THIS PAPER cepted by , i JOSH T. JAMES, - - hsitor ahd rsorsirroK. SO BSCRI PTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Ona year $4.00. Six months, 2.00. Three month, $1.00 ; Oae month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by caiTiers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the abOTe rate, or 10 cente per week. : Advertising rate low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fall ore to receive their paper regularly. j-jr The Daily Review has the largest Una fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. -3 Senator- Fryc, of Maine, is 52 in years, but'ho is older than" that in some other things. Princo Albert Victor, the future King of England, (that is provided ) will finish hi education in Germany next fcuranier. General Grant is now an activo member of the lobby in Washington, Mexican schemes in which he is inter ested with Jay .Gould and others re- crivinghis epecial attention. - - ' William Darrinston of Park- county, Ind..ased 5, i3 emphatically a marry ins man, having just wedded his eighth spouse. What a "family circle" he will have in the sweet bye and bye! -, The number of sheep in North Caro lina ia 167,000. The loss by dos. ' dis ease and stress of weather is 104.000. The loss by dogs alone is 47,000. -The nonibor of sheep owners is 53,000. i Northern and Western papers see in the floods now ravins the iolly of de stroying forest timber. The destruc tion ot tho forests causes the rapid meltinrr oi the snow and consequent floods. - It is reported that the coinage of tho new five-cent nickel coin is to be sus pended at once, the Secret Service men objecting to the piece because by gild ing it could be made to resemble a five dollar gold piece. . .a A brilliant galaxy so to speak: Tho Wilmington Slur, the Iiockingluuu Jifclit, the Clinton "Caucasian, and the Williamston Times, all of which think that "in educating the negro you spoil a good field ham I." Big Four! . Augusta News: Paul II. Ilayne is not in vigorous health, but his friends assert that he leels able to thrash the party that palmed off upon the public the atrocious cut dubbed the laureate's portrait. It looks as much like the gifted bard as Lydia Pinkham resembles Mrs. Langtry. The Commissioner of Pensions, it was supposed, would require $100,000. 000 for pensions during the current fis cal year. It is now ascertained tjiat he will need only about $85,000,000, and this unexpected surplus of revenue has made itself felt in the recent operations of the Treasury. - Wo hasten, says tho Sunlo express our hope that no pecuniary misunder standing between Col. Tom Ochiltree and the United States Government, no mere consideration of dollars and cents, may deprive the Forty-eighth Congress of the services of tho eloquent and he roic Texan. Thatwculdboa national misfortune to Ochiltree. Mr Durant, of the Texas Legislature, ays of the editor of the Dallas Times; 'The call of my county forbids that a personal adversary should mar my peaceful feelings now, but when my of ficial duties will have been performed I shall then be ready to lash his infa. mous carcass to the post of public opin ion, and split his bull dog bide with a eat-o-nine tails ? The Senate will elect a President pro Urn., as the term of Senator David Da vis, of Illinois, expires on the 3d of March. . It is thought that Billy Ma hone will hold the casting vote. This election cannot bo held unless Mr J Jans should resign as his term of office and the present Congress expire to gethcr. Wilmington Star. A mistake! Davis term is not co existent with the Senate, only with the will of the Senate. Ho is not Pres ident by virtue of ofiice (as would have been the case had he been elected Vice President) but by virtue of the will of the Senate. Ho is not er-qficio but pro tempore and tho Senate can lead him down and out to-morrow ii they so desire. And Irom that decision there would bo no appeal. Ashevilie Citizen: . It is deliberately proposed in tho .General Assembly to amend th Constitution so as the tax paid by the whites lor school purposes shall go to educate the whites, and that paid by the blacks shall go to educate the black's. This opens up a new political question in North Carolina, and will scatter broadcast tho seeds : ot new race antagonisms, dissensions and enmities. It Is the entering wedgo 'to rac legislation which must tend to impair it not disrupt the amicable rela tions now existing between' the ttvo races; and those who have in keeping the future welfare of .Uorth Carolina should go slow in this, direction..: Ve canot afford to make any mistake on r i 'J VOL. VII. WILMINGTON, LOCAL NEWS. ! IHuca 1U RfcW ADVtnTIStlntlTS Yates School Books, &e j Mods Bros Garden Seed W it Greex Drugs, Medfctne. HkixbbeiIger Piano and Organs Lectcbe "The Cemetery of the ?et." . Gastox M. Hobbs What Cord Am I? Ottebbocrg Fall and Winter Clothin ;P L Bkidgexs Champagnes and Wine H 31 Bowdex k Co Country Merchant Liijuakv IlALir Prof. WUloughby Reade . . . The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot ug 593 bales. - " - j SilverJPlatod Spoons and Forks, low prices. at Jacobi's. ' j. j A few flakes of snow wero reported as bein in tbe atmosphere yesterday morning. j There are no engagements for . the Opera II.ouso until the Saturday before Easter, when the Hess ppcra Troupe are expected to give one pf their musi cal entertainments. In the investigation before the Mayor this morning-, of the cases of the young men who were charged with throwing rocks on St. Valentine's night, two were fined $5 each and the others wero discharged. 1 Some of our citizens have been flat tering themselves during5 the past week that the backbone of winter was ibro- ken, but from appearances yesterday and, this morning-we snould say tlfat if it had been broken it was very well and strongly mended again. Tho celebrated 4Fi.4h' Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at uacobi's Hard ware Depot. f Sudden Death. We learn that an ageil colored wo" man, the mother 'of Wesley Martin, while in attendance at service! at St Stephen's Church, colored, last night, sudlenly fell in what appeared to be a f tinting fit. She lived, however, biit a f w moments before she breathed her lat. We wereunabje io learn fur her particulars, but it Is bought that 'dis ease of the heart' was the cause of her death. ! Knights of Ifonor. From Dr7 W. J. H. Bellamy, of this city, we have s ;me points of interest relative to the K- ights of Honor.! The membership of the order in good standing on the' 1st Inst, was 125,780, The amount paid into the Widows' and Orphans' Benefit Fund jsince organiza-' tion fs-'as follows: To May 1st, 1875,1 $1,021.25; 1876, $40!000; 1877, $143, 000; 1878, $300,000; 1870. $922,000; 1880, $1,101,000; 1881, $1,351,000; 1882, $2,133,000; to January i 1st. 1883. $1, 699,000 ; to February 1st, 1883, (one month) $321,000. Total )aij out since organization $8.111 021.25. j j Exports Foreijrn. ! Nor barque Windsor, Walloe, clear ed henco to-day for Liverpool, with 3,038 bbls tar,valued at $0,835. shipped by Messrs Paterson, Downing & Co. and Br brig Alaska, Halcrou,, cleared also for Liverpool with 1,800 bales cot ton, 221 bbls tar, 50 do crude turpen tine and 201 do gum thus, valued jat $87,574, shipped by Mr. Eugeno Mc Donnell. j j r Criminal Court. The following cases wero disposed of to-day: " George L. Schntt and B. Schmidt, Assault and battery. GuiltyJ Septenced to pay a fine of $10 each and costs. .lames Burnett, Larceny. Guilty Two years in the State penitentiary. J. W. Wilborn (The noted tiverpocl cotton merchant concerning whom so much was heard last year) False pre-! tense. Quilty. Five years in tho Stato Penitentiary. In the following cases, which were heard and the defendants found guilty last week, the sentences wcro as fol low1: I j William James. Assault and battery. Three months in the County House of Correction. H Jessie Lanier, embezzlement. Motion in arrest of judgment overruled and defendant sentenced to four years in State Penitentiary. James Eagles. Assau lt and battery. Twelve months in County House of Correction. I Best ever made, Emorys Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to 1 take,: sugar coated; no griping; only J5 cents a box ot Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure Co., llTNassau Street, New York. 8m d&w Great Inducements In the way of Clothing aro now being offered at the old establishment of . A. & I. SaitrxB. - Reliable Clothing House. : tf. No, 34 Market Et. i An Outrage. ; Last Saturday afternoon the train on the.W'-. C. & A. Railroad,' which was due here at 5:20 p. m., stopped at Fair Bluff and took on a passenger, for Whiteville. After starting tho conddc tor called upon the man lor his ticket when the latteV, who had evidently been drinking, replied that ho had none and upon being asked for-the amount of the fare in money he stated that he bad none of that cither. The train w&a then stopped and the man. put-suV Art tho train got under headway again the conductor stepped ou to the rear plat form, when the man who had been put offj pulled out a pistol-and fired four shots at the train, one of which struck tho top of the car just over the conducr tor's head. The train was stopped and an attempt was made by the train hands to capture the would-be assassin but ho fled across; the fields and suc ceeded in eluding them. As it happen ed, however, ono of the deputy sheriffs of the county, - was "passing along the public road, with his dog," at no great distance and saw and heard enough to , . j know what was the matter and he in stantly gave chase, and in a short but sharp run succeeded j in capturing the fellow, whom he took to Whiteville, where ho was committed to jail to await an investigation. We believe the penalty for such an offense is five or six years in tho penitentiary and if up on trial the man is proven guilty it will prove a dearer ride than he bargained for. 'Why. what are you putting that on my feet for," asked a man with a heavy cold. Vhy, to draw the cold out of your head." answered the considerate ntirsc. "The deuce you say, I! would rather have it stay where it is than be drawn the whole length ot my bodj At any rate there is a more pleasant method than that; go and get me a bot. tic of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." j Southern 1 is tor leal Soclety j Papers. We have recleved the February and March number combined in one of the above named valuable magazine It is an interesting number, as the fol lowing table of contents will show : Gen Bragg's report of the Battle of Chickamauga ;" "Service of the Virgin ia (Merrimac) by Capt Catesby Ap R Jones ;.General Marmadike's Report of the Campaign against Steele in April, 1864;" "Recollections of Libby Prison," by Rev Dr J L Burrows; "Remininiscences of Floyd's Operations in 1861," by Dr Thomas J Riddle; "Confederate Artillery Service," by Gen BP Alexander; "Sketch of the Third Battery of the , Maryland Artil lery," by , Capt Willaim L- Ritter; "Reminiscences of Service in Charles ton Harbor in 1863 " by Col Charles II Olmstead ; . "Stonewall Jackson," by Rev Dr R L Dabney; "Stonewall Jackson's Way," a by Dr John Williamson Palmer. song Be sides the foregoing there are important "Notes and Queries," a large number of "Editorial Paragraphs." besides . the usual number of Literary- Notices. Literary. The Wilmington library Association deserve much credit and a liberal pat. ronage for their efforts to provide rich literary treats for our citizens. To morrow : (Tuesday) night Prot Wi ? ioughby Reade will give humorous and pathetic readings at Library Hall Under the auspices of ' the Association, which will be a rich treat. He has been here before and his merits are too well known to need any words from us. On Thursday night, the 22nd inst, Rev. F. W. E. ' Peschan, of this .cUy, will lecture upoa . the ; sublime subject of The Cemetery ot the Sea.n He has lectured under the auspices of the As- sociation nd made a very happy im pression npon , his hearers, -Wo 'be speak a crowded house ' on both acca- sions. v: A $20.00 Biblical Reward t The publishers of Bulledge's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for March; among which is the following: V"-.'".: 0aa " Vf will give $20.00 in gold to the person telling us which is the longest vtrse in the Bible by March. 10th, 1S83, Should two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to Uhet winner March 15th, 1SS3: rersons try ing for the reward xnusf send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, lor which they will, re ceive the April Monthly, i in wbih the name and address of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will be published, and in whicbTeveral-niore valuable rewards will be published. ; Address, Rctixdge . Publishikg COMrANT, Eaxton. Penna. ' ' : A fine assortment cf Guns and Pistob 1 : . , . . ...- 1 . , ...... NEW ABTEJBTISE3IENTS. WHAT CHORD AM I? Thorough Bass Riddle. - ar oAsroir ai. hobbs. I will refwun to ell my name, f Tbxrogh I'm a chord of greatest fame. .1 Axxd have tleIomlnat for Bass ! When I am to my proper place. If yitt will tarn me nrxlde down fhe Snperrtonic will be found - Tm co py.the highest place The Dloord then U in the Baa. i " tThe Tonic chord 1 raj bet lrind. fr With it U Motence f eod. i . 1 cnnrt bear to stand alone I most KKSOLva, andlbeu I'm done. I'm rXTEHK cftbd frequently, Before I reach my destiny ; Bat Satisfaction I cw't brim tnui tue xcnie rnera snau ring. K. B. I retired a lndlcrons answer to my laatXboroufth- Baas Kiddle which w pab llehea In, the Star, from Baltimore, Md. Prof. sjave correct answer. It was the hord of the Dinunlst-ed Seventh. ; . Bespeotfuliy, J . GASTOX 31. Hobbs. feb.iMt: - ::.r , FALL & WINTER CLOTHING 1 AT TOUR OWN PEICE! TO -CLOSE! AT OTTERBOURG'S MEN'S WE K DEPOT. feblS Champagnes and Wines OJT ALL VARIETIES. MUMM'S DRY VERZENAY, Ay Sec, Angelica, Tokay and White Scuppernong AND THE BEST CLARET made in this country. This Claret U jnade at the Tokay Vineyard, - i i . i- star FayetteTllle, and Is of very fine quality. CHOICE CIGARS. An excellent Imported CIGAR 3 for 25 cents. LA MIA, LA CARONA, PRINC1PE3, i CHERRY RIPE, PILOT, EDITHS. Neufchatel and Sap - Sago Cheese, FRESH AND NICE. i P. Ji. BRIDGERS & 00. GROCERS. feb 19 PIANOS & ORGANS 1 ; FROM ALL THE . - Best Manufacturers in the " J Country- SOLD TOR CASH OR ON THE MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN, AT 1 1 HEINSBERGER'S, feb IS Lire Book aad Music Store rJotice; THE REV- BENJAMIN LAWf ON of the town of Samter. 8. C, fa in this city to ask aid of the good citizens to build a Church Any amount stren will be thankfully receive. Mr. ,Y. F. Lairson la- a-thorlxed by his Church at Sumter, 9.C to act as financial agent for his Church, and is here askin? help to build.: . f feUi?-St OFJIARSTSS JUST RECEIVED, and ir3 hare another Urg lot of BuxesQa few Grretuiae';" SCt A CO. : if-? -I- NO. 44 NEW AOVERTISE3IENTS. Wilmi ngton Library Asso' n. 02?X SIGIIT OXLT, TUESDAY, FEB. . -o Prof. Wiloughby Eeafle, Will girc a Select Programme of I IIuiaoTona and Pathetic ficidlags at LIBllAJtY IliXI.. X : Under the aveplces and for the benefit of the TfnngionTJbfajy JLKaeclation. -' j . . - TlckeU 50 cents; for eale at Dyers' and the r . - - - - , Book f tores. Beading to commence at 3 o'clk. febl92t ii The Cemetery of the Sea." THURS DAY N IGHT, Feb. 22. rpHE REV. F. W. E. PE5CHAU WILL lecture on the above subject at the HaU of the Library Association on Thursday night, 22d ! i Inst. Commencingat 8 o'clock. . Admlesion 35 ceut3. f b 19 2t m-th Star copy Aved th . - ' COUNTRY TV fERCHANTS AND EVERY BODY f! AN get 6ulted In quality snd prices from tho large 6tock of SADDLE BY liOOD?, at the New v. i Saddlery and Trunk Houoe of 11. M. BoWDKX & CO., No. 49 Market St. jfcy Manufacture and Kepair. f eb 13 Horses and Mules for Sale. AM OFFERING 3 . or 4 good Mulea and Ilorses at a bargain, for; want of work. i - j feb!4 J. A. SPRINGER. Seed Rice. i - i , 500 (riVE hcxdre) BUSHELS SEED RICE, For sale. - fob 13-tf ! GEORGE W. KIDDER. PACIFIC GUANO. Just reoelvod and for gale, . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, . .! ANb ' ; " ' Dissolved BonePhosphate. We never hare had the first' complaint of these Fertilizers not bringing a profitable! crop Sec our Country Agents. ALEX. 8PRUNT A SON. feb 2-d&w-2m . i P. M.Hale's Publications. WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 vol. 12rao., Clolth, $1.25. I ..." 'Tho publication of such facts in a shape that makes them accessible, U the very be-t service that the public spirited men In the feouth can do their States." JVr. T. World. 'Tho very thing needed. 1 A very important work for the State." Wilmington Star, i sA timely and valuable publication. Must prove of reat service to the fctate." Char lotte Journal. . 'j "Mr. ilftle ha done the State a great ser vice "tblical Recorder. j "Of such thorough-excellence that It de- 'Berves the widebt clrct tation. XashriUe (renn.) Lumberman. - The book Is well printed on tinted paper, la handsomely bound in cloth, contains 272 page and an accurate and beautifully executed map of the at ate, with all its railroad routee de fined. - I EVERYBODY'S BOOK. 1 Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers by Laymen. Pin ts in Law ot value to every man in North Carolina. the Profeknal man, the Farmer, the Mechanic, lbe Landlord, the Tenant, the Cropper, the Laborer. , s lhno . paper, Irice Five Postage Stamps) li cents, i - . . - r For sale by booksellers generally, who nay be snpplied in quantities on favorable tenne, by either of the undeniirned. , If aot to be had at your local book store, mailed poet- paid on rec- ipt of the price, by . E. J. if ALE A SOX. Publisher Book elien and Stationer, N. Y.; or. Y. Al. llale, lnlusber, BatclgtH Ji. C. . feb 14 i- - i Breecli-Loaders, 1 . pCSE BREECH-LOADING .SHOT-GUNS, blieua, waas.ii'wucr, fchot, cartridge Bags, Gun Cases. Reloading Tools, Game Bags, Pis to is all kinds. If you want a first-clas arti cle of the above rood f, and low prices, the same can be found at . , E. bPRlNG ER & CO'S. - Successors to !awfcoa &. Co., feb 7 19 21 and SSlarket Street QFANCY- LAMPS. -':. -1 :,. w : - . - ANOTHER LOT JCST EECE1VXD. ;r'- Giles st MURcm son, :: feb 2 . 3S and 40 Murchison B3ck Buggies ! Buggies! JTEW AND SECOND HAND FOB SALE Some Bargains. 1 - PLEASE NOTICE," We wm bested to receive ecsmccSaCUs trom our friends oa aay aad an gsSjcU c2 ffeaeral Uteres bat : : i Taa aeae of the witter asaxt timjt U Ca ; ' abbMtolaeEdttoK. j OefMHinloattoM mut be wrla ca GSj one side of the paper.- a ! . : - rtreoxtaStSca out be avoMe&f ;,. r And It la eepecURj aad particularly taicr. too, that tho Editor doe not ahrays ealcrr the views of correspoadcata caleaa to etiW la the editorial coluaana. ' , M ISCSELLANEODS. Bargains ! Baigainc ! AT KAT2' 36 Martet Street. A GREAT MANY DESniABLB WIWTERdOOO); 6ELLTNG OFF LOW .TO MAEli ROOM FOR A : : i i' ' SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED - A FULL ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, Embroideries, Cambrics, Seersuckers, - Ginghams, Sheetings, ' Housekeeping Gdodoi ALWAYS ON It AND X FULL LINE OF Stapteatnd Fancy Dry Goods, AT IU3. TJ3. CATZ 36 Market Street. Ian 28 s ' i GARDEN SEEDS. FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS Of CV baire and Tnrnfn fu m,i ties; Col lard. Beet and Tomato Seeds, a larr stock an an endless variety of Peaa a4 Beans, retailed at w hokssala prices by r . nIunds BroG.. ' i VC . I m ' .. . . juAuuiacvanog rnarmacists, I 1.491 nitOADWAY ICVV Tfl? jan 29 Drugs, Medicines, gPONGES, FANCY GOODS, ; PERFUMERY, fiUNDEH5l, &. For sale by '' - ' :?.;' '...: ' " wtLLiAM n. csrr, Martet Ctreet febjl C. W. VATEi OCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOO KB, STATIONERY, . FRAMES, FANCY GOODS, ' . . WRAPPING PAPE3, . PAPER BAG 3. A complete assortment Sentbaenta! Taken tloee. feb Ladobaioqt ot ' ' ' State Assatzk axd Chixist, - 606 East Grace Street. i f " "-- : Kicmfoim Va., January 0tli. Ma. N. azejuxL has ntado known to me t&e oompoKif Jon of his Hair r estorer aad I hare alsosubjeeUMtltto eltemleal examleatloa. It contains no leat or silver, snUUneee very commonly employed la akl.v prrparatlsa for the hair, ror any thin; harmfal, and way therefore bo used without. apprehension ef la furious resulu. . - - WM.H. TAYLOR, M.D.. . ,: ' ' StateCbemlst. Whilst thanking ypn, Mr. FzekJeL for the Hair litrcr you so kindly tent me, 1 take ' rreat pleasure in uj Ing to yoa that us beae flrLal effect npoa ray hair have beea so sppar. entM to attract the oommenxUtioo of all ray (jlrD!i who have noticed U. ' i ItUln my estimation a treare, without' which the tuilet of mne who hate nsed it will be complete. Hoping It may realize you the pecuniary sucres you to richly deserve, . 1 remain, very reipcctJuliv, . Mt. a. ii. v. vnus. Richmond, Ya., Feb. 27, ' For s al by alt tlrrcztiU. IV. 1 1 r'f t V tia.. v . . . i. ji;