . - ... i . . . m- ' . Gov. Butler believes that parties cori victed of throwing trains off the-lrack should be hanged and so do we. There -is one 'idea.- atjeast, ia comaion bt- tween us. . New York is talking about a, new ac Hueduot to cost $ 14,000,000. . 1 f it makes progress ; like the 'East Hivcr bridge,-it will eost about. thirty million before It is ready for U5cl7 4 ; ; t .... i i , i , . ., ,., . . . The Stato of rennsylyania is asked to payt'he county of Alleghany $2,500,- 000 for property destroyed by the mob in 1877.; The amount asked was $4t- 000,000.. which Has been cnt down to $3,500,000, y'y.y,cyy"' , Not much regard is paid to the ob servancc! of. Sunday In' some parts of Texas. Last Sunday night, 'despitfe the attempts ' to' enforce the law, the Fay lenapleton troupe played In : the , Opera House which was crowded. . . Senator Vance . has disco vei ed - that there, is a religions element" jn soap. A discovery, ; by the waj', which yas' made . more, than '. two ' thousand " years ago, that is if there is any truth, in the saying that tcleanliness' is wekt to god lmes3.T .. , , , , ... . . v.... The combined wealth of the members -otthe California- Senate is com loosed I of four editors, , eight .iarmers, oncl miner, four capitalists; two merchants. yu: vum-wu.. uue - .... 'X- -..aiataqzas, fJuba--' .Ian.; 10th, for this The German press is loud in its praise port-- V ' ' j. ; ' - ' ' of ISd Win Booth's rendition of Hanikt; ,: ! 1 - t y.' which hnU iiow nkvin RorK.v ' ' Ihe market continues poorly supplied : - ' - . i uWyuWu, iuur . ..ecy.'we?' . . ;-1'.' .' 1 ' ' : it is expeciea inai. mc wors 01 aemo j wuwuui1' "",'- i i'cuuu , lition at in TuUleries will be begun f ent,. instead, until next week.,Do betore the end of the present month. A : " ' ": 'recent visitor to'thepUo says' that mass ... . .es of stone, plaster, and brontc he about its walls in confused heaps,-while in some places the grass ia3 beenallowcd f ' 'to grow to "a height of nearlyr two feet. Wc hare received the. "Annual Ro port of te Boal-d of Directors and the Superintendent ot the North Carolina . . 7 Insane Asylum, for the yeac ending ."'iiiecemi;ef'Mst; Xepoit ol the Directors, made through their Pres ident, E.: Burke' HayWdod.' M. J).K is - confined principally to adsice and sug- gestiens for the attention of the legisla ture, and is an eminently practical, and .valuable paper. The report of theSu- '. 7 pcrintendent, ;Dnl Eugene Grissom, . gives a full and detailed account of the ' r paea'ts the admber adhiitted 'with the peculiar form of malady - with which. each patient is afilicted ; the-' nnmber ; ; discharged and the oonditipn:whea dis charged. And thd bamber - who hare died with the immediate cause of death. It also gives a -detailed acconntVof the '-receipts ahd'disbhrsemerits : durms ."the . . have. Veen pursded ahd.the agncaltural ' : The 'members of. the ioWilmingtoa : -iaorl)ealora. Associailpn .are ; called ?tH'm.tln.tQ'be held at Howard -Re iogiw w-iuorTw. rening as ..-.-fllQC-Li'vii " t if .A .' ..! !! -, - ... 4 : J fevrm - J) J VA- VOL.YII. Yates Wrapping Paper ami Bra 1. . ;Oak tvrod retails now at $1 a load.- ,s '- . ' . : - . The t Ion's.- wet s'peJl m yjacaarj JIa still lortg and still' Wet 7i -': ' ' " ' 'The Ticcipi8 of cotton at thiportVt-i TalTiMiy'Filh day.fpotup 3i;i balesr.;!7 bUtef thiscity . is'norm keVYork; 1-' r'i Tf.!liL.I.' '.. . ... . 4 . ,uaj, v. 'picamaq, 01 tocity.rwas rcgiiteTcd at Raleigh yesterday.; ' " . ' : - ;"-K baqtie' nw; Albretbscit. hence. A ?TTi at,Lircr)ooi;Jan. .IflthJ.;..'.: S t0 jACQBy -Hardware Depot, f f 'Brig- AnUloptrCvittis .ivas Ioadini; at with country prodnce; : and - prices are generally high. ;; ; i ; ; : y ; 7 ;Vr r ' w'k J Hwi t-' .1 Wnvifl (I ihn I'rinnacic I Anion Why did. the. Princess Jxiiise "marry a man beneath her, ,in rank? ' Because she wns a maiden all for LorneJ. M . A n ab n n dan t qqi n c ropj m ust red uce' the prlco of ports:, !and 'Arfe mdyT j iasona-J :bly expect cheap, sausages, at an early day. , I A- colored. woman '( was before ther Mayor this morning changed .with dis orderly conduct, but asit was a trivial affair she was ilfscliarged. ( . '?Tl,r Sy8'. scllins:. , tearfully r high Strange these birds should be in greater demand how than : ever.: and Thanks giving and "Christinas (both over. . It is said that, a human being has seven millions of pores, through .which perspiration and exhausted . particles o the system escape. , We are ! all porj creatines. . The streets of , Wilmington were never muddier than they are now, and yet two daj-s of clear sunshine would iaibe a uuiL in me samespois now cov ered ankle deep witK.mud., ; We are gladvto. learn that Mr. J. W. Taylor will rebuild his steam saw mill recently destroyed by; fire. It will! be rebuilt on. the site of the old . mill and work on it was begun to-day.. Steam boatmen report about 26 feet of water on the shoals,; with every prosP- pect that the, .freshet will be consider ably higher, as there has been as ranch rain fell in the up-riyer country as there I jjas hcre. f It is said that the Scotland Neck K. R;is dbtiig a ;-ffne business now If the Wilmington & AVeldon people "wonld build a 'few more 'branches' instead of the cut-off that Is' talked of, they would probably G nd more inj it. ' , Mr. Cbas. E. McChire, Division -Su pcrintendeht of the V Telephone line?, having in charg (he 'operations ' of the system, ito Virginia, West Virginia, and North Caroli na,-: ' wi th V headquarters at Richmond, was herb yesterday on busi ness connected with the service. 1 Messrs. chloss & Hardwicke were to haTC had tnsfc ant dancing at their Skating Jyik to-morrow evening but oce 01 ume wm oe-given ' AdjutantGeneral. Jclhnstone Jones arrived Iierdth'is morning ,and, is the gcest of .hla annt. Mrs Thos p. Meares, He will lecture to-morrow ' evening ron the subject ot the Stale Gnani ; and -after the lectuTe a hop complimentary to hinvwiil be given at.Germahia Hall: l . ; ' Sheriff Manning made a settlement .with. : the Treasurer of the cou'ntylaat erenfngJ 'The total 'amount of ,taxes paid in by him-for thej year 1882 4s' as follows.- I D totate tax lor Paid to State ' Treasurer. ...-j. County taxes -paid t ft 'I ( T I t ; County XreasY: School Fund.::'..,S13.137;14 ; Ti General Fond....: 28,639.64 "n H $41,726.78 ;- 1 ; : ' . Total for 1S83, i i n ;? C Exports Forelsrn. Nbr.- barqu? ' Schwevjoard, Xapt. Johnsen, cleared to-day for Oneens- to wh or Falmouth' for orders' withT balebf cotton valued at $7H,352ship- jjvm wj 'iJicsaio xj. a. juurcnison jq.- J7 Great' Closing Out SalSf i Having-on .hand -a large; supply of Clothing; and In order .to make roohj forooming-Spring i Stocky we will sell the renjamder bifoartVintei; goods re-gardlqss-of cost.! A .& I. Shmek.' Re liable OothjeVsv No. S4 Market stroct. WLLM1KWIOW :r JN "v -I'H I KS DA Y.I .TA NTT ART 1 R r!8RS " ' - -r WfVilfl UJTi$ WSIA; Ktsayonof Waahinston; Si Xt .WithX )iis.anffnter.t Es:been tnakinc aoita a'Trolonced r!sit, iOhiB city, aad unless there, Vrej twd ofijie same name,- we imasine IxV"" some what sorprised :wliea e jreaa theabdTe a iviicnigan .opy, aie a s . oar 01 soap, drank a let of soda water ahd'-went to bed to cure bis cold. vThedocter had a har4 time lojiuJLhim through, bnt the cold he will use DrJ Bull's Cough Syr- UpV ' j--:"- .'!A;t!! ;;:: 1a 1 fHytiieniil. the courteous official and justly very popular gentleman who presides over tne workings of the tJ.'S." Sfgnal office $&h$X?f Hard wicke; daughter 'of MaJ.1 W. . . " the workings 6f the tJ.:iSr.rSfgnal office Hard wicke of the $tar office. The wed ding took placo'ii the residenoe of the brido's parents, corner Fifth and Dock strootsijamithe oe re m on y , wsxe rftrr m -ed by RevVtl MrAmbWUol St. Paul's. Fv Church. .... : The celebrated 'Fish Brand1 Gills T wtne(i$ sold bjttly a 'fjyxmtof Jard ware" Depot. 71 r " ' t Around ilie"Wbrlcl." The John- Oliompsotf iiKHoW of Arqqpd,- the , .World" was given ii Charlotte Tuesday night J There ar in e but three - persona . in. Ihc , troupe, i M r Thompson hip, wife and daughter. ! The unanoueF mr7Ui(.na6mio say oi tne entertainment:;;'.. ,John. Thompson has a big reputation as a comedian, and seemed ' tor sustain himself very welt-last night, in j spite 5Jt had but ini night, and that in itself was a tribute;taf T-The,weddinz bells ran out JabLnisht fbrlhfimarriaotf.JS. 'Avfliaaey, nis versatile genius. ine penormancei?fAHrva,-: r.t4,-. had the merit of diversity, and someof the scenes were faithfully portrayed We hardly think, however, that the ari dienco ,was .'entireiy.satlsfied . : j -, Silver Plated Spoons and Fork?, low priced at JAcoBi.77.!v;-J ; t " . , -too MticU.Tvater. : i We learn that in Pender county, such has been the-qwantity of rain, the rivers creeks,' brooks, branches, riv.ulets, wells swdmp5ahd:woods arej Yotli of water so that a persoii who is at homejis ob liged to stay there unless he has a boat and those who have been caught: away from home have no raeans, of getting? there. The roads., are .impassable in- many places, and bid fair. to remain so for several days.tQ come, even it, it. bet come lair to-night, . as the, indications are it will.! "rI '"'-t r-nwtii Death of ,3Ir.. Shackelford. It is. with deep-. regret that wp learn b the death of Hon. Jno. W.ShackellbTd; Congreesmaa from this district,! Ha died ro,Washingn.CUyHi as we learn ftoinjf :i,spatc,h received here t6-day by Ur'i tifimax&Atildittms NopaHiculara)TCrrhtab id'.'ihi dispatch bcybnd the fact'-of this death and we have presumed ihatbe' died this mdrning7 LHc, W.,.bcenf lU;fbr : abont two weeks pastv and it is only ! of late io una reaaifeoave. peen ap prehended."; rr''? . , Mr. &nacKeiiora was,-We think, abou 4e years of agei and waa a.atli' resident of Oaslpw county. He' was elected in lSSUo the term-whlcttwilj empire on the 4th of next MarchH was a gentleman of many sleding'etial' Dianncn in nis inenasups; oi.ster- ing integrity in his official life antia (gentleman of irreproachable private character. ' -i. f ; w The Princess "4 " ?The Princess Louise did riot arrive here hls morning as was . the pro gramme announced yesterday. At this Writingotbing is known: here f her imovetfEcnts, the railroaders professing to be iffntirely -in i the dark on the sub ject. It is likely wethink, that she is eterrpd bj-the bad weather and that when she does paas through it will be Tdone so qmetly that it will not be gen- fwaUynown until alter she has goae. f P. S Since the above was. in type -We leam that Princess Louisecwill pass through here to-morrow : mbrnurg, ,aJt 7 o'clock. Thesinlormation: was- W- hecived by the railroad authorities here this afternoon. The Princess and her suite will travel in an Atlantic Coast line iKacefcar M7wlrobably4iot change cars here remaining invisible u aii out a lavereu xew. ' t. f A fine, assortment of Gens and Pistols I.' 1 .... Tbemana close aa&acrlye ;t Uxe.f Crtf - Poat oflce.u fojloira v a - , Northern throuirh antTxrrmAlL. " S 40 A. M. Matla for the I?p3. EaCiWUl svllT roatstf tappBed thferelrom lacluU-,., . r ; HWAfcVa Railroads. ,....WA. 31.4 SoaihernM&IbforivIl points SJutll." any.v..V. ..V...".iv.ra A. M. fcd ft.Ok P. M.f and Charles Urn.'. . .30: j. MutdlOS P. &fj Parettellld aideacea o&Gape Fear -' ' days and Frida; WtJliruttVU1e', Stahitt Office open front 8 A. M. to s M., and from 2 ttfia Pl-M'; MMTJMYtii ncl Uoirir Departtietot open aame aa stamp office. tamef for aale In email quantities at general delivery-when atanrp office lcWteccl. . General deiltery Open from daylight to dark, and on SHrtays trom 8.8a to 9.50 A. M. ,' "' -- : m ii ,i n t .-. i ' ,i , i t is ;:TBV!ot to jaco bi's for-BliandV-fikkirs, Glas' &c ta'idttjBnd- jat the lowesy.prjcss. .. ; t v:j,... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. uyuun rusALasiwiAiiSCWiATJO are re- quested to meet at Howard 5euef )?Irc Knlme Hail; on Friday ii, liujytht at 7" oniloek.'anarp'-ily Artier K"rl-;- Kvi janlS-lt J. M. McGOWAN, 6ecft ? "GARDEN SEEDS.'' A"Tg-m'XU F fj" ALL' klMna of - Cab bare ud Tnnin fiaad. earlv and kU vsrl. BMK;afwiu- an .emuessr Yanetj?oi re aau ;;r - l.-iai bbuajuwa 'insyftTOB.K, iaaltn an ' ; ; 11 IIKLNSBE K&BK'a. A NEW LoitiJL SIZES. 77 F?44':'WH'-i. . if,;.Jtij31iSB M1$''" K ;Xrre Book sad Mode Storey W.ARli'3 1 10 O ' , EEB31Y BODY KSOWS TH AT GOOD Pood ft :.!-. f. .(if, 4,.J, ,f ' and a-plenty of It, ls'jmt as essential to : lhe eOBifart af the body aa are wood and coal and i'JjH'.H.i blankets. TharefoTi.buy the best and a)wayj tray of us. Wo har made seme unusual pre paratTdna'tw '- . i- . .; : .-.-, ct'fr ffir - IS kid' WIret to-ii0TT0w and Saturday a f ?'ijlOIWortaterof-J j of EvefDescfiptioti I Bee fhaMfOtTS OUTIEP1 W dinkriri onotrf aulls, - - -v-. w., 'S FCTXy EXPLAINED IN A VALUABLE 54 lltUe book prepared by;MjT-orer.prui-!f many fine Cooking Beeetpea. i r P?1 prices. i -, - f . - - jan S - - ; . : ; - To-IIoitott's Ilarliet it- i jxa. xia.js jai lsujuj CKXUjQci h IT USUAL EXCE MTJTTOKLAMB, IS, Ac. for aaleto-z of the uretrJeat & MVtffef lTDTToirl lamb: veil POKK. SAUSAGES. Ac for sale to-morrow. Call and see some of the pretneat Stalled ! W M fw At t . SnUthvlllemalteatemtwdany -".- ' T iu;,.t;.,;i ...i., ., ...u a... ; (except 8unday8j..''.::i.iii.-..vi..:8;) A. MJblza&l ar-x - . tt.-1 ' ' t Mails for Ear iHll, Town Creek, ... . . Stfeaiiler BlaflClll'0 ! , Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, 8auaars, Ulr S.' W Corner, Market and Second Streets, r Proprleter of the only Steam Sausage i ,'jaal...-4 .s.-.ractory ,Ja,$ke t-ute. WBIITTER, unU,w.woa lHaoo ..f?..?..- "i.fa"f -Np,-45i Market gj-reet...,; ir orders for the finest1 Groceries at; lowest -t ) ! , f, ,! . I ! i"tt-iL. ,fUt ' - -'Hilt' f . ' -. - t , and h?a"-rtftriir-SU- i 'VVW T T "- T'V tmt o 0;SAPDf KJUv TRUCKS. Ac!.' &c., jnstreceitettrrnaie Aianufacturer t Partips In need-of-any arlicJo 1m my line lnrecei. tr or . new 'fetoir, ind'snir at low prices foTCasIi: i-k' -'JiLm:-?.,'; rJ 5an 15 -.: r. . No, yrontPStif -r . ' t.t. , -!; ;. .-. fl . 4 . . .... . I . ' ., .. i ' -.'.' .'J I, ; ' ui!i ?:iiotl I H. BltUJOITLD & .... .... j . . " i-.-jxfj, ifii .. ..... . r infill S i-f a Wi' :. 'HHiitH 'Jit tr : Kf .', to tne public , that tLey.. hare lately Imported . t'l ' .- 4. i . . . . " .' . li. Iron first; hands Jn Euiop,' aad wnlch is n6vt . u;Aauii;yui 1 i vr - eHciom SlieiTles, Ports of;the Finest' Bouauet. And most celebrated brands. ' 1 ' : : " I : -r. i i t They fuy.e. furthennore added to.tbelr full and ,t?elf selected i stock , . complete Oine pf FB15NCH CORDIALS.An JJQUJfiJVS suitable. o ue paiate or tne most fa8tjirottsJ "i ; . The Rocheater . Brewing Company, 'throvgh 1 Messrs. Jlenry I,, Becker A Co., have sirpn rtthemjthe for theif ,VSpQ?tf Beer" and tore. The78olkdtpatroic.',iU -' nbofeiCandv; if OCR STOCK THOOGH DEPICTED dtir t -it-it v,,rr. i .. ' " JngmAa, week . la aaalh replcnishcl with a ..- $ ' J! r v " dm Kteje ' assortment' roado i thai week f We I - r bare also added several new varletlos'j inclmf- AlmoniCubivfloney Comb:''" ' :" - -i. i fit ' V-i-.'j i. , . f'.f -k-j- , it -, . with fresh made Stick Caady ercty day,- of the best qnalltyr- Also, a foil asortmen if " vfAncy-candies, wnjcn anorp.iarjre pTonw ana" njsure quiex a;,fJ;'saios,?-..,, APPl; ,OBANCrESf CQWAKUT3, BAK- ; and otter frtxltoi band 'it !! j'J. . 1 -'e' VrV;y Utl TT75T r M k JO' CalClUOS'G. Ji tiJ-4r" JL ' f ... -77' - CIEIWwmMaeparbWBtori " ' , - . .. good goods and jsmallphopits rClfo us a trial and' bc eoniocedLw. .. fioettS-t ,, J IL 4,CARB0II0UCII ACO.' 1 1 r. Hi i leEiroiv Oycterai'S 7 1 4 11 xzusfiEAsox., , liS - . l "St'fM ZZZ? JJXY?? f-.rl .AWiiify;sX;Mh arfci'rirei rS Jcrv ffh'r-ybnl 'j-i& 'n-it:l juanuiacturlng and Repairing dWu nt Short Sffift' J.SH ?l ne d! Saddle .-ind Harnett' kaaltotwtat oat V; :j . Tte najne of tie" 4VrltCTuiTa!ib : alasM toiaa &ac rf1J i. ' . t ? ; ! ; Coauannlcaaona nmt bo wr!Csa ca ex)y - Andlt U eapecuyfaad partle&lariy okr tbod Ciax tteBditoriSoer -cot ahrsyvcatrao ' .toe twws of oorreffpondenta anlaoa ap ttat4 fa tK edltorUljjoIuBMiA. 'Tr.- '1 " u i ii i. M i ii, ii f . . ,.i .'NEW -'ATlVTnnnToVrTilrri'1 Another lot expected. ficndS'otflcfrf; ' QRtSALE ,1 ' I';-"! A I -Y,... 7 wont iirstlasaiarO. cleof the , aboF jmod w and low-rrloo tbo ame fnttTSe'foiiridat'"' CJujYf . 5occoiorn to rHWs6n A tS ' WHAPPjm VMM - .,p:: ., '.-, i KjyfcNH i ill AGS ! VT AWLl A? lAPfilJ iANlhBiU AT LOW. t-w4ri4t price. ti tttif v.;rf j ir - ; kofBla li' Arii-iii.'ito 't ut Kil - !. vi I , GI6yesa; Co Marc El' 1 : . .. '. f B LACK-, -COLOK El - AND OPKKA , 7 JlTew' Jewelry Store. ! 'X' "" " "W .'-,;.;.., T f1?111?, tothf citizens pf WUmlnfton, th4 nc,haa!Jeae4tho promlaeao, .MriceC fit, k1 l$.now la receipt oe a . :.fjj TT1 ' .V M ( I ttandmeSckiGbods, ijthlcft will be dplajed. lA iJayt, -tor. -Watch' and Clock repaii las; .apecla4tf. "declS - .: U ttuxvs Guano. i i.i -200 Ton&, foitj! .'. !.'; ni z.J t ii CI 'ia Genulii LolborCfudno j - - . I ' ci!? i;.J t", DXBECT IMPOBTATIOKj ; Mr.v.T . .i.'"J' . - in EXPECTZEKDATLl i aadforsJeby ! In'! -Ohas; "E. Smith & ICo. UtelrM.c.eoacreaofwbW,, W aador high lairauVW. Cdod direlbffr hoase. three -:. " i! .. f. .. .... t ... uaani aotses, barrs, cribs.-Ac. Earelkat watTr Only U ml i f rom WUnjlajtso. j n Win be sold cneatf as 1 4cslre o .rno re f row the State. - " jan llwd-lmw f f . f 'ltL iflTTCtr. - , ' .. i- Vlfirfl Cphi rn e trc i a I C -J o t o I f'Vflniingtdn-C. -U. SCHLOSSJrcp.; JVj!jU' I 'lriii ! vf ii. . mr FlrHla Car and nilLlACD MA -LOON ATTACircn. it -it. tt, , tJ :!:;3tio::w,iz!iing,- JJPflOIOTEBXn Ar. ZIATJTUCS.SES, fa e old Xatlor.al Banlr.Xf'rtr VrotTand Prb- astrects. lti-yrjitirrol iVvtrpn rw ! inland Itepalriag ell 1 uriiirp. Cutting and, y' leather Cases' Jewel and Odor Caae. CoXva CConibrf; IJrliii anrrora, AaTStwrl :rAiEte PPiT t f r I n n ..-.7 i - -i I f-. - - . . 1. ' 1 " . . m mmt "I I. rat JAcojjrsiiardrr&raDcpeti ''11

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