this paper every, evanlni,. Sundays ex cepted by JOSUT.JAMES, . CCSC1UFTI0X3 POSTAGE PAID: "rtr '.. Six months. $2.00. Three " month. tl.0Q; , One month, 15 cents. The pai wm dollTered by carriers free of ebarge. 1x1 an7 Jart"of clty tte abTC r tcs. or 10 cent per week. "virefctlbing ratcs low an KbcraL ' r-Snbsrribers will report any and all f aU- nrfi tn receive their paper regularly. . . ' r The Daily Rtxiew has Oie' largest tot fide circulation, of- any newspaper ruMshcd, in Vie city of niimxngzon. . Mnc. Modjeska say that her name is really Modrywska." The membership in London clubs a-Kregaks nearly 100.000. .Their prorr crty is worth something over $25,000,- o3. " ..... ,;.f The consecration of Bishop ' Hu-h Miller Tnompson will, laker -Vaice on February 24th, at Trinity Church, New Orleans. , The new nickel is without the legend on the other "In god we trust' but the trade dollar still carries . it around braYcIy. A San Francisco grocer had a woman prosecuted for theft.-though she was 96 j 3 ears old, and what she stole was aj handful of snuff, worth three ceuts . j Seven artesian wells, varying in j depth from 600 to 1,600 feet and pos esaing considerable medicinal proper ties, are now running in Peoria, 111. Political Parson Hicks places a high value on his reputation. He sues the New York Star and the Graphic for having said that he had sold GuiteauV bonea. New York merchants predict that this will be a year for large trade but with small profits, owing to the accum ulation of manufactured goods, which must be disposed of. February thus far has been reraarka bly prolific in accidents by fire and field and flood, following closely on Janu ary's footsteps, over 1,000 lives having been lost during that month. The Louisville Courier-Journal is much disturbed because 12 soldiers and a Lieutenant, armed to the teeth, guard the tomb of President Garfield at the cost of $1381 a month to the country. Experienced lumbermen say that the supply of. walnut i3 rapidly diminishing, and that fuliy three-fourths of the coed stock throughout the country has been consumed within the last ten years. , The quail-eater, Walcott, finished his last brace on Monday in good style. He ate CO quails in 30 days, a 'feat never hitherto accomplished 1 - He got the quails, but the other fellow, his backer, got all of the money. ' A soap miae has been discovered in California. The substance is a deposit pf white earth, free from grit, and im pregnated with a small -percentage of potash. It U easily. sliced into bars, and, for cleaning purposes.' is a fairsub. stituto for manufactured soap. il mm A blizzard story from the Northwest : A man wemfor a bucket of water, and spilled a little white returning to the house. He put one foot on the wet spot, and before ho ' could take another step he was frozen to the ground. He had to leave his boot behind and hop to the house. '"". ; . There is a man in Boston who is will ing to" bet Chat he can eat 60 sausages La 60 days. -There is another man "who has drank 385 cups ot coflee during the past year. Aud we know of one who is willing toet that he can cat C000. biscuits in 6000 days. He has never! yet quailed at the siht of one. ! The Cleveland Herald, so far in 1883, is entitled to the cake for the following: A spruce) and conceited young Mr. Fell in love with another chap's sr. With his sweet little cane, At the end j)i the lane. He met and he' fain would have kr. But he trod on her train , At the .end of the lane, . 1 And a slap on his face made a birr ? The bill providing for the' erection of j a mansion for the Governor passed the Senate yesterday." It provides for 'the use of the $17,000 realized from ?ate of lots a few years since; for tho sale of the old mansion, and the use of money ! it brings; and also for convict labor: Tho old mansion will brinr $8,C00. it is aid. With the total sum a. hatuisomo house can be built, suited ,for its pur poses and worthj of the State. Anintcrnational chess tournament willj ield m London, begining April 2G. 1S53. Over X l.WliaThee6 raisod to I eet expenses, and prizes of 250 and under are offered for' the '.champions. 1 m country will no doubt be ibly rep-J seated by Capt Mackenzie, fthe Manhattan Chess Clubhand perhaps when. Tho time limit in Xhe match . "mifilte?n moves an'hour.-'. W. ' ' ' ' , ,, f I - 0- 1 amv -iviunev ana iiren - ,.tr.i; ; - .. . . . - ::;. ' ' ., " j - ; - . . - , i . ' i I . III! . I i I , t , 'i i . ., . ' i i 1 -: - K - - '-T-- ...... tt : : : , . . . VOL.; VII: WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY; FEBRUARY . A Savannali dispatch to Bradslrect's notes that "the road3 are in a bad con dition. ; Iliuiness in the interior h'a3 not improved,,' A number of njorchants have overstocked themselves through the urgency of drumm ers', in many cases stretching their credit so'' far as to be unable to meet the pressure brought to bear trpoii them' by! unpropitiobs times and backward ,trade.'-' ' In re sponse, the . Augusta Chronicle says: "JSuch is not'generally the case in this section. Roads proving ; cotton is moving again and tho; impulse of a bounding Spring trade is already being felt." i For Thick- Hearts, ! 15 Ilravy stomachs, billious conditions; -Wells' May Apple Pills" anli-billious. i cathartic. 10 and 25c. ill LOCAL INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School JJooka, &c j ' Wootex & Lovk . Muxds Beos Garden Seel rEixsBEiiGEE Heart of Steel ! W II Greex Drugs, Medicines The owl is the. fashionable bird at the North this seasop. Kites are on the wing boys are still happy. , now and the I Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, prices, at J a corn's. jj j , mi low t port The receipts of cotton at to-day foot up 501 bales, j this The almanac promises snow and rain for to-morrow and Saturday. Sohooner Water-Line, Kelly, hence, arrived at Bull River, S. C., Feb. 2d. Steamship Gulf Stream, hence, arrived at New York, Ingram, Feb. 6th. Schooner 5. Warren Halls Walker, hence, arrived at Philadelphia Feb. 5th, The celebrated Fish Brand' Twine Is sold only at; Jacob's ware Depot. Gills Hard t February has already been stealing some of March's thtmdcr, in the way of boisler&us winds. ... - ; ' I Steamship Benefactor, CapL Tribon. from New Yor-k, arrived at her wharf in this city this morning. Mitchell; Moore, colored, who has been an inmate of the Poor House fifteen years, died there jth is mora in. Our. gallant ex-Confed. friend, Maj. Jas. D. Gumming, formerly of this city, hntf now of the prosperous ' firm of Cumming &Bailey, New York, is here on a snort visit. . f ... . j , -i Hannah Hill tn; j aged colored woman, died at the County Poor house" yesterday ; she was 67 years of age,, and had been an inmate of that institution for many years. : J i j The District Grand-Lodge I. O. B. B., is still in session here but I nothing of public interest ha3 transpired to-day. The session has been devoted inainly to a discussion of the cndownment plan of the. order. The Supreme Court - on Tuesday granted licences to practieo ctico law to twenty applicants." Only two of these, lessrs; Jphn Singletary LcWip, of Rob eson county, aud James Bion chiilkeh; of Columbus comity, are from this sec tion of the State. Capt. F. M. Woofcn and Mr. R, S Ixve have associated themselves into business for the purpose ot conducting a general purchasing and commission business, - They are both very clever gentlemen and good business mcrt, with aa extensive acquaintancc,and we trust i that they may do well. I : The Knights of Honor of! Louisville, Ky.have determined to erect a; lod building to cos$ $100,000. The central lodge of the order, it is said, will be lo- cated at Louisille. The order is flour ishing here there being about 300 niccn ber.3 and a permanent fund, of healthy dimensions, invested in li. S. securities. Mr lC Vaughan, Warren ton, N 'Brown's Iron Bitters i is a U., saysr first-class tonic; it cured me of chills" ..Exports Foreign. Nor. barqoo Viva, Capt. Christensen, cjeanl to-day for Hamburg with 4,012 bbls rosin, valued at $6,802.05, shipped by yiissrslatcrton,f Do wiling & Col; Geijjiarquc Atlantic, Capt. Schering. cleared for ' Antwerp "with 3,765 1 bbls rosin, Yalaed, atf $6,270, shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison & Co. -" f Great lnaiicemeuts y. In the way of Clothing arc now, being offered at the old establishment qf ; Lx.j.j i & I Shriek, v.' nif aV. Reliable Clothing House, NEWS No. 34 Market St; A SufffirestlorjJ' . In Tiew of the approaching St. Valen tine day. would it not be in order for the police authorities to make some other arrangement to protect the resi dencejs of our citizen from the detesta ble annoyance which in an annual occur rence'onthat day ? We mean the snppres sion of those boys who make a business of dropping cheap caricatures on the porches of dwellings and then annonc ing the fact by throwing stones at the houses -Ufepreby frequently dAraging doors and. windows as well "as endan gering the inmates. An indiscreet man is like an unsealed i letter: evervbodv can read him. but the wise man eecureth in time i what in time he will surely need a bottle of I)r Bull's Cough Syrup. Survivors' Association. Pursuant to the; call made a meeting" ot Confederate veterans was held in the Cciurt House last njght for the purpose j of organizing an association for the aid and assistance of Confederate soldiers The meeting was organized by calling Dr.'Thos. F. Wood to the Chair and Capt. Walter G. McRae to act as Sec retary. Capt. Jno. T. ' Rankin was chosen Treasurer and a collection was made on the spot for the immediate necessities of sick and disabled Confed erate soldiers jn the city; J : Committees were appointed on per manentorganization and in the matter of procuring a charter and it was re solved that the association be known as 'The Confederate Survivors' Relief Association." " jr- 7. The movement has been started un der very favorable auspices and we feel sure that it will soon grow to important dimensions. A Confederate soldier in distress is an object that should not ap peal in vain to the sympaties of ihoe with whom he may be thrown 'in!' con tact and he is always sure of ready aid and assistance and succor at the hands of those who also fought beneath the folds of the Southern Cros3. 1 1- Bank New Hanover. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of New Hanover was held at their Banking House in this city this morning. Mr H C McQueen was called to the Chair and Mr. S. D. Wallace acted as Secretary. j r' (essrs Isaac Bates and E B Borden were appointed a 'committee . to verify proxies . They- reported -2,035 shares represented in ;' person and 4,377 by proxy, a total of 6,412 shares. Messrs CM tedman,! Isaac Bate3, D M(fRae, H Vollers,' J ,W Atkinson, F Rheinstein, R R Bridgers, E B Bor- Iden, W I Gore, G -W Williams and J A Ieak were elected a Board of Direc tors. " " , ' . ..' . ' ' Major CM Sted man submitted his resignation as President:, of. the Bank, which was reluctaatly accepted by, the meeting, and the following, introduced by Col Jno W Atkinson, was1 unani mously adopted: ; i:;- t, Maj C M Stedmah having expressed his wish to retire from the Presidency of this Bank the stockholders deem it duo to him in severing their official connection fd cxriress. tho high esteem in : 'which they'-h 6 Id j hhn and their sense and intelligence in the discharge' of his official duties while President of this Bank., After the adjournment of the Stock" holder's meeting the Boord of Directors met and re-elected Mr Isaac .Bates President, MrXleo W W?illiams, Vice. President, and re-elected all of thd: old officers of the Bank. U . ' " f The Call and JSauquct. Theballand banquet at Germania Hall, given last night in btnor of Dis trict Grand-Lodge, No. 5, 1. Q. B. B., was a "brilliant affair. There was a very large attendance of ladies and gentlemen, among, whom were many from abroad. The wusac was furnish-1 ed by the "harpers of this city, and dancing was kept np until a late hour. (Perhaps an early hour. thi3 morning would better.cxpress tho fact.) T- At the banquet, which was served in excellent style, nearly 30O persons were seated who enjoyed the feast of reason and the flow of soul most heartily The -banquet vas", opened by Mr. Nathan Mayer, Master of - Ceremonies, in - a speech of welcome to the guests generally, which was responded to on behalf of the Grand Lodge by Mr. D. II. StSen, the G rand President, Before the dose of the banquet, several toasts were offered, to which eloquent res pons es were made. . A toast to the Board of Control of the Orphan Asylum was re sponded to ; by. Jloru ? Simon Wolf, its Chairman, in a most touching manner, concluding with an earnest appeal for pecuniary assistance. lli appeal was to the hearts of his hearers, to which their pockets responded, and a goodly snxa iras collected for tfcs Fond. , p $IUc Handkerchief. 11 li ; issaid that sore throats vanish when.ncirc;ed ina silken kerchief. Thisis' 1 tetablislied""beyond peradven tare? -The"-' grandmothers knew all about this a hundred years ago. They believed, too, that silk would j cure all other diseases, and some f ot them thought it would heal a broken leg "if only taken Th'time." We do not go o far as that, but we know that silk will absorb ami store electricity as readily as a Leyden jar. It terms an essential curtain for the electric cylindei , 4 and, rubbed. lrith quicksilver, has a myste rious poTf-er that im parts force to its retentions. . The curative force of silk i3 due to its electricity, and -the medical faculty recommend silken hose and shirts for a thousand diseases. 1 To Builders and others Go to Jaco .-s for Sash, BlMdJJoofs, Glass lowest prictts. , Employmeut for All. ; At the office of Messrs. Cronly & Morris, General Agents for the Fibre, Fertilizer and Cotton Seed Oil Mills, now in course, of erection upon the line of the Carolina Central Railroad, -ye were shown rto-day. several samples of the articles the company propose to manufacture there in the course of a few weeks. Among other articles we saw a nice specimen of fibre and an excellent r imitation of -curled hair, which was made'fronci, ordinary pine straw. We: also saw fibre made from wire-grass, bear-grass, cotton stalks , betjrjeaf and palmeto.- We also saw an excellent pulp, made from the com mon cane which grows along the banks qf bur strgams, such" as enters largely into .the manufacture of paper, and a sample of oil .extracted .from pine sir w, which is said to .be remarkably efficacious in rheumatism. The materials from which all these articles are made grow abundantly and spontaneously in almost every neighbor- f hood,1 itndrsons ' not otherwise em - ployed may find a ready sale at re munerative prices by gathering them and selling them at the factory, where they will always find Mr, J ohn - G. Stephens, the Superintendent and patentee. - . ( , A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t THE MAILS- Themalla close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: i ' , CLOSE. I Northern through malls, fast 8.00 1. M. Northern through and wv malls.... 5. 40 A. M. Raleigh. 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom lnclud- I lng A. & N. C. Railroad a - ......5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, ! daily ....6 30 A. M. andS.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily, I (except Sunday) 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral- i eigh.. : 5.00 P.M. Mali for Cheraw and Darlington Rail-' i road............ ....6 30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence . I and Charleston. . . .H.30 A.M. and 8.00 P. M. Favetteville aiidofiiceb onCape Fear I JSlver Tuesdays nd Fridays..... 1 1.00 P. M. Fayettcvllle, via Lamberton, daily, f except Sundays .5.03 r. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offl- I ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. SmithYille mails, bv&tcamboat, daily (excep Sundays) S.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, . Town Creek, Shallotte ancf Littie Rive, Tues- " - days'and-FTidays........ -..6.00 A. M. I OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Wrightsvfllo, daily........ ....S.30 A. M. Nor tnern: through and way mails x.. -I. - . 7.30 and 8.00 A. BI Southern Mails i 7.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad.......... p.43 A. M . Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M.- Stamp Onlce open from 8 A. M. to is M., and from 2 to 5:15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundars from -&30 to S.30 A. M. NEW A O.VEKTI SEMliNTS. Notice. IinE UNDERSIGNED ttAVE Tins DAT . formed a ooprtnersbipi under tlie name and style of WOOTEN A LOVE, for the pur pose ot establishing a PURCHASING AGEN CY, &c All kinds of Country Produce con signed to us will receive prompt - attention. Chickens, Eggs, Furs, Wool and Hides fpt xialties,- v V M. WOOTES, feb 8-St Wilmington, N. C. 500 Hlids. New Crop 1 . Cuba Molasses, "VTOW LANDING, EX-BRIG "ANTELOPE" ...'4 ' .. 'i "': direct from Matanzas . Orders solicited. For eale low. WORTH & WORTH. .fr r F ri r f r 4 T-..,r rrr r Breecli-Loaders, V F INE ' BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS, b hells. Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartridge Bars, Gun Cases. Reloading Tools, Game Bags, Pis tolsall kinds. If yon weni a Ursi-class arti cle of tho above goods, ami .ov prices, the same can be fouaa at 1 'v., W. E. SPRINGE 3 & CO'S, . Successors to Dawson i.Co., - feb 19 U aid 23 &szke. f treet . 8, 1883. NO: 35 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tap est ry, gOME HEAL BAUGAIN3 WILL BE GIVEN is TO TURN THESE INTO TIIOSE IN WANT OF EMBROIDERY ! xiiciv Uas uwn uuk getuog ims uno r I Sfcw.r low iHTlee'd Eemembcr when jou are ready we are LA C E CURT A INS! feb S 1 ,'-: HEART OF STEEL, NEW NOVEL, BY CURISTIAN KEfD, Another supply just received, and for sale - - . . . .. . u , at $1.23. MaUed to any part of the country.' Portia. NEW NOVEL, BY THE DUCIIESsl , Another supply just received. In paper 40 cent3; in cloth $1.25. Mailed to any part of the United States from I HEINSBERGER'S, feb 7 t Live TJook and .Music Store - Molasses, FJour, Salt, &c. 50 Hhds New Crop jCuba Molasses, 25 IThds Porto Ric Molasses, 200 Bbls Cuba and Porto Hico Molasses, 20) P.bls Bon White'F!Hir, 2 :5 do Bell Mill do 20 do PrkMllU do 125 do Monaixh do 50L-0 Sacks Liverpool Salt, ' 25 Boxes D S Sides, ; 50 Buckets Lard,' i -50. Bbls C, Fx C and Gran. Sugar, U'u iags coJee, aJi graues, ii iujs nice. ' For sale by feb 5- KEItCriNER & CALDES BHOS. j - Seasonable- Goods. i : ! ' - : ' B OFFER NOW FRESH Arrivals of Mountain butter, . cream cheese, - - i w ; EARLY EOSE SEED POTATO t B, NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, NEW CROP MOLASSES, . 1.3C0 Bbls. GOOD FLOUR. H ALL& PEARSALL feb 2 ; . FANCY LAMPS. N OTHER LOT JUST RECEIVED. UlLES & MURCHISON, feb 2 33 and 40 Murchison Block PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and for sale, . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, ;- - AND Dissolved Bone Pho Sphate . We inever havc had the first complaint of these Fertilizers not bringing a profitable crop i Sec on r Country Agents. r 1 ALEX. SPRUNT & SON. feb 2-dAw-2m BUTTER! jQlLIZEDGE. OLEOMARGARINE. TEAS, ' . COFFEES, ( . MOLASSES,. Ac, Ac, Ar.,Ac For ialctt low prises by : DeRosset & Co- dec 13 i IOO QF HARNESS SZtm EECEIVED, and wU hive another largej lot of Buggtea In a few ays. Give us a ca .' , ; , deo 3. GERITARDT A CO. CAN'T KEEP TIIEJI I JPEOPLE WILL HAVE THOSE STOVE?. Another lot expected. Sendyour orders. feb PARKER A TAYLOR. jMLYOfl&HEALY C; ) Stat ft Monroe Sts.; Chicago. O CATALOGUE, 1 au. MUM, imp, tm jmntnm tar A tnr Ha43, sa4 fell 36dlyd f) l wni!.' I BAN 3 1 v' ft.kass kotjce. ... J- j!' - We will be glad to recelro coaMBnaScsaosa fraa our fxlenda on any an4 all tubJecU cf general Interest but s The name of the writer mut artrayt bt far inshed to the Editor. - ) Oommunlcatloru muit be wxlttta ea caly one aide of the paper. ' ; I !" Personalltles matt be avoldt44 . ' i And It Is especially Tand particularly mdexi stood that the Editor does' not always endati the views of correspondent unless so stated In the editorial columns. LI NEA7 ADVERTISEMENTS. B russels ! IN THE ABOVE GOODS. THE TUItPOSE v SUCH WILL NOTE THIS. O- EMBROIDERY ! in reauiness, but wo can now tbow them frew to.veryAb.el;::.' prepared, to show in great varlety.'lieavtlfttl R. R3. iWclWTIRE; OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Otli. AMECICA'S STANDARD ATTRACTION! The Justly Celebrated ' RENTZ-SANTLE Yi ! Novqjty & Burlesquo Co. Absolutely tho Most Brilliant J Novel and! r - iracuve tne World.! ..:' -O ... Positive Production of tho NEW GREAT - " : ' ' BURLESQUE,; ' j i ' THe Daughter's Banker, j Awjuicwwiiu ecnauonai Kuccts, Cnarm. ihg Music and MagnlUccnt Costumes, t Prices 25c,. 50c, 75c, $1. Scats secured at layer s ; , veane-aay. . leb 5-3t mon-nelth ' ; luotice. j nAvE Tins day sold" all my ix. tcrest In the llrm of Charles E. Snittb A CoJ, to Mr. E. J. Powers. . I . ; CI1AS. K. SMITH. Wilmington, N, C.; Feb 2, 1883. j rilllE FIRM OF CHARLES k! SlUTfl J- . I''-- . i ' CO., is this day dissolved by mutual contest. Mr. E. J. Powctb Is alone authorized to col lect all debts dae the firm and sign In liquid lion. CHAS. E. flMITn, E. .T. PO WE itS. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 2, 1883. TTAVING SOLD TO MR. E. J. POWER my interest in the firm of Chas. JS. Smith A Co , I solicit for him a continuance pf the pat ronage of my friends and former customers. OHAS. E. SMITH. 1 , ; Wilmington, N. C. Feb 2, T HE BUSINESS OF THE LATE FIRM OFj CHAS. E. SMITH A CO., will be continued unucr me urm name oi is. J. JrO lYEKS. j . iul o 1 M.o Liquors. JgUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. 1 ORO CERD3S wlU be kept at our store, j No. 45, Market Street. All goods sold by us will be as rcpreseated. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS WILL. BE OUR MOTTO. 49"Glve us a trial and be conrrUceLxY feb 7-tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH A CCL If You Wish to See CAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Senior Jteserre notoriety, the oldest Saddle and Harness, Ac, maker In Wilmington, lust call at 1LM. BOW DEN A CO'a store and bur a nice Lan Robe anuauoiner articles in a eaaaiery estabusa briii, iur n is wo ptace 10 get menx. feb 7 . .-. . . ! GARDEN SEEDS. A FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cb bage and Tnralp Seed, early! and late varie ties; Collard. Beet and Tomato Seeds, a larre stock and an endless variety of - Peas and ieans. reuuiea as wfaoiesaid prices by I Hounds Bros., t Mannfattaring Pharmacists, h 1.41(1 BROADWAY; SKW TOES-! AND WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 Drugs, Medicines; PONGES, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERY, SUNDRIES, Ac, 1 For sale by J": 1 i' WILLIAM Um GTL1ZS, Market Street feb? C. W. YATfiG. SCHOOL BOOKS. .1 BLANK BOOKS, . . STATIOXB Z't. . t -" -)t0? ' " - lRii:. . ';'.:.,' ( ' -FANCY GOODS, ..'jj 1 " WRAPPING rAPER, r ' 1 PAPiRv'BAGS.: , 'l I. ! I , A compkts asfcrtaent Pnt'rt"1 VaJca- r 1 v

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