THIS PAPETt fmbEsned every evening, eeyted by Sundays JOSH T JAMES, bxttos a'D ntorxtrro. . , . - 8CBSCRTPTI0NS POSTAGE PAID:')' Vat year $4.00. Six months, 2.CO. 'Three months, $1.00; One month, $5 Cents. The paper will be delivered carriers free o ohirgc. to any part of the city, at the aboTe rte, or 10 cenU per week. Adveetislng rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fallt ares to recelre their paper regularly, rru 7Vt."w 7?niMt has the laraest j-flT Asinj w , bona fide, circulation, qj uy pztblished, in the city of Wilmington. JS A Georgia man broke his back with a sneeze. , . The Philadelphia Ledger describes eu i ilage as war-krant for farm cattle. During the first half of January fort-ty-six locations of quartz .mining were recorded in Montana. J The Paris Figaro, which alone pub lished Prince Napoleon's manifesto, gold 300,000 copies that day. The bill requiring voters to remove their hats when approaching the polls to vote, has been reported adversely in the Connecticut nouse. lr Freeman, the historian, intends to collect into a volumeliis "Iraprcssions of the United States," which have ap peared in various magazines. , Miss Alice Stanwood Blaine, cldi st daughter of the ex-Senator,waa married on Wednesday to Brevet-Col. John J Coppingen, of the U. S. Army. A Minnesota farmer advertised that if the man who had run off with his wile, two children, and $500 would re turn the young ones-he might keep the money and the wife. Durins the reeent cold snap an ice bridge formed across the the Straits of Mackinac, Mich., so firmly as to rc resist the efforts of the ferry company to blast a channel with dynamito for their boats. . The body of an emigrant who died three months ago, directly on arriv ing in this country, was disinterred on Wednesday at the. request of his brother who knew that he had money concealed on his person : Sure enough $2,091 were foundiu a pocket in his under shirt. . - :- The Associated Press reports lied on Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. Ho did riot say that at Appomattox ho became con vinced that secession was not right, but he did say that he then "recognized that secession was not the remedy for the existing evils." Thero is a world of difference between the two. General John B Gordon, of Georgia, sees a rainbow arching the South from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. ' Bus iness is good, manufacturing establish ments are being biiltf . foundries are making trip hammer marks and the colored people are becoming accustom ed to new habits of industry. Pennsylvania and New York last year produced about 26,000,000 barrels of petroleum. The consumption was about 11,000 barrels a day less than the supply during the year, making a total accumulation of 4,015,000 barrels. January 1 the various pipe and- storage companies had on. hand in all 35,000,000 barrtls. - We congratulate Brother Stallings, of the Clinton Caucasian, upon the very much improved -appearance of that journal. In Its" last issue there are two articles -copied from the Review, at which wo are not a little gratified. We are pleased with his criticisms upon the same, aud will try to furnish him other articles for his instruction and enter tainment. Will Carletou contributes to the cur rent number of Harper's Weekly a poem on John Howard Payne, the author of 'Home. Sweet Home," whose remains are now on their way to this country. Among the interesting engravings in the Weekly are a portrait of the Crown Prince of Germany, illustrations of ice yachting on the Hudson, and of the interment of Archbishop "Hughes; and a series of Canadian character sketches by Dan Beard. The men charged with the murder of tne Lord-Lieutenant oreland in Phoe nix Park are James Carey,. William Mullette, Joseph Mullette, Peter Carey, Patrick Whelan, Brady. Kelly and Karanaugh. So far as wo have seen, there is not one particle of positive evi dence introduced implicating them in themurdera. If they are hung at all on tho present circumstantial evidence it will be as Mrs. Surratt was hung murdered by 4the hands of power to Tln!. ' Gen. Pitzhugh Leo arrived in. New York last Wednesday. His party con sists of Col. Charles- J. Anderson, of the First Virginia Regiment; Col. C C. Wertenbaker, of the Third Virginia ; Robert W. Hunter, of : General ritzhogVs itaff; Pr, George Ben. John- VOL. VII. ston. Brigade Surgeon, antl N. V. Ran dolph. : They were met at. Jersey City by, the committee of the Thirteenth Regiment, and wern escorted to the New, York Hotel, whero' supper was awaiting them. General Leo reviewed the 'I hirleenth Regiment at the armory inBrooklvn. Wo saicV'sacritfce the StateV interest in the C. & Y. V. R. R.,"j and the Greensboro Patriot didn't like say it again '. Read the debate it. in We yes- tcrday's Xews and Observer and see if there isn i a wheel within a wheel there. There was but one voice raised there in opposition to the sacrifice and that was the voice of Tom Purnell, a Republican. Mr. Pemberton said it was the first offer ever made for this road and Mr. Pemberton displayed a wonderful lack of acquaintance with thd facts. Mr. Dorteii did indeed interpdsc a feeble protest a few days since in the shape of an amendment to sell tjhe road by public auction to the highest bidder but yesterday Mr. - Dortch yielded to the pressure , and withdew 1 his amendment. Why? Because he had been assured by the Senator from Guil ford that if it were put u'p at auction it would place the road in another rail road's hactds." That is to say, some body besides Mr. Gray and his associ ates might bid higher; than those gentle men can afford . to bid ; itherefbre, the State's interest must be sacrificed to oblige a few individuals whp want the Legislature to let them have the road at their own valuation,' and in violation of the rights of others to bid on the same property. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J I Maces Notice f Yates School Boolfs, &c: J U Melton Closing Out Munds Bkos Garden Seed I IIktnsbeuoek Parlor Organs J T 11 Gbeex Drugs, Medicines 1 Opera House Humpty-Dumptyj John D Bell axt, J x Mortgage Sale Condition of Sank of New; Hanover and Bracches Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, " low prices, at Jacobi's. ( ,' f " The receipts of cotton! at this port to-day foot up 701 bales, i Schooner Lionessa, Capt', Henderson, hence, arrived at Baltimore Feb. 7th. Nor. barque: Nordenskjold, Capt. Abrahamsen, sailed fromCuxhaven lor. this port Feb. 6th. Steamship Regulator Capt- I'oane. cleared at New. York Feb. 7th for this port and sailed the same day. Schooner Etta JIT. "Barter, Capt. Bar ter, hence for Portsmouth, N. Ii ar rived at Vineyard Haven Feb. Gth. Norwegian barquej Aukdther. Capt. Samuelsen, from Dublin for , this port, -put into Falmouth, Eng., Feb. th. with loss of sails and bulwarks. ' -i ' - Vennor. the false weather prophet, said that it would be fair and; mild to day, while the North Carolina Almanac promised snow or rain. (Well put the Almanac against all of the other hum bugs any day. , Orchestral, j' A permanent orchestra has been or ganized lor entertainments at the Opera House. It consists of Prof. F Riemam leader, and Messrs I. Greenowald, pianist; S. A. Schloss, coretist; F. W. Ortman, flutist. .' They furnished the music at the Humpty Dumpty per formance last night and ent. - ' it wM excel- 1 Mr F C Vaughan, Warrenton, N C, says. "Brown's Iron . Bitters is a first-class tonic ; it cured me of chills." -Phouogrraphic. , We learn that a class in the impor tant scienco of phonography is now forming in this city, who w?il bo under, the accomplished tutelage of Mr. D. A. Rees. Instruction willSbe given in what is known as . the '-Pitman ' Sys tem," which is the one now most gen erally in use. This is a study especial ly deserving the attention of every one as in these days ot telegraphs, telen phones and lightning railroad trainiit becomes of immense importance that men and women should be able to jot down ideas, whelher their owii or of others, in the shortest possible space of time, a feat onljrmade possible by some system of phonography. We wish the class much success. - j - " j r Great Inducements ' .-. i . . j In the way of Clothing are now being offered at the old establishment of, A. & I. Shriek. Reliable Clothing House; if. 1 No, H Market St. 4 WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY TUe New Southern Humpty, Dnmpty. inis organization is composea en tirely of - young Wiimingtonians, and made its first public appearance at the Opera House in this city last night. There was a large audience' in atten dance to rejoice ui the success or sym pathise with the failure of this hazard ous enterprise, which we are happy to state was more than a success it was a triumph. The young men composing the troupe have, with one exception had no instructive training in their sev eral specialties, but the. performance showed that they all had an inherent talent which fitted them for the parts severally assumed, and a latent 'dra matic ability which only required' an opportunity tashow its brightness. Of the characters we may say that Mr. Robert. A. Hewlett, as Hiiipty Dump ty, was, of course, the most conspicu ous. Ho has had considerable expe rience inthe business, and bids fair to stand at the head ot the profession. Messrs Hall and Burch, in their respeo; tive parts, were equal ' to the occasion and added much, to, the fun of the even ing, while Mr. Murray, j as a contor tionist; performed wonderful feats such as we have seldom witnessed in the arena of a circus when 'attempted by professionals. Mr. Mart. Daniels gave exhibitions of his skill on the harmon ica, which were really excellent, arid an imitation of the xylophone upon an or dinary lead pencil, which was marvel lous. In both of these performances! he was greeted with shouts . of applauset and was called before the curtain twice before the audience would be satisfied The other characters were well sustain ed, the staze management , excellent, everything being made to move prompt ly, thus avoiding all, annoying "waits1 on the.part of the audience. - We must not omit to mention that little Johnny McQuade, only 8 years, of age, acted exceedingly well and added .much to the interest of the entertainment. This organization owes its existence . and present perfection to Mr.R.A. Hewlett, who originated the idea and has been zealous in establishing a first-class company, such as will . be able i to live and prosper I upon its j own intrinsic merits. The music, nnder the direction of Prof. F. Rieman was first-rate,! and the entire performance would . have re flected credit upona professional troupe. They will give a matinee to morrow afternoon, and we learn that they con template taking the road and giving ex hibitions in the principal towns, and cities throughout the State, in which case we bespealc for them the generous patrenage they fairly and ' honestly nierlt,. At Hewlett wil each7 entertainment ? Mr -. give an exhibition of his skill as a tight rope performer, in which he U unrivalled. Tho Lord Mayor of London was only a porter in a warehouse, but he per severed in the taoe of all opposition and rose rapidly. It is only persistency and merit that . has ; made J)r. , Bull's Cough Syrup the greatest family reme dy for coughs and colds now offered to the suffer ng public. . . - ; The Silk-Tights. . 3 f The arrival of the Rentz-Santley bur lesque company (who will gefc here' this evening, is awaited with anxiety by the masculine portion of - creation, and there will be many people jaway from home at "lodze meetine'1 &cL, tonigHtV Some absentees will be gathered togeth er at the Opera House, with the. sole purposes of "seeing the Elephant.". They will see it. An exchange says : "Altera capital lot; of performances and specialties, the entertainment con eluded with, the .Tjurlesque J entitled. "The Daughter's Banker,' rwhich serv ed todisply- a large' number of silk tighted anatomies in elegant costumes, and introduced '. the entire" company. Mr. Arthur Johnson, as the child, cre ated a great deal of meriment by his in fantile make-up and precocious actions, and the different points of the burlesque were received with roars of laughter.1 !; Exports Fore Isn; j Swed. brig Sivrtd,,Capt.Henricksen, cleared to-dav for London with 2.600 barrels rosin, valued at $3,750, shipped SVHo' Ponce. Porto Rico, with 216,312 feet o lumber, valued at $3,210.77, shipped by Messrs Northrop & Camming. - Bishop Lyn&n will visit Wilmington on Palm Sunday, March 16th, and will remain here until the following Wed nesday.' He will bo. in Wilson ' on Easter Day. " " 'A- - t 4To Builders and others (Jo to Jaco Wtffbr Sash, Blind and Doors, Glass xs.v Ycru can get all sizca vsnd at the lowtrt prices, t -1 A 5 JTEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. SEflEW. i i . - - v - r - . Statement. of Condition of ! Bank of New Llauovcr, including Branches, February 1st, 1883. RESOURCES Ixe and Discounts. ........ Cah In Newport, JhlU j .$ ,7I5,&94 31 aaeipnia, Boston and ! Baltimore Bank $ 98.624 53 Currency ami fepcle... 210,903 3 Checks on other Banks. 6,527 7S Due from other Banks not lncluU- edaboTe.. Sterling Exchange (value in cor ' rencvi.-.i.: ..... 316,055 67 88,648 ; 51 5,148 14 ; 89.099 94 7.0S3 37 24,252 44 14,445 97 iKeai Ketate,.. jmce imrniture ana salt s,. ....... Bonds and Stocks,. Checks and Drafts in Transit. ..... $1,340,326 85 Statement of Condition of Bank RESOURCES : Loans and Discounts. i .'$ -C33.062 62 Cash in New York, Phil adelphia, Boston and Baltimore Bnks..... 83,639 10 Currency and specie ... 127 256 76 Checks on otber Banks, 6,527 78 217,423 64 Due from other Banks not iuclud- - cd above,. 53,908 68 Sterling Exchange (value in Cur rency) ...... 5,143 J 4 Real Estate.'.'.1.. 83,604 18 Office trnlture and Sales 3,843 66 Bonds and Stocks, 7,723 94 $1,0C4,714 76 Statement of Condition of Bank at Goldsboro, Feb. 1st, 1883. RESOURCES : Loans and Discounts,.... $119,113 19 Uash lnJieTr xork and , Baltimore Banks $ 8,938 46 1 Currency and Specie.... 52 835 47 61,771 93 Due from other .banks not intrud ed above;..... Due frwm other- Branches of this Bank.. Real Estate........ Office furniture and Safes W. & W. K. H. Mortgage Bonds . . 32,953 53 23,764 05 5,495 06 1,877 21 46.523 50 $261,514 47 Statement of Condition of Bank at Wadcsboro, Feb. 1st, 1883. - fc BESOUC3 : Loans a-d Discounts...... . ........a 43,413 70 Cash In New York Bnk,S 6,048 97 Currency and espeele,.... 30,811 13 30,860 10 Due from other Banks not in lud ! - ed aboTe,... 1,80 40 Doe-from ther Branches vt this Bank.. 68,725 65 Office JTuraiture and Saf s,. ....... 1,3 u 50 $152,141 85 febi? Selling Out! W1 E WILL J CLOSE OUT TO-MOEKUW, at lowest meat market prices, our entire stock of . BEEF, VEAL, Ic&JlB, JHUITO, POEff, SAUSAGES, " Ac, Ac, Ac. c Must U be soldi. We don't carry stock '. . '..-..", ; . .. - orer from Saturday to Monday. . J. R. MELTON, N, W. Corner Market and Second Streets, -Proprietor of the ODly t?team Sausage feb9 v f gJFactoTY in. the state. Notice. fliHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALI- fled as Administrator on the estate of Eobert C. Myers, deceased; on the 7th day , of Febru ary, 1883f in the Probate Court of New Jlano ver County, notice Is hereby given to all per sons indebted to said deceased, to make im mediate f payment : and - all persons having claims aprainst said estate, wl'l present them for payment on or before the' 9th day of Feb ruary, 1S84, or ttjls notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. '' " ' ' This 9th day 01 reDruarr, ism. . I, .. - - ' . ' J. 1. HAOn.8, feb 9-law4wri Adm'r. OPERA HOUSE. o- : . .'. GBEAT SUCCESS OTj THE NEW .SOUTHERN UMlTY-DUMPTY CO., Kw Prrvnertfea- Novel Effects. Brilliant Tableaux. Admirable Acting. Universal Praise.,,! : MATINEE, SATURDAY, 1 ! at 2 o'clock. FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. By central and special requesL . Admission 25c to all tarts of the house. Grand Free Ex DfUM1 "ntnlflr Jnst hpffrnt 1 petformance. DMORTGAOE SAfiA.TTLEEP THEM ! fR ibtub of the poweb of sale contained in a certain deed of mortgage mi" bTdW.IUwes. S. A Reddinsr and n. M. bowden. Trnstee, to Boatwright & McKoy. and registered in the ofiice of the Register of Deds f New Hanover County in Boo OoO, page 191, the undersigned.- as Attorne for the assignee of the grantee In the said dee j, will sell at public auction, at the Corrrt House door in the City of Wilmington, on Mondav, the 12th day of il-rch ISftl. at 12 o'clod, M, the following lot of land in said city, with the buildings thereon: Beginning at the North eastern intersection of Nunn and ixth streets, runs ttwnce Wett with the North line of Nunn street 117 feet, ibence North 5S feet, thence ast 147 f-et, to biith jstrct, tacnea South with the lice of Sixth street &8 feet to the be glnnlrg. . JOHX D. BfiLLAJlT, Jr., tth-tte . Attorney I - - - r - -ill ' . : ' 1-i - 9, 1883. NO. 36 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UABIIJTrtS : Capital Stock,........". .....4. Iue 1 epoeitrs..... ...... $300,000 CO 95,20C 32 52 052 17 72,173 30 Due othe b Banks, Surplus rund l,l 10,3:6 85 At Wilmington , Feb. 1st, 1883 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, . . . . . I . . . . . . V. .".$ 223,000 00 .. 616,926 07 une Depositors,. Dae other Banks.......... ........ Dae other Branches of this Bask, Surplus Fund......... 49,ii?5 M 78,,43 73 35,719 82 $1,004,714 76 LIABILITIES Capital Stock,. . . .t 50,000 00 . 178,389 72 . 2.610 82 . 30,513 93 Due Depositors, Due other Banks, burplus Jfim-J.i.. $261,514 47 LIABILITIES Capital Stock,!..".... Due Depositors, . . . Due other Bauks,. . Surplus Fund,. . .$ 25,060 00 . 119,980 53 415 71 . 6,745 11 152,141 35 S O. WALLACE, Cashier Parlor Organs. pKOM THE VERY BEST MAXUFACTUB ers in the country. - Just received a large ar- sort men t. Call and see them. Will take grea pleasure! in showing to you the FINEST PAB- ! " 4 , . LOR ORGANS ever brought to this market. Sold for Cash or on the Monthly Instalment Planat ' ' - '.' - ' HEINSBERGER'S, ,.-. -1 - - 1 - feb 9 Live Book and: Music Stare Seasonable Goods. E OFFEK NOW FEESH Arrivals of MOUNTAIN BUTTER, : 1 . CREAM CHEESE, - EABLT ROSE SEED I POTATOES, - ; - NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, NEW CROP MOLASSES, ...-r .-...) ' 1,300 Bbls. GOOD FLOUR. ; . - . - v - v f ' . HALL &PEAKSALL PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and for sale, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, AND Dissolve d B one Pho sphat 6 . We never have had the first complaint of tiese Fertilizers not bringing a profitable crcp See our Country Agents" I ALEX. S UNT & SON. iojo sets O' F HARNESS JC3T JtECElVKD, and U hare another large; lot of EngglealU a few i ays. ' Glre ua a em ' " - - -dec 3 . GEBTABDT 4 CO. jpEOPLE WILL HAVE THOSE STOVES. Another lot expected.- Eendlyour orders. ; feb PAEKEK St TAVT OR. QLYOWarf EALY stale & Uonrce SU.. Chicago. V UAHDCATALUCUEi I lf iBMrtmsUi vtm, iPtBMM, Efwsteu, Cm Limp. HtmmA. nm Msart test PC I fi ft. MA -m torn tat Apiln a bo4. Mask, , . , it i ' " . - - 3i PLEASE NOTICE. . We will be glad to recSrocc: our friends en any and all sstcts f fce&eral Uteres bml ; I : Tfco name of tsa wxttar mat alwaji BlaedtotheEJ2ton . Ooatanalcatloaa But t rr?ttri ca one aide of the papen;. :?;; FoaHtJca most be airoKsx; And It Is especially parttsalarry cda. Editor does not always cadotia the Tlews of corrcspondonts ttaless so itat4 Is the editorial coltunns. . I l mSW AOVERTISIJI2S-T3. Notice. THE UXDEfcSiaXED HATE THIS DAY formed a j;opjirtnerblp trader the nami and style of WOTKl St 1VK, fr th ip? po cteb lhlnga PUUCUASIKO XlfeK. cr, e. AU kinds of Country Prodnoe eon s gned to m wiU recclTe prompt attention.1 Chickens. Kcts, furs, Wool at5 Hldea spi: dailies, r. Ji WOOTEif. - , , 0,;;... B.8.LOVK.! Breecli-Loadoro, j piSB BIlEECn-LOADlSQ BUOXOUl Shells. Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartrtd t-tl uun Cases, Kcloadlnjf Tools, Game Bars. t toLr-aU kinds. If you want a fint-claiis arti cle qt the aboTe good, and low prices. ta same can be found at , w. k. kpbinger'a cos, - v finocessors to Dawson St Co.. feb 7 19 tl and 23 Market Street FANCY LAMPS. i -;.'-''.'-' ,' " - h .. J j JlNOTIIKR LOT JUSTBECEITED.' j - r i . GILES St MUECmsON, wb 2 $8 and 4e Mnrchlson Block 500 HMs. New Crop Cuba ISiblassea, JOW LANDING, EX-BRIG'ANTKLOPIT direct from Ma tanxas.. For uOa low. Orders solicited. ' - 1 :" - ' WORTH & WOBTH. Jan 24 TJotice. I HATE THIS DAT. SOLD ALL MY IN i ' " .1 j tercet in the firm of Charlea E. Emit a ft,Cc.f : WUmlngton, N. a, Feb t, la. rpnE FIBM OF CIIA&LX3 E. BUITZX A CO., U this day dissolred by . a-mtva! eontemL Mr. E. J. Powers 1$ alone autkoriaed to eoi lect all debts dca tha rm and ala In Uqidda- ilea. C4IA& e. Rurrn,' ' Wilmington, W. C, Feb. J, 1S33. v; pjAVINO BOLD TO IIB. E. If P0WE23 ray interest in the firm "of Cbaa. XL BmlCi Jt Co., I solicit for him a continuance of the paV ronage of my f riemli and former customers. ! . HAS. JSC BUXTfi. ' Wilmington, . C, Feb , febS-tC , , i v .. rpilE BUSINESS OF THE LATH FIRM OF CHA8. E. SMITH St CO., will l continued unUfer the firm name of E. J. FOWEBS. i feb 3 ; .f". -. i r -,.- !; Wo Liqiiosra. BUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A HO. 1 GEO. CEBIES win be kept at our itore, No.; 45, Market Street, : All goods Bold by ta wGl be si rtprescstcd. GOOD GOODS AsKJ fiTUALL PnOTTrS ! WILL' BE jOUB , MOTTO. . Glve ni a trial and be convlnced-jar feb 7-tf r JL J. 80AEEOBOUGH St CO. If;Tou Wish to-Seo QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of Bentor neserr notoriety, the oldest Saddle and Harness, maker In WllmlDgton, just caii at II. BOW-" .. . - .., ; .. . . v .... , -I DEN A CO'S store and buy a nice Lap Rot and all other articles in a Saddlery ostabZa2f ment, for it is the place to get them. ; feb 7 ... , : - , .-. it GARDEN SEEDS! AFRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of Cb baste and Turnip. Seed, earlv and lata varie ties; Collard. Beet and Tomato Seeds, a larg stock and an endless rartety of Peaa ana vexDi. rctaiica at wholesale prices by undG Broo.,v Manaf actorinir PhartnacUl. ' 1.491 UKOaDWAY. Mff TOSS. AND WILMINGTON, N. C.1;' j . Drugs, Medicines, - . . SPONGES, FANCT GOdDS: For sale by WILLIA1I XL I feK c. vj.. YAineo. gcnooL books, 7; 4 BLANK BOOKS, ct fcTAl I0XEIT, . : y . fano r goods, 1 .7., wBAPPrNG rxvin, papb bags.. : A complete aswtinent entxC2Ul Tak& ". i

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