-' '' ' . . ' ' - S - . - i - ' . ' - , JOSIIT. JAMKS,;. . a" fi.00.- Six ujonths. fi.00. Tbree I T1WJ uair wUIteaellveredljy carrk-ra free I or icnt. i-cr wBk.; . ,;n-t r . j-aubHcrlKn "will rtport any an1 all fcxll- m ltylre their pforregTilarly. TKt Daily ikyiw h?.thc. torgctt j A' ctrcuuuun, oj uny npr TKN CEN T COLUMN. ijr.-rliscifls.ntss inserted in this col- ,. 10 cents itr line, each insertion. ltd no charqc of ess than CO rents trill j H wide on anjidvcrtiscnient. . J Th nejch 'refs m t iorula nrc bloom- The Alabama papers report a general j kai:i in theprice of laivl in that j ad I Slate." The Western Union Telegraph 0ni- pany is to pni its wives undergrotmd in Xevr York. ; Thencwyfarnas opencu " ; the way f murders, suicides, arsons. l - i J t tic i ji wrpeksirc. ' i The eldest grandchild at" Charles Dickens, Miss Mary Dickens, now nineteen years of age, . is about to go upon the stage. ,At a sale of old coins and paper; money in New York ihe other day a j North Carolina ten-shilling note of 1740 j brought $11.50. aII" the glucose factories in Iowa, established at an aggregate cost of more than half a million dollars, have proved financial failures. Hothouse strawberries from New Jersey were sold iu New 'York last week at twenty five cents for' each berry or ten dollars a quart. Fact. i . Tho New York'hotel" keepers find it ditllcult siuce the burning of tho New hall House at Milwaukee to persuade people to take rooms in the top stories. It is evident that a dog is worth'more in North Carolina than a sheep, wheth er it is ram. lamb, sheep or mutton." Oh! tor a legislature that wasn't afraid. Gov. Blackburr, ot Kentucky., who ' is "death" on pardons, has let out oi jail, during his administration, 1,500 criminals, and remitted upwards of $a,000 in fines. Some seem to think that food will be dearer next Summer than it is to-day, because of the bad weather in Kurope and the demand lor supplies which will come from that country. Seuator Fryc's State of Maine makes n bad showing in divorces, and it is a fact that in this prohibition State a largo per tentaje of the divorces are granted because ol drunkenness. Tho inaugural address of Got, O' Neal of Alabama contained a sentence of COO words. In it was a eomprchen . the geographical description of the State, and prophecy of future commer cial greatness. - The New York Sun estimate that fully 100,000.000 acres of land, valued , at trom 3300,000,000 to foo.uiM,tw, -.. 1 1 1 nave ocen loneuou oy ianu grau. iu- roads through failures to earn their "mnts ! 1 his is tunny. J no aninormes 01 uie j f town of Marshall, Texas, hayo laid' an ! ... . ,.. r . 1 ' embargo on the St. Louis Glol-D?ino- rrat, because, as they allege, that (a-; T" 1 the pan-handlef Texa. which, though ' '"t; 1:,; ,! 3.2T3 barrel rosin, vainer hi llTrATV 1TN'FS Vew York spent last year S?3.47?,etS 1 . 1 -, beuii irforminK andraay lie cn?iderl . . : r x.Arirt k.t c. . : 1 111 il 1 J!j: JjI il XjO . abt xork ojiuui. . j , occupvintr an nra of Gftv-thiee thous-' , , . . . , GC5. sliifirl by . Messrs lehosrt Jc.Co.; : - iiir dncational nurpo-ses. TJie teach-; , . .... L r , . , to mark a new departure tn staniboat j . 0 T . ! lr educational PJJP1 - jand miles, ha hitherto been' almost , i Theinced'nlou .V hav Nor-,'llo iw' Capt' Jl :n"e'K ! li-nr, tQt:itPED with tclkimion rrswei-c paid $2.42 000. u lv unIul,.lbi(e.T. n I I he inc. edntou ma hn 1 to-day lor Hamburg wirh i 37ft JV . I- , . that, if the feat was performed it was . .rr4ic .!.' i ta ttmr1 thnt there are fif.ecn p . t barrels rosin, valued at $o.fitl;,, ship- R.,j r,ntJ ItisetimaCclthat tncre att in ctu . rcnJsUS bulletin-states j that Korth owing to the fact that the freshet m the R . Jf.c ' persons in the Umted btates whuag-; .r nnlfurin . riverhad overflowed ita'banka and ha.1 M Mcsn E. It- Barket . t. - . . - ... . . . . . .. . w,- - ............. ... - , , nir,' r , rnii HHnjiirKr i.T inn r.rnTVi t i.r. r Ci- a .,mWnl tnv F iio has nor mo micrnnrornipn iPTa&SRd cri ... . 1 . . . been levied on all dealers who hall.cx-: pose the above paper for sale in Mar-J shall. (.overnor Stoncman, of California, has appointed a3 Adjutant-General, j Southerly nd is to establish a hack line General Crosby, an ex-Confederate, ed-son tjlc street. here for the Uuefit of the ucated at West Point, who restgued j onblic. Hack will! be kept 'ready nt from the army and -went with his j varituis points f..r the purpose nT con Stae.?1 Ada eonsequencc the li-ap- 1 xesa passetiser .to 1 and from anv potoloiKcanuiuates and their IrienUs j haTO; Turned dervishes and gone mtn howHng after Gov. S. ' j The Petersburg Index-Anvml thinks ; lnc week enling tt-day hiot up 3,5Ja Uat in ten years hence the term -reU 1" D.,tca Ksaai,, balc mr th csir will not bo uscil by any iiiteliigent j responding pcrio! last year, n increase writer orrsubjects connected wirh the j week or csoo bnles. The jieceipis civil war. Can't say wc agree in ibis, j for the crop year to date ftnt up 102.154 The forgets that popular -4nti meht at UkT North is moulded by the masses, "and that the literary men of the day are impotent to stem a torrent, to say nothing of turning a tide. It i the tail that wags the dog, and not the dog-that wags the tail, in this instance. To Builders and others Go to J ago El's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass ,&ol You can gtU sizes j and at the !cwet prices. . , ' ' VOL. YII. The Dot ham . VUud throws to the t3reez ri the next Deniocrntxc noratna tion forftvrnt.r the: name of Julian S.! CiirrJ Capt. Hanson of the (jimbiia tvah not amo4 the $avt!. lie) stood uon the bridge till th !at moment br.rl jerishMl heroically.' ' . j j i j i iiv . vijm i til i -.tan i ainvc tis ranges frxm '$10.0t.Ml o $C0,(KK). - The average cost of passen &-S.500. arjd tHe avera-e ctit of engines $-10,00(1 A proposition has been made tj tne City Council of NewOrleans Unxjustruet an e!evate1 railway along the entirelriri to CaVrollton. , T i i Tbff railroads are soon I tablishments, worth $13,045,630, em ploying 18.100 hands who are paid 740,758 wages. They use materials worth $13 090,037 and turn out pro duets worth $0,095,037 i j LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II Greex Otmlca Secit j Musus Kros Garden tecl Yates Wrapping Paper and Bag IlKJSSBKKGEK-r-Pianos aiad OrgHtw Scxazesima undav to-morrow. Day's iop.gth 10 honrs utes. I . ' and 19 miu- The almanac promises us cold waatber for Monday. ' I I There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this ueoki I j " The rcciptsof cotton at this ort fc day toot up 582 bales. j j Sunse to-morrow afternoon at 23 niinutesipa,st 5 o'clock. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacovi's Hardware Depou t There was one interment that ot a childin Nellevue Cemetery this week. The fluctuation of the temperature has prodneed a great m.rng oar pe p'.e - j many colds 1 There were four interments one adult and three children in Pine Forest Cerueterj' 'this week. Tho Register of Dee s has not. issued a marriage iicense this week, which is a lamentable condition off things Tho recent fieshet in jthe North West Capo Fear, which was nbout 40 feet in depth, has fallen off about 20 feet. If it would rain hard orsiiowsoft or do someihinsMecidcd in the way of weather wc would alMec.1 better satis fied. " . i I - ! - I Uyster sncus uet m a enal ttore will hcln-in t c nrevcn ion oi cuimer abd in removal when tbrmod. The! 9 reason is ciinker is u jilicite, and the 5mc jn iJ;e M. C:tn,os it0 flISC TKr Ilir.L-iirv ( iii-iii'iihM ;iffera siis. r : r ""r " , (pension of five weeks, cau-ci ON lilt? loiai Ctcsirucnou 01 mo niucc. appears ' o-ya-i- onil in .in enlrrcil and ini pmTeiji " - a- Mav its shadow: never grow : i-j Diem was a crowded hmtse and a delighted audience at the matinee per- ! f"rmncc this ailcruoon at th. Opera i i i . '7.Vl I c; 01 Kins, ami meru wiii o niioui.i fine audience this evening to sec her in Felicia. Wc 'understand that Capt. T. J. noim within the citr. at a siuail charce Ciitton. ) The receipis ol citon al this prt for b t!is, as Hgsiiist 1I9.1S.1 bales to same dato iu lfS-J, a decrease this year of 17,- 1150 bales Great Closing Out Sale, t Having on Iiand a large supply of Clothing, and in orderj to make room for coming Spring ; Stock, we wiir sell the remainder of onr Winter goods re gardless ot cost. A. & I. Shrier, Ue ii&bla Clothiers. No.34 Market 'street. .' and v'v:-;:v-J v:-f.' '- W ILMINGTON.. N. C. -SATURDA Y. JANUARY ,o Ahead , Steam boat. j The steamer o 7a wo7 is a dri v- inc boat and Capt I. Sherman.' her 'popirlar commander, is a driving man j a?a nigci m tco siaieiy inaurme, j as well as . beins goo l-Iookin-. Whailho Wft2y waits and ihe fasciuaUnsj tWhewantstopj with his boat heis PIfe' aw,',nsourka. We candnot a Uiapd to travel, and he manages togtt whethec:or not Smith's jbrind! ; there. It would hardly bo expected, however, that be could meet with much success in navigating oi "dry land, but it ia a fact that a few - days since he steamed, the Jkn Dawion around the cnd,f the bridge, on the opposite side of the T'lack river from Point Caswell, and navigated sorue considerable ds. tauceon the public highway .without' damage i himself. thebVnt or the roadl To shvv that somo things could bo ac- i , .. ,u . tut nel wjtli hia boat by the same road, . . . i-A- . I nidi W ILiltlllL H.L A'lVlf.llfa fk M11IIL.UII V ' inundated the highway so deep that the act become possible, and it is onr im pression their conclusion-would be j cor rect, as there has never -well, hardly ever been such a freshet known in the Black river as now prevails. ! Tho only pain we can safely make light of is the window pane, but the pain that racks our framo and tears our lungs is a matter of serious oonsequnce. To alleviate the latter and e fleet a permanent euro. Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up is rclliedon by all sensible people. A SeouiMlrelly Act. A few nights since, as the train on the wards this city, it arrived at Marion, S. C serend minutes behind tmie where it received o ders by telegraph to stop until the Southern bound trrfin should pass. While the conductor was in the telegraph bflice receiving his in structions some one outside (not ati employe of the road) sieaed a lantern and swung It,- indicating to the engineer to go ahead. .Thelatter.'presuming, as a matter of course, that the signal , was all right, started and before the con ductor could get out of the office and on the train it was beypnd his reach, going at a constantly increasing jsneed. The engineer, after passing a jshort curve, saw the headlight or the train which was coming at full speed frpn the North, aud stopped as quickiy as possible, biit not until tho two engines were with iu a few feet of each other. Tho train within geing South was crowded with passengers, and had not the two headlights been seen simultaneously, or had they n.et in the curve, the result must . have been ap palling. No blame can be altaehed to auy of the employes of the road; it all rests upon the idiot who swung the lan tern that,he had no right to Yen touch. We hope he may be identified, arrcsta tried and punished with all the severity the law can inflliet, and if that is iuade- i quate that be may be turned over to the ; tender mereiea ot'a dozt.n engineers vi-ji..m wecouui seiecc, . i - We learn that orders have been in 1 4iei bmee this'narrovr eseape, by the 1 officers of the road, that no engineer is i to Mart h- train until he, receiver the nr Pr thc sonc. and that no I ' -T - w .. . . . . . . i 1 itir 1 nt n.iiiuii.Ti 111 1 111 itr b 1 in va to give timt Signal. A Happy Occaslou. I The ball at Burgaw last night exceed ed our most sanguine expectations. Wc had .expected a success, . for -with such Wrf ol managers there .was no. such word as fail, but it proved to be a tri umph. The attendance was very large, there being present representatives from Pender. Duplin Vuid New Hanover. The hall had bceu put in the best possi ble' coudition for dancingand the music, furnished by the Italian harpers of this city, was all that could be desived. The best and most cordial feeling existed araongj the merry, happyheartcd throng, and the dancing continued from 7 oVlck last night until ' 3 o'clock this J morning without any intermission. It has been very seldom that we have seen and enjoyed so much real pleasure at a gathering as it was our good fortune to see and enjoy last night The ladies looked lovely, were dressed elegantly, danced charmingly and smiled bewitch iogly until we came ucar forgetting that we were a benedict. I There seemed to be a doubt as to whether the fair daughters of Iuplin, New Hanover or Pender were tin j most . lovely- j with, no possible chance of a verdict. The masculines' - present, i Af.nc( ifnf iw rw fliA yi a -rr-i--i - ff 4 f unable to agree Where there wa.- so much of loveliness it was impossible to decide, and tho attempt was given up to penetrate . . , . ' j sru. cieareil to-aay tor tiamourg Jtn I , r as futile. .We went hero in! search of j Plensare iau t we round it, and for tlic . j time we threw off alflhe cares or life. sided cow broke down the fchcji and ate every collard in our lot. Itl was a ' " ,t ' . l . .1 a'' " 2 f' i I -i goKj iime mat wo weuLior ami a sooo-: time wc-liad. and wc arc confident it was an rccas!on which will belong and happily remembered by all .wlfo hsi the goor fortune to be present. Exports Foreisrn. clcarto to-nar for 'Iouuon '- wuh .i.lU.U j bsiwls-riisin." valued at $5.1)21. IB. sl.ip- pe4l bv Messrs PatCrson, Downing 4 i; r- ; r, C.; or. barque Condor, Copt. cu TUN Electric Ajr. A remarkable instance of the utility of, the Atlantic Cable and connections was evidenced to-day in the sending of a message to Liverpool by a Water st rect firm at 9.45,to which they tecei veil a reply in Wilmington at 10.45 the mes sage haying been sent-" from Wil ming ton by way of New York to Li verpoo? tho business referred to transacted arid a reply confirming the same received in j just one hour.nearly 7,000 miles having ! been traversed in that short space of time. It is simply wonderful even in this electric age. Ait Krror Corrected. It was stated in Thursday's Legisla tive' proceedings, as : published by us yesterday, that in the Senate cn that day Mr. 'Scott introduced a petition relative to the issue of bonds in New Hanover. This is a mistake, as we thought at the time, and are now assum ed by Mr.Bagg, Chairmkn of the Board of County Com niisgioners. Tliere are no bonds to by issued in this county, but the Legislature will be asked to appoint a sinking fund commission fer the purpose, of controlling the fund which is being laid aside to pay the out standing indebtedness of the county as it matures. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Garden Seed I : New Crop ! JgXTRA EAHLY PBAS, P AXS, COEX, CABBAGE. TURNIP, RADISH and aH Tari- i tkB usually sown in lhl eection. , For sale Wholesale and Rcta'fl. WILLIAM H. GRUKV. Drngjat. jan 27 OPERA HOUSE. F.or One Night Only ! MONDAY, JANUARY 2J)th, Thecrratire Artists and celebrated 'CotaMiaae Baker and Farron , Sopporte4 by their own Omcdy Coatnany, i I Will appear in their charming Coruedy ! and original creation, CHRIS AND LENA, As plxired by them in every eity of the worxd. Ponnlar price. Seats on Pile At Dyers', jan 23-St-toe-h-aat Notice. -gT VIETCF. OF AX ACT OF THK eral Aerably of Norti Carolina, incorpora - ting THE SOUTHERN ORE COMPANY, ibe under, igned hareopcRcd Boola -of SnbKrr'p-) tioa to the Capital Btock of said" Corporation SubTiprl-iiTJtcaB.befoanl at tho First Nauondl Itank and the Bank of New Hanover. J -TME TOi"K HAS ALL BEES .l-t- SCRIREO EXCEPT FOR ONE HTTSDRED SHAKE. Boeksi of Sabsoriptltm trill cle on DAY. Jaouarr 2ftb. 18S. J. RENO. jaa-t E. S. LATIMER. WEW CROP Cuba PJoiasses I AKKITBO. TO-DAY." ORliERS SOLICITEI. t I yiti TTi-f aavv wV'm - LL&PEARSAtLiai NO. 24 NKAV : ADVKimSEMENW rtr-p. E-SB ICPT W f L,aX4 HUOUi SATURDAY. Januarr 27. ; 4 . ' . - i Miss Rose Ey tingo. tt ,.r pi MPCQQ P A RIQ U I nLrnluUtooUr rnnlo. for Idi'lies ajfl Children. .dmiwirm C5c and 5f- AT MGHT : '. " . ' ' late srad'l Ualnn Square "Theatre succew. F E LLC I A! ".(ki, and T. '. cxtr;i for' tjc- i TELEPHONES ! phonp; EXCIIA or to C. V. McCLUKiP, ?pt, Riohmo;.t!. Va. jaa 24! 2wr Cloves & Coiiars r V r n loves. BLACK, CDLOllED AM OP17RA French Linen t-i loves. , Feather Kdge, Kiatroii1fivU ud Ijoc Cul'arsj JNO J IIEOUICK. Pianos and Organs, Fcoar AI J T11K Best Manufacturers in the Country, SOLD FOK CA3II OR OX THE MOMHLT ! . . . I IS8TA1XMEKT PL.Nt AT HEINSBERGER'S, Jan 22 j Live Bok and fusic Storts Fresh Caught .,.;..--.L- . , , l , 1 Mackerel in Desirable Packages ! 1 U tb. Kits, 5 !b. Tins and ln'Darr. Fresh Codfish ; In. TWO roUND CANS. AN K LEG A NT BREAKFAST DIR. THE BEST FLOUR j 8M In Wilmlngto? and nrc wiP.Jny ts brin it into cnmpot'U-.tn with any othci brani.' Peach, Pear, Pine Apple-, DAMSON and QUINCE PRESERVE in Inilk, 20 eta er lb. Mince Meat and Hum i Pudding, " t Left from tbc CbrLlmtw UoUdnyt very chrop. j p, 'Jj.' BRIDGEES & CO. ' i11 ,. ' ' , j Creat Bargains. 20 riECES BEST BLACK SILKS, SATINS AND BLACK CASS. . i 4 ilAA -KM. "GEBSTA-f ANDIKISJI IJNEN j AW Towels, BlankeU an t Dorafcllca, to be I .old at rcdiKwI price. flIleVeot my entire tock of rrpot. i . , , t 1 Brus-.!-. Tartwtrr, fnrraln. Sfn!y. anil Offlc .J . " , - i J 5lllri. ii.atu ami cauu-v i.-o.j. r .urTrs Also, full tock of CloiliiiJg and rrnierliln, . i ' r : from I he cb-aprtit fcn , th bet. T-arMt ' U a ; ' j " m war, I tWe ll3 . - '..-,--.. Mayke. St. I i Mc&owan's Saloon. ! KEY atill girea iit faction- 2 LnrKtie of Clz&r lhUra-, S undip fir 10 ceuls. , " t jM-g.-Zt ' ". U v '"' ' t ,1IJI1 HI lii il JJ 111 mi 1 iliSUSWr-OuiBW 8 T. r-u.ntur ttm iui i hi ,r; fcT izm t-ur tttxttzbt of 4 fcf th wors kind pd of Wi' i -!;!.' u- lW2 cared. 1 tnftxmrf)th - A VU .lil Ml. VI --1 a. aernm. . w.. 27. 1883. f " t ft as: n fi We wtll I gUd to recclT f-rBjmStIdna frn auj frttmila on any and aD subject of wseucral latere! to i Tfee aarceof ti wtlter iut aiwaya U fu nihoa to the Entor. mnmnaicauoM mast a wrttUa a atly ae aldo ct Cm paper, . ParaooaSUea must be avoMajT Aa4 It f epeclal)y ami nkdarly utar , stood that tbe EOltor dea not aliraya i tha rlews of errcspcmicwt tmlesa aa stated ia we editorial coramna. WUA.PFIN0 PAPER ' i ASD BAG t yjA7?-' A pArru i mi bags at urw- V. YATES' jioba sTor.3. SOOHlid: JSowjCrot rj . '' ; - :.::v, ; ? y.:. ' ' - .-' - . i , . - -. direct from MuUiuuf . Ir rl Vi-. t .' j " Orders oltftitelv. . ',"-.f'- :-.-, ,' r " WOltTII & WORTH. r.v;t jsn 24 Brcech-Loadnn?; p IirNK nEKKCIl LO.WHNO Ifl)TlU7W, - ' - i !'. Vf it hhclls. Wads, rowder. Hhot, JwrtrkUa 1lfl, Gaat'aRes. IU;loading TxJj, Gnm Itatft, rta tola all kindi. . If yv" VflPlu 'CratiiM rO clo of the above gtxKl y nnd I w prices. ! th ' sajAo can be found At' . , - W. K. MM'INGEt Jk OVHf v i HWSHri in ItHWVoa A lanaa , 10 8! and tZ Market, ttrwl "GA11DEN SEEDS." j A FKKdir LOT OF All. '.KlSUrf of CV b.ivre nndTumiu Keed. arlv. tui.1 LiLn vai-U. nf, iHiaru. uvei ana roui;iw a Urn Utc.k and an etui lens r.rivty ( . Pui aoit BoaiiS. retailed at wlu&l j prica by, . - , IVIiinds Bosv -dauwfactnrii'g Pl-flrraaUti', , i AND WILAIINUTON. . C. ' . 13 , ... -:. '. ', lOO Set 4 , QF HARNESS JUST RCKtr-D, axwl irO have another tarJlot ot bnffgtca n a it days.' dive na aw doc 3 Ktt'AKrT A TO. Ciasswaref piAxcv ani rUkis, -.-r : ' : ro Smlk by. f-ILK- A MtrUGlf ISH, 5H4w1 4 Hir1A-vm mock Peruvian Guano; 200 Tons i '- "' ' 'i ! Gennino Lobos Gnaho ( i . i DrRECT ntPORTATIOV, i I EXt'EClT.DirAIti; an l 'fvir a!rfh v Chas. E. Smith & Oo. 1 ,000 . 1 NEW PEANUT SACKS ASLD 4 Bashel Oat SaolLs. Trr trX; at Willard's. iia JS-tf New Jewelry 'Store; . rjtUK UNDERSIGNED REAPlrCIXY mniyvunc U tba citizen f WUml&jrloo (Lhat lie ha Wfw! premiMt Ho. ik. MaHLK fH.. and! iioM- in'rec'Ipt off 1 ! :. . . ; "''1 , Handsome Stbcsk of Goods,4 thi4i rilli diplayd A a tcr tya. Watcn and Clock repalttsjc a pocL&lty. lee 13 . JNO. H. AXLEN. ilTou Wish -toiSee'; e --.'... "I v ; notoriety. tk olU-t Haldtn and Itio a! rt. maker tn WUmioton. iut mDmU. If. DoW DEN X C(.tiAn4 tary -, n'r Kot stvl alt other art-ek rn a cadtf'crr etlI---ment, for 11 b tb place to ba.' , . I Jan 1 !w rjiiiE riksT ik -TiiE skaon: t J I rota the celebrated Ulnbary ;" Fsnn on New Klrer.: - - U .," - ' ! AJLto, Wtne, Ak. Uquo-m aad Cita aadj fite iuxwh CTery day, 3$ 1 1 okek. l - JHN CAEXOLX, arpt 1 - v JJetropo'Ctaa tiiooa. SI i f i V

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