THIS FAPKR i ,,OSlf T. JAMES, 1 .ptfOE AKD TECrUtETOB. . nun. v,i r iQOuins. 03 ,it.."0; One month, 13 cents. nn, of the c:ty at the above m 1.0 iloiiTert- ; - rt"" - raw 1 ...ri will report any a n3 all fall- :Uiretbflr paper m " . -t r)....-;it)'. lament 3"' . , . r nric?ixlP7. nia ((4HIW. v Sunday. net ... t,tr nrrti " j t's of Wilmington. JSk ana mu oun cu iu;r rvjiiramauuii . , MJ;ish'd, in yf.L- Mis Mary Anderson begau to play t Pnh K Jobnson wns in Palilalia at 8 o'clock latt evening with C r.. Jiepu -t-LUM- , . gUch lntensecmotion and excessive per- Oit-rn canned in 1S32 531, .oO casca ! jtVftS impossible to sit ithroiis vned at 2 78000. i act without feeling orrv that an a w run iu . V , nrintirs office at A RMiinpon. I hr -Woman's Insurance Comnanj ,;if bi,ine yesterday in New V...L. sa;,i thst -"0,703 persons have ; !V .01 auriiiif- the past five r.shed at itun . I r ! sta'.e.- ii l.risom in Jiif i fhatVnlheU'cstern countie iheio t.rc v,7 insane whites unproviici ur .t;-. in tlu- Eastern counties It id complained that -sneak thieves. othe White House make their way in I steal therefrom to at Washington ant numbers of small articles. -Mr. Isaacs." by Mr. tlrawford, a f ihe sculntor. is the book most 'talked about now. It is said that the? American edition is already exhausted. . -- " Senator Hill, of Colorado, is charged with saying that there i3 more corrup tion in the Department of the Interior ! .)..... i !. pvit .was befoiw and that lll.lfl HIV V . - Secretary Teller i responsible for it. 1 1 hrc hundred bushels of red oak acorns and a hundred and twenty bush ds of hickory nuts have been recently shipped to England and Germany by the Secretary of the Interior, for seed punoses. ; Two negroes had a pickled pig-foot eating match one 'day last week. I )uo a!e 45 and the other 40, a total in weixlit ot 36 pounds, within three hours. At last accounts they were both '6t ill liTier. The situation -at Wilkesbarre is in lerebtinff. It is feared that the arth will sink still further when tho frost i8 all out of the ground. The parts of the mine under the town are so filled with Sa that they cannot be entered. -Old man Flood," the California money-god, made his daughter Jennie a present of $500,000 on New Year's. She took tho tide at tho Flood, and whenever she does get tied by the par son there will be a golden flood for ome lucky fellow. tn A story which has been going the rsunds to the effect that the New York World has been sold to Mr. John R McLean, and that Mr. Geo. Alfred Towuscnd (Gath) Is to edit it, is denied by Mr. McLean, who 6ays that he has not bought the TTorM; that ho has not C'ercd to buy it, and that he- does not believe it is for sale. new tire escape was. tried in New York on Monday. It is a wire ladder, made of 7.32 inch cable, with, inch gas pipe ruugs and wrought steel hooks. A ladder 50 feet long wound on a reel is 15 iuches in diameter and weighs but 10 pound. It will stand a one ton prof ure. A trial was mado from the filth htory of the Leland . House and it was vevv sucecstul. There is talk of having the legislative esbions in Illinois once every- six years ouly. If such should become the case, there will bo lots of fat takes for the lawyers, for any amount ot litigation ! will follow as sure as darkness follows . daylight. Jjllll UIIUUUI J V II. I - the case with us, arc .too unirequent. The law-makers of tho people should meet regularly every year, for t ha rea son that the necessities of the public require it and this is, we think, a fact which trated has been suflicicntlv demous- A colored individual in Alabama was j recently convictea 01 vioiaimg a j.iaie j law by living in the marriage relation ! with a white woman, ine tieleni ant . . law was In conflict with nth Amendment to the held that the the Fourteenth Constitution, and appealed his case to the- Supreme Court. That tribunal decided that the' law prohibiting mis cegenation is not in conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment, or with the civil rights legislation founded on it for the reason that it applies the same punishment to both offenders, the white and the black, without discrimination. : .!,. ctnrtptl on hi ! ticspf rurtteni. Having got it on ner Exports ir of the South, accordms iO a , a (icuAilt:rui . pjqnanti and gracefu pic- , German barque 'V x mfcia!.- ' tnre.ot the cirKft first experience in love Kipp, cleared to- usiii'o'.. - ; that nc won the svmpathy ana atlmir- j i AnJi-b nirits 7he quail ca.cTi.w-. " u.g. , barrcg i.nuiou,lynow. iie-l; ' " - " rjTT MlWC shipped by .r:,rc oiiMum!ayin-l"-- lVV-il-Jli 11 l Danish r 1 VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY QMiss Mary Anderson played Partlie- in New York on Monday evening t. -i ! turbation that at the end ot tno lirst tno audience was quite exhausted. h the actrc?R should mart he effect of her work i hy overact ing. Slio crowded eo much violent ctijolif.u into this act that the audlcuee looked for nothing else during the even in but liarniwins declamation and visible physical agony nudifnee was happily Thereiu the disappointed ! It W'ulil fccm as thougii liss Anuer ,n had coilo upon the 6 with to much turbulent p; felt iL , pessary to bxpre charccdl ecessary 10 cxprew an oeio o i .tit- shercould show any of the milderquailif Having got it on iier INDEX TO HEW AD.VERTJSlMtNTS. Mi.-it'.ng ami Darcin " Vates No Obnoxious Comic Mt;srs Unos Ganlcn bce'l llr.iNnr.KGF.K l ive Ceut Music 11 M McInticc Up Wl:h the Tims The receipts of cottonl'at thi3 port - day footed up. 429 bales. Silver Tlated Spoons and Forks, low" prices, at Jacobi's. V t ' Schr. Juliet, Ieaeh, c more. Jan. .aoth.for this port. Xor. barduc Josva. Sorensen, hence, arrived at Liverpool Jan. 27th. S' earn shin Benefactor, Inbon hence. arrived at New York, Jan.! 29th. . x , - .in .--I, i ii . i Schr. L. S. 'Levering Gaudy, hence, arrived at Thiladelphia Jan. 19th. The almanac. predicted rain for to day, but it was somewhat mistaken. Schr. John J. Ward, j McKeon, hence, arrived at Brunswick; Ga.. Jan. 20th. ! i There is an abundance of wood in the market, but tho hi:h. 1 prices still rule The moon entered upon its last quar ter at 5 o'clock and 12 minutes this morning. 1- 1 ; Eggs were selling at the very reason able price ol 15 cents per dozen in some of the stores to-day.x -i A fine assortincnt of Guns and Pistols at J-ACom's Hardware Depot. ; t t, sun m.Hiln his aPoearance tins morning in all his glory; after many days of stormy weather. s Tho mud in the streets is rapidly drying up under the genial influence of the warm suu and soft breezes to-day. Thcfc will be skating and daucingat tho Hink lo-morrow night, February 1st. Skating until 10 o'clock, and alter that the light fantastic. The ladies are specially invited but thej gentlemen will be charged admission. OurJricnd Orr. the photographer, took advantage of the genial sunlight to-day, and made a photographic view of the Commercial Hotel; with its sur- rouudings. He was successful in secur inc an excellent negative. . At a private residence in this city, on Dock street, between Sixth and Seventh, the lady ol the house has a banana tree in her sitting room which has on it quite a number of bananas, crowing nicely. It is a great curiosity in this ectioiv. One erood friend. Cant Exuni Lewis. ?of the Wilmington & Weldon railroad, ! - J ' . I has recently taken to himself a wile and we congratulate him upon; his pro motion from cussedness", to "con- i jugal blessedness ' and hope that the twain may live long and prosper . , ! . . a tetter was reecivca nerainis moiu imr from the acnt of Mvlo Rhea, sta- tin that it would be impossible for her : to make an appearance in, this city- at : present, but that it was hoped she might .' bp. able to be here later in thv season. She was at one time booked tq appear here in the 10th. but that " engagement was necessarily CiincelJcd. To BlliWcrs anj othcnf-Go to JAco M.g fo gasll BUnd3 and Doors, ! Gtass & You can -ret all sizes and at the oc'x, . X UU lill lowc5t pricc Spccialtyf 3Iilitary and Fire meir&t Shirts. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier are making a specially of introducing the .Military and Firemen'? Shirts or the same styles as worn by New York Companies, Sam pi as and prices can bo seen by call ing at A. & I. Shriek's. Clothing house, No. 34 Market street. I JaajW. i ! ! i 1 . ' ' r i Without Arms. Mr. S. Gesiley, of Ohioi who was born withont arms, was j upon our streets to-day and attracted considerable attention by his singular appearance. He wasthrough the South a number of years ago with an exhibition, but havi; g been robbed of all he ! possessed while in Florida, he has had to commence anew and ja now working to establish another jentertainment with which to travel and cam a living, which he can not secure on account of his infirmity by the usual method. We waik in tho midst of secrets, we arc encompassed with mysteries, but it in the world so wonderful as Dr. Bull's . cvrMn frtr mM!,c nci Pri(is. V mw Foreign. I " Edward Pens, Capt. day for Cork, with turpentine and"l,215 valued at $34,907.00, Messrs Chess-Carley Co. barauentine Margrctlia, Capt. Hansen, clearpd for Matanzas, Cuba, with 354 empty hogsheads, 25 barrels rosin, 30 barrels tar, 00 barrels pitch and I barrel tar oil, valued at $918. 55; shipped byl-Messrs. E. Kidder & Son. ; 1 i. "Golden Days The'February number of this maga- ! zine has been received and lis equal to 7uZT H-iiiJonyofthe precceding numbers, which is snvinff a irood deal in its praise.1 It is intended for "Boys and Girls." and is just suited to their needs as an enter taining and instructive magazine which may be iead -with pleasure, jnterest and profit until the "Boys and Girls" "arrive at 90 years of age. It i3 publish ed at a subicription price of $3 per an num, by James Elverson. N. W. cor ner Ninth and Spruce streets, Philadel phia, Pa. Vennor's Prophecies for Febru- I ary. 1, 3; probably moderate: or mild weather, changing to cotter evening of 3rd, in most sections; 4 5 C stormy aud colder with general snow-falls and rain falls acording to locality, up to Gth, a decided "dip 7, Ash Wednesday mild with snow; 8 iair and mild; 9 fair and mild; 10 cloudy and threatening; 11 probably stormy and wet weather ; 12,13, 14, 15, 16; Valentine' Day a mild Deriod and Generally open weather. llains is some sections. 17, 18, colder and stormy weather; 19 generally .f.trmf han-vv snow-falls ajrain. 20 ObVKUJ , - 21, 22, 23, moderate and changeable, cloudy with snow-falls, possibly rains and floods West; 24, 25, 26. mild with i n 1 w won thr and rains; snow-falls and "stormy weather West; 27, 28, aiarch bluster commencing ; rain and snow fall3. Should the first three days of the month prove stormy and cold the same condition is likely to occur, at fhAlnsAof'the mouth. There are all midv indications of great precipitation for February, and as we expect the average temperature of the month will bo higher than usual, mucii oi mis precipitation will come as rain. Consequently, when , we giro (as probabilities heavy rainfalls, ,wo must of necessity add "floods" in many sections -of the United States through which a I long drought has been ex perienced up to the present time. March, on the other hand, will again be full of snow storms and cold "dips," and alto gether a very wintry month. As we have elsewhcro stated, the March storms this year are likely to be snow blockades'. February and April thisl year will be full of water.' March and May full of cold and snow. Tie celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. : ; t The beautiful weather to-day tempt ed out many ladies who has-been confin ed to the houso for weeks past, and tho Shell road was alive with teams. ! I We are sorry .to hear of the death, at his residence in Camden, S. C. of Col. D. W. Jordanja gentleman well known to many of our citizens, and closely related to some of them . Col. J ordain died of dropsy and was in his 75th year. , 3Iardi Gras at New Orleans. February 6 is Shrove Tuesday this year, and one week after, on Tuesday. Feb'y 13th. the 153d Grand Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana Stato Lot: tery wilFoccur, when $75,000 will go to some happy mortal who has invested by sending $5 to M. A. Dauphin. Aevr Orleans. I -a., or else it will be scattered into fifths at One Dollar each, and over $265,000 paid as prizes. Tho tickets arejonly 100.000 Sn number, and over two-hundred thousand visitors are ex pected at New Oxieaus next Mardi Gras. NEW AIVEItTISE3lEVrS. UP WITH THE TiRflES I Something new every few goods are lower, at this AfHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERY ! ts r.vffnTT v irxnwv THAT W 11 1 By Steamer TEN THOUSAKD YAHD3 EMBROIDKRY R. jan 31 ' i j Mr. Charles S. fcllis. formerly of lAlsj city, but now of Savannah, Ga., is to I Ko iirripfl to.morrnw afternooU to Miss Catic A. Buekner, of that city. Mr. Ellis and his bridde are exapctcd on a vis.t to relatives here. ." For tocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Birthday Dinner. Ed itok Review. , Iist Friday (the 26th inst), as has h'een the custom lor a number of year?. f we celebrated the 87th anniversary-of I Mrs. Nellie Hand's birth. For the past fifteen years your cor respondent has been a regular guest. What source ol pleasant gratification it has always been and is to I me to be considered a friend to such a woman, can be better imagined than expresed especially those who know tne purity, and saintliness-of the - subject of this sketch.- It is always an elevation to be in her presence. Twelve months a?o her dinner was given by Mr. Sam. Hand, at Burgaw. This year it was triven at Mr. Juo. Hand's, at llocky Point. She has four sons, and one all ot whom vio iwith each other as to who can do; tho most for her, and as to whose time it win do next every one wants to give it. This time, as I have told you, it fell to the tot Ol iiir. tj no. ixayu. iuc vjas cloudy, murky and rainy, but as iiio f.Wk Ktrnck twelve all nature seemed ready and willing to aid in thej ceicorauon i a riu day, and by the time dinner was an nounced tho sun shone brightly, and the heavens cast off the gloom so thick for the past several days. As the five children, preceded by their mother and followed by. their guests, entered the dining rom, a cloud of sadness was on every countenance. They saw a chair covered with mourning which showed it to be a vacant chair. Yes. her young-ost-rljmnrhter was no more. Since the last celebration Mrs. iMartha Williams has passed over the river. Her lour little children werethere as her repre sentatives. ' Alter comments and good advice from the good old mother, sad ness gave way to toasts and good feel- inVell,'Mr. Editor, as you are a lover of good things, both to eat and drink, et meUell you -that I wish you had aeon there, and if you ever gefan invi tation to attend a dinner where Mrs. John Hand presides, you goj for such a dinner I have not often seen ; and such good feeling I never saw exist any where, i May our good old mother and friend livo to enjoy many more sucn days and I be fortunate enough to be present, is the wish ol her - I Friend. : B Nothing builds up shattered constitu tions so quickly as Brown's Iron Bit ters. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Skating and Dancing A T SKATING KINK IIALL, CORNER rinces3 and Eighth streets,; THURSDAY night, February let. SkaUng-until 10 o'clock. Dancing after. Music by Orchertra, Admission 50 els. No charge for ladies, who are especially Invited. janJl -t Five CentTJiusic. 1000 PIECES OF STANDARD SHEET MUSIC just receiYed. Lovers of MubIc Attention ! , Revolution In Sheet Music ! Jutt think ot it ! Thia music Is the &atncin zlze, quality of paper, embellishments, ic, as that heretofore er.ld from 53 w 75 nU. ami whlchwe will sell you now at FIVE CivNla- Nw is jovlt time. Make your selections fronj !..;; j HEINSBERGER'S, jan 11 Live Book and Music Store Glassware, T7ANCT AND PLAIN, FOR SALE BY GILES MTJECHISON, ! S3 and 40 Mnrchison Block jan 29 F.P.JONES, pUNTON. N. a, ATTORNEY AND Conn eeUor-t Law. Will practice tn any part of he State I 8pecIaTtteotton given to the col ctloa ox claims. spt 10-ly 31, 1883. NO. 27 NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. days. Prices of nearly all as is our custom Season I AVE rilKTlV AND FINE EMWJOIDERY. To-D AND WILL' BE OPEN TO MORROW. PygelSyTlRE. ' fJ"JNS AND . CUTLERY ! v A FINE A8SOiiTMENT OF Muzzle and Breecli-Loader Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, SILVER. PLATED SPOONS & FORKS, A TEUY LARGE-VAllIETY OF Pocket Knives, I Table Cutlery. 2r Popular prices to snit ail at ! ii... -. N. JACOBI'S, HARD WAKE DEPOT, dC 22-tf No. 10 Soulh Front St Groceries. Groceries. B A.CON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, Rico, - I ' ' i - iiulaetes Salt, Cra-kers, Caiyiy, CHeese, . ' :- 8oda, Potash, L,ye, Snuff, Tobacco, Soap. ..... . i Starch, Candles, Nails, Hoop 'Iron, Cine, . i i Pnngr, Wrapping Paper, Wrapping Twine, 4 . 1 ' Hay, Oats, Axle Grease, Bagging, Ties, Ac. m For sale by KERCnNER & CAEDEH BROS. jan 29 Vaccination. N AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, THE 30th Inst., persons who hae not been Vaccin- I- i . . i ated will call at my Office, between the hours j of 8 and 10 iu forenoon, and 2 and i afternoon, for that purpose. Saturday will be devoted j ; j .- more particularly to the Vaccination of School Children. AH persons utable to pay will be Vaccina ted free of charge. F. W. POTTER, Sup't Health, Office on Market bet. 3d & Sd frtreets. jan29-3t Garden Seed ! New Crop ! TjlXTRA EARLY PEAS, BEANS, I CORN, CABBAGE. TURNIP, RADISH and all vari- Ues usually sown In t hi i tection. I For sale Wholesale and Retail. WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist. jan 27 "GARDEN SEEDS." A FRESn LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cab- l.ntro nl Turnln Seed, early and late varie ties; Collard, Beet ami Tomato Seeds, a large vtock anl an endless variety of Teas and Beans. retaUed at wholesale prices uy Rounds Bros., MTinfar.tnrInir Pharraachst. 1.491 CUOADWAY, NEW- YORK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 23 i If To i Wisa to See piAPT. B. JJ JACOBS, of Senior Eeserre urn nlilnftt S&ddle and Harness. Ac. maker In WUmington, iust call at H. M. BOW. DEN & C0'Sstor and buy a nice Lap Robe and aU other articles in a Saddlery establish ment, for It Is tho place to get ihCta. jan 29 f Breecli-iLoaders. piNE BREECn-LOADlNG BUOTGUN3, uhnii, I r..ia Pmr(W Shot. (lartrldre Bars. Uun Cases. Reloaiiing TooLj, Game Bags, fl- tnls all kinus. lryouwama nrsirtuu cle of the (above godf, ami low prices, live eaxae can be found at j W. E. teP RINGED & Sncce&dora t Iawon & Co., 13 21 and 23 Market street iftji 23 No Obnoxious Comics, ut an Elegant and B ARTISTIC Line or Comrrisius many ncr -designs. Call an-1 see . ' them at : -' .1 j .' YATES5 BOOK ST0EE. Jaa.ta- ; -.-. . .; r I will be to xtccJT fAi.iiinTxVattCTt from oct frtendt oa lay azxl an atect : tt general tatwertlmt ' .jv'. I Tkenamcof tht wrttwauut alvariWXa.' tl&ad to Ura ES!tr; '' - . j i OemmnnlfttoBi mmt Ve wxttta m calj one tide of tbe paper. ' j j renonaHUos must b arotU4." And U Is especially 'and pArttculArir uder.- tood that the Editor docs not always endotte the views of correspondents natesa m staled In the editorial colosms. - NEW APVEKTISMCNS.j Give Your Grocer A TRIAL OK C H E E S E, I Imported snd Domestic. o Neufcliatel, Sap Sago, ' ' j (Very Odoriferous), j j I " ; j- ENGLlSn DAIRY, PIXE APPLE AKD - - I DUTCH LIE AD AMERICAN C II CAM CIIRC6E. TOUNG AMERICAN ! - - , i . CnEESE. I - ' : I IMPORTED AND DOME8TIC ALB, A., . . . - .: BaB Pale Ale, Edinburgh Scotch Alo, London Stont, i . Bollaet Ginger Ale. 0 Best American Boer . on tbe Market, $3 Per Down. Everything in cor EtUblLtnmont jrnJtrMtMd as regard Prlee and QusJlty. , p, (L. BRIDQERS & 00. Bargains ! Bargains ! -AT- nun. our. ;B:-A."a?z:9 . 36 Market Street. A GREAT KANT DLSIOABEE WINTER GOODS SEELING OFF LOW TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED FULL ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, Embroideries, . i Cambrics, Seersuckers, Ginghams, Sheetings, Housekeeping Goods ALWAYS ON II AND A FULL LINE OF j ; Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods i ' i , ..." "1 " ..--AT : rJ3. TJ2..KATZ9f 36 TJarket Street. ian 23 Holiday Presents' ! y-'ir. -' v-T-'- : ' J IN EVERT VARIETY. JEWEL AND Odot Cases. Cologne Bottka, Tulkt Set. Vases, Mirrors, a large assortment of Toilet Extract and Cologne ; also a full supply of pure Cbecs teals ami Patent Medicine, can m oond at both of my stores. F. C. MU..i.r.K. t Corner Fourth and Nun streets. , Stores. J ' 1 OjraerrOTirttsjdJIsaoTcr rtrtcU' decl? ' --!!' PLSASS KOTICS.