THIS PAPER jUibtobci TT vrvatog, Mondays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, kmtos-akd rKomirroK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: vne year $1.00. Six . months, t2.00. Throe montlLS, fl.OQi One month, 35 cents. TTe paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, la any part of the city, at the above ru, or 10 cent per week. Adreetlsinf; rate low and Weral. -aubscribers will report any and an fail ures U receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the larcest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in Vie city of Wilmington. J3 TEX CENT COLUMN. Advertisements inserted in this col umn at 10 cents per litie, each insertion, but no charqe of less than 30 cents will be made on any advertisement. Baltimore, city and 40.000 inhabitants. suburb?, claims Illinois has 3,000 insane persong and $3,000,000 surplus in her treasury. Even the chiccory wkh Tf hich coffee is adulterated is itself first adulterated, says fhe Herald. It is estimated that an many as three hundred lives were lost by tho sinking of the Cimbia, The 177th birthday of Benjamin Franklin was celebrated in many Penn sylvania public schools on the 17th of this month. . An attempt at resurrecting the not very virile Greenback pany will he made at a convention called for Febru ary 22nd, at Washington City. Prince Frederick Charles Alexander. brother of the Emperor William, of Germany, died at Berlin on Sunday last. He was S2 years of age. The Legislature of North 'Carolina hasn't got pluck enough to handle the Bheep question. One mangy dog in their eyes is evidently worth a dozen f hecp. A Texas paper said "thousands of good men are spoiled by marrying the wrong woman," whereupon a Utah paper says that isn't they have there. - the sort of men Mayor Edson has again outraged public pinion in New York by ap. pointing hia own nephew to an impor tant position under him, being,, the second appointment ot a relative al ready made. The number of conflagrations through out the country during the past month it estimated at 183, destroying property amounting to $10,500,000. The total for the j'car is set down at the enormous total of $90,250,000. In these returns Canada is included. . During 1831 no fewer than 18,070 hu man beings were killed by snakes, .Mid 3,759 by "wild animals," in India; : while 43,600 head of cattle were in like manner destroyed. As a set-off to this terrible loss we learn that 251.9f3 snakes and 15,274 "wild animals" were dcstro3cd, and upward of 10.000 paid by the Indian government for their des truction. Our clever neighbor, the Petersburg Index-Appeal, thinks that the North Carolina Legislature "will prove the xaost industrious, patriotic' and intelli ssmt body that has occupied the capitol for many years." If our friend afth I.-Ai could see the sakl members wiuirming over the sheep question, afraid to take a firm hold of it and equally afraid to let go, ho might be induced to modify his ' opinion some what., Atlanta Constitution: Georgia' in 141 owed $1,309,750; in 1852 she owed $2,801,973; this sum was reduced to $2,670,750 in 1860; in 1870. the debt tood at $6,544,500. but it was rapidly increased until it. stood on paper at $20,197,500. When the true amount of the debt was ascertained, and when the process of payment had, been begun, the debt was reduced to $10,335,000; and the bonds of the State are cow in demand at . premiums ranging from even to twenty per cent. The "Giant Powder Works" neal West Berkely, Cal., exploded on Sun day, morning last killing one white -,uian, the Assistant Superintendent, and- twenty two Chinamen. Beside these fatal results there are several Chinaamen severely wounded. At last reports the magazines, in which there were eight tons of powder, were uninjured, but as the place was in flames there was much fear that those also would be destroyed. The scene Ji described as one ot of desolation and death. Great. Closing Out Sale. Having on hand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room for coming Spring Stock, we will sell the remainder of our Winter goods re gardless of coat. A. & I. Shriek. Be . liable Clothiers. No. 31 Market street. , n 6 ;., .- . ; : ; The celebrated Flh Brand Gills Twine blpld only at Jacobi'b Hard ware Depot. - - - . t 1 1 n aa VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IRDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENT. R 31 MdJfTIBE Blanket i Mcxds Beos Garden Seed j j . Opbra HoUbE Chris and Lena Tates Wrapplo x Paper and Bag ' Uetssbebgek Pianos and Organs Barque Sirene, Callies. hence, arrived at Trieste Jan. 3d. jl The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 185 bales, . 1 f , ' i I Barque Leon, from Haniburgtor this port, sailed from Deal Jan. 4th Barque Svend Foyn, Berg, sailed f;om Liverponl Jan. 8th. for this portJ . - v , Sohr. Wave Crest, Hewtft, fromCw York for this port." sailed from Orient, L. L, Jan 19th. Barque St. Joseph, Christiansen, from Itotterdam, for this port, passed Dpu genness Jan. 4th. I ( A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobj's Hardware Depot. The tight style, of pantaloons i3 going ont of fashion, ahd the young men of the country can now draw a long breath of relief. II For frost bitten feet-r-keep away f rem the fire. Put your feet in cold water. Then bathe them in water with saltpetre and you will be. all right. Nor. barque J. II. Schae?isen, Capt. Clausen, cleared to-day for LiTerpool with 1,442 bales of cotton, valued I at $t5G.G30, shipped by Messis D. H Mur- chison & Co. This is the sort ef weather that ena bles a man to wcar"a paper collar on. a long journey, and allows him to tarn it and wear ic baek again, perspiriug, by-th way. Therq ia uo There .is scarcely a young man who has not tsomo article of clothing hanging Unused iahfs wardrobe, which, if mop perly bestowed, wouljil save riiany a bitter shiver to soma poor image f hu manity. Miss Rose Ey tinge has just closed a successful engagement at tiiCjBrooklyn Theatre and willeome South this week reaching here Saturday! when sho gives "Princess of Paris," jat Matinee, andhcr great play, "Felicia." at night. Seats on salo at Dyer's toj umrrow Some Pumpkin. Mr. Wm. II, Grotgcn has at his store, cone r Front and Castle streets, a pumpkin that is ureal curiosity It is only 11 inches in circumstance (about 4 inches hfdiametcr) ami is 44 inches in length. Is was raisod on the Sound; near the city. j j Very-Ill. 1 We are very sorry to hear of tho ex treme illness of Mr. Benj. Mock, at one time of this city, but now of Knox ville. Tenn. Mr. Mock is wfijl remem bered hero. He is a brother-jin-law to Coh Popo and was in tho railroad office here for a year or more where he made many warm lriends. He is a momber of tho Knights of IIonort having been initiated as a member of Carolina Lodge in this 'city. Wo hope to ilia vo better neves soon as to his condition. , Knights of Pythias. The Grand Lode of Knights of Pyth ias of North Carolina will hold . their 13th annual session in this city, com mencing on Tuesday, February 13th. and will probably continue four 'or five days, according to the amount of busi ness that will come before it forj consid eration. On Wednesday evening," Feb. 14th. Germ ania Lodge, No 4, K. of P., of this city, will give a banquet at the Purcell House to the members of the Grand Lodge and to other in vited guest?, and it is intended to be a granci -affair, as the committee of arrangements' are making every exertion for success. On Thursday evening, February 13tb, the Cast! a Had of Germania , Lodge will be dedicatedby the , officersof tho Grand Lodge, atter which cereruouy a ball complimentary to the GranclJodge will bo given by Germania Lodge, at Germania Hall. Atrip to the seashore is. also in contemplotion, to take place some time during the same week, but no definite, conclusion has yet been reached in regard to that part of the tun- The committee of arrangement meet to night, when it i is probable the programme will be completed The following comprise tho committee of arrangements: Messrs. John tlaar, Jr., W. H. Gcrken.l C. F. VonKam pen, F C. Miller, E. ) W. Doscher, J. It. L. Gieschen and Hi C. Prempert . Theso names convey the assurance that there i to be a.gcoo! time Iwlth tho Knights of Pythias. J ! T 1 " ; : WILMINGTON. Ni C.. TUESDAY. JANUARY I So Klectlon. . It is now positively decided that no election will bo ordered to fiUlbe va cancy made by the death of Hon. John W. Shackelford. - The legal require meats are such that, when they had all been fulfilled, Mr. Shack elford's successor would be unable to present his credentials until about the first day of March, three or four days before the final adjournment jof the Forty-serenth Congress If the. Goy ornorhad issued his proclamation to day, calling for an election -within thir ty days, that would have made the election fall on Thursday, February ?2d. The returns would then have to be received, two days being necessary for that purpose, and then the Board of Canvassers would have to meet and report, and all of this would take at least a week. j - ; This is in concession to an opinion. which seems to be general, that all that is necessary to provide for an election is the issuance of a "writ by tho Gov ernor. In this there is a'grave mistake. According, to the election lans (Sec. 9), tho judges and inspectors of an election must be appointed "on or before-ihe first Monday of the month next preceding the 'month in which each election is held," and, . according to this, for an election to be held ;ih February, tho -judges and inspectors must have been appointed not later than the first Monday in January, which, in this instance, was the first day of the month. -ri Section 50 of the Election Laws pro vides that if at any time after any election, there shall be-a, vacancy in the representation . in Congress, the Governor shall 'issue a writ ot elec tion, and by proclamation," &c. rBut as Sec. 43 provides that "every election hald in pursuance, of a writ from the Governor shall be conducted in like manner as tho regular bienniel elections, so far as the particular case can be governed by the general rules," it may be that authority la; thus vested in the liovernor to call the election ir respective oHho regulations prescribed as to appointment of registrars and poll-holders. If bo, we cannot see why it is necessary that thirty days should issue between the call and the election, i - - - other than the fact of giving the people the necessary notification of the fact I that they are to vote for some man who would have barely time to hang up his hat injthe capitol before he would have to take it down again. But the Legislature decided yesterday (and very wisely, too,) that there should be no election to fill this vacancy and consequently there will be no election. We have merely followed out this rimbling article to its e'ose because we have felt interested in the! subject and hope, too, to interest our readers. Tho election laws for this State are very! good reading matter for all who feef'nn interest in the subject (and: what man is there amongms who .does ".not P) and so far as our observation has .extended they soem to cover all requirements . j ,- - "Mrs Partington, what do you use for a very bad coldP" asked Mrs Dull "Handkerchiefs, ma'am," answered the aged dame, looking ewer her- spec tacles. Handkerchiefs are a desidera tum in the event of a cold, but a bottle of Dr.Bull's Cough Syrupis a necessity, because it not only receives, bnt cures the worst cold or cough. Baker and Farron, The celebrated Dutch .comedians, ap pear at the Opera House on next Mon day evening. The Cincinnati Enquirer says; - ." Yesterday afternoon and evening the receipts at, the' Grand Opera House went over the $9,500 j notch ; and the trio who share in tho same Messrs Miles, Baker fc Farron felt entirely satisfied with such a Christmas present from their Cincinnati friends. The oc casion Xor this vast assemblage was the first appearance this season of the favorite comedians, Baker & Farron, in their original drama of Chris qnd Lena, which has always been laforablv received whenever presented by them in our city. The play has been changid some lor tne oeucr. since xa&t pea son. and, while not alarmingly strong in plot or literary merit, mak;es a good frame-work for the introduction ol the specialties of the stars. As Chris Mr. Baker, aside from beingvery amusing, pleases all with his songs , and dances, and in the last act his likeness to Joe Eramett is very striking, tfe kept the -large audi ence in a continual smile whenever be occupied the stage. Mr. Farron V re ception was a most generous one, the boys bcinz determined to show him that they had not forgotten their old friend, 2Yi Flaherty He is as good as the jlly, fun-loving Irishman, and as the German girl. Lena. The change in make up and dialect is so great that many of the audience could not believe that the good-looking girl was the Tim of the preceding act. II is Irish song of Fitzpatriek was received with unbounded applause. The sup port is much - better than that of Iat season. Miss Crocker beinff very ac ceptable as Xvc7&nd Mrs. W. Q. Jones, as tho lawyer? wife wm rery good. KBW "AD VERTISEMENTS. BLANKETS I BLAnjKErrs! . 1 1 BLANKETS I 3- IF TOU TVOULD BE SUITED CJLLL AHD 8EE Ue MAITTIiE i : JUST Buttons! Buttons ! Buttons QUITE A TABIETY CAEPETS WERE 2JETER CUE A PEK .. i TTKTTlTm TaTTi A "D REDUCED IN . PRICE U J.1 Uil T JjUXb ; Black jaa SJ , 31Hitary Cou vention. The M ilitary Convention of the North Carolina t State f Guard assembled at Raleigh at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Wilmington-Light Infantry will be well and ably represented by the delegation which left here this morning consisting of Capt. J. S. Cantwell, Lieut. W. C Jones, Ensign F. M. Fremon, Capt! W, B. McKoy and privates Iredell Meares, W. L. DeRosset, Jfl; and O. P. Meares Jr. . : ' ' ' - - - . - i - Adjutant General Jones left here yesterday morning for Raleigh and will be m attendance at the Convention to day.' It was his onion k as well as the opinion of Inspector General Cameron t from the information they had received that the Convention would, prove a sue cess and that the -object for which it was called would, be attained. Repre sentativea from nearly every military organization in the State are expected to be present, and as the j object of the gatnenng is : luily understood a pro longed session is not anticipated. To-night there will be a Grand Mili tary: Ball which; will undoubtedly be attended by a largo portion of the mili tary visitors from' outside of Raleigh, and a good time may reasonably be ex pected. - There seem 8 to be an abundance of wood in the market, but the price don't tumble at all The reason of this we presume is that the cold weather makes the demand equal" to the supply. ... To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c ou can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. OPERA HOUSE. For, One Night Only! MONDAY, JANUARY , 29tb The creative ArtUts and celebrated Comedians - i Baker and Farron, Sapported by their own Comedy Company, WUi appear In their charming Comedy and original creation, CHRIS AND LENA. As played by them in erery city of the worid. Popular prices. Seats on sale at Dyers, jan 3i-3t-tnea-ih sat j Fresh Caught Mackerel in Desirable Packages ! . Id lb. Kits, S lb. Jlns and in Barrels. Fresh Codfish . i 3n TWO POUHD CASS. ' AN ELEGANT BSE ASF AST DISH. j THE BEST FLOUR Sjld In Wllndnffton and are wllUng to bring It Into competition with any other brand, y t ' . : - Peach, Pear, Pine Apple, DAHSON and QUINCE r RESERVES la balk. SO cU per lb. Mince Meat and Plum " Pudding, , : : Left from the Christmas IIoHUy, TSTTceap. P. L. . BRTDGEES & GO. NO. 20 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FEINi RECEIVED. OF STYLES JUST II. IK TUTS MARKET, I ' THE PRICES ARE MOVING THEM. aol Colored SIlis nade to enter on fchort notice. R. M. iV3c8i!TIRE. WltAPPING PAPER v . s ' " -...'- " . kn n AOS t , .' 7ANfLtA PAPER AND IiAt3 AT LOW- j ' est market prices. ' V " - .' A Largv slck of Blank Books, Draft, Jf ote, Eecelptaad Letter Books, Jast receiTC-d at YATES' BOOH STOKE. Breech-Loaders, pirXE BREJECII-LOADlKti SUOTGUNS, Shells. Wala, Powder, Shot. OftrtritUe Bajrs, (iun Cases. Reloading Tools, Gmuo Hags, i'U tola :i 11 Rinds. If you waul a! Uret-ebMS arti cleof .the above god;, and 1jW prices, the same can be found nt . W. t) P RINGED A. CV3, I Successors to Dawson A C.. fan 22 I 18 and 23 Market street "GARDEN SEEDS:" FREill LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cab- itage'and Tnmlp icd, early anil Ut varie ties; Collard. Btet and Tomato oeda;" a large stock and an endless variety of Peas ami lieans. j t-i!lod at w lioliftl '. prices by JV3unds Bros., t . Manufacturing Pharmacist?, I . 1.4l BIWrtUWAY, JiJSW TUBS. AND WILMLNGTON, N. C. Jan la Holiday Gifts. Sl XCIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR TUK Sea son : ociiulold 1 tem, M Plnsh, batla and leather C'aeo, Jewel and O'or Cae, Cologne Bottles, Toilet Sets r.nd Vases,- Travelltn Cases, Combe, Br-shca, Mirrors, Ac Latest Styles and Lowest Prios. WiLJ.LAM n. GUKEN, S i Drujfxiet'. lec 15-nnc-tf Market StTiL 100 Sets '!:'.. j. JF nAJISESS USTRECEIVED, and vrll have another large; lot oC Bougies fn a few days. Give us aea dec 3 GERHARDT & CO. Glassware, F AJEGT AXD PLAIX, FOR SALE BT ! ' i ' : i GILES A MTJRCHISON, i . Jan it 38 and j 40 Mnrehiaon Block. Pianos and Organs, - " ! FROM ALL THE - . i Best Manufacturers' in the , Country. SOLD FOR CASH OR OS THE MOKTHLT ; J INSTALLMENT TLaN, AT - j" HEINSBERGER'S Jan 22 Live Book and Music Store Holiday Presents IN EVERT VARIETY. JEWEL AND Odot Cases! Cologne Bottles. Toitet Sla. Vass. Mirrors, a larre assortment of Toilet Kxtracts and Cologne ; also a foil supply of pure Chem icals and Patent Medicines, can be found at both of ray stores. T. C M ! LLER. corner jroona ana Aon ssreeisj Stores. Corner Fourth and Hanover streets dec 19 If You Wish-to See QAPT. R. J. JACOBS, of Senior . Reserre notoriety, the oldest Saddle and Harness, Ac, tatrr in Wilmington, lust call at IT. M. BOW DEN & Ct'. stotv and bar a nice Lan Koic and all othr articles in a addter? esiablisb- raent. for It la the place to fet them. jaa l -. . , Now River Oysters; HUE FIRST OF THE SEASON. From tho celebrated Wliborr Xr Farm on New Klrer. Also. VTlnea. Ales. Liquors aM Crars and free tench erery day set 1 1 o'clock. 23. 1883. . . PLBA5S KOT1CS. We will be fla4 ia recto COS from ocr friends cm taj ca4 AH ssljssts tt seaezmltaterest but . -j -, j ; . j ; Tka maae of tk wztter mart alirar h CtJ nUhed to the Bdlter. I ' Coaaaaleaaoas taaat Vi vtSta ca tsij om aide of the paper. j PsvsosaBdea most b rcMLZ j And It Is evpedally Taad partJcalarr tadcjC stood that the Editor doe not ahrara odest the Tlews of correspondents - tmloaa m ttaU4 " in the editorial colasona. y ! .L NEW AI VERTI Happy Mew Year.1 TO MY FEIENDS ABD ; GUSTOMEBS f Thanks for tbeirSirberal patronac, a eott uance of whkh I ttall ajirays esdearer fta servci . . , WIRJTER COODG SELLING OFF LOW TO UAJUt ROOM FOR -' " SPRING STOCK! I 1 X FULL IASSOHTMKNT OF SEA SOXABLE . ' .' ;r Stapleand FancyDry Goods, WEaCTTE GrOOJDS, . .. AHD ,; ! . y EMBROIDERIESL Corsets and: Hosiery. ALWAf S ON HAND.' i" ..." - " '' . " i IU3. ai. KATZ, 36 IWarket Street, - iaiL l " , ,s. ; " I I vian Cuano. 200 Ton Gennino Lol)os Gnano ! DIRECT IMPORTATION, EIPECTEDJDAIL1 , and t or sakfby Ohas. E. Smitli' & Go. Dissolution. THE FIRM OF.CRAPON & FICCZTT 15 ' -I y . . y- this day dissorrod-Mr. R. IL Flokert rsO j."' ' , r H1 log, ami Mr. Goo, M. Craped asetunircj fttt KablllUee. ' 'v I S. ZL PICKBTT. January 19.1S33. - Jan SMf CAU'T KEEP T1IEII 1 PEOPLE WILL HAVE TTT05R 8TOVE3L Another lot expected. Sendfour ortSers. JanW PARKER A TATXOR. New Jewelry Store- rjtUE UNDERSIGNED BiaiCTITTIXT announces to the cUlzesa of Wilmington, that y i he has leased the premises No. 13, Marfcei 6& and Is now la receipt of a I j Handsome Stock of Goods. ' which will be displayed In a frw dorya. j , I - . ! - ' j $0" Watch and Clock repaliJnic a specialty. deol ' - JSO. II. ALLTN. A Commercial Motel Wilmington, N C. r M. SCTIlisS, Prop. ! JJOR3T3jA IN EVE3T RlPECT. F1rt-ebva Ear and BILLIARD PA LOON ATTACH KT 1 -rjPlIOLSTEBEi: AND MATTRC3SE3, fa the o'd Natianad Tank, Corner Front and Prta. ess urects. ncnoratjrffol fila trttwes Cteaa- Ids and lpalriag old g urnllure, Cuttlnz and! La; Ing Carpets, CHtq hia a call. - , jno. w. enrts.