THIS PAPEB , - PLSASfi jroncs. . we wui be gxa t reet!te wwTntvutfffiy frOBi or frtaayJs on any crt an tujtc?s $ fencralXBtorMtb&l :. ) "ij Tke saae ox Ui wilier txsxt ahrtr t fr , JOSH T. JA3CE, jUBSCSlFTlOXS rtTAQB FAIi year M-OQ. Stx montt, fi.00. Thre nt. V- ChnU.centa. -jHy. pper wtll Ledetfrered by carrier free ? cfcarsc to My part of tike city, at aboro orlflwoUixrwteL AY-ltn rate low and UbcraL ubarrib will report any and I1 tafl .tnroeiTetbetyypgrreynlar1y, i BUHe4 to the toTa - one Mldo of the paper. Pereca&tioa mst be Tolis4 Ana u u etrpedxuj aad partloalarly tool that the Editor does not ahrsrs eadotve the views of correspondent tmtasa m gtiii i YOL VII. WILMINGTON, N. CL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1883. NO. 39 la the editorial oolirana. 1 "H A TT V "1? PVTl1 W i l n II Ju sfemkyu V IHi vv , - "- . r r v; "- , - j : J The Daily Bevietohas ihs largest j Mna fide circulation, of art newspaper published, in the city of WHminffton. ,g Texss 1ms now i.000 miles of railway eoipletwl. - Since 18T9 manufactures to the value of three million dollars bare been put op in Aagttsta- . , Mrs. John Jacob Astor is the only woman in America who has a dinner etcrice of solid geld. . An English Court has recently 'decid ed that an innkeeper is bound to admit travellers at any hour. ft- . A rumor prevails in Washington that one of thesur route defenda13s is about to turn State's eridence. The Salvation Army in Xcw York is to be sat down on by the police and lor bidden to march' through the streets. - The separation of England and Scot land by a canalfrom the Sol way Firth to the Rlter Tyne is talked of. - -. "... Prince Chirles. of Prussia, recently deceased.kept a negro valet and rendered himself being unpopular thereby. The Edison Electric Light Company in Kew York eity now furnishes light to 310 buildings and uses 6,225 lamps. It is claimed by a correspondent that Blaine of Maine was highly gratified at Windom's failure iu the Senatorial elec tion. The Czar of Russia has broken up the medical college for women at St. Petersburg, which was founded by his lather. - " The merchant's Exchange, of New Orleans, have bought 9 an Exchange the old St. Jame' Hotel in that city, pajing therefor $75,000. . , - x Oscar Wilde nays that' he did'nt ac complish much in America, in which case he seems to have had a very slight regard lor the $30,000 ho carried away with him. Canadian papers report the arrival of a new bird iu considerable numbers which preys upon the English sparrows. No description is vouchsafed, save that it is a nativo of Egypt. ! r: The Czar has already announced that he will be crowned May 27th next, and Leo Hartman says that he won't. Merely" a question of veracity : and of dynamite, wo presume. The Bell Telephone Company threat ens to prove another giant monopoly whose oppressions will bo felt at no dis tant day. They are buying up and con-1 solidating with all rival lines. About the best thing on the-German of Alsace Lorrain. worth $45,000 and bow held by Gov. Mabtenffel. '"Prince Bismarck's gross "emolq men ts d, not exteed $80,000. : ' ' The Boston Herald, independnt. and sometimes well-nigh Democratic, thinks that "if the next Presidential election is to be a mere weighing of the blunders of one party against the other. It is hard to tell which will kick the beam." " A. century since the Hawaiians were Mtvagos and cannibals. Now thero are ,thxeo hundred telenhone wires in Uao blflifT dtvnf Hnnnlnln im1 thm Un. : plication of the telephone is made ! throuf hout the inland on the .planta- entUB their can at mjht with the aid of electric I;ghti. Ifwo are: correctly informed. : says I yesterdays .Vtr and Observer, the State treasurer pays the legislators but " 530, that is. $4 for each, day ot their j eion. The session bczianinff Wed-- Resday, January 3. sixty flays carries it to March C Tho members. as we 'Understand it, -will not draw per diem iter the 4th of .March. This, then, fives only 18 more-working days. The uiore important measures are . still to be considered, and the passage of time ooat p be duly noted. Itis true that the members u;ay remain after the ex piration of the sixty dAys without com Psatioi, but after March 4th the -chances of a quorum will diminish with each day. - .. - i Senator Pool is-well we're noE in a try rhyming humor ,lo3ay.y Senator Tool U opposed to the sale, of tne C. F V. R. K. at public" aacdon Why ? Because "thev wnnM' i the road"! Whereas and whereby and I v"m , rsynoict itt,AVarner3afe ijudcey UretJ ywiU"pay down ta$h every cent tenre. JvudwJbU - 11 th'0 road . ig worth"!. Eritfently Mr. Vool has been consulted bnllhe subject anti thereforo ho knows! all abou.t it. If the road was put up at auction and somebody should bid . more than the syndicate" are now offering that would be paying more than it is. worth, wduld'nt itMr. Pool? . But Mr. Pool does'nt let usknow (which mayhap he doesnt know him self) that the road could be put up at i auctionwith a limitation in price to the, and that limitation could be placed at the amount the "pyndicate" offers. But we suppose it's no use talking; the Legislature and the syndicate probably understand each ather.arul as the knowl edge is too difficult of attainment by us, we will not attempt it. Ohly.wc will add, it seems to us that this j Legislature ! is really as. harmless as serpents and wise as doves. - , , ' 1 A rather cynical Jady, somewhat of a flirt, say most men, like colds, , are very easily caught but tiifnculj; to get rid of. Her mistake is apparent. Dr Bull's Cough Syrnp will cure any.?cold however stubborn it may be. Price 25 cents. r:" LOCAL NEWS."- INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notic Sale of Cigars , V Yates ScLool Books, Ac ' I ttBlNSBftaoER Valentines ! I Mcnds Bkos Garden Sew! ' "VT II Greex Drugs, ilediclnea GEOEG.B W. Kidder Seed Rice W M Baldwin, Cleik Legal ad j , - . : i The receipts of cottoa at this port, to-day foot up 772 bales, j 1 ' " " . i " 1 1 Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. j Who aro to be Aldermen and who is to be Mayor arc absorbing questions now. . ! Savannah's Sesqui-Centennial .was duly celebrated yesterday. There were 50,000 people present. I ; ' . Some of the finest New River oysters we ever saw were sold Here ing at 80 cents a gallon. J this morn- The, celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only, at Jacobi's Hard wafe Depot. 1 f Nothing booked for the I. Opera House now. although neighboring cities seem to have lots of amusements ahead There is un mailable matter at the Post Office aldressed to Mr Joseph Hall, Old Point' Mr T H Wheeler, JSreenvilleS C The nomination of Col. Brink, as Postmaster here, was yesterday corn firmed by the; SctiatoJ as everybody.' would be,. Good. ,.. The auction, sale of cigars bj Messrs. Cronly and Morris was postponed . on j' account of the non arrival of the goods. ! Tliov will lio 1iaiv tl-iia irn?r'T onrl thtk salevwil, toke placc on thundaly. Exports Foreign. Xor. brig Somerset, Olanseu, cleared hence to-day for London with 3.145 bbla rosin, valued at $4,8 17. 11. shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchiion & Co; also sohr. 6V Croix, Fitzgerald, cleared for Humucao, P. R., with 178.643 feet lum ber; 10,000 shingles, 10 b oh tar i bbls pUoh,' valued at $C.4s).(r2. s by Messrs Parsley T& Wiggins. T-Nisrlifs Debato and 10 ihipped i ... i . ! At the regular meeting of tiio Litera ry Club this evening thi question to be debated will be "Shoul Foreign Emi gration into this Country be Encour-j ase?" a,ld wc al1 kj?S a" linter; ?8Vn "aJion,al V P5 ed. . Those appointed todeeide this mo- meutous Question are MessrsJ M.S." Willard ami James Struthers, in tho affirmative, and, N. F.J Parker, and F. L- Mgares. in the negative, ' . a fine assortment,of Guns and Pistols Rt Jacobi'p Hai-dware Tpou t Criminal Court. This tribunal has been quite busy during the day and lias made consider able progress in dispo'ingof the docket. Quite a number of cases were dismissed a nolle pros entered in some, and ono cases inea were as iouow; - i . . M. J. CorbeU.-charged i with an as sault and battery, w'as found not guilty and the prosecutor was ordered to pay costs And was also ordered into custody. Amos Boston, charged Yith arceny, was found not guilty and was dis charged.., .v I X, : u'v ' guilty, j W. H. Campbell; larceny. Sentence not yet pronounced. William Larkins, larceny. . . J &Lntence not yet pronounced. Henry Hall, larceny--, ' Now on 'trial. I" -. . ! rf. -.-j-j-.iistay amongst us will be a pleasant one, or two were continued. The principal 7 . t - ... c wk to vour j Knffirlits of Pythias. The Grand Ix)ndge. Knights'of Pytlj- ias, of North Carolina, met, in their 13th anual session at Castle 1 Hall of Germaoia Ixltre, No. 4, K. of P., at 10 o'clock this forenoon. Grand Chancel lor, J. L. H. Missillier. of Henderson presiding. There wa nitc a Targe at- tendance. every'Ixlge in the Stato be Ing represented. After the. organiza- tion ot the Lodge, all tho Past Chancel lors were admitted and the reports of the various committees were submitted and appropriately referred. These re ports show that-the Order is in a healthy and .flourishing r condition. During. the last year threneAvIxxlges have been organized and 149 new mem bers added- to; "The Order, xfi'e. Grand Ixxlge is now . entirely out of debt and has a bal-- hajjee oh $06.1 iMn s jthe ; ttfesnry. The wors: oi cne morning session consisted principally in ;secpnng reports and in the appointment of the necessary stand-, ing committees', after which! the .Lodge took a recces until 3 olockr-tbis after: In opening the Jjodge,' I?aat Chancel lor W H Gerken, on behalf of Germa nia Lodgeo. 4, delivered the following address of welcome, which was appro priately and felicitously responded to by Grand Xlhahcellor Missillier: Grand Cliancellor. Representatives and I Brethren: PV'H At this raoment.with feelings of deep gratitude, ana Ta. lull consciousness of the honor done me, coupled with the keenest appreciation of my pri vilege, j I hereby extend to you on behalf of the brethren of Germania Lodge -No. 4, a most cordinl and fraternal welcome to ihe city of Wilmington, ever, that anotfier more amply equipped than myself .with eloquent ,WQi ds has not been selected to greet you. tr 1 trast, v 'tJrWMn rihir n'i? lmer-AfrTVntkins-Was- to know nsr that In the absence at all thn i V .1 . - 1 ... 1 . rich andvari-colored flowers'of thought which are developed only trom the- hot bed oi greater minds, that the. simpler, though equally .aa. fragrantbtMiquet. gathered 1mm the wild and uncultivated I tifid of my, rwn,- myo&rir at lenuon ior a otiul unHneiu .- r i , f When I pause to think, mjf bretfireri,' of the object for which you are ?al 1 her assembled, i am led in my imagination to conceive of a great heart nobIiu its prpportions.from whose sepparate beat- nx the same impulse is echoed in every breast, and the murmerof its echo, as it caves us, "winging its flight away"-and leralding the name of FriendshtpV : 1 1 .u .1 i . rum iuo . uui iu w me souin, 'romthe east to, the west, from the backwood to the sea, until over the great realm of this country its utterances are known: and may it be. , that its silvery cadence never ceases till it 'has1 1 Dcen jorwaruea Deyonu tne settlements oi mis coninieut uuu uas &.isgeu me sborea-of Europe. i 1 N It is a proud fact to consider that the day is not far in the luture when.' the: order LPylhianjsm.will rise in the as cendaney -to the oldest order in the t 5 J T t-1! A J 1 r-.L-j nni u i t lounuers. iuo ouisiuuhoiiu uas oeen, startled by i ts rapid . progress . and has kept K watching, eye; upon each and every; action of the brotherhood. That luminous" eye is erof upon ca and marks iuihe, book, of memory tbeijood as-iell as the iaithless acts ot tho membership. So far, I am proud to say thfe pages of that book are disgraced by noniark, of neglect. The blush of shame heed not mantle the cheek of any brother, but all may paint with pride , to the noble deeds wliich-Pythianism has brought to liihC. ; c ti Our duties jf fulfilled will show to the world thattruechrvalry true manhood and true fricuJship. . are. .as, much in " existence -to-day;'- fcs'1 .they wore in -the -tin3e-'f "our noble heroes. Damon and -Pylhias.' and r : - that those qualities, intermingled -with charity and benevolence, are building I up a record iorTtne oraer none in the annals of history. .Pythian ism, my urotheris a tfcm inhe.crdwn of our civilization. Its beauty is onty seen when painted like the rainbow on the' dark cloud of sickness and distress, Sorrow and death. It embosoms an idea that, 'like a plant , hidden under the snow during the ordinary da s of life is unseenr"bot when the Jieart is stili.and thesttongaxmlifeiess.and wo men and little children are wrapped in sUenceanil. sorrow, then the hidden plant awakens and puts forth' leaves, as if the season of human want, suffer i inland i-ereavement were its naiuraf spring time. In conclusion; ' Grand Chancellor and l&eprvsentj.tivei?f per mit mo once more of behalf of Germa nia Lodge to welcome you. A wel come not only extended to our city and Castle. IIall. but. a- welcome to our hearts and, our homes ever trust your hemos-happy recollections of the 13th annual session of - this-Grand Lodge, . -'.'u : w ' 'tt( ' I - . The alarm of fire this noon was caus ed by the ignitiun ot, thej - roof of; the kitchen on the premises of Mr. L. Vol Iers, corner Orange and - Second streets. The flames were soon suppressed and the"3araage wu yery. light. . ? . j, JV. r-rfprCr' I Great Intluccixjents. - n e of Clothing are now being UUV4VM AV VUOk.txv riHriXUjHMW.. J y Ar Ir Sbkier. U. ? EeliabIrClcrthn Hoose,,' wona ana x oeueve it .-?y mmoMM fi3 ta'fh ctorfhrt part NtlW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! BEYOIMD CWE ARB OPFCRrG SOME OF THE SEVEKALr LARGE SALE3 HAVE BEES MADE, STILL THERE IS A GOOD '1t ASSORTMENT. BODY BRUSSELS AS LOW AS IN ANY NORTHERN MARKET. -DO NOT FAIL TO --L A C E C U ' ' ' 1 ALL OF NEW AND ELEGANT STYTJ5S. , . A FEW;:BLANKT3 LEFT will be sold low aown. -, ; Itema-fronx JBrnuswick." . A correspondent inBrunswickcounty sends us thc following items of news from various parts oi that county : Runaways are quite frequent of late 4 in Brunswick county. One day ' last week, near North West Station, on the C C. Ry, when two ladies were visit ing some of their neighbors, they drove overjn a j3Hgyand when they went in tht houseTeft -ike horse stonding m the road .loose, but : with the bugiry hitched to him. So,n after, the ladies went in,k Mr. Lloyd AfcKoy's little son gothpin'the vehicloand in- some way frightened the animal so that it dashejd ff down the road toward Livingston Creek. The horse ran about one mile and was stopped "by some men who were, on the raiload, and strange to say neither the child, horse, buggy nor harness were injured. , On Snnday last, iust after services at Zion Church, near Town Creek, while leave the grounds, his horse took fright. broke loose "from himjtnd rah'yith the bugjjy hitcHeii to" the ammal about 150 yards,' tiitpin it tiver, three, times and making it almost a .complete wreck. 'ttowjvetroiiTel5se ejtaminatin it was fotmd that the'tn1cTeMas hofso badl d&niagtd as was rat-.tirsU thought; and rto aul- was'hurt, neither -did the Riofse and excitement cause 'any other horses to run. ! And,on-vMonday' while Mr. J. II. Brovks aM 3friehd were, riding in epitfpany - with several other buggies and . were drivingraiher a ."mulish" ouler-: tb latter, decided iU.-haj a sm$sl-np lsdi fThe buggy Iwas badly broken up, also the harness. Mr. Dixon, who was riding with Mr. Brooks, was gainfully but not seriously injured. Mr. rooks,; though & very old man, escaped wilhpt'any hurt,, Mx-fBi was twice a member ot the lower heuse Of the State Legislature. . . " There is now m tho vicinity of Loek wood's Folly, a man who introduces btmse1as?J)rThordai.:, and: claims to be an agent sent out by W. H.; Van derbilt ti take a prospective view of a UlUUUpgL oposed railroad joule from Smith- OI IUO Oi tate. 1 ' r ' '. - JList of Letters. ' A list of thcttutnetl letter ; remaining at th Post Qfiice in this City on Wcd- nfelaFrFea4, 1883: A-JU Aydlett, "Josephine Artis, Sandy Anderson. BMarj-; Baker, Sapiuel Billing?, SeviMr Blake, fMlJ BerniVgins, J D BolandJ F.Bordin, J H Brown Har- ryi BreTver, master Biunt, L7eDran ivi Ball. Andrew Blair. : i C-rEveiineCraisr.-HeIen Costi.i. Henry Cooke, Isaac, CopelandV M C Curbitt, Reuben Coleman, W K Cros by." !-" v? - ' - 1 J Nannie Davti," James A Davis, A F Davis, T,J Douglas. Wesley Da vis. ' , j Tj juuy r.iiiH. Fi-W F Faison. -G Emeline Graddy, David J Green. R A Gore. ' 11 SarAh. C Hodges, Sally Home, ITG, M A Hines,. Margaret A Harrison," Alargaret Hendersjn, M A Herring. " Sarah Haywood, Isaac W Ilaney, Zachariah ilurney, V JM Har ris, 11 Iiagan. ! " ..I Callie F Jackson, . 4 K Charlotte Kerr, Jl Kahn, Joseph Kain, Elsie Kame. Rev G P King. r'frPtter Ixagilin.K 1 M Geo McDonnell, -George Alenor, Eliza McLanchlihe, James McCartney, j T 1- 1. If 11 .)-. I I McKoy. Mary Jane McMillan, Mary Jane Melton, Nancy McMillan, Sophia Merrick, Swill Miiler, Sarah Malm. N Fannie Newton, Nancy Nichols, Robert Nixon. O Maggie N Owens. P W H Price. Louisa Price, Cynthia C Parish, Betsy Perry. L R John Reynolds, ' Richard Reed, Daniel Roffer. ; ' ; -; r S Dora Stocks. Henry Steward, H B Silliman, John Sanders, Amelia Sweat. X.izzio Smith, Mary- R Saint John. Caroline -Spa nor, Carrio Sella re, Margaret A Smith. , ' . .T William Thomas.. Sophia Tyler. --W Agnes Wines. W T Williams, W H Wallard. Stephen Woodalli Wi liam Whito. Sarah Walker. J W Wood side, J C Walker, John Wonkland, Jas FWnliii,lHannali. Walker, Barnes A Williams, Alex Williams., 1 Persons calling for letters in tho above Kstwill please say "advertised if not Teailed for within ten days tID be sent ta &ac letter office at Washingbn,"! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QUESTIOTJ BEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON IN -o- TAKE A LOOK AT TTR R T A I N S ! Turkish Balh Soap,. Oatmeal Soap. tJ.' . . x R. Rfl R3clPJTIRE. I. S. FINE ASSORTMENT EMIiROIDERT.-' - Notice. .... ..-? rpHE SALE OF CIGARS WHICH WAS TO hare taken place on the ISth iaet , was post poned on account of not receiving thej goods. The Cigars arc expected to arrive this evening and the sale will! take place on. Thursday, the 15th ii.8t., at 10 o'clock. fU 13 'it - . i Seed Rice. iQQ (FIVE HUNDRED) ' BUSUSLS SEED RICE, For sate. feb'13-tf GEORftE W. K-fDDER. i tato of North Carolina, 1 Superior Cour;. Daniel I-, liuseell, Edward Cantwell. Edwanl C .ntTrell, Jr., John C'ntwll, Fr tl Cautwell, Ulile i.uca aud hos anl Benjamin Micas. ellic viKns0!i and husband lleiirr. P. Mjinou, William Cantwell, Kuc C i;twell and Kdward Cut well, Uuarvatt of William and KateCiii t well. I ryms IS AN ACTION for the fore 1 closure of a mortgage of real estate and t'endaut. Edwar 1 CuutwHl, Kward Cantwell, -r . Fred Cntwel-, i illie incac and nuUantt Kemaoiln Eu'a. .Nellie viunaon r.nd bush ml Honry P. .unson. Kate mnwell ami Kd ward Cantwell, uuardlnn of WillLim and Kate i.antwell, are non-iesidcnts and ranmt after duo tlingence be fonnd In tnid 8!at. and that Uiey ,liae an interest in the acti n and are proper p trtiCa hereto, now therefore, thl it- to otumand g:il def. iidants to apiear atUie next term of the Super tr Court to be h Id for me county of Columbus at the Court House hi Whlteville, on the 5th Monday after the r-; Monoay in Keoruary. ISSj, j jid anwr or de- mnr to the complaint, or judgment wilt bo ren dered against tnem aceortlinj: to Inw. Xfaij the 5th day of February, 1883.-' W. 31. BAU.YlSt Clerk. feu 13-law-Cvr-tuee. FJotice, JEiTBEES OF THE CONFEDERATE teoliVlVOR'g ASSOCIATION are requested to meet at the Court Iloneo to-morrow, Toea day evening, at 8 o'clock, 1. M. febia By onler of the President. Valentines. JECEIVED BT KPIIESB. A lATfe assortment of f n j FRINGED VALENT15ES. iautifoI pARD VALENTINES. Cail and ee for youraelTeg. I kaotr you will bo pleased with them. ' . Alao, (JOMIC VALENTINES. AVboleeaTe and Ectail. At HEINSBERGER'S, feb -12 Lire Book and Music Store SUte of North Carolina, , New Hanorer County, . i u erior Court. J. D. H. Wicker and George Blvln. by his uncle and ocx t friend, J . 11. D. Wicker, flaia : tlC. I I I Againet Ernest Frederick Ilah;ifccn andwife Minnie, Joim G. Haghaen, Ana HaMia-en, Virplniu ti. fcmple, S. M. Kmjlo, U i. Emoe, Anxila E. Ertip e,-Fannie F t-.m ie, Ellen C. Eni ' pic, Theo lore G -mpie, Adam Jbmpii and Ann Haghagen, Deft-udun'e. 1 IT Bii-Nti M.IE TO APPEAR TO -MY atisfactin that J. George llashaen and Aua il;ioh;ipe.u are uon-reti'lenU of th Rtate, and have prop-rty in this Mtate, andc-innot af tcrduedlHpenro be found la thl fctate, an tlat a rauHj at action exli-tn In iavor of the Pluinliffs apainat the said Drfcudants; now, these aT, therefore, to no lfy the Defendant. J. G. lla?;iayen :tnd Aua H-fb tjren, to appear at my ofuoe in tho city f Wi:nii"gton, on the 14th day.of March, A. I. atilO o'clock. A. M.rand ausw r or denior to the comithiint filed In thi action. , Given under my had nd Real of oUro thU 3th day of Januarv, IjJ. I I MTACk-Y Y a K A M T I VC7E , jan 33-1aw-S-tucs I lerk .-npcrirr Court. PACIFIC GUANO. Just recelred and for tale, j, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO,' : ' I . - - . I AND Dissolved BonePhosphate. " ' We! never hare had the first complaint f ' . , '- thee Fertilizers not bringing a profitable ercp &ce our) Cotnitrj- A jrer.ts . i ALBC. PRUNT 4 SON. MHSBCSPn ! I uaro a pfH-re rrui-Jf lor te aSswr Hscs; hy it fm tbaoaMds et nMt U went Xia4 4 ot lorj lufra; k w Wa omL in JorC, o tiros? l m fXlm ta tta eeacr. tni I wui -9d TWO BOTTUJ TH fcr. V ma r vita TxtTiELH TKKATiSB Od ttii di . M NEW AnVERTISEBUEOTBj Breecli-Loaflersj pDH5 BREECH-LOADISO s81XOT3U3rs. Shells, Waiia, rowder.Shot, Cartrldm B. Gun case. KeloUnj Tool, Gmim lUrCV told all kinds. If yon want a first-claM arU ck of the above modr, and low ptIon. u same can be fonndat , W. E. SPRINGEil & CO8, j . . SttcceasoT to Dawaoa Co.. I eo 19 21 a&d 23 Market street FANCY LAMPS. NOTHKK LOT JCT RECETVEDC J : OILEfi" Jt MilllCiilBOX, I 1 1 .... .-j- ; 3 aakt 44 Wnrchlwm mock feb't 500.mds.;tfew.Crop : Cnba Molasses, r ... direct from MataaiM, Ordcris'soticltecLl WORTH & WOETHl jan U Notice. w1 I HAVE THIS DAT BOLD VkXX MT I3U tercet In the firm of Charle E. Smltk Cv to Mr. E. J. Power. J - - -v. ' I ' CI1AH. K. fiitlTfl. I . Wilmington, N. C., Feb 2, 183. 7 i. rpUE FIE1I OF' CIIAtLLKS CO , I thla day dissdlrcd bj mat al ronMBt. Mr. E.. J. Powers i aloije autaoiiz4 to col lect all debts due the firm awl alga ln Uqvlda Ua. ' CHAS. XL 8HXTB, Wllaiuiffton, 3T. C, Feb. 2, Ittl r , ;JJ YING SOLD TO MB. K. Jx. POWEES my interest in the Arm of. ChjuC JSL Ba&ltk A Co , I solicit for him a eontinu&nctiot Um pat . i . " 1 . ' '. ., I, J roaaga f my fxi&oda and form wtfwiW ' - - ttiAJi.gkiTa. WllmlPgton, N.' 0.. tti t, 1S3&. THE BUSINESS OF T1TKTJLTE FIRM CUAS. 'jg. SMITH A OO., will bo oonUau4 under ths firm name of K. J, POWERS, i IfcO j - ... Wo LiquocG. JgUT A STpCK OF FKEn, 240, 1 CEKIES wUl be kept at cm? aton, ' OBf Mo. 45, Market Street, i , AB goods aolf by na wfllWaa repieeete4. GOOD GOODS AND ' sitALL FEOFXTS WILL BE OUB w;otto. GIre qjs a trial and bo - .- feb 7-tf E. J. SCAEBOBOCGir A OOU If Yon isn;t6 :Se'e : QAPT. B. J. JACOBS, of BcbIo? ; BmctU notoriety, the oldwt 6ddle and HanMN, Ac, maker In Wilmington, jtut caE at II. BJ. BOW- ' REN" ' A Ce;S gfcre and btiy Jntoo'jp'ltob " uiucr sriicies in oatKUCry WMl1lt luent, iur it la ue place to ret Unn. 1 feb 7 GARDEN SEEDS." A FEES II LOT OF ALL KISD U 'Ckb - . . .' - . - I bage and ! Turnip Seed, early and UU Yarie tlesiCollard. licet anlTomatnSpd & Urr stock an't an endlea rarietr at , Pmma. &b1 Lean, retalleil jjt wholcaalrf price by HJunds Broo.y ' i .Manufacturlor PharmadjU, . ' 1.481 BIIOaDWAYj NKVT TOM. AND WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 Tj Dmgs, Medicines, gPONGKS, FANCt GOODS, 7 FEBFU1CEET, 8CXDEXE8, Ve, For- safe by. ' , wiluam n. Gnrrx, ' l Market trt C. W. YATES. gCHOOL BOOZB, , BLANK BOOKS. STAlIONtET, ' FR1XIE3, r ANOV GOODS, WEAFPING PATEat; ' PAPER bags; A complete assortment fientJnsmtal TamoS , . ' -1 . " . - .... ..,. . tine. r feb 8 too jrF IXAEXE iS i EST ETCXI VED. ii wfl have another larrt'lot of. Baie ' tv Gtre us e " . - - 1

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