THIS PAPER pcbUalwJ erery rrentax. . Stindaj ex cepted by JOSH tI JAMES, - - bpito ajti raorBtrroa. C B-SCUI iTIONS" POSTAGE PAID: esr 44.00. SU inontha, $3.00. Tliree Biinth. Il ; One month, S5 cents, tirf paper will be delivered by carriers free otosrpc. la any part of tee city, at the above or lOrenU per week. vire-tWEK rate low and HberaL . grulrrinT will report any and all fail orr4 jy, nvdve their paper regnlarly. 77 XitVy Review Tuis the largest m fide circulation, of any newspaper pjhed, intlecuyoj numingzon. ""yhcre i, $1,659,000,000 cash in fhis c.anty. of which j 1.23 600.000 is en c,;e in carp ing on business. t 1B caul that over one; million or an: trees in Orange county, Florida, vstil coir.e into bearing this ycai;. KewVork resistcrctl just 193 suicides Iut onc niorc lost soul was netU-il to make the list a round two hundred. It i. claimed that bleeping cars were ai on the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Totomac K. It- forty years ago. The Irishmen in Philadelphia have announced that thcro will be no parade en St. Patrick's Day. but that the ruoney instead will be devoted to char ity. i The New Jersey bank wreckers will 2otothe Pen. Boicc, tho President, gets ten years. Shaw ono year and Beach four years. Juslicin rcgnorum fundamcntum. Lieutenant-Commander II. II. Gor. rinzc, who brought thcobelik to New York, will shortly resign from the navy ami attune the management of a lage iron-ship building yard in Philadrlphia. - Ohio penitentiaries paid to that State last ear a profit of $lti.O00. This pun-iihmeut-for-revenue-only business is getting to be popular. Then is little regard paid to' 'the humanities of the The unmarried Senators are Davis. uf Illinois. Anthony, of Rhode Island. Hampton, ot South Carolina.- and Junes i f Florida, but it is said that Sen ator Davis will aoou desert to th ene xn v.- Idaho ii relatively stronger in Mor- monism than is Utah, there being ten Mormon representatives in its Legisla-1 ture. one of whom is a Bi.-hop in the.4 Church. and fully one-third of the 03, 000 inhabitants are adherents of the Monuon faith. . It is believed in Canadian official circles that tho Prince of Wales will reaeh Montreal the first week in March and stay in America until after ihe Sci ence Association's meeting in 1884. making a journey through the United Stales and the far Northwest. The tables were appropriately decy rated when the Boston Commercial .Club jave a dinner to some railroad men. The central piece represented a complete train, with engine and tender two foet high, made entirely of roses, pink, violets, and other flowers. It extended nearly half across the Presi dents tab.'e. A Chicago man started a business jn competition with the Post Offlcc. He delivered letters anywhere in tho city t a cent apircc, and sold stamps at een a lower rate by the thousand. He did well until a fine $170, with a promise ot" the same punishment for every letter afterward carried,' closed his enterprise. Jay Gould expects to go to Europe next Juno and travel, abroad, for wo years. He is 'having, a magnificent jacht built that will accommodate all o! his family, who ai-q to go with him. The yacht is of iron, 225 feet long and 56 feet beam. She will be fitted with cabins and slate rooms forward while the sailors quarters will be aft, an in novation for which no reason is given. Charlotte Journal: It looks there might be breaKcrs ahead of the a! or the U. F. and Y. V. railroad, and tho modification of the contract with the lessees of the Western N. C. road. There are certainly-1 wo sides to the argument in each case, and the day on hich finalaction is taken irk regard to them may prove to be a vtry cold ono for tho Democratic party in North Carolina. Presiden; Eliot, of Harvard, in his It report, says that of the eighty-four ttn engaged in boaimg. baseball and football from 1873 to 1881. more than a quarter stood above the middle of their classes, and the average standing of the wholt number was represented by 72 In a supposed class of 100. Ho adds that the increased attention given to phjsical exercises and athletic sports has been of great; advantage to the uni ersity. and that under their influence the "ideal student has been trans tonned from & stooping, weak and fckly yooth Into one' well-formed, biut aud healthy." r : : ' r 1 VOL. VII. , WILMINGTON. N. C.. THURSDAY; FEBRUARY In the, Senate, yesterday, the bill to create a railroad commission was laid on the table. This, in all probability, settles the thing for this session. " j Mahan. the insane inebriate who. committed murder while an inmate of Bcllevue Hospital, is said to .fine of 300,000 persons now lit in? whom rum has ftiined in this country. The mor tality of drunkards is reported to be 50, 000 a year. It is estimated that there are 1200,000 vagabonds and beggars in tho German empire, including thieves; pickpocket and other swindlers,; and tho authori ties estimate the annual loss to honest people by their operations at the enor mous sum of S25.000.000. j , Wendell Phillips, tho old Abolition ist, wants some one to write the history of the days and doings of the gang. We thought that this history was already Written in the four years of war and bloodshed and famine through which the -people of the; South passed as through the flames of a fiery mrnace. -4 . Three cucu m bers Efor $ 1 .25 was a bargain offered to a boarding-house keeper in the, outskirts of Washington Market, in New. York, last Saturday Early spring fruit and vegetables are arriving from the far South, but sell at extravagant prices. Cucumbers are 50 cents each, new potatoes $6 the barrel, strawberries $2.75 a quartl and toma toes 30 cents a quart. The leader of tho Salvation Army in England, General Booth, evidently re gards persecution as an honor, for he gives the details of tho indignities j to which his lollowers have been subject ed during 1602, dwellings with especial satisfaction upon the itpm that 251 of the 609 of his soldiers who were knock ed down, kicked or otherwise brntally treated were women. The statistics - i t indicate that his crusade is iap:ly called a war. Tlietlignity of the Alderman In office is well maintained in Bosjon where the Common Council spent $30,000' jn 1882 for 'refreshment and carriage hire.1 The Aldermen have fallen into a wayjof speechmaking and wrangling tijl 3 jA.. M. So midnight suppers are necessary, and tho members must ride homo jin carriages, occasionally talking the city's cigars and wines along. J A few ' years ago tho newspapers showed up this junketing, and the Board in 1878, man aged to ride and eat only $3,000 worth. but the figures have risen arain'! - LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books, &b ' Munds Bros Garden Feel Hkinrberoer New Arrivals W 11 Greex Drnprs. M -dldnea . i There has been a pretty general suss pension of business on the wharves ! to day. . -j . I " ; The "John E. Ince Comedy Combi nation" arc negotiating with Mr. Geo. E. Dyer, the manager of, the Opera Ilousointhis city,rfbr an appearance here on the 10th of April next. ) ! Mr J W Taylor is pushing hisnewsaw mill forward towards completion with f characteristic vim. A Dortion of t e machinery has already arrived and jjis Gf lading have been received for , rpm.iin.W. whinh will nrobablv ar- I - - - - - - i r rive in a short time' To Buildera and others Go to JACO bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at tne lowest pricea. , "Tiinisoii's Map. Mr. O. M. Merrill, agent for Tun- son's New Railway and Distance Map, is in the city canvassing for its sale. One side ol the map gives j the United States with the railways and tho dis lances betwenn important stations, while the reverse side gives a map of the world on the Mercator projection with the routes ol differeut navigators, explorers and discoverer?. Ursa val uable map, the price of which; mount ed, is $2.90. ' f : . .- Youiic: 3Ieu's Hebrew Ass0cl tiou. , " - I - , At thje annual meeting of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, held at liar mony Circlo Rooms last evening, the following officers Wre elected for the ensuing year: . Prcsidcnt-rJ. I Macks. --Vice President L. J. Otterbourg. . Secretary Isaac Bear. -Treasurer L. Blumehlhal. " ... - ! RMird of Managers Wm. W. Weill. Jos. B. Aaron, Martin Newman. Isaac Levy and J. Klsbach. -i ; ' i :. The Association proposes giving an entertainment shortly.- V j TheLIstJ In response to repeatel requests we republish hero to-day the list of officers in the Confelerato service Who "first aw the. light" of :military service in the ranks ot the Wilmington Light ; In fantry, We believe ; the list is now complete and correct and the paper containing it should be carefully pre served as the fact is a matter of history which adds mighty weight to the glory and renown of our good old town. The names are as follows: D C Allen, Captain ; John B Brown, Capt 3d Infantry;1 Edward CantwelL Lt-Col of Cavalry ; A D Cazaux, Capt and A Q M, 18th Inf ; Cicero Craig, 1st Lt 3d Inf; Thos Cowan. lstU 3d Inf; R II Drysdale,Capt 3d Inf; W L De Rosset, Col 3d Inf; A L DeRosset, Capt NCT; Z Ellis, 'Lt Art; W C.Fersrus. Lt Col; E D Hall.; Col 46 Inf; M M Hankins, Capt; L W Howard. It Cav; T ! Calhoun James, Adjutant 3d Inf; Thos B Lippitt, Lt; A D Lippitt, Lt; C D Myers, Capt and A A G; J C Mclihenny, Capt Art; R B McRae, Major 7th Inf; T II McKoy, Major C. S. A.; Jas A Miller, Surgeon 18th Inf; Wm McRae. Brig-Gen; F J Moore, Capt 18th Inf; D. R Murchison. Capt 7th Inl; R Moore, Lt-Coiav; W H Northrop, Capt and A Q M ; J J Pois son, Capt 18th Inf; Jos Price, Com mander CS N; I J Pickett, Lt 3rd Inl: Wm Quince, Lt 3rd Inf; Richard Quince, Lt 7th Inf; Henry Savage, Capt 18th Inf; W M Swann, Capt CS A ; C W Styron, Capt and A Q M; Ed ward Savage, ; Lt-Col 3rd Inf; II. B Willis. Capt and ACS; A E Wright, Surgeon; A M iVaddell. Lt-Cor Cav; Julius W Wriglit. Lt; R II Cowan. Col 18th Inf; S J Person. Lt-Col and A DC; R G Rankin. Capt Art; J L Cantwell. Col Inf; J D Radclifftf. Col 18th Inf; Jas D Cumming, Major Art.; S R Bunting, Capt Art: , Thos A Brown. Capt Inf; H G Flanner. Ciit Art; B A Hallett. Lieut Inf; Jno R Latta. Adjt Inf; F S Moore, Lieut Inf; Jas D Me Peake. Lieut Inf; Henry MacRae. Maj Inf; O G Parsley, Jr. Lieut ArtrRobt Strange, Lieut-Col and A! D C. ; F W Potter, Surgeon. C S A ; Hon Jefferson Davis and Hon George Davis were both honorary members of this organization. j The total is a very handsome one in deed. The Wilmington Light Infan try furnished to the service 1 general officer, 13 field officers, l staff officers. 25 line officers, 6 artillery officers and 1 naval officer, a-total ot 57 in alU enough in themselves to make up a very respec table company. But" 30 of the 57 are now alive. . - Good style is good sense, good health. good energy and good will, but a bott ot Dr Bull's 3ough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has al- , i . rcauy learneo 10 appreciate. . Kitclieu Market. The followms retail prices rule m this raarko to-day, February 22d: Beef 109l5o per pound; veal, 124 15c; lamb 12i15c; mutton 1215c; Green port whole i hog, 78o per pound; cuts, I3415c; corned pork 15c; turkeys, alive, $ll25 each; dressed. . 2025c each; chick- enp 2530o- per pound; grown fowls. 354M0c; geese alive 75o each ; dress ed $1, ; aansages; 15e20 els,' ; pud dings 10i5, ; eggs," 15 16 ; cits per dozen, ; butter, country, 2530c, r Northern. 40,: lard. 13I5,; Baltimore, hams, 164318, ; breakfast strips. 1516,; N. C. hams, 14017,; shoulders. 1 W&12, ; Bides. 13 14;;, fish, ; trout. 2025c, mullets, 1520,; shad. 80c$l 50 per pair,; scalded oysterjs, . I2c per q.uar, ; Ne w Ki ver oysters auco gl - per gallon; New Kivei oysters, In 6hell, $3 per bushel ; Myrtle Gnve oysters, in shell, 80c$I per bushel ; clams., per quart, 12Jc ;", pt r bushel, 50c; cabbage. I525c per he!ad; collards, 5I0c; turnips, 610c per bunch ; sweet potatoes, 25c per peck ; Irish do, 50c per peck ; onions, 20r25c per peck ; carrots and parsaip. 50c. j per peck. Mr Henry McIxwhorn. VanceburgJ N C. savs: "I have used Brown s Ir on Bitters and was greatly pleased, with lt. 2 i J - Quarterly Aleetlnsrs For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, Scmtht (COXCLVS Oh' FIRST ROUND,) Whiterille.-at Shiloh;. ; . . . Feb, 24 25 Waccamaw. Mission. . . . . . i . Feb. 27 Fair Bluff Mission.. . . . .., , J.Mar. 1 Bladen, :at Centre. i -Mar. 3-4 ! Clinton, at Andrew's Chapel Mar. 10-1 1 Cokesburg at UalIs,T.-. .... . . Mar. 17-18 Newton Grove Mission.; . .Mar. 21 Poimr Caswell -Mission, at ; Provideuce. v.-.-. . . .Mar. 27- E. O. BcrrroN. P, K. Mr Moses Prag.of irewbern, iN C Bays: "I have used Brown's Iron Bit tens tad received rzz,i tcnit frenjiu" 1 A Long Paswage. L Tlie Tir bng Signal. Capt. William?, which arrival at this port- to-tlay. from Hamburg, has had an uh Usually long, te lions' and rousrfi j passage. She left Hamburg on the29th of November last, which would make a passage of 85 daj s Many ships have made the passage round the Capo of GhmI Hope to ,Cal cnttain less time and, if we remember aright, the clipper ships White Squall uxxdlFlyiivj Cloud : made, the 1 passage from New York, to San Francisco in one day Ies3 time -. The Signal has had. we learn, s very heavy and continued westerly gales to contend with 'nearly the entire passage. r. - Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's.. - ' " ; The Lijfht Infantry: As we go to press the-Wilmington Ligh Infantry are on parade "to the swelling sound of the fife and i drum." Their ranks are much fuller than usual and their appearance is creditable to the organization. The precision and neatness of," their manual and move ments elicit much favorable comment. We are glad to note the revival of interest in this company. It now con tains excellent material and a spirit of emulation as to . drill and efficiency seems to animate ail of its members Capt. Cantwell tells us that, in addi tion to the . regular drills, which are twice a month only, there -are weeklj, the attendance on which is en tirely voluntary, and that the rarfks aru pretty lull on every occasion. Of the entire membership there are but fifteen now in the awkward squad and iht-Si; are learning eagerly, as last as (the in struction is imparted. May the old W. L. I. live long and flourish JoreyerJ , ' A firie assortment of Guns and Pistols at J acobi's IJnnlware Depot. t 5 t Supreme Court. Cases )roni the Third District will be called In this court T commencing on Monday, iu regular on!er; ae(xrdiiig to t!io following arrangement, which we find in the News and Qbseryer: 121. Webb vs. town of Beaufort; 122 Allen vs. Baker; 123, 'Sanders and gan ders vs. 'Bell; 124. - Davis ec als vs Perry and Perry ; 125. 1 hirin vs. Bagby ; 126. Fife vs. Scott; 127J IIoAreiton el aU.V8. Sexton ; 128. State vs. Windal Taylor; 18. Saulter vs. N. Y. and W . S S. Company; 130, Islcr vrfrlsler; 131. Isler vs.- Isler; 132. St Uu vsr Oatts tfc Puhi 133. Strickland vs. Draughau; 134. Belcher vs. Frizzle & Grinsley ; 135, Houston vs. Smith et als: 13fi, Siai lings vs Laneetvals; 137, Patterson tt als vs. Bass; 138. State vs. Crtimpler & Hall; 139. Lai kins et als vs. Bulla rd t ; als:l40.Keath!ey vs Branch & Stan f rd ; i lit. State vs." Sylvester 'La whom; 142. Stale vs. Han ison Jones ; 143, , Mclir.o vs, W & W. R. R. Co.; 144, London vs. W. & W. R. R. Co. ; I45j Strauss va. Crawford; 146. Wilmirrgton vs. At kinson et als; 147, State vs W. P. Old ham; 148. Slate vs. Henry Rouse; 140. State vs. J. O. Howard; 150. Wstell vs.' Rathjen; 151. State vs. Robert Pratt; 152. Farmer vs. W. & W. R. R. Co.; 153, State vs. O S. Iangston; 154, Muni 11 et als., V3. Humphrey ct als. 4 ' The celebrated Tish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at JACOEi's- lIard ware Depot. ' : - ; t - CommemorsvtiTe: Services. The twin birthday of George Wash ington and J. R. IxwelkwasceleDratel in a becoming manner at the THeston School this morning. At precisely 9. a. m. Miss oradiey rapped tne large assemblage to order, and the exercises of the day commenced before an atten tive and appreciati ve audience of ladies and gentlemen. A brief birtgraphical sketch of, the immortal father of our common country, was read by Miss Carrie Alderman, and she received a well merited applause. Singing followed and the the cvexlasting- lilllo hatchet was .Rcted in costume by fii'e, ' children; the moral of w-luch." as 'told by Miss Bradley, was nevor tell a lie. The heroic youth . ' . .fill m came next, t anu men ' 1 ne feacred Gmund of .Mount Vernon." to theiune of ''Massa-is in the Cold. Cold G round." was feelingly- sang byj the puplfs'ami teachers.; Aml finally, a brief history of James Russeli Lowell and his work was well rjead by M"iss ) Kai J 1 ston. The school was thur; dismissed, and the children marched out jm the street with tho firm intention of never telling a lie. But to err is human, and school boys are. no exception to the rule, for as we came vlown town we Jicard several of them hurrahing for Birthington's Wasb TI10 Place to Save Monej. r You can jpositiyely save money by buying your clot hing, Gents' Fu rn ishi ng Goods, Hits & Cap3 at the old. reliable clothing fionsc, of A. & X Shrier 34 Usrbct strcei; fivo tlfn a cslL ', VIEW i 1 i " 22, 1883. NO. 47 -Memorial- Services. 4 We would fje glad if wc were able to print in full the report of the procee- ingsin Congress injjuemory of Hon. John WJ Shackelford! but we cannot. In the Senate Senators! Ranstmi and Vance both spoke, the former jrcmle- .man having been particularly felicitoi s in though and expression. Wo quole a short paragraphia-.; 1 . Mr. Sha;ekelfird was not a brilliai t man.- He was mt remarkably distin gjished .lor genius or learninxor elo quence; He . was nevcr.the i:observetl. ot alt ooservers. ' But he possessed in very large measure the qualities thaL maKo great and good men. lie had exceneni common, sense, lie was a good, judgH of tho relation "of means to ends, lie was decidedly and emi nently a practical man. He saw things as they were in their trne and real light. No illusions, no phantoms, no clijjiieras. uo. . jn i rases dece i ved his clear sight and sense. His moral ?ualities were always in the ascendanr. lonor, fidelity truth, courage, con science were even wih bim and of him, He lM.lie.ved in what was. true. lie loved what was honorable. He prac tice what was just. No man evermore faithfully followed his convictions of whai was riizht. He scorned, as he was free from, all artifices. He moved on straight lines from point to point, and in all th'ngs and at all times bore hiinsplf diiceily and erectly. Evasion, equivocation, indirection, found not one particle of favor m his untight nature. To these strong quali.ies he united the I uii;u senuiiienis 01 jenerosuy, magnani mity, and sympathy for his fellow nan In the House" Messrs Latham, Vance and Randall spoke as also Messas Lee dom and Morey.of Ohio, who made fce! ing references i to tixe distinjiuishel de parted. In kiudand fraternal spirit they terms" of high praise to the "third " district," and the glorious and illustrious men j who ' have adorned and ennobled life in tin Cape Fear section; and Mr. iJwtlom,- mentioning I he name of some i . 1 of these wort hy Caroliniant speaks of '"the scholarly and elevaled character ofT the srreat jurist ami honest judge. .Maurice Moore, whosa letter, shmed Atticus." addrepei to tho "Goveri.01 of ih'e.ProVinfn, shook English domina turn iu America to iisceutre." Mk. Editoii: ' In your edition of yesterday (the 21st) under an article headed, 'A WiJ minlonia AbroruP it would seem that ou claim Mr. E -S. Nash, who as ycju tate is traveHiitij in Europe on business, as a t:ative of your city, i beg h ave to say that Mr. Nash is from and still claims allegiance to his ! first home Hillshoro. O ran aej county, and the' (dd borough justly feels proud of such a sonT ' . ;' - j OnAXGE. NKW ADVEirriKKIENTS NEW ARRIVALS HAIL UOAt AND STEAMEB Cap Paper, i - - , .-. I - tr Paper. 3'ockefc Noti Paper. Note Paper.! nil weirhts. 1aivt Knrelqies by tlie million. Offiirlal fcmelapej, all bizes; -; lkxiniiful Box iUpcrts, aotileantaceort- Standard Organs, 4 MOTHER L6T OF THOSE BEAUT iriTL JiGAVSJnt received, nn-1 for eala at tli most reaeunablu prices ever offered, at HEINSBERGER'S, feb 2-2 f - Live n6lj and Music Pt re The Cemetery of the Sea." THURSDAY NIGHT, Feb. 2 rTTE REV. F. W. E. PESCHAU WILL lecture oa the aboro subject at the FI11 of i -- .- - - - - . t - Library Aoclat on on Thuridar Blht, 2L'd Inst. Commenclox at 8 o'clock - Admission 25 ocdU. -i-liaatml ' -Mr copr wed th ' Ho uors. TUT A STOCK OF FRE3H, A NO. 1 GRO- CKRIES will be kept at ev-Cetore, No. 45, Market Street. r All good sold by os wUl be as repreflcsted. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS .. WILL BE OUR MOTTO. , , tCWGlre us a trial- and be cocTiaoed febl tf C. J. SCARBOROUGH A CO. Breecli-Loaders, -ptsz BREECH LOADixor suoT-ccys, bhlU, Wads, Powder, SUot, Cartridge Ey, UunOs, Reloading Tooi, Game Bas, Pis .-1 toU HllkbMU. If joa want a flrst-ckuw art! da of the a bore frnod ', aod low prices, Um same caa be fovml at, ' ' , W. B. aPKIXGEt & CO'S, ' s ' - ! Soocesgorf to liwsoa & Co., ' ; ,?LSAS; dories. -TTewil1bd to reccfra ecc troa ear firis&ds ca uty asd all .VI. tt Tb basic of the writer emit ahrara ta fca Uhl to t2te .&iUor. coaaianioadou mast be ca iczij one aldo ot tbe paper. . , , I , JrersonaUttea matt be?ToMe4 And It U"esFecUUy aM.rt2cxilarT7 tsdir. tood that the Editor does not ahraya cadoi4 Ue vieva of eorrecpoade&tstealess m ttatrd in the edttorUI oolamn.' NEW ADVEUTISESICirKl t ins ! Bargainc l AT 36 .Market- Strcati great; mant dsi&abls 4 SKIXING OFF LOW TO 11AV& TiooMrou f - SPRING STOCK ! , ' ' '-""" j -' ' ,w k - ' ' '-' -"'';' -- ' !';-- ,':' ' .. ' JUSTOPENED ; ; 1 FULL ASSORTMENT OP - ; '. ' ' 4 'v -' ' '- - - White Goods, - Embroideries Cambrics, s Seersuckers, Ginghams, Sheetings, Housekeeping Goods ALWATS ON II AND A FTJIJ- i LINBOF , Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, : AT - IW. M. ICATZ r 36 n3arlcet Street J Ian 29 (6 GARDEN SEEDS.! 1 ! . A FEJC3H LOT OF ALL KINDS Cab- ae nnd Tnrnln Pcod. H Mrt Ut vatfew tlM;ColLinl. leet ami Tomato txxla, m Ursa lock ami an cdUm TMtietv ot Pmj buui. reuiled at bole-al i prioe by " MaoufactutlDg Pharroa-41", ' - - 1.491 ISKtlfillW AV. MkW TftT AND WTLiH'UTON, N. C. . ' T - i ....... , Drugs, Medicines, gPONGES, FANCY OOODS, j PERFCMERT, SU5P2TJK, . For mWs br William n. GErrsr, Market Street jo C. W. YATE gCJJOOL BOOKS, BLAKX 900S5, V ' 8TATIOXXRT, " FRAMES, V V: FANCT -GOODS, . V . . . WJlAPPnCO PAPTS,. j ; . ' - - PAPER BAGS. J '.j, , A complete mjseortmeat 8otlBnut Tate a tine . . L- , .. ' 1th ; Labosatokt or . " ;, State Aasates a?td Cnzarnrr, ' JTxrnsioo. Vi 1 Jancirr teat. ttrL . Mn. y. tzcKiZL h made ksown to tz9 oomUUin of bi Hair ' extorer ad I ' bar aUo utectet It ta chitlexl exvatnattta. It outaU no 1 id r eltver, taUUnm. rery xramoaIr employed in 'Vln-Trtparatloa for the ha, or anrtbla? harmfal, and taay therefora Ix ued without appRbensSoa ! 1 iariooa reaalu. - . - . j . , WM. IL TATLOR, U. P.. . v fcUtoCbetaltt. Wbim tbanklDx joa, Mr. Fx. kid, for the Hair l.'rt rcr jou o kindly Mnt m. I tak rrpjit j'Waure In ajlrjr to yon that tu ben fl -Ut effect Una roy ir have lea m appar nt a to a tract the ernnraeMtalioa of all aj fi who have H!ira i.. .' - " - - Itlitn ray et!maU a treaacre, wtUoot wh tit the udlrt of doct vrho hat ied lt will In? conp'et-. Ilupio?. lt mar realize yoa pectaxilary a"rv3i yuu d rtchly dcierrW, SlkS. A. if. T. " mchma.1. V Teh. T7. l:r.

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