(:. " PLEASE NOTICE, i We win be glad to receive eoaausitlsi pitched ereTy ereninir. San-lays cx i&cpted by JOSH T. .JA31JEB. EirroB a.si rEorsiETOR. -..tihttioNS POSTAGE TAIIX r from our friends on any aad all rakjecU et reneral latere! bnt .. ;n - The came of the. writer unst always b tzj' allied to the Editor. ' 0te t-ear $1.00. Six month. X00. Three 7 Communication must be writ tea on oarf mOQUlB, v The rP' will be delivered by cairlera free of charge. la any part of the city, at the above rte or W cento per n-eek. VflvMtlBlnR rate low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all falJ nrc tn receive their paper regularly, one side cj the paper. , . Peraoaalltle must be avoided.? And It la especially 'and particularly sader tod that the Editor does not always cadotae the view 9 of correspondent unices so teatrd VOL. VII. W WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1883. NO. 34 1 In the editorial columns, ' u s Tins paper . ffilHf !: filTIEW. I rjp- The vauy mcii .u tona fide circulation, fany newspaper publtAecuyoj fuming. ; seI1 at ailctiou tbls niontJl;all her jew- " The Wilmington ar placed itseirels ml Pay ber creditors with the pre - i v.efrrlAT as1 beinsr oonosed iceed3V r. v L I onrecuiu '' . . ..i...f;nn nf thft ?norani on met to me euuv.""" tilea that. wlien4iueraptins to euucaie nrro "vo'J spoil a fate hand without dcvalinj Mm morally." To Rive Sotcc to the assf rlion, the Star italicises the words wc have quoted. It is hard to believe that any lair minded man could have written or endorsed such, trash, necurUy one who has had as many opportunities for intelligent observation as has the editor of the Star. To say t ht pducation does not elevate ignorant nezrocs is to say that education docs not eJerate ignoraui. r4W- v. rank or of any desrec. Any man of! ordinary observation will see how much education has done for the race in this tb clftRfl ot the war. Those! I llj Ot4VW who were residents of Wilmington, in 1865 can remember very clearly, and very distinctly the condition of the ne groes at that timo,just emancipated, and cast almost entirely upon their own resources. Then they were ignorant and poverty-stricken, and scarce one in llfly could read the title of a newspaper. New there are hundreds of able bodied colored men in this city, well clothed, well led and well housed, with neatly-clad children hurrying off day by day to attend 'the schools. It may be very true, as the Star asserts that you "spoil a good field hand" bygiving hiui education but any man with com mon sense and common eyes and com mon fairness can see for hfraself that educating the negro is "elevating him morally.1' In sDeaking for the educa tion and moral elevation ot tho negro we speak in the same breath and n the same words for the prosperity and se curity of the white -people. .That edu cation does elevate is a truism which has been proved so often and so thor oughly that the man who denies it now might as well deny that the sun shines at midday or the stars sparkle at midnight because there are a few clouds overhead between the earth and tho sky. We pity the white people who might bo compelled to live for many years in a city or in a country largely inhabited by field hands, recently emancipated, and with no schoolhauses at hand for the children of tho blacks. No; these people are with us and of us and they will remain with and of us; it is a de cree of the Almighty, w"hich may not be resisted. But while they are with us let us smooth their path and ours by using the advantages and influences of education, which the same Power has placed within our grasp. Educa tion is not only the handmaid of en lightenment, but she is the handmaid of peace, and the assertion that it "spoils good field hands" was an excel lent ono for I860, liut in 1683 it is a very poor subterfuge. . . . An interesting experiment in heliog raphy, or signaling by sunshine, was successfully made in Egypt during the recent campaign. Colonel Keyscr as cended one of the pyramids near Cairot and by means of a heliographicjiiirror reflected a ray of sunlight to Alexan dria, 120 miles away. At this great' distance the signals, appearing iike pin points of brightness, were easily ascer tained to be a message from Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Khedive. A traveller In Greece tells the Spring field Republican about a delightful beverajto called salep, a decoction from roots, sold in Greek towns only early in the morning. The renders carry abont their can of silep with a charcoal fire mndcrit, some glasses, and a can of water for rinsing them ; and the cost is a cent a glass. Capt. F. W. Dawson, editor of the. Charleston Actrs and Courier, sails this week from New York, in the steamship Brittanai, for Europe, in search of much needed rest and 'rccrc- auon. lie win travel extensively on the Continent during his absence. Open to engagements. Having been j lately most mercilessly wound up him- j self, ho is prepared to wind rem ffor? others. Address, until March 4th j twU i. ,ii rri hi i TT'e'c.,. ii-,i,:: ton. D. C. Mr.Blodgett ot the; Rhode Island legislature offered a 'resolution and meant no sarcasm by itthat a diction ary be purchased with public money lor ery member. .';'! Hans von Bulow, the pianist and com poser, has been at death's door, but he Is reporUd to be recovering, and to have resumed work with his orchestra In UtlnlBxw.- .... . V. - , licrntiarut .Madame- naiaal;ihav- lnz Io-t cIg&ly thongani, : IillarSf win : a y, r l.:.,..i ...:.tj rti;i ij ci otjj .iiimi uuiii in ibLCU suiciuc t Friday nizht br settin- himself on fire with benzine. The world was enlighten-' be, J , , , ' m ' cd.by his death trom more than by his j fhe Prldent. Chaplain and Treas 1 1 fc?- . i i J urer submitted their reports, and on J j motion they were received and order- A new "vegetable ivory1 is made s ed spread on the minutes. ' : irom ordinary potatoes provided they 'arc tolerably sound and fully developed by purely chemical means ' ; S M, The Czar ha3 ordered his odronation manifesto to be ready for on. February his signature Queen Victoria has grand-children and will twenty-four. twentv- wo soon hive -4 Hie rsevaaa legislature; is worrying along without a chaplain as a -matter of economy. Tho Shah of Persia pays his barber $5,000 a year. The man is dcat and dumb. I Tho committee in charge of the Bar tholin statue have raised $80,000 thus far. '. i i ; I . , 1 i Edwin Booth will perform in Cologne, Bremen. Leipzig, Hanover and Vien na. The queen of the carnival at Orleans was a Miss Richardson. New Bismarck is sick, but not dangerous ly. Plon Plon is very mpch1 dejected. Louisiana has a cash balance State Treasury of $1,152,000. j in the LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. : Yates School Books, c r. : Munds Bros Garden 1 Seed .IIeinsberoer Heart of Steel t. Wit L SMlTn Storing Gaano. Vf II G REE x Drugs, Medlclne3 j - -j R M MclXTlRE Tapestry, Brussels , ' 1 Vf K Sfrixger & Co-r Breech-loadors I R J Scarborough &;Co No liquors Parker & Tatlor ban't Keep Them. II M Bowden & Co If You Wish to See The receipts of cottofi at this port to-day foot up 482 bales, j Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. j t Nor. barquo Thinca, Johnsen, hence, arrived at L.verpool Feb. 3d. , Schr. Alice Hcarn, Pennewill, hence, arrived at Baltimore Feb. 6th. , j Schr. Charley Bucki, French, from Belfast. Me., for this port, was at Vine yard Haven Feb. 3d. 1 Gen. Johnstone Jones, Adjutant Gen1 oral of the State, is in the city and will remain here until Monday next.1 Thcmerchants on Water street weri com plaining to-day of tho dust. . It was only a few days ago thaji they were complaining of the mud The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Cljils Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Denot. i t 'Exports Foreign Nor barqucntinc Cyrner, Capt; Jor gensen, cleared to-day for Ixmdoh with 1,000 bbls rosin, valued at $2,994.11, shipped by Messrs Robinson j 4 King; Br barqwe Mersey, Capt. Niejahr, clear ed for Glasgow with 8,15tf bblss rosin, valued at $15500, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. j ' Personal. i Ex-Mayor James Wilson returned to the city last night after a sojourn in New York ever since last Summer. Mr. Wilson has large real estate inter ests in-New York -as well fas in Wil mington, and divides his time between tho two cities. He has hero sixty-three tenants, beeides a large; amount of un imoroved real estate. , ' To Builders and olhers Go to Jacq ! Ei'a for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and ; at tho lowest prices. j Another Tent. Mr Thomas E. Skipper, D , II ; ' ' of the IndependcntOrder ot Rechabites, instituted another Tent ! of Rechabites j in this city last evening. The order is reported in a flourishing condition, and parties throughout the State desirous oC-having. a j good J Tem perance organization in their commun ities would do well to correspond with Mr. Skipper who will gladly furnish all the information nccessaay for, organization.-' , " v ; A.fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ;' t Seaman'8 Friend Society. Th(j annual niectin qP .lhe a. Friend Society was held in ther- fading room pf the ome yesterday - - . ' " J.W.Cbaio. afternoon, when Mr. Geo. R. French i r r y - Chaplain ; ... r caueu m we voair arm ir. ucu. i i - , x 1U"V-"' " 1 - " I w as j Messrs , H. j B. Eilera arid R. E. j Heidc were appointed a committee t audit the Treasurer's books and voch crs for the past year and the -ensuing year and report at the Jiext meeting. ti, rit..,: .:. .!- in nomination.for Trustces for the en suing year and unanimously elected : Geo. R. French, Geo. Harriss, R. E Heide. E. THaucockH. B. Eilers, B; F. Mitchell, Geo. R. French, Jr., E. S. Martin, E. Peschau. Roger Moore; YA ward Kidder, Alex. Sprunt. F. W. Kerchner, W. I. Gore and Chas. IE" Robinson. S The Board then adjourned. mmmmmm ...... ' " t I MEETING OF TRUSTEES. ; At a meeting of the Trustees, held immediately after the adjournment of the Society, Mr. Edward Kidder was called to the Chair and Mr. Geo. R. French. Jr., appointed Secretary. :: The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year : Presi- dent, Geo. R French; Vjce President; pco, Harriss ; Secretary and Treasurer, Geo. R. French, Jr. Messrs H. B. Eilers, E. .T. Hancock and R. E-. Heide were elected to constitute the Executive Committee, in Qonnection . with the President, Vice President and Secretary and Treasurer , w Adjourned. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. . At a meeting of the Executive Com . niittee.'heM Immediately after the ad-journment-of the Board of Trustees, Capt.- W. J.- Potter, was appointed Chaplain and tho Secretary was in structed to notify Dr. Hall, Secretary of the American Seamana Friend Soci ety of Nw York, of the appointment ot Capt. Potter, and to request a con tinuance of their donation toward his salary. .. Adjeurned. t - i. . The following reports of the Presi dent, Secretary and Treasurer and" Chaplain will be found of interest : PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Genti.emen : At this i our thirtieth annual meeting of the Semans Frjend Society, we have cause to feel encourf aged that we have passed through the financial difficulties which have been pressing so heavily upon U3 since the rebuilding of our Homeland now have fair prospects, by economy and pru dence, of being able to meet promptly our current expenses, and in the near future to begin to provide a sinking fund to pay on our bonded debt. f We gratefully acknowledge the donation of $400 from the parent Society in New York, enabling us to continue the ser vices of our Chaplain and his labors in our port. During the past year we have made a change in the management of the Home, and we think I it due to Capt. Chistensen. the present manager, restate that the cleanly- condition ofthe. house, and tho orderly manner in which it i3 conducted are highly appreciated by tho Society. For detailed statement of the financial condition of the Society you are referred to the report of the Treasurer. The Chaplain will submit his report of Christian labor performed. Respectfully submitted, 1 Geo. R. Frencii, President. treasurer's report. r Seaman's Friend Society in acccount with Geo. R. French, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer- i 18S3. Debtor, Biib for repairs $ 14.15 Hancock & Daggett, glass ana repairs... Adrian & Vollers, damage to goods. ................... Interest... . . - - - ,- Insurance. ...-. . I - Gas used in Bethel. -. . . . . - . Keeping shipwrecked seamen. . 41.16 1.50 568.00 83.25 1.00 12.50 401.00 Cash on hand. : . . - - 103.95 I - TotI, t It 230. 5 1 188Q. " Credit. From last year ..$ 114.51 From rents......... i 061.00 ! A. S. F. Society New York. 400.00 48.00 7.00 From annual dues Sale of counters Total... -..V.... .$1,230.51 CnAn.AIN'S REPORT. Gentlemen : I herewith suhmit lbe annual report of my labors in connect tion with the official relation I sustain to your Society. " Number of vessels visited 121. Of conrse some of these have been visited repeatedly, as ihv onr "judgment there were opportunities of doing good. : I . have distributed 5.812 pages of tracts, in various languages, which were highly appreciatedand. I trust; read with profit. This is a wide field of la bor, and ono ' which demands the - cxh I: I; there will be an impetus irti which f push the work forward U a rand i The new Duchess of Westminster, wife of. one of the richest . men in Eu rope, was married in a dress of white foulard, costing seventy-fire cents a yard. This certainly is , econmy, and economy is to use Dr. Hull s i Cough Svnin tha frrit rninu fr rs n rr l- is and colds. , '. " ..." " .. I ..." A Comracndablo Move. We learn that the "All Souls Chris tian Union' have organized a "Social Reunion Club," the object of which is to give a series of entertainments at the Tileston Upper Room for the benefit of the poor of tho city as well as to en courage sociability among our citizen The first entertainment will be given on tho 23d inst,, when the drama of "Done on Both Sides" wiil be presented to be followed soon after by "Among the Breakers" it is also intended toi give a concert of,rocal and instrumental ruusic earl in April, at which the best musical talent of the city will take part. AIL persons of musical or dramatic talent, and who would like tc do-, good, are invited to join in making the enter tainment a success." ', :r- L We are glad this movement has been Inaugurated for its results 'must be bene ficial, not only to those who participate, but to our entire people. j An .Agreeable Eutertaiuinent. tThe programme of the cntertitinment last night, given in honor of District Grand Lodge, No. 5, 1.L O. B. B , was fully carried out, and was a complete success in every particular, much to the delight and gratification of the large, select and appreciative; audience. The fashion the refinement and culture of the city graced the entertainment with their presence, and every portion of the "exercises r received v the most profound attention from the delighted listeners. I .The exercises , of the evening were opened by Rev. S. Mendelsohn!, D. D., of this city, who, in a brief and felici tous speech,-. -introduced Hon. Simon Wolf, of Washington, D. C, as the speaker for the evening. Hon, Mr. Wolf, who was formerly Minister to Egypt, then came forward and made an instructive and entertaining address in which ho gave, in synopsis a history of the Order from its organization until the'preserrt time.' He is a pleasant and attractive speaker, was thoroughly post ed in the literature of his subject, and was listened to with profound attention from the commencement to the close of his address. ' Mrs. Dryfoos, of this city, gave sev eral fine' selections, among Which were the r "Maniac", and "The Isles of Greece," which were rendered -with ex quisite taste and patho3, evincing much dramatic power and the most careful and conscientious culture . j The vocal music consisted of selec tions given by Mrs. Kahnweiler, and Messrs. Nathan Mayer, R. II . Grant, the Anon Quartette Club, of this city, and Rev Dr, Kaiser, of Baltimore. The latter gentleman has a well trained baritone voice and wa.3 heartily encored by the delighted audience. Ol ihc skill in execution and richness of the ton'es of our own citizens who participated ast night, we have spoken so often and so freely and fully that any words of praise at this time would seem like redundancy We always listen to them with profound and ever increasing de light, and their efforts last night ' were equal to any of their previous attempts. We hear nearly all the professionals who visit our city, but we fail to hear our home talent, of which those who took part last night are the most promi nent, excelled. Mrs M. P. Taylor and Mr. E. J Thorpe were the accompanists,; which is a sufficient guarantee that the1 instru mental part of the programme was not in the least behind the vocal in point of musical excellence. Hnmpty Onmpty, The Southern Hum pty Dumpty Com pany will appear at the Opera House to-morrow night in a representation which we are satisfied will be such as will please a critical audience. . We are glad to know that the prospects for a large house are very fair, and we trust that it may be crowded on the occasion. A free wire-walking exhibition will be given in Irbnt 'of Ahe house previous to the performance. , Specialty of JHIHtary and Fire v men! Sliirts. Messr3. A. & I. Shrier arc making a specialty of introducing the Jlilitary and Firemen's Shirts of the same styles as worn by : New? York Companies. Samplas, ana prices can; be seen by call , iag at Aj& I. SiiRiEii's. Clothing house 2x0. 3l2Xarbt stresU frn S3. SRW -APVEUTI3E3IEXTS. Tapestry, S OilE REAL BARGAINS WILL BK GIVEN 1 TO TljBN THESE INTO MO THOSE IN WANT OF EMBROIDERY ! There Itas lcen a little delay In sctUnff this line l i low priced Eemembcr ! when y on are ready wo'are prepared lo show in great variety Weantlfnl , LACE CURTAINS!: feb 8 I. O. 15. 15. . 4H District Grand Lodge, No. 5. of the above organization met pursuant to adjournment at Tieken Hall, at 10 o'clock this forenoon . The principa business engaged in duri.ig the . morn ing session, was the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year. The election resulted i as follows: D. II. Stern,, Charlotleville. VaM President; J J Cohen, Augusta, Ga., 1st Vice President; L N Miller. AVash mgton, D C'; 2nd Vice President; Dr SB Wolfe, Baltimore, Md., Secretary; A Goodman, Baltimore, Treasurer; H Morris, larboro, is C, Sergeant at Arms. i These officers having been declared elected were duly installed. The Board of Control of the Orphan Asylum i uud. elected to-day, is as fol lows: : i Hon Simon Wolf, Washington, D C; Moretz Daniel, Baltimore, Md; Jos Green felder, Baltimore, Md, and W Nordlenger, Washington, D. C. i During the-session instructive and-in toresting speeches vere made by Hons Simon Wolf and W Lovenstein , and Messrs Wisselowsky Nyberg, Adeldorf and Sachs which were well received and enjoyed. i New Five Cent Pieces. The new five cent pieces,! coinage of which was commenced on the 1st. and which will soon reach here, are des cribed as follows : ,; The coin is to be twenty-one millime ters in diameter. On the observe is a classical head of Liberty, with . the inscription "Liberty" on the tiara, and he date below, and all surrounded by' thirteen stars. 1 On the reverse of the poin is the Roman numeral indicating the denomination of the coin, surround ed by a beautifully arranged wreath composed of cotton,1 wheat and corn, products ot the countrv. and all I sur rounded by the inscriptions "United States of America" and "E Pluribus Unum." V J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITV OFjWILMINGTON, ! MAYOR'S OFFICE, S February Tth, 1?S3. FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS again riiHK published for the infoi-mallon of the public, tfllwlt: ! STOKING GUANO. No Guano or other noiflou a Fertilizers shall be stored in any ehed, house, Btore,warebonse, yard, or lot, or on any wharf cast of the Cape Fear river and between Red Cross and Church streets. ( . i , I . - - - - ).. Any person or persona Tiolatln thia Onli- nice shall be fined twenty-II re dollars. WM. I. SMITH, I . ' feb 7-1 1 Star copy j Mayor HEART OF STEEL, NEW NOVEL, BY CHRISTIAN KEID, Another tupply just rercirel, and foriale at $1.23. 3Ia'lol to any i art of tlie country. Portia. NEW NOVEL, BT THE DI7CHES9.' . i Another supply jnft receiresL In paper 40 cents; In cloth L25. .Mailed to any part of the -United States from HEINSBERGER'S, feb 1 Live Boole and Mu!e ?tre Brcech-Loadcrs, F INE BREECH-LOADING 61IOT GCN3, bhella. Wads. Powder, Shot, Cartridge Bars, Gun Case. ILeloadinj TooL. Game I'i, Pl to Li all kimi. if you want a firet-claas arti cle of the above jrood;, ami low price, the same can be found at j W. K. SPRINGER A COS, ' ' Soeceasor to Dawson A Co feb 7 . 1 21 ami 33 Market fctreet CAN'T ILEEP T1HJ3I ! . - . - - .... -- .-. ... -., . - ----- . i-. -3- a- jpEOPLB WriX HAVE THOSE STOVES. Another lot expected. Sciw'joar order. TcV I. f AKTOn; & TAYLOK. XUVV AIVERTISEMENT3. Brusselc ! IN TlfE ABOVE GOODS. Tt PVLVOKl WE ? SUCH WILL NOTE THIS. j EMBROIDERY ! In readine'sa, but w ; can b0W tkcta tttm, to very fine. j . i R. m; rjcirjTiRE. OPERA HOUGE. Thursclay Niffbt, February 8tU i '. o i i ' . ' THE NEW SOUTHERN humpty-dumWvtcoj; Will make their Firt Appearance. NEW TRICKS ! ! ' ! NEW MUSIC ! ' , , . NEfr VERSION! . ' NEW SPXCIALTUC3 I Seats SOc.at Dyer's; Chlldern 53c; Callerr . ; . feb 5-ti-m-w i O P ERJHQUGjE. FItIJAY, FPJJRKARY Otb. AMECICA'.S STANDARD ATTRACTION I ' I : o -l - The Justly Celebred ! REIffZ-SANTLEY I .Novelty & Burlesque Co. Absolutel y the Most Brilliant, Norel and At ive JCntertalnment lu the World. . tract Positive Production of the NEW GREAT BURLESQUE, ! , ' The Daughter's Banker, Replete with Sen;atIonal Effect. Charm. Ing Music and MagnUTcent Costume. feb5-3t noon-wed th1 ' i ' " rjo Liquoro. JgUT A STOCK OFJ-RE3ri, A WO. 1 OIIO CERIES wm be kept at 'our store, i i No, 45; Market' Street.1 All jooda sold by ua will be as ropreetated. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PnOITTS WILL BE OUi: MOTTO. ' "Glve ua & trial "and be convinced, feb 7-tf B. J. SCARBOEOUG II A CO. If You Wish to 8co QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior. JLcaerre notoriety, the oldest Sadrita and ir ?,i,erJn,IimIn:un I U8t c11 M. BOW. DEN A CO'iJ store and buy a nice Lap Robe and all other article in a Saddlery esubllsH- mjnt, tor it la the plaee to gtt them. i , GARDEN SEEDS." AHiESII LOT OF ALL KINDS ef Cab- bage and Turnip Seed, early and lata Tarie tes; Collanl, Beet and Tomato beedi. a larra stock and an endleM uritr f ph tui Beans, retailed at wholesale Price br i Munds lroo.. ManuflLTtnHnir 1harm.iia I I 1.491 BROADWAY, NltW TOIIS. AND WILMINGTON, N. C. - Drugs, Medicines, gPONGES, TANC1 GOODS, PERFUMERY, EUXDRIE9, TAVc For sale by . ..- "..', iv . f - WILLIAM IL GREEN, Market Slreet feb 5 notice. HAVE THI DAY SOLD ALL MY IN- crest In the firm of Charles r. Smith A O., " i - - - i 1 s - i to Mr. E. J. Power 1 u. , . J C1JAS. Y, BMtTtU W ilmington, N. C, Teb t, IJsjL rjlHE FIRM OFCUARLEJ K. tUCTU A CO .is thisday diolredby raattttl eceaL Mr. . J. Peweris Ij alone aefbortxed to col leet all ilcbu dee the flna and jm In llqvlia lion. CUA9. E. SMITH, - . WLJ. POTTElH. Wihalngton, N. C, Feb. 2, IfcL . 4VING KLD TO MR. K. J. POWn: ray Interest in th Una of Cha. E. 8aJ:'; -Co , I solicit for him a contlnoaace of tie j ronage of my friends acd f oncer ctutomert. chas. k. sMrrn.! Wllmln jtoa, N. C. Peb l; li.i. -. ! fel3-tf y ...... , , " . fjpiLE J1CS1NE33 OPlHXLATK FIRM Or ! CHAS. E. SMITH & CO. will Am ''nmtlanvV under th r name of H. J. Prt ",Y Kli-i. feb a .