this paper - .1. . eepted by - -JOSH T. JAMES, BjMTOK AK1 FOPKtSTOK. .TlCftirTIONS POSTAGE PA1XX ttJ 14.00. Six months, 2.00. TbAe p,T will be delivered by carriers free rflrse. la any part of the city, at the above " or 1Q cents per we. , Wjlnsrate low and UberaL ,r,uWritHn will report any and all fall- m ivc their paper regularly, TV" lot iAtuy itii""" - Me circulation, of any newspaper The oysters which grow on the coat oflli d3lan nrc, it is said, poisontus. The next annual meeting o! the Evan - M .... , It ".! eiical Alliance will ne new in. oiocs- h.-jira. Sweden. ' " t The Supreme Court of Illinois de cides that no man is obliged to clean tho sidewalk opposite his house. Greon hair is comins into fashion And Itd of green-headed women have eppeared in public with, green-eyed men. The New England bookmakers (not the turfites) are in favor of free books for tbe people, - . - " . The rannicipality of Rome has placed a memorial tablet in the house which Professor Morse inhabited in that city in 1930. . And old colored woman by the name fPhvllia Williams died at ' Bingham- ton. K. T. on -Friday wid. 111 years. last aired, it is The funeral of Wagner took place at Bayreuth Sunday. The cntiro town was in mourning. A long procession followed the body to the grave. - . -. o At St. Louis $-250,001) has been sub wribed towards the Exposition fund The amount of '$500,000, it is eij tcted. wiil be raised this week. In proof spirits, 40.9g8.110 gallons. nd in malt liquors, 527.051,230 gallons, were consumed in the United Slates in ISsC. Tiiis makes afrightf.d sum total .- E Governor Morgan was twice ten dered the position of secretary of the treasury; first by Grant and afterwards by Arthur, and in bth instances de clined. In lt2. there wvre 213 312 tons of coffee imported into the Unitetl Stales. At an average cost of ten cents per pound, the amount of money that went out of the country to pay for it would be $42,068,400". A colored woman named Martha Johnson, residing in Marshal!, .Texas, while lying down smoking her piDet suddenly rose and saying she wa smothering, gasped and fell dead. A Cuoer's inquest returned a'verdict ol death from suffocation, caused by nicotine in the throat. Warning. The lower house of iho Illinois Leg islature li passed a resolution asking Congress to pension veterans of the Texan and R'.ack Hawk, wars, Jefler ion Davis cxeepied, and yet, if history is correct. Davi' Mississippi rifles hI the brunt of the fighf at Duena Vista while UisselPs Illinois regiment tuck their tails between their legs and made for tho rear! Macon Telegraph : We take this oc casion to repeat the opinion which has tirred up the bile of Southern flunkh s nd Northern hyenas: No true South ern Congressman, or honest Northern one. will voto to -pension any roll of Moxican avar Veterans that publishes to the world the lie that Jefferson Davis !' not stand among theni, in the front rank ol honor. IhebiUto punish drunkennnesv which recently passed tho Alabama House of Representatives' imposes , a Pnalty on persons drunk and disor derly in any public place, of a small fine lor the first offense, twenty dollars for the 6econd and five days, imprison ment for the third, and gives jurisdic tionofsuch cases to justices of the peace. . The Emperor of Austria has just granted concession for the construction of an elevated railway in Vienna which to connoct all the railway termini, ith the principal thoroughlarcs, as well as with the suburbs. Four year i the ttmo stipulated Xor the completion of thfl whole workaud the first portion i to be ready in two .years and a half The estimate of 'this undertaking mounU tbJE5,000 000. .. i. ' The extension of the Enterprise cotr ton factory, at Aunsta; Qa., doubling i capacity, has been completed andH operations in the new portion have commenced. It now has 25,000 -spin-dies, and it Is proposed to increase this number to 40.000 spindles - in a short time, making It one of the largest mills ia the 6outh. The new King mills in the same city commence operations this week, with a capacity of 25.000 spindles. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols JA005rtilArdwar Depot. f r IT 4 J VOL. VII. I WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUA11Y 21, 1883. NO. 46 A charter has passed the Florida leg islature for a steamship company to run vessels direct from Florida ports to Iwverp 'ol, the incorporators being Sir Philip Hampton Clarke, of London, and Mr A B Linderman, of rhiladel- : ' - ! I The Pennsylvania IIouso of Repre sentatives ha3 passed a bill granting a pension of $40 and anl annuity sof $120 a year to soldiers and ' widows ot sol diers of the war of 1812. It is1 asserted that those pensions will cost ihe Stat at least $200,000 a year. J ; - Mr. W. VT, Stringfie'.d, Democratic Kepresentativc from Ilayjvood county, introduced a., resolution in the House yesterday for the removal of the politi cal disabilities of W. W. Holden. The Democrats ot tho eastern section of North Carolina have heard of j no good reason why those disabilities-should be removed, and are somewhat surprised that a Democrat should introduce such n resolution. I . , I Xhe New York World says that the festivities on the occasion of Fred Arch erV wedding at Newmarket on the 30th ultimo to Miss Nellie Dawson, attract ed even more attention than was made apparent in the tlespatch of that date. The presents instead of being valued at JCl.OCO are estimated to be worth near ly 5,000. Among the most valuable of them is a solid silver dinner service from Iord Fa:mouthJ IordAylesford also gave a dinner service. Prince Bat tbyany gave the bride a handsome bracelet "with a peaH as large as a Brazil nut, round which were circled . 1 . ; i sjinlles of diamonds" . Tho Countess Baltazzi gave a lace and ivory -fan which bore the monograms of the bride and briuerroom in a jewelled cypher sur mounted by a countess coronet in pearls. . V ' ! . LOCAL NEWS. IKOEX TO NEW AOVRriSMMfS. Tates Scho .1 Books, &c lie svs Bnos-Ganlen Seed Heissberger New Norela. W 11 Greex Drnpra. Medicine) Full moon tin evening at 4 minutes past 7 o'clock., The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 358 bales. Mr. Di B. Nicholson, of Clinton, Sampson county, is in the city. "1 There was one caso of drunk and down before the Mayor this morning, which was discharged. The market is now wjdl supplied with wood arid prices have i Jin consequence tumbled to quite reasonable figures. Hons D K McRac and D I L Rnssell. of this citj, were among tho arrivals at the Yarborough House. Raleigh, i yes terday. : ; I The streets arc very dry and in the brisk breeze of to-day wero offensive Iy dusty in those localities -where th privileges of the water power were no available.. i We understand that Mr. J. II. Straus: of this city and his estimable wife wil1 celebrate on next Friday evening their silver wedding, they having been mar ried twenty-live years ago. : 1 ..; r To Builders and othcra-56 to JAOO pi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ; 'A Sign of Thrift. We are glad to sec such evidences of thrift and prosperity in our midst as is. indicated by the number of dwelling houses and other buildings in course of construction m some parts of the city. The square between Dock and Orangt and extending from Eighth to Ninth streets, which hcretoforej has been en tirely vacant, is notw being dotted with rsmall and convenient dwelling houses which are rapidly. Approaching co"mr pletion and will soon bo ready for . oc cupancy. j ,- .,.;: Tho celebrated Fph Brand1 GillQ Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t 31asrlst rate's Court. Solomon Anderson,1 : colored. was brought 'before Justice Millis 1019 morning charged jrith ;a willfnl tres- Pss upon tho premises of Alonxo Da rant, also colored. The defendant was found guilty, but jndgraent was-sus-pended upon the payment i of costs. This, Anderson failed to do, and he was committed to jail. -i V ; v " ' Beforo the. si me magistrate Alonzo Du rant (above named)was charged with an assault and battery upon the afore said Anderson and was found guilty, but judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs. - V; . . "" - ... " T ...... ...-..... , ' ". T '' "."-'"( River News. There has been a sudden and unusual freshet in the Cape fear, the rise at Fajetterille being reported at 25 feet. We are informed by steamboat men, however, that when they left! that place yesterday, morning the river was fall ing, and had ; subsided ten or twelve inches and was still on the decline. . Almost a Fire. At about 1 o'clock this afternoon the kitchen of the house occupied by Mr. E. W. Hewlett, on Dock, between Seventh and Eighth stree s. was dis covered to be on fire on the roof. The family was at dinner at the; time, but that important and agreeable duty was. at once suspended, and vigorous efforts made to subdue tho flames, which willing hands soon succeeded in accom plishing by the application of tt lew buckets of water. A small hole burned in the roof and a delayed dinner were the only damages. The fire originated from a spark Irom the chimney. Good style is good sense, good health, good energy and good will, but a bottle ot I)r Bull s Cough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has &Y ready learned to appreciate. Commissions and diaries. A friend has resurrected an old print ed list of the tariff of commissions and charges j at this 'port adopted by the Wilmington Chamber- of Commerce which went fhto effect July 1st.. 1853.- We find in the list of-names signed to the tarff many prominent citizens who have since taken their departure for the silent land, some who have left our city and are residing elsewhere and a few, a very lew, who are still with us. although there are but two business houses of those days in ex istence now, as constituted then and under the same firin uatne. We. pub lish die list entire as representative ol the business of Wilmington at that day. It is as follows: j - P K Dickinson & Co, Di-Rosset'& Blown, Rankin & Martin; Anderson & Savage, Win II McKoy, J & 1 AlcRne &Co. Wm Neff & Sons, Kidder & Mai; tin, "Russell & Bro, J Hathaway & Son, Wm AGwyer, J II Chadbiouan & Co John C Latta. W II McRarv, Edward J Eutterloh, Z Lati ner. Wm C How ard, Pierce & Dudley , Parsley, McRae & Co, Freeman & Houston, T J Cot ton, Charles D Ellis, George Harriss, J 11 Fianner, Joseph J Lippitt. H Nutt, Wessell & Eilers, Joseph R Blossom, Adams, Brother & Co, T C Worth, Neilson & Keith, George W Davis. Miles Costin, A II Vanbokkelen, John Dawson. Pulley & Hart, James Cassi dey, Thomas W Brown. C DuPre, Alex McRae, Robert W Brown, J M Robinson. A AYilmtnjrtonian Abroad We are permitted through the kind ness of Mr. W. L. DeRosset, j'Jr., to give the following extract from a letr ter received here from our ' former towmman, Mr.E. S. Nash, who is now traveling in Europe on business: I left Berlin and went to Stettin on the 22nd of Jauuary and spent two days there. : I was most hospitably en tertained and had an enjoyable yisit. Tnere is not much in the way ot art, but I was quite interested in the indus tries ot the place, the most notable i of which I visited being the ship building yard ot an immense compauy," There 1 saw two nearly conipieuju ironciaus which care me some idea of impene trability. From Stettm 1 came, here (Dantzig) where l nave been also cor dially received and hospilahly enter tained, mis is an exceedingly inter esting old town, containing many curi osities and pleasing objects. It is still surrounded by the old ramparts of im mense extent ana strengin, and I have just passed through one oi ine om loniaea gaits erected in 1588. The buildings are ot qdaini design and many ot them cen- lUriva om, aiiouiu vmuiv;u la iiituiciiac and of unique, though very tine de sign. Its erection is said to Have, .been began Ln tne ;vtp century, its contents in tho way of paiutings, sculpture. &c. are not so well known as those in the Cathedral of- Notre J)ame which I have mentioned, but are really more intereslinsrand moreenioyablet xaeJ I wo objects iherv are ot special note one, a painting, t ''The East Julg ment,M hich was carried to Par.s oy the old Napoleon, , but afterwards . re-. stored."" It contains a multitude of fig ures about -a foot in lengthy which are womterlnl for beauty oi colonug.aad skill of execution. . TTbey are alr4ust like miniature portrait and can be ex amined at the distance ofa feW inches without drawback from tepropin qolty. r The; other: object is a, wood carvinrof the Crucifixion, life-size, and I more Trfectly'- natural; Oiari anjthing l ever, saw, 4. ap ugyruu&uui34viour is wonderful Ijr true to natu re, ,and th e depicted suffering almost finpaiU itself to the beholder.?? Tho production H seYerarcenturies old; and ' the story is handed down that the artist, in ordci to 175 1 the perfect &Uitud8 and expres sion of snCering.- crcsifisd, hisown brother. f beca sklUcd In such matters say that the anatomical ccd phyrcil acctrracy render tho ctcry nctr impwb tbla. - - . - Prof. WHlotixliby Kcadc. - There was not a large aodience, we regret to say, at Library Hall last even ing to listen to the literary entertain tiient furnished by Prof; Readc. Those who did attend enjoye! a fine treat and those Who did not missed a rare oppor tunity. The recitations both pathetic and.humoroas, wero exquisitely ren dered and highly appreciated by the au dience. (.Prof. Rcade has a remarkably mobile face which greatly aids gesture and voice in the proper interpretation if the subject he recites. In fact his protean facial expressions were tully equal to his excellent elocutionary ef forts. We regret that the hall was not crowded to hear him. The Library Association are .making commendable efforts to furnish! literary entertain ments of a. high order, and we hope that an appreciative public will give a cor dial encouragement to the undertaking. Criminal Court. - This tribunal closed is labors for the .present term yesterday afternoon, after the grand jury nad completed its workk The time of the court - yesterday was chiefly occupied in adjusting the costs in cases which had already been deter mined.. The grand jury-found a good many true bills during the da, and during the term it has been industriously and energetically at work in the dis charge of its duties having lound 60 truo bills among all the cases brought beforo it ".for iriquisition. At the con clusion of its labors the members were very highly complimented by Solicitor Moore, in the presence of the Court, for the efficient manner in which they had discharged their important duties j as grand jurors.: Col Moore, the Solicitor, has drawn all the bills, fwith two or lihree exceptions) which, in addition to his duties in the confrtiom ak prosecuting "officer, en tailed an immense araountof labor u p oiThimIn el Ly:iIr:JolinCl DvisTfwho kindly vuluutered i to aid , him and -rendered yuluablu service. JMr Ivis'- is young in ihe'prolessioiJ, but in" assuiuing the duties of prosecuting officer he gavt evidence of keen legal acumen w hich promises a bright future in the profes sion.. ; Mr Davi conducted the prose cution in the case of the Statevs Will born, (the Liverpool cotton merchani) with much skill and ability, for which he was complimented by the mem bers of the New Hanover bar. Silver Plated Spopns and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. 1 t The Place to Save Money. " You can positively save money by buying your clothing, GentsT Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps at the old reliable clothing house, of A. & I. Shrier 34 Market street; give theni a call. f Exports Foreijrn. Nor. brig- Ticla, : Capt. Ramboff cleared to-day for Bristol, Eng., with 200 casks spirits turpentine and 8,82" bbls rosin, valued at $9,900, shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Schr. William H Boardinan, Capt. Richard son, cleared tor Port-du-Paix, Ilayli, with 120,147 feet lumber and 118 600 shingles, valued, at $2,308.05. shipped by Messrs Northrop & Camming. Coitimemorative, Tomorrpwj?ill bo the anniversary of Washington's birth day and aIo ot the birthday of Jamss.fcussell Ixiwell. the poet, and present minister to En gland. At the. Tileston schmil com memorative exercises will be held, com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. The Wilmington Light Iniantry Capt John L Cantweli, will parade in full uniform and it is expected with full ranksj'at 4 o'clock to morrow after noon. NRW-ADVEimSEaiENTS. , t NEW NOVELS. TVL ISAACS ,BT F. M. CUAWFORD; 111 ' . j . Porttec, o- by Pa salons Bocved; a Novel by Ore Dwcbesa. Iba CJar Lnnzhler. or tWratlng Ms Spurt, by Capt tharlrs King ; iincje.uape.x--rKjcvaiy 4. a. Macon; uearc or teei. by CbrtUiKed; Anne, a .Novel, by J. Wools. n. V For sale Bt " ' ' ' lffDISBEnGEtt. Albums;5 Pocketbooks. ALL KINDS Ak'D SIlCSw' FINK RUSSIA USATHKR GX)Ds of every deacsiption. HEINSBERGER'S fet 21 r t , Lira Book and Mualc 8tre : FI oiver Pots T70B SALK J5T- " ' U - N K W A D VEILTISEMEXTS . COUNTRY -yjERCSlAXTS AND EVEET ilODY CAN get suited in quality and prleea from the larye slock of SADDJLERT GOOD,- at the. New Sadfllcry and Truck' Home of ' , I N o. 43 Market St. Manufacture and Fepair. ' feb IS Horses and Mules for Sale. J AM OTFEBtNQ 3 orl cood Males and IIor8C8 at a bargain, for want of work. feblti J. A. SPMSGER. Tkq Puoite tfrequesUd carefully to notice the new ant enlarged Scheme to be drmtm Monthly Capital Prize $75,000 Tickets only $. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. v 'TVc do hereby certify thai tee supervise the arrangements for aU the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing t oft The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person vutnage and coif trot the Draicinga themselves and that thk game are conducted with honesty, faimes, and in good faith toward ait parties,"and we author ize th Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adcer tisements." "CommiRsIoners. Incorporate! to ise for 2T ears by the Le i.atvir.' ror educational rik Chaiitatlc imr roses with ncapltal of 1,000,000 to whch a reserve iuna or $350,000 naai lnce been aitileil. . ! By an orcrrhelming po)iuUi rote Its fran chloe wns m.nle a yart of the prent Stat Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. ' . . . Hever gonies postpones. Its Gn aki Sixgle Number Ukawxxg take place monthly. . - .' A SPLENDID OPPORT UNITY TO WI)J A FOKTUNE. Third Grand. Drawing, ClaM at New Orleans, Tuesday, March 13, 1883 154th Monthly Drawing. . Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions iu Fifths . in proportion,. LIST. OF PltlZKS. 1 Capital Prize of. 75,000 25,000 10,000 12.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 25,000 25,000 1 Capital Prize of... 1 capital rrize or i. . 2 Prizes of $6,000. L.. 5 Prizes of 2,000 U. 10 Prizes of l,OJ0 20 Prizes of 500 100 Pris4j8 of 200...; 300 Prizes of Kk), 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 14 q 23 AprBoxoiATioy raizes. 9 Approxltaatloh Prlzea of $750. j 6,750 4,50 2,250 " 500. M 250. 1,37 Prizes, amoniiticto.... $2U,500 Application -for rdtes to cmbs should only be mauo to the oHioe of the Caipany ln New Or leans. ( For further tnlormatlon, write clearly, giv ing full aihlrosa. Send orders by Express, Registered Letter, or Money Order addrcesco only to : ' . i L A. DAUPHIN, - I New Orie&ns, La. orll. A. DAUFIITN, . . I J07 Seventh St.. vranhtnjrton. P. C. N. B. In the Kxtraordinary b'cmi-Apnuil Drawing of next Jund the Capital PrLwj wiil be $I50,VC0. Xeb 11-weil-aat Iw-dAw " P. M.' Hale's Publications. THE ! WOODS AND TIMBERS . OF NORTH (1AROLIVA. 1 vot 12mQ..i lol b, $125. , "The pnblloatlon of urh frtdn In a chap that makes them acres-dbfej. is the very be t service that lite pubdc spirited men in- the ZQUlh can do their States. A'- Y. lForld. "The very thin? necWl. ."'A vey Important Work tor the Mate," Wilmington Star A timely and valuable publication. Must prove f : rwit ecrrico to tho LiU;." Char lotte Journal, j . . f . ; .'.;l . "Mr. IIj.10 h 1oih the "-State great atx yjoe "-,Jiiiiial Recorder, y - - - 4 - "Of cuch.lhonnMh excellence that Itie aerrea ; th wi let c.rcu -a io :Xu ii rilis (Tenn.) Lnmberman: " - - The book la well printed oo tinted pspeT, la hatuiwjmelv botiml in cWth. coat tins -ilitngca nsd n acrqrai Ireautlfolly execute! nup oftbeetate, with, all iu ri iroud - j ouu.n tie fined. - -.. r . t EVITwYDODYTS B(M)K. : Answew ta impte qnefetions frequently pat to lawyer by'tA juwsn. - - , . ' . - ! P. luts in tJivr ti v ilac to every man In North Carolina he IrofekaI man, the Faraier. tbd MecMinb. ifco Lauolonl, the X enact, the Cropper, the Ltborrr.- , - ? linio , paper, Price (Five Postage SUmpa) U cenU. I .v ; .... ,.. ' j For sale by booksetlers pcre rally, who may be snpplicti in quantU'ie cut favorable .term, by eithT of I h alerrlmtl. ! If not to bo h t. your local book stare, nxaiiei poeUpaM oa re ipt of the price, by , -JZi .Y-..3. HALK & WN. Publihcr. BKk elierM and eUtlooeT, N. T.; or, t. 3JL Hale, Publisher, iuirigh, N. C. I iOO Sets . HACNESS JCST nrCElVED, and rll banothT large; kt of Bagieaa a. few ays." Girauaa -''- cz 3 - cj:::..r.D7 1, co. . W win be alaU to . reoana 'T'rt fxoa wur trteada oa.aiy . all rntjacls ft axaeral raiArMiKni - . -- 1 t! ' ,'i ' Thenar f the write m-at always fcf to nUblto Um Editor. ? . OoramnnU'attQna aaat ba.wrllisa ca eal one aid of th mtm. . - ' - . . - PeraooalUles msat be aToVled j. tood that the Editor does sot always e4ot tho views of correspondenta unless so stated tn the editorial columns.. j'. new ADvmrrisEm2irr3. Bargains ! -AT JUL- OLVE. 36 Martet Street.! A GREAT MAN r DK 3 IRA RLE WINTER GOOD SELLING OFF LOW" TO 1IAE - ROOM ros r r ! SPRING STOCK! I JUST OPENED A FULL ASSOUTAIENT OF White Goods, i ' - i ' ' : Embroideries, j. Cambrics," J Seersuckers, i ... ' - . Ginghams, ; ' Sheetings, ! Housekeeping Gobdos ALWATS ON HAND A FULL " LINE OF -r I '. , . , . 1 .-- - ''.: StanlfiahH Farinv Drv nrinrl:j ;l - ; . ' .at-- iaa 29 ' I . " ; '' !j' . ;- A FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS f C4a ba'C and Turnip Seed, early aad lata rarta- tietf; Collard, Deet ami Tomato beeds,' a hum pwc airi. hd vnuiets Tine it oi , 1NA mJmm -LHvuia. rcuuMxi m w noiesai) prices by IVlunds Broc, j Manufaetnriog PnarrnaeWiVf, - ' J l-4ai kmadway, kevV TOSS. AND WILMINGTON. N. C. j i n Drugs, Medicihes,1 gPONGES, FANCY OOOD3, ' ! ! PKK UALCUY), SUNDRTCT, CA. -.. - , Ferealeby . I : ,- ... . .. : I WILLIAM H. GRSar, ' :t . .... fetri i , Market t C. VJ. YATEG. gCHOOL BOOZS, V BLANK SOOZS, 8t ati onset, frames; - TAvr goods; WRAPPING PAPES. PAPER BAGa. : A cpoxpJetft JVpeortmeH .6ejxtJet-I Ttlf tinea - -- LABOKAiosr or - . "i f !; T-: fiTlTB!AJS'XTKtjtTD mnfXST, . , : r . ;':'-?.:nt:"'e05EatrtcHlret! ! - RiCFtMOXD, Xt 0 Janna'ry fDti, SStm Us. N- zckiel hs mtuSe kora t cm thm emnpoHln of bU Half ' ettorer avnd I tavo o u!c-ted it to chtcal exatalnatia. 1C contains no Iraxl or sliver, substance very commonly eioptoyed la iskio preparatlott for the hair, i or anything nana fa I, and may therefore be ottd iriihaCapt'rvbccsiaa cf La iorloua resalta. L - - WM. IL TATLOB"M. D., . bUteCHemiat. Whilst thanklof; yoa. Mr. FteXtr, for tha Hair Kest rer you i'kinlly tent nii,l taka rreat plara in sso in; to yon tltat tta bene- a-lal er$eii npoa ivy timXr have- beA a appar-. ent a K a tract the commendation of ail my; frWixU wf.o txavi noiicfrHw i , " " s Itiiu my cii;ruul a treasure,; wither?! wti th the tol!et of none who har used It will , beeowp.fV. f liI?r U war rrai'.za yoa ch IeuaUr arr juu ro rk'bly i'.rvc, A raanala, nurr r peciuiy, ' MRS. A. Ii. T. TTus. ' Rlchmonrf, Fb. 27, 157.

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