XHISPAPKB ertnln. Sundays cevXM by . - pa Wish" JOSH T. JA3LE8. .t! ,.tfrV54 POSTAGE PAID: - SCI," - ' " Six months, ATiroe '.1.00: One mown, wn. Il4per will I (lrllrcrtd by carrier, free Jlxt. V Prt of the city. at the aboTe nU9 0r W cents it week. jlnRrate low and liberal. T,ocribers wUl report any retire tbdr paper regularly. on k ju Daily Review has the largest frit circulation, of any nacsjxiper j Statu Treasurer of Alabama, is a 'default - fished, in the city of Wilmington. I ter for $227,000. all of wh!ch is thoii-ht r.neral Fitzhah Lee expects to re- ths Brooklyn miltia on February T - - - Xw York tradesmen say there i3 by .o'ujfxns so much money in circulation ,f year afio. Harper & Brothers announce an cdi- un of YAg Allen ' Fa ."Ravfcn ith M. Pore's illustrations. - ' in inj The minuet has been mirca rhirope. It will, of course, soon ; tiled into fashion in this country. The Norfolk YirqiiMn conies to the jruat in support of the argument in fivor of the free transport,1 ion of gewspapcrs in the mail3 The rriccc of Wales has at Sapd rinsham 103 shorthorn cows and twetity-nino shorthorn bulls, which are It pt in two distinct herds. The legislature is now getting down j r. nrt. Durham Iant. Is it? Glad to hear it. ow, pray, plea-e tell us what it is doing. funeral Beauregard resembles a tourtierofthe IxuiseXIV. days and is ia reality a handsome old man with white moustache, ruddy couutenance and gray hair. The Augusta Chronicle says that the Atlanta papers will probibly apical to ihe Railroad Commissioners to compel the Richmond & Danville Railroad to carry the fast mail. ' i ilahone is now called "the silent man of the Senate." It is thought that ke U just beginning to get a just appre ciation of himself Gen. Lee, it is said, alwaji liked Mahono best with his mouth shut. .;:;. Leonard Sweet, who is of high stand ing at the Illinois bar, suggests the ap pointment ot commissioners to select the names of jurors, taking the poll list as a basis, but using their discretion as to the names to be included in tho jury panel. King William of Germany, tho old tti of the Kings and rulers of the woiUl, is eighty-six, and Alfonso of Spain, the youngest, twenty-five The Tope is seventy-three, Alexander of Russia thirty-one, and Victoria sixty three. The S53.652 manufacturing establish ments of the United States have a working capital of $2,70O.2?2.G0fi, pay SM7.953.705 annually to 2.733,805 em ployees, use materials to the amount of S3.80G.fi33.M9. and turn out products to tho value of $5.3G9.5T9,19l. It is said that the Republicans will move Heaven and earth and tho other place and especially tho latter, r being a country they are most friendly with to carry one or more Southern States next year and it is thought that the biggest - effort will be made in Xarth Cajolina. Judse Jero Black fell a short time ao and fractured his right arm in sev eral places. Being an old man, the physicians say that he will probably never recover tho use of it. A 6urpris ing fact is that he has learned to write with great facility and rapidity with his left hand and still conducts his own cor respondence , Jay Gould was a cow-boy. James R, Keenec&me from England with twenty dollars in his pocket, Rufus Hatch be gan by dealing in"gardeu sass," 1). Ap pleton kept a grocery store, "James Watson Webb was a country clerk, Henry Viilard was a reporter, Leonard Jerome was an itinerant printer, H. B. Claflin was a Vermont school teacher, Charles O'Conor was born in a shanty of the poorest of Irish parents and Peter Cooper was a hatter's apprentice. It's money that makes the mare go, in this country. HereVthe ivay the rent roils loot tip in tlusountry; Fifteen Americans are said to, vvrtt &OX),000,6oo. its Tor "in. stance: W. II. Vancfurbilt. $2G0,oCH). K; Jay Gould. $100,000,000; Inland Sanforri. S 100.000,000; C V Huntington, S 100,000.000; Charles Crocker, $C0t 000,000; Mrs. , Hopkins. $50,000 0v)0; Russell Sage, $40,000,000; James Flood. $40,000,000; J. G. Fair. $10. OOo.oott; J. G. Mackey. $S0,0pb.00O; CrusW. Field. $25,000,000; James Kecne. $20,000,000 ; estate of Thomas Seott. $20,000,000; John W. Garrett. $50,000,000; Samuel J. Tilden,i$15. 000,000. It is probablo thatomeof these amounu are at least fifty per cent wriUtod. - - I . ; -- - t 1 VOL. VII. ILMINGTOK K C.:;THURSMy; fRUARY Ami' now it appears that Vincent, to have gone in cotton futures. Vin cent's last deal was when he left and told bw.irieuds that he wouid see thto future. " I - , " j , ! 1 I The Greensboro Patriot thinks we "hadn't ortcr" calk4 it a 4scheracn to sacriSce the State's interest in the C. F. & Y. V K. R. and declares that it is an 'ojen proposition to buv." As we j said, we have not seen the bill liut we jo bj what was published of It iu the. Xews'and Observer, which was copied ! i - .. ..... ' - . j vy us uictmneciion wun"ourown eeblc remarks." With the article froni the Xcrvs and Observer before ns wo have only to say that wo still stick to the text. . . ! LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO ' KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yaxes No Obnoxious Coaiic . ' Mcxps Bkos Garden j Feed ' j ItETXSBEKOER Five Cent Mnfelc - We gain this month 59 niinules iiay light. The almanac prDmises rain for next j Monday. ' j The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 46a. bales. ! - . ; . . ! Silver Piated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. Capt. Faul II. Lnngdon, ofjAugnsta, Ga., isin the city to-day. ..t February, the last ot the winter months, Is with its' to-day. TU! 1 . , iiiia uiums two coiistfcauve oays o pleasant sunshiny weather. A force of hands was kept busy dur mg the greater part of the day in re moving the mud from the stretjts, where it had "accumulated during ! the late "moisL" spell. E The last measurements made in the several channels at the mouth of the river, dv ine piiois, were as lollows; Bald Head bar, 13 feet C inches: West ern bar, 11 leet 0 inches; Rip. 5 feet 6 inches. I 1 ! f Thanks io the committee for tickets to the musical and literary entertain mcnt to be given to the District Grand Lodge, No. 5, I. O. B. B., by North State Lodge, No. 222. of this city, at the Opera House, next Tuesday evening. We have no hesitancy in urging upon those-who.wisfv to see a really line work of art to.visit the Opera House fo-mor. row on the occasion of the exhibition of Mr. Butt's panorama, repay all who may attend It will well r 1 'At- a meeting oT subscribers to the stock of tho Southern Ore Company, the following gentlemen were elected a Bonrd of Directors:. E. Geo. R. French, Jr., ; J. M. Goldstonc. John F. Ba S. Latimer, Beno, Alex. kcr, .Nicholas Gayer, Douis Bosh. We were pleased to receive a call this II morning from our clever ybung friend. II. Dudley BjUrkhimer, of this c t, who is traveling in North Carolina as the i epresentatire of tho hardware house of David B. .Taylor & Bro., jo Baltimore.- He goes froti: here to Fay- ettcvillo. ' ' A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot . f. . Painful Accident. We were very sorry to hear of a pain ful accident which befVl Mr. j'. Heins burger, of this city, yesterday afternoon While riding in his buggy with two of his children, the Worse stumbled; oyer some obstacle and fell and Mr. Heins. bcrgcr was thrown out sustaining some severe bruises. Fortunatelyj assistance was at hand and the children were caught and assisted froml the vehicle uninjured. Mr. IPs injuries aro very painful, but not serious and he hopes to be all right in a day or two . i i . :U. Mis Fannie Smith. Newbernc, N. C., ?av-I have used Brown's Iron Bitters I and consider if the bosti tonic in ekis tfnee. Harbor Masterfr Kenort. During the month of January just pised there were ol American vessels which arrived at this port,' li steamers. airtrreiratmir 7.754 tons: 1 baraue of- 271 tons; I brig uf 230 tons and 1$ -schoon" er?, aggregating-4.692 tons aggregate of 30 American vessels of 12,017 tons. Of foreign vessels there, were 12 barques aggregating 4 592 tons; 9 brigs aggregating 2.H87 tons, and 1 schooner of 111 tons, making 22 j for eign vessels aggregating 7300, tonsj nd s grand total of 53 vessels aggregating 20,337 tons. , t : L w For Pocket Knives or Table eatlery. go to Jacobi's Hardwaro PcpoLV f i' 'V ' ' I. . Jt'l-' L" 1 ' ' " " 1 1 '" '" 1 '- I" I - ! I I ll I -MM. I. I Ml 111 For the Reflet, t Thonghts suggested to a Uruwruer on reading the notice of Detective Mayer's icknss:. - Ju How, Doctor dear, gire me yonr ear I . And aoavrer rery qalnk; PrT tell me tf 'ti really trne ! , That old Fic Mayer ia tick? : " : 3 Tbe Morning. Star, whlclx-brighUy abinea. Tills unto us did tell: That Flee la In a mending way. And will very soon bo well, i'oir. Doctor, we to you appeal. And trusting to tout skill. ' we beg and plead and beg again. Pray keep Ficc Mayer ItL . . ' I Xot 111 enough to dla lust now, 1 Or even suffer ranch pain, Bnt keep hi in to his home confined. For he's the drummers' banc. Not one of ns can come to town ' Bnt on his track he follows. Ana never lets up on ns once Until begets three dollars. Then, Doctor, dear, we beg and plead That yon vrill kep htm ill. And en my word, the drummer boys Will gladly pay your bill. ' '' 7I . ; So drop In on him everj day, : And tell him he Is worae, - And we'll raise a goodly sam WUh.whlch to fill your parse. It is certain the longer a speech, the weaker it is,- but not so with! a cold, the longer it runs, the worse it becomes. A cold, be it ever so slight, is notritle; it should be checked in its early stages. Dr ButlV Cough Syrup is the .VBalm of Gilead" that millions sav is divine in m . ,1.. I ita origin: - "Rentz-SautleyCo,, j ! . illrT Abe-Lea vjtt,' agent for theRentz- Saiitley Nevelty "Company, was. ib town to-day, making arrangements forr his company, which will play here oiv the 9th of February r-The following is froni the Brooklyn Eagle: , v . !S; A spiritel performance by the Rentx Santley Burlesque Company was given la-1 night at Messrs. Hyde & Behman's 1 healrtvtothc unmistakable dehht of a very large audience. Missi Mabel Santley, Alis lyittie Elliott and 211th? old favorites of the company were ac-corded- a hearty welcome. the ne Wr comers meeting with a geiimusj,rt'cep lion, aince msL season me company has .been reorganized, preliminary to its proposed ContinentaW totuy and j now very complete m its various de partments. which cmprise , nearly every possible phase of variety and spe cialty performance. A decidedly amus ing burlesque extravaganza, entitled. The Daughter's Banker." a palpable nit on a wew-Known popular piay, euc ited roars of laughter. Tho celebrated Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard i ware Depot. . 'r ; vt On Hia Travels. Last evening Chief of Police Brock reeeiveti a telecraphio dispatch 'j from Washington, D. C, requesting him to take in custody a yroung lad who would arrive on the 10:45 p. m. train with a throush ticket to Jacksonville, Fia. A description of the youngster and the number of his ticKct were given, so that the polic had no difficulty in se curing the lad when tho train arrived here " The youngster, who is only thirteen years of age, took his detention very philosophically, and made no re monstrance at the act of the police. He was taken to the City Hall whero he is under surveillance, although he is not locked up in a cell. The young fellow . V . & T1 is a page in tne iiouso ox representa tives and has his badge of office, incrib- ed with the legend, "Page, ll.j 10." He States that he started for Florida on a gunning expedition: un-be-known to his parents, and has a small and very neat rifle with him. - In conversation we found j him remarkably bright. quick and, intelligent, knowing the names of all themembersof the I louse; with the Stato and district they respect- rvely represent. There is . no charo against him, further than that he ha3 run away from his duties and "his pa rents, and the present course ! was adopted to secure his return. , He takes a very cool and jocose view of the sit- Ution, stating that he thought would Htop over here a day or two on his jour ney Souih, and that he ! has concluded ..'. . . . . . i to postpone his visit to t lonaa lor a ; more auspicious occasion. Unc ot His j relatives will arrive here to-night and I he will probably leave on his return to Washington to-morrowJ He has some thing over thirty dollars in money but is rather confused as to j how, he could manage ! to lire in Florida'- lor Any icntlr?Mtnie - 4ha t amount. But ; makiug anhMmSw Teruin; no is smart Ar a keen enough to get, along where many older heads would meet with utter de- feat and failure. if v ; The truck . fanners are improving every hour of pleasant weather in prc pjLTLDg "the season's crop of early .Yege tabled,' and "the yards and gardens in the city are being cleared of the Win ter's accumulated trash to welcome the apprcdcMas BpxiBg. y- EW ADVERTISEMENTS. UP WITH THE TlilQES ! Something new every few goods are lower, - i at this TOIITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERY ! IT IS GEXERAIXY' KKOWK THAT WE B y S t e a m TEN THOUSAND YARDS EMBROIDEBY AND WILL BE OPEN TO-MOREOW. ' 'Jan SI - It porr l . orjjapiuo-ijfaTWiJapt. jncKscn, with 3.65J barrels rosin, yalued at $7.C00. Shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt &' Son. Nt)t. barque Ystava, Capt. Lorensen, cleared for Liverpool with 2,370 bales cotton, valued at $110. 000, shipped by 'Alex. Sprunt & Son. Ger. barque Ribnitz, Capt.. Fret wurst. cleared for London with 2,581 barrels rosin, valued at $3 924.06, shipped by ilessrs. Paterson; Downing & Co. - y - " fh& Lenten Season. Ash-Wednesday comes uncommonly early this year, viz : on the " 7th inst, next Wednesday. On Ash-Wednesday commences the season of Lent, whii-h lasts forty dayf In Catholic countries the twelve days immediately preceding Lent are kept as a season of lestivities and called - the Carnival. . The worfl Carnival is derived from ' two Latin words and means "farewell to'deslv' asTlesti" is (orSlddeh to all good .Catho lics during the iJenten season. ; Death of a Veteran. Mr. Benj. L. Clark, a veteran of the Hate civi( war died in this eitj' yester day, aged 47 Sears. ' Mr. Clark was a member of Co. I , 18th N. C. Regiment, Wilmington Rifle Guards) and was desperately, wounded in. the engage ment at Cedar Run. the ball entering his leftlside, under the arm and passing through the body. .From the effects of this he was partially paralyzed, in speech as well as in body, and has ever since led a painful existence. Hn was an excellent soldier one or the best in the regiment and was beloved by all. Gentle,' quiet and unassuming in his' deportment, he was at the same time one of the-bravest spirits of our sad and unfortunate war. .Peaceful be his" rest. He is one more among the noble army of martyrs who have crossed over the river and are now resting under the shade of the trees- ' i The Southern Ore Company Mr. J. Beno, one of the" projectors of thg Southern Ore Company, and one of the Directors elected by the s;rckholders yesterday, leaves hero this evening for Charlotte, from whem he wilLgo to Salisbury and thence i n to New "ilork to be absent a week or ten days. His trip is in the interest of the eorapany. There are three mines in this'State., one in Moore county, one in Mecklenburg, and the third in Lin coln, which are expected to supbly the works here with eighty tons of ore per day .all of which, and more, the company will be prepared to handle. This ore will probably, for the most part, be brought here on the Carolina' Central Railroad. Mr. Beno's visit to New York will be for the purpose of being present at the organ izat. on of the Board of Directors and it is very probable that he will be elected President of the Company.' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes And at the owest prices. Specialty of Military and Firo men s suirts. - i .. .. ' Messrs, A. & I. Shrier arc making a specialty of introducing the Military and Firemen's Shirts of the same styles as worn by; New York Companies. Samplas -md prices can be seen by call ing at4 A. & irSnRiER's. Clothing house, I No. 34 Alarket , street. . - nn 29. I 4 . ' - : : . F. P. JONES, LINTON, N. C, ATTORNEY AND Cot sellor-at Law. W1U practice in aj part of . ,y : , ; . . --.- - - beSUte. apeclalJUteattoa given tothc col ctloncttfiTras. te7t IC-lj 1, 1883, NO. 29 NEW APVEBTISE3IEy,l'Sr days. Prices of nearly all as is our custom Season I i o- HAVB PltETTr AND FIKE EMnEOIDESY. e r To -Day; R. R3. McIPdTIRE. ; Groceries. Groceries. ; ' - ; i ' , T cON FLOUR, SUOAR, COFFEE, Eloe, X , , . . ! r ... f - 5 Cracker,, Candy, Cheese, j fiotla' Potash, Lre, sauff, Tobacco, fioag, ' starch. Caaaics, NaiU, 'Hoop : iron; Glue, Bungs, Wrapping Taper, WrapplngTTrine, Kay, Oats, Axle Grease. Baggl-ff.Tles, &c. For sale"ty " . - jan 23 ruvian uano. 200 Tons .' Genuine Lobos; Guano i DIRECT IilPQRTATION. EXPECTED; DAUSi aad Sot sale bj Chas. E. Smith & Oo . . ... . J I.I - : ; ! 1 " 1 i Garden Seed ! New Crop ! pXTRA JSALY PSAS, BEANS, jOUN, CABBAGE, TURNIP, RADISH aud all Yari-, ties usually soWn in thi ecction. -1 - ' I. . . --... : For sale Wholesale and-Kstall. ! WILLIAil n. GRKEN. ' Druggist. Jan 2T , Skating and Dancing AT SKATING RINK II ALL, CORNER Princess ana Eighth streets, THURSDAY night, February lstl fekaitnunt: 10 o cii.k. , - !.!,.-.. Dancing after. Music by Orciicrira. i - - Admissloil 50 cts. No charge for la lies, who arc especially mvitea ! . jan :u-a; j ' 1 . Five Cent Music. 1000 PIECES OF standaki SHEET MUSIC just received. Lovers of Music Attention ! . ' , Revolution in Sheet Music I Just think of it ! .This music is the same la zizs, quility of iaier, embellishments, Ac. as lhit l.c.-clofoie sohl Irom 5 to 73 cents, and wnica we will sell-you now at FIVE CENTS, - i - Now is your t'mc Make . your selections iram j HEINSBERGER'S, jan 21 Live Book and Music Stare "ri a DTmT OT?T?no A FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cab- ,basre and Turnip Feed, early! and late varie ues; coiiard. Beet ani Tomato beeds, a Urge biock and an entness variety or reas auu Beans, retailed at u hole sal : prices by Pounds Bros., 1.4DI UllOADWAY, NtiVV YORK, jan 2D ; If Toui Wish to See Q APT. B. J . JACOBS, of Senior Reserve notorletv, the obfest Saddle and Haraes. Ac', maker in WHminston, just call at II. SI. BOW. DEN & CWi store and; buy a nice Lap Uotie and all other arriclci in a Saddlery c-sublisb-znent. for it Is the place to cct ibeta. ' jan 23 j! . i Breech-ffiOadcrs. -plNE BREECH-LOADING bUOT-GCNS, bnells. VTads, Powder, Shot, Cartrldare Bass. lun Cases. Re loading Tools, Game Hags, Pis tolsall kind. If you want a first-class 'art! clc of the above gtVxi and low prices, the same can be found at t , w. k pnn3E & cos. 1 1 Saccers tn Ihivson & Co ' lan (19 21 and 33 Market Mrcet JTb Obnoxioris Comics JgUT AN ELSGANT AND ARTISTTC4 Line or . -h Comprisias many sew designs. Call aal tee : ttcaat '! X:;I r : YATES' B00H STORE'. PLSASS NOTICE. Wewtaul to rtcciv cooaiclcatlcs frcsa cur fr!ns cm toy td Id rabJscU cf end Uterest 1st " " j TWnWct tie wrJt tWart JtfiJied to the Editor. j,;" I Cwnfmrnksttaina i 'wrttag a fc one side of tba paper. I ' . " rersonxntles must be aroUa.'. .j And ltd especially jand partSoolartj ca&. stood that the Editor does not akrmra ndMm thert'rrcpondnta; unless so statU wiiwcaiwiui coiuiusi. ' I NEW , AjVEKTI8liEK3. The. Mercantile; Printing :":yj..'."iHpnie,v';.'' ; ;' 1 CEItDS A CORDIAL UtVlTATtoi tn, iu many friends and patroaa to call and tea Its Water Pow6r Attachments, which are now la successful oper&Uoa 1 eusbUaf us to do work . 1 Promptly and Tritli Sat isfaction ! ! 'I Many thnks for put favors aad m!2cU!sx r esnlmuanco. I - . I " i , - Bespcctfully,-. - . ' j ' j f ' - . yr, JL. DertoSSET, Jr., ; jan 36-St-eod " - v V ; I'roprttor New, Grahd ahd -Beautiful ! 5 PaiVtirifirs J ; 7'96iSO Squaro - Feet ot: Canvas ! i B ew; ECEXE3 1 BKAtmrVL swrics cf the 014 blawl'U Ecvoiatloa, will be eiblblto J-atihSi.i t-tt. i neveUilonatMaUnee,rlo'clKk. j j Xew Paintlnffa at iVwock. Ore tlck't a m ts to both en tcrtsiame&ta. Admission MchUdran Jan 19-2:9. Feb. I , argains I inc l AX. i s 36 Market 'Street. v A GREAT MAX r DESIRABLE WirJTERCOOD .1 BELLING OryXOW TO MACK ROOM FOE SPRING STOCK t JUST OPENED FULL ASSORTMENT OP White Gobdc, Embroideries. :.'M.; Cambrics. i t J ' .. ' ' 1 Seersuckers, Ginghams, Sheetings, v Housekeeping Goods. - . ALWAYS ON II AND A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, -AT- r T r..-tATZ 36 TJarket Street. Ian .'29 " : . . . J , Holiday Presents : IN EVKRY VARIETT. JEWEL ANDOdot Cxse, Cologne Wotttos. Taitet Su, Tasra. iiirrurs, a lar assortmMt of Toilet klxtraeU anl Cologne ; aUo a fuU.upjdy tit pore Chetn tcalsand aums Medicine, can be found at both of my sWres. F. C. AiII.I.K. r ' f j Corner FotxrUi and Nun streets. Stores S : i . j J Coracr rcnrUxaad HanoTcr street,! , "

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