xm PAPER ' txrry evening. Sondaye lbvi JOSH T. JA3UES, CBJinPTlOXS POSTAGE PAID: 8U months. et.00. Three rJnUu. fl-00; One month, 55 cents. i-apT will be delivered by carrier free f etsrge. in any Prt of lh8 cltT at aboTe a It ti!nr rafc low and UberaL ,-nutrllert will report any and all fail- tL. receive tbelr paper regularly, cr Tht Daily lleviev; has the largest J fulc circulation; of any newspaper published, in the city of ITUmington. j PIoTpion has been reteased from prio. West Virginia baa 52,000 persons cr ten yours old who cannot read. Birmingham, Alabama, will shortly add to her other industries a glass fac tory, z -; - Cnr. Ireland, of Texas. has advised ,n mess&ze to trie ljcsisiaiure . r ' t m. that 'vaccination be made compulsory in that; State Bowen. United .States Senator elect from Colorado, is said tn be worth $5,000,000. Col. Dockery has decided not to con tcitJndge Bennctt'6 flection and has notified Bennett. . , . The fattest thing now on 'Change is Bell Telephone stock, which has recent skipped from $250 to $2$5r Hon. JudahP. Benjamin has been compelled by the state of his heatlh to give up the practice of his profession. The bisu dividends paiu Dy America to land and cattle companies have be jrun to attract attention to Europe. The Comte de Paris says that the on ly true republic is found in the United States. Well, who said it wast? Last Thursday was the Chinede New Year's day, and it '4$ns celebrated at their joss house at Passaic, N. J., the only one on the Atlantic coast. It is now believed by "his friends in fact, oven asserted in Congressional Circles' that Senator Windom can take icare of himself. . - - - - . A Thirty thousand tons of new ship ping have been ordered on the Clyde during the past fortnight, including tvro steamers for the North German Lloyds Company. Congress has passed a bill lending the authority of the government to the Cotton Exposition to be held next year, and admitting articles for exhibition frecofdnty; but no financial aid is given. There is a man inNew York by the namo of Henry Bowie, who ha3 de termiucd to see Walcott, the quail-eater, and go him two better by eating two brace of quails a day for thirty days. He began on Thursday of last week. : " Illinois now has at Washington tHe acting vice-President, the secretary of war, the assistant secretary of the in terior, the commissioner of Internal revenue, tne director of the mint, the public printer and the chief examiner of patents. . . . . The sale of Sarah Bernhardt's jewels took place Taesday. Those in attend ance were principally dealers and rep resentatives of the demi-monde. A necklace of rose diamonds sold for 24, 000 francs, and two bracelets fetched ,000 francs jach. " ' V ' A bill is before the" Pennsylvania legislatnre, and is received with favor, proposing a constitutional amendment reducing the number of State Senators from 0 to 30, and of representatives from 210 to 50l. and to elect Seuators for six-year jand Representatives for four years. .' " More than 26,000 English soldiers . 1 T , . - - were siauoneu in ireiana in ibsi, or an army as large as that of the United Suites, in a territory about four -times " large as that of Massachusetts. One man in every two hundred was a Brit- isn soldier, fully armed. Add the Irish ! Constabulary, and the measure of Irish j dicontent can be readilv approxi iwated. Petersburg Index-Appeal: , Messrs. Beck. Vest and Vance in tho Senate have done more than any three Con gressmen to expose the iniquities of eertain tariff legislation proposed by Republican Senators, and "to secure modification of the rates or extension of the free list. They and equally able Democrats in the House , are deter mined that, so far as the minority can accomplish it, the tariff bill to be made shall be beneficial' to" tho many Instead of the Tew. And this is genuine Statesmanship. Great Inducements In the way of Clothing ' arc' now; being offered at the old establishment of J A. & IV Shriek. . V - : "HeU&ble Clothing House, : tf i.u.vu V s No, 3 Market i' . ' n m I. I im i I mm m i i ...... . . . - ... .1,1. . JlJLIJCj J JLUlj V JLJEj W .0 i- ' 111 ' ' - 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ' 1 , , ,1 VOL VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY; FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. IEDEX TO NEW ADVERTISED EBTS. Ueissberger Valentines ' , j J .. Yates-ScLooI Books, Ac Mnrus 'Buos-Garden jseed W 11 Gkeex Drugs, Medicines ?23 " WlirsTKAD & T.VTLOR-DIeblutlon W J Cauajs, Prop Flemmlng Ilouse 1 li J Hale, Jr rajettevll!c ObaerreT Ckoxlt & Mokris Cigars at Auction Quadragesima Sunday to-morrow. . Days length 10 houra and 47 lHinutes. No interments this week in Oakdale. Sunset to-morrow' afternoon- at-"37 minutes past 5 o'clock.i ! Silver Plated Spoons and Forks low prices, at Jacobi's. t But one interment this v vue, that of an adult. eek in Bello- The Register of Deeds issued mar riage licenses this week both white. ' ;for two couples. Tho receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 732 balea. The early gardener is now making arrangements for the young worms. We trust the fruit trees wpnot allow themselves to be too venturesome thist year.; -.-. " ;'(-! - i. : Some New Year resolutions 'are now more than a month old and but few of them are still vigorous. .There have been lour interments this i week in Pin6 Forest, of whom one was a .child and three were adults. . The Wilmington district Conference of the Methodist E. Church South con venes in White ville on the 24th day of May. A box-car should be fitted up on all railroads, with suitable accommoda tions, as a pig pen for the benefit of some ot those who travel now-a-days. There are lots of hogs to be found abroad now. j J The District stewards of the Wil mington District of the Methodist E. Church will meet at 1 1 o'cloek a m at the parsonage of the F rpntj Street Church in Wilmington ou the 21st day of February. ' 1 . The first issue of the Fayetteville Ob" server under the management of Mr. E; J. Hale, has been received. In make-up it very much , reseinbies the old Observer, if1 our recollection is jco'r rect. Mr. Hale has our very best wish- j es for an abundant success. Mr F C Vaughan. Ayarrenton, N Q., says; ''Brown's Iron Bitters is a first-class tonic; it curedjino of chills." -: -Stck in Clifiton. ' Mr. Owen D.. Holmes, ; of this city, who has been on a visit to Clinion for some weeks past. was taken very sick there a few days ago. So- grievous did his illness appear that : some j of the members of the family here were tele graphed to come to his bedside. We are glad to learn,- however from lato advices, received'hero that Mr. Holmes' condition has improved somewhat. ! The Street Lamps. ' We don't know who has the contract I for lighting the street lamps, bufc 'we do know that the business" is only . imper fectly attended to. .Those who may be going homeward, now in tho, evening, sometimes half an-hour afW dark, and sometimes an hour will frequently be compelled to plod their way in the dark. j It was some time after dark last night I before the lights on North Second street were attended to. The celebrated - Fish Braud' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. . t Personal. ' "Weacknowledge the courtesy of a call yesterday afternoon from Adjutant General Johnstone Jones.whoso arrival in the city on Wednestlay was chroni cled by us. Gen. Jones is j practicing law at Ashcville but is devoting much of his time now to the editorial col umns of the Asheville Citizen, the two editors of that paper, Messrs . Furman and Cameron, having legislative duties at Raleigh. Gen. 'Jones proposes . to leave here on Tuesday next, jwith his wife, on the return to Ash'aviUe." j itr. Charles Burr Todd, if Cincin nati, a connection of Col. James G. Burr's and an author of reputation, was in the city a day or two ago,, as the guest of Col. Burr. Mr. Todd was then on his return from a sojourn! in Florida. He has now. in preparation a . book for the press and it was relatfve to ! some matters connected therewith that he wished to confer with Coir Burr.. Some few years ago he published an extended sketch of the Burr amily. j r The Boll of Honor. AVe doubt if thero was a volunteer j organization in the South, prior to the war, not even excepting the ramous Washington Light Artillery, which fur nished as many officers to the Confed erate armies as did that fgallant com pany, the pride and boast of our town in the old days, the Wilmington Light Infantry." One of the old members, a i gentleman.no w resident hero, has com piled a list of tbse on the old muster roll who were afterwards commissioned intoj the service, and we bare been per mitted to make a, copy of ibe names. They are as follows : r ).. , A ' D C AJlen, Captain; John B Brown, Capt 3d" Infantry; Edward Cant well, ; Lt-Col of Cavalry ; A D p azaux, Capt jand A Q M, 18th Ihf; Cicero Craig, 1st Lt3d Inf ; Thos Cowan. 1st Lt 3d Inf R II Drysdale, Capt 3d Jnf W :L De Rosset, Col 3d Inf; A L DeRosset, Capt N C T; Z Ellis, Lt Art v W C Fergus, Lt Col; E D Ifall. CoV6 Inf; M M Hankins, Capt; L W Howard, Lt Cav; T Calhoun James, -Adjutant 3d Inf; Thos B fcippitt, Lt; A D Lippitt, Lt; C D Myers, Capt and A A G ; J C Mcllhenny. Cant Art; R tn McRae, Major 7th Inf; T.H McKoy, Capt 7th Inf; Jas A Miller, Surgeon 18th Inf; Wm McRae. Brig-Gen; F J Moore, Capt 18th Inf; D R Murchison, Capt 7th Inf ; R 'Moore, Lt-Col Cav ; W-H McRae, Capt 7th InfjjW II Northrop, Capt and A M; j J Pois son, Capt 18th Inf; Jos' Price, Com mander C S N; I J Pickett, Lt 3rd Inf; Wm Quince, Lt 3rd Inf; Richard Quince, Lt .7th Inf; -Henry Savagei Capt 18th Inf; W M Swann, CaptfcS A; C W Styron, Capt and. A Q M Ed ward Savage, Lt-Col 3rd In f ; tf B Vyillis, Capt and ACS; A. E Wright, Surgeon ; A M Waddell, Lt-Col Cav ; Julius W Wright. Lt; R H Cowan. Col 18th Inf i'S'J Person. Lt-Col and A D Cr'RG Rankin, Capt Art; J,L Caniwell, Col Inf; J D Radcliffe, Col 18th Inf; Jas D Cumming, Major Art. Hon Jefferson Davis and Hon George Davis were both honorary members of this organization. The total is a very handsome ohe in deed. The Wilmington Light Infan try furnished to the service 1 general officer, 12 field officers , 9 staff officers. 21 line officers, 3 artillery officers and 1 naval officer, a total of 47 in all, enough in themselves' to make up a very respec table company. But 20 of the 47 are now alive. - , - . The Dizzies. There was quite a large and a very good natnred audience at the Opera House last night to witness the per formance of the RehtzSantley Combina tion. It seemed as if those who attend ed were bound to enjoy thehiselves to tho utmost, whether the performance was meritorious " or not. No . ladies were present, but thero was nothing more objectionable in the performanoo than Is always eeen '. in , the popular cobiic operas which have been present ed! to our oltizens, neither in dress nor language. The singing was very fvrr and the arrangements of the choruses to some cf tho songa were fine and pro duced aliappy ad pleasing 'eflSctl The comicalities of Jake and Pete, as the "merry servants," were quite good, but sdme of their sayings were old andr the dialogue was too prolonged. The iinit tions given by Barney Reynolds were good, and in some ' " in stances exceilenf. The1 skipping rope performance was nicely (doncr and was received with rapturous applause by the audience. The best 'feature of the'evening was the speech in Dutch dialect by JutcA Daly, and Ids perform ance on the flutina was simply wonder- fill. I We have never heard it equaled. "The Daughter's Ban kpr" appeared to ns as a very tame, vapid and silly affair aed we were , glad j when the curtain rang down at its close. The Je certainly was (nothing objectiouable in the per formance and. with the exceptioas . we have notetl, nothing very interesting or artistic, although a good-natured audi edce were in that happy mood that Iookedover imperfections, and gave the actresses hearty applause. - - ; : Quarterly a 1 actings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist J3. Church, South .r , . (CONCLUSION FIRST ROUND,) - 1 Elizabeth, at Eli2abethtown. Feb. 17-18 White ville, at Shiioh,. -:. . . . . Feb. 24 25 Waccamaw Mission... .1 .. Feb; 27 Fair Bluff Mission. . . : T. 1 .T: Mar.! 1 r " Bladen, af Centre...1. ...Mar.3-4 Clintonat Andrew's- Chapel Mar. 10-II Cokesbor at Halls.. . ... .'.V.Mar.17-18 Newton Grove Mission,.,.. -Mar. 31 7 Point Caswell Mission, at "T 1 Providence. , v. .-. .... .". .. .Mar. 27 .... . ;B. Q. BpETOxy P. E. , Warner's Safe ; Kidney and Liter Cure.' r . . ; . j - -r";j-. .Shut the Gate. ' Wo heard a young; man 'making use nsQlast uight of several very forcible and much broken ' rem arks. and to our inquiry as to the cause -he replied that he hadrun against u blank blank gale that some blank galoot had lett open and the blank thing stuck out across the sidewalk, and it was so blank dark he 'couldn't see it. We;" sympathised with hira.1 A gate sticking out across the sidewe is a nnisance' at any time and on a dark night it becoicea intoler able and dangerous. i A minister: in -Ix well, ,-Mass., has been obliged to giye up preaching on account of. trouble , in . his . throat. If this reverepd gentleman had taken Dr. Bulfs C6uh Syriip, he weuld have still been a useful member of his profession. r j A. G all Accepted. Some weeks sicce the Vestry of St. John's Church extended a call to Rev. John Percival, D. D.; of the Church of the Annunciation, at New Orleans, to take' charge of the Church -here, and af ter duly, considering the m atter, Dr. Percival has accepted.. In" a letter re ceived from h.m. to-day,, conveying his acceptance Dr. Percical states that he will leave New Orleans for Wilmjng ton as soon as the necessary arran ments, can be' perfected, but does no mention i any date, either-near or re mote. j ! Dr. Percival has been located at New Orleans for seventeen years, during al of which timc.'if we Understand it cor reetly.he has been in charge of his pres eat parish; which numbers 105 commu nicants. :Ho.is said to be a -gentleman of excellent theological attainments, a good preacher and a good worker. A fine assortment of Guns and.Pistols at Jacobi's Hardwaro Depot. ! . t The? Humpty Dumpty boys'had pig crowa ; inis: anemoon wno were highly delighted with the fine entertain ment presented by them. ; Iovers of the weed are invited to read the advertisement of Messrs Cronly & Morris of auction sale of 100,000 cigars on Tuesday next. Open for inspection Monday. ' j Exp orts Fore fjrn . Br. barque David Q. WortJi, McDon aid, cleared at this port to-day for the United Kingdoms with 736 bbls rosin and 2.000 casks spirits, valued kt$50,200 shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son, Barque Zingarella, Deveraux, clearer for St. Pierre.iMartinique, with 186.257 feet lumber, valued at $3,525.23, shipped by Messrs E. Kidder & Son. T - For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ' t Cliurcli Services To-Morrpvv. '"First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Iter. ir. J. IS. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 915 a. m. " Preaching at 11 a. m., and at 7,fc p. m. Morning sermon by Rer. C. E. Taylor, of Wake Forest Col :ege. lnar Thursdar nhrht u.t 1U o'clock. Cordial in Tlutlon to-alL ! V . St. John's Church, corner Third and Eed Cross streets. First Sunday in .Lent. Morning Prayer at II o'clock JLeutea bervice3 lues- day at 7.30 a. m. - w oanesaay a a rTiaay ai II a. m. and 4.30 p. m.-. Thursday at 4.30 p. m. St. James Church, corner Market and Third streets, Kct. A. A. watson, jj. d. liector. First Sunday in Lent, February 11, 1883. Cele bration at ".SO a. m. Morninsr Pri yer at 11 oclok. Sunday School at 3 o'clscfc, ; p. m. E renin; Prajft- at 5 o'clock. .1 - St. Paul's Evan. Xutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streeu, Key. K. W. E. Pes chan. Pastor. English services at 11 a. m. German services at 7 3t p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Congregational meeting at 5 p. m- Second Presbyterian Church, comer of Fourth and : CampbcU streets. He v. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Ursual. servlren conducted bv the Pastor at 11 a. m.. and 7fe p. m. Sabbath L School 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 714 p. m. seau iree. 1 ; j First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. . itev. Jonepu u. wiison, D. 1., Pastor. Services at 11 a. ni., and 714 Sabbath ! school at 3 p. m. Lecture Tbursay niglit at li p. m. t St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass atl a m. Second Masn at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p xn . Daily Mass at 6:30 am. St. Paul's Episcopal Chnrch, ' corner of Fourth and XJrajige streets. Kev. T. 3L Am bler, Kector. lornmg rrayer at ji o cock; Evening-Praye r at a o'clock ; Sunday school at 8V o'clock., Seats. free. ' Front Street : tf. E. Church", South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Kev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7$ p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after, first and third Sabbaths, at 'clock. Scats free and ifH!! f nf1 YlKftTTf "tHy Ini-itoH Fifth Street M. ET Church, between Nun and Church 6tteeti.JieK.-T. Pra Ricaad.Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; Class meet lug at 3 p. ra. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7& o'clock. . Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle street; Kev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. -Prayer meeting every. Tuesday night. :j 1. . . j . . Christ OUnrch (CongreganonaiirtXNnn etreet, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D, Dodge, minister. Preaching services at II 'clock, a, ra. and 8 o'clock, p. uu Pastor's Bible Class t 14.1 p. m, Prayer and Praise .meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock,-p. m. Sunday School. 3 o'clock, iv ia.. la Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nunsts. " To Builders and others Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &e. You can get all sizes and at the 10, 1883. NO. 37 MARRIED. PEUSE FITZGERALD In this city, at SCTboma. Churrn, on ilondr evening, 5th February, br Rer. T. J.'Obrlcv, Mr. HENRY It. PEltSSE and Hlas KAl'IE A FITZGEUALD. J S ! Star copy . 1 ' FIVER PEIGGEAi tbe res'denc of Mr. Joseph PiTer in Mmthvllte, Feb. 7 h, ISSJ, by Kev. Wm. li. ortb, Mr. COUXKLT'fS PIVtK an I Mis MARGARET A. PKIGOiS. aU ot bpitbvilie. N. C. : ,., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice. rpflE FIRM OF WISSTEAT & TAYLOR is dissolved by. imutual consent. A- 8. JVIn stead assumes all liaailities, and aU accounta due the late Arm are payable to hha. " - A. J. W INSTEAD, feb 10-H J. W. TATXOR. , Cigars at Auction. TUESDAY NEXT, 13th Instant at 10 o'clock, A. M., wis will sell, at our Sales Rooms, South Water Street, ialot Suit,- I - - 160,000 Choice Cigars, Of the following brands: Imperial Best 5's, New Style, Uen&csa, and Sociable. These Cigars are sold on account of a House changing buc-inesti. and Is the finest stock ever ottered for sale in this market. j 't hey will be -pen f or inspection oa Monday morniug, at li o'clock. 1 CRONLY & MORRIS, febl0 2t , Auctioneers. FLEMMM H0USE.r TV. J. CALAIS, Prop'r. , SITUATED AT THE VERT FOOT of the f Blue Ridge, within, sight and easy reach of s me of the mst famous ieaks. The Roan Mountain and oher points of interest arc near. Delightful air, salaorious climate and cxctH lcnt water. ' I vyill be pleased to correspond with parties proposing rest or rt-creatiou in the m nmtains durihg the bu miner mouths Excellent tabl , clean beds', airy rooms and prompt service guaranteed, xtrms low. feb 104m : a. ... Valentines. - - - - TVECEIVED BY EXPRESS. Air A large assortment of fine FRINGED VALENTINES. Also, beautiful CARD VALENTINES. j i . Call and see for yourselves. I know yon will be pleased with them. . Also, COMIC VALENTINES Wholesale and Retail. At HEINSBERGEB'S, feb 10 .Live Book and Music Store Fayctteyille Observer, QN THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8th, 1863 the nhdersfgped will revive the publication of the t A.XlZlLl iUlL.L& OnSEKVliK. The Obsekveb wi 1 be a large 28 column weekly newepaper, ana will l.e mailed to sub 8criber3, postage paid, at $i ! per annum, al ways in advance. It M-ill give ihe news of the day in as ample form as Its space ill permit, ana doih rcgtiiar anu occasional correspon dents will contiibnte letters fram the Capita on State politic i and aflaii-s. Democratic in . politico, the Obsekver wll labor. flr$t e-f ail. to assure the urotneritv 01 tho Town of Fayetteville, to develop the vast agricuiiurai resources or its own ana the neignboring counties.jand to promote all that concerns iLe welfare! of tlio people of North Carolina. Opposed to ench lu novations on the homely. way 01 our lauiers as, id mo guise or pro- gres, harm society, the observer will ! be found in fuil sympathy with the new thlrfgs born of tne changed condition of the South which sound Judirment or enlbrhtened axnerl- encoflnd to be also good. - ' I As to the rest: it will strive To deserve the reputation of the name it inherits, I ieu iU J5. J. HALE, JR. MORTGAGE SALE. TY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained 'n a certain deed of mortgage msde uyc w.iiawcs, . a. Keaumg ana 11. Al bowden. Trustee, to IBoatwrhzht & McKov. and rcgisicred In the office of ibe Register ol Di eds of New Hanover Cunry in Book O O O, page) tax, tne unaersignea, a Atiorne - for the assl nee of the grantee in tho said dee , will sell at nubile auction at the Court lions- door In the City of Wilmingtm, on Mondiv , the izin aay ot liircn li-s-t. at 11 o'clock, fli, th following lot of land in said city, with the buildings tnereon : Beginning at tbe North eastern iotcreection of Nunn and Hxth streets. runs thence We?t with the North line of Nunn street i47 feet, thence North 56 feet, thence bast m ijet to Sixth stre! t. thence south with the Hoe of Sixth street 53 feet to tbe be ginning. . JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., , ieb y-ia T s. Attorney.! PACIFIC GUANO. J ust received and j for sale, J SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, j ..and': ' Dissolved Bone Pho sphate. We never have had the first complaint of these Fertilizers not bringing aprofi table crop 1 - - See our Country Agents. ALEX SPBUNT & SON. feb?-d&w-2m . . ICO Sets QF-nAENESS JUST RECEIVED, and wll have another largej lot of BnggletJn a few ays. Gireuaea dec j UFEHABvr co. CAN'T KEEP TIILH ! pEOPlElVXLLjHAYIS THOiE STOYX3. Another lot expected. Een JlyoarJordera, VT feb 7 PARKER XaYLCE PLEASE NOTICE. We will be ia4 10 , recti va ccsa: frwa our frisnds os aay aad an 5sc5l tt cefioralUtercatbat : v " -t' i I - Th Mini tit f ---- w HIMJI alAed to the BEtor. . ConaTOAnjFattona mmat be w&Sts ca call ckae aiJe of thV parcr. " I - ' - jj t - PenoaaKtlesBinatbe aroUaOC ! ! , Acd it is etspocaally aa parUemlarr xaixt etooii that tae E.Utor does aoi ahrmya eadovM tho views of correepcadonta nnkaa, M atstyt In the editorial column. . . ' j NEW AD VERTISEJIEIITO. notice. IrtE UNDEnSIGSED II AVE TOliiDAY forwed a coprtoerblp under tbtt baim and style of W HJTEN & LOVK,flSa!S3 p.eeo( etab Uhlnra PUUCnAMtSQ (i2sf. . Al atd of Count ry Prodnea ooa ft!sri (to us will receire prompt aitenUoa. Chicken?, Eggs, Fur. Wool &d1 nidea rp. eiataes, KM WOOTEit. ' , ';.,' - B.8.'TXJVJC .r.,. ; . WUmmgtoB, N.C. Breech-Lpaflers, T7INE BREECH-LOADING , 81IOT-OUI. Gun Cases. Reloading T00U, Game j Bagv :t3 tola-all kinds. If you want a teieUaa arU clo of the above good, and low prices, tha I same can bo found at . ..:d v . ? . . W. E. SPRLNGER A.CO'S,"; , - 1 , 8ucoessora to Dawson A Co.. . i J feb 1 . - 1 21 and 23 Murkt Ktri FANCY rliAMPSM A MOTHER LOT JUST EEC LI V CD. ft JHXJETTEX).- H- ' feb 2 SSand 40 Mnrehiaoa Bloek 500 niids. Now. Crop: .1 Cuba Iiolasaea, NOW LANDING,' EX-BRIG ,ANTBl"pS, . a--.-' ....... r ". - . 1. - . . direct from Matanzas. . For sale low.' 7Vtt Orders solicited. -- t WORTH & WORTH. jan 21 : Wotice. ' J HAVE THI3 DAY SOLD AXX '"MT ;ia. tereet In the firm of Charles E. Smltk Cm., to Mr. E. J. Power: v- nt"l '? ;Jfi',f;l, THE FIRM OF CHARLES E. ; ElfXTQ A - j - '')'.. j CO., is this day dissolved by ntntttal tiit! Mr. lt. J. Powers is alone authorized to'eol' lect all debts due the arm and sign In UqmldV Un 1 CIIAS. E. flMITH. ' : :- .. K.J. POTT1SO. l ilmlntou, N. p., Feb, 2, 13. j I JJAVIS SOLD TO MB. E. J. P0E2J eitin ' u my intere the firm ef Cbaa. fi. SalCi A Co., I solicit for him a continuance of the pa ronage of my friends and former castoxoerfc" 1 HAS: & 8nmx. Wilmington, N. a. Feb 1, US, feb 3-tf 1 - rpHE BUSINESS OF THE LATE TIZH Clf CHA8. B. SMITn A CO., will be WtlnttU under the firm name of E. J. POWERS. feb 3 .. - 1- 1 . ,-. f3o Liquors. BUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A jjo. X GSO - ' ! - . . -: .- I CERIE3 will brtcept at our atort, ' . No. 45, Market Streot. 1 AH goods sold by txa will bo aa repmeated. GOOD GOOD3 AND SMALL PEOI7T3 i WILL BE OUR MOTTO. ' . GIve us a trial and be conylaeedy feb 7 tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH. A OOV ' . If You Wish to Seo QAPT. B. j. JACOBS, ct Senior , Ream aotoriety, the oldest Saddle and lUraeu, &oJ maker in Wilmington, JostcaU atH.lL EOTT- DEN A CS store and buy a nice lip Robe md aU other articles in m. Saddferv miIhs.h. ment, for it Is the place to get them. 1 GARDEN SEEDS. AFRESH LOT OF ALL. KINDS efCah Me and Turn to Sscd- Mrir nrl lit w4- ties; Collard, Beet ant Tomato Seed, a hur wck. ana an endless variety of Peas aaa Beaus, retailed at wholeiala prices by rJiunds Bros.. 1.491 bkoaDway. nkIt rnr5r AND WILMINGTON, U. C. : Drugs, Medicines, CPONGES, FANCY -GOODS, , . I . " ....... -'! I PERFUMERY, EUNDRTE3, Ac. For sale by WILIJAJX n, CREEV, Market S'reet . fet! C. W. .YATEG.- QCnOOLEOOSS. BLANK BOOKS, STAIXOXEiT, IBUBI, :' FANC i' GOODS, . WRAPPING PArflR, PJPiR BAGS. ' A comrlet; asrtment Sctlz::-',! Vi!rl