Soaday ex efrte by JOSH T. JAJtfESt . .-ASCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAH T4-00, Six months, tU. Three ,M Oonth,l5centa. J!ur will be delivered by carrier, free .jn ' of the city, aUbe above or I" centt per vceek tlng rate, low and liberal. bserlbere will report any and all fall recTe their papr regalarly. ' rTKe Datfy Eerieto has the largest r.- circulation, of any newspaper The Florida State Fair will operT next Wednesday Senator-elect Bowea, of Colorado, is amated to be worth $5,000,000. ltT - - This American Navy, asks for $100, 0$0 to fpend upon torpedoes. D wight M. Sabin, the nev Senator from Minnesota, has at present largo State prison contracts and is said to bo trorth several millions. if The Southern Exposition will be .held at Louisville, Ky.. beginning Aug. 1. IS83, and continuing one hundred dajs. Over $252,000 have been sub scribed by the people ot Jjuisville. The House of Delegates of West Vir ginia, by the decisive yote of 49 to 14, has passed a resolution providing for an amendment to the constitution prohib iting the sale of liquor in that State. . An effort is to be made to form an other State of the size of Rhode Island. Massachusetts has lately recovered 45 acres from Little Rhody, and it is pro posed to give us another New England State. Austin, Texas, will soon have a uni versity, with an endowment from pub lic land3 of $5,000,000. The capitolxin Austin, the foundations of which are just now laid, will cost $3,000,000 and will be one of the handsomest buildings in the country. Chicago Is reported to have 64 mil lionaires, among whom are Cyrus II. lleCormick, Marshall Field, "Long John" Wentworth and George M. Full man. Eight of the 64 are bankers. The real estate millionaires are estimated to U worth $ ,000,000. j There Is a well-founded rumor that the friends of ex-Treasurer Fplk will make good his defalcation and apply to Jndge James M. Quarles, of the Crim inal Court, for a reduction of the one hundred thousand dollar bail bond. It is also said that in this event Judge Quarles will make the bond ten thous and dollars. Senator Blair's bill for assisting nub lio educatton in the South does not create a permanent school fund,, but proposes to expend for the first year $15,000,000, to be distributed on the basis of illiteracy ; for the second year $14,000,000, and $l-,000.000 less each year for ten years, when the distribu tion ceases. In ten years the expendi ture would reach $105,000,000. The complete .immigration statistics for the year 1882, published by the Treasury Department quite recently, show the total immigration for the year to have been 712,542. This is a magni ficent showing, but the, increase over 1M1 is only 5 per cent. Of the whole number of arrivals, New" rork received 472,93i, or considerably more than one half. Three times as many Game, from Germany as from any other country. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX T0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books, 4o Mcjjm Bros Garden Seed- W n Greek Drugs, Medicines HantSBKBGEB Pianos and Organs New moon to-morrow at 55 minutes past 12 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up. 764 bales.' .Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. t Schr. -V. E. Gray, Crockett, heuce, arrived at New York Feb . 4th. For rocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t . Services will be held in St. John's t church to-morrow Ash Wednesday j at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. To-day is know as Shrove-Tuesday aml to-morrow, Ash-Wednesday, will usher in the long l.enten fast. lir. barque Europe, Atkius, from Algoa Bay, arrived in at Smithville to day for orders and cleared for Savan nah, Ga . -. , To Builders and others Go to J aco Bf s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass tc You can got all sizes and at the lowest prices.-- . There was a ohange of 13 degrees to day, In two hems, in the temperature. At 11 o'clock the thermometer was at and at I o'clock at 53 degrees. Rain is profit to-night. ' ' - ' .. .A artsy eresilBf. r 1 H i VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . V I I it" i ' .. . 'Personal Dr. Junius D. Yonngj a Vilraing tonian, graduate of the University of Pacific, at San Francisco, andfof Jef ferson College, Philadelphia j after making a visit Ihere has left lor Stock ton.Cal.. where he will resida an(l en ter into the practiceyaf medicine, instead of going o Marion, as he at one time intonc-ed and was so stated by lis. Dr. Young will carry with him many warm wishes for his success. i A Pleasant Time. The Sociable given Jast night at Rankin Hall by the Hibernian Society was largely attended and was in all its I features a complete success. Refresh ments of all kinds were ' in abundance and for sale at reasonable prices.1 'The music was good and the ' yonng people enjoyed themselves to t their hearts1 content in the fascinating dance until a late hour, or rather until an early hour this morning. . ' Banquet and Ball. Thanks, to the committee, Messrs John Haar. Jr., W. H. Gerkin. H, C Prempcrt. F. C. Miller, C. F. Von Kampen, E. W. Doscher and J. G. L. Gicsche n, for an invitation to attend the complimentary banquet to be given by Germania Lodge, No) 4, coinpli mentary to the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias, at the Purcell House, next Wednesday evening, and j the Compli mentary Ball at Germania Hall on the r 1 1 - - i i louowinx evening. ' Old Subscribers. The Salem (Mass ) Jiegister, which 13 nearly one hundred years old, an nounces tho reception of $2 . from a subscriber for the 66th annual renewal of his subscription. This leads the Pe tersburg Jndex-Appeat to say that ;t has one that has stood by it for more than 35 years. We have on the) Wilmington Journal books the name of a subscriber, an old and valued friend in Pender county, who was one of the first sub scribers to the Journal when it was es tablifted, in 1844, and who is still on its books, having been there for jnearly 40 years. t I . Tho celebrated 'Fish Branch' Gills Twine is sold only at! Jacobi's Hard waro Depot. ! , t . : I I Prof. Shepherd. We learn from a letter received this morning by Col. James G. Burr, from Prof. Henry E. Shepherd, that the lat ter gentleman has accepted an invita tion to lecture in this city under the auspices of the Historical and Scientific Society, and that he wilt be with us on Friday evening, March 2d. the lecture to taCo place in Tileston Hall, which has been kindly offered for the occasion by Miss Bradley. - Prof. Shepherd is a North Caroliniati, a " native of Fayettevile, and Judge Shepherd. the son of the late He is how! President of the College at Charleston, and he will present to our people a literary en tertainment that will (doubtless be heard and enjoyed by as many as the hall will accommodate. ' j I. I 1 Tho Monthly Meeting Tho Historical and Scientific Society held their regular monthly) meeting last evening, at tho Hall of the Knights of Pythias. Quite a number of visitors were present, and wo jwero, pleased to see many ladies there. The essayist for the evening. RevJ Mr. Peschan, gave some very pleasing recolleptions and reminiscences of Mrs. James K. Polk, the widow, of the: late ex-Presi dent, and a brief sketch ot her honored husband. We have never heard the Iter, gentleman before and wo were much pleased, not only with the cs3ay itself, which was well expressed, buj with tho elocution of tio speaker; his voice is well modulated! and his gesticu lations graceful and unaffected. Wq thank him for an hour of very agreea ble pleasure. Tho Dizzies. To the benefit of ihe students in r.uat omy in this citv, of whom there are many, of almost all agc and all condi tion; we publish .herewith a clipping on subject from the Trenton Slate Ga- ' .:. . i. 'I Tho Itentz-Santley Company, at ths Opera House, last evening, gave an ex ceedingly entertaining perfjrmance, which was all tho moro creditable, as it was the first time the; company had played together this season. The songs, in the first part, were all oevf- and bright, and were invariably encored. In the second part of the programme the specialities were by artists who were well up in their business, and that they were appreciated by the audience, was attested by the frequent applause. -The entertainment closed with the: laugha blo burlesque 'Clande DuvaL" in which tho en tiro company j appeared, and the pretty faces and rich and bril liant costumes of the ladies made a picture not often seen on our stagt. - i I " " " r i Board of Alderman. The Boaad of Alderman met in regu lar monthly session at the City: Hail last Right. ' . ! Petition of the Phconix Fire Engine Co. was reported upon unfavorably by the committe on Fire Department, and the committee's report was-adopted. Same committee reported the neces sity of hydrants on Nutt street, at or near its intersection with Hanover and Brunswick streets. . On motion, Camp bell street was substituted for Hanover street, and the report aa amended was adopted. : I Petition for a fire hydrant at the cor ner of Sixth and Princess streets was reported upon unfavorably. --( The special committee appointed to investigate complaints relative to the City Pound reported, recommending the removal of the same from, its pres ent location to a more suitable place. and suggesting that a committee be ap pointed to look up a suitable place and ascertain the probable cost of purchase. &c. The report was adopted and the Mavor appointed Alder ni a Bowden and Huggins, with himself, as said committee. I His Honor made the. following brief statement of the operations and expenses of the city for the first fiscal year of the term of this Board, -viz ; To the Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen: As our term of office will soon expire, I deem it advisable to make a briet report ot the operations and expenses of our first fiscal year, ter minating March 3 1st, giving you an accurate total of transactions done by your orders during that period. For full information as to details , ef money expended and to whom paid. 1 refer you to the quarterly statements ot the Clerk of the Board of Audit and Finance, which are regularly placed for exhibition to the public at the City Hall, Court House and other public places in the city. j At the commencement of our term, April 1st, 1S81, the net bonded debt of the ci'.y was $531,100 at the end of bur first year. April 1st. 1882, the net bonded debt was $528,800. There was no floating debt at either period, the money on hand and daily receipts being sufficient to meet current expenses and' interest The expenditures tor the -year ending March 31st, 1881, for current expenses were 52.044 01. The expenditure for the year ending March 1 31st. 1882, 58.364 72, from which it is. fair to de duct extraordinary expenses or such ex penses as have not occurred regularly in preceding years and should not be considered as regular annual current ex penses, as follows : Building plank road on Nutt street, which had been in , use 8 or 10 years and was almost impassable & 2,400 00 Repairing docks and bridges which by long use had be come unsafe 710 CO Printing in book form the 1 laws and ordinances of tho citv. ordered by the pre vious board 319 00 Belfrj and electric alarm,... 800 00 Lawyers fees and Court cost , in cases which had been pending........... 344 80 Police unifonris and equip- nient, 021 80 Increased pay -of Police by reasons assigned of the great advance in the cost of living....... 1,370 57 Vaccine matter, repairing hospital and nursing small pox patients. -t- 311 60 Building privies on the wharf. 60 00 Water works, ... ..... 875 00 $8,112 77 Deducting from total expenses ol 58,3M ixr Amount above I stated...... 8.112 77 The balance 50.2513 r Will be only a fair statement of regular annual expenses whioit had occurred in preceding years. In addition there are many items not included in thi? state ment, such as repairs on City Hall and other buildings, repairs of carts, har ness, &c, unusually large ; a new sup ply of hose for engine companies, &c. be materially increased by payment tn the Water Y orks and proportion of expenses for City Hospital and perma nent improvement to streets which re ouire immediate attention. Wr. L. Smith, Mayor. A petition from the Little Giant Com pany for the city to make good the loss of the company in feeding their hose, reel horse, beyond what is allowed them by the city, was received. On motior, the petition was referred to the commit tee on Firo Department, with power to act upon approval of the Board of Audit and Finance. ! Alderman Yorth offered the follow ing, which was adopted:. Resolved, That the matter of election of the next Board of Aldermen be re ferred to a committee of three, the Mayor being one, to perfect the neces sary arrangements and report to a call ed meeting ol this Boards ... The Mayor appointed on said com mittee Aldermen Northrop and ChadU bourn. - ; Petition lrom Mrs. S. J. Oameroa for permlssfoa to erect a ooCca honsa iETIIW, with tin roof on Second street, was re ferred to the committee on Fire Depart ment, with power to act. ' ! j Petition from the! Columbia Fire Compny for an engine house, was re ferred to the committee on Fire De partment, j . ' Reports of Hospital committee, Chief of Fire Department and J Superintend ent of Public Health, were roceved and ordered on file. ; : I. O.B.B. District Grand Lodge, No. 5, I. O. B. B., assembled at Tienken Hall, on South Front street, this - morning, 'and was called to order by the President, Mr. XI. Solomons, of Savannah, G a. There was a large attendance and, with with one or two exceptions, all the Lodgesjin the District were represented by delegates when the roll was called. Tho business of the morning session was of a character uninteresting to the general reader, consisting principally in the appointment of the several com mittces, to which the published reports of the standing committees were re ferred, after being submitted to the District Grand Lodge. The proceed ings were public. The Lodge adjoiirn ed at 1 o'clock p. m. to meet again at 3 p. m., when a secret session was held and only regularly accredited dele gates were admitted. I The following is a complete list of the officers of the Grand Lodge and ot the Board of Control1 of . the Orphan Asylum Fund: j j Grand i Lodge M., ,J. Solomons, President: Lee Wolff. 1st Vice ! Presi dent ;D.H.Steen, 2nd Vice President; S. B. Wolfe, Secretary ; A. Goodman, Treasurer ; J. Jacob son, Sergeant-at-Arms. - Board of Con trol of the Orphan Asy lum S. Wolf, President ; - J. Adeldorf, Vice President; H. Adler, Secretary; S. S. Nyberg, M. Daniel, J. Greens felder,' J. I. Macks, T. M. Mordecai. E. A. Weil, W. LovensteinJ W. Nord linger. . ' ; - " -t ItjWas decided to-day that the next meeting of the Lodge will be held in Norfolk, Va. 1 " Board of Education. The Board met at 4 o'clockj yesterday afternoon and proceeded to canvass the census returns of 4 the several districts in the county, as submitted by the sev eral school committees, and to make the apportionment of the school fund for 1883.1 as follows : I Wilmington Township District No. 1 White children, 1,009; colored. 1, 606. Total, 2.615. j District No. 2-White children, S43; colored, 1,510. Total, 2,453. T Federal 1 Point-District . Not 3 White children, 125; colored, 95. To tal. 207. i Mason boro District No. 4 White children. 144; colored, 93 Total 242. . Harnett District N5. 5 White chil dren, 140; colored, 222. Total. 362. Capo Fear District No. 6 White children, 44; colored, 319. Total. 363. Grand total 6.242, of which 2,392 are white and 3.850 colored children. 1 The amount of distribution per capi ta was fixed at $2. Resignation of J. H. Savage, as School Committeeman of Federal Point Township, was accepted, and J. II. Mogue was appointed. j I . . r Duck charee everybody with being a "quack," and there are but a few who are exempt from thegosling accusation. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is certainly an exceDtion to the rule, as it - is no doubt the greatest remedy offered to a suffer ing people. I 1 1 Unmailable. The following unmailable matter re mains at the Post Office in thi3 pity. Mr Geo W Hooper. 183 Josenhi nest., NewOreans, La; Col L P B Hirrgeus, care, Higgens. & Cox. Wall st., N Y. Sncclaltj'of Military and Fire men's Shirts. Messrs. A.!& I. Shrler are making a specialty of introducing the Military and Firemen's Shirts of the same styles as worn by New -York Companies. Sanipld3 and prices can be seen by call ing at A. & I. Shkier's, Clothing house" No, 34 Market street. ion 29. A New Stock o F SADDUCS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, &c. &.C., just receirca Irora tue iianuijciurcrs. rrUca, ia need of any article In ciy line would lo well to gtre mc a call, as I widjw In receipt; of new Etoct, and selling at low prices for Cash. ; Manniactoricg and Heptring ae at Short notice- caU at tlic oM siad!le nl Ilarnas Store of J. II. MAI.L-RO, Jan IS- ' .No.S Front St Buggies ! . Buggies I xixw Airo srxxyr nAjco for sale boxae Earsatn. T. J SOCTfTJERLANTJ, dte Utf 8. 1SS3. ' . NO. 33 V, PIANOS & ORGANS TROH ALL THE Best Manufacturers in the ! l , Country, SOLD TOR CASH OB ON THE MONTHLY EtSTALMEXT PLAN, AT HEINSBERGER'S, feb S - Lire Book and Music Store Positive Bargains BLEACHED COTTONS, 10V Shirtings, OoantcrpAnes, Table Damak and Towels, White Goods, Hamburg and Irish Point Trimmings, Warner's Corallne, Health, Ab- 1 .- 0 . domlnal and M. M. Corsets. i Also, the best ONE DOLLAR KID GLOVE in the city. , . J. HEDRICK. feb C. W. YATES. gCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, ' FRAMES, ' FANCY GOODS,, wrapping! PAPER, j PAPER BAGS. I A complete assortment Sentimental Talen- tinea. i feb 5 RIotice. A LL EX-CONFEDERATES WHO FEEL nn interest in the formation of an Association for the relief of all sick and disabled comrades who may require' assistance, will please meet at the.. Court House on Wednesday erenlng. 9th. Inst., at S o'clock. i , ... . t I . . JAMES I. METT3 , ' j ' R. M. HOUSTON, JOSIAH MERRITT. feb 5 I Committee. State of North Carolina, I i New Hanuver County, i- ! 1 Sui erior l ourt,- J. D. H. Wicker and George BlYin, by his uncle and iext friend, J . 11. D. Wicker, Plain tiffs. Against I Ernest Frederick Hash u en andjwlfe Minnie, i Jonn G. Hashagen, Ann Hashaveu, Virginia G. hmpie, S., M. hmple, B jG.' Emp-.e. Annie I K. femp e, Fannie V i.. tm ie, Ellen C. A.m- ple, Theodore G '-mpie, Adam tmpie and Ann ilaehagen,-Defendants. ' IT BK'NG dtADE TO APPEAR TO MY satisfaction that J. George Hahagen. and Ann Has ha gen are non-residents of th State, aud have property Jn this state, ntnl cannot af ter tine rliligenro be found in this State, and ttiatarauee of action exists in favor of the Pltlntin against the said Defendants; now, these aT, thertfure, to no ify the Defendants. J.G. Hashagen nd Ann flfgen, to-appear at mv oflice in the city of Wismi-gton, on the 14th day of March, A. D. 18-3, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and an?w r or demur to the complaint tiled in this action. Given uuder my hand nd seal of oGce this 30th day of Januarv, 18&i. STAChY VanAMRINGE, jan3'aw 6wtues Clerk Superior Court. Molasses, Flour, Salt, &c. nhds New Crop Cuba Molaf sea, 25 Hhds Porto Rico Molasses, 200 Bbls Cuba and Porto tiicoMolanee, 2aj Bids Bb White FJour, 2 5 do Bell MilU do 2i0 do Pnrk Mills do 133 do Monarch d 1 50- 0 Sacks Liverpool t alt, t j 25 Boxes D t bides, V 50 ISuckets Lard, ' i 50 lib's C, Kx O nnd Gran. Sugar, ' ira Bags -offee, all grades, 23 Bbls Rice. i For sale by . KERCHNER & CALDEt BM3. feb 5 Drugs, Medicines, gPONGES, FANC GOODS, PERFUMERY, SUNDRIES?, C mil ixm l WILLIAM IL GREEN. Market Street' feb Assignee Sale. I riUIE lJNPEifIG"KI A ASS GNRE un X tierad-eU'f fmm Georo M; ra p'm. aitd in pnryanri of the ifi-ioa ltif of. will hlII t piiidtt au tSo;i. Jir t4 b aturdi-, the2ith dty of February, tt, the itocknf trocertes and other .-cr8ul rrop erty, conveyed brtaid deel and coJitain"l In ?toren o-'lGand 13, on front trec. -"le will li egin at aid f tore at H riVloek, r.dl! continue 1 from day to day nnul gofl are sold. ' A. G. iilOAKD, feb3-w - . As?Ncce, FANCY LAMPS. KOTUEU LOT JUST BECEITED. GILES 4 J'URCIfieON. 25 and 40 Murrhlson Block feb Zjf K U t V M mM mam mm mmr mm mm m 1 Cto m pwiMTc TYMvr - - tm lu&lettrr. iftm t will 1u K-li 1.MJ u Ui 111 WCKT. . XS mr it r " " ' . - " J JNO feb TTwClbf!ad ta rccrrs xoasscxlziZssM ftnoa eux frtdi a auy aad aa g5i;jct''el 'grtnihtinittii'i';.' :- '.r.f:,-. Tbmaino tho writer mmi ahrart te fa oaosIJaof Um pafar. rertoaaHtlea mxt b aiol3d.t Anl tt la etpecLiliT aaj particularly c&deB. stool that tae Editor doe'' aot ariraya endoiM the views of eorrctpondesta nalea so state4 tn the editorial ec aimna. j f j ' UL.S I NEW AIVERTI8MEIJ8. rJotice. j have this bay - 2ld all nr. terest In tk firm mt f-.i-1 t Jk GOv. to Mr, B. J. Powers. - - J " . oh Ait. v. isurn. WUmlrgtcu, K. C, Ytb 2, 188S. T HE FIRM OF CHARLES E. tliTtU ft CO.,la thisday disMlredby mntsal eonseat. Mr. E. J, Powers is alone authorised to oot- - . t . - (- lect all debts due the firm and ila la Eqiida- "on- ' " CHA8. E.8MTTIt, I r . . , K- J row ksj j Wilmliigten, K. C, Teb. 3,-ll$3. . ? JJAVIXQ SOLD TO MR. E. J. TOWZHM my Interest tn the firm ef Chaa. E. 1 6mlta Co., T solicit for him a oontinuance of tho Mt-' ronage of my f rlcmds and former customer. ' ( . ; , chas. b. sumr;1 Wilmington, K.C., Tcbl. lk T -.' ' febS tf . ' . . ' I, ' . rjpHE BUSINESS OF THE LATE FI&21 OF CHAS. B. 8MTTII 4 CO., will be continued under the firm nUtue of E. J. POWEEa. i 1 feb 3 1 -.I f Seasonable Goodsl TTTE OFFER 30W FRESH ArrlTalitf MOUNTAIN BUTTER, . CREAM CHEESE, ' EARLY EOSE SEE) POTATOES, ' NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, .v, NEW CROP MOLA88E8, J 1.300 BW.- GOOD FLOOR. HALL & PEARSAIJlI feb ' - i 2o;ooo NEW PEANUT SACKS AND 6 4! Bushel (Tat Saolifli I.I- ' roraal;t " ; '? Willnrd'o. Jan Ifrtf mm GARDEN SEEDS! FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cab- i.age and Turnip Seed, early and lata varie ties; Coltard, Beet and Tomato Seeds, a large stock and an endless rariety of Peas aad reiaueu at w noieai4 prices oj il2unds Bros., 1.491 BKOdUWAY; NltW. TORE, jan29 -, j If You Wish to See1 QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior! Eesm notorletr, the oldest Saddle and Harness. e.t! maker in W llmlngton, Inst call at Hi M. BOW DEN A CO'a store and bur a niea Lao Robe and all other articles In a Saddlery estabBsfe men i, lor it u ine puce to get taeat. , - i jan 29 . : ' ; Brcech-Loaders, -ptNE BREECH-LOADING B1IOT-GUXB, shells. Wads, Powder, Shot,- Oartrldge E-, Gun Cases, lie load Ing Tools, Game Bags, Pis tolsall kinds. - If vou want a first-class arti cle of tho above good, and low prices tfee same can be found at i . i - W. E. SPRINGER 4 COT, - Sucixsors to Dawson 4 Co., i fan 29 1 2; and 23 Market Street; PACIFIC GUANO. Just reoelred axui for sale, j"j .' 'I--: SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, . 'D' (y ':r Dissolved BoneFbosphato. We never hare had the first eomplaltU tf t'aeae Fertilisers aot bringing a profitable ercj See our Country Agents. ALEX. 8PRUNT 4 SOX. ' Turpentine Stills aSpecialty -pRICES FOR KETTLES, CAPS, ARTJ AS it WORMS gtren on trpUcatioa. Lowttt rates of freight lo all polnU Sooth. n ART.' BAf LET A CO., " I Iron rotmdry, Ma hlre a Copier Wcrks, i J5 4 K Sonth Front U, jan 24-; , Wilmington, N. C CAN'T KEEP TIIEU ! ..- - - .- -..- : . i , rpEOPLE WILL HATE TUO&K ST0TE3. Another lot ctj-sc ted. Eeadjyour ordara. j c? 3 I - 1