THIS P ' ! ; r x i r V 4! . ,verr evening, Snndayf eepted by JOSH T. JAJV1KS, ' KPiroB TSOPKIETOB. .rrsCBlPTIONS rOSTAGE PAID: One Jr $4.00. lUU"lUO y One month, 35 cents. f Targe, in any part of the city, at the above 0 ' 1 A.nts i)cr week.- : Will lK3 H3U Vitu u; ww gtUP "tcs lo and liberal, subscribers vrfll report any and ail fall urPf, u rrccirc their paper regularly. r- 7 ZMtVy ieinVw has Viz largest bona cirailation, ofany newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. TEX CENT COLU3iy. iifecrtiscmenl inserted in this col "; nl 10 rents per line, each insertion, hut n rharqc of less than 30 rents iriM h made on any advertisement. There secrus io be a nice little scheme 0.1 foot in Raleigh to sacrifice the State's. interest in the Cape Fcar.& Yadkin . Valley Railroad. The State now owns -, 00 shares of this stock, which plight, aUhc very least, to be worth 55.000. and this it is proposed to-";rivc away without, so far as wc can sec, any guar antee of a completion of the road. Wo i.nre not seen Uhc bill, but we hare judzed of its tenor it oiii the remarks of j tvhieh we publish heiewith: )Vc have glauced over a uiutiniro- duced in the fccnate authorizing a sale f the State's stock in the Cape Fear nd Yadkin Valley Railroad, The bill nrovides that the commissioners shall; asn the States stock to Robert W. Donnell, and Murchison & Co.. of New j York eitv. A. "i . Stokes, oi Kichmoml, i John I). Williams, E. J. Liliy . J. A. f T T. Inwhwi .1 I nrnM- Morfhead. J. K. and W. A. Moore. V lily t . M4. ... - I A. Umly. W. A. Lash, 1. W. C. lien bow and Julius A. Cray. That each share of the State's stock shall be entitled to one vote. That up on the adoption of this act as a part of the charter, the grantees above named shall deposit with the State Treasurer $70,000 qf North Carolina 4 Jper cent, bonds," and thereupon the assignment nhall be made and a reorganization had. That the company may issue mortgage Loud to the extent or $15,000 per mile vi J"0ad constructed. That for the $30,- 000 mortgage bonds of the company. now owned bv the State, the grantees shall pay cash par value to tne Mate. That the company may, it it chooses, complete the road or build branches. That if it shall choose to build a branch to a point convenient ' to Frankslin3 viilo within three years, the Treasurer id to return $35,000 of the North Caro lina 4 per cent bonds; and then if the company builds another branch to Dan vtlU within three years, the Treasurer is to return the balanoe of those bonds. That the company shall pay the Treasurer $90,770 of its new mortgage bonds to pay for the convict labor al ready pertorsneu, ana tne otaie is io furnish convicts according to. present acts, aud all other convicts not other wise disposed of by law, upon same terms as now. rcceiring paymeut in mortgage bonds. That if the compauy build the road to Patterson all of these mortgage bonds shall be returned to the company. The gist of the proposi tion seems to be that the grantees are to pay the State $30,000 in cash for the company's mortgage bonds now held by the State. That the State is to fur nish the convict labor to construct the road, receiving pay in mortgage bonds. That the company is to deposit $70,000 withe the State as a guarantee that the two branch roads will be built in three years; when they are built the guaran tee is to be surrendered. If not built in three years the guaranteee is to bo forfeited. Jf in addition the road is completed to Patterson tho State is to surrender the mortgage bonds received for the cor vict labor. The grantees will have to raise less than $100,000. The convicts will do the work, the company will furnish the iron and ties. The company need do nothing. If the income of the road is now $10,000, it would be good investment for- the grantees to stop where they arc, or by ironing the road to Greensboro they could stop there. We believe it costs less than $4,000 a mile to iron a road; if the company shall be able to market its mortgage bonds, and get some more funds to" buy iron with the State will give -up the '".wiwi wui.. Arc. The completion ot tho work serma to depend entirely on the ability of the company to market its bonds. Tlic Completion of this road has al ways been a sort of hobby with us. We it finUhwl Hi-pat rpults would flow from the accomplishment as much to them as their wages, of the work and'then besides the people j ! -to be benefited have cheerfully borne - personal. , their share of State expenses and have ! Col. Murdoch McUae, of Shoe Heel, still no railroad facilities. Any reason- robcson county, is in the city and res able proposition guaranteeing the build- p,n House ing of the road would have our hear-! itred at the I urcell jiouse. ticst support but is this a proposition The Ncw'Soittli. to build? T, WcfTtrc sorry to see that Mr.j E. A Death of Mr. Macks aioth cr. Mr .1. T Macks 1mvp ibU rit v to- Might for Baltimore, having been called ! a lack of appreciation and the rliflicul thither by sad intelligence received by ty of making ol:cctiis are the causes telegraph to-day or the death of- his which have impelled to this step. Mr. mother, which occui red at her rosi.j Oldham has . made a very readable dence in that city this morning. Wc j paper and one which surely meriUi are very sorry to hear of Mrs. MacK' success. j . death. TVconccJiad the pleaiure or? .VPaliifulTiguryJ meeting her and her husband at their j Mr w uarne3 met with quite a Iiouie in Baltimore and we shall never j serjOU3 accujent at his home yesterday, forget the kindness and hospitality u passjns out from the dining room with which we were received by them. he ippCli and fell in tlic ; passage, sus- .i i tai 'ling injuries which are to-day, found ,Cu1u,JOi.umua..u " men s smris. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier arc making a specialty of introducing the Military and Firemen's Shirts of the same styles as won by New York Companies. Sam pi 98 and prices can bo seen by call ing at A. & I. Smtimt's. Clothing house, Ko. .34 Market street. . ian. 20. If II M I . nrr ' ?vj ; ruiA&E kotice. ' ' Iffil UliEf ISC : j 1 ' . ; 1 . 1 , ""S ' . . ; . . s - ; ' " VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX It NEW ADYEKnSEMENTS. Consamption - ' Moore Ceunty Grit Kaxteij A, House ; MMKatz Bargains C peine Portia Plaster- Lime, Kalnit ami Plaster ' W II Greex Grdea Eecd "Hkixsbekgeh New Xovci Musdr Bko Garden Secl Dn F W Potteu Tacination Yates Xo Obnoxious Comics OrKA lIoiE Butts' Painting. Giles A MCKcmsox GlaisTrai-e E 4 AIoobe A Co ,3rKrehr Cn! Otiehbocrg A Public Benefactor W EsrruxoEn & C Breech-loaders Parker Tatloh Can't1 KeepThem. Croxlt & Morris Oranges. OrcngcH P L Briioers & Co Give Your Grocer Kerciixek ACalderBros Griceiies. . H M Kowdex A CO It Ypu Wish to See loru rain, but wit W warm weather - Southwest. - ; giiow was predicted for to-day, both j. w vnnfll. y A cnnoi .mil I lacked a great d the almanac, ! .- eal of it in this section. ... . sret to lea IIooi)er is lying df learn tlat Mr. George langerousry sick at his reMdence on Third. between-Queen and Woostcr streets. I - For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Iepoti f 1 r - We noticed yesterday that quite a number of panes of glass were brken in Tileston School building, the work of bad boys with thej unlawfu. and dangerous sling-shot. All those who want to enjoy a hearty laugh and have lots of fiiu can be satis fied by a visit to the Opera House to night, where the Baker & Farron' Com- bination will appear in Chris and Lena. ' The first pair ot shad! of the season were caught this morning by Mr. Mills, - in Mr. J. II. Noathrop's net, and sold to Mr. B. Sellers for his res taurant, the old Scarborough House, on South Water street. The Southern Ilumpty Dumpty Quadrille Band, of this city, is an en tirely new institution, but i has proved itselt capable of furnishing first class music. We have heard them on sev. eral occasions, and they discourse finely. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at J a corn's Hardware Depot. t A youiiir friend of ours, wjho ( found his way into the woods yesterday; brought in to us thisjmorning ft bunch of the beautiful flowering moss, pecu liar to this section, - yehich is already in bud and beginning to bloom. This is very early for it. j The last number of Krank Leslie's Illustrated gives what claims to be a representation of the ferry at the foot' of Market street. It is a very clever wood-cut, and we suppose it must rep" resent the ferry, as it is so stated. Oth erwise it would- bo difficult for us, to locate it, for we have never seen any thing like it in Wilmington nor in North Carolina. ' The Beaufoit Telephone says : Mr. Asa. J. Lawrence and fifteen of his neighbors from North River, all able bodied laboring-men, left here Tuesday last foy Wilmington iq engage in the j employ of Mr.-W. E. Davis, a former j rfS;,ient of this counts', who is bow the ---.Cf ficli flo?ilr in Ihni Stntc. ! These men am emnloved bv the month to V , I manage the trap nets and drift nets of Mr. Davis, in Capo Fear river. We think theif experience; will be worth oidhain announces jthe suspension of his natier. the Xeir South. Hard times, to bevery painful. It is theiright aii which is injured and it is useless to-day, being carried in a- sling. We trust that no bones arc broken. . - To Builders and others Go to 7 ago ei's for Sash, Blinds anil Doors, Glass &c You can get all sixes and at the lowest pnecs. W ILMINDJON. N. C.I MONDAY. JANUARY Bishop : Northrop, . " We are glad to learn, as we do from rood authority, that Rt. Rev. BishoD Northrop,; who it has been stated was appointed to the. vacant See in South Carolina, j to succed the late Bisliop Lynch, jwiil not leave us. It is said now that no such appointment has been made. Nearly All Taken - The stock offered .by the Southern Ore Company had, with the exception of a very few shares, been alljdisposed of before noon to-day, and those left have probably been taken jnp by this tiraei This ia a substantial evidenca of the'laith onr citizens have in the enter prise and the gentlemen who are eon ducting it We understand that a meeting is to be called to-morrow even iug for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the Company. Scandalous. j. So rude, iudeoorous aud noisy were some of those attendance at the Opera House on Saturday night that many of the finest efforts of the; performers were lo?.t upon those who were there for the purpose of listening.- Their conduct was not only annoying to a Iargeportion of the audience, but also to the actors, who on one occasion were compelled to stop and let the noise sub side. Miss Eytinge, when called be fore thel curtain, took occasion to ad minister a scathing rebuke at the rude conduct, and she was heartily endorsed in the hearts of nine-tenths of the audi ence. The police were in attendance, but we presume unofficially, as there were no attempts made to preserve or der that proved effectual. We understandithatseakskin coats are going oat of style, and in consequuee colds are increasing among the fair sex. How fortunate there is such a remedy o "11 r- "Rnll'a i Vn-inrVi Rerun! i. The Railroad Commission. We publish below an editorial article from the Goldsboro ilessener in which Col. S. I. Fremont of this city, is very handsomelp alluded to. If the commis sion is to! be created we agree with the Messenger that tiie gentlemen to com pose it should be not only able" but pos sessed oftheimblic confidence and wc rnnliallv endorse what it says in refcr-H "ence to Col. Fremont as one. who can fill tho bill exactly ; j Present indications point to the estab lishment of a railroad commission The "entleraen to compose such a commis sion should be not only well qualified fer the discharge of its duties but pos sessed of public confidence to the fullest extent. At least one of the commission should be a man having had railroad experience. A friend suggests Col. S. h. Fremont. No better selection could be made. A thorough railroad man of large practical experience, he has al ways proven 'himself a friend of jthe people, and in the contestagainst rail road monopolies his tongue and pen hayo never remained idle. Personal .MnairlnrritioriB cannot affect him i in what he believes would tend to public o-ood. and he would he lnaeiaugaDie in I Q . I the discharge ot his ciuty. Saturday Nlffht's Fire. I About 10 :45 o'clock on Saturday night the wood shed on the premises of Mr. S Burtt, on. the corner of Dock and Eighth streets, caught fire and was en tirely consumed. The flames spread to the kitchen of Mr. W.-J. Penny, on the lot adjoining, which was partially de stroyed. The alarm was given as soon as the fire was discovered and the fire de partment was promptly on hand, and by their exertions tho fire was kept from extending to the other buildings in the immediate vicinity J The fire origina ted in a barrel in" which ashes contain ing lire embers were deposited. The loss was not severe. Mr, Penny had insurance on his kitchen to the amount of $100 in the Mutual Insurance Conf pany of this city. j J "Felicia." There was a large attendance at the Opera House on Saturday night to witness the performance of the above named play j by Miss Rose Eytinge and her company. -Tho plot was such as demanded the most intense emotional characterization and Miss Eytinge, I in Felicia fully sustained her part and established her ; title to being one of the finest emotional actresses oa tne Amen- can stage, bhe was aoiy supponea, there not bring a "stick," as u most usually the case, in the entire sompany. We have seldom seen a play put upon the stage in this city so perfect in all its parts, and .had . it not been for annoy ances. of - which : we shall speak else where, it would have been a delightful entertainment. ; . 1 - SilYer Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobus. j '; - ; t :; H NEW ADVERTISE3IEYrS. Wanted HO REST, A SMALL TtWELlf inj bouse. Address TENAKT, jan 20 Care Eevicw Office. Oranges Oranges. Oranges yyi ARE SELLING , FINE SWEET ORANGES. ' From Schr. Mabel rDarlinj, . now at Fruit ''r . ' " ' Wharf. . jan 29 It , CRONLY & MORKIS. Garden Seed ! New Crop ! T7XTRA EARLY PEAS, BEANS, CORN, JLJ VAB8AGE. TURNIP, RADISH and all vari ties usually sown In this section. For eale Wholesale and Retail. WILLIAM II. GREEN. . Drugxist. jan Ti it GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH LOT OF ALL HINDS of Cab bage and Turnip Seed, early aud late var3 tleu; Col lard. Beet and Tomato Seeds, a large stock anft an endless variety of Peas i aud Beans, retailed at wholesale prices by ftftunds Bros., Alanuiacnmng jf narmacists, i 1.491 BROaDWAY,,HJSW YORK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 29 ; y y Glassware, pANCY AND PLAIN, . ' : FOR SAJ.E BY GILES & MUECinSON, 33 and 49 Murchison Block jan 20 -If You .Wish to See QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior Beserv.e notoriety, the eldest Saddle and Harness, &c, maker in Wilmington, just caU at II. M. BOW DEN A CO'S store and buy a nice Lap Kobe ana au otner articles m a saaaiery establish ment,' for it is the place to get them. jan 29 ! BrceclMLoadcrs, FINE BREECH-LOADlNaf SUOT-GUNS, , i , - - . - - -i i Shells. Wads, Powder, Shot. Cartridge Bags, ' Gun Cases, Reloading Tools, Game Bags, Pis tols all kinds. If yon want a first-class arti cleof the above good?, land low prices, the same can be found at ' -. W. E. SPRINGER & CO'S, Successors to Dawson & Co., ian 29 - 19 21 and 23 Market Street Groceries. - Groceries. jgACOK, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFFE, Rloe, Molasses J Salt, Crackers, Candy, Cheese, ' f ' " 1 j 6da,! Potash, Lye, Snuff, Tobacco, Eoap, Starch, Candles, Nails, Hoop Iron, Glue, Bungs, Wrapping Paper, Wrapping Twine, I ' - j Hay, Oats, Axle Grease, Bagging, Ties, o. i ' . ! - j For sale by . jan 29 KERCFINER & CALDER BTOS- Vaccination. QN AND AFTER j TUES DAY NEXT, THE 50th lost., persons who hare net been Vaccin ated will call at ray Office, between the hours of S and 10 in forenoon, and 2 and 4 afternoon, for that purpose. Saturday will be devoted more particularly to the Vaccination of School Children. - . " All persons tuiable to pay will le Vaccina ted free-of charge. F. W. POTTER, Snp't Health, Office on Market bet. 2d A 3d Streets, i jan 29-3t j New, Grand and Beautiful ! 54 Paintings ! 7,500 Square Feet ot Canvas ! TO UTFS NEW SCENES ! BEAUTIFUL stories of the Old Bible, with Revelation, will I. be exhibited at the I FUIIAX, FEBRUARY 2. Revelation at Matinee, 3 o'clock. New raintings at Vh o'clock, j One ticket admits to both entertainments. Adraision 50c ChUdren 25c. jan Il-2t-C A Feb I ' New Novels. ! . TkfR. ISAACS. BT F.M: CRAWFORD; the Colonel's Daughter, or Winning hi Spurs, by Capt. CnarlesTting; Portia or by Passions .J-kRd. KafcL hr the luchess: Uncle Gabo Tucker, by J. A. Maconv Heart or feteei, dt Christian Keid; Anne, a novei, oy x . wi io For sale it HEINSBERGER Albums, Pocketbooks. yLL KINDS ASD SIZES, FINE RUSSIA Leather Goods of every description. ; . -f For sale at -; j- . . i;. HEINSBERGER'S, . jan 20 jjhre Book and Mastofitcrt : it -. ' 1883. NO. 25 NE A ? ATI ' tm - - nefactor. ASE WEEK AGO of young gentlemen were stSKsA PARTY net ef Market and Third streets,. he cor earnest conversation. An attentive ear quickly reveal the fact that the subject which engrossed their attention was ndt one of a re Unions or political point of view. "It'o aston J Ishing," reiuarked one, a'pparSrttly the talker j. ' . i - I of the crowd, "since Ottcrbo-urg established - i -' i - ...-. --- -. ; ; the Men's Wear Depot rn onr midrt, I have actually sared not Jess than fifty per cent, on the CJo'thiu I have bought from him srfce . l-hat time Fornierlyi' said he. and not heed ing in the least the interruptions of his lriends, "1 had my garments made to order at ado'ible eo3t; unless I garc ny measure . a respectable fit otherwise could not be hart.: Observe tb change. Now J can g to the -jiopuUr Iron Front Store, and for half the money purchase a readv-made suit, possessinz all the! requi sites of Style. Fit and Finish, equal If not bet ter tbnn those made to. order. Otterbonnr. iyon see, has been raised in the Clothing busi ness, and bemg a yoxwg man naturally can hotter cater for the desires of his young fel low patronST As for the aider and more cdate class of customers, his practical experience of ot'T fifteen vears has taught him a lesson well calculated t- satisfy their desires, etc. It's a poaitire fact," he'eontinued, growing more en thusiastic, "Otterhonrg's Clflthing leats the world, j H los.es30j tho peculiar sn!tp which goe so far to the make up, of style, general good a r pea ranco, &c., Ac. Ottcrbourg's tok from season to seassn is a subject of general comment. It contains all conceivable shades and every Btyle known to the fashionable ..rrM. Ottcrbourg's tendency is onward and upwr 1, and his marvellous reductlonson for mer prices, and the introdnction in our city of the Latest Styles, distinguish him truly at A PUBLIC BENE TACTOK. " . ian. Bargains ! Bargains ! AT 3E- 3yE. KATZ'L 36 Market Street. A GREAT MANY DESIRABLE WINTER GOODS SELLING OFF LOW TO MAKE v ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED FULL ASSOltTMENT OF White Goods, Embroideries, Cambrics, t Seersuckers, Ginghams,, Sheetings, Housekeeping Goods. ALWAYS ON HANI) A FULL , ;r r LINE OF Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, .. AT r - - v . - - . 3 6 f J a r ke t St re e t . ian 20 - ":. ; ': :: No Obnoxious Comics, B ITT AX T.LKQIST AS) AKJUiw Line of Comprising many new designs. Call an! see iheni at YATES BOOK STORE. k. i PLEASE KOTICE. j our frlcadj oa & M Wectt cf j sxocrai Latercst Jbol The name of the writer must ahraja t fax nlslied to the Editor. aTOiaaat wrttua ca )y wtuaiuour ice paper. V i Personalities must be aroMed. And It U especially ;ana pArtleriurlyuaer. stood that the Editor doe. not ahray, endot.e intheeditirlal column.. ? NEW AftyjERTISMEFf R. Give Your Grocor A TRIAL ON CH E ESTS, wported and Domestic, DUTCH HEAD AMEBIC. CHEESE. YOUNG A WFRJCAl S CHEESE. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC ALE, A, ; Bass Pale Ale, . Edinburgh Sctch Ale, , London Stout,: . ' 1 . Belfast Ginger A le.'- Best American Beer on the Market, f Per lKxnu. Kterytlilngin tur Establishment giiArantaol as regards Price and 0,uaJUy P.- L. BBIDGEES & CO. jaa " a. NO USE FOR THEH. Coq cent I twr Cer tai a Relics of "Iio Past Dojrs that have Lad Their JOayl George Stephenson's Rocket," and pe mag- uiuw.ii tuwuiuti vca ui are uuni upon the same general principle, yet. the machine with which the great engineer astonished M age is Interesting now only as an illustration of the beginning of the' Inveution! ro were plasters with holes iu them long beforej BEN SON'S CAPCINE TORUS' PLASTER urJ prised both the public and the physician; and tho triumph of the Capolne ia Xoondcd upon ' the partial successes, or tho utter failure of its predecessors. . Everything of value In the old porus plaster is retained In the. Capcinc j but at this point all comparison endj, nod. contrast begins. For example ': ' '-' j Th! old plasters were slow, in their acUoq ; the Capclno is quick and sure. '' ' ' " The old pUsters li eked the power te do more than to Impart 8light,:;tcmporary rbllef in rises easy of treatment ;the Capctno pene trates the system and permanently cores the ! troubles for which it Is recommended. r - Tho old plasters depended for any good re salts they might attain, upon an accident of their makers and the naked faith of their wear era ; the Benson's reaches its coda by meant of the scientific combination of the rare medicln al ingredients which it contains. "" In brief, tho old plasters, .like Stephenson's discarded engine, are switched off the track, while tho Benson's goes on Us way winning golden opinions from all sorts of people. Yet In this very fact lies the leading 'danger to tho people who bny and use this reliable and scientific remedT nypocrisy Is the trib- nte vice pays to virtue." Imitation Is Abe con cession failure make to success. Benson' ft Plax tcrs are parodied In name and style. Beware of swindles.. The genuino have tho word CAPCTNB ccr In the center, price 25, cents. Seabury A Johnson, Chemists, New Yrk. DM tbooMnd. T mm of IM won 4 y""V taadiBK have bmcariL WH, ,t''' te ItaettTcKT, tu I wtii et T Kf. i A tf- pbr wtu axr;aLa natATis -i oo o-mw noonE courinf orirr "lcEST:m:2v;c:tD I sjkxnx cw Kill tzst t srMwrnos tuih pipeb- Lime, Kainit nd Plaster ! BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTUKAt, UMK CARBONATE OF. JJ1TE. BINIT, i:asd plaster and marl. GOOD FERTILIZEBS, ' AND VERY CHEAP.' fiend foraretiJar 23 jan . , ; Icky Jolnt, N. C CAN!T KEEF THEH ! XEOPLE WILL TIAVE THOS35 STOVES. Another Jo ipected.' Scndlr onr, orders. , : i rAiru & TATLC- -J. V FN.- sT (-.. !; :r ', u -fj!.v : ' s 7 i ' :. f - ' ' ; " i , . " :r.-M- : . . - ; ! , I r