THIS PAPER t blbM trnry erentoi. Sundays tcepted by ...".rr JOSH T. bxitob ajto rKOTBtnroa. SCWCliTPTIOSS POSTAGE PAlix ---. rear t- Slx month. f2.CC. Three month. 1.; One month. cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free rlU- or W cents per week. A.ivetiAui rates low and liberal. jsubscrilfers.will report any and all fail crffl rvreive their paper regularly, The Bail HeiSevr has thr largest Krnn Hit circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. Italy i to resume specie pajujients oft the lh of April. . , n Tbo ice palace was demol ished ou Tuesday. Tbe late Marshall Jewell vrs worth only about 500,000. ThelateWmE D.dje left 350.000 fur charitable pufooses. tn 1 ; The Kailroad 0?mmt$rrt bill was to have come up in the .Senate again to- ' : The Bon Hill monument fund in Georsia araoonts. it is iid, to only $3 - 37f. Rascalities follow in the track of the floods. Louisville is stud to be over run with piratca. . .. , VTilliam E Dodge owned vast tracts of land in tho Georgia county of Dod-c, which was named after him. Two Chinamen had a prize tight in Philadelphia on Saturdas-night, said to be the first instance of Uie kind in this country. Senator Sherman has preserved all the letters whioh he has received during tlie last twenty years, and they number nearly 30,000. . . ' . Kx-Gov. Van Zaiidt. of Rhode Island, has none into the Spring poetry husi- nes and grave tears aj to his upper siorv are entertained. Minneapolis has a boy murderer only 11 years old. who killed a playmate, by tabbing him with a Jaeknife. .Min neapolis is not in Dixio. , The heavy tulal wave of the Ohio streams is believed to be a visitation on account of the defeat of the cold water boom in the last e eclioti. The (io'.dsboro Mcstenytr thinks that Jiule Phillips.' who has the matter un der advisement, will appoint a receiVer for tho A. & X. C. ( M id'and) It U. . m .. . It is gossip in Washington that the Ferrys have suddenly Jtruck it rich" in their Utah mine, and they are there- x by wealthy again and able To meet all ther obligations. Miss Ann Gerry, third daughter of Eibtidge Gerry, fo-merly Vice Presi dent and a signer of the Declaration of independence, died at New Haven ear 'ly Saturday morning, sjed ninety-one years. The Rev. Russell Jennings, of Con n?cticut. i3 one of the old patriarchal sort, lie is now at the discreet age of 80 years and has just married a young lady 55 years his Juneior. January and June. . The worst case of discrimination in freight rates is found is Kansas. On ono road the same quantity of Ircight is carried 319 miles for fifteen cents, while the charge for sixteen miles is nine cents. 1 The laws of Counecticot do not afford ufficient facilities for obtaining divorc er. A movement is now on foot to makt Kenaral misconduct sufficient ground on which to legally, break 'up a matrimonial alliance. Mrs. Sarah R. LeCount, a lady who remembered distinctly having seen Washington. LiFaycltn. Hamilton; Burr and other relels ot the Revolution any period, died on Wednesday last, in Brooklyn, in the 9th year oi herago. - During tbe twenty years' pastorate ol the Rev. Howard Crosby at the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York. 9,000 persons have united with the church on confession of faith, and fciany more by "letters from other churches. The figuring editor of the Columbns. (Ga.) Enquirer has been at work and ubniits some facts for tho statistician. Tho capital employed in Colum bs is $5.364,"l00"; operatives em Ployed. 4,196; wages paid. $949,808; value raw material, $2,443,709; value of product. Si .151,636; -value of in- t,ww,oou. i no cuy ot ooium bosiaono of the . foremost and most Prosperous manufacturing centres in thV Sonth, and in the manufacture of tex tile goods alone has a capital of $3,890, 333 Colu nbus shows an increase of ear!y $3,000,000 aince tbe census, was rttarcod.' r;,. Good style is good senta. good liealth. Jergyandgoodwill. bnta bottle S.Sf 8 000211 sraP a b'en jacOon that suffering humanity has al- mj learned to apprechtt. I - . ..... I . . . ' .. . - .- 1 :- ... ... ; ' " - ;' - . . . . .. . - I r 1 H J VOL. Vn; WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY Charlotte Journal: Mr: j Bennett, the owner of the New York I Ifcrald, once offered a large sum for Crow Island, in Currituck Sound on the North Carolina coast, bnt his offer was refused. Now Mrs. Hatfield, the pro prietor, has sold the islam for $25,000. but to whom report doe3 not state. Mrs. Hatfield is tho widow of Condmodore Vanderbilt's chum. Captain. John C. Hatfield, who discovered the place white peddling Yankee notions with the Commodore, many, many years ago. Captain Ha. field v bought the island which 13 001 for,iU game, and bullf there a fine mansion. ! I LOCALS NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tok Sxvtr Show Cases Yates ScLool Books, Ac MCXDS BROS Garden Svl W H Greex 6rai8. Medicines IIeinsbekger FlTe Cent Mnsic Giles & AlcHcnisos Flower Pots Heavy frost this morning. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. Fair and frosty is what tho almanac' promised for to-day. j : . : i The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 503 bales. ) Green pork sold in market this morn ing at S to 8 cents per pound. There'was a slight fall of snow at Magnolia, TJuplin county, last Sunday evening . There is an urimailable letter in the Post Office addressed to Larin'ia Brown, Blacketwell, S. C. j 1 There was only one ( case a drunk and down before ;the Mayor this morning, and that whs discharged. Judge MeKoy will !ride his own cir cuit this spring. He is holding Nash i-onrt this week and will! reach New Hanover on the first Monday in June. Quito a large number of our ciiizens w;re summoned to appear before the grand jury this morning to tell what they know about illegal voting at! the last electi ion. To Builders and others -Go to Jaco i . bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes ' and at the lowest prices. . j . Cad Lowery, coloi-ed J was brought before Justice Millis to-day. charged with assault and battery. He was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs. . We are glad to see that Dr James E Kea , who has been confined to the house for several weeks on account of serious sickness, has so far recovered as to bo again on the street. I ! j Bashington's Wirthday, which! falls duo on Thursday, is a legal holiday and is celebrated iii some places,; New Yor for exam p'.e, as a general1 holiday. thing there is not quite enough of in this country.. Mr. O. T. Thomas, a young artist is in the city soliciting orders. He is a North Carolinian and is evidently a gentleman of ability. He works with crayons ami ha3 placed on cshibiton at Heins bf rger's aspecimen of his. skill, which is a very clear evidence of .his ability. There will doubtless 'be a large atten dance this evening at the lecture to be delived by Prof. Willoughby Raade, under the auspicies of the : Viiraington Library Association. The gentleman's ability to entertain an audience hand somely is known of all men! Tho celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. j , t ' Prof. Keade. j Prof.Willoughby Reade, who is to give an entertainment jinder the au spices of the Library Associtaion at Library Hall, to-night, arrivctl in the city this morning and gave us the pleas ure of a visit during tho forenoon. He is undoubtedly ono of the best readers in the profession, cither in humorous or pathetic roles, and we bespeak for him a crowded house, and for those who attend an evening of rare and refined enjoyment. ! j . j .The metrical riddle, by Prof. Hobbs, published in our .advertising columns susceptible of a correct an swer providing one has a sufficient knowledge of music as a science to as certain what the answer should be Wo hopb somet)f our f riends who are musical students will gircus the solu tion." .. - ' - J ; - A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . t Sad Death. .We learn that a little son of Mr Wil liam Flinn, ot Caintnck township, Pen der county, died rery suddenly on Sat urday last under circumstances of un usual sadness. He was a hearty, ro bust boy, fire years of age ajid jwas in his usual health on the forenoon of the day of his death. He ate a hearty din ner but soon after was taken violently sick and died in about half an hour. Soon after being taken sick be became blind and remained in that condition until death. While a few attribute the cause of bia death, to worms the genelL atf opinionis that he got hold of and ate some "Rotfgh on Rats," a poison which was in the house and to which ' he might have had access. He was a bright, intelligent little boy and his pa rents are inconsolable at their irrepara. ble loss, in which they have our sincere sympathy. j - For! Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to J acobis Hardware Depot f Au Cxcitinsr Chase. Last night a party, consisting of Messrs LP. Thomas, Robert Pette way, Thomas Johnston and B. Mal lelte, concluded they would pass an hour or two in fox-hunting by moon light, i Taking with them . John Mc Koy, a colored man, and. a plenty of dogs( we think there were 30 of the latter) they rode out beyond the eastern limits of the city about two miles, and very soon started a for in what is known as 'Noble's Neckj' After eonsiderable dodging they, ho wever, started the trail "hot" at Pino Forest. Cemetery, from whence the fox took directly down Red Cross to Fourth, out Fourth to Market,' up Market to Eighth, out Eighth to Mulberry, down Mulberry to Seventh, out Seventh to Red (Cross, down Red Cross to Fifth, out Fifth to Walnut street, where it was captured. The dogs were led by Flora and Fannie, the latterhaving the honor of catching the fox. It was an exciting chase and li e tooting of the horns,;together with the baying and yelping of the hounds, en couraged by the shouts of the hunters, was tbe source of much wonder to many of our bitizens. " , : ' Board Of Aldermen. The Board of Alderman met in called session at the City Hall last night. The Mayor stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of receiving the report of the special committee ap pointed at the last meeting to arrange for-the election of a Board of Aldermen on the fourth Thursday of March next. The report of the committee was re ceived and adopted, as follows: - To the Hoard of Aldermen: The committee appointed by you to report upon the details -necessary for holding anelection lor a uoara ot Aiaermen for the ensuing two years; incompliance with the law. respectfully report and recommend as follows: " - "' An election for two Aldermen - from each of the five wards of the city shall be he!4 on Thursday, tho 23d day of March, 1883. The followinff Registrars and Inspec tors of Election are recommended : - First Ward Upper Division W M Evans. Registrar; Jesse I vees, Mike Carroll, Robert Thomas. J O Nixon. Inspectors of Election. Registration at Evans' store, corner Nixon strectand Love's Alley: voting place northeast corner of Fourth and Harnett streets, First Ward Lower Division J D Orrell. Registrar; J W Kin. S H Mor ton. W H Nash, Gilbert wmgate. Inspectors of Election. Registration and voting place corner .? Fourth and Campbell streets, at Market House. Second Ward J C Lunisden, Regis trar: .1 d Bnrr. Geo Burden. T AShep- ard, C W AvanV Inspectors of .Elec tion. Registration and voting place at City Hall. . i ! - - j Third Ward A J xopp, itegiswar; Walker Meares. F W Foster. J-W Per dew. John E Taylor, Inspectors 1 or Election. R e'stiaiion and voting plate at Giblem Louire. Fourth Ward John J J?owIeT, reg istrar: A L DeRosseti. M S Willard, J G Norwood, G W Price, Inspectors of Election. Registration anu voting place Cape Fear Engine House, on Ann street -,- - Filth Ward-Ben j Farrow, Registrar; Jos II Hanby. J D.H"KIander, Alex Huggms. A Howe, Jr inspectors oi Election." Registration - and voting place at Market House. Comer-JMltn and Castle streets. i ;.f . Books for registration to be opened on ; 5th March, lbS3. ami be Kept open from 9am until G p m or eacn nay (Sundays excepted,) until tho day of election.- . . WmL SiiiTn. t. , . ; W H CHADB0CK3-. T . ' - - - . - Samuez Nokthkop.- . Alderman Telfair moved that .should any vacancy occur among the registrars and inspectors ot election the. Mayor be authorized to fill such vacancy. - Adopt1 A petition . of property-holders be tween Orange and Ann streets, relative to the closing of. Water street, between said Btrects.w&s received and referred to the committee on Streetm and Wharves. Aajonrsed. - - '; - JLL J. lu J V . 1 V V a . . . . i ... .' v Kxp6rt8 Foreisrn. Danish barquo Aurorita, CapL Thornsen, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 1.987 bales cotton, shipped by Mr. Edgcne McDonnell, and 100 bales ship ped by Mr. E. Lilly, making 2,037 bales, valued at $100,600. , , ! :.. Criminal Court. Tha labors of tho February term of this tribunal are nearly completed. There were no cases ready for trial this forenoon tfnd consequently, no oetit jury was- called to day. The grand jury fcavo Unf in session during thg day." n- gaged in the discharge of important du the investigation of a class of cases which, we are sorry to say, has not heretofore- been investigated by any grand jury of -New , Hanover . county During the session the court has dis patched a'large'amount of business, and disposed of . an unusual.: number of cases.- 1 .; '. j r ; . .. . An Absent-Minded Hubby. The most abscnt-m inded youns m an that we know of is a railroader, and a very popular one at that. He has a position in One of the offices of this city. He. has been married about two years, and a few days ago his wife left him for the first time since the twain were made one, on "a visit to a relative residing in a city not very far north of Wilmington. As a consequence he had to write to her and in writing his first letter addressed the envelope to her in her maiden name, and in this guise dropped it in the bjfx. It happened to occur to him. however, some time after and before mail time, that he had thus addressed the letter, and on investigation iround that his fears were correct. Fact. Medical Proceedings.' We have received the report of the "Transactions of the twenty-ninth an nual meeting of the Medical Society of North Carolina, and conjoint session of the North Carolina Board of Health. held in Concord. May.9th-?llth. 1882' It is .quite a volume and consists ot the proceedi ngs of the ' convention,': the re ports of .the. various sections, and much matt instruct! re 'and "interesting to the profession; " AV e should think. from a perusal of - its contents and from the evidence of , patient "and ex haustive rcseach given to the subjects treated and the intelligence displaced in their discussion, that these gathering's of the medical fraternity of the Slate must result in great good to themselves, as well as to the thousands of sick who depend upon them for relief and cure. The wotk is nicely gotten up and bears the imprint of Messrs Jackson & Bell, of this city. Bl-hdp Lyman's Appointment March 1 Thursday Weldoi. 2 Friday Halifax. ; 4 Sunday Enfield. 6 Tuesday Ringwood. 8 Thursday Snow Hill. 9 Friday, p ro, Newbem. 1 11 Sunday Newbern. ; I 13 Tuesday Beaufort. V ! 14 Wednesday Kinston. ; i 15 Thursday Holy Innocents, ; ! Icnoir Co. : . 16 Friday Goldsboro. ' ! 18 Sunday Wilmington. -.19 Monday Wilmington. 20 Tuesday Wilmington, ' 22 Thursday Rocky Mount. 23 (iood Friday Tarboro. 25 Easter Day Wilson. 29 Thursday South Mills, con secration. ; 30. Frida3r Camden. 3L Saturday Newbegun Creek. Great Inducements In the way of Clothing arc now being offered at the old establishment of : A. & I. Shriek, " , Beliable Clothing House, tf. v No. 34 Market St. ! KE W A D VEKTISE31ENTS. Flower Pots; 0B SALE BY GILES & MUBCHISONj SS and 40 Marchlson Block feb 3d f For Sale, v SEVERAL SHOW CASES. - . I. . Call at 42 Market' street and yon can suit ' I yourself. Call before disposed of. ' feb 20-1 1 4.S . Five Cent Llusic. 1000 PI'CS STANARIr . ' SHEET MUSIC just received. Xaveraof Made, Attention ! ' V J. , l r . - Cevolction In Sheet Muie ' Just think of It ! This Music' Is tbe frame In lre, quiUry of paper, emfceitbhmntr&c-, as that heretofore sold at from 20 to 75 cents, nnd which we will sell jon now ax JK1VE CfcSrS. Now is your from . time Make your selections ! HEINSBERGER'S, feb 3 ' ' w live EocJc jmd Muc2e Store 20. 1883. NO. 45 NEW ADVERTISEMENTSk Wilmington Library Asso'h. oxe yiGrrr onlt, tcksday, feb. to. o - Prof. Wiloughby Ecade, Will give a Select PregTEmino cf Humorons and Palnetia BediDgs at tA TJader tbe scsplces and for the beseilt of the Wilmins;tKi Library Asedclstion . J TIfckeU 50 cents; tor sale at lyersV asd tbe BAok .tores. Beading to commence at 8 o'clk. febl9tt .-!. . COUNTRY JERCIIASTS AND EVERY BODY CAS gvt suited in quality and prices from tbe large slock of SADDLERY GOOD, at the New Saddlery and Trcnk. Hone of ' ' tf. M. BUWJEN CO., No.- 49 Market St. Manufacture.and Bepalr. feb IS Horses and Mules for Sale. J AM OFFEJUNG 3 or 4 srood Mnlea and Horses at a bargain, for want of work. feb 14 , J. A. SPRINGER. State of North Carolina, V . . I Superior Ceurt. County of Columbus. ) Daniel I.. Eussell, ' I 'V8. Edwanl Cantwclli Edw.inl Cntirell, Jr., Jobn . Cantwt-1!, Fr-l ' Cniitwell, Ullie l.uc and liui mnl Benjamin I ncau, .Nellie Mr.nson and husband : Henry 1. Munson, ' WHliam Cantwell, K tie C tit'well and Kdwanl iiut welt; GuarUian of William aud Kale Cat t- well. : THIS 18 AN ACTION FOR l inE FORE closure of a movtgasre of ral estate and it appearing to ray satisfaction that the De-fendnut-; iiowar l Cantvwll, K!wani Cantweli, ,-r . t-'red Cantwel', lllie 1-ucaa and nulanl Hentnmla L.uis. Nellie Munaon and hulmnd HMry P. . .Munson, Kate touwell and Kd want Cautwell, nardian of Williaai and Kate Cantirell, are i'on- c8iiitits aud i-ann t alter due diligence bt found In tnli S't.'and that tiiey haenn tnter-at in the acii n and are prwj-er p-irtia hereui, now therefore, thUi tu oimniiiid aai iitefcU(l:i:it to appear athe next term of tl Shi er r; t. ourt to be h Id for he couflty of Columbus h the Court Mouse ui WbiteTillt, on the th Monday af t. r th r .Hon ly in t uary nd an wr or etc. mur to the romplaint or Jndruient will ren derott a.ainKt t'-ein hceurlin to ISw. ; ." ' i his the 5vh dv of February, 13S3 w. M. BALDWIN, Clerk. febl3-law-0 r-tuca. : i - State of North Carolina, ) JJew Hanorer County, su erlor i ourt. ) J. D. H. Wicker aud George Ulvln. by hU uncle and uext friend, D. Wicker.Plala. tiffs. .!....-.. Againtt Ernest FrerteTick Ilash-ien andj"wlfe Minale, JoiinG. liashagen, Ann Hah;ien, Vi ginia G. tmpie, S. M. hmpie, B G. Emp:e, Annie E. Einp e, Fannie F l. tm ie, Kllen C. fcm. pie, Theodore G napie, Adam Emplt and -Ann llashngen, DefeMdantji. IT B& NG AtAliE TO APPEAR TO MY satiafactlon that J, Georrc Hah.iRon and Ann Haihagen are non-resblentiof th" State, and bare property in this Stale, and cannot af ter due diligence be found in thlt State, and that a cause of action exists in favor of the Plaintiffs against 3 he said Defendants; now, these aTo, therefore, to no ify the Defendants, J. G. Ilashajjea and Ann fl irhdgen, to appear at mr oflice in the cltv of Wrmi..gton, on the 14th day of March, A. D. 18-3, at 10 o'clock. A. M., ant answer or demur to tho complaint filed in lhi3 acti9B. i Given under my haid and oal of ofQce Ihla SOth day of January, 18SJ.' ( STACKY YAWAMRIXGE, jan3law-6wtuf3 Clerk Superior CourL' P. M. Hale's. Publications. o .. . . WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. I voL l!hno.i clolth, $1.25. The Publication of such facts in & shane that makes them accessible, is the very be t service 'that the public 8lrltfd men in the booth can do their States." X. Y. World. f'The very thing neeild. A very Important work lor the State." Wilmington Star. - fA timely and valuable publication. Must prove t t real 6ervlca to the btate." Char lotU Journal. ' "Mr. ..Hide hR done the State a great er vice "Billioal Ittcorder. "Of such thorough excellence that it oe servea th wMet circu atiou. NathciUt (Tenn.) Lumberman. , , The book w well printed on tlntel paper. Is handsomely bound in cloth, ontdns Hi n-gt and n accurate and bciutlfullr executed man of the state, with all Its railroad louiea cte fioed. : . EVERYUODY'S BOOK. Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers by 1-aymen. p.-lnts in Law ot valne to every man In North Carolina he Profe ion 1 man, tho Karm-r, the 3JecaBl'. ibe i-anJlorU. tbo Tenant, the Cropper, the Liborer. I " 12mo . paper. Price (Fire Postage Stamp) 15 cent. " For sale by bookieHeiV generally, who nay be sn i plied in qnaat'.tie on f Avorablo lernta, by eitht-r of UaderirtMk If nut to lie had at your locl bonk store, malic J ToctpaI-1 on rcc lut of the prioQ, bv E. J. HALE & sN, Publisher, Book eller and stationer?, N. Y.; or, P. M. Hale, Publisher, Uakigb, N. C i feb 14 - i - - ' I PJotice. TOE REV. BENJAMIN L4.WFON ef the town of Sntnter J. u, s in thU city to ask aid of tbe good citizen to build a Church Any amount fiven wilt be thatkf ollj received. Mr. V F. Lawson Is thorliod by his Church at Sumter, 8. C to act as fttiaifUl ?ent for bis (church, and is here akinjr h-lp twbuUd. febi:-?tV i V . lOO Sets fT HARNESS JCST RECEIVED, and wJ hare another largcC lot of iUtgtfietgn a few ays. Give us aca decs GKRHAHDT A CO. - PLKA32 KOTIC1S. .. .... . ... - j- w win bo jlad to ToceiTe Tn'r-iyTi frcracxrfjdaadson ajty joi 3 tbcta d Staerallmtarestl)at ' - -I Tfee sasc of the wrUr.maa ahpraywfetfsj Klshed to tan Editor. ' - . ". CofluaasloiSeaa aut wtSSsa a ca oneld of IX papers r Fcrsoaalitiea mnstb SToitL; - And It la especially xad paxtScalazly tad9 stood that the Editor does not always eaSdtM the view of correspondents v&fess 89 ttate4 In toe editorial column. I . i MISCELLANCOTJQ. inc ! Bargafripi AT A GREAT M ANT rJESUtABLE i " WirJTER COODG 8EI.USQ OFF LOW TO lLiES -' ; . BOOM roE SPRING STOCK I . JUST OPENED A FULL ASSORTMENT OP a" White Goods, Embroideries, Cambrics,' Seersuckers, Ginghams, Sheetings, J L ? Housekeeping Goods, ALWAYS ON II AND A FULL :.:- LINE OF Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, j --. -AT- -v:'; J Market Street. Ian 29 "GARDEN, SEEDS." FRESH LOT OF ALL KlND6 t 0V 'j bage and Turnip SeoI, early sad lata varla- 1 Ues; Cotlard, Beet ami Toualo Seed, m Urrs stock .nd an endteM variety ot Peas a4 IVIundG Bros.-; 1.491 BROADWAY, X&W TOS3. AND WILMINGTON, X. C. , i jan 20 - Drugs, Medicines, grONCE8, fANCY GOODS, ; rEOFTJMERY. 8UKDWE, JUl For sale by , WILLLU1 II. OEJTX, febp Market Sired C..W. gCHOOL BOOKS, " . BLANK BOOKS. STATIONS BT, FRAMBS, FANCY OOOD8 0 WRAPPING PAPEE, PAPER BAG'S. A complete assortmeai eutiuUl iTaieW; Lacosaiobt or . . - - i Stats Amatex aud Cukxxmt, - 06 East Grae StrttC1, ' : " EiCTUioxD. Y January SCth, ldl, lu. N. ft rtKlEL hs mailekown to ma tt eompoltion of bis Hair estorer and I feav also eubjectel it to ehaslcal examinatla. It contains o tal or silver, nbtancea very commonly empVyel in naklnr vreparati Cur tbe. hair, ror anything harmful, bjkI omj therefore ha uatd wlthsnt apprsLensioa of 1 luriows results. . , ! WM. IL TAYLOR, tf. D., " . . fcuteChctaiaC ' WfclHt thanking you. Mr. Fzeiiel, forth Hair tfvtrrr you so kindly ent me. I take rreat pleasure in say irjc to yon that lis bea flrlal efferts vp-m toy hnlr have been so appar enta to a'trart tbe eommendatioa of all my fiivn! wto loite rKd-r! It. '! - it is in my etimaU n s jtreasare, wltliout wh'rh tht! luikt nf none who have used tt will be compet Ifupinjr it inav realize you the pecuniary suwvs ym m rtehly deserve, " . X rstnaia, very Tpectf ally, - . Ma5- A. L Y. WissJ i Richmond, Va Feb. 17, 18C7. - r Tor faie by ali drvgxlsta. Price l ' per to& tic v -'. ; ' - ' . . Iii H . '

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