The Daily Review. ijT;.u i .1 . . - . - TIIUK&UAX. ..JANUARY 18 IS83. j .L-llirr:" " ' LiLlit-iJLiv r-Zk't'D'Hh HiXieur hns the Utsctl .. : , .. - Ootid pAiij&ic-avix vie cy (jr-.wHuiywi. TIUKTLKNTI! DAT. Mr Scott, of New Hanpver. petition of jt cltuens : ox- uiaingiou ami .ew UasDver county. reiueating that the juitrceiof the peace- of Xew ; Hanover coahtvb allowed lo deputize officers. Mr McLean; petition of-citizens of Robeson county .concerning Bethesda Church in said county. .! -t:Mr Boykin, a bill to divide the State into nine Congressional districts, lit Jerred to the committee.orw redistrictiug .the 'State - Mr Pool, a bill to provide for ' the erection of a residence for the Governor and 'rootus for the Supreme- Court. Public grounds. .-Mr Jilack. a bill rolating to the law of attachments. Judiciary. Mr Lyon.-a-bill to incorporate ihe . No rtH .Carolina Life and Fire Insaranc . Company., . Insurance. Upon motion of Mr Strajhorn,. the bill, in regard to paying officers. and , witnesses, when defendants are not con Tided was recommitted to Xhe. judiciary commUtee. - " At 12 o'clock sharp the Prea identr an nounced that the Senate would go to I th' Uonsd of BepresentatiTes in, a boxly. where the result of the rote for United States Senator would be announced. The W$ult,-as. stated by the tWo; Clerks, was: for lion M W KarisomV'in the Senate, 33 votes; in the House, 74 totes making a total of 107 yotos. For Colonel William Johnson, in the Sen ate, 12 Votes, in the House, 35 vote3, maiiB2 ft ttal of 47 votes. The Speak er said inasmuch as Hon M .VRansm receired a majority ;of r votes--n -cast, according to the laws iof the State of North Carolina he was declared elect ed to tne office "of United Stales Senator lor the term beginning March 4, 1883. and ending March 4, 1839. ' ; ; ! The Senators returned to their seats ' in the Senate Chamber and work on the calendar was resumed. Mr. Dortcli . . . . . w w- w mr V --- j To aiqend the Jandlard. and tenant T ciivr'tTi.' ' - ' - ' : act. p&ssetrtt&biril rehdirjifj 'J -i . oLN A 1 r.. Touching the powers of executors "- and administrators, passed its third - -in the chair. 'BiU for the better protection ot sheep " husbandry in North Carolina was put . upon its. second reading and provoked "considerable discussion. ' ; - .. Mr Scott, of New Hanover This bill, introduced by myself,., pro vjdes for v the levying and collection of . .aTspecia! tax of $2 on every dog in the State, as : there are" so in any dogs sheep husban dry cannot prosper. In my county one ' man lost twenty-seven sheep by dos in one night not lon since. Put a . tax upon .the do?s and tlicn a collar ' and a and a. tag about, their necks .to :show . tliat the ta.v is paid. I : ' . Mr Coslner sent forward an amend ment making the tax .- ceuts on every .dog, jnstead of $2. ".: Mr CiatkTner iierc arc a great many .'possums in -my .section and tor. this wry reason I do not want dogs taxei. Many of the. colored people mnke their Cbriatajas money lay catching 'possums ad thev are uot able to nay thee taxes. Mr ISiorchcad sent forward an amend - juent making dogs the subject of; lar ceny the same as other property. Mr.-Alexander stalel that there was a law already in force against sheop- klungdogs. . -- Mr Clarke ruoved to table the whole -matter and called for- the aes and ways. The vote stood CO to table, 17 ,against iu , . x 'Binprotiding ;that; vfUncsscs, before magistrates courts shall receive $1 per day, both in criminal and civil actions. .-Siras placed npoii its secopd reading and referred to the judiciary committee. The bill to exempt. farm rog imple- ! mcuU and mechanical tools from taxa- titin was rel"errel to thf iinnnco cotn- iittce. j The bill iu. regard to levying and: ---coilectmsr taxes-pa? ami wan oruoreu,.. . - . ..UARQEa.". .. HbtlSE'bF REPKESKNTATIVKS. t .: The followiujj. bills were introduced . appropriately reierrcd: , . .. I Wallace, former sheriff of. Dunlin t . r Mt rowers. ot cuinoeriatm. to ciuiplc ' the people of Cumberland. coiintv (i -. i. i :.i .' It'. ilr Bailey, of Mecklenburg, to ctab V .Tiih twelve judicial districts. To rcu !t- tronrlnt- An onnl. . : i c 'Mr roe., to amend the iucch:iii!ca !l : lien law. - :-; 1 " ;- - - - I -m. .1 w . L . . . i it .J A e caienonr was iucu niKuri up anu ; the folluwin bilU were Ui$pofreu ot: To i emulate' tfiihin in Pamlico and Tar rivers. Mr Baum moved to amend by striking out the Falls " 'of Tar river and inserting llmington oc V eklon llailroad, which was adopted. The -c.ibiU Uien passed iu third reading. To compel tho Carolina Central .Hall-; 'riad "to draw off the- stagnant water '.ponded bet ween. Kbckinshatn and Pee Dee rivers." Passed its second, reading a rid referred. - : I To . protect fish in Lumber river. Withdrawn by consent. ; .. .. fii prescribe the venue in" actions : " ragai tat . sheri rw : .n - At 12 o'clock Speaker Rose called the House to order. The Senate was an- ' nounced and xune ia-amL-.tpok the. . " . 'seats assigned' them?' iv' y: " . That part of the jpumajs of the . Sen-: r ate and House referring to the election . of United State Senator was read. "" r : .. V Speaker Kose their atinoimcod that - - Gen Ransom, havins received a major ity of 61 - votes, was elected United ; States: Senator for the ' sir year terqi ... L: next beginning. ". ., . ,. ! The - Senate then retired and the House proceeded with the first special' . . 1 . A i A. . M. 1 I oruec the XPSOiuuons reierencc 10 me liawaitn filand 'treaty. The resolu- , -: lions were adopted ... . . . . The bill to grant amnesty and pardon ' - to certain persons selling liquor with- this hour, ivas taken up: ' Mr"Torbis called foe tlic . aves and noes, and the call was sustained. The bill passed ils second reading. The bill passed its third reading be engrossed i " f ' A message was 'received from the Senate? informirjz -the House that the Senate had passed the following bill :j To incorporate the Coast Line Tui P,e Com Pan J- . f 4JuoqLTn;nsJands own ed by the board ckthe bilHrr j mnuon oi .air a. corporating the Coast Line Turnpike 1 1 l :. - l:..i .1:.. r. . Alter eating eaen meal tate apose o an.Irnn Rittera. It helnx. dices- tion, relieves the full feeliDg dbut the stomach. i I STATE NEWS. Rutherlordton Banner .- .The tallest man iu the State was in town last week 6 feet 10 inches. I ..Troy &ar: Mr. Im Byrd, of Mt Oilead townsoip vhld "ab6TTC?olie Tftcfe sowed in wjieai.ii nil yuiuu u uu uiu, and after he cut the wheat- lie. planted the ground in sorghum and1 vpaade fiT gallons of syrup. Greensberoiltirioii '; Thc total ship ment of dried fruit from Greensboro the past season was 1,053,699 pounds a large increase-over any breyians season.- 'fhe driedTfruit .-trade fisf rrorth millions of dollars to Guilford j -county and as yet it i3 in its infancy. Newbern Nutshell: 1,500 bushels of rice were sold In our market yesterday at $1 to $1.03, ; sacks -included for the latter price. We were "informed yesterday by a. prominent physician that there have been at least 1.000 cases of mumps here since the disease first broke out, only a few - months since. , s "' NewbeW Joiirfuxly iThe skle o(bccs at the Hubbard auction ' yesterday was a.'-very : fair one '-The "North Carolina Reports full set brought g430, bought by 1). E. Perry, Esq., of Kinstdn. The latest news' received from Trenton was by mail carrier yesterday evening. No new cases of small; pox were, re ported, and tffbse already down! anb bet ter, and are kept confined to one house. Charlotte Journal:.. Last, Thursday at the salo of the personal 'property of Dr. Columbus Mills, in Cabarru3 couu- ty, some very fine hogs - and cows were squa(is 0f children, on their way to the graded school, yesterday, slipped on the ice and fell ift b'ubches:,; l?ere!:antd there all along the way. Some wJk are not children had uot perfect control of their, frisky-feet; -'i iV3gX 1 j l?ews and Observer: "'The' city hmits of Raleigh certainly ought to be extend ed, -They aro now contracted in certain diixjctions; vhile kniplo iiv'others in which the city has not grown. There is little doubt that steps will be taken to extend the corporation. -Sheriff John S. Loner, of Person, has naid unto the State Treaiuf y $4,29 ltwes.- Mi h. Alerander, " Mecklenburg, - $20,612. 83; Derapsey Spirurill, Washington, 2.873,68 jJoseph Brittain.Burke, $2,840. 33: W. A. Estcs, StpkeF, $3,373.5p. Charlotte- Observer: Mr John Wads- worth, of Concord, came in on theiiooni train yesterday and reports that the iiill ot sleet in Lenaord wa3: so heavy that the young Americas! bad big fun 6katjng on the pavements!. A man, wife and several children passed through f the city yesterday; ob tho Sway tbvnheir 01a nome in ruenmonu county, iiney had gone to Texas, but one week's stay in that section cured thenijof the west ern lever,- f The, father and.bpsband considorcd hlrasclf cxtrtehrely1 fortunate that he had money enough to bring hts wif and children back to the old North State, "and says:he will never' leave her borders azain. ' Bost cfer diade; fenaoryi? 'Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to I take, su;ar watcd.ino jrriplns; only 15 cents a bos ot Dfti&srists W -by matO Standartl Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. Pm d&w i ! " .-: I- of Vessels lor this I'ort:' nan Alagaard, 4i3 tous, Antwerp, -f; Nor Condor, 3) tons, NeUsen, MarrIII, 0t .1 ' 1 Br David O Worth, 403 tou, McDonaJd. JOIX30U, uct i o? Sf MnM Han Lleno. 481 toua. Da hi. Olasnu'w. DccjS- , Nor linn, 400 top; Ai brethren, Arco-it-J. or liurin. 481 tons. Hansen, Antwerp, f tr Hdanfiif 3S, too 13 itx. Ham burg. Ucl 11, Tla PlymoQth, Dec arrtrc4. Cswe. Dc o . Nor Kordcn, 2S tona, TToxho'lt. ' l?tnt, Oc. Nor rrtenskjfill, 2?a ton Abnthamscjn,' iiamourg. wci. via tuxnrven, iter vt ..i Gcr trlon. S32 t.ns. Clausen. HA inbni. Nor a - - r NorOdcarll, 5T2 foos, Ilaasccscn, Livr 1X1, I)OC 6 . : I . I . - Xor rrogrc., 419 toua, NelleM, Ilortleaux, Nor st Joseph", -3 Xov&i Vctj"lu, KotterV Nor Theetlor, 303 tons, Elnersin. Xor Windsor, a3J tons, Walloe, UveriiOoU BRKrS. ; " i Oer Hermann Freldrlch, 283 ion. Skjalir, Himbutrf, ybv i v; (ii ,) r ' " ."' . Xor leun, 291 tons, IklrVoten,'' riamburg. Deo. I. , . . ,: . ; Nor N-orJo.. 3d tons, Olson. Liverpool,: Doc p Ur Signal,, 312.. tona, WllUanjs, I Hamburg, Xov 29 ' ... . ' ' t "' "' - ! j' z ;.A wet made a home by nARR nmv lxf Aro I ho imKlu . " 3 Capital .'uot-i ijoeHed. We will start von. Men. women, bora land rfrla" wanted jererjir her to . vork . for us. Now la the the time. Yon can work In spare time, or jrfve your Ttholc tte . boslnosg.- No other business will pay tou nearly aa - well. No one can fall tomake enormoua paj. by - en facing at once. Costly outfit and terror" free, loney made fast, easily and . honorably. Ad dress true A Co.;jugu4ta, Maine. : now lMJtw tf., , ..... ...(, , C. D. UTorrill. UNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on See nd street, opposite Sontherland'a stable. -lit spect fjftlry aonclts orders and guaranteed jcood work,-prompt delivery and sauafactlbnin ererr respect. . marl6-tf 400- TONS .COiVL TUST ARRIVED PER SClOONER "SALj .... o: : , JJB MAI.B.V and is a very superior articled WOOD In full supply at REDUCED PRICE jan I J. A. SPRINGER. , ; reading. I i 7 6 i I' t'r'i January. 18-4 r;M;i SPIRITS TUUPENTINQuoCod quiet at 49J ccnt:'Kiui;wc'hearof sales of 125 cases at"4n tcnU:J i ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.35 for oirainea anu i-i ior.vxooo, piraiuwu. ; TAlluo;flrm at ;$L;per jbbl cft2ft0 lhs.f - u::k.: ;?! " CRUDE ' TXlRPENT3NTo;pffi- cial qootationsr fJ!c!s;qf;,t!CpW;l $ L5fi;for Hard- and 20 ifof Soft -'l' COCTONQiioled ! JmvSalcI Jof 100 bales on a basis of 9f c?nU.ioCrJi jd dling.p The following. are the official qootaUonsf v-f.v Good Ordinary . . -. . . . .8 3-16 ; cts ." ; Low Middlings . .. .Witff MlddUug: . ......9. GoodMHdlimT , . . J 15-t6 s ! -. i - ' 1 V ' V. "I DAILT RBCKIPTS. " ; Cotton .r.V.'lV.T.V." v $11 ialos Spirits Turpentine.- v. vv. . 175 casks Rosin. ...... .V. . . . .. . ..;: v - - W-lbbls Tar 24;bbls Cde TnrbentJne:r.' -.v '52r-bbls ... it , MAKINE KlSWS. T '1 f " "Steamer North " Staef feen,' Fay ettevme Worth & Worth:;: -l:" f: Steamer Wave, v Robeson. Tayette ville; Geo W Williams Cou .-- r.TJ S. mail steamer Minnehaha', Bis bey, Smithville, .'Master.' '4 .;.7, 3 : .v. 4:' tv r. cla.;;;; : Steamer Wave,R:obesoii, Fayetteville. Geo.-WWilliams & Cd: Steamer -North State;';.'1 GreehV rPay ' ettevillei-Worth. &: Worth-.- i. ' : Steamer ' John- - -Dawson;;; 'Sherman, Point Caswell. R. P: - Pad(J3sx)t(. ; U; S;- mail steamer, .Muinehaha-JSis-bey: Smithville, Mastser.Tt W,, tr ' Nor barque: AM ScnweigaardrJdhn- on, Queenstwonlor Falmouth; rf$tt or dors, D. R. Murchison Co - Queenstown ox" Falmouth! for- 'orders Nor barque Schweigaard 1.G94 bales MONTHLY STATEMENT; stocks ok 'IbSjtd' jan! 12,;i883. Cotton-ashore 9,827 ;ftfloat" 15I ; total, 17,978. ";!,. Splnts--ashore, - 4.700 ; . afloat- v 910; total. 5.610. - 1 f . , ltosin-rashore, 93,715; afloat,' ; 13,702 ; total. 107,417. o-w '.''Jr Tar-ashore, 4,243 ; afloat, 1,128 ; total, 5;37i.' ; ;;;;;;;;;;' ;-;:;;;: v;:; Clrmle turpentmershprp,, 1,795.1, RECEIPTS FKOM JAN. I TO A5lV13. Cottoli; 4,084; spirits," 1.136 ;- rosiiir 18,131; tar 017 cpde,V?3f "fcCfRTS KKOit JaN.; lTO JAN" 13. ' " " : '. , ... --,:,'. p.'v,,,,-. m. DOMESTIC.'. 7 CdUoxi. 1; 1, 522; spirits, 41 'f rosin. f0; tan 750 ; -ctude tU 1 ,7-i Cottdn, 72,802; spirits. I;2l8f rosin, ;i5lS0 ; tar. 1.3J.2;? cf udeil 1 IjfHtVof essels irt noft Jan. 11 .1 , "-'' f' (.. . " Jcy p -,f -:'?B.VRQUlfi5V; Dan Aurorita, 570 tons, Th"0iiplon .' '" . V ' ; , ; ' C P Mcbabe ,Kor Gpnuania, 352 tons,- Aim, -' if'. . S - E 1'ctschau A' Westerinann Xor Ejragon, 420 tons, Wctcr, C P-Mcbanc Br.MQrwy, toiT. NcIct, - -; ;"-' E Pcprliau''Weetermann Nor.V3l ScbTreicaari, 410 toos,'-tfhiiCB, ; . , - "' f s O :f Mebanp. .Nor ItH 5cbwen6Civ3Ttn, . ;- . . 1 ; HeWeArCo Xor Jona, 771 ton rcd.freen, t ' - , . . N ' ' ' A ,5pront4. Sou Nor Marie, 3S0 tons, TaSlakpen, : Udde ACo Nor Formica, tons, Jvnc. '': : 11 .1. . . .. EU Bjtfker&Cb f7cr Ltdla Teechau, '6HI tons,' Breuiers; . , j, v.- - lechnu & Westcrni3.nn I .pr Orrar Odd, 512 tQn,'TcV'e!tav 1 .i. ' neiue vo Nr Elinor. 401 tons, Borch. 'h etde & Co Heine a co P Mebane elde & Go Xor Kmltr. J!57 tons. Larsen. " ;; C I Mebane. Oer Edwattt Pcna, 37 tons, Kipp- Helde Co Xor.Josva, 471 tons, SoreireenV; '".llelde &C Uoraoe Scudder, 317 tons, Scars, r '" . , .. ' GcoHArriM &Co Sor. Tltata","5W tous, Arbothsep:; ' ; . - lleWe&Co NorXorden; 261 tnei Wascholdt, ' r : . ... ' . ;cPMcbine Gcr lUbniU. iTD tens. Frctwurst; ' .,,'. - ;:-.-'!'.; UPcschau Welermann Nor Condor, $33 Ions, Nelbeu. '; I" JleWe Co .Cfer.Japan, SWlons, Ko'lger, " -'. . i . ..... Tx. . i . -Xtal Gerotnina C,35- tons, CiiLissa,' . ; '" .A fcnrunt i-Son- fan-inl of April, 247-tons,'S6repacn. ) . ... - Hcldc & Co or .rram, xao toua, Aiaicamscn. 1 Jieiae &CO .: 1 tiCHOONERS, : i Br Julia Edzabeth, tona, Ingram,'.' ... ' Cronly & Monia B r-Lee, 393 tona, Marta.- ' Geo Harries ftCa Xf S Levering, tons,- Oandy 1 .;. ..... ..,.r. i : .Geo 'Harris Co Alice Ilearo, tR; Pwiiletcni,- . Geo Harris s & Co Sallfti alalr.- ; Houck,- ' ; Geo nairi&a.&Co Meaacnger,-344 tona. Falkner-, a . " - : - - j kg Barker A Co Edith R Bewail, au tons; TalL - ' w ;"-;: Geo Harriss &.Ca Sarah Fafon, 200 ton, Dri, Go llanisa & Co Airaretct s aran, ske tons, smith E aWter jfc'Co ueone av, tons, itusiuson, .- : ' .- kG Baxkerta:Cx John J Ward, tnf?Mrlcerierf. j H i i eo HarrUs-efCo Ruth Darling 909 t0nrt4lpnMUi?' - t. Ktr Barker Jb Co Maggie Abbotti fcH tons. McKeUhan, ... ,-.:RaBkf4Ca Etta M BHrter, 272 tons, Barter, - : r i i . ' - --KUBarkeiA Co. Wade Hampton; toria.SalisUan. I RU -Barker A Co Oguchu, toua, Prinrt.i'". Kt Barker & Co it l i i i M tnoiM c w m tbt.vm alaa sad mmvc la lu mOcmcy, thmt I wiU M4 TWO BOTTIX3 F&rfc tboataad f -.-.- -. j. ' - t j NEWt AND SEOONBtr HAND- rFXR SALE ' : t ..t , ..... T. J SOUTHERLAND, Uvery andale 8UbJea dec 19-tX Ar KriBtine, 31t tons. Jamscii; - Xor Jlans. 4S tons, Krijckscn. .C Nor l'stava. 657 tons". Olsen .' - H r trriwi f3 iTS r&n'&& Kite? ', The. Puttie remfatett'carefulH to tioficifthe new and enlargtd Schete tole traicn- tfoniHy n-Ep-GapitalrPrlzct $7,Oppis Tickets only $ilr. ' Shares in ppo- imruonv,, , Louisiana ..Sfete?; Jittery .f , ,4. JTe: do hereby . eertify hat toe supervise the 'arrangements for all the Mijhthlyand J Semi-Annual- JraMo(nds of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and tn person manage and. con trol the DrMcings--ihemselvcs, and thmi the same-are conducted tcUh. honesty, fairness, and He the Comvanv louse this certificate vxith fac simile of out -signatures . (OtMhed. in its ad ver i - ( . ..... y.Cd.ttt.ttlWgI.on'es Incorporated to 186&f or 25 yekrs ibv the Lear- lalaturo for Educational and Charftable "pur. T poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to -wbch a reserve fund or iiddfid '.s: : :! i reserve fund of '"fSSO.OOO By an overwhelming populaa; vote . Its, fran,-, chlse was made a part ol the present Stale Constitution adopted December 'Si; A;: D. ,'1879i The only 'Loiter'y ever voted vn' antlieadorsed by the people of an&JState. ; If never acaiei or postpones. ItS GKANI SINGLE NpilBEB J)KAWIN?8tAke placemonthly;r;f .y.. . .. .... ''-; A SPLENDli jOPP'dRTUNTT.TO WI N A FORTUNE. Second Grand Drawing', Class B, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 13," lfeS3 lSJcVMoutbly Drawing; v. Sru" " ? al!Prizeiv.$75J000.- lOO,OOOiclcet t; Five Dol lars Each-Fractions in Fifths in proportion. -I .i& p I4ST , QF SIZES, :iA H;': 1 Capital Piize..of?w.'.. 75,090 l-CapitJil,Prlze of.i...-.i,i.'.".....Vt ,2-VK'O . l. Capital Prize of. V.,:.':V: 10,000 2; Prizes'-of . f'S.OOO. v. ; u . ; J. . ; .v. v: ..' 1 2,000 i Prtzea ot'-:2,000;: 10,000 soai'rlzds 'of 1000 Prizes of 25.000 25.000 . 9 Approximation lrizesf $750. 6,?50 4,500. IMzes, amounting to. V'.'i ; . $ 2G5;500 Application forrates to fcluba should only .bo made to the o nice of the" Company in Kew Or- "OatW.-; t-,:U-nk -!- S ' ''' For further Iniormatlpn, write clearly, giv t..,f Registered Letter, or Ioney Onleradda-eseer . ... New Orleans, La,,., or M. ArDAUPm f ;T,- i . j : '?.' 5 ' JS07 -ScTentb. St., hashing toa , D; r" jda 10:wed.saWw-d&w.; , v-.-. , : .... j: y t SOME MOR; JUST fBCTEnD ANPTHEB . LOT OF those ; ELEQiST ! ti Af aVa" ' CITCROOTS . Warranted the best-?o .' -rj FIT CENt CIGAR, J'Y i .-. N0 'r k'W" ., . , i K : .:-!Inrthe:city.::?' i ;.'., i ;': i Call anu take a emole. t vr- ;t.-.v; p.KPtf' . -1 So.Frnt St., Just Tttlow-' Exchange Corner, j dec 18 j(SrS& Bros., Commission 3Iercliants, ' tr rtoLs ale - deairs nf -r I Jj-ia Wr," feouh, -molasses,-COFFEE, bngar, salt, x;oTi nay, jc; -SBtifr.Tobacco, l . . 'I.:-: .' SoaprStafch ri P6tah?Can(f, Candlei, Cheese, CraClera.'Can- Goods,- Powderliot, Caps. -JI1 1 ; , 1 1.3 ft V '! tj C : i - ii; i v, 1..1 i iti . : .V- . i f V in i l-i t f3 ff f j lec;ll.. v:":' 1 f I TjfESPJ .as. KSPECTFClJLYANNOnXCES.TIIAT int ing, scouring ders promptlr attended to. Prices jaederate. Shop on Market between Second and Third sU- j .W stTbt t!)ft piseae For Salf : y all iVrac-Tsi.x ' . ... ift Pmosi pf ;i,(o,;.-..., 10,000 . .20. Prizes1 of . 500., ....'..'...V:.-.::'.'.' loo Prizes of" ; - 200. '. r.. ; v;. u j . . :i i : i S0O Prizes Of; 'i'-lOOf.'.'wv.v. ::.-iL?.ii.i-r0.00. . E M"',.., . v ....... f . ...... r -.jr.:- iii.r.mtAui.1 kik . ( i - ' -z ..... i v rX'-:iX - V -'W,YW'5 f vc . vreat bargains In emD&rKea in xno .Tailoring business, f and retrinirtClMnj'i Alltw-.l JU 12- C I os in g Qu THIS WKATHEU 13 SUGXiKSTIV K Crib BMkets and Sprdads,' ' "7 , v;.:; v -: r; , : .: ' Saratoga Jnink-Bi 32, 34;:3R OUR LACE .CURTAIN STOCK. IT IS rHTTK "RKliilARKED, "I iDIP'-NOT ' " V ALSO; rXAiTASKSy TO SUCH A POINT -THAT XBZ EVVXOT IS IfAE SALE3AND CpiEERITUL KAClij , , T BUY EES, E UOSi 1 ATS, OIL CLOTHS STRAWr iUTTQm .it ' y ObT ,A WORD imtsference to our DRESS GOODS' 6ltifciaew,'! laUfs4 aii4 tht Is, a lartc. assortment of nic.tIrii5P. ."' - h I ' New York & Wilmington SteainsWn Line; ; r.f Steamers ,WILL: SAlll. VJIQZI I NEW ' ' YORlf ifcVERT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY; .; j . at JCo'clock P. H, - . , rjTTT.U' STRR AM . . ' . . . ISahlrdiiV. .TftnniPT , , :; . J.. BENEFACTOR. . Weuiiesdiiy : nuanr u- '. .. j ; : '. . . SalurdaVt ahuary 20 1 - " ' . f . .Wednsdiy,- January 24 .'...Saturday,, January 27 . .Wedneadayi January 31 GUI.F STREAM.. BENEFACTAK.. REGULATOR. Through Bilia1' Lading an'd Lowest Tbrough Ratesguaranteed to and from Points la North ; and South CaroilnA. ' ' ' " ! ' . : ; For Freigh t or Passage apply to ," . . ' ..TkMAS. E..'BOSfDui4rinendent, : '- - - ;, ; . : : -H' u! ''.'. . Wilmlncxon. N. C. . -NEW STOCK ! "EOR THE!: HOLIDAYS .! ' i am'.now'iofierittg. the Greatest Bargains In Staple rind. Fancy Goods! 1 ' ' Ui.i.1 if.,. YOTE SOrE OK'TIJE PKICKS .! ' ' ' '' '. r : f ;: . : Linen Handkerchief. 10c, 1, l-V", to ta llne:6t'86ld;: :' J-u- , ' Hamburg Edgi ng, 3c, ..!xf fc, 10r-,, to the finest ..,.,...,'.-.. ..- . .- ud.;., v;;... v 'r,;';" Olriirlren'a tlosefic, 10c, I.k, to 25c,'worth 50c .v t ',-..,' . - .. , . ..Ladies.' Hose, Be, 10c,.15c, to -25c, ' wbrtli Xcl --j i';'-- ' ' '' ' ' 1 TOwels, 3s, I0c 15c, 5c, to $1 each, ' :; n -1 . ...... - ..-Hamisbme Collars, 10c, 15c, 25c, to (ho finest 7" ' ' ', , ;.: ' " - " , Flftydozen Kid Gloves at $Lr per -ialr, would ba i .cheap at $1.., ;. ' i , LADIES', LISLE" GLOVES, "'.:.r'j"7 ,7 ' all grades: -- - Satin, Gros Grain and Safeh. ! Low priced. SJLK HANBKERHIEFS. ;Te'beVFify Ccnt'siUc Handkerchief -j I - X stiix hold the lkad in corsets - ' - ; ., I s' ),wo assort ea sizes contain Lng the best , , 50 cent Corset ever sold.' ! X .Saiehi :::kebeys;:and Cassi - -"' meres ... f f Our Flffjr Cent Salem Kersey; all Woo. Filling, beats anything sold lor Boys and JIen.T MT HEAVT; SALES N, FANCY ARTICLES ; eoiables nie to sellr Staple ooda cheauer .'ill. ! rrr ' .- -. i .- "U. ?-,,. . than tbe cheapel, 1 M Y BTQCKs 'Of?;- 1IQUSE, HOLD .GOODS IS ; " Incomparably the Wat and.': cheapest Pure Linen Table Damask at 55c "per yard.' j jTery: ood ) . .. : , ff V,, r Vl '.. -0c 'H' r Excellent 'n .' ,.J .S0c . BLANKETS ! I keep a most comnlete slock of 'all klml yf 4 j Dry Goods in ' e verv- nepartmcnt. Banral us ! ? -Vu.. tBahralng'! 4:FtepaMy mnic eTerynoiiy to .give me a caL CpB look iou wHI receive ttbtf most polite attention. u: , i -. ; .Respecttuily" !.';i;' - TriTT AT u iT l-l, I? TT) TlTfT w. V-X1 i if XLJCilJ-JAtL Viv' r f 'rTHEO.; G EGEK,. exelght Agent, !..". r . .. . i.35 Broadway New Tork. WM. P. CL.YDE & CO.. General Agents. ' i L" -o Air f-t.. ? ..!' . i ...'.s r . . . . . JHll Oil ..... . .- . . . , , - . , . . - . , U-e -J . . ; , . . i decS B I anjtcets. ur :X4UiBS COMFOftT- RSOXVUCH GOODS WERE SO CREaW. CRETOKE5r;BliGES,:,4c.r i 1 Grt !Red tret ioriii T iJii Pr ces of Groceries -f ;i" ,,; .i'-'-"f' .i;r ,., Great j Iiriprotement in Quality ! r i WE AUE-' 'SELLING . !TII E MOST SKI KCT BttANDS OF rt ,. HAMS; B. BACONj Shouldfers' and "Dried- Beef, , r-r.;ii TAT CAN BE.B6UGnT. " 1' 1T( .," ' '. ' ' ' -V " -! yDrletl 'Beef CUipped as ,tUin Ppet , Come to ojur Btre on 'Front Stret fsr j, i Cheapness and ams. : ROTSTERS CiNDY Is the floest flavored, tbe'purest ahdVlthout ; y .doubt the best sold In Wilnilpgtoa.' P. L. BRIDGERS & GO. i jan 1$ ,f,;j . . j . , ( , ; . 20.000 r sis fit;.; new().,peanijk s'pks AISB 4 Biisliel Oat Sacks. For sala at ; . Wlllard's. jan 13-tf. First National Bank of Wil- T( - mington, 'l-ifrir' CAPITAL STOCK JOB $236,000 SURPLUS fund:... 66,000 . - tt -t , : .- DepoalU received ' and ' cbllectloiiB nude w all acceaslbla point la be United Stttea' DlRECTOBSi e. e; burbuss; vyiI ,". .p. q.worth, MARTIN, JA8;8PRUKT. I 4 u::;i;y.'- B. F. nAXL. OFFICERS "'.( e, KuBRuss.:.:.;;;.: a. k: walkeb.. W. LA RKTN3. .'. ,y. - ProsMent .' CaslJ I'ttt'CMbltr ;-ireax oarerains. lOfl PIECES BEST "BLACK 8ILKSJ f I J . SATINS AND BLACK 0AS3.I 1 ft VZ' GERMAN ' AND iRtSII LISKS j A V V Towels, Blankets and Domestics, to be eold at reduced prices. . Will close out my entire stock of Carpets, . - I1 1 Brussefs,Taiestry,-JbjrraIn, 3fpr. Offlce Matting. Call, and 'exaraf &f before4arcbM ingerwTftir:'-''-'1-- " ; Ateoj full stock Of Clothing and UndertbirU f . . - . ... : " i . . ..L- rrora xna cneapest to the beU , Largest siw Of Red and Whita FlanneU. X .. SOL REAR. dec 19 " 20 Market St. ,v t"u .Holiday Jriesents N EVERY VABlET Y. JEWEL AND Odot, CaAes, Cologne Bottles. Tollef Sets, Va-'J Mirrors, a large assortment cf Toilet Eitrart And (!nlmniA luy m nll annnl. . HUM fhfO' Icals and Patent 'MedlcUes,. ran be foonl si both of mvatores T. C. M1LLKR. 7 Corner Fourth and Nun street. Storea. !- - , . i- t J: Corner Fourth ami Hanover street If Tpu'-Wish to See 1 i I Q APi B. J .! JACOBS,- of Senior Bessrv notoriety, the ofdesf Saddle and Harness, Ar., maker In Wilmington, Just call at II. IL BO V 1 DEN A Ce'Satoreandbuy nice LapBfbJ and all other article In a Saddlery establish- -men t, -for It Is the-pUceXD gettkem. r it . 1 jan i .. ; . j