PH5 PAPER published e rery eToning, Sunday ex ceptod by v r JOSHT.JAME8, : Bpuroa axd PKorsncTOE. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three months, f 1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free o! cluirge, in any part of the city," at the above rtf, or 10 cent per -week. Advertising rates low and llberaL ay Subscribers will report any and all fall nrea t receive their paper regularly. gf" The Daily Beview has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper vublxthed xnthe city of Wilmington. TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements inserted in this col umnat 10 cents per linct each insertion, but ho charge of less than 30 cents tcill be mad on any advertisement. ST WANTED. Twenty-fire Dol lars in Greenbacks, In exchange for a rood 5 year old milch cow ; hasi third ealr", which is 3 months olJ. Apply oon. every body will want her. R. C. Taylor, Supt., National Cemetery. jan 19 It - HI Female physicians in Austria are pro scribed and not allowed to prescribe. There were 28 mining explosions in England last year of which 15 were fa tal. For the first time in thirty years San FranciBco has just had some fine sleigh ing. Senator Don Cameron announces, in positive terms, that he will not be a can didate for reelection to the Senate in 1&84. Hartford has a dozen fools who has united in a common cause and swear that they won't take no vaccination , in thcrn. The receipts at the Custom House in New York on Tuesday last were over a million of dollars. During the month of November, 1883, out of 4,400 burials in Paris 1,207 were made without the grace of God, with not a prayer said over the remains. The Tuileries clock, which was not much damaged, and which stopped at half past 9 when the palace was burned, has been purchased by an Englishman lor $1,000. A Washington City special says that a number of Republicans who despair of success under the . present leaders have booked Justice Miller, of the IT. S. Supremo Court, as their candidate for President in 1834. George Schellcr, thelesseo of the bar room in the Newhall House, at Mil waukee, is in jail on the charge of hav ing set firo to tho hotel. Tvbe case looks Hack against him and there were talks of calling on Judge Lynch. . ... ... i' Secretary Chaudler will report to Comrres3 in favor of selling a portion ol the Brooklyn Navy Yard to the city of Brooklyn. There are 612 building lots, valued at a million and a halt, on the part which it is proposed to sell. ' i When a Chinaman is sick, they give him an extract of tiger's tooth, or a rhi noceros horn, or a. cow's hoof, or some other equally efficacious remedy and it is a fact that notwithstanding such en lightened treatment the patient some times dies The Marquis of Lome drank a julep in Richmond out of the same tumbler which was filled with the beverage for tho Prince of Wales in 1860. The glass has been carefully preserved ever since aud no vulgar lips have been allowed to touch it. Prince Albert gave the bar tender a $20 sold piece in exchange for the julep. There are five or six well-organized lobbies in Washington City who will work desperately as long as there is a slimmer of success before fheni. They will have to work hard as a number of eminent statesmen on whom they rely to forward their raids on the public purse will retire, to private life on the fourth of March. 'There was at least one item of inter est in connection with the visit of the. Princess Louise to Richmond. Tho morning after she arrived she wanted to take & bath but declined to use the tub in her suite of rooms because itwas not new. Thereupon a plnmbcr was sent for and a new tub was made at ; once for her royal highness. j Next year is the centenary oi organ? io American Methodism, and it is pio-i posed that all the 'Methodist sects shall unite in a celebration. It is probable that all will join in this demonstration except the Methodist Protestants, who constitute a body that seceded in 1830 on the question of episcopacy. Some of ns have heretofore been un sophisticated enough to believe that "Cousin Sally Dillard" was the pro duction of a gifted North Carolinian (Col. Ham Jones, we believe) but now wo are told that its author was a Vir ginian! Just as though nothing-good whatever could come out of the North Carolina Nazarcthi. r J VOL. VII. There is a chimney at Glasgow 448 feet high, and it is probably the highest in the world. ' . mil u ( , mm t a A Mr. McKinstry. of Hudson, N. Y., has an apple orchardthe largest on re cord which covers 300 acres and boasts of 30.000 trees. The Medical Press relates that at Chester, England, an inquest was Jield over the body of a man who had been more or loss drunk for forty consecu tive years. The curious fact was de veloped that the only night he had been1 sober for many years wks that upon which ho died. - j i f Some very interesting Statistics have been published in regard to the Franco German war. In all, 1,000,000 1 Ger man soldiers entered France; 766 enl gagements, little and big J took place; 333.341 French prisoners were gent to Germany and 107 colors, 7.411 guns and 855.000 rifles and I muskets Were captured from the French. The Ger man losses amounted to 1-29,700. includ ing 30 doctors; . of whom ' there were 7,022, and I chaplain, of whom there were 295; 6,455 mile of telegraph wire were erected. i LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TQ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It C Taylor Wanted j Muxds Bbos Garden Seed j j IlrsAM Sibixt &. Co Seeis Tates Wrapping Papier and Bags Fbexch Kaos Carbonate of Lime Hkiksberoer Portia A New Novel The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 236 bales. - ; Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobx's. j t The almanac promises snow fo;r next Tuesday, on which day .the moon will ml ' - -' i i' : - There have been 2.33 inches of rain here since the morning of the 16th Inst., up to 11 o'clock this forenoon. There were 3.12 inches of rain fall at New Orleans in the space of eight homg yesterday and 2.12 incnes fell in the same time at Atlanta, Ga. j Nor. barque Candeur, Capt. Neilsen, cleared to-day for Bristol, Eng., with 3,800 barrels rossn, valued at $6,200, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. , To-day is the anniversary of the birth of Gen. Robert E. Lee,; who was born on the lOih'-Uay'of January, 1807. If he had lived he would have been 77 years old to-day. - - The old saying has it that "Friday i always the best or tho worst day of the week" iu point of weather, but this Friday has preserved a strict, although a.very uncomfortable' mediami There was a heavy rain this morning but there has been but little since with nary a glimpse of the sun to jcheer us. Col. H. B. Short, of Qolnmbus, was in the eity to-day. . Ite reports the American man-of-war as having retired from under -the guns of Fort Wacca maw and as having 'steamed! down the river again on a scientific expedition in archof bull-fogs, alligators and log ger-head terrapius. J Wake forest Anniversary, The forty-eighth anniversary of the PJiilomaihesian and Euzellan Societies of Wake Forest College will be cele brated February 16, by a public debate, on tho query, "Ought foreign immigra tion to be prohibited?" C. C. Briggs is president, H. P. Markham secretary! The speakers are: L. h. Jenkins, D. M. Austin, W. F. Marshall, H. B. Folk. Orators : Ed. !S. Alderman, Thomas Dixon. MarshalsY Chp. L. Smith, N. S Jones, W. E. Wootcn, A. M. Redfearn, L. G. Broughton, A. J . Garriss. . To Buildors and othersGo to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass Sec. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. 1 : f The Vice-Resral Party. The Princess Louise pasiod through hero this morning, accompanied by the Marquis of Lome and suite. There were not many persons at the depot and no one was gratified by a sigh tj of tho royal lady. In response to a card sent in by a gentleman j who felt it his duty to . be there, the response was made that they were not traveling offi cially, and could not, therefore, be seen. The Princess and suite occupied palace cars of tho Atlantic Coast Line, their own having been left in Richmond for some necessary repairs, and they were riot compelled, therefore, to change cars at this point. I j r The! celebrated Twine is sold only ware Depot. 'Fish Brand' at Jacobi's dills Hard- t WILMINGTONl N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY Harper's Bazar anfl Weekly. ' We receive regularly, from the pub lishers. Harper sBazar and Jlarpers Weekly, There can be no more wel come visitants to the family fireside from among the numerous excellent publications now issued in this country. The Bazar is unequaled as a faysirite with the ladies fo whom it brings the rery latest news and the very latest de signs from the founts of fashion and the Weekly is known of all men for its ex cellence.) . -'- vi " :"' ! Legislative Locals. " In the Senate, yesterday, Mr. Payne presented a petition irom citizens of Anson county, asking the repeal of the purchase tax imposed by the laws of 1881. i Mr. Lyon, petition from citizens of Brunswick county, asking a repeal of certain laws respecting fishing on the seacoast. .... . ' ? r .: ( Mr. Boy kin presented a petition irom certain citizens of Sampson county, concerning a change in the dividing line between Johnston i and Sampson counties. j . Mr. Scott, of New Hanover, present ed a petition from citizens of Wilming ton, in regard to the market regulations of the city. (This is - the first we have heard ot such a petition) r - - r Mr. Lyon presented a bill in regard to fishing on the coast ' of Brunswick county, which was committed.. , 4 Mr. Scott, a bill in regard to the plan of the city of Wilmington, which was committed. , i , Mr. lyon introduced a bill to reduce the amount of the bond required of regf isters of deeds. - - Mr. Scott introduced a bill relative, to removing the Capitol of the State from Raleigh to Wilmington, which is a very humorous thing and makes good read ing. It will be found in full in our leg islative reports on the fourth page of this Issue. ' p v ('; I - Bill to authorize the county of Pen der to issue bonds, by Mr. Boy kin, ai taken up and advocated by that gentle man and opposed by Mr. Scott. It was postponed and madd the special order for Thursday next. . Bills to incorporate the Southern Ore Company and to amend the charterof the town of CI i a ton were . passed and ordered engrossed, j 'i jThe bill to' ineoroorate theBank of Goldsboro was passed. This bank has been the Goldsboro Braneh of tho Bank of New Hanover bnt is to have here after a separate existence. : In the House Mr. Williamson intro duced a bill to incorporate the town of Pireway, in Columbus county, which was committed. - . Mr. Grissett, a bill ia regard to the corporate limits of Beulah Church in Brunswick county. j The bill for the relief of the adminis trators of the lata Sheriff McCallun, ot Columbus county! passed its third read ing..'. . ; A Miehkan boy ate a bar of: isoap, drank a lot of soda water and went, to bed to cure his cold. The doctor had a hard time to pull hint through but the boy says the next time he catches a 'rt u ni tv d f c. UP- ! Far tke Xerlrw. A Sice Time. 1 ; Dear Retiew: This beautiful little Tillage, around which cling so many pleasant reminiscences of by-gone days, and whose history is filled with the most brilliant scenes of gayety and good times, has lost none of the hilarity and merriment of the happy past. Old time, original enjoyment is yet a part of the nature of the people of this nis torie little place, and you may rely upon it for at the entertainment given here last evening, a more enjoyabie time cannot be im imagined. Beautiful ladies and gallant, manly gentlemen, and splendor in everything and enjoyment, original, pure ana genuine, were, among the pleasing characteristics of the occasion. Many were the representatives from. Pender that formed the bevies of the young and gay, and New Hanover add ed three handsome j flowers to the al ready beautiful bouquet, and who graced the occasion and , whose genial presence produced this most agreeable past-timo. And Just here lot uie say. that ere an other holiday season rolls around and ere long before even the festivities of the Fourth of July reaches us, a certain rule of a certain Court, tor a long time defied and lonsr disregarded, will be complied with, and "don't you forget it." Thus it will be seen that the charms, beauty and accomplishment of youth, hare effected that ..which the law has failed in. However tnis may be though, certain it is. that the occa sion was one that will long be remem bered for the enjoyment it afforded and its many pleasin incidents throughout. I - - v ' w. i. is. Xong Creek, K. C, Jan. 16, 1SS3. Farmers and others L desiring a gen eral, lucrative agency business, by whicn So to 20 a day can be earned send address at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson g Co., 133 ana iu7 ni ton Street, New Toik. , dec lS-6-m Last Night's Entertainment. There was quite a good audience at the Opera House last night to witness the farce of "Around The World," by the Comedian John Thompson and his troupe. , Ie had promised the visitors lots of fun and he kept his promise by keeping his audience in a roar of laugh ter, nearly all the time. He is an ac complished niusican and played finely upon 'several instruments. His im personations of virions characters and nationalities were perfect. The only merit of the performace was in its power to makd people laugh and in iliat it was a success. There were but three persons composing the troupe, and these wcie himself, his wife and daugh ter. , .. j' :.;.', .U'." Mrs. C. G Kennedy, President of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 'has re ceived $25 for the benefit of the poor of this city. The name of the generous donor is unknown, as the amount was sent anonymously, and Mrs. Kennedy desires him to know his gift is a timely one and has been I thankfully received by the 'ladies of the Society . i Great Closing Out 8a!c. Having on hand a j large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room for coming Spring Stock, we will sell the remainder of our Winter goods re gardless of cost. A. & I. Sjikier. Re liable Clothiers, No. 34 Market street j ian6 i j Quarterly Meetings ' 'For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South: y , ' (first bound, in pakt.) ' Wilmimcton. at Fifth Street, Jan 13-14 Topsail, at Rocky Point. . . . .Jan 20-21 Brunswickj at Zion ... . . .Jan 28-29 ":.. R. O. Burton, P. K. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes, rpRT CARBONATE OF Llks. ULXEO WITH KAIK1T, BJ5SULTS ASTONISHING. Addreea . FRENCH BEOS,,. Jan l!Mf- Rocky Point. C. ESPECIALLY FOR THE SOUTH! rvrtA COTTON, VEeKTASLES. the I n r ir- eat farmers, seed growers and wed Me&Iers any ere, nencs ilitiefl for BEST SEEDS. in and farm Manual : descriD- t"bestGrmin,Gra8S r 1 1 1 r. est .Potatoes. lOrlK. alomm of Flmrennir Bnlfae and Plants for house or garden, FREE. tyring OUaloyue ot Field, Garden. Flower and Tree SMOinrue HIRAR JKoeaeatcr, N. T. and CUeaa, IU. jn 19 GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cab bage and TnrpJp Seed, early and late rurie tlea ; Collard, Ueet and Tomato Seeds, a large stock and an endlets rarlety of Peas aod Beans, retailed at wholesale prices by j ujunds B Maniifaetariar Fnannacistfl, 1.401 BROADWAY; NKW TORK, AND WILMINGTON, X. C. iealt Portia, KBW JiOVEL BT THE SUCH ESS. Jos t recerred y Bxprees and j - Fersaleat . HETNSBESOES'S. Roller Gkateo, i A ITBW LOT JUST IK. ALL SIZES. "jUU and see thtas and snpply joorselres froai that let at HEINSBERGER'S, Jaa IS' Lire Book and llnslo Stere . CCEEP WARfJ I JgEERYEODT KNOWS TIIATGOOD Foed and aplenty of It, isjnit as essential U the eexaftrt ef the bedy aa are weed and coal and blankets. Therefore.bay the best and always buy ef ns. We hare made eme nanarual pre paratlona for- I This Week's Uarket . x. and will present to-aBorrew and Saturday aj splendid aseertmest of Meats of Every Description ! . Freeh Heats, Salt Meate, Saaaa&TS, - Pudding, Sic. S3 See that TOUKO BEEP m displayed cm rmr stalls. " " . - i , J. R. MELTON, N. W. Corner Uarket and Second Streets, Proprietor of the enlr Steam Saoaaso ' irbteara aausago -factory in tie :Ute. V"iri JfZt. 6KAIN fir xwag SS ?L . essas on Southern Gardening', lO cents - 1 SIBLEY & CO.. Seedsmen. a. mr v na m jan II 19. 1883. JfO. 1 17 : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . m Steamer Bladen. rpHE 8TEAMER BLADEN WILL LEAVE her wharf , feot of Docki Street, eTery Tues day and Friday. Returning leare Willi' Creek Monday and Thursday. Freight and rassftngers BellciU'd for all war landings. janls-lw C. 8. IX1VK ACQ., agent A New Stock OF 8ADDLES, BEIDLES, TRUSKS, &e., Jfcc., just received from the Manufacturers. Fartles in need of any article In my line would do well to give me a call, as I am now In recelt;ot new stock, and selling at low prices for Cafh. MantiXactnrlng and Repairing done at Short notice- call at the old SsdJkj and Harness Store of I II. MALLARD, l jan 1- i No. 8 Front St , FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., No. 2 Granite Row, Wilmington, W. C. ' i " i ri ;.: J 4 - . " j ,! '. -yyOULD REarKCTFITLLY ANSOUNXt to the public .that they nave lately Imported . from first hands In Europe, and which! la now i ' ., r . j . , . - r w r : In botxl at Cnatom Ilwtfiv, NOTED VINTAGES .VLSO A IAROE QUA XTITV OF Delicious Sherries, Ports of the Finest Bouauet, And most celebrated branda. i They have furthermore! &dded to their full aud well selected stock a complete line of FRENCH CORDIALS AND LIQUERS suitable to the palate of the most fastidious. , The Rochester Brewing Company, through Messrs. Ileory L. Becker '& Co., have given them the agency for. their "Export Beer" and which does not want for praiao from nil quar ters. They solicit patronage. j octl9 i .. -.. . , aft Moore" Candv. QU1 8TOCK THOL'GH I3KPLKTKD dur ing Xjuoa wwk l &t.a!n ieplcclhed wi5o a compete agsottment made thui week. We. b also added several tievr T.irlet'ei, ln'lul ng chrjr&talize'l Fijfs. Date, Friinea ainl i;rem Almonds, Cuba Honey Comb. Wc are also preparod to uralih dcAlcrs with ireh male tlck Candy eVery day, of the bCiit qoilHy. Alo, a full assortment of FANCY CANDIES, which Rflord large prollt and insure quick salos. . ; APPLE8, ORANGES, COCOANUT BAJi V- AN 49, UTS, F1QS, RAISINS, and other fruit oti 1 arid at Wholesale and Retaill With many thanks for tho rery flattering patronage we hare received from tho opening until Sdot, wa wish all a Happy New Tear 1 E. J. MOORE & CO. doc 29 lOO Sets QF HARNESS JCBT RECEIVED, and wll hare another large lot of Boggles In days. Grre as aca i -;'! deeS GERHARDT A CO. TJo Liquors. JJUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. 1 ORO CERIES will be kept at our store, No. 45, Market Street, ATI goods sold by us wffl be as represented. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR 'MOTTO. G1tc us a trial and be conYlaced- oe3-tf C. J. ftCARBOROUGH CO. To-Morrow's Market. J WILL HAVE MT USUAL EXCELLENT noppWof BEEF, irUTTOX, LAMB, VEAL, POttK. SAUSAGES, Jtc, tor ealeto-raorrowJ Call and ce some of the prettloK stall Fed BeeXla thecf:y. i I JNO. C. BOBNEMANN'K Market Streetjbetweeu fcecond aad Ttdrd. declS ; New Eiver Oysters, npUE FIRST OF THE SEASON. Front: the celebrated Wlabvrr jr armon ew wnr. Also, Wines, Alee, Ltuor 'and Cigar aaJ JOHN CACHOLL, Itrcpclitm &aloos. ecptts I PLEASE KOTICS. i Wo will be glad to receive 'ooounssleatleas from our friends on any and all rat ads cf fwrllteretbt V: ' 5 ;": The name of the writer most always be fr atehed to the Editor, j ft'-: i . CoounnnlcatSons must be wrltWm ca ealj one side of the paper. , Personalities must bo avoided. - , . ikI tt Is eeclAly raX parttcvlaxr ode tood that the Editor does not lwr. i the Tlcw ot correepondenU miloae m stale t in thft ftrtftrvHnl mlnnM i' . I NEW ADVERTISMEN& Holiflay Gifts. gPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR TUS Cea-' aonu Celmlold Seta. In Trash. Barra aaff' rV' !,5wel Odor Cae, Colore Bottles, ToiW-t SeU and Vaju TUifCr Cases, Combs, Br.he, Mlrrwaac Latert St?lea and Lowest Prices. rT WILLIAM H. GREEN, rtee lS-nae-tf i l MarketStreeC CAN'T KEEP THEtl ! pEopuc wnx iiave those wrbrts. 1 , i .-. ' ' v- . ' ' "' ' j - Another lot expected., Sendlycmr order. . Jan ' PARKER A TATLOS. ' .'ANOTHER LOT, QF THOSE HANDSOME TV 'TOtLer SETS dally oxpeeted. t " ' "1 ' ' ' -" f " ' !!- j . - : 'i .:.'" i!. - For sale low by I . ' " GILES a MVKCIHSON, Mand 0-Murthlon B3oe ian 15 FOR SALE. A TiiKEESToirr " nous frmlthvIlJe, on TrMit Btixt near T C Hole! Branewick A rery floe hou.i'i 1 '. i -Apply W - , " . jan 13-lw tjmithtiiu v ti Breech-Loaders, piNE BUEECft LOADING irOT GCN8. Shells Wad1, Cartridge BaU. ?fi!ra Vetoes TooL,, Game liaTi toldll Linda, Ifjouwauta flret-claee axtt. cleof tho above gwd , and 1 w price, th aamecfinbe fonnd at . V? tT W. K. STRINGER Jk.OO.-. : ucccor to Dawsoq Jt Ca.' I I !an 15 le 21 nd tS Matketetreet1 WitAPPING PAPER j AND UAGS! jyjAKlLl A PAPSR AXD BAU4 AT LOW "1 ' '---.v if.-;-:j- ' ':: .-.i-: eat market prlcea. I A L1 stock of Blank Book, Draft, Note, Receipt and Letter Books, Juat.receiTed'at YATES' BOOK STORE! Gloves & Collars JID GLOVED. BLACK, CO.LOItlSD AXD OPKUA, French Linen Gloves, .-. .i- FuaUirr Edge, EmbToklcrM J j and Lace Collarr. , ! Nind3'heap. dec a JNO J. HEDUXCK. New Jewelry Store. rjlIIE UNDERSIGNED BESPECTFCIXT announces to the citizens of Wilmington, that ho has leased the premise No. 13, Market St., and i now la receipt of a ' ' Handsome Stock of Goods which will be displayed In a few daym. y Watch and Clock repelling a specialty. doc 19 0 JNO. H. ALLEX. Peruvian 42uanoJ "V:V' ;v-.:v:Vli-W-- - I 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guano I DIRECT IMPORTATION, 1 I EXPECTEDfOAILl , and Jfor aalcfhy , Chas. E. Smith & Co. For Gale. HAT VALUABLE PLANTATION AT bcotfsHlU, New Hanorer coanry, enemMe from the water, with landing; prrrHeges, eo talnJng 113 acres, 60 acre of which are under high cultivation. Good dwelling house, three tenant hot eee, bars, crib. Ac. Excelfen water. Only 11 miles from WUmlogWtu ' ' W1U be sold cheap as I desire to not e In fa. theSUte. ' B FUTCn. Jan lllwd-Imw Commercial Hotol Wilmington, N. C. IS. SCnLOSS, Prop. pIEST-CLASS IN ITVEirr INSPECT. T f" f- Kr and BJTJJATTT X LOON ATTACHKD. M Jnorj. ling, TTPnOMTERKU AND If irrrrr U : : T the old NaUonal CanV, Ccra?r Front and Prln feaa ttrecta. IienovatlogoM Ma treees. Clesa nz and Repairing old Furniture, CutCr? ari Laylnc Carpet?. Give ta call. v ra O..W. CCTC. 1 t if

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