THIS PAPER pnbliaiied cvery evening. Sundays ex oepted by JOSH T.JAMES, BDrrOB AJfDPBOrRIETOK.-.c,-nTPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ioo Six months, $2.00. Three ODemontlu.,tl.OO; One month, 35 cento. : w tn delivered bv carriers tree Tffl ln any part of the city, at the above ,2Tl0nt-Per week. ,.' l fusing rates low and liberal. . iVnbscribers will report any and all fail- hr nuner retrularly. -r to rectus " ---- Tlie Daily Review has the largest circulation, of any nctvspaper I the government that the white man has. bona'1. , ,..,i.. rir7JinM:rHetooisa ruler. That he may rule puMvttieti, m iny j AVm. K. Dot! (TO was worth fifteen mifiions. The Princess Louise will leave Ber muda Mareh 12th. -. t.. ifi-irtPr-Gov. Jewell, recently de- in - ' - telegraph ..imLt was a operator at Columbia, Ten". J, The cx-Em press Kugenic's interview with Prince Jerome Napoleon was of the most cordial character. Naturally, Birmingham, Ala,, the new iron manufacturing centre in the "southyis strong in favor of ''protection. : The Paris Gas Company has failed. The capital of the company was 1,500, 000 francs and its operations were enormous. , x It is a queer fact that in one shoe factory in Lynn, Mass., there are thirty women, all of whom are divorced wives. - Lemon iuice is ranked as a good pre ventive of malaria and it is said that cornjuice will conquer love more readi ly than absence. The Salvation Army has been sup pressed in New York and New Bruns wick. They are booked to appear in Raleigh on Sunday. . Bar room manners and worse are being imported into Washington City from the North and West, Vulgarity and obscenity seem very fam'ilirfr to the lips and ears of "loyal" representatives. Yesterday at noon the water at C.n cinnati registered 66 feet, 2 inche3. A Iraqtienal decrease was noted but it is feared that there are more floods yet to come. A Connecticut manufacturer is said to have made seventy-two thousand dollars last year, and had little boys from eight to .twelve years old .working ten hours a day for. fifteen cents a day. It is just such things as these that breed revolutions. Gen. William T. Sherman, at a cele bration of his 63rd birthday, speaking of the affairs of this'country, said that "peace is enervating." Whereupon the Augusta Chronicle remarks: Were he to visit the scene of his march through Georgia he might change his opinion The crypt tinkler the Cathedral at Garden City, L. I., intended, as a last resting place for the remains of the late A. T. Stewart.has been completed. The paneling and finishing of thex crypt cost over $25,000. It is 18 feet high. Two sides of it are occupied by windows and one side by doors. One hundred and twenty-five members ot the San Francisco bar petition' the Legislature to increase the pay of Surcrior Court judges iu the city and county of San Francisco to$S.OOO. claiming that men with "tlie. requisite character, talent and learning" for the bench will not serve on the present $4,000 salary. In North Carolina some of the best legal ability is expected to take the bench and pay traveling ex penses on $2,500 a year. The Whiteville Enterprise, iu an able editorial article, reviews' with forcible logic the proposition recently started to educate white children by means of money received from taxes paid by wnueme, ana colored children bvi means of money received from taxes paid by colored men. We wish we had space lor" the entire article, but must content ourselves with the following extract: Bat before proceeding further let us examine into this bill. Wro oppose it or variens reasons. First we do not believe it to be constitutional. It is in our opinion pure class legislation. It is m tiolation of the fourteenth amend ment to the Constitution of the United states. Our able contemporary, the Acu's and Observer, contends that such not the case. Upon what this opinion is based we are unable to see. It is certainly legislating in favor :of the "white man to the detriment of the aegro. This the fourteenth amendment xnost assuredly forbids, - . Wc oppose it again upon the ground tht it is at variance with the best in terests of our common country. The teat body of the people are the sover eigns of our" laud TheyirecV the af fairs of government. Tney are the rul ers. If the old maxim "vox populi vox t, is "true in any -government on earth; it is by the nature of our 1 insti tutions true in the government of the United States. Then, that these sover eigns may exercise their power wisely and Well that they may exercise their power intelligently, they must bo educat ed and enlightened,.. . . : ' f The negro has become a part of the i- 'I r VOL. VII. 1 WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16, body politic. He has the same voice in wisely it is absolutely necessary thatj he be educated. It may I appear, a ,very great burden for thewhite man to be tax ed for his educations but it is one of the evil consequences of slavery. He was thrust upon the people of the South as a factor in our government as the result ot war. He can not fc4 shaken off and it is necessary, as we can not be rid of him, that wc should elevate him. This can be done only by education"! . The oldest member" of the British Cabinet is Mr Gladstone, who is 73, and the youngest Sir Charles Dilke, who is 39. 1 1 art man, the Russia Nihilist how in Philadephiais about five feet eight inches in hieght. with an intelligent, frank, fearless countenance. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box ot Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure Co., 114Nassau Street. New York. . hi d&w i LOCAL1 NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At Melton's- j Yates School Books, Ac llErssBERGEK Vilentinei Mukds BEOS Garden Seed: W H Greejt Drugs, Medicines : j Hen fruit 15 cents a dozen. ; Who said this February ? is warm weather for Some light showers fell here at inter vals to-day. j ' j-'. Plenty of fine New Rlpr oysters in market to-day. M The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 3! bales. Very henvy fof in this latitude yes- terday morning: id this morning. SilyeriPlated Sjpoons and. Forks, low pflces, at Jacobins. ' i ' , " t Open doors and windows and alpaca coats were found comfortable to-day. Atv 3 o'clock this ! afternoon, the thermometer in this office registered 76 degrees, which is just summer heat. The sales of valentines in New York on Wednesday were unusally small. The weather may have had something to do with itr. In this city they Feem to have sold well. ' The Festival given last evening by the Scial Society of Front Street M. E Sunday School ya3 largely attended ahd-greatly enjoyed by the many who wero present and we are glad to know that the enterprising handsome little sun, their venture. lathes realized a as the result of Fit for Pestilence. j Chestnut street, near water, is in a fearful condition. It fairly reeks with filth. The attention ofthc health officers is ueeded. . Since the above was jwritten, we have been requested to call the attention to the condition of Toomer'sWiey, hear the Second street entrance. Both of the localities to which we have referred arc ripo for pestilence. ; A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t 6. & 0.KeclBook. We thank Mr. C. k I5rd, General Passenger Agent of thei Baltimore & Ohio R. R., for a copy of thc B. & O. Red Beok, for the currenfj year, entitled "How Twas Don." It is a special edition and contains raucji matter of in terest, notably the figures' to the re sults of last FalPs elections in the vari ous States. We shall preserve it care fully for future reference. 1 Kichards' New Metliod. , We have received frdm Saalfield's Music StoTie, 12 Bible House, N. .Y., and 10 Jackson Street, Chicago, an un pretentious little workl which speaks fr itself. .It is entitled "Richards1 New Method fortiiePiaxo FoirrE,MJ and the Publishers claim that anybody can learn to play the Piano wiOiQut a teacher by buying a copy of the same. Be this as it may, the work-comes in a very nice compact little shape, is printed from full size sheet music plates, and from what we can indge of if, is a work that ought to be in every household. It contains just e?wuhi rudimentary in, struction for the average beginner, has no tedious,' unnecessary repetitions, and in point of contents, its merits are ex ceptional. All the music in it is good and ''taking. , Sent post- paid by the Publishers on receipt of 75 cents. To Builders and others-Go to Jaco bits for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c ' You cau get all sizes and at the lowest prices. .-. , j ... : - - V .:' Vi - . ', u i : 1 : -Tlie Fire this Afternoon. -'About 4.30 o'clock this afternoon a warehouse on Eaglo Island, opposite the city, occupied by Messrs. Willard, and said . to have contained a large quantity of salt, was discovered to be on fire.: , The building was. entirely des troyed andiits contents in all probability ruined. We are unable to get particu lars in time for this issue. The Ball Last Night. The ball given at Germania Hall last night, complimentary to the Grand IxKlge, Knights ot Pythias, was largely attended, not only by the Knights and their ladies but by many invited guests. It is said by many who were present to hate been one of ihe most thoroughly delightful efforts of the kind ever known to Wilmington,' and it will long "be remembered and talked up by those who were . present. The musie was kept going until 5 o'clock this morning which is in itself an indication enjoyment of the occasion. of the Criminal Court. Tho following cases were called, and disposed of to-day : Wlham Cotton," larceny. Guilty. Eli Larkins, removing crops. De fendant submitted. 1 1 William James, assault and battery.' Guilty. . ". T , Thomas Dunn, assault and battery Guilty. ' , J'v?j": i ' : I James . Eagles, assaiilt and battery. Guilty. " 1 'r': Ll In neither of the above cases had judgment been pronounced when our report closed at 3 o'clock this afternoon. An exchangesremarks that, "the best teachers arejthose who learn something new tnemselves every day," so we an nounce this day that several; thousand important cures have been made by the use of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. , ; ' . District Conference. Wilmington District Conference, M. E.; Clujrch South convenes atWhiteville on Thursday.March 24th; The lolloW ing have been elected delegates from Fifth Street M. E. Church of this city : , W. M. Hays, T. T. Seeders, J: Gj Darden and G. C. Davis. 1" Alternates B. A. McClaramy and J. C. fillis, Esq. 1 !'J Revs. J. W. Craig, L. E , and Van J. Millis. L. P., are entitled to seats in the. body by virtue of their official position in the church. , ;,if j The' delegates from Front Street Church have not yet been chosen. i ; : f Stealing Trees.. - ; Some dirty thief or thieves entered the front yard ef. Mr. F. A. New berry; on ; Market, between Eighth and Ninth streets, last night and stole four of his best arbor vitas, i They were beautiful trees in which Mr. N. took much pride, ' and their' loss, althoueh intrinsically unimportant, is very an? noying. iSuchdeperdations may be very easily and safely accomplished, for it is very seldom that the streets are lighted in the suburbs of the city, and wc learn from several sources that none of the street lamps in that section of the city were lighted last night. Reform in this particular is much needed. 1 , i i For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Departed, i The Turks, with their companions, the bears, have left us, having crossed the Market street ferry for Brunswick county this alternoon. fThey stopped at the "Cart House1 on Market street last night, and in coming towards the ferry this morning they took a cirom&ms route, coming as far as Seventh street, thence to Orange street, thence to Front and thence to the river. . On the corner of Seventh and Market the procession frightened a horse, attached to a cartj causing him to run away and smash the vehicle when'uearihe cornerof Seventh and Dock streets. ' Fortunately no one wa injured. We would say , that a number bearly escaped, .but such a horrid pun could only. Apply to the turks who-escaped to Brumswick. ' The celebrated 'Fish Brand1 Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depof. " ' ' Br. brig Iris, Capt. Adams, r cleared foUayfor Pointa-Petre,'Gandal6upti with 13057 feet lumber" and-66.55Q shingles.7 valued :at $3I0:12r"shipped by Messrs. Northrop & CummingT"r Great Inducements ) .y In the way of Clothing are now being offered at the old establUbment of :1 -: " A-.:61. SnniSR.;' n: -j, -,-r Reliable Clothiss Hesse ; ' ;,tf. . Ko.3tlXarb:i,t.-, I THE MAILS The malls close and arrire at the City Poet office as follows : - : CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast.. 8.00 P. M. Northern through and ttt malls. ...5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. XL. Malls for the N. C: Railroad and . routes suppUed therefrom includ ing A. AX. C. Railroad a - ......5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily ..........6 30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daUy, (except Sunday) ; 5.00 P. M.- All points between Hamlet and Ral- I l?h -....-...5.00 P. M. Nftlaflfor CherawandDarlineton Kail- road 6 SO A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence! and Charleston.... 6.30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fearl River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M Fayetteville, via Lambertou, daily, except Sundays. i ...... . 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. IL and intermediate offl- -; i -ces, Tuesdays and Fridays.. ....... 6.00 A. M. Smlthrille malls, by steamboat, daily . i (except 8undays)..: ..8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, jTown Creek, ShaLlotte and little Itiver, Tues days and Fridays........ .....6.00 A.M. OPEN FOR DBLIVERY. Wrightsville, daUy 8.30 A. M. Northern through and .way mails , U I 7.30 and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails..'.... .7.30 A M Carolina Central Railroad. ......... 9.45 A. M .Mails collected from street boxes everyday at 3.30 P. M. i . Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to i'2M., and from 2 to 5.15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. - General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. What Seven Could not do. - Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. H H Warner & Co.: SirsSeven physicians could not do for me what your Safe Kidney and - Liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sice witn kid ney diseases, it restored me to - perfect health; -. JACOB MYERS. ..,,.'-. . ;r:';v:; jj -For the Review. The Railroad Commission. Mr. Editor: You were right in opposing ".a Railroad Commission, It will prove a - humbug and nuisance. Especially will this be so if the com mission Is made up of politicians and members of the legislature.. Will you not boldly advocate an amendment tt the Constitution that no member of the legislature shall hold a profitable office? The Democratic-party cannot quicker or more effectually dig its! own crave than to go on making fat offices for its own members ' and then filling them with prominent members of the legis lature. These men are no more fit for such business than an. alligator is t to run a steamboat. Experts, -scientific engineers, experienced railroad men, such as that able and useful man, Col. S. Tj. Fremont, are those to" make up a Railroad Commission. Is our own Freraent 'to be set aside by W. T. Dortch, James JL Robinson, or any small fry politicians of the prominent legislature? i . : a Fremont Man. Feb, 15th, 1883. t ! i - Mr A AMiller, Rom field' N., says. "My wife has taken Brown's Iron Bit ters with excellent effect for nervous ness and general debility." NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS' At TJlelton's I rjlHAT IB THE RESPONSE NINE TIMES out of ten when the question Is asked Where did you get that beautiful Beef ?" There is plantv more of the same sort left. It will bo a on sale to-morrow for Saturdays market. Also,-- ' POKKi VEAL, LAMB, MMTTON, : SAUSAGES, &c., Ac., &e. J. II. MELTON, N.-W. Corner Market and Second Streets, " rropriewr Ot tnc oniy oveain ougc feb 16 Factory in the Mate A New Stock O F SADDLES, BRIDLES, TBUNK8, Ac., Ac. , just received irom me aianuiactarcrs. Parties in need of any) article in my line would do well to give me a call, as I am now in receipt; of new stock, and selling at low prices for Cash. ) Manufacturing and Repairing done at Short notice- CaUat the old Saddle and Harness Store of J. II. MALLARD, jan 15- No. 8 Front St Com mere i a I H o t e I Wilmington,. C. . . M. SGHLOSS, Prop. FIRST-CLASS Di EVERT RESPECT. First-class Bar and BILLIARD SA LOON ATTACHED. f . ap 7 Great Bargains. OA' PIECES REST BLACK SILKS, ZCJ SATINS AND BLACK CASS. "infl DOZ. GERMAN AND IRISII LINEN IVU Towels, Blankets and Domestics, to be old at reduced prices. , , , 7 WiU close put my entire stock of , Carpets, Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Sfp'y. aid Office . j ' i Matting. Call and examine before ; purclias- Ingel8ewnrtril V4 U 'C I, : Also, full stock of Clothing sad Undershirts, from the cheapest to the best. Largest stock of Bed and "White Flannel, sol bearT 20 Market St. , ? New;;Biver -Oysters.. TlHE FIRST OF THE SEASON. ;v ; From the eelebrstea Winbry Farm on New Eirer. . Also, Vflnea, Ales,, Liauors ana cigars ana free lunch every day. WWiW 1883. NO." 42 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , TJotice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBT cautioned and forewarned et the crew of sm;?. barque TIIEO iuK.LArson,as neiuicr the JUaster or Consignees will be responsible iorvany neots conrractca br them. liEIDE CO., i Consignees. feb lt-3t Horses and Mules for Sale. - . - . , K . , I : . . ':- - J AM OFFERING 3j or 4 good Mules and Ilorses at a bargain, for want of work. . feb 14 ' jL A. SPRINGER. Seed Rice. 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) BUSHELS SEED BICE, For sale. feb 13-tf GEORGE W. KIDDER. PACIFIC GXJANO. - Just received and for sale, SOLUBLE PAGIFIC GUANO, " ' ' " AND : ' Dissolved BonePhosphate. We never have had, the first complaint f ' S ' - these Fertilizers not bringing a profitable crop i. See our Country Agents. ' i , ALEX. SPRUXT & SON. feb 2-d&w-2m P. M. Hale's Publications. WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 vol. i2mo., Clelth, $1.23. "The uublicatlon of such facts la a shape that makes them accessible, is the very beet service that the public spmtfcu men in the South' can do their States." X. Y. World. , . ; , "The very thing needed. A very Important .woTKiortne state." nttnungton Afar. "A timely and valftable publication. Must prove of great service to the State." Char lotte Journal. . j : - "Mr. Hale has done the State a great er vlce."--Biblkal Eecorder. - j (: "Of such thorough excellence that it ' de serves the widett circulation. Xashville (Tobd.) Lumberman. The book is well printed on tinted paper, is handsomely bound in cloth, contains 272 pages ana an accurate ana ucauuruuy exemtca map or tne stauv wan an its raiiroaa routes oe tlned. - - ' j 0 ' EVERYBODY'S BOOK. Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers oy jutymen. 1 ..: . ... Points in Law a t value to every man in North Carolina the ProfeMonal man. the Farmer. the Mechanic, iho landlonl, the Tenant, the CropperJ the Laborer. 12mo , paper, Price (Five Postage Stamps) 13 cents. ' For sale by booksellers generally, who may be snpplled In quantities on favorable terms, by either of the undersigned., i "If not to be had. at your (local book store,' mailed po6tpaid oa rec lptiOf the price, by I I E. J. HALE A SON, Publisher. Bookellcrs and Stationers, N. Y.; or, P. M. Hale, Publisher, Raleigh, N. C. feb 14 i . fJotice. rjpUE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALI ficd as Administrator on the estate of Robert C. Myers, deceased, on the 7th day; of Tebru- ary, 18S3, in the Probate Court of Now Hano- . i ver County, notice U hereby given to 'all per . - i ' sons indebted to said deceased, to make im mediate payment; and all persons having claims asrainst saki estate, will present them for payment on or before the Otli day of Feb ruary, 1884, or this notice will be plead in bar or their recovery. This 0th day of February, 1S83. L ,- J. I. MACKS, feb 0-law4w fri i Adm'r. Breech-Loaflers. -pINE BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS, Shells, Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartridge Bags, Gun Cases. Reloading Tools, Game Bags, Pis tola all kinds. If you want a first-class arti cle of the above good 3, and low prices, lbs same can be found at - . W. E SPRINGER & CO'S. -V Successors to Dawson A Co., feb 7 19 21 and 23 Market Street FANCY LAMPS. ANOTHER LOT JUST RECEIVED. GILES A MURCmSON. 2S and 44 Mnrcblson Block feb 2 j Assignee's Sale. ; TirEUNDEBSIGNED AS ASSIGNEE on der s deed of trust from George M. Cra pon, and in pursuance of the provisions there of, will sell st public auction, foe eah, on Saturday: the 24th. day of February, 1S63, the stock of Groceries and other personal prop erty, conveyed by said deed and contained in Stores Nos. 10 ami 18, on Front Street. Bale will begin st said store st 11 o'clock, sod be continued' from day to day until good are sold. i A.G.1SICAUD, . feb3w I - - . Assignee. Excursion andPic Nic SEASON 13 OVER. THE THEATRICAL . ;.. i ... 1 and Ball season U now opening. Gentlemen who are used t FIIIST-CLASS work and a clean and Comfortable Barbershop, will find It st . ' JOHN WEIWER3, Practical Barber and Perfamer. No. 23 Market Street, between Front and - Water Streets.. ctr"4.f .Buggies ! ! Buggies I J-EW AND SECOND HAND FOS SALE boms Bargains. : .-J ( -T. J EOCTHERLAND,' ? - dia 13-tf ' Xvayz3,iL3 ;sV.:i we wui befisd to recetv coanriillcsi from our friends on any sad all citjtcti ct feaersl Imterest but ' v '' '. 1 The maza f the writer must twsjs Mtsr nlshedtothoEaltox. " Commnlcsttonscrait b C2I7 cmosldeof do paper, ; , . , ' Personalities mnst be stcLIwL: And It Is' especially and psrUcularty czia--tood that the Editor docs not always ta&rso the views of correspondents unless ta itktsd In the editorial columns. " NEW APVEIgriJ3EijTjTToj j; ins I Bargains t f. AT 36 Market "Street. ' ' A GREATf MANY DESIRABLE WIWTER COO B C SELLING OFF LOW TO MAKE j ' ' ' : ' f j j SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED 1 - -v ' "... I ........ - A FULL, ASSORTMENT OP ite Goods, i V Embroideries, Oamljlrics, ! ' " j ...... Seersuckers,. 1 ""' ams; Sheetings,-; ing;. Goodo. ALAvaYS ON II AND A FULL! r'"--:'v-l'LIKE OF v Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods, . J . . . " . . - , 36 Twlarket Ctreot. fan .20 ' 1 !f yalentiheG. "DECEIVED BY EXPRESS, l j A large assortment of Hoc ! . i j FRINGED VAUMTiaXS. Also, beautiful CARD VALENTINES. j Call and sea for yourselves. 1 know ytt s will be pleased with them. Also, COMIC YALERTIXES. ' Wholesale snd Retail. At v. ...... . . -1., .-' ) : , HEINSBERGER'S, feb 12 v. Live Book snd Mnslo Store GARDEN SEEDS."' AFRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS mf Cab , , '. " -j. -j .... .. ... bage snd Turnip Seed, early snd lata varie ties; Collard, Beet snd Tomato Seeds, a large stock snd an endless vsriety of Peas and jcoiui, reuujeu at wnoiessja price by ' 1.491 BKOADW AY, NEW TOEX, AND WTLMINGTON, N. C. ? i Jan 29 .. . . I i i . Drugs, Medicines, ! ' "'. J k" ' ,.' ?y .. j -. ' "'" gPONGES,' FANCY GOODS. . 1 . ' PERFUMERY, SUNDRIES, Ac V -For sale by " ." 1. ,.;.. -. 1 : WILLIAM IL GREXN febp t . , . , - , Market Street C. W.. YATEC. s BLANC BOOKS, ' , . STATION ER Y, . FKAMK3, ' FANCY GOODS. AYRAPPING PAPER, i u ' TAPER, BAGSj ;V f A complete ihsVortmcmt SculimenUl Yak- tiei.-; - ' - '";. feb , IOO Goto Or HARNESS JUST RECE1YED, sad wU havs another large; lot of Erjlcsn s few :?.::: -' -'. --v.-.i-, ! ;. sys GlTD USSCa . Housekeep 1