THIS PAPER published every ; evening, ee?ted by S arris ys ex J08IIT. J AZIi3 1 SUITOR. AJI FKOrKIETOIU subscriptions postage, paid-.' Om yfnr 4.00. Six months, $2.00. Tliroe month. $1.00; Onetnonth, S5 cents. The paper will be delfvercd by carriers free of clutrjre, hi any part of the city, at the above rU-. T 10 cents per vrock. subscribers will report any and all fill- ores to receive tbeir puper regularly, The Daily fiericvr has the .largest j bni fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JS j TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements : inserted in this col nntn at 10 cents per line, each insertion, but no charqe of less than 30 cents trill be made on any advertisement. lioatavillo is employing women drug clerk3. as Edwin Booth appeared as King Lear on Tuesday night at Berlin. " ' : . East River, between New Yorjc and Brooklyn, was " blockaded with ice on Tuesday. WaTcott, the bird-eater, threw him self on Wednesday outside of bis eighteenth pair of quails. - A coasting surface a mile longaCbrds port to thufands of Montreal men, wo men and children every evening. On Tuesday last the thermometer ranged irom 30-de,ree3 below zero at Chicago to CO degrees below at Winni peg. Moodys success among the stmlents of Oxford and Cambridge is confirmed by reports of conversions by tho hun dred. There is a crisis of no ordinary im portance hanging over France and in a few da3's there may be some startling news. . Two very eni merit Europeans have died in the past sirHontha whhsc end is envolved in mystery Skobeleff and Gambetta. Part of the town of Wilkesbarre, Pa., is sinking into the earth, and will prob ably lodge in the coal mines which are immediately under the town. A fearful :ici!t'nt occurred .on Tups day on tho George's Creek and Cumber land, in West Virginia-.' Three coal trains, were, coupled together They became unmanageable --and started down a steep grade ut. a fearful rate and were dashed down a bank a hundred ieet. Each train had a! condtietor, an engineer, a fireman and two brakemen and not a man was fount! alive-. "They appointed a cominiLtce on fish eries Yesterday in the House and al though three vt the members thereof were taken fro hi the seacoast three also came from tho interior. What the gen tiomcn from Cumberland, Iredell and Graham counties may know about the fisheries of North Carolina it is not very easy to understand. And apropos ot this fact we find in the Congressional Record of yesterday's date a "few rc marks" made in the House by Mr. Belford, of Colorado on the "navy ques lion, which may provoke a smile with some and a laugh with others. Said Mr. Belford, the navy question being under discussion :. I do not know on which sido of this amendment I stand. I desire to make the clear nnd unequivocal statement that I know nothing whatever about this bill: I'nover saw the ocean until last lummcr. . I represent a Suite where we pay 40 cents a barrel for wu- .WIS A ter. LauSntcr-J Ana ji oencveii to be my duty to discuss as an enlight ened statesman this great question. Continued laughter. I have been here for four days wait- in the Dassaso of this bill. 1 hate been edified and eletrified by the learn ed discourses of Rear-Admiral Calkins. from Indiana laughter,-nd qj Con modore Anderson, irom Kansas, uie western part of whose State dtes not contain water enough to freshen a salt mackerel flamrhtcr.! Then I . have- been absolutely delighted by the learned dissertation by the gentleman from Georgia Mr. Blount, whose vision evidently rests upon a sand-hill where there is not water enough to mellow a sweet potatoe: Laughter. , This whole debate rcmiads mo of a ermon I heard delivered once by a dis tinguished African preacher. He said ; "Brethren, we have assembled hereon the sacred Sabbath day to discuss great and sacred questions. In the first place I will proceed to discuss some matters about which I know a little and you know nothing n the second place, I will proceed to discuss matters concern tag which you know a little and I know nothing. We will then conclude with elaborate dissertations on question aoout which noncof us know anything." ILaughter. And that has been the conduct and character df this discussion curing these four da s. But I rose for the purpose of calling the attention of the IIue to this one iHct: that the days of this session are shortening; that there aro great and important national questions in which the people are deeply and vitally inter ested, and to the consideration of which we ought to give earnest attention. I ;;-nCini,y lo a consideration of the tana bil, Applause In the name SLt olcl lho ateiien.' from the !S"lates that have' no water and expect to get none allow us to expedite S? p, biIl! G"al 1 i1 -i 4 j V (J JL V Al. J LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TQ HEW1 ADYERriSEftUHTS. J R Meltok Never Mind j Notice Southern Ore Company; Muxi6 Bros Garden Seed Yai 8 Wrapping Taper and Bag ' Ueinrukegek Pianos and Organs x I ; The receipts of cotton at this ort day foot np 421 bales. J A fine assortment of Guns' and Pistols at.JAGOBi's Hardware Depot. . f 0 ' ' - ' " ; Sohr. Nellie Bowers, Spear, hence, arrivod at Mayagucz JanJ. 4th. j Barqne Carin, Westerland, sailed from Havro Ja 7th for ihis port. Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, hence, arrived at New York! Jan. 24th Mr. Hill Burg win is in the city on a visit to his sister,! Mrs. Parker Quince. The mercantile hegira. hence North ward for the purchase" of goods, will begin soon. 1 new spring The "Hydraulic Pleasure Club" has an exi&tenoe in this city. Of course the fun is all tinder water. Dr. A. J. Deltosset, ot this city, was registered at theBuford House, in Charlotte, on Wednesday. ! . Tho celebrated Twine is sold only ware Depot. Fish Brand Gills at Jacobx's Hard ! t. We are glad to hear that Mr. C. D.' Morrill, who has bceu'jvery ill, la pro nounced somewhat better. Notwithstandingithe fact that the wind came directly out of the North this fore noon, the atmosphere was balmy and pleasant, almost warin. r , '-Bev. Dr. Mendelsohn, of this city, was in Goldsboro last "Wednesday, where he officiated at the marriage of Mr. Ed. M. lvehmaniand Miss Amelia Kaufman. Mr. S. Van Amringe, Clerk of. the Superior Court, who Vas in Raleigh : i yesterday in attendance on the meeting of the Superior Court cjerks. rjrturned to the city this morning. l j Tie Goldsboro Messenger mentions ClS. 1j. Fremont's namo in ctnnec n tin with the proposed 1 railroad com mission and cordially endorses him lor such a position. We second. 1 Dr. .rtuiius D. Yuungi of this city, who has recently received his diploma, has effected a copartriership with; Dr. W S. Mullins, of Mrfrion, S. C.,! and ... l .i will remove to that tovu tor ; the prac tice of his profession.; ( The buildinz known as thei Donald son Academy, -at Tayettevillc, which has-recently been used as a free school, was destroyed by fire yesterday. 1 he cause of the fire is unknown, and we were unable to learn the amount of tho loss, or if the building was insured. We understand that Mr. D. D. Bar ber, of Maysville, S. C, has sold jhis milling interests in that section to Messrs London & Campbell and has purchased the old Young rice planta tion, the Lyrias Plantation, near this city, and will plant it this year. Mr Barber will reside in Wilmington. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. , t There were lots of Wilmingtonians in Raleigh yesterday. " Hon. I). L. Russell, Mr. W. K. Frenchi ;Mr. Du Brutz Cutlarand Mr. W. H. Chadbourn were all registered therp, as also Capt. Richardson, of Columbus, and Capt. Swift Galloway, Solicitor for this dis trict. - . : j ' I To Builders, and others Go to J A CO bi's for Sash, Blinds and" Doors, Glass Yon earr cret all sizes and at the lowest prices. 1 Personal. 3rr. Sumner P. Thomas, formerly a resident of this city, but now oflredo. if- Tex., where he i3 married and engaged m business, is here on a" brief visit to old friends and acquaintances. V e are lad tolearn that he has prospered in that thriving city of the "Lone Star" State, and to see that ho appears in excellent health. . ' ! j , Baker & Farron. We clip the following from the New York Evening Telegram: i Some things improve with age. lOld wine, old song, old! friends. rare best. -Chris and Iena" is an old playj but it .has been improved upon by degrees, and those who havd seen i it heretofore aro just the ones I to enjoy -it again. There was a good sized audience at the theatre last night to greet Messrs. Baker and Farron and their excellent compa ny in this piece. Never, was j an audi ence better pleased. ( I - r . Seals are on sale at Dyer's, and are selling' fasti T- ' ,: l':$ 'i : r Daily WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. JANUARY Inspecting- the Road. Charlotte Observer : Col. C Jone?, J the new superintendent of the Carolina Central railroad, accompanied by pres dent J. M. Robinson, and general man ager J. C, Winder, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Shelby, and put up at the Central. The party in spected the Caroina Central depot and yard, and expressed themselves highly pleased with the condition ol things and the general management of the affairs of the company in this city. The party spent only a few hours here; when they took the train for Raleigh via Hamlet. j 'Rebuilding?;--'" I Oar energetic friend, Mr. J. W. Tay lor, is hard at work preparing to put up a saw mill on tho site of the building which was receutly burned. He ex pects to have the mill built and ready for business in about two months. We hope he may be spared from another such disaster a3 he has experienced upon "two occasions within the past few years, for although: it may bo source of pride to thiuk a mill may arisej Phoenix like, from it own ashes, a fre quent repetition of the Phosnix racket we should imagine would become mo notonous. ! Farmers wishing to be successful witn sneep should guard them againft exposure. But if in sheltering his heep i i . i i i uiu iHiuier expeses mmseii anu catcnea a cold, ho must use Dr. Bui 's Cough Syrup. I. O. B U. District Grand Lodge, No. 5, 1. O..B. B., will convene in its sixteenth annual session, in this city, February 0th, and will continue until the business of the Lodge is completed. There are thirty four subordinate Lodges in the district, located in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Corolina, Georgia and the District of Columbia, and as each Lodge is entitled to three delegates, a large attendance may be expected. Tlu Sessions will be held in Tienken Hall, South Front street,. and will be public except when working on secret work. .Arrangements for the entertainment bi the Grand Lodge are being made by North State Lodge, No. 222, of this city. As this will be the first representative body of Jews ever convened in this State, every exertion will be macle by their Wilmington brethren to make the visit agreeable.' I The progVamme, so far us it is com pleted, for tho occasion is as follows: Tuesday evening. Feb.. 6th, a musical and literary entertainment at the Opera House, at which there will be a lecture delivered by Hon. Simon Wolfe, late Consul-Gencral to Egypt; 'vocal solos by Mrs. D. B. Kahnweiler, Mr. Nathan Mayer and others; recitations by Mrs. Ij. Dryfoos. The Arion Society is also expected to participate. On Wednes day evening, cb..7th, a grand ball and banquet will be given at Germ an ia Hall, and on Thursday, Feb. 8th, a trip to Wrightsville bound for an oyster roast will take place. 31. J. Solomans, of Savannah, is the presiding officer, and Dr. S. B. Wolfe, of Baltimore, is the Secretary. The committee of arrangements eor- sists of 3Iessrs J. I. Macks, Chairman; Natlian 31 ayer. Secretary, and S. H. Fishblato. H. Brunhild. F. Rhcinstein, S. Solomon and Wm Goodman. Skat ins: Pleasures. We learn from one was present that the party at the skating rink given last night was well attended, and it was a time of real enjoyment with no distur- I bances to mar its pleasures. Skating commenced at about 8 o'clock" and continued uninterruptedly until nearly or quite ten o'clock. At that time the skates were laid aside and the Tisitors engaged in dancing, which continued until about one o'clock this morning. The music for the occasion was furnish ed by Prof. Raymond's Quadrille band and was of a superior order. We under stand that the programme pf last night, with some variations, will be repeated in a few days, notice of which will be given through thejpress in due season. Exports Foreljrn. Schr. Maggie Abbotts, Capt. 3IcIntosh, eleared to-day for Port-au-Prince, Hayti, whh 177.177 feet lumber and 67.200 shingles, valued at $3 060.10, shipped by Messrs, Northrop & Cuni ming. ;. - - - .- . Great Closincr Out Sale. Having on jhand a large supply of Clothing, and in order to make room for coming Spring Stockl we will sell the remainder of our Winter goods re gardless of cost. A. & I. Shbiek. Re liable Clothiers, No. Market street. EiTIEV. At a meeting of Germania Iodge Nr. 4. K.'of P., held last evening, the an nouncement was made that P. C, W. F. Wentzel died ib New York on 3for day last, and as a token of respect to his memory the Lodge adjourned with out transacting any further business. The,Ore Company " The Southern Ore Company haying been incoporated by the Legislature, and the arrangement of the works hav ing been completed, it now ranks as one of the institutions ot Wilmington. The stock' has all been subscribed for. ex ceptive hundred shares, and these it is proposed to place here. With this ob ject in view, subscription books have been opened at the First National Bank and Bank of New Hanover, nutler charge of Messrs J. Beno and; E. S. Iatimer. The books are to remain, open but two days and it is confidently expected that the business and moneyed meu of Wilmington will avail then" selves of the opportunity to engage in this enterprise. Legislative locals. In the Senate, yesterday, Mr." Scott introduced a petition against the pas--sage of tan act allowing the issue of bonds by the Board of Commissioners; also a petetition from citizens of Pen der county in regard to the bill author izing the issue of bonds by that county; also, a petition' from the citizens ot New Hanover against the no-fence law for this county. Mr. Toon introduced a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in five miles of Mt. Olivet Methodist church. Robeson county; also, bill to incorporate the Wilmington, Chadbourn and Conway- boro Railroad Company. Bill to amend the charter of the Atlantic Coast Railway Company, passed its second reading. - In the House the bill to amend the charter of the town of Clmton was reported favorablly. - " SE XV: AD V 15 K N 'l. Wever Mind HHE WEATHER SO THE WIND DON'T 1 . . . blow. Never mind where yo u buy your Beef so that you' get tho beet to bo had for your money. Thlsweengsge to do. It is a well known fact that the BEST BEEF, LAMB, MUTTON, PORK, BACON HAM3 ND BREAKFAST 8TK1PS, SAUSAGES, &C, can -!-.' j always be found at my 6 tore. Satisfaction a sure thing. J. R. MELTON, N. W. Corner Market and Second Streets, Proprietor of the onlv te;m Sausage jan 26 i Factory inthe rtate. luotice. B Y VIRTUE OF AS ACT OF THK GEN, eial Assembly of Nortii Carolina, . incorpora- Uag THE SOUTHERN ORE COMPANY, the undersigned have opened Books of Subbcr'p Hon to the Capital Stock of said Corporation. Subscription List can be found at the First National Bank and the Bank of New Hanover.' i -THE STOCK HAS ALL BEEN SUB SCRIBED EXCEPT FOB ONE HUNDRED 8 HARES. - Books of Subscription will close on MON DAY, January 29th, 1883. i J. BENO, jan26-2t E. S. LATIMER. MEW CROP -Cuba Rflolasses ! ! ARRIVED TO-DAY. ORDERS SOLICITED. HA LL & PEARS ALL jan .5 Great Bargains- On PIECES BEST BLACK SILKS, . ZJ SATINS AND BLACK CAES. 1 AA DOZ. GERMAN AND IRISH LINEN Aviv TowelS. Blankets and domestics, to be sold at reduced prices. Will close out my entire stock of Carpets, Brussels Tapestry, Ingrain, SJp'y, and Office Matting. Call and examine before purchaa Ing elsewhere. Also, fuR stock of Clothing and Undershirts, from the cheapest to the best. Largest stock ot Red and White Flannels. SOL BEAR, i 20 Market St. dee 19 If You Wish to See QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior Reserve iwtorietv, the oldest Saddle and Harne-s, Ac.'J maker In Wilmington, iust-eaU at if. 31. lnr. DKX & CO'S start- and bay ft nice Lap lfole and all other articles In Saddlery eetablhth msnt, fox It la the place to get them, . Jan 1 . : L - " ! ; 26 1883. NO. 23 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, January 27, TWO PEHFOHUAXCES., ! o Miss Rose Ey tinge." MATISJJ.K : J THEPKINCESSOF PARIS." For Ladies aad Children, r AdmLHsUn 25c and Me..; j ATJilGUl : ii,s;.. v. The late grand Union Square Theatre hcccm, F E L I CI A! Prices 25c, 06 and served seats. '5c." 25o cxtni for Re TELEPHONES ! PRIVATE LINES B UII.T, tQUIPPJSD WITH TELEPHONES and rented. - . Apply to the Manager of tho nr arest TELE PHONE EXCHANGE or to C. E. McCLURE. Sapt, jan 24 2w Itichnioid, Va. Gloves & Co! Tars JID GLOVES. BLACK,. COLORED AND OPERA i J French Linen Glovea, " Feather E?.ge, Embroldered and Lace Collar?, NewJ-ind cheap. , ' doc s jvo j nKnuicK. Pianos and Organs, : FKOil AIL THE Best Manufacturers in the i - Country. SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE MON1HLY INSTALLME NT PLAN, AT " HEINSBERGER'S, "' jan 22 Live B ok and MHisic store Fresh Caught Mackerel in fiesirable Packages ! 10 lb. Kits, 5 lb. Tins and in Barrel. Fresh Codfish JnTWO POUND CANS. AN ELEGANT BBRAKF AST DISIL THE BEST FLOUR Sjld in Wilmington and are willing to bring It Into competition with any other brand. Peach, Pear, Pine Apple, DAMSON and QUINCE PRESERVES la bulk, 20 cts per lb. ' Mince Meat and Plum Pudding, f Left from the Christmas Holidays, very cheap. P. L. BBXDGEBS & 00. Jan 22 -. : - - - Imp roved Cotton Seed. ' HAVE FOR SALE 100 BUSHELS of the JZIER LONG STAPLE SILK COTTON SEED". For whiteness, length and finenees of s taple, it Is unsurpassed . 1 1 Is from two to three weeks earlier than other cotton, com mands a better price In the market and Is much more proline 3 V acre planted in this variety trie pi-si seas-n prouocea a oaies oi cotton. Single bushel $3. 1 wo bushels, fX Delivered in W.lmington, N. C. , j Apply soon to U. W. McCLAMMY, Jr., Ecotfs HilL Pender Co., N. C. ' or. . JAS. ii. HUGGING wuauozwa McGowan's Saloon. : -piNB OYSTERS. GOOD CIGARS. WHIS KEY still gives saUsfactlon. 2.000 bundle of Cigar lighters, 3 bundles fur 10 cents. jkn24-St ! mm, Undic? h& bii cored. rBrmvclWT Uita Vt rla :V1XI'AEL TREATISE era tbU 4Jw, iavsoSersTj r. C1t Eapr nd r. O. adJr. , P LEASH KOTICS. Vfa v3 be gla4 to rztiive Ci2sMEi swi3 vS tloni our trteads oa any caX a czbsi et SonllittrHttetr''v . : . . j j' The name of the writer taut aiwayi tal nltlacd to the EdUer. .v .V."' I ' i ', CemmanVatlona must be wttttea tn caly one side of the paper. : I ' PeraonaUties nust be aroMel - And It U espedaDy and paftSeularrjr caier- stood that the Editor does ot always eadoise the Tiews of eorrcsposdenta nines so statfA ba the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISMEKS. WHAPPIKG PAPER - AND BA6BI CANIL1A PAPER AND BAGS AT LOVT eot market prices, j A Larje stock of BUnk Books, Draft, Xtti, j :';:" :: v : :,;.:.: k i ; Receipt amd Letter Books, Juat received at I r ' : ' ..- r ' TATES' BOOK ST0BE; 500 Hhds, New Crop Cuba liblasses, direct from Matanias. For tala low. Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH. I jan 24 . . ,..--,;,; .: , . "? J Breecli-Loaders, TISE BREECH-LOAD! NO H1IOT-GUN3, siiells. Wads, Powdef, Shot, Cartridge Be-t.' sun Cases. Reloading . Tools, Game Bags, Vks tols all kinds. -s If you want a flrstuuw arO cleofthe above g.KKli, and low prices, the name can be found t - . i ; W.-tL PRINGEft & CO8. I. Ian 32 - ; .l;tt and 23 Market htraec GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH LOT; OF ALL- KINDS Of C iaadTiiriUp Seed, early Inflate varie ties ; Coltard. B?et and Tomnto ieods, a large "lock and an endless variety of Peas and ineau. rtiuM?a as uoieoal prices by :.;:Il1uh(dsLBroc.9 I 1.491 lKllikl)VV A V. KKvU VrtSf AND Wfl.Mi vri'rnv v ' jan 18 - j; : :r . :t- . , Holiday Gifts. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS :FpR THE Sea - - - ' - --'Ml m : Celluloid - f ets. In ' Plush, Satin and i-tathtr t ases. Jewel and Odor Cases, Cologne Bottles. Toll t Sou and Vases Travelling ;ascs, Combs, Brishe, Mirrors,. Ac. LateU tries and LoMest Prices. - ' t i ! ' William iiS green; . , . 1 ,r . ' Druggist. I j dc 15 nac-tf Market Mtreet. 1 QF II ARNfeS JUST "RECEIVED, aad wli PAT e another large; lot of. Baggie n a few rfays. . Give uaa dec S- ". GKKHARDT A CO. GlacGvvaro, JANCT AND PLAIN, FOR, t ALB BY GILES & MURCHISON, Jan n S8 and 40 Mnroblsoa BloQ Peruvian Guano. f 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guano I - . " ii . ' DIRECT IMPORTATION, ! - ': ' ; j EXPECTEDtO AIL1 , and (for aakgby Chas. E. Sinitli . & Ooa j 20,000 NEW PEANUT 8ACED AND 4: BnsherOat Bzo!ic. For sale at jaa 15-tf New Jewelry Store.: rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ! BXiPECTrUIXT i announces to the citizoos of WUalsgtoaj tht he has leased the promisee No. U, Market St., ! and Is now" la yeceipt oi Handsome Stodc of Goods, which will be displayed tn a few day. tt Watch and ClockirpsJilng a specialty. dee 19 JNO. IL AIXCH . New Eiver Oysters, From the , celebrated Wlnbcry rannooxwiarer. "s. t Also. Wlne Ales, TJquors arv I Cigars ana free lunch cn every uy, ti "ciors. JOIiN CACHOLL. sept 23 V