1 X I 1 ! TJUS PAPER . i pbllbl every vcoW. Sunday oeptfrl by j JOSIIT.JAMKS, ex' I BDITOK kSEk MCOPSltTOK. j 3CESCRIPTIONd POSTAGE PAID: j Ooe jr sl months, $2.00. Three j months, 1. 00; One month, M cents, j The riper will be delivered by carriers free 1 of chaw. In any part at the city, at tne aoo.e rut-, t.r 11 wnti per -week. Advertising rates low and liberal. -auberibeni will report any and all fail nre to receive their paper rcipilajjyt1 The Daily Ilevicto has the largest btna fide circulation of any newspaper tmltlisUd, in the cuy QJ ummgum. TEX CENT COLUMN. Advertisements inserted in this col- umnai 10 cents per line, each insertion. ; but no charge oj less thin 30 cents vnh 6e made on any advertisement. i - j Bishop Karanauh ia wintcrm; in ! Florida, for the benefit of his health. The Princess Louise ha been styled the beauty of the British royal family. Excellent mutton from New. Zealand has been selling in the London market t a pound. The late Prince Charles of Prussia was an inveterate smoker having con sumed during the past sixty years from eighteen to twenty four strong cigars per day The pews in Dr Talmage's church will yield this year $l,2to and -the Doctor will i get his $12,000 salary. I he income of the church is $'25,000. estimated at ' Mrs. John T. Church, of Detroit, presented her husband last Saturday night with one boy and two girls at a ! birth. In all there are nineteen pound j of new baby. Happy man! Jan 4 being the flfiy-fourth . anniver j atj of the birthday of the Tichborne j claimant, hi3 two sons, uoger nun .James, were pcrm.ui.cu io visit uim m Portsea Prison, England. The convict looked remarkably well. We don't kntnv what cold weather h down here. Think of the thermometer being down to CO degrees below zero. a it was at Winnipeg, on Monday night. We call it cold here when the merenry 13 a hundred degrees higher than that. A nostrum largely peddled and war. ranted to cure acute rheumatism is made up chiefly of tho oil of winter green. Thoaubstaneo is really eCVe- tU- Unt U liotfpr taken in the form of -i .i :,a ,. r.-ini- salicylic acid, which its active .inci I pie. The Union Club, of New York, which is composed of roues, stack gamblers and wealthy nonentities, commend (Jebhartl, who is a member, lor" his re fusal to tight with Cunningham. t S; I,oui. Thi-i is not singular as we j doubt ir there w ft man in w plucky enough to have aweptcd tlu' j challengn. . . . 1 . m' m t Tim ruiirrinti cliftraeter of ft city is vX i A always to oe wiemaiuu uj u 1 1. . . ti .r iiif ntluir of its churc fourth in this its churches open public Um ninni .itv nml nl.ices much worse hold forth their allurements under the very shade of tho church spire. Chi cago has a great niauy ch arched, it i cago nas a h ,n bv true, but yet m the sweet bj-.mU-b. it may be found in the same tan-lei with Sodom and Gomorrah. A new invention for building scs is called, "terra cotta lumber." lis a kind of brick so soil that it can poses Itl: be sawetl and worked with edged tools, i a readilv as wood, and nails can be driven iuto it and ill hold as wed as in wood. IU makers claim that it nas ....... i tenacity and resistance to strains great .i l L.KM Tf'ii n niln fnmi I CT U1HU UHJk. lumutio. a akindof'clay found in abundance in New Jersey and elsewhere, is as cheap as brick, and has mauy other advant ages as a fire-proof building material. Thc Western Union Telegraph Com - nay has i-cdueed its rates to. twpnty five cents throughout New l.nglanu, where its competitors have been devel opin- lor some tiipc past. Failing to .1., ntrol of them. Mr. Gould is evidcnUy of opinion that the next bc-t plan is to compel them to work at the t-f r-hl rlnre- 1 . -S Xorfblk Virginian: "A writer of reminiscences of the war, in a Ports- mouth paper, relates that General Ma- hone once, when the Yankee cavalry came upon him suddenly iu a private house somewhere in Southampton, es . . .1 3 1. 1 C.1 pne C Ai orfl , capea into mo gurucu uw, - - there nnisneu nis touei uuuui awuuu 10 f" Isn t that a mistaser ata t it a mushroom, instead of a cabbage leaf? - It must have been a terrible state of affairs, that caused the psalmist to ask : Who can stand before his cold? , in his day the remedies were few and doubUal; how much happier should this ceneration be that has a household rero&y.Pr. Bull's Cough yrup; so wonderful has been ts cures that mil lions rise up find call it Vblcssed. ; h spites -Chicago rank; NlirI, linllIMnill n.ake,hirnf v., i, . . N Market I .country m tho number ..iM h j , . , -, and yet there Hie thentu, Aminos i are, now dis i 'v..a ....f-.,, ,.n,i l.r O every bunuay Mi,m . , i s ti to!P(i w'mdows. and as .,.( .r irt:nL KVu !il4 hmii t f.tit.i 1 -11 VOL. VII. AYTLMI Hen. MerrrrrTtlia newt commandant at West Point, it sairl to be acting on the theory that ' soldier should be soldiers mid nothing 1 else. He has issued orders to the effect that tjiey shall lire on the iruvernmont rations, cease doing wnrk outside of their govern- . . , . . Incnt dul,es anti sleen in 2veroracnt barracks. Smo of the mairied sol- diers have been living in the adjoining vilU2 of Highland Falls, but Gen. Mcrritt has ordered the construction of log huts for their accommodation with in the government lines and their wires! will bo inducted into the experiences of a real soldier's life. He has also en thc pre- forced the rule, in relation to scntation of passes to lho sentinels, both in leaving' and entering the grounds. He requires the searching ofall carriages or sleighs for deserters and prohibited goods, such as ncer, whiskey and cigars. It Cicn. .lcrrrut sttcxs to nis new re torm orders the condilion of the forces) . imnr . . . J fmi nf . 7. -1.. , " J J i t LOCAL NEAYSl INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S W Skixxkr Notice Mi'M8 Bros Ganlen i-ecl Yates Wranplcj? Paper and Bapp IIKISSBEROER Pianos and Organs Hall & Pe.vrsali Cuba Molasses SCHLOSS & IlARDWICKB MulC & Skjlllng c WMcCLAxisir, Jr inrprover Cotron Seed j c White, Maoasev-To sirtciibcr Tele-.J r;,onc Exchaogo More rain and only two clear sunshin'c in three weeks. daVs of j Norwegian barque Saga, Bie, ) arrived at Liverpool Jan. 22. lence. Dan. Hugh McLean, Esq., o .Ilar- ne4t county,1 was, in the city to day. Tho celebrated 'Fish Brantl' Gills Twine is sold only at J.vcobi'S Hard ware Depot. ; t Digitated stockings have not caught! on in society. A iashiou must be seen to be appreciated. j Docs anybody wish to go to Dakota for a winter residence ilnrrrooa hn 1 x torn T link of 68 j i vv i AYav .SchK Frank Learning, Champion, hence," for Philadelphia! 'passed Dela waro Breakwater Jan 2.1d. We were F!eased loWecive a calf this movnmg iro;n Dr. Geo,. H West, of Xvr(on. who i.- here on ja brief visit. corWo2ia'n-baniuo lOcmmeL Inge- innn(ls,;:,; a1 2r Backe, SVL rV( .n riven tl Jan. 2-2dl, tor this port. ThH.M:irmi.rL..rnepabssl through . - rlt v ! u-oiks of Iiigh art They have never 'been exc lied. Envelopes were first used in 1830, but avs 'the letter writers of those ood old trt ral- ! were too s-ensioio to ui : rassi-i'o . i , nttc pper. Mai. Winder and Col. Joue?. of the par-j.Carolina Central, have just been over j ihc entire length of the road on an in - ; specting lour. L ' Marrving and giving in marriage soems to bo the order of the day. Old ; bachelors are appreuensirc that theeuft s 0r time i near at hand. s 'VnnAmrinc. Esn..' Clerk of the Superior Court, has gono ti llaleigh to attend the meeting of the Clerks to havo been held in that city to-day. Kylinge is pronoenced ltiug, the Richmond State to the contrary, not- ; withstanding. At least, that is the way j ia iv-a aircnt told lis it is pronounced am, perhaps i.e ol,ghtto know. rl7i T i Those farmers who 'did not Utkc ! vantage of the last freeze to Till ad heir I 105C3 according to the pre ! uictions oi ennor, ue ai ' oi doing so about the 27th. opportunity next Satur- . dav. i The box-sheet for the Rose Eytinge parformance, which was opened this j morning, is being rapidly taken up. To-day, af noon, thero were a! very few scats which had not been taken Ion the lower lloor. , llcv j B Xavlor; lK D.t pastor of the, First Baptist Church in this city, is now in Greensboro, where he is as sisting Rcr. Dr. W. A.! Kelson in a protracted meeting which is -now 'in progress tnerc. j M ' The Artrs and Observer tblls us that Mr. W. B. Phillips, ofthel)epartment of Agriculture, who ha3 been acting as State Geologist, has resigned to accept a position as chemist of the! Narassa Guano Company, of H iim.ington. ' .1 T . . . ... .i-k lit ttVI u.l 'un! no.,, w.i ""Ji.l,,,,, ha mil, nr 1Mb of r,,hriiirc. A - " rN: C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY I Kytlnge. j The New York Dramatic Acws says that "last week's engagement of Miss Pwoso Eytinge at Williamsburg. New York, was a gratifying success, and she was greeted by large audiences at every performance." Ladies and children's matinee Satur day aflernoou at the Opera House; prices 5 cents and 50 cents." The "Pri'nccssof Paris" is a beautiful plar and presented with grand success, by Miss Eytinge. ''Felicia," Saturday night. Seats on sale for Baker & Far-i ron to-morrow morning. i Dr. Battle'8 Idj ur lea. ; Our readers will remember that j Dr. j S. Wcstray Battle, ot Edgecombe coun ty, Assistant Surgeon in ihe U. S Navy, some weeks ago shipped and fell on the deck of the Revenue Cutter C-olfax, while lying at Smithvillo, and sUck his hand on a pane of glass. The to hear, quite serious. The leadmg sinews cf tho wrist were severed, as we loarn from the Tarboro Southerner, and he will probably' logo the use of his fin zers. j Ho! For Burgraw! A jolly good time is expected at Bur gaw to morrow night. .The Grand Bal is to come off then, and the baauty and gallantry of Pender and the surround- ing counties are expected to be present n fQrcej The 'committee of arrange- ments are making every exertion to se cure a grand success, and they know just how to make things pleasant and agreeable to all visitors. Wilmington outfit to send up a good delegation, and as the ball is to be public, tliey will bw sure of a cordial reception. For Pocket Knives or Table Cittlery, go to jACOBrs Hardware Depot, f Water iu the Country. We who live) in the city have but a faint idea of the perplexities of those who lire in the country during such spells of wet weather a9 we have had recent ly. We were told this morning by a Gentleman who arrived from Onsiaw county last night that, owing to the rains, there has not a mail arrived at Augola postofilco in the last three weeks, j The streams arc ro full that in coming to the railroad to take the train j Jwj was 'obliged to come to Rocky! Point, the water being so high that he could not cross at Ban Herman's Bridge. A New Cuter prise. We understand that there is a 'more- iil0 on nrvt :i-tiinr A ntlllihl til" our j i . ... . f , , 1 ' ' - - - - - ' w from -ew York. A g6wl butcher will i hAPinnloved to sunerintend the stalls and to direct tho movement of the other employes and a sufficiency of capital, . i j i . . i i - t w gam, nas aireaay oeen tecureu lor the enterprise. These are the facts as i told us and we give them as a matter of j news to our reader j promised ns a few j A fine assortment reauers. l anicmars are days later. A fine assortment of Guns aud Pistols j at j ACOBs JJardwarc Depot. t Koyalty Y8, A. Speech. Rather a funny story is told at the expense, of royalty. It come3 from Veldon,and is something like the fol- lowin On the day the Vice-regal party was expected" at that noted city on the Roanoke, several citizens from the sur rounding country happened to be in town and -wero preparing to leave when a Wilmington & Weldon railroad official asked them if they were not go ing to stop ami see the Queen. ' Countryman41 What Queen?" . R. R. Official "Why, Victoria, Queen of England. She i3 coming on the next train and you had better stop and get a glimpse of her." j Countryman Who cares for Queen Victoria? I don't! Come let's go honie' R. R. Official "Bat she is to stop here two or three days, and is to havc a public reception . Tom Emry is going to make a speech of welcome." Countryman "Tom Emry goin' to make a speech? Well, Til be dog goned if I don't stop and hear that speech." - , How the admirer of "Tom Emry felt when he was undeceived in the matter is a subject upon which your deponent saith not, but it is very evi deatXhat he thought his friend. "BomV on speech making. '.';'''. SUvcr Plated Spoons and Forks; low prices, at JACOBIN i - . i j . I Music and Skates, j An error, which we regret very, much, ocQuned in the advertisement of Messrs Schloss & Hardwick, in yesterday's issue. The notice should haTe been for to-night, instead of to-morrow night. And, by the way, we would remind our readers that a very pleasant time at the Rink is marked out for this even ing, at whichall may enjoy themselves. Thero will be music, and skating and dancing. The ladies are invited to at tend, gentlemen will be charged ad mission. ! ! , City Court. 1 t 1? L - L. , . . , - waa brotIfht hc. fore the fayor this morning, charged ! with oemg cirunK anu arsonseny last night. He ha3 kept sober for four or fiTe'month? and it'was hoped that he would would continue in Well-doing. During the" holidays he was not betray ed bv the seductive influencejef the flow ing bowl, and during tho recent spell of wet "weather he looked -not upon the ruby, but the sunshine of yesterday was too -much for his good resolutions, and he lost his grip with the sad result we hare recorded.;. His Honor, the Major, thought that $10 would , satisfy the in jury done to the peace and dignity of the State, but as that amount was not forthcoming Obadiah will languish in the city prison for 20 days. Maj C. '.W. McClammy offers for sale in this . issue j 100 bushels of the "Ozier Long Staple Silk Cotton Seed'1 which is said to be three weeks; earlier than other cotton andi very prolific. It may be ordered thrp'ugb Major Mc Clammy, at Scott's Hill, or of Capt. J. B. Iluggins, Wilmington. -m-- 1 A petition to the legislature for leg islation in favor of the State Guard was circulated here to-day and is being signed by numbers of merchants and property holders. .. ; Capt. Skinner 'gives notice in thi3 is sue to all persons holding claimsagainst the steamer, Lisbon to present them for payment. . Great Closiu Out -Sale. Having on hand a. large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room for coming Spring Stock, we will sell the remainder of our gardlcss ot cost. A. "VYioter goods re & I. Shkici:. Be- liable Clothiers. No. 34 Market street. : AV Al V ERT I S VI NTS. Notice. A LL rESSOSs nAVINU CLAIil? stfainf-t me stumer LISP.OX will vfep"1 '.l!n at one for olleotlon t Mnsic and Skat f5 'IHIKKE WILL BE zpMf J-T.VHJ.UM " I '-. ."-v t Sluelc at the fekatlcir Rink, Corn ? -'1 and rrlnceaa streets, to night Skatiug until 10.SO and after that dancing. AdmiMdoa for Gentlemen Wte. S'o for LadUs, who are eerdially In-ritcd. ciarre SCHEOSS & HAIiDWICE, jan 25-lt Proprietors. WEW CROP Cuba TJloIasses ARRIVE I TQ-DAT. ORDERS SOLICITED. ' ! .- 1 . - HALL & PEARSALL jan j - .1 To Subscribers Telephone I Exchange. ' j E LEASE ADD TO TOUE LIST : Ko. S3 E. S. WARROCK, Job Printer, ! - . . ; . ' OVER DYER'S STORE. : J. C WlIiTE, jan 2D-lt I Manager. Improved Cotton Seed. J IIAVE TOR SALE 100 BUSHELS of the. "OZIER LONG STAPLE SILK COTTON SEED. For whiteness, length and fineness of stapk?, itIs iMSTirpas,l- -It S from two to three weeks arlier than other cotton, com- j I maixls a better price la the market and is much more prolific 3 acre planted in thU variety the pat seasm prodnced a bales of cotton. Single bushel $3. Two basaels . Delhrered in Wilmington, N. C. titnlr cAIMI tA - V Ttr VrCT AVMV Jr.- ii' , tnWSt wlm Wilmington. 25. 1883. NO. 22 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : ; m BLANKETS! BLANKETS! . . iT 1? YOU WOULD BE SUITED CALL, AND SHE Vt.j& " MAiNTTLB i JUST Buttons l Buttons ! Buttono ! i ! - - l ' . t ' , QUITE A VARIETY OF STYLES JUST IK. ' CARPETS WXEE CTIEAPER UNDERWEAR SEDUCED IN PHICE. ! Black and Colored 51 OPERA HOUSE. -ce For One Night Only ! MONDAY, JANUARY 20th. Thrt creative Artist B and cielrntcl Comediaas Baker aurt Farroii, Supported -.by tiielr -own 0rcc'lr rompanj, WillapptWin t'lcir charming Comedy : anu ormnai ca nnon, CHRIS AND LENA. i Ab played by them in every city of tho Po'-uliir prieee. t?eat3 on silo at Iyen. . jan'2;l-3t-tues-:h srti : TELEP PRIVATE LINES T3UILT, EQUIPPED WITH TELEPHONES ad rented. Apply te tho ilanagorj of ihQ nearest 1ELE- rnONF. EXCHANGE or to ' - ' I' C. E. McCLUEK, Bupt, ian 2i1ix Eirhmotd, Va. (Turpentine Stills a Specialty J3KICE5! TpR KETTLES CAPS, ARMS AN'O WORMS jlvea on arplication. Lowest mles f frciiRt to ail points Po"ath. If ATiT, BATLF.Y &, CO.. Iron Foundry, Mac-hire & Copper Wcrkt 13 & 17 South Front St., - jan 24- Wilmington, X. C. Pianos and Organs FROM ALL, THE I : ! . Best Manufacturers in the ' Country. SOLD FOR CASH OR ON TUB MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLA.X, AT HEINSBERGER'Sj tl - jan 22 ' Lire E-ok and Mu3lc Store j If You Wish to See fAPT. B. j. JACOB, of .Senior Reserve notoriety, the oMcat Saddle arwl IIarne8. An.t maker in Wilmington, jnst calVat II. M. IKiW DKN & COS store and buy nice Lap R e ami all other articles in ai tsaddlery establish ment, for it U the place to! get thciu. Jan 1 i - ! ! McGowan's Saloon. piNE OYSTER. GOOD CIGARS J WHIS KEY still giTca satisfaction. 2,000 bendiej of Clsrar Hsrhters, 3 bundles for 1 cents. New Eiver Oysters. 1-tIIE FIRST OF TIIGASON. V From the eelebrated -Wiobary Farm on New River. - 1. Also. Wines, Ales, IXyzari and Cgara acd free lunch etcry day, t II o'clock. - j JOHN CARROLL. We will be glad to ' receive wsuttUAlctttoo - . ...... . i t our frlenda on any aavT all ' rnbjeet- t - Saral faitttSt btt f , ';J.: t The namA of t&A wrltr nt hr&ja ia foj 5 niAhed to the Bdcr. .. ' h CcmmnsleaUoaa nut W wrtttM a ozfj oaea&dot tke paper. v . J ' PeraonallUea mtutb aveklci. And It U especially 'and parUoolarty UBd- etood that the Editor does sot always ndki the views of correspondonta on 1cm a atat4 , la the editorial column. I I NEW ADVERTISMNS. BLAWICETG! FRUsTGESi RECEIVED. IN TIHS MARKET, AUK NOTING TSlf. ks matle to order ro jlaort netle. R. Hfl. iU3clWTIRE;J WRAPPING PAPER AND BAGS! M AN ILIA PAPER ASD XIA04 AT LOW Cfct market prices. A Large itock of JlUnk. Book. Draft, 2tt9, Receipt and Letter Cxjin, )t reccireI M YATES' BOOK ST0EE. Jan 23 . .... , ... ; J ' I' 500 niids. New Crop Cuba jkoliisses, XTOW LANDING, EXUfttG "ANTKLOPE' direct from Matanzu. Tor btU low. Orders elicited. (WORTH & WORTH. Breccli-Loaders, F INE BUEECII LOADLNU SIIOT-GCKS. .Shelis. Wails, Powvter,8hot, Cartridge Boa, (iun Cases, licloudinjf .Tool, Game Bags, ffa-. told all kiu'in. if vuu want a drAtiaaa arU cle of tlto above pxi?, aud Uw prici, itm same cn be fouii'l nl I W. K. .-fEINOK A GO'S, ' "mi -22 j U tl -a Mnrtet GARDEN A yiiK-yli LOT Or AM- KNt" i,t Cat- 0:te &h Tum'p d, $r)y hu 1 lata rarie Urs; C'llLtiHi, re?L ar.d 1 ma v threat. stock anl nn nte . varWtr . of re.-wt an4 iJ-iJi. trtiiSvi at irbtVwtl pric hj rounds Bros., iiannuieturiui I'ltarruaiwftR. BlI'JaDWAY, .KW YOBJK, AND WILMINGTON. N. C. jan IS . ; Holiday Oifls. gPECIAL ATTK A CTION5 rOIX TUJSV6er eon : Celluloid Fcts, ia Pluh, batla H fxsather CacK, JeA'cl an4 Odor Caes, Cofomt Bottles, Toilet Eet and Vases, TraeUto Caeee, Combs, Brushes, Mlxrora, ic Lutevt or tics ann i)wci i'nef. WILIJAM IT. GREEN, I Pnujrlst. deel5 nac-rf Market 8 1 reef. lOO Sets O F HARNESS JC3T FECEITEP, EddwO havsi another large; lot of Haggles M A feY clays. Give a doo 3 GKRHARDT CO.' Claoovare, piASCT AKD PLAIN, . rOR SALB BY t TLBS & MURCIHSOJT, jan TZ W and 44 Morchison Block Peruvian Guano. 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guano ! DIRECT IMPORTATION. EX PECTEf 3 A1L1 ,'aad l?.r saUfty Ohas. E. Smith'; & Co, : New Jowelnr Store. rtniEj ijDioGNEb "RErEcrrrixr aanouiiceaio the tftWp f Wibnhigtoo1, thai . , j ... . . i - be haJi1 If aeI the prrrBjc So. 15, Market ftf., an-t U now la j5eelpt of , . Hanclsbrtie: Stock of Goods, which will be displayed la a fuir day. Watch and Clock, repotting a specialty. dec 151 ; JNO. IL ALIXK. j. i