THIS TATTS-i oepUd JOSH T. JAMES,. ygrroz aid rmorwrT6. MfBSCBirOaa"POiBTAOB,'pAID: n.00. Six moatb. flXO. Tlue Oae month, JSecaur will be dellTead by crrten free ie. r P th dly. at U rnboT. ,! W ceoU pw week. , s bon will rTort n od all fall- Tht Daily Review has the largest fujua fib cirfulaiion, of iwy nacspaper Vublif,intk4 city of WUmingion JSL ' Kichnni Warner, the eminent com por. tlvl vettfnlay afterooon at Ven ice. Mark Twain's new book, 'Wfo on the j The New York Mercantile Exchange kaa Hiled lSflraernbens for non-payment Gen. Fitrlinsh Lee has leased hi To uxua fthootios groandi - to New Tork prtk. - " Bwhop Littlejohn rill Uy the wrnor irtoneof an Episcopal Church (u Dresden iut month." The woman snffradsts hare en listed Dennis Kearney under tlielr ban ner, and 5acces8 is now assured." The iharea of the Chemteal- Bank, Xew York, par $100, sell ior2.105. Capita! 00,00 ; surphis $1,000,000. Hz-irnited States Treasurer Spinner writes that the continued silver coinage 9 "the veriest absurdity of absurdities." - Paul Murphy, the once famous chces flayer, is now living, a Jiarmless luna tic, in New Orleans, supported b the labor ot his mother and aister.- . - The Boston Globt thinks that the larifT question has resolved itself into the inierrosatory : "Where is this con. found! thing joing to land r.3 in lftS4?'1 I he discniion on the railf oad oiu j uiiionbill. introduced by Mr. Boykiu. j will be found in full on the fourth page of this isue, iu Uie rcinirt of yesterday's Wislatlve proceetliuica- M New Ytrks shoddy aristocracy are running wild after scions of" royalty. The Orinoco which lately -iailed fo& Borruuila. carried out 75 cabin passen Sr. nearly all society people The deposit of salt just ' discovered In the Wyoming valley underlies a tract fifteen miles long and two or three wide. It has a depth of from 1.300 to 1,800 feet. The vein at Warsaw- is seventy feet thick. uti ;t ItU reported here that Licut.Gov: Robinson, from the West, and Senator Dorlth. from the East, are to be mem ben of the railroad commission, should the mtasure become a law. One other will be needed. . None but mem bers of the legislature need apply. Talking about lengthy Jaw suits here are three-mentioned in tho London Im Journal: "Belt vs. Laws'! lasted forty-three days, 'Tichborne vs. Lush ington" oae hundred and three days, "Regina vs. Castro" one hundred : and eighty-eight days, and" this 'tendeney eejjs ea tbe increase. Senator.Hoar is reported lo have said ihat "Beck Tests his mind while talk' Sag1 and the Senator from Kentucky is credited with the statement ihat,4Iloar reminds me of that sterile " tract ot ground in Virginia which John Ran dolph said was poo by nature and ex hausted bjtaUon.' V ' Pr6feser7Ytihg, of Prineeton iktl ?ege. calciflate.V hat a railroad train rrom the earth to the sun, running torty miles an hour without stops, would ooutume over two hundred and fire -jr cars in making the journey -TheTa re . at one eent per wile would be $330,000. 1 Tkese figures bar out editois. .-v Ia regard to Wary Andersoh'saUeged low teroperarurej MoUeska6ays: "There is no aucii thing as a cold and anlmpassioned ; ghi.? ; Anderson inay sj so, because she has not met the rigU person. She will meet him, how er, and that will remedy her appar wt eoldaess. An actress must fall in lm before joifsee her at her best." . ... ' . Aeeotdinx to the Railroad je 'l.'sob of railroad .were constructed in eleven Southern States east if the MUauaippi Urt jeaV! - The distribution follows;', VlrgiuiA, 207.62 j iVesl J"linla 162.W ; Korth Carolina, 154.55 ; Sooth Carolina, 57.20 ; Georgia, 2S68 ; Rorida, 253.43 Alabama. .47.50; Mis Ppl87; -Tennessee,.l33.;.Ken-l&7 70.; Ixmisiana, 79.05; total. Waraer's Sure, Safe Kidney and JJier Great Inducements the way of Clothing are nvrri being red at the old establishment of & & I. Sfiitiuu KWable Clothing fionse, ' A' "wN. 34 Market St. tf. br 7.r 'JS 1 if 7 1 11 1" 1 , - .4. ftfM5f m 11 ... - T ' - - ; ;: i i - 1 w. , II , II., .j i rr 1- 11 j y i n i i i i v vv ? t ii ii ill mm ii' mw " w m w m m - - m m m mm m m . mm . a u , . u . . mm mm . i VOL. VII. i i W ILMINGTON;- N. C: WEDNES DAT, FEBRUARY 14, 1883 NO. 40 LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO NEW ADYERTISEMENTt. Hktnsbksges Vnlentiof 4 f T' Uhidb A. Co Ship Notice W H O RE ex Drugs, Medlctoe r i . Lonialana Sta t Lottery Coapanr : i I A SpkiVckr Iforses and kul for Sale Crolv A Morris, Auctr' Baa ; at The receipts of cotton nt this pott todajrfoc-t'upT8$:ba!eiX J" s c Silver Plated Spoon and'Fork;j low prices, at Jacobi's. . ,1 1 , " tl ilers Crouiy &j Morrtss will soil at auction to-morrot j morning a oonsijn ment of beaujitul bananai. The name of Dr. F; VJ Potter, who inllays agone was an active member of the Wilmington Lighl Infantry-j and who daring the war was a' full Sureeon in the Confederate service. Tshoald be r-dded to the list of those officers . who! wore form'eVly members of the Wil Tho celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is soldlonly at Jxeom's Hard ware Depot. ' !'; ' v f . . lit the River "and Harbor bill report ed to the Sepate yestenlay the sum of $50,000 for the Cape Fear. iVom the ocean to yilmington,5 appears. The bill was. recommitted aiid. we. may eventually get something' 'nearer what wo neea man, is- promised - mere, ai- though it is doubtftiir City Court. ! Frahks, Laura jllaggett a r . 1 t ... in . Laura Hail, three colored jdamsels from the classic precincts ot Paddy's Hollow were before the Mayor .this morning charged with disorderly' conduct. For their misdeeds they were ordered to pay. a fine of $3 each or be. confined j in the city prison three days.4' They all went below." - ' - ; " - j ; , . " " Mr. Pescliaii to Lecture Rev. F W. E. Peschau hai acccepted an invitation to lecture before thi " Wil' mington Library Association. The 22nd ioet has been flxett.UipohTaa the date and Mr. Peschau lia3 named as his subject "The1 Cemetery of thvSea." The lecture will be delivered in the Library Hall and the proceeds will for the benefit of the Association. be Impromptu. There was a very pleasant little affair held iat the i armory of "the W. Li I. last night, . the occasion being an impromptu ' complimentary reception tendered to (Jen; Jones, by the Compa ny. Short speeches were made by Gen. Taylor. Capt. Cant well, Col E. 13, Hall and Capt. C. D. Myers, of the Veteran Corps, and all passed off as pleasant as half a dozen marriage 'bells'.. Ice Cr. earn and Oysters. The Social Society bl the Front iStreet M. E. Sunday School will hold'an oys ter and ice cream - festival1 at the hall iu OddFeiiow's fcuiiding; opposite the City Hall, next Thursday evening, com tnenciug at "7 o'clock,. Sce. the an nounccmeu't in ouardvertising. columns and when the . time arrives take, your hidy ami go and see what an elegant en tertainment our .Methodist-ffiends will te- : t'r-.- 1 lIspoaed Of. ' The fjuestion for jdiscussion at ..the regular moelnig of the- Literary 'Club, field last niglit,' Was,' Sliould foreign m migration be encouraged?" The sub ject was.uite ably debated by the sev eral . jlispuianu . ancl . resulted in an affirmative decision cnti reli in harmony with our governmental r policy. The meeting was quite interesting and we were glad to notice that a large audience was in attendance, among whom ! were many JatUes. - . h ; j r- f Independent . Ordef ofi Keclia- .VN, bites, "-f f,-ir' Thc following officers of Unity (Tent; Ko90j institn ted last Tuesday evening, wVa installed last evening, by Tltomas ESypper.HC.; 1 i PCUSkmAVHolden: 1 I ShepThos A Watson. C It H AI Rishon 1 D R W II Registory . , J Treas Geo W BUhdp; pf ' F S HJC BarnetL j '' , R S Thomas E Skipper. I 1 G E H-Batson. j v O G J W Branehl f R,Sto CRS D.Ganus. 1 L S to C R A V Williamsou. R S to D R-Wra Richardson For Pocket Knives or TablcCutlery, go to Jacobin Hardware .Depot, f , r ' ' ! - - ; -L Thank You. Ifeiterday's News and Qbterper says: We heartily congratulate tne1 city of Wilmington on the completion, under her Democratic administration, pf Athe funding of the entire past due ' bonded debt of the city. Fdr the j first time since the war it is free from past due bonded debt andi&'s 6 per cent, bonds are In demand 1 at par by I investors. The entire bonded idebt of the city Is now about $55,000 from is to be de ducted $45)00 held by ?theJ inking food. whicW durin.ths past iejoxrs, has developed from an empty.; name to a 'solid reality." And. yet we'are not happy, because e All want to be May or next month? , Vr6 -were pfeased S rocSre K call to day fromHon. T D McDowell, of Bladen county who 4 was here to-day for a few hours on-one of his. rare visits. He left on the steamer PJJfaffiison to day, on his return to Elizabethtowp. Boardi-or County C ..-i.J.i.i,- pleasure of ayisit' UwIayiiWe! were glid tlrnilhimlh&t t&r &iy&. bid county of Brunswick is in a flourishing condition, that heF debt is how merely nommaUfthath finaneiaj condition is go yd and that during thVlast year there was a general -prosperity among her citizcus, such as they have not? experi enced befere in several yearBjii, i( i , , The latest news fro'AfricJt Ms ??th:it the Zulu Kin? has the crouprtiils He ws is doubled by many, buf notwithstand ing, the friends ot the . king .haiesent him a case of Dr BnllV Cough Syrup aud consequently his cure is certain. - Survivors Associations.. , i There was a full attendance at the Court House last night at the meeting. of the Confederate Survivors Relief 'As sociation and a permanent organization t was effected by the election of the lol Preaident Thomas F Wpod.'5. Tioe President Joltn D Taylor. Secretaryr-Waltet G MacRae f Treasurer Owen Fennell. ; The Secretary was requested to hpen a Heinsberger 'book Store for the reception of the signatures -ot all inose ei-oonieaeratea wno wisn to oe come membersand all such are in- vited to call there and sign, j It was decided , not to apply for a charter immediately, but to wait until the condition of the Association requires incorporatfon. k "I ff ;T H It h The Relief Committee reported seV eral caseS'wtiich have already been act ed upon. ; i ! I Small Fields and Bier Crops,' Mr. K. M. Johnson, of.Camera, Pen der county, ia a successful agriculturist and a shrewd, careful- and painstaking business man.. In all his undertakingaH;jeet Sinciei inlleugth x 73 ! feet I in he adopts a system and method which it would be well for others, to-imitate.-1 In farming he has demonstrated con clusively that money can be made even . 'mm .9 ou what is termea ireaaentiy as "worthies pincTandt.VvIoraJcoinmu- nicatiort addressed to this paper he gives the result "oThie' experiments last year on just suqh laud. On htce accurately measured acres of , well drained, .pine meadow he last winter, applied ai liber al dressing of stable manure composted withmu4 and salt. Late in. February he sowetl the land in oats, which when matured were harvested and the ground Dlanted in. sweet 'potatoes. rAfter J the latter had been dug he turned his 'hogs into the lot to fatten upon what was ieft. H is hogs, : w hen slaughtered, weighed 5,500 pounds, half of which, Mr. Johnson, claims, was the gain: from the potatoes, and he-figriers tfie!fesult as follows : . . -;- '-' : ; - 30,000 pounds bat forage at $ I,.. $300.00 211 bushels poUtses at 40 cts- k &1.40 v, 7W poamis pors: at o cents 4 - mr . m a A T mM V 9 v ?2I6.00 Total receipts, , - $608.40 Deducting the vnlue 'of the Manure, cost of labor &e., which he estimates at $150, and tliere remains in round jium bers $450, or $I50perace.: lor three acres as clear profit. " This we should jndgVwasa fair estimate for the ex pense.aod alse for? value" of Ihe crop raised. : .W e may jay that in jprdcr to avoid any inaccuracy in the matter the eroDa were Weiffhed; 'carefifltv and the a 7 t mr j . . - , figures made from the actual'welght, s : goou farming, inu tuacnes iuv all-Important but unheeded lesson that Urate a small acreage thoroughly than jt 'is to skim ' over a large field Ipon which a small ataount oTrnacTrre, .has oeen juaceq. t ft 1 oBdlldera and others Go to Jaotj I si 0 ior oaso xuuua ana iaw,uius &c.v You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. j r-1 fcr1minC?ourtf" Since the close cf bur last report the folio wing'ci sea have been tried and dis posed Of: t - . ' . I A rIcKea: Larceny. - Guilty with a reeoaimendalioa to -.mercy., . Six: years iu the penitentiary. ;r . - , . lenry Hall.., Larceny, on trial when our report closed yesterday, was found riot guilty. .;t -Alary Beatty. Larceny. Guiltv. Jud- ment suspended on payment of costs and defendant recognised in Jthe sum - rt T i . i T forMa appjcanwibe at the next teru of court. AndtJloTrieSi laroeuyi Submitted lttrf 'Waor' ftnoA 4 1 " ;I5YMVt ,a3isturbiug reliR ious cflngttjgatloit,? Jtwlgment ?uspendf submitted.' .ltob&rt. Moore,' larcxmyL Not guilty. ! Itni:uts-of Ilfytliias. Tiaftern06n scsoptlycsterdky was I Poafi the various--committees. Du rinhe5session it was decided to hold the next mcetiug of the Grand Lodge in ttfn-im rAV rnviStfcm was also aeceptea to ffedicat ttehall "of Ger maniax)dge:iMtfturLt IV M. Thelgatheni tobkau TCoessV'until 7.j tTni&Wfl the epret work ofth'eovVwa cxeuiplifie by Sup. Rep. John jL. Dudley, Several past chancellors weie admitted, and matters pertaining to the good of the order were discussed. , I ' The morning session to-day .vas oc cupied in the nomination ot officers of the!Grand Ixdge. to serve for" the year ensiiTngT Uie electiou of whom took placcat 4 olock this P;tM., but was not concluded in j season ;i"or us - to .gie a listTof the officers elected in this issue. . t Til? pihtjat' 3;rebckthero is to be a grand banquet at tbe Purccll House, complimentary to the rand iLodge aud tnvte3guestSi given by Germ an ia Lodge No. 4. of this city. This wilj enjoy the "feast of reason and flow of soul" with all their pleasurable accom paniments. i , t fi? A. I t Railroad Improvement!. The Wilmington and ! Weldon Rail road com panyf continue tos make im broveinenLs'upoli their premises at the Front street depot, which, when com pleted, will make their accom modatiob as, nar perfection asl human ingenuity and foresight will be apt to accomplish. They have now in course Qf construction a new machineshpp wliich ii to bef one of the best in the country. It is to be width, with a 21 fect .pitch. A.cjded to this will Se the boiler house, which is to be Cleei finches feet 6 inches. This mammoth. establishment will be furnished throughout with the very best kinds ofj machinery necessary for the manufacture orrenair.fXTsines.' cars or the rolling stock of the roadii-iarge torce of bands is now employed in erect ing the buikling and it 'will r lje pushed forward to completion- as , rapidly as circumstances -will "permitrf . - fr Kpr have the railroad authorities been jjttmindful-of'the comfort of tho passcn- rs. The ladies sitting- room' at the depot has4 recently been .furnished with a neW carpet, and a plentiful supply ef elegantly upholstered chairs, a conveni ence wEidr will be greatly Appreciated by ladies who from any cause may be I -- V'.. . I :. - oompeueu to wait ior an outgoing or inwmingtrain. s j w. The large lot of cigars to be sold at auctioa . by 3Iessrs Cronly- M Morris arrived here last night, and the sale will take place promptly to-morrow, as aunouhtedln advertisement published in thislssu, - j Can' Get it. J i 1lialvfyi llralifV ntcaata Vilna UrirlainoT liver tmplalnts cannot be contracted by-yon or- your tfaraiiy ii Hop Hitters are used; and" 11 rvouv al ready have ahy of these diseases 3op Bitters 'is the " oiuy medicine that i will postively core you. Don't forcet .this ( and - don !cet some, pttCed up "stufl" The mail who is always behind will haTffno followers. Boston Tramsvriptl 0 ifcs4T bffbxd&CoM Oxford. C. soy;, ' Wfl. consider Brown's Irorr'Bitters tbe most VeliabTe tonfcf on thomarkeU & Rrt&l crernkA: Pfhnrv rifftTmS Luaruu xivKi uitaiauv-ios-iae sugar coated; no gnpnt only 15 cents a box ot Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure Co-i IirNassaa Street, New York. edbn payment 6redst4. i '"Wmiamlrnkrcfinv' undoubted bean excecdinglyinteresting pccaiioiiiaU which iXL fraterrtityi will NEW AjD'ITRTISEAIENTS, Tdofice. ALL PERSONS A HE HEKEBY cau tlonevl 'and fore-framed azalnst harbortns or cpel!tin? any - . . - - 1 : rv k . I -IK)R,Ljjjoa.aa tteither the 34astr or vosaeea.trui bo responsible for mnr debts oiitraftl lv i iwm ' iiiue. A LU, febliSt t I Consixnee. Horses and-JIules for Sale. t am jOTfvniQt or too'd , " " i " f " 'T ' cJv. . t. - v . e ' - . - Malts and Itorsca at a bargain, for want of work'. - . tebU r J. SPRlk i.:Oyss;!,Ico Orejunl :: rjinG SUNDAY SCUgOP SOCIAL SOCIK Trjof Vront Strcef If; Bx-CJJureh.-WlU "haVc aaOVftTBlt AND ICE CBKArFK$XlVAt; TIIUKSDA VtT7lu.tke.Tliill. In tho Odd Fellows' bnlltthiiv opposflc tbe City Ilail.tiTHf next to C U Myc: s Ftore. Doord open at 7 o'cl)Ck. , r Bananas at Auction." v. JT OUR SALES ROOMS, TO MORROW, (Tliursdky) luornlnz, at 10 o'clock, will be sold a consigtBieirl of ' y? -. : . M BUNCHES BANANAS. Beautiful, Bright and ILipe. , -.. ' , feh 14-lt CftpVLY & MORRIS, Auetr's 100,000! V i One Hundred Thousand I . Superior Cigars ! MADE BY . . , . - - . . - j ! MILLHISEK&UIBBERMUTH, IN RICHMOSD, Va' Wlio have dwslved partuerahlj ami gono lnt6 ' the Tobacco Leaf business, will be sold at public auction to-morrow niorh- j lag, at 10 o'clock, at tbcSalea 1 , Booms of Cronly & Morris, , Water Street. ' Coniaths of the foHfln? WeJ known and : favorite brands, lq lota to suit purchasers : sodiABLi,' Vhemosa, IMPERIAL, BE"T (5) FIVE8, NEV STYLE; "' " KEY WEST. i feb 14 f P; Mv, Hale'sJPublica.tions. WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. , . 1 toI. 12mo., clelth. S1.25. : "The publication of such facta (io n 6hape that makes them accessible, is i the very be t service that the public spirited men lit the touthf can do their Statea'-i-X; Y. World,' it.. ' -I i i . 1 ."The very thing needed. A very Importarit Tork ror the Statq.'' Wilmington Star. A timely and valuable publication. Must prove r reat eervlce to the btato." Char- t : 1 1 "Mr. Hale h done the State a sreat er- vice" Biblical Recorder.- - - 1 "Ot such 1 thorough excellence that It de serves th ! widest, circulation. Xashcllle (Teon.) Lnmberman. ' The book is well printed on tinted paper, J haodfcomcly bound in cloth, cont ilna 272 pnge and an accurate and beautifully executed map oftheMafe, Mitn all Its railroad routes da- TL '. ' EVERYBODY'S BOOK. I Answers to simple quesUns , frequently pint to lawyers by Laymen. 1 , ' 4l , Points In Law ot valaeto'every roan In North uarauna-j-iiie rroieionai man, the. rariner. Cropper, the Xibprer J . 1 , ' " 1 1 12mo . paper, Price. (live Postage Stamps 15 cents. 1 1 !mn T,. T: T.-". . . c. 1 1 . For sale Ly bookiellersi generally, whoiway uc Miii'pueu m quaniuiet on iavorauie ternu, by either of the underpinned. If not to be had at y vur local book store. maiiea pobi.pai on reoini 01 uie pnee. uy I K. J. HALE SON. Pnbltsker, Iiookelcr and Stationers, N. Y.; or, r, ji. iiaie, A'uuuner, luJeign, c. feb II - - - I 1 -j lOO Sets i - 1 QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and wU nave another larger lot of BuggieOa a few : aya.- Give aea --J"'.-:. ! .u- dec I GEUHARDT A CO. Rice. ,1-1 Xfin (FIVE HUNDRED) BUHUELS SEED BICE, Fr sale. feb 13 tf - GEOIIGE W KIDDER. PACIFIC GUANO. i3 Just received aa l for' sale. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, ' And Di8solyed"BoiiePhoBplmte. - We never bare kadi' the Crt eomplatiatf these Fertlllmrs not brioag a profitable crcp fSee onr CoirctrT'tJrenti.i .loJii. HPRUKT, A SON. CAJE KEEP.'TIIESIi!- JEOFLE WILL HAVE THOSE STOVES ABoUser lot expoeted. Send toot ordera ftbl FACJkiat A TAYLOR. PLRASB KOTIOL .j. i ,W Will b fcltd to Hflrtwwi.iftf,Mi from aar frteada otj any and aU aubjacts eX ceaarallmtcraattnzt . i T3te saaoa of the wrtter tavst ahraya mm zsr cuned to Uu Estor. .Cmma&!eaUoata ttut fee WttttO ca Oiy one aide of the paper.' renoaaUtSoa moat be aroUal Aad it is especially and paxttealartj ta&a Mood that the Editor doea not ahraya eaJos9 the Tiowa of corrcapondenta tmkaa " aa atatt4 la the editorial .coloiapt. . , i j - NKW AOVEimSE3iraTfj r.aa and enlarged Scheme ttb drawn JJonXXlm ' Capital Prize $70,0003 Tickets only $5 Shares fn i m portion; Louisiana State -Lottorv 'ire doUrc&j jurtf. OoCica arrt tta seme ere conducted iiigOdd faith toward alt parttunnd v author ' ComTnlsMoacra ' Inrorporawfl lo:lfDCVcrJbTr:a Let- hs'-uur for E4lacaUnal rji1 Charfuble mnw rortOB with h capital of 1 ,000,tXOto wLch a reserwe fund of t tu.Q00 2 haa alflea beta added. - i -'i . , rp n By an orenvhelmlnsf popalai vote ; lta fraa chue was made a part of the present 8Ut Constitution ndopted. December id, A.'P;; 187. -The onlff lottery erer toted o and fndor$ed tyjlf peoplecany Style.. , ; , , It never $6ale er pottpomee,' , j Its G kak i sinolw n ck nxa DaJlwrribeaka A aPLEXDIO OPPOItfuNrTY TO WIV A roUTO.SK. Third Uraftd Drawer C1aa Capital Pmer STStJOO. ! 100,000 pickets at Five ZoU iar i;icn. 1 racUoiis in rJUXUs In nroportion. ..s ( . .v'i t ! - LIST OF rUlZES, J 1 ! 1 capital Trize of...... ............... 73,fX 1 Capital Prize of.. capita! t'rize of.......t.A.....L?C5,000 Capital Prize of... "t.M ...J... lO.aoo Prizes of i;,ooo...... ...... i,ode 1 Ii 5 'rlzes of 10 Prizes of z,iw.. io.ooa 1,000.........;, 10,000 30 Prizoa of Prizes of Prizes of ...... r. ....... io,ooo ino S(0 ioo.......'........:j.3o,ooa 50...... .......2-. 2S.OQO Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 25... .....J.. 25.000 1 j APrEoxiMATibsr.rRizig.' tc4 1 . 1 9 Approximation Prize Vt $760. t .- 6,?t 4.600! . -! j. xao. " 1 1 ' ' ' i-- v., Ik- ;- 1,007 Prices, amountlnirto...i.iiM..1 f3G500 Application for rates to clnbs ekould only be made to the office of the OamnjuiT lri Now Or. .lc;ns.i . ' .7. For further Information, writfl clearly, gtr- Ing' fnl address. Send orders by Expreaa, Ueclauercd Letter, or MoUey Order addroaaed only to 4 . -' .''1 r a 1 I, Ii': ! '- : M. A. D AtTJPlinf, ! ' l .-' : " "" n ' " New Orleans, Xa .f or M A. DAUPHIN, . Tli ! 007 Seventh 8L, Waalihjioa.'Dr C.' j fcb44wed-e&tr4w-d&w . : . j . 1 .. Valentine -JECEI VED BY E JCPRESS, . i 7 A large assortment of floe , rtaSGKO YAX5TIJtE3. ajo, beautirai CARD VALENTINES. Call and see for youraalvrs. t- -i t - ' :" ' " will be pleased with them. I kaow 7a 1 i AlBO. COMIC VAI.EVTTTCia WhohiealeandlteUU; At! v il 'I HEINSBERGER'S, feb 12 I " LItc Book and llualo Start! (xART)F!W SFF.riS t r A FUKSI1 LOT-OF ALL S KINDS Cab- M. - - I i;'J, ' , bagc and Torn! p Seed, ea'rlr an lata rario- uco.uiaru, ueet anaocaaxo eeeoj, a urn clock and an ndlesa variety of Peaa awl Beans, retailed t holeeaI prices by. - i niunds Broci;' Manufacturing Pharmacists, i l , . 1.41 BUUaDW AY, NJsifpTOCX. jan 20 r --i. Drugs, Medicines, :, dPQNGES, FANCY GOODS, " . p. 1 - PEttFUMEEY, SUTTDSZTS, - ror aale by' . ' ' . . . v WILLIAM tt. CHE2SN, feb? 1 Market trl C..W. YATEC. QcnooL npoES. H ! J BLANK JSOOKM, , . JST ATIONEE Y. . - r., FKAUE3, . ... rANCY GOODS. WAAPriNO PAT . irr j;.; PAPER BAGS. V i: rs fc iC roropfcte aaUrteSenC' FenUaaetuAl VaJea? It 1. jf . i have taksa itacc en Iho Utk Inst waspo peaed on,aooo'at'of aotTMeirtBtLe'eoodjl rrne CIsara art fexpectcd'ttfrt re ihti erlnlsx f and tbe sale will take pLtoo ca Tow-Mar, ia liUl laat, at 13 O'C&clu StSaltS nwa rnviii o 7iexoi(fnaaaAWa Let ter Company, and tnjirrion inamafr mnd coir t