I ' -.. V ' : ..-.. i. . I . ; t . . . . . --- . . j . . ...''! . . - I -i - ' . i I---- Kill'! ' - rrealn. eryted t7 . jOSBf T. JAlHtES, TO AJfOTUOrXESTO. SCBSCBIPTIOSS rOSTAOH PAlO: . "a- Ttsx UM. Six month., ft). Three niaS..$1.00; One month, ti centt. TVs pper xW be deUrerod by carrier free ofXSTta a7 pert of the dty. at the above A4vtU3K te low and KberaL jfiubwrlberi will report any and all fall- to recelTe their paper regularly. crThe Daily fleview has the largest bona fide circulation; tf any newspaper hlifhed, in the city of Wilmington. Satannah 'ivlll . celebrate its sesqni cenUinniaUext Monday and Tuesday wk. 1 1 ' Certain Philadelphia - Indian quack Artnrt sneli the naraes of '.common terbi Uckwards and find ready sale for (htm as panaccai. , M. M. Pomeroy. better known as .-"hrtVnathatbeeauso his paper u oiwavsrcad?) will bejm tho publica- tian of a daily afternoon paper in Den- ror about the Brst of nexfraontn. Th- ivntiii of 1680 may be said to b fairly under way with a goodpropect of being completed wben tne nexi is ruai.y to betaken. It has cost S8.0C0.C00 al ready and its wings should be clipped at once. They do treat their officials shame- ,nw r fh water, -tor instance, Lord Lyons. Ambassador to France, is .Unwed bnt a paltry $50,000 a year as .-u. Pnor fellow! the almshouse raiu j . yawns to receive hl'm. It cost $38.50 to inaugurate Gov. Pattison. of Philadelphia Three kegs of powder cost $19.50; 10 yards flan nel for bags $5; for sewing up bags $1 ; hauling cannon $3. Per contra, in IS73. when Hartranft was inaugurated, the ceremony cost the State 4,000. j , Baltimore is improving and "ketchin up agin." Her trade, which fell off so much in 1882. in sympathy with the decline all over the country, -so far this year shows a considerable increase. The receipts ot cotton have been 23.000 biles so far, an increase of 10,000 bales. The Exile of Egypt is-comfortable, thank you. - He inhabits a bungalo in the suburbs of Colombo, where the "spicy breezes blow soft o'er Ceylona Isle." So, after the tumults of a ttr multnous career. Arabi's evening of life will not bo a bad lot for a reasona ble roan. There are only 2,000 items in the tar iff schedule, and debate on each amend ment Is limited to five minutes. Given 300 speeches of five minutes each to an average of three amendments to each of the 2,000 items, and whar, oh, whar, would the 47th Congress be about the year 1000?' There was a big firo. in New York yesterday. The Inman wharf (or pier, as they call it there) was destroyed. down to the very pilings, together with a large amount of cotton and merchan dise. .Several steamships near were scorched and damaged. Tho fire caught in the cotton on the nier. and the loss is said to be a million. The Augusta Chronicle very gener ously offers the associated press dis patches to anybody who will agree to take them for a vear and divide the weekly cost with the Chronicle free o ch&rra for bonus. The Chronicle, the Netcs and Courier, tho Savannah Sexes and the Macon Telegraph are, wo believe, the only four papers in the South, between Baltimore and New Or leans, that nubiish full telecraphic re- ports. - Tho nice little pleasure yacht, the Great Eastern. 10.000 tons or so (more or leas) measurement and with sL mast for every day In the week except Sun day, is tied up at Milford Haven, Eng , waiting for some charter party to come along and take her out of dock. ' But nobody seems to want her and when sne was put up at auction the owners didn't gst a:fcIiTon her. We think of chartering'her to run this Summer be tween Wilmington and Snuffle tfnd de Fotes. Mr. Kelley. chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, says to his friends privately la his opinion there will be no Tariff bill passed this session, and that there will be no extra sessibn of Congress. In opposition to $lr. Kellcy's opinion, the President is quoted as saying that if the Tariff bill is not passed, be will call ai extra session. In fact. It Is certain that the President said ho would call an extra session if a Tariff bill was not passed. The Presi dent said that he had devoted a large part of his message to the reduction of taxation, ' ' . T)r. Pierce's "Favorite Prcscritionw perfect'! and permanently cares those diseases peculiar to females.- It is ton . io and nervine, effectually allaying and cnrlnff those sickening sensations that : affect the stomach and' heart through ;J!ex ctliu The t aek-ache. itndJ 'drarric!T-down sensatinris all disab- pear under the strengtbeniBj f Sectsof Uus great restorative. By druggists. tues-frl THE 1)AIL:- HETIE'Wo i VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO REW AOYERTISEMEHTS. k . -i - Notice to s-hlppers i . Musp Bro Garden Feetl " Yates No Obnoxious jComica : - i J K. MELTOK The Xow Market i ; UEnirREEGnKrian3 and Organs i ALtx Srac?T & box Pacific Guano Giles & Mubcuison: f ancy liampa Hall & Paaxsall Seasonable' Goods The receipts of, cotton at; this port to-day foot up 546 bales. u' . " " Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, .low prices, at Jacobi'sj t Gcr. barque', 3farte, VossJ hence, arrived at Antwerp Jan. 3 1st. Dan. barque. Louise, Hansen, hencet arrived at Liverpool Jan. 31sL . Nor. brs. San Juan, Bache. hepse arrived at Liverpool Jan. 30th. Barque Gejion, Borjesson. sailed irom Aloa Bay, Dec. 20th. for this port. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ' " f Schr. Charlie Bucki, French, "sailed from Belfast, Me., Jan. oth' for this port. - ' - I. . The truck farmers near the city are puttmg in some of their very biggest icksjnow. , . . .j j ; j j ( .The Board of Aldermen and! the Board of County Commissioners meet next Monday : The Wilmington Light Infantry wore m parade last njght on Front and Marr ket streets in full uniform, i The wind got around to the North east this afternoon and cooler weather with rain is probably at hand. Baraue Mindel : Andersen, hence for i Rotterdam, was off Dungeness Jan 15th. and arrived at Nieuwe. Watcrweg Jan. 18th. On antr after to-moriov as per adtrcr- tisementln this issue. Ireig ht will hot be received at the various railroad depot in this city after 4:3ft o'clock P. At.. . 1 , i .. Hon. R. R Bridge.rs. of this city, was in Raleigh yesterday in attendance on the meeting of the Board of Triistee3 of the University, of which he is a mem ber. -. 1 .. Two cases ot disorderly conduct were brought cbefore tho Mayor this mon ing, which- were- discharged upon the payment of small fines. We suppress names by request. . A monument to the Confederate dead is to bo eretccd at Goldsboro by the Goldsboro Rifles. Tho contracts have been awarded. The base will be f ot granite, and the statute of bronze, life size. The sheriffs of the State are to hold a nieellnsr at Raleigh on the 15th - Inst. ftr tho purpose ot discussing! matters affecting their fees and other matters of interest to be brought to tho .atten tion of the General Assembly 1 , To Builders and others Go to Jaco bis for Sash; Blinds and Doors, Glaes, &c. You can tret all sizes and at' the lowest prices. -1 w V j .Right Rev. 8. T. Jones! D. p.. Bishop of the A. M.' E. Z. Church, of, the' Dis trict ot Columbia, is jexpected to arrive here on Saturday morning on the 7.02 train, and preach at St. Luke's A. M. E. Z. Church in this city on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. ; ! There was a good audience in attend ance at the Opera. House to witness the very interestfng exhibition of Butt1?. Panorama of Bible scenes." The exhibi tion will1 be continued toinight and will be eminently worthy the patronage of our people. ' ! " - I . : j !..( A cousin of the young runaway from Washington,, whose detention here was mentioned in yesterday's RF.vrirw, ar rived here last night, and the two left thi3 morning on their return trip. The youngster was full of life to the last. and requested that his cousin should be lockeiTupI Sensible Girl! Hear Her! Do not lay mejlown by"the rippling brook's sideriest babbling lovers wake me from aiv dreams, nor jin the beaa tifufcemeteries in the valleys, lest sight seers coming over epitaphs, distract me; but let my last sleep be under the coun ter of the merchant j and the business man .generally, who never advertises. There is the place which passeth under standing, and a deep sleep on which neither the. huoyant fooUfalt of youth nor the weary shuffle and drag, of old 5a Wfi1 ever lntorle3 i The ceiebtrafedM:i4: BradVllllk' Twine issold onIyatv Jacosi? iHard WILMINGTON, N. C. FRI Star of the Mornlnsr. Venus Is ibe morning 6tar, the bright est and fairest of the throng that grace tho morning sky. She rises now three hours before the sun,- shining with the serene radiance that distinguishes her, and continues to be visible long after the lesser stars have melted away. On the 18th, at two o'clock in the morning, Venus readies her greatest Western elongation; Here her Westward course ends! She is 46 degrees 52 minutes west of the sun, and can go no further from him.' 'The inexorable laws that rule her movements compel her to re. trace her steps.- It is easy to keep the run of their paths, especiallxin tbecase of Venus. io planet in"the .system presents so many points of intereior is so closely alliod to the planet on which we dwell as Venus: '.She is our nearest leighbor except the moon, is nearly -like" ne eann in dimensions, in me lengtn of her day and night, in the possession of an atmosphere, and the probable mountainous condition of her surface. Besides she gratifies our esthetic pefcep- ions by being the, most' beautiful star ho eye behoids, and "she is the only planet that is visible in the presence of ho noonday ;.sunf f She is r therefore' a most interesting planetary study. ; .Many London ladies crop their" hair short and wear an almost entire wig. and consequently : catch a cold .more trequently than, their American Cfn. sins, nut or course tney an use ur. rsuu s Cough Syrup. ' ' ' ' I: ;', - , ; i 4 i ... The Graded Schools. ; We had the pleasureihis morning of a visit to the several Graded Schools in the city. The stay i n each - school was necessarily briet, as there . was consid erable territory to traverse andv our truie waslkuited. !The Superintendent. Prof. Nobles, kindly acjompamed! us and caused to- be illustrated the uniform system and discipline, the plan' of edu eating, and other iinportanlJmaUers pertaining to the education of the iu pils under his supervision. The methTKr adopted Is to teach the pupil to think and to reason, and tho lessons are of such a character as to devefop 'both faculties and at the same time to be interesting and entertaining, as well as instructive, i There are about 1,000 pupils, of. white and jcolored, enrolled, which are divided into - proper ;classe3 each class being under the charge of a competent "teacher.;-who is earnest, taithfuf n& zealous in her duties. By this system the greatest amount of efh tilency is obtained, and the studies are pursuea wimoui. uoia, .oomuwm- ui delay. ,The inost perfect order is main tained In overy department, and good. healthy cleanliness imperatively de manded of all the pupils. - We wish that every parent or guar dian of a child at school had been pres ent lo-day.and seen the pleasant picture of orderly school rooms and .studious I children which it .was bur good fortune J 's A L' tV- itAJ !-U l - U - to witness, m&b ux&y iuizul aauw tuai ho edncational interests of the young are being carefully attended to by the teachers under whose charge they are pladed j It' was an interesting a nd in structive spectacle. In connection with this subject we think that if parents would visit their children in the. school ro3m more fre- e uentlv than they do. it would be of great benefit to all coneernedi to the teachers by giving them encouragement in their arduous and onerous duties; to the Children by stimulating them in their studies, and to the parents, them selves, by tho consciousness, that- they were assisting in school teaching, by encouraging the teacher and stimulating the-DQniL The graded schools of Wil mington are institutions of which onr people may be truly and justly, proud, and it becomes the duty of every citizen to aid and assist them as much as possi ble. The present system may possibly be improved upon as time progresses and the needs of children and the meth ods of supplying those needs are better understood, but it iscertanly very much superior to any we have had before, as Vre now haven uniform system thpngh? out all the'schools.? WliaUs taughfr Jn oneclats is tanghr iajacery other-lass pf the simograiQ aiid by precisely -the same methods. .Teachers' meetings are held weekly where the- work is laid out, so that all may labor uaderstand ingly and with Uniformity in the details as well as In tho general principles, , . . . . . , f Specialty of Military and Fire f k n - t f i t nt Ati"k ; Shirts. Messrs. TAV& IlS brier are' making :a specialty of - introducing the Military J and Firemen's Shirts of the same, styles I as worn ly i New jTork Companies; iftt.?ntabi&nliric3 can be seen by.calU ins at A. & L. Smski's. Cldhlzz house. I DAY. EEBRUAR Y 2, Fire at Charlotte. . .-We learn through a private letter re ceived in this city to-day that thei ware house, of Messrs' Burwell & Springs, at'Charlotte, N.. C, containing about 500 bales of cotton-was destroyed by fire, together with its contents, yester day morning. The letter gave no in formation as to the cause o! tho fire, merely stating the fact and that the loss onr bnikling and cotton was probably fully covered by insurance. : rv j ;2 : : Pacific Guanos. " Messrs Alex. Spnint cV Son arc sti. agents for the!well-known Pacific gu- anos-wriicli the have sold in this mar ket and section for so many years past Tfiere"hasliv.ebben a cbTi plaint made to them of anv failure on the part of , T these fertilizers .nd they ! could proba bly produced many testimonials in its favor from planters as would fill v a newspaper. An aavertisenieiu ap pears in this issue, to which attention is invited.- u : i - . ; Mis Fannie Smith. Newberne. N. C, says kI have used Brown's Iron .Bitters and consider it the best i tonic in exis tence. , Ui The ltuilrdad' Case. If Judges Bond "and Seymour have yet reached a decision in regard to the application iruadc before them by the counsel for"Mrs. Virginia B. Matthews fr the appointment of a receiver for the Carolina Central R R.. they have nbt'yet?m$de that decision known. The oniv lacL.iearnea- nere in wiuuecuwii with the matter.is that Judge Seymour has written to a lawyer here statin;: that he had formed his own opinion in the matter and that he had cominu n icatefl it to J udge Bond but there is not an.: inklinir. of course, as to tne drifrof that opinion. In a few clays 'weiwfeunie ihai' thcsuspSnsb will be r ttf Cornet Concert Club. : t Th meetinir of the Cornet Concert Club, which was held on Weunesla "night, and which has beetr erroneously srmnosiil to h:ive been called tor the purpose of reorganization, was callec! simply to revive an interest among tb members, the rganization never hav ing been abandoned. It is also whis pered that the meeting was held with a play at the Convention of the I. O. B. B. which meets in this city next week. The entire .communiiy will hail with pleasure the reappearance upon our streets of this excellent musi cal brganization, which in times past has been the source of much pride And pleasure to our people.1 -'For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, jf NEWi A D VEltTISEMENTS. EANCY LAMPS. A A NOTHKR LOT JUST BECE1VED; GILES & MURCHISOy, feb 3 SS and 40 Murehlaon Block! PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and for sale, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO j-r .t' : '; ' and j Dissolved BonePhospliate We sever hare liad the flrat complaint of these Fcninzeri not briogtBg a profitable crop See oar Country Agents. " ' ' . ALBX. SPRUST & SOS. feb 3 d&w-2m Seasonable Goods. W E OFFER KOW FRESH ArrlTala ef MOUNTAIN BUTTER, j C2E AM CHEESE, J EABLT EOSE SEED POTATOES. " NEW OB1E4NS 8UGAE, ' " NEW CEOP MOLASSES, , f 1.8W Bblav GOOD ELOUS. . H ALL SfPEARSALI The jWew Market; "YE ABE EUNN1NG A NEW, MAEKET on our own hvk and at private expense. It is located at the Northwest Corner of Market aad second streets, where everybody buys the FEST BEEF, "JTELVL, rORK, LAMB . AND MUTTON, SAUSAGES, Ac, 4 .-. ' to be found fn'th city. Pollta attenOnn to every customer of MU or low decree and sat Afaciloa guaranteed. J. R. MELTON, TV Corner Market and Second Streets, Pro r tit th oBiTteam tausaira 1883. NO. 30 PIANOS & ORGANS j J FROM ALL THJE . , Best Manufacturers in the Country, SOL FOR CASS OB OK THE MONTHLY ; : nf sTAunarr plah, at r HEINSBERGER-S, teh 3 ' Lire Book -and Maslc St'we WILMINGTON, COL, & AWiUiTA, WILMINGTON WELDON, and , C A. COLIN A CENTRAL IL H'DS. Notice to Shippers. rjiO INSURE PBOJIPT DISPATCH OF! r relght by these llnc3, It will be necessary to stop rec-lTlng- at 4.30 o'clock, P. M. Merchants and Shi pers are renwsteV to i conform thefr dr-IIveli's to the abore. This' rule ukea.tffecs February 3J, ltsf. By order of the General Freight Agent. W. 3. YOI'P, and W. C & A. It. Rda. T. D. 'MKAKKS,-' . Agvni C. C. R. Agent W. & W feb 2 It 4fc GARDEN SEEDS. FRESH LOT OF ALL KIN of Cab- wage ana i nrnip 'eeii, cnriyiana iamTnrif- ties : Collard. lieetan-i I omato ceid. a uruc t-ioct ana an emliess variety or l'eaa auu mm. 1 t . I " 1 RQunds ,Bros., MamifacturiiiBr Pharmae-isl". 1.4yrltitulWAY, Na.W TOEK., ANO WILAllNtiTOJS, K. O. jan 29 . If You ! Wish to See C APT. B. J . JACOBS, of . Senior Reserre iotorletr. the oV'est Saddle and Harne-s. c maker in W ilminaton. ji:t call Ht ll. J. lW l K-4 CWS 8Urv.anti buy a nice Lap Kom iu all other article in Saddlery eiablialt liient. for it is the place to get thcni. i jan 29 " !.--' Breecli-aioaders. jpiNE BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUN", -hells. Wa'Js, Powder, Phot Cartrldse Bajts, iun Cases. Kcioadliig Tools, Game Iwgs, ris tola all kinds. - If ym want a first-class art! ;Ieof the above eod . and lw prices, the bame can be found at W. K PRINGEt & C'S, i Success ir to Iawson A Co., fan 29 ! 19 2; and 23 Market Mreet F. P. JUNES, rS LINTON. N. C. ATTOENET AND Coca ellor-at Law. IwiU practice in any part of be State. SpoclaTjattentton given to the col' t fern nt .liTn(i Mint IMy John L. Boatwright's 'PAEOLB D'HOMEUE" EollerlProoess Flour. For Beauty, Strength, I .- I ' i ' ; Purity, iand Bread pro ducins qualities, it is the highest attain- . ahle standard Guaranteed in every Instance tbt rr, rr will peove a1i claim '!'' . ros rr." TDIDTLTBOATWEIGIIT dec 19 20,000 NEW PEANUT SACKS! AND 4 Bushel Oat Saclis. For sale at wiiia'B. jS3 Utt i ftoa ecr txUo&s ea aay aaa aU 1 psiaJlatcrtatfcgt The cam Ote wtSct esxt shrtrs HCS aSabedtoCtaEtsr. oas aide of tie paper. renoBaSttea iut be arotl4L . j " - A&4UU ecpeclally !aad partteilarrj i atood that the Editor doce eot always eadesra the rlewa of corayypondenSa cakee m att la the editorial col asm. . NEW APviTismgrs. Garden Seed ! New Crop ! XJXTRA EAULY PEAS, BEANS, COSJT, CABBAGE. TURNIP, RADI8II aad all rtxi- ties asnally sown la this aectloa. Fer sale Wholesale aad JUuttL WJLUAM IL CTHSf. Jan 27 . DrcsSat. Peril vlaa Guano 200 Tona- Genuino Iiobog'Guano . DIRECT IMPOItTATTON, j. EXPECTEDpAlLl i aad 'fot sale' by Chas Groceries. frGrbcerlco. B1CON, FLOUn, EUG Att, CO FFID, Elee, ulasca , Saltpl Crat kers, I Candy, Cheese Soda, Potash, Lye, FnaH; 'Tobaceo, Sa Starch. Candlesr Nails, Hodtf . Iron. Claa. Boafs,; Wrapplnc Paper, WrsppUf Twine, Hay, Oats. Axle Creese Bagttr;, Ties, . , For sale by' T ' - j ' ' j : . j KERTIIVFR Jt CALPER BIOS. No 'Obnoxious Comics. : ' ' - ' . t , . gUT AN ELTJOANT ASA AETIBTIO Line of Comprising: many xtew deslsna. Call aa l see f. . v'. thoia at ' . V TATES' B0QIL STORE. Jan S) 7fr Barerainc I Bargainc ! AT- I,, 3G Market Street. A GREAT MAJCT DE3ISABLS VlITJTEn GOOD ftgT.LTKO onr. vow TO HASS EOOUFOE SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED ASSJETflEIIT C7 . , Sv White Goods, Embroideries, Cambrics, ; Secrsnckorc, Ginghams, Sh'eetingc, Housekeeping Goodo. ALWAYS ON HAND A t r ) LINE OF - FULL Stapleand Fancy Dry Good:, AT CIA 7f ware Depot. Ko, SSUiitrt ctrtct. xacicrj la us cuw.

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