Ji !' "1. I! ' ! ' THIS PAPER .. eTTy evoolacr Sundays ex cepted by V 7 JOSH T. JAMES, u-taCBirriOS POSTAGE PAID: JMi iuvuwi - - One month, S3 cents. win be denered by carriers free Tia any part of the city, at tbe above TW rst. A.lw , ,nr and .all fall- j-rtteKw aw uucw nbcrcrswu'"""7 , ihir nxitcr reaularly,- . .rM to rcocn - The Daily Review ha the largest l f,de circulation, of any newspaper Df ..v.w inthecily of Wilmington pWJi . ""SThaa about 2.500 pnpils at school. Baltimore ii to bavc a new Presbj- At the fast nccounts Archbishop Mc iTalfe wasshtlybctter. ' Ex-(Ior. Morgan died at his htmfl iu Xcw York yesterday morning. Trincc Kapolcon hss gone to Farn fcorouffh to Tisit the cx-Empress Ea jenie. . fjibbit hutlun by moonlight is now a fnshiohable sport in various parts of Illinois. Mr. Teter Cooper cclcpratcd his 93d birthday on Monday. His is indeed a jreen old age, Dora Wheeler, the artist, is described as a tall, willowy girl with dark hair and eyes, and a face full of animatiion. Wc'publish a long report taken from yesterday's New York Snn, relative to the terrible floods out West, which will be found on the fourth page of this issue. M. Cleraehcean, the suecssor of Gam betta, has a Now En gland wife, a very charming woman who married him for love They have three beautiful chil Iren. Eighty thousand packages of tea were, refused a landing in England under the' Adulteration act during 1881 and 1882. aud it is said much of it found its way into the "gift" tea stoies of the United States. r Maj. Gen. Morrell, a graduate of West Point and commander of the Second Division of the First Army Corns in the late war. died at Scar- borough, on last. the Hudson, on -Sunday A ruby of five carats is worth twice as much as a diamond of the same size, and one of ten carats three times as much as a diamond of a corresponding size. A perfect ruby is ihe rarest of al1 stones. A chemist in Germany has introduc ed a new system of preserving butter by covering it with a layer an inch in thickness of a strong solution of sul phate of limewhich he also uses to pre serve cider. The Central Council ot the Irish Na tional Land league, at Buffalo, 'has : J 1 1 : Taink A mari. U3UCU A (WiaiUilUUU IU 111011 nuisu-i cjinti to nrpnnra to receive . Mr. Pamell at the Homo I-ieague Convention on the 17ta of March nctft. Mr. Dodge, the youngest sou of Wil liam E. Dodge, saw his father die in New York on Friday and arrived in Hartford on Saturday barely in time to close the eyes of his dying- father-in-law; ex-Governor Marshall Jewell. . Ex-Goveraor Wm ESmith, of Wiscon consin.died atMilwaukec Tuesday nighi. He was twice elected Governor ot is- j onin. first in 1S77. nnrl ivns re-elected i in 1879. He had previeusly serveil as ! Sf-f Tr,Cror nnr l.nrl KM.! otlwr I oftlcos. The death is just announced at Black- heath, a residental suburb of London, f of Ellon, the eldest daughter ot Daniel O'Conncll, whom . she has survived thirty-sir years. She was the widow of Christopher Fitz Simon, an Irish bai- rister once an M P for Dublin. The - ranch of the Pawnee Valley Stock-Breeders' Xssociation is now con sidered the finest in Kansas. They own 9,700 acres, of which 1,100 are fenced, and have five miles frontage on the Pawnee and two miles on the Fort Lamed Military ReseraUon. y-v i :? 1 1 1 ; , , ,- .- v 4 fThe proposal, to forbid by f law the i riaging of "rousing bells" in the morn ing, in New '.England manufacturing . towns. Is opposed by the mill hands, whoArguo that . the alatm is a great con venience to the inajority, and not much of a nuisance to the minority. It is said that Tom Ochiitrec, Repub lican, a member of Congress from Tex as, eannot draw his "salary until a little sxcount due by him to tho government, yfiijyH was mo resuii. 01 bquj j.jivA eroolfedmfi wnil h wna Marshal of 'Eastern TcxasC and amciilmg to 13.- 000," has been fettled. How a mawith a record liko that was admitted to Con gress is not made plain. -; " Hr F. C Vaughan, Warren tou XT -CaayajBrowa'arlUfirsis a ! ftrst-elaM tonic; it cared me of chills."! : - f : i ,1 Awf iS-v-.v;- -- - l : - i , VV . VOL. VII. The preparations fori the coronation ! Czar of Uuisia, have progressed so far as to the ordering of the , throne, which is to be an estheb'c a flair, cost ing $8,000. j , c- When Vayne MacYeach was Attor ncy General he decided thail Apolinaris water was an .artificial water. and therefore dutuible. , Secretary Folger says it is natural water and must come in free of duty; Moreover , he lias re funded $90,000 of duties paid undor Mr-MacVeazh's decision; Col. Austen, of the 13th t?:,Af iKatiuvuvi i who entertained Gen. Lao ami, staff a few days since, is evidently a-; bellicose individval. a witness the following, which we clip from yostcrday's World: jCoI. Darid E. "Austen, 'of the I3th Regiment, was a passenger in a crowd ed Flatbush avenue car last evening, when a young man ' entered and sat down beside him. Coh Austen object ed to being crowded, and finally after a lew word3 pushed hini' off! the seat. The young nan attempted to sit down again and Col. Austen ! struck him a violent blow on the back of the head, remarking: : "'Well, sir, who will be crowded?" The sudden blow partially staggered the youns: ,man, - who turned suddenly around as thoughltp return it, wli?ksooie of the passenger .interfer red and 'prevented further ' Violence. Seveil ladles hurriedly Jefithe cacnd thR oonciuetor was called in. but he re fused to interfere. remarking that "If men "are ' hoggish enough to prevent others from sitting down I can't help it." Quiet was restored an a tnecar proceeded. . . LOOA'U V INDEX JO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates "ScLool Books, &c ' U kins bergkr Vlritines j Mun'DS Bros Garden Seolj 1 Yf 11 Grkex Drujrs, Medicines n . ... . - . f, . i in m 1 ;o The receipts of cotton 'at this" port to-day foot up 535 bales J j ! ;' Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low.) prices, at JACOBrs. ,r r 7; ') No Xews and Observer eceited this morning and hence we are without , a report of yesterday's Legislative pro ceedings.' :.?';ni.--'- ;'fi j j To-day has, been J. more like Spring than any of its predecessors this', year. One could almost- feel- the sap in the earth stirring beneath .the.fefet. -i . 5 Wfi aeknowledffe the; courtesy ot a of ca.l yesterdaYtwaf: calls, in fact from our good friend and hrothor-in-arms, Julius A. Bonitz, I of the Goldsborp Messetwi who iias been in attendance on the meeting of tho Knights f; Pith- ias. We regret that we both occasions. ; J ,f were absent; on The Clinrch Troiible.i -1 Wc understand that jthe troubles in Ebenezer Chureh, (colored) rvav.o !all been settled. The cases' in Court were compromised by a "withdrawal ofthe suits instituted,.thc parties' pai'ing"the costs of the Court.'; The minority, " the Devane faction, ' withdrew altogetb!; erfrom the Church,' leaving it in the hands of lYcacher Whiie Wi his sup porters. It is said that jthe ieceders will organize a new churcn o tion. - --' To Builders and otber -Go to J aco bi's foic, Sasly BUnds iandDoon, &C. f ' OU Can'gCt all IZds'jEnd at GlasS A. vYou mn ' cret all izds and at the lowest prices. InteroMting Figures. For the information ot .any of our citizens who may have invested jjn,the February drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, we publish .? the Jucky nambers drawing the 'pnncipal'j prizes. Jxxk at your tickets and soaif you hold any of the following: No. 57.012, drew the captital prizer 5,000 ; No. 61,990 drew $25,000; Nea 25;605drcw $10io00; Nos. 49;778:and' 992S;lrey $6,000; Nos. 0,051,' 37.65, 65,986, &1.440 ..and 83,974 $3,000 each. - : v ' : A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware DepoUi Criminal CQiirt The following cases were -called and disposed of to-day : 1 . j Jesse Lanier, cmbezz emeht. ' The defendant1 submitted and was sentenced to pay a fine of $ 15 and costs. j 4 Levi McKoy and Kitty Moore, larceny The def endants in this case submitted and judgment was suspended." r v-- " Robert Moore, larceny. JJjefendant submitted. I"--. -: Thomas ;ndaUt'anx.vrGiiiUy, Three years in the penitentiary., r William Cotton, larceny -Notguflty. - n. t?t T 11 n r m i tJKiM Iu the way of Clothing are I juowbeins oiferel at the old establishment of " . nMtn A'. 0 li Snjtitit. '- RoUatile Clothing Ilouse, - " xf - No. W Market St, W ILmNGTQjN.; C; THTJHS DAY. FEBRUARY . . i . ' lr The conduct of some of the youngsters in, this . citjvlast jiiightwas worse in many respect tbiulwe have ever known beforb. 1 was hot attempted to annoy people" by 'sending icandalotre valentines,;- "bti their: malicious: work consisted ': m throwing r (large rocks at; the - different i baiidirigs; and in some instanecs breaking; windows, blinds and sidelighu, by . which , many dollars worth of property was destroy ed aside from the annoyance and disturbance- to the owners. The offense icannot be charffcd solely to the colored - , . poys, lor in a majoncy;oiv instance wisVl ihp wodt:.;f , white boys, some "t, ; iii lz whoa were old onouh. larga enough and ugly enough W know 'bettSand who would feel terribly insulted itany dn'e should dare to say tney iwere. n?i.- ceunoiuen. nuisance last night ws intolerable, yet we saw no effort madd to put a stop to Knlflrli ts of .Pythias. ! At yesterjiay'a session Vof tbe Grand Lodge: memorial -resolutions in memory of Joseph Dowdall, of Ohio, Supreme Keeper of Records .nd Seals, and of Past Chancellors W. B. Orr and W . F. ;Wenfli,wermittpd itnd addpte'i'The JJodgd thbrecaivecl and aceepieff an jinyiatipn tendered by GrnrMiaOipdg a banq.ilet ;At tbe Jarcelt House at 9 o'clock. ,The felloing ofliccr? ..were elected to serve .duri ng the ensuing y ear Past (irand Chancell6r John L. II . Misslllier, of Idge Noi 8, New 'Berne. Grand Chancellor E. G. Ilarrell, Ledge No. 3, Raleigh. TrrahoceCanceiror- Hol loweli, Ixdge No. 6, Gold-brQ, .; Sxanll'nlLbdgeNo FayeUeville GiinrKeepe olf: Records tandUSeals JohttDudlev, Lodge No. aWil mlngton;..7;r - vy.- Grand Master at? Anns J. C. Brew ster , Lodge No. t. Raleigh. " . 'I Grand Inner GuardlVL EByed Lodge 2fo. 22, Averysboro. ; n Grand Outer GuardW. X.. Under wood, Lodge No.' 80, Newton Grove. Supreme Representative for four, ywri4.rAl8piti ; lodge Ko.. JoWs- borbJ : . , .... i, A speoial order was made for the instatlatiph bt officer s at 10-o'clock this morning.' after which the Lodge took a recess until that -hour. 1 The Lodge met according to adjourn ment at 10 'clock, this mornmg9.and rocded at oncta to the installation of tho several officers after which it aa journedto meet again Raleigh on the 2nd Tuesday in February, 1884. t A Celestial Beauty. : Venus is morning star, theibrightest and fairest of the throng that" grace thA mnminsr skv darinz Febrnary. She rises no w three '"-hours before the sun shining with the serene radiance that distinguishes her, and continues to be visible long . after tho lesser stars have melted-awayVl'bh the ifAtn? tto-mor-row) at two oVJpck in.;the morning she reaches her grandest western elonga tion: itcre ner wesicnj, cyuise uuu. Sho is 46 degrees 52 minutes west of the sun, and can go no further from him. The inexorable laws that rule her movements compel her to retrace her steps. It is easy to keep the run of their paths, especially in the t case of Venus,; 1 No . planet iu t the .system presents s j. many points of interest. qb is so closely allied to the planet on which "we dwell as Venus." She is our nearest neighbor except the moon" is nearly like the earth in dimensions , in tbel length of her day and night, in the possessien of an atmosphere, and in the probable mountainous condition of her surface, Besides she gratifies our 'esthetic per ceptions, being the most beauUful star the eve beholds, and,r she 1 is ,-the A enly rninAt that in visible in the presence of the noonday son , She is Lnereiore a most . interesting planetary study. Those who were eye-witnesses of her recent teUi'YeeUysl to commence observation. 4 They saw when Venus passed between the earth and.the sun, Jhe transi when, passing etrii-r the, ftnn.R dlfU.' she CnaUSTed frbm nvnr thn win.s qlsc. Bne coanzw iioiu an .evening to a. morning star( deserting the sun's eastern side .and appearinlf upon his western sideT'Since that timp she Has been "moving - westward rising earlier every morning, passing; her I pe riod the grtetrilpancy, and.turn. ing more of her. iUummated surface towards us. VA change eccsrs to-xaorrow. Sho is stationary for a few days and then com mences to make her way back towaids the sub for she has passed her western elongation, one of the four prominent mts in -her path. She will move slowly, retracinir her stens towards the sun, until she reaches superior conjunc tion in. September and completes her course as morning star and also j com jjletes half her synodic period. 1 ':f- A vouns cirl in Philadelphia who for three years has been a patient suffereri with sore-throat, has been eneciuaiiy .cured by using DrBulPa Cough Syrup. , . - Xast Nights Banquet. ' At'ff oclockiast nlht the f members of the t Grand'Xodge, K. of P.,; together witli invited' guests, the whole number- king nearly or quite 200 persons, sat down itiv f1p.Tftnt! rjanauefc. nrenared . bv w 'o " t a "mine ho3t' 1'erry at the Purcell House iuider the direction of GermanTa . Lodge 5. of P., and at once proceeded ito the j important duties of theJoccasion--eating and drinking. After the supper toasts came in order, and the following were offered; ' .n; , 'l , U'r- r:." : The American Union. A confedera tion of States, ope and inseparable ; may no discordant jars .evermore, .arise to; disturb its peace and prosperity. Responded to by H.; E, Scott, by letter. The Old North State. 1 Heaven's blessings attend her.. -While w live we will cherish, protect and defend her. Responded to by Hon. George Davis in a most eloquent and able manner. The City of Wilmington. May its nrosDeritv in the future even exceed that of the past. Responded toby Hon WT. Smith, bv letter. J ..... The Masonic Fraternity. The mother of all secret societies. VWc respect and honor it as such,.. Responded to by W I L Chadbourn bv letter. The Odd Fellows. Their Mottoi Friendship, Love and Truth, ; may. its links never be' broken Responded to by Mr. R. J. Jones, by letter. The Knights of Honor Worthy co laborers in. dispensing substantial aid to the widow and orphan. Responded to by Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy in a most eloquent manner. . ; ; . The SuDreme lAHlze, me louniam- head of bur beloved Order, may she be- as lasting as her principles, dissolving only with eternity's dawn. Responded to by Sup. Kep. u. ii. uiocKer. , '"The Grand Lodce. May its actions ever be such.as to increase and strength en the Order in the Good. Old Mother State. Responded to by the Grand Chancellor, J. Si H. Missilier. r The Press. i Mightiest of the mighty means , On which the arm of progress leans, : Man's noblest-mission to advance, His woes assuage, his weal enhance, His rights enforce, his wrongs re- 1 " dress. j " ' M"ightiest of; the mighty, is the Press" Responded to by W. H. Bernard, by letter.. " - . 1 - , OuruGerraan , Citizens. -While over ready to protect the flag of their coun try and obey its laws, they cannot for get ;tho Fatherland. Responded to by P. C. J010. Meyer ami E. Pescbau, Esq, in German. " . ' i - " The Fair - Sex The only endurable aristocracy who elect without votes, govern I without laws, decide ; without appeal, and whoaro never in the wrong; Responded to by Hon. Geo. Davis. . Earner's Curo. 1 Safe Kidney and "Liver For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ,.t ' " THI5BI AXILS' . - ! Themalls close and arrive at the City Post office as tollows: Nortaern thrbugti mails, fast..;-.. ".00 r. M. Northern through and , wij nmUs....5.40 A. M. Raleigh...... 5.00 F, M. and 5.40 A. M. MaUs for the . C. Railroad and ; routes supplied therefrom Includ- -ii. r.r a . A V. C. Railroad a 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for aU points Sottth. j daily ...-.. a.ju uu o.w x . u. Western mails (C. C Railway) dally j " (except Sunday). ... . . - .5.00 F. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral- ebrh. . ..'.. . . . . ... .&.00 Jr. at. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail-. oad....i. 6 30 A. M. awl 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence . ijj and Charleston 6.30 A. M- and 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and office on Cape Fear - ' Elver, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . 4 .L00 P. M. FaycUerille, via Lnmberton, dally, - - except Sundays ii5-00 M Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi- - ces, Tneaday a and Fridays- ....... .6.00 A. 1L SmithvlUe mails, by steamboat, dally o . ' (exoept'Smndays).. ...8.J0A.1L Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotteand Little RIvei. Tues- days and Fridays ...6.00 A.M. JTTl i OPEN Vort DELIVERY. - . I . -WriglitsTille, dalIy...4tr...-..'.8 A. M. Northern through and way mails - - -- -- 70 and 8.00 A. M Southern Malla.1...'.'. -L30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad 9.45 A. M Malls collected from street boxes every day at uo.p.m t-t 't u h IT -4 j-: r SLinin office onen iroms A. . vu u from S to 5.15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . . 1 Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stainp office is closed, -. JL General delivery open, from daynght to dark abdoa SciiriaTsffOM&SOta 9J0A.M. . . r . Tho rpUbrated 'Fish Brand' Gills T"5?11 nOi' i trareDepot i - - A.flewiatqcR ,! irF. SADDLES, BRIDLES, TRUNKS. Ac.t Xj(i Just reeef ted trom tne Manufacturers. Parties In need of, any article In my line would do well to give me a call, as I am now In receirtjov-jiew ,socJt, jand seaog at low priceaforj:l: JX I . . . ;.; , h Manufacturing and Repairing done at Short notice- OU at tne cM fcadd to and llarncia Store f . -J. IL MALLARD, , JaalS- ' ' ' - Front St 15. 1883 j NO. 41 NEW AIVEBTISE3IENTS. Notice. AL.I. PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned and forewarned KTAiriitt.lifiTluYri'ncr nr rrrvlit insr anv of the crew of a w. barqne Ti tK( j DOR.Itraon.9.9 neither the Master or Consignees will be responsible ! - , . for any debts contracted, by thctn. , 1ikoi: & co., feb Conainees. Horses and Mules for Sale. T AM OVFBRIKG 3-1 or ? cood "Mnle "and Horses at a bargain, for want o work. 1. j - feb u J, A. 6PEINGER. Oysters ! Ice Cream ! 11JIE SUSDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL,.50CIE lY; of Front Street W. E. Cbur;ii. rill Tiave an OYSTEB AND- ICK CRKAM FKSTlVAli, THURSDAY SIGHT, in the Halt; in the Odd Felior's buueuns:, opposite tne tLity uau,ana next to CJ U Wto; b store. Dgprs open t 7Vi o'clock. ' , lebl4 2t Seed Rice. rAA (VivK'ntlKDRED) tot, -1 BUSHELS SIfED BICE, For sale. , .... .- .... s'.. 1: ' - fel 13-tf GEORGE W. KIDDER. PACIFIC GUANO. i Just reeeive-1 and for' $ale, ' SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, Dissolved BonePhosphate. We never have had the flit complaint ef these Fertilisers not bringing n profitable crop 'See oar Country Agents. - ALEX. SfRUNT & SON. feb'2-d&w-3m-' P. M. Hale's Eublfcatidiis. WOODS AND TIMBERS! OF NORTH CAROLINA. j - -j .. j . . " ' 1 vol. r2mo.,Clolth, S.23. . , i "The publication of such facts in a shape that makes them accessible, ia the very be -t Bervice that the public spirited men Sin the South can do their States." X. F. irorW. "The Terr thing needed. A very Important work for the State." Wilmington btar. A timely and valuable.; publication. Must prove of reat service to tne state," c nar? lotte Journal. j ' ;t ' - . "Mr. Hale haji done the State n great er vicc " Biblical Recorder. ... "Of such thorough excellence that it de serves the wide&t jdrcu lation. Nhshville (Tean.) Lnmbermnn. . ."1 The book is well printed on tinted paper, is handsomely bound In cloth, contains 272 pages and an accurate and beautl fully executed map of the state, with H Its railroad routes de fined. . ,' - . v i j EVERYBODY'S BOOK. ''Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers by Laymen. Foints in Law of value to every man in North Carolina the Pro fes tonal man, the Farmer, the Mechanic, Ihc Landlord, the Tenant, tbe Cropper, the Li borer. 12mo L paper. Price (Fivei Postage Stamps) 15 cents. ! . ... ; 1; ' For sale by booksellers generally, who may be snpplled In quantities oh favorable terms, bv eithjerof be underelgneil. i "If not to be had at your local book store, mailed post.jvaid on rcc ipt of. the price, by K. .T. HALE & SON. , Publisher. Booksellers and Stationers,' X. Y. ; or, P. M. Hale Publisher, Raleigh, C. tobU ' ,r ' ,1 Breecli-Loaders, JUNE BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS, SJicllsV Wads, Powder.ibot, Cartridge 1 Bags, (Jun Cases, Reloading Tools, Game Bags, lis tols all kinds. If you want a first-class arti cle of the above good?, an low prices, tbe same can be found at ! i " W. E. SPRINGER & GO'S, i , . Successors to Daweon & Co.; V feb 7 . ... :, 13 21 and 23 Market Street . FANCY LAMPS. a N OTHER LOT JUST. RECEIVED. GILES & MTJRCITJ30N, 1 33 and 40 Murchlson Block feb 2 Assignee's Sale. u THE UNDESIGNED AS ASSIGNEE nn der a deed of trust from George M. Cra pon, and in pursuance of tbe proriaions there of, will sell at public auction, for cah. on Saturday, the 24th day of February, 13, tbe etock of lirocencs anoi oxner porsonai pn ertv. conveyed bv said deed and containel Store os. 16 and is, on rront otreet. se will begin at said store at .11 o'cloek, and be conUnned from day to day until 'rood are sold.!; A. G KICAUD, . feb Mw ' .,-----. , Assianee. Excursion and Pic Nic S EASON IS OVER. THE THEATRICAL and Ball season is now opening. Gentlemen woo are used to FIRST-CLASS work and a clean and Comfortable Barbershop, will find it JOHN WERNKR'S, Market street, 8trccU" T)vtfrwvr Practical Barber and Perfumer. "J between rront ana waer , :. - t-7-tf - Buggies!. Buggies ! XTEW AND SECON D HAND FOR SALS borne Bargalna. I '"'V toe.ltf ! CAN'T KEEP THEU'Il PEOPLE WILL HAVE THOSE; STOVES. Another lot expected. Send your orcrs- eiT pAr.:;r.:: & tatlos. ' PLC ASK KOT1CS. : 4 - I We will be ilad to tecclre coxcncslsaas from onr Jtrlends oa any and all ' tt- ceacrallaterttt bat - 'nil' - - The name of tha wrtler oast always fea t I nlibod to UieEdlWr. -;! ' ' - OontattalcatioM mart be wt2ttsa ca cs)j oassUooC tbe paper. I 1 - 'I . ' IertonaKtlea mtttt be avoMaJL; .1 " I And It la especially and pardeulatfj osr- stood that tbe Editor does net arrays cadets the tie ws of corroepondents'nnleas sa stated in the editorial eohiBins. vi' !; r . . i ' ' t - - I-.-'"''- i 1 - NEW AJ VEirriSnilIEllT3. Bargaino ! -AT- 36 Market Street; -r, A GRKAT MAST DESIEA ? SELLING OKF- LOW TO MAKE If h i .ROOM FOR '1 SPRING STOCK ! -y. .st r- :-)-' JUST OBENBD . - , A FULL ASSORTMENTS 6f White Qoods,' JJlUUlUlUOllOOl p 1 . . , . Cambrics, Seersuckers, ; Ginghams, Sheetings, Housekeeping. Gooda. ALWATS ON HAND A ; FULL :..-LINE OF-rvvir ! Stapleand Fancy Dry.Gpbds, TJl. IVJ. tATZ!, 36 rJIarlcet CtroQt. Ian 29 Valentineo. JECKIVED BY EXPRESS. V A large awortment nt Aae fsinged vAXjarxxsisJ Also, beautiful CARD VAXXNTINES. Call and see for yourelre. ' I 1 ' . " ' . will be pleased with them. A j Also, COMIC VALENTINE 8. '. ; ' Wholesale and Retail. At j' HEINSBEKGER?S feb Lire Book and Music Star 66 GAKDEN SEEDS. ff FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS .Cftl- bage and Turnip Seed, arly and lat rarie tles; Collard. Beet ancWTomato Seeds, a Jars stock and an endless' variety of Peas aad Beans, retailed at wholesale price by . , j Manufacturing Pharmacists, t , 1.491 BHD AD WAY, KiiVf TOfcS, AND WILMINGTON, N. U. - . :.- jan .. .. .. , ..- ; , .; .1, 'if -t 1 Drugs, Medicines, rj SPONGES, FANCY GOODS, 1 ' ? PERFUMERY, BUKDWES, Ac, For sale by , WILLIAM U. GRZf , Market CtreH I feb? C VJ. YATE r : v i gCHOOL BOOKS, . . - ; . " BLANK BOOKS, v ' stationery.- ' ,; ' frames, ; " ;;' ' FANCY GOODS, - . . V' WRAPPING PAPER, . J j . PAPER BAGS.' Ki - ! .r-- ' f -.: "' A complete assortment PcutTacafll Y&ka " '-t- ."; tinea. . v. t ., . tb j ' 1 . Qr HARNEY JUST RECEIVED, and wll have another larg; lot pi pxtzszM few J Civs cs at ' : ' ' deez Bargait .t. 11 J . 1 . ; 1 A : " ,L:, ' - - T v-;fv?:if.:;:

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