THIS PAPER published every erening, ' Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T.JAMES, B DI f OB XSD PBOP&IETOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POST AG tS PAID: oaa jur $L00. Six "months, r2.00. Three, months, 1 1-00; Oae month, S3 cents. TLe paper will be delivered by carriers tree of cUiiiTce, la any part of the city, at the abors rauv. or 10 cent per week. r;?u!cribers will report any and all fall-1 area to receive their paper regularly, ! -" - f2r" TJic Daily Review has the largest h bona fid-c circulation of any newspaper published, in Ike city of Wilmington. TEN CENT COLUMN, . i . I Advertisements inserted in this col umn flMO cents per line each insertion, tut no cliarqc of less than 30 ccnU will be. made on any advertisement. lT The Liverpool & London & Glo8E is the strongest Fir Insurance Y.. in thft World Jno W. Gordon vt hro. Agents. jan 23-It - j London has a tailor, Alfred Monarch Kino, who has failed for Xfit.OOO. There was a big cold wave, a bliz zard of 300 diamalers in progress oat in the Northwest on Saturday last. Emperor William has made a dona tion worthy of his rank, $l2o,000, for the benefit of his inundated people. m Mi. Kennaiof West Virginia, recent ly elected to succeed Senator Camden, will bo the youngest man ir the Sen-.iU: next March. According to Gov. Cameron, of Vir ginia, Beast Butler sent a check of $ I, -000 to help out the canvass of the Ke adjnster Ilpudiators in Virginia. New England has a Stonewall Jack son Association, and they will send delegates to tho unveiling ot tho statue of Gen. Lee, at Lynchburg, in Juno. At tho instanco of tho Berlin Anti Cruelty Society, all public performances of tamers of lions and other dangerous animals will be henceforth prohibited. - Inventors of patent medicines like Ayer, Ilelmbold and. others show tendencies to crazine33 ; after a while, though Lydia Pinkham is said -to-be still on deck. One Dr. Wild, of Toronto. Canada makes the discovery that Adam was seven teet high. This mild assertion ii based npon the proposition that seven la a perlect number. An old bachelor by the name of Ar thur Schonfield, said, to be "worth a million or so, was found dend in bed at the. Hotel St. Stephen, in West Kleventh street, last Friday, night. Some idea of the character ,of tho Schuylkill water may be inferred from the recommendation made by the Phila delphia Press that it should be carefully washed and bleached beforo being used. It is asserted that Harvard College . . . r-. e jf.r r n C ls about to receive a gut oi ior the erection of a new dormitory, tho roms in.which may be rented at an ex pense of not more than $50 a year. The seat in the House which, for nearly two years past, has been occu pied by Hon. John W. Shackelford, was on Friday last draped in mourning and a basket of beautiful, pure white flowers adorned the desk. The New York Herald claims that "repudiation is hafafnl to men of all parties in kthe North" and" yet the repudiators, vide Mahone and Ri.ddic berger, are very dear in the siht of the Radical saints every where. A bride of a day was arrested at Bowling Green, Carolina county, Va., on Thursday last, charged with steal ing $1,000 from her uncle. A search revealed $1S0 in greenbacks hid in her hack hair. The monev was all recov- cred eventually. ' . Thcro is another faint murmur of a third-term boom heard in and around Washington. It will become a roar when Joyce and McDonald, and Bess. Shepherd and Babcock, ct id omne' ffcnus, are gathered once, more around tho public swill-tub in the capital. There is evidently something bad in the air in Australia. It is said that wo-j men childless in Europe, after years of marriage often have families in Australia This reminds ns that we onoo heard aa eminent North Carolinian "damn" the waters at Catawba Springs as pro j during results which they were not railed upon or expected to produce. Prince Napoleon, "Plon-plon." is CO years old. Ho is the son of Louis Bona parte and his second wife, the daughter of the King of Wurtemburg. He re sembles his great uncle in features" as wbll as in characteristics of mind. During the second Empire he married Clothildc. daughter of tho King of Daly. His son Victor is nephew of n king, grandson of a king, great-grandson of a king, and a great nephew of tho first Napoleon. N - To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &o. You can get all sizes .and at the lowest price. -' I x i i - i - . ' OIj. V"TT JLOCXL news. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTTEHBOL-2G Ig Bursting j j Mckis Bno-Gardeu Seell ' Giles A McRcmsoxi-aiasiware Taxes Wrapping Paper and Bags HKrySHEROEH' Pianos and Organ Jxo'w Gokdok & Bro Insurance T Ti BHiPGETts & Co Fresh Caught w & SrwxGER & Co Breech-loaderi , Ofira HocsrRoe Eytinge Fellci F retlerick.Wsroe plays Virginius this evening in Charlotte This weather has busted every weath er prophet in the conntry. . j 'For Fockot Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f 1 Talking about difficult teats did yoa ever attempt to select a name for a ba by? ;! Indian meal and lemon juice or rine gar used on the hands will heal or soft en them. Silver Plated Spoons and prices, at Jacobls. Forks, low t It is said that Dr. Bliss attended Hon John W. Shackelford during his illness at Washington City. . i I, . i It is said that when so-called silk! burns well' there's cotton in it. Real silk smoulders into an ashj Bad company is like tobacco smoke you cannot be long in its. presence. with out carrying away, the taint of it. ! . -:- j Mr. H. E. Scott, Senator for the dis trict composed of "New Hanover and Pender counties, is in the city to day. Gentlemen who have been in Raluigh during this wet weathe have some ier rible tales of shipwreck to tell ou -tlu-ir return homo. Alcohol was first indented and used Jo stain tho checks of the ladies of Arabia 969 years ago. noses and characters. It nowi stains Wo aro sorry to hear that oar good friend. Col. E. R. Liies, jf Anon ooitn- tv. . rrmtlfmah known tn manv in thia city, is very ill at his residence at LUes- vilie. i The price .of silver has fallen to the lowest point reached since! the eaiy part of 1819, and the bullion Value of the "standard? dollar is but little over 82 cents. - i 1 Yesterday was no exception to its predecessors; so far as thej disagreeable weather is concerned,! but this morning we had some sunshine and !the atmos phere was much cooler. There will be a meeting of the Literr ary Club, to-morrow evening at (8 o'clock. Oration, Reading and De clamation. .The public are invited. Members are earnestly requested to ot- . I ', i - - ' tend. i I Mr. L. E. Wood. Advance Agent Messrs. Baker '& Farron, ,is in. the for city making arrangements for the appcar- f 4- 1, .,,-ivf Vfrtnov . . . , ..r-Li- Tena" and "Max Muller.I and tbey arc to play the former. We are glad to learn frdm Mr. Frank H. Darby, who returned to the city from Florida last night, that his broth er, Mr. Thos. A. Darby, has been suc cessful in several important lawsuits he has on hand in , that State, in which he has had his brother Frank to . advise and assist him Rose Eytiiiffc. " There have already , been many in quiries at the box-sheet office, as to when tho sale of seats will beginjfornext Saturday afternoon and night; we learn that the sheet will be opened on Wednesday morning. Miss Eytinge will doubtless have large houses: At tho matinee, she presents the Princess p . adoDted b7 Cyril Searu T.,,ai i., i.n ir ladies and children; at:nighti, "Felicia," Miss Eytinge's latest success; Will be presented. Seats at Dyer's. , 1 Cold Feet ' Don't go to bed with cold feet; better still, don't go about .your daily work with cold feet, if you can help it1. Jt is tho cause of many of the fills that flesh is heir to." If sitting quikly in the house and your feet are cold,, take off the shoes and give the feet j a good warming. by the firt. On no account never retire to the bed with eoldj feet. If you do. you will be apt to j epeperi ence the cramp or the nightmare. Warm feet prevents 'cold and head aches, and promotes sound and refresh ing sleep-r-look to the children's feet. Many a croup and cough is due to wet and cold feet in winter. Frequently foot baths in warm water are a-necesi-ty in winter. -Remove the cause of cold feet and you prevent the troubles. . . - I v - WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1883. ; ' 1?iio Vice-real Parly, i On Friday morning last,! when the car containing the Vicc-regal party ! passed throught this i city, Mr. Alex, i Sprunt, British Vice: Consul, who is ; also Presidemt of the SL George and ! St. Andrew Society, had conveyed to 'the Marquis of Lorne, who' had not I then arisen, an address which had been tendered him by the Society. In re sponse to this Mr. Sprunt received' to- j day a communication from Col.DeWin ! ton Aide-de-Camp to the Marquiscon jveyiug bis chiefs ackn6wledgments - and his regrets that he did not know before his arrival here of the intention to welcome himself and party as ho would in that case have j responded in person. The letter was very handsome ly worded and was written on parch ment paper stamped with the royal seal. Lippincott's Magazine. LippiticoWs for February opens with a desciptive paper on "Saragossa," by S. P. cott, which is jwell written and attractively illustrated. "HQine-Lifein Bombay" is graphic! and lively. Dr. ? Wister's. account of A Cruise Anions tho Windward Islands," is concluded in this number, Edward C. Bruce writes or " Liur isativo Jfauna n aj verj' pleasant semi-scientific strain. "This Onr Brother," by Ixmise Sey mour Hoghfon, depicts the condition and character of the freedman in Flori da. The anonymous author oi jvReau ty Varsus Bric-a-Brao" denouECes the prevailing rage for rarities. In the sec ond installment of "The Jewel in the. Ijtos" the seperate threads .developed in the first are gathered up andr woyeri together, giving promise of u strong and well-sustained interest as the story proed9. "A Wayside JEpisode." by Rebecea' Harding Davis.- is written with characteristic rigor and many fine touches of humor and path os. "The Queer Service" and "A Work of Imagination" are clever and amusing short stories and the editorial departments are, as usual, well filled. Byron never tattered truer words than When he said, 'Physicians mend or end us." But while doctors disgaree, all the world has agreed that there is no remedy equal to Dr. Bull's Cough Syr-op- . . Death on a Train. Mr. John B. Fuller, Secretary of the Tolland County (Conn.) Mutual Fire Insurance Company, died on the train of the Wilmington, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad at about 8 jo'ciock yes terday morning, while near the T Dee bridge. The deceased had been in Florida about three weeks, where he had gone in the rain hope that his shat tered health might be improved. He was, however, disappointed, as he con tinued to grow worse, until seeing the rapid approach of death, he started up, on his return home, hoping that he possibly might survive until he reached thore. But his strength was not equal to the task, and he died as we bave re- lv luw ri!iIatcJ - He was about 32 years of age. and his disease was consumption! His wife and child accompanied him and were with him in his last moments. Upon the arrival of the train ia this city yesterday raornint:, the afeping car in which tho dead and his'sordw stricken widow and child were passen gers was switched off on a side traek to enable her to secure a casket in which to plaeo his remains for conveyance the rest of tho sad journey. This wis ac com plished during tho day and they jeft last evening for Tolland , Conn,, where he formerly resided. Mrs. Fuller maintained a wonderful fortitude under her sad bereavement and the peculiarly trying circumstances in whieh she was placed- A stranger In a strange land, with the lored and dead demanding service she could not render unaided, her situation was in deed such as to call far assistance and sympathy, all of which she receiredi In speaking of the matter Mrs. Fuller spoke with earnest gratitude of tho kindness and consideration with which she had been treated by every one. Of the conductors and employes of the rail roads and especially of the railroad au thorities hero, who kindly, switched off the car for her accommodation, she spoke with deep feeling and with earn est thankfulness. She had received the most delicate attention; sympathy, and kindness from every one, and he stricken heart overflowed with a grati tude she could find no language j to cx- The celebrated Tish Brand' GUIs Twine jis sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t , I The country folks say that this has been the worst spell of rainy weather they hare known In eighteen ytaraT Exports Foreign. barque Esra, Capt- Albrethsun, 2 or, cleared to-day for Antwerp with 3,540 barrels rosin, valued at $5,853, ship ped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison, & Co, Nor. barque Christine, Capt! Jensen, eleared to-day for Liverpool with 1.228 bales cotton, rained at$56.011, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. Brig. C. S. Packard, Capt. Harkness, eleared to-day for Cape Vincent, Cape Verde, with 210,000 feet lumber, valued at $3,444.45, shipped by Messrs J. n. Chad bourn & Co. . Five men leaned up against the bar I for a nightcap. One drank whiskey be cause the doctor rdered it; two others drank a hot-scotch because he couldn't sleep a, wink without it; a fonrth drank brandjr for his chof era morbus and the fifth man drank ' whiskey because he liked It. And there were only I four li ars in the crowd. A fashion paper says; "Crinoline is comingito the front again." Ho, that shows how little we -know about these things, j .We thought it went all around. However, the fact that is "coming to the front again" shows that it was "not left "but gone behind." I Our country friends are still com plaining of the difficulty ol getting about becanse of the water, which has over flowed the banks of all of the water courses and now threatens to inundate the fields. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 260 bales. Great Closing Out Sale. Having on I hand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to makfr room for coming Spring Stock, we will s;ll the remainder of our Winter goods re gardless ot cost. - A. & I., Re liable Clothiers. No. 34 Market street, -jane ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Glassware, F ASGY JJSD PJLADT, FOB SAJLE BT GILES & MUBCHJBON. 88 aad 40 Murtihlson Block. Jan t2 OPERA HOUSE. ! o SATUKDAY, JaiiuarY 27, TWO PERFORM ANCKii. Miss Rose Eytinge. - if ATIKEK : THEPRINCESSOF PARIS." For Ladles Wad! Children, Admlsslan 53c nd Me. AT NIGHT : , The lat grand Union Square .Theatre success, FE L I C I A ! Priee23c, 50c and 75o. ?vc extra for Ro served Seat;. jaa 2-4t Pianos and Organs, ( i ' ' 'riOK All THE . Best Manufacturers in the Country. SOLD FOR CASH OR OX THE 3tONTHLT I - INSTALLMENT PL A3?, AT HEINSBERGER'S, Jan 23 Lire Book and Mnsie Store Fresh Caught Mackerel in Desirable . Paokages ! J 10 Ik. Kits, 5 lb. Tins and In Barrel. t Fresh Codfish In TWO POUND CANS. I- AN ELEGANT BRHAKFAfiT DISH. . ' i THE 'BEST FLOUR Sold -la Wllimlngton aad are willing to brbaf 11 Into competition with any other bra&d. 1 Peach, Pear, Pine Apple, DAMSON and QUTXCE PRESERVES I - i- , I InbxUk. cts per lb. ' I ' " ' - " Mince Meat and Plum . Pudding, Left from tbc Christmas Holidays, Terr cheap. P. L. -BEIDGERS & COi jaa tt , NO. 19 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTTERBOURC BXJRSTIN O- 1 The Bottom Out of "High 1 Prices ! DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS. OVER. i COATS, " 'I AT COST ! AT! COST ! AT COST ! RED AND WHITE FLANNEL, UXDBfe WEAR ! AT COST ! AT CO:T ! AT COST ! TEUNX. UMBRELLAS AND RUBBER COATS, ' AT COST AT COST ! AT CO&T DON'T FORGKT, ve are compel!, to "movo" onr etwk un;ler the influence of our "RED FLAG SLAUGHTER SALIC".. fc"Op povtanlty good for Elght AVccks moi. Otterbou rg, 1UON FUOVT STORE, North Front t WRAPPING PAPER f AND BAGS ! IJANLLl A PAPER AND BAGi AT LOW. est niArkat price. Large stock, of Blank Books, Draft, Xoit, . i Keoeipt and Letter Booljs, jMt reclTed at YATES' BOOK STORE. Jan 22 Breeeli-Loaders, JjllNB BBEEOH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS, Shells, Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartridge- Bag, Gnn Cases, Reloading Tools, Game Bfts, HU tola all kinds. If you want a first-clatis arti tie of the above kuods, and lrw prioes, Ihs same aan be found at W. E. SPRINGER A GO'S. Sacccesors to Dawson C.. mn 22 18 a! and tS Market felrw 44 GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH i LOT OF ALL KINDh of Cab bage and Tnrnlp Seed, early and late Tarie tles; Collard, Beet and Tomato Seeda, a larg stock and an endless yariety iof Peas aJ Bonus, retailed at wholesale prices by PwTunds Bros.. . j MannTacinringr FharmaclslA, 1.401 BROADWAY, NEW YORX, AND WILMINGTON, N. C- . Jan It i Holiday Gifts. gPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR THE Sea son : Celluloid Sets, ln Pia&h, Satlti and Leatht r Cases, Jewel and Odor Cases, Colore Bottlea. Toilet Sets and Vases, Travelling Cases, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Ac. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. I WILLIAM H. GREEN, ! i Druifst. deel5-nac-tf I Market Street. Steamer Bladen. rjlHE STEAMER BLADEN WILL LEAVE her wharf , foot of Dock Street, CTory Tues day and Friday. Returning leare WllUs Creek Monday and Thursday. Freight and Passengers selici ted for all way landings, jan K-lw C. 8. LOVE & CO., Agents i 100 Sets QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and w 11 have another large; lot oC Buggies hi a ftw days. Gtre us aa dec S GERUARDT & CO. Holiday -Presents IN EVERY VARIETY. JEWEL AND Odoi Cases, Cologne Rotties. Toilet Sit. Vasoa, Mirrors, a large assortment of Toilet I Extract and Cologne ; also a full supply of pure Chem icals and Patent Medicines, can be found at ny stores. - r. u. mi LLT..B. Corner Fourth and Nun streets. Stores. dec 19 Corner Fourth and Hanover street If You Wish to See QAPT. IL J. JACOBS, of Senior Reserve notoriety, ibo oldest Saddie and llarees, Ac, maker In Wilmington. Just call at H. M. BO W DEN A C0's store ana buy a nice La? Kobe and all other article la a Saddlery eetablisls ment, for it Is the place to get them. Jan 1 - . New River Oysters. rjTHE FIRST OF THE SEASON. From the celebrated WInbar j Farm onN'ew EiTcr. i Also. Wines, A tea, LWbots an.1 Ogars and free rutcireTeTy day, sjt ft o'clock. I JOHN CACROIX, . setss - Jlctrcrpallrxa Saloon. z9 PLEASE KOTJCE. ; , ' We win bj glad, to receive eioryfinwtiWfi troia our frtends on as? and all sutjsets tt ceaerallatarcstbxt " ThenaaMof th wnter must always H fa idane4 totaeEd!X0. : ; - j Oomaunlcallona aiaat be wrtxtaa ca ealy one aide of the paper. PersonaHtie mnsvbe aT4del. - 1U: And It la especially rand particularly tadc- stood that the Editor doe not always esitvse the views of correspondent iiiiIimi a stated In the editorial columns. ' M NEW AJ VERTISMEJC 0. Happy FJe w Year. TO MY FMENDS AITD CUSTOMEES: Thanks for their liberal patnmage, a saitia . a i nance of which I shall always endeatar h d serre. WINTER COO DC SELLING OFF LOW TO MAKR ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 8HA SON ABLE Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods WKITEGOODS, ; . . AJ7D . ! embroideries; Corsets and Hosiery. ALWATB ON HAND. I . Mi R. KATZ, 36 Market Street. ian 1 - " I ' J. Peruvian Cuano.- " . . ' ' , ' ,. ' , 200 Tons I J Genuine Lobos Guano 1 DIRECT IMPORTATION, ' ' " ' EXPECTEPftOAILl and f r aakby Ohas. K Smith & Got Dissolution. 'A ' ''.' . " i- " ; " ' '" '' .: IJIHE FTRM Or CRAPOX A PICKETT 1 this day dissolved Mr. R. H. Plecett tetfr' log, and Mr. Geo. M. Crapon asenmlnf; ail KabiliUee. .1 ' GEO. M. CRAPOIf, 1 R. n. PICKETT. I Jannarj 13, 18S3. Jaa CAN'T KEEP THEU I J3EOPLE WILL. HAVE THOSE STOVES.! Another lot expected. Sendotur orders. . Jan IS I PARKER A TATLOE.' j New Jewelry Store, ' rjiHE UNDERSIGNED BESPECTrulXT announces to the cttlxona of Wilmington, tal be baa leaded, the pretBlaee No. 13, MariDoi 6t anJ ii now la receipt of a ,) ' ' ---v-.;.-; : ' ' -: ; Handsome Stock of Goods. - .; i which will be displayed In a few days. r Watch and Clock repalilofT spectalty. dec IS JNO. II. lAIXITf. Commercial Hotol Wilmington, N. C. M. 6CIILOSS, lrop. " , T?rnaT-ctAss in every respect LOON ATTACH KD. g Jno. VJm ing, -TJpnOLSTEREXI AND MATTUES313, fa the ok! National Bank, Corwr Front and Pra res sireeta. Reno&aUi;ol Ma trr Ccan- lng and Impairing nkl uruiture, Cutting gx3 hnytox Ceipcts. Give V.m a raiL w 6 ' JNO. W. KXTQ.

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