THIS PAPER published every evening. Sunday ex cepted by JOSHT.JAME8, EDITOR AI PROPRIETOR. 9CBSCGIP.TIOSS POSTAGE PAID: Ql)e year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three months, $1.00; One month, S3 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above rate, or 10 cents per week. Advcstlalng rates low and liberal, ia-hab-icribeni will report any and all fall ow to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper punished, in the city of Wilmington. Blaine is as superstitious as Garubet- General Fremont's son, who is nam ed after him, is a master in the navy. - (Tor. Cleveland, it is said, will not 1 T f .-.1 srend more thanone-tnirii oi nis salary. The Pennsylvania State board of Ag riculture estimates' the "wheat crop of the State at 2-J.42.3.000 bushels, Irom 1, 4r,000 acres. In Baltimore a young woman .has re cently renounced Christianity and em braced Judaism, and she has no mat rimonial scheme in view. Massachusetts is a great "State for di vorces. There will be a big sensation of this kind on hand next, year, that of the divorce of the State from the Widow Butler. The total circulation of the New York &m in 1882 (all issues) was 55,- 536,000, a gain of over 5,000,000 copies in a single year. It's daily edition alone averages 143,200. I . . I The scheme of reclaiming land by filling in the Back liay of Boston has proved a profitable enterprise for the State. The receipts from the sale of lots amount to $1,757,000, and the out lay has been only $1,G40,0C0! . General Roger A. Pryorhas consent-, ed to deliver an address at the demon itration of the Irish Confederation of America, in Neir York, on the 26th of February. The Widow Butler.of Mas- sachusetts, has aiso been invited, and ia expected to be present and make an address. The Tarboro Southerner is to be sold at public auction March 19th, under foreclosure of mortgage. It is a sur prise to everybody, as it was thought that the Southerner was doing excel lently well. The sale, it is said, will in no wise prevent the continued publica tion of the paper. Four Chicago men have contracted to build a Capital for Texas, to cost $3,000,000, and take 3,000,000 acres of public land as payment. Their scheme contemplates an immense .business in grazing, and they have secured $6,000, 000 for investment in cattle and im provements. Mrs. Langtry seems tp be really un fortunate as fire and flood have followed ker steps in the New World. The theatre in New York in which she was to have appeared was burned on the day set for her first appearance there, while she was at New Orleans there was a terri ble storm and now she is at Cincinnati with the floods all around her, When the rest of the coal in the world gives out, China can supply the deficiency. Immense tracts, both of anthraetivc and bituminous coal, arc reported to exist in that country and it is estimated that the supply in a single province, that of Shansi, would alone last the whole world for more than 1, 000 years. Some of the papers arc urging that Most, Schwab and Hartmann and all other imported apostles of anarchy and chaos be sent back where they came from. We dissent. This is a free land . and a free people. Wheh Most talks to the people the sovereigns hear and if they conspire at all it must needs be 2ainst their own welfare. We need not fear nihilism in this land of the free and home of the brave. Here is a warning, to serenaders which should be heeded, A girl at Pottsville. la., leaned too far out ot the window while a party of seranaders were swear iQg by her eyelashes and. as a conse quence there was a capsize. She fell into the midst of the crowd and her evel9shQ worn (V.nfw1 t m wpJo'h li ton. more or less. The 2,577 buildings erected in New Yor in 18S3cost $44,793,186. an'incrcase r about $1,500,000 over 1881. Twenty dwellings cost over $50,000 each, eighty eight cost between $50,000 and $20, 00,477 cost less than: $20,000. 577 apartment houses cost over $15,0C0 each, twenty-five office buildings cost $1,403,645, seventeen : churches cost $562,000, and twelve theatres cost $410,- i5. Great Inducements In the way of Clothing are now -bein offered at the old establishment of : A. & I. SrjRIEK. " Reliable Clothing House, tf- : No. 34 Market St. A VOX. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C SATUR DAY. FEBRUARY The Neios and Observe?, spakin of the bill to sacrifice the State's interet ! in the C. F. & Y. V. R. K.says : ' tbe State,s interest to the syndicate: the second nxes the price of the : stock at $55,000, and requires the payment of cash for thtf company's bonds held by the State, 30,000. together witl all ac crued interest. The third and; fourth relate to reorganization ;! the fifth allows new mortgage bonds to be issued at the rate of $15,000 for each mile of furnish ed road. The sixth directs that 97.- iK)0 of these bonds be paid to the State for convict labor already furnished, and section seven provides for furnishing convict labor in future, to! be paid for in mortgage bonds. Section nine reads: 'That said company shall have fall power and authority to extend the main line of its said road to the city of Wilmington and to the Virginia line,1 and to build any branches to said . line which may be expedient, and to sub scribe" to the capital sock of or purchase the bonds of any company or compa nies building a railroad or railroads connecting with said Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company's line, cither in or out of j the State of North Carolina, and to construct and operate said connecting rdads." j This certainly, gives authority, but creates no duty. Wc thiiikjthere ought to be some assurance given that the road is to be built. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box , of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure; Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. m d&w l j LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books, Ac j j i Hkixsberger Vslentines j NT. Ezekiel. flair Restorer Rev. Bej. Lawsoo-Notice Muxds Bros Garden Seed V II Greex Drugs, Medicines .E P Covix6to' Oleomargarine . It II Brown CancersSpoaitlvely Cured; Day's length 11 hours and 2 minutes Good boatiDg water is i the river re port now. ! j . Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 44 minutes past 5 o'clock. There were no interments vue Cemetery this week. I n Belle- The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 460 bales. at t this port There were three interments one adult and two children in Oakdale Cemetery this week, j j There were five interments four adults and one child in Pine Forest Cemetcrv this week. I The Wilmington Light Infantry will parade on the afternoon ot the22d, Washington's birthday. ! Lots of fruit trees are in bloom here abouts, a sure indication that ; tlje fruit crops in this locality will be short this year. , 1 : t ; ' - i . The Register of Deeds issued, nine maVriarro licenses this week, three of which were for white aud six foil color ed couples. The celebrated 4Fish Brandl Gills Twine is sold only- at ware Depot. Jacobi's Hard t f Cotton.! The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up 3,773 bales, against 2,500 bales for the same week in 1882. an increase this week of 1,207 balpsj I The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 111,707 bales, against 122,761 bales to the same date last year,, a decrease this year of 11,054 b$les. j Pardoned. Charles Southerland, colored, who was sentenced to the penitentiary from' this county for ten years, has been pardened by the Governor, on petition of a number of white citizens of, Wil mington, after having served about six years of his term. He returned here yesterday morning. He will be; re membered by many as a colored in spector in this city previous to the days ot Democratic reconstruction in North Carolina. I Un mailable. Mary J. Council, Raleigh, N. C; Lavinia Brown. Blacketwell, S C; Robert Fink,eare Mr. Senmann.Georges town, S.C.; J. H. Wheeler, Greenville, S. C. ; John Fonville, care Pompey Smith, Congulton, N. C; Mr. Smythe, 50, East Pratt St.,opposite President St., Baltimore, Md?; J. W. Hawkins, Kel ley's P. O., Bladen Co.. N. C!; Mr. E, A. Barnhill. Kelley's P. ol. Bladen Co., N. C; James Jones, care Volney Jones. Tlat Rock, N. CJ; Dr.1 L. A. Rutherford, box 20, Lumberton, N. C; Blancbo K. Evans! Town Creek, N. C.; two valentines addressed to the Misses Jnlia and Blanche HarrellJ car Dr. L. Harrell, StatesVille, C. , . ' '": ' ' ' ' ... t " Tbe Carol iii a Central. f e learned yesterday of the fact that j Judges Bond and Seymour had finally rendered a decision as to the suit of Mrs. Matthews vs . D. R. Murchison and had refused to grant the applicant for the appointment of a receiver, but the firo overlapped it in our mind and we forgot it until after the Review had .gone to press. The opinion has not yet been received here. ' Tfe understand from the plaintiffs attorneys in this eity, Messrs. Russell & Ricaud and MeRae & Strange, that this decision will not affect the determi nation of their client to push the suit against the road. The application for the appointment of a receiver has been merely preliminary to the suit in court. I Lawyers will gladly leanf that Broughham, the great English barris ter, was always careful of his throat, and further that Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up is the best remedy for bronchitis and other throat troubles. j A Sewer Needed. Chestnut street, near Water, is much cleaner to-daythan it was yesterday. Officer Scharfi was on hand bright and early this morning and the gutter and the street have had a good flushing. The truth is it is a! difficult matter to keep the place clean. The Rock Spring Hotel slops are emptied every day into the street and thej don't smell very sweet. This cannot be helped, how ever, as it is at present, bui there, is a remedy, and bat one, and that is for the authorities to compel the owner of the building to construct a sewer to carry off these slops. Until that isdone the neighborho6d must continue to prove offensive and perhaps unhealthy. I For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery,' go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot.. ,f All that Glitters is not Gold. Some of the new five cent pieces have been seen here and it will seem absurd to men in the habit of handling consid erable amounts of specie that even ig corant persons should be deceived by one of them eren when carefully gilded. Tht danger exists, however. Anyone may convince himself of this by having one of the coins gold plated, and no- ting the resemblance in size and general appearance of the obverse to a five dollar piece. A statement that the gilded piece was of a new coinage would be easily swallowed by many of thorery class whioh can least afford to loose. More About the Fire. The loss sustained by the fire yester day afternoon, in the burning jof the warehouse n Eagle Island, amounts to about $8,000 on the stock of salt and guano stored therein and about $2,500 on the building, the amounts being covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown but it must have caught on Jthe roof from a spark, the building having been an old one and yery dry. There was no powder stored in the building, contrary to the reports which have been current on the streets and the explosions which were heard must have orignated from the acids in the fertilizers stored there. The wind, fortunately, was from the. south- west, ihence endangered. no other property, was Criminal Court. j i The following cases were disposed of to-day: ! Peter Durant, assault. . Nol prost Thomas Randall, assault and battery Guilty, and recognized in the sum of $50. . F. A. Schutte, selling liquor on Sun day. Defendant submitted. Judg ment suspended apon payment ocostsI J. D. Steljei, selling liquor on Sun day. Defendant submitted: Judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. Lany Isler, assault and battery. Nol pros. :Ida Chambers, retail iug liquor with" out license. Submitted and judgment suspended upon payment of costs. - John McGuire, .mismarking a hog This defendant was tried for the crime charged six months ago and was found guilty, but before sentence was pro nounced he escaped. He has been re taken and now awaits sentence. The business of the present I term, of court has been unusnally Jarge, the work of the grand jury not being jet completed. ThatVody Jiai adjourned until lOjo'clock on Monday next, and probably a day or two will be consumed before its labors are finished, jln the court room considerable progress has been made with the docket, the Solicit tor. Col. B. R." Moore, having been earnest and diligent in the discharge of his important duties. SUverPlated Spoons and'Forks, low prices, at Jacohi'3. . t ' At 3 o'clock this aftersnoon the thee mometrtn this office registered 80 de grees, which is four degrees above Sum mer heat. Mr R H Brown, in this issue adver tises his servicesfin the treatment and cure of; that terrible malady, cancer, o common and fatal in this section. ! -j : Xippincott's Magazine. I The-contents of LippinotCs for March are uuusually varied, and include sev erai articles of special interest. Pro fessor James D. Butler has an appar ently exhanstive paper on the "Por traits of Columbus " "Invalid Life in the South'' sums up the experiences of five years spent in the recovery of health. 4,The Civil Indian' gives an account - of the Cherokee "Nation." "An Ocean Swordsman," is the title of an illustrated paper by C F Holder, combining a lively narrative of person al adventure with solid and quasi-scien-1 tific information. "The Story of the Palatines," by Charles Burr Todd, brings to light a forgotten episode in the history of American colonization, while "Polanders in Texas," by R L Daniels, shows the different conditions under which emigrants from remote countries are establishing new homes on our soil at the present day. There is a new installment of "The Jewel in the Lotos." Among the short stories, "Carita" is a very graceful and pathetic sketch, while "The Fiddler of Batis- can," is romantic and sensational, and the "Stirring-Off," a bit Of homely real ism. The!poetrry is byMarion Couthoujy and Charles L Hildreth, and the "Monthly Gossip" includes several tin.ely papers, most of them biographi cal and anecdotical. 1 Point Caswell, Feb. 15th,H883. Dear Review: A most j enjoyable affair occurred here last evening. . Mc Guire Hall was graced with the pres ence of at least 100 couples of fun-loving il- A 1 i - )uuiua auu iuuiucus, mm 10 inspiring strains, the tripping of the light fantas tic was indulged in until a late hourl The ladies were graceful and charming, and, were we to go into a detailed ao 4 count'of any particular one.our language would fail us. They, in the words of the Wilde" man ot Europe, were "too utterly lovely, too utterly too." The occasion was graced by the winsome smiles of a beautiful and newly-made bride. All went "merry as a marriage bell," and the time will be long remem bered in the annals of the fast growing and enterprisingjittle "bum" of Point Caswell. I Little Harry. What Seven Could not do. Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. 1 H H Warner & Co.:I Sirs Seven physicians could not do for me what your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished, i Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it restored me to perfect health. JACOB MYERS. Mr A A Miller, Romfield, N C, says; "My wife has taken Brown's Iron (Bit ters with excellent effect for nervous ness and general debility." "j! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oleomargarine. 100 TUBS ON CONSIGNMENT, OF ' . . , A FULL LINE I "HEAVY GROCERIES, For sale low for cash, feb 17- . E. P.. COVINGTON. Notice. THE REV. -BENJAMIN L. A WSON! of the town of Sumter. S. C, is In this city to ask aid of the good citizens to build a Church Any amount given will be thankfully received. ! ! ' Mr. V. F. Lawson Is au thorized by his Church at Sumter, S. C. to act as financial agent for his Chnrch, and is here asking help t9 build. feb lf-2t Cahgers Positively Cured ! ripREATMENT PUREiIy SCIENTIFIC. I The ?L agencies employed are Dr. Cook's celebra ted specific and antidotal remedies, by which every root and fibre, and a'l cancerous taint Is radically and permanently removed. Ca aultatlon In person free, by letter six cents, postage must be Inelosed t lssarc reply. Per sons in the city can be waited upon and con sulted at their residences If desirable. Office Nsrth side Market street, between 2d and Srd. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. ! febl7 3t-sa E. II. BROWN. Laboratory of State Absatteb and Chemist, 600 East Grace Street. i Riciwoxd, Va., January 30th, 1SS3. Mn. N. Szekiel has made known to me the competition of his Balr Hestorer and I have also subjected it to cbemlcnl examination. It contalas no lead or silver, ynbstances very commonly employed in making preparatien tor the italr, cor anything liarmfal, ami may therefor.' be used without apprehension of in jurious results. I WM. H. TAYXOR. M. D SUte Chemist. Whilst thanking yon, Mr. Fzekicl, for the Hair Restorer yen so kindly cent me, I take t pleasure in saying to you tnat its ueno- cul ccects upon my hair have been so appar ent as to attract tbe commendation of all my friends who have noticed it, - i It is In my estimation a treasure, without which the toilet of none who tue used it will be complete. . Hoping It may realize yon tbe pecuniary success you so richly deserve. 1 remain, very respectfully, . MRS. A. K. T; Wisp. Richmond, Va Teb. 27. 1S67. , For sale by all druggists Price fl per bot tle , . tUJ 17, 1883. NO. 43 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Horses and Mules for Sale. I ' ' J AM OFFERING 3 or 4 good Mules and Horses at a bargain, for want of work. feb 14 J. A. SPRINGER. Seed Rice. 500 (FIVE iiukdred j BUSriELS SKKD BICE, ' For sale. . j fcb l3 tf GEORGE W. KIDDER. PACIFIC GUANO. J ust received and for sale, I SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, AND Dissolve d B one Phosphate . We never have had the first complaint af I. these Fertilizers not bringing a profitable crop See our Country. Agents. ALEX. SPRUNT A SON feb 2-d&w-2m ! P. M; 'Halo's, Publications. ' TO3T33 WOODS AND TIMBERS 6F NORTH CAROLINA. . ! i - .1 vol. 12mo., Cloltb, $1.25. i r 'The publication of such facts in a shape that makes them accessible, is the very bc?t service that the public.spirited men in the South' can do their States." X. Y. World. I .j .. wont rorino scaTe.''- n ummgton Mar, "A timely and valuable I publication. Must prove of kieat service to the State. "-VCTirtr- lotte Journal. "Mr. Hale has done the State a great er vice " Biblical Recorder. "Of such thorough excellence that It de serves the . .widc&t clrcu lation. NushviUe (Tenn.) Lntnoerman The book Is well printed on tinted paper, la nanusomeiy uounu in ciotu, contains 'iTi pages and an accurate and beautifully executed map of the State, with all its railroad routes de ll nea. EVERYBODY'S BOOK. Answers to simple question frequently pxit to lawyers uy daymen. Jf oints in Law of value to every man in North uaronna me I'roresfionai man, the rarmer. the Mechanic, ihe Landlord, the Tenant, tbe cropper, tne moorer. . i 12mo.. paper,- Price (Five Postage Stamps) il tCULS. . . . For sale by booksellers generally, who may oe snppneu in quantities on ravorauic terms, by'eithef of the undersigned. If not to be had at your local book store, maiiea posi-paia on receipt or the price, by E. J. HALE & SON. ! Publisher?, Rpokellers and Stationers, N. T. or, r. ax. iiaie, I'ubiisher, Kaielgti, H. C. feb 14 i Breecli-Loaders, T?INE BREECH-LOADING! 81IOT-GUN8, Shells, Wads, Powder, Shot, Cartridge Bags, Gun Cases. Reloaling Tools, Game Bags, Pis tols all kinds. If yon want a first-class arti cle of the above good 5, and low prices, the same can be found at t V. IT. SPRINGER A jCO'S, . Suocessoi8 to Dawson &,Co., feb 7 19 21 and 23 Market Street FANCY LAMPS. . i . i NOT HER LOT JUST RECEIVED. GILES MURCHISON, feb 2 38 and 40 Murchison Block Assignee's Sale, riHIE UNDERSIGNED AS ASSIGNEE un X dcr a deed of trast from George M. Cra pon, and in pursuance of the provisions there of, will sell at public auction, for. cash, on Saturday, the 24th day of February, 1883, the block ot groceries ana oiner personal prop erty, conveved by said deed and contained in Stores os. 16 and 1?; on Front Street. Sale will begin at said store at 11 o'clock, and be continued from day, to day until goods are sold. A. G. RICAUD, feb 3-3w Assignee. Excursion and Pic Mic - i ' SEASON! IS OVER, THE THEATRICAL, and Ball season Is now opening. Gentlemen who are used to FIRST-CLASS work and a clean and Comfortable Barber shop, will find It at , i JOHN WERNER'S, Practical Barber and Perfumer. No. 29 Market Street, between Front and Water Streets.. , oct-7-tf : A New Stock- Of Saddles, bridles, trunks, &e., Ac, just received from the Manufacturers. : .1- I Parties In need of any article in my line would do weU to give me a call, as I am now in receipt Jot new stock, and selling at low prices for Cash, j ' Manufacturing ajid Repairing doue at Short notice- Call at the old Saddle and Harness Store of J. IL MALLARD, Jan 15- j . o.S Front St Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. JpiRST-CLASS IN ETERY RESPECT. T Irrst-cla&s Bar and BILLIARD SA LOON ATT AC HKD, a S7 New Eiver Oysters. rjlUE FIRST OF TUJS SEASON. , From the celebrated vnnbury s arm on ewjuver. i AUa, Wines, Ales, Lloaors and Cigars and iree toncn every oay. tan o'ciocs. I JOHN CARROLL, Xietrcpoliraa fialoosu sept S3 PLEASE KOriCE. Wo wni be glad to receive ebamofilcaUsr from onr friends on any. and all subjects of general interest bot ' ? " ; '. The name of. the writer moat always 1m far ! nlsbed to the Editor. 1 Communication mast be wrlttea ca csly Hme aide of the paper. t : ji PersonaliUoamTifltbc avol-tod.: j1 y And It la especially and parttceJarrj tadsr. stood that the Editor doea not always endorse the views of correspondent Vma ao stated' In the editorial column. j NEW AOVERTISEMS1IT3. Bargains ! ino ! AT zrvr 332' .-A. .T '25 -1 36 Market Street. j A GREAT MAX DESIRABLE j WINTER GOOD SELLING Oinr LOW TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK t JUST OPENED FULL' ASSORTMENT OF WhiteGoods, li f " ' Embroideries Cambrics, : ' Seersucker J, Ginghams, . Sheetings, - v ing Goods. ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF . ' Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, AT 36 nIarket Street. fan 2d Valentines. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. A large assortment of like h : - - . ' - - , 1 1 s v . FRINGED VALESTIXES, Also, beautiful CARD VALENTINES. I t Call and see for yonrselves. I know will Tc pleased with tbom. , Also, ijOMIC VALKSrriNKS. , ! Wholcahjand Retail. At HEINSBERGER'S, fob 12 IJre Book tad Music Store GARDEN SEEDS." FRESH LOT OK ALL KINDS of C- S5ff?inl!T?IP 8ed ' ly nd late varle tie.; i Collard, Beet and Tomato heeds lSws stock ami an endless variety of f'cas aiVj Beaus, retailed at wholesale prioee by ' iliundo Bros.. Manufacturing PharmaeUU, 7 and wnQsTK'c'' y ' Drugs, Medicines, gPONGES, I'ANCY GOODS,. . PE QFUMER Y, 8UNDRIEJ, Ac For sale by WILLIAM IL GRX2N, - Market Street feb? C. W. YATES.1 gCHOOL BOOKS, . BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANGT GOODS, WRAPPING PAPER, , PAPER BAGS; ; s . A roropte aMOTtment Sentlasental Yalea tine fCb v - 1 ICO Goto i .) QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and irtl hareaootber iargfjlot of BusgleO1 a few' ays. G1t6 uaac . . Barga Hdusekeer f - I