r - v XHlSPATXai . PLEARS KOTlCi. We wCl b g lad to teedre eei: - ,. -" : v- 3 from ecr fnaoda cm ay ad all m VIEW H fluted evry g. oidy cepted by V JOSH T. JAMES M-35ClUl'TIOS.IHSTAGK PAID: lrr 14.00- Six . months, 2.. Three ith. "e month, 25 cnta. T. ft.wr will 1 delivered by carriers free !,r 10 u per week.' Ja-iobseribew will report any and all fall cri to rrrrfte their paper regularly. rrrU Diih Review has the largest tW fM circulation, of any newspaper rtMiihtd. in the city of Wilmington. v .. . Ex-Cot. Morgan wns worth $0.00Q. 000 and $795 00 of this was left to cha it:c. : There are eleven States in which women can vote at the elections for cehool directors. 4 ii' There is a proposition in New York to erect a monument to the memory of Wm.E Dodge. Sarah Bernhardt is to. write two vol nmes ot artiste memoirs for- which she is to receive $30.000 for the eppywrfght. Er-Gov. Seymour suggests that Decoration Day. which is now wel established as a holiday, shonld also be made a dr tor yearly tree planting. An Illinois sir!, who had a wonderful head of hair, was kidnapped, gagged and her hair cut off. This is worthy of the State which produced the runaway heroes of Buena Vista. Macon Ttleqraph: The fact of the business is, there are many men in Indiana and Illinois who will never forjfifeCol. Jefferson Davis for not running at the battle of Buena Vista. The Asiatic Society of India have taken steps to erect a monument on the Aiieof the Black Hole ot Calcutta, the dungetn in which MR British prisoners were confined on June 20, 1756. o4 which number 123 died the same night. In the House yesterd iy the bill .to "self the State's interest in the C. F. & Y. V. R. K. passed its second and third readings. On the final vole Rep reentative Green, from New Hanover, voted aye and Waddull. of New Han over ami Frayser, of Pender, voted no. IH ' A Philadelphia policeman struck .a novel experience a day or two ago. H clubbed a disorderly stranger anil was promptly kuorked down, kicked, d rap ped over the pavement by hi.- hair. unci corapellwl'to bejr for mercy.. He had hit the Samson of a circus' side it how. The decree regulating I he liquor traffic in Russia, recently signed by the Em peror, is of the most stringent character. There is to be only one liquor shop in a vijlage, and where two or three villages are almost contiguous, one shop must suffice foe their com bined inhabitants. Adam ami Eve hate appeared to cether in the newspapers in Georgia We notice in the Augusta Chronicle that George Adam announes himsplf ns a candidate for the office of. County Treasurer and directly under this Is a notice of election issued by F. Eve, of the election to be held. It is a strange conjunction ot names. . .. in response to an inquiry regarding the duties of a local reporter, the Phila delphia Times informs rt correspondent that thej are "to know over thing and write it," whereupon it strikes, the. In-fcz-Appeal rery forcibly that if the lo cal reporter were to write everythirg h tnowaRome notunfrequently wtuUl bowl. Bro. Stilling--, of the Caucasian, is about as effective in the sarcastic as he i in the argumentative line. He will soon begin to comprehend that the big gest dog is not always the hardest to lick, and that the Big Four is about to reorganize as the 1utle Three. The falaxyis threatened with the loss of its brightest star. ' Big fires are sometimes blessings in disguise. A year after the fire which de iroyed nearlyXhe whole ol Haverhill, the leading shoe men of the town had a dinner and congraulated themselves on what had at the time of its occurrence keen regarded as a disaster. Hand some and solid buildings have replaced the wooden strnctures in the burned districUhe newlfncfcories hold more, bet ter goods are produced, and tho owners re the best advertised shoemakers ' in the country. The vast amount of study and money expended in France to check the ravages of the phylloxera is often spoken of. and has not been expended in vain. At d the New York Sun welfsays that in the United States the cotton crop i an im Irtant element of public prosperity. ke the vintage in France; yet the ages of the cotton worm, whic'i are computed to cost $15,000,000 a year. not checked. The Agricultural t"?0 nt an expert to Brazil to wy to better advantage this ; pest oj fetation, and it is probable that WUeat labor will eventually lead to) at PMtlal proUctioa against it, ; m " 1 VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1883. The cdercfl poople inthjs Slate need not be alarmed on the school question. Tim white people arc just as much their friends ns ever and the blessings of ed ucation wili be dispensed as unsparing ly and as impartially jn jlhc futuro as in the past. The promises made by Gov. Vance to the negroes in 1876 in the name ofthe Democratic party , wil1 be redeemed. This is well-evidenced by the fact that every newspaper in the Western part ot ' the State, where the whitesare in the asciendant. which has yet spoken on the subject iff emphatic inlleclaring that the promises of the Democratic party to tho negro must bo redeemed to the uttermost letter. Tho new dock- at Cardiff, of which Lord Bute cut tho first sod the other tlay, will-extend over' tbirty-fivo acres, exclusive of timber ponds, and will cost about 600,000. It is to be completed within threp years. The lock ! will be the largest in the world, its dimensions being 80 feet wide and 600 feet long, whilt; the dep:h"of water over the ills will vary from 26 feet to 30 feet. The dock will be 5.400 teet long and 600 jeet wide, the depth of water varying be tween 25 leet and 33 feet, according to tide. There will be timber ponda coh ering eighteen acres adjoining.) All the railway arrangements and tho loading1 and discharging machinery will j be of the most complete, description. ! When the new dock is complete there will be a water area in Cardiff; basins ami docks of 130 acres, and a -quayage of live miles. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates cho ! Books, Ac A G tilCAUD A?hlgnee -ale Mckds 'Kuos Gnnlen f-eetl j ; flBixsHEUOKR New ArziraU j R M MctXTlRE To the f rcnt t W H tiRKEK DrufC4. 3t tiler ne J i; JlELTON--The Het I'Jiioe Silver Pi u ted Sjjoohs and Forks, low prices at Jacop.i's.. The Shell Kml is iu plemlid ciindi- jim now. It nly nc?eds shade; trees alj the way to make it perhaps the hand. -son test drive ia the United States ' The waters.. of tho Atlantic Ocean have made considerable inroads on the banks at Wrightsville this winter. The banks house (what there is of it) stanc's nw oii the edge of a miniature preci pice, the sand having been washed away up to the waiis therecif. Our thanks are due to Hon. Z. B. Vance for a copy of the Congressional Directory of the Forty-SeVenth Con gress, compiled by Maj. Ben . l'erley Poo re, Cleik of Printing Records at Washington. I. C. Rev. Dr. Deems, wid! lecture at tho Opera House in this city on tho 13th of Marc h next under the auspices and for the benefit ol the Wilmington Library Association. His1 subject. jWill be "Trifles," which under his! skillful treatment will be found to ba of importance- - For Pocket Knives jr Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f I We again riso to 'a pint of order" on the light question. Why is it that the citizens of WilmingtoA do not get the benefit ol tho gas t&cy are com pelled to pay for? Will hose whose duty it i3 to see the laws and the con tracts enforced give a practical answer to this question? ' i Tho Spring: jFires. Forast lires have been raging in the woods near the city and the glare is visible in mcro than one quarter of the horizon. A gentleman who was at Wrijrhtsvilie on Wednesday says that at a pari of the road about four miles IrOTn the city tho fires were buriing in Mich closi proximity to the! turnpike t hut he could not see. clearly ten . feet ahead of hi in. The horses were put to it and a dash was made through tho smoke with eyes and mouth firmly closed. I Worth Tryitigr. The Scientific American, a very re liable paper, cives tho following rcceipe as a sure cure for corns, j As the reme dy is very simple, if any of our readers are afflicted with corns ft would proba bly be well for hem to give it a I trial: Take one-fourth cup of strong vinegar; crumble into it some bread. Let it s and' half an hour, or until it . softens into a good poultice. Then apply on retiring at night. In the morning the soreness will be gone, and the corn can bo picked out. If J he corn Is f a very obstinate one.' it may require two; or more applications to effect & cure;- " They celebrated Tish Brand'; -Gifts Twine is soltTbnly at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. :. , ' " l. , '- The receipts of cotton at "this port to-day foot up 870 bales. The freshet in the Cape Fear hai subsided as rapidly 'as it rose, there being now at Fayetteville no extraordi nary volume of water. An old colored woman by the name of Margaret Bradley, aged about 70 years, who has been an inmate of the Poor House for the past fifteen years, died there last night, of dropsy. ' Dr. F. W. Potter received informa tion on Wednesday that his wifp's aunt, living near Cincinnati, was very ill, and as Mrs. Potter's presence. was re quested she left here that night tor the bedside of her afflicted relative, expeat ing to arrive there this afternoon. Owing to some accident to the ma- Lchinery. the steamer Minnehaha .was delayed at her wharf in this ctty to day, not getting ready for her trip to Smith- J villo until about noon. The accident was not of a serious nature, as may be known from the fact that it was so soon repaired. Attention is called to the advertise" ment of tho stock of grocery " goods in the store on South Front street to take place to-morrow morning. This pale is made by order of th eassignee. MrA (J Ricaud. and is peremptory, ascvery thing must be disposed of. Some ex cellent bargains may be had there by dealers and housekeepers. " t l Good style is good sense, good health, good energy and good will, but a bottle ot Dr Bull s Cough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has al ready learned to appreciate. . j Hal IN Journal. Hall's Journal of Health' is little but it is loud. It contains ..more, sound. solid, practical regulations for the bene. fit of the he3lth.tban.-Can J?e found any where between two covers! . We writ avail ourselves of its pages occasionally for the benefit of our -'rwidersCT The price is only $1 a year and evTy:hoii!e hold should have It. Published at New York. Export i Foreign: Ger. barque Constantino ven Rein- ccke, Capt. Fretwurst. cleared to day for Liverpool with 250 casks spirits turpentine and 2 740 , barrels rosin valued at $10,181 34, shipped by Messu Paterson, Downing & Co Kor. barque Progress, Capt.'iKeilsen. - cleared lor Hamburg with 3 605 barrels rnsin aluel at $6,450, shipped by Messrs DeRosset & Co,. -LiHIIiirtoii Itiver. Capt. James, tho engineer in charge?. informs us thac the work of cleaning out and mating navigable L'llihgtpn River (Long Creek) is progressing very favorably. The logs and snags havo been removed from the bed of the river and the overhanging trees and bushes cut away, and tho force is now-engaged in cutting off points and endeavoring to straighten somewhat the 'tortuous channel of the stream J U To Builders and others Go" to Jaco di's for Sash, Blinds and "Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes 'and " at the lowest prices. - - ' TheCometeryof thft-Sca.'V There was not a large Vudience in at tendance at Library Hall last night to listen to Rev. F. W. E. Peschau in his interesting treatment of the above subject, but those who did attend were agreeably entertained. Mr. Peschau is a graceful and Quent speaker, and his language was clothed in. a texture of poetic beauty. The time occupied in the de.ivery of the lecture was about an hour and twenty minutes, and r the speaker was listened to with profound attention during the entire time. It was an interesting and instructive entertain ment. - Opera Houae, The management of our Opera House is negotiating wiih the manager of Ford's Opera Company! who are play- ing in Washington now, to get that ex cellent company to appear here in the latest success, the opera of "Iolanthe," and if there can be a sufficient guaran tee of a large house there is not a doubt (hat we will have the pleasure of hca -ing Cha. Ford's Comlo Opera CtJiu pany in a- short time. Ve are quite sure that if they appear again this se. son' they will have a rousing faorise. I .Mr Moses Prag. of Newbern. N C says: I have used Brown's Ircn Bit turs and received great benefit from it." The Place to SaVe llldneyv u Yon "can j positively caret inoney by. baying your clothing. GentsFurnlshins Goods' Hats & Caps at the "old reliable clothing bonrs. cf A d 1' Shrisr" 21 llsrJict ctrccti a tzXL - .t.': 5- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THE " NEW MATTHQJGS, ' 0 THS CHEAPEST W HAV EVER SHOWS, IX BOTH LARGE AD SMALL CHECK. BTOCKlIS BEING CLOSED OCT. Cburcli Matting, I 1 Office Matting, Oil Cloths, aU widths. : TAELE LINE N YOU CAST-.Fal TO. 8E SUITED TCOM feb 23 Tho Induction Works. Mr.iBeno, President of the Southern j Ore ComVauy, :; has returned from New! York, after having.fcuccesslully accom pliaJied the business which carried him North. Thc first shlprnentW ore from the mines in this Stated 'aicord ing to the contract en t ere J i njto, 'f has been recei v ed here i and others are to follow rapidly We were; shown to-day a nugget of gold, assayed from, ores at the works here, which weighs l-'oz., 1 pwt., and is worth about $21 50. At this rale ion of the bre will yield $0,325. - . i :: i ' . . : . . ;A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's HaWl ware Depot. , t Assignee's Sale, ! T HEDEIWlGNEW-lLt; S1XL AT x 1 To-jnorron ; (at rdy) the remiuL)g TP. lnStorcsVo 1G 13 ?oath vroat "street oc cupied by G M. Crapou. ' ' - Parties deairios- bargains in this Use of goodb will find it to their lu teres i to attend. . ... ........ ,. ... r Sale wit! commoac at 11 o'clock, a. m., to be couUnued at cigbk A, G. EICJAUD, feb 25 It Assignee. The Best Placo ! O UR FK1END3 AND THE PUCLIU gen ... r erally aro re-jpectfully reminded that the best- place to buy meato cf all klii Is, BEE VEAL, LAMB, MUTTO POKK. SAUSAGES, Ac, 4c, Ia at the old stand, N. W. Corner Market and Second streets, the proprietor whereof la J. li. MELTON, K. W. Corner Market and Second Streets, Proprietor of the ool v io m usage febtH i- - - Factory in tke state. Wdtice. rjpHE UNDEHS'lGSED HAVING QUALI fled as Aditinlstrator on the estate of Itobert C- Myera,' deceased, on the 7th day of Fcbru ary, 1833, In the Proba.e Court of Kow Ilaco- ver Coaoty, notice is fcereby given to all per sons indebted to eaii deceased, to mike im- m ilia e uaymt-nt: and all persons htvinjf claintif aainrt saki estate, wi 1 preseuc them for iwfy raent on or bet re the 9th day of rJ rua y, 1884. or HiU notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Ihia 5th day of February, 1-81. J. 1. MACKS. febS-law4jr fri - - - Adm'r. NEW ARRIVALS JgY RAIL BOAD ASDSTEAMEtt : -Cap Paper, -Le ler Paper, Pocket Note Paper, . . 'ote faper. all weights, . Lrtler Knrelnpes bj the million. OfflcUl Bvelope, all size; - Beaatifil Box Paper, an elegant aisort - menu -" - Standard Organs. KOTHEB LOT OF THOSE BEAU11FUL OhGAS jut receWed. ani for sal a at the most reaaoaabie prices ever offered, at HEINSBERGER'S, fe 3S - - Lire Book aad Music 8t re No Liquors; BUT A STOCK OF FEES IT, A NO. 1 GliO CEETES win be kept at ouretore. . No. 45, Market Street. AD geoda jsoia bjvxu ' trJUbe as reprwested. ; GOOD -GOODS AXD SMALL PCOFrTS : 7:wi'ora.iroTTO.', rCJT9 vsm a trial &s3 be ccnrlacscLcar . NO. 48 N BW A D VEUTISEHEXTS FRONT I THS PRICES WEJ&E KETES LOWER. AND TO WELS. - SUCH A STOCK AND AT fcCCH FXtlCEB. H WINES MI) LIQU0ES, - H. BRUNHILD & BRO., No. 2 Granite Row, -Wilmington, RI. C. rOULD EESPECTFULLY. AXNOTJKCE to the public that they have lately imported from 11 rat hands in Europe, aJMl which la noir in bond at Custom Ilocee. . t KOTEO VINTAGES ALSO A LARGE QUANTITY OF - Deiicions Sherries, Ports of the Finest Bouauet, " And iBoet celebrated brands- "'C They hare fartbermore added to their full and well selected stock a complete line of FUEXCU CO flilALSAND UQUEBiJ-sniUble to the pnlate of the most fastidious. The Rochester Brewing Company, throngb Messrs. Henry L. Becker Jt Co., hare given them the agency for t lie It "Export I Jeer" and which does not want for praise from all qaor- ters. They eollclfpatronage. oct 19 : ';;J-- J. -' ''"- . GUN'S AND CUTLERY ! A FUSE ASSOxtTMEST OF, Muzzle and BreecH-Loader Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, - SILVER PLATED I. SPOONS & FORKS, A VEIIY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. JOT Topnlar prices to salt all at N. JACOBI'S, . - HARDWARE DEPOT, de S-tf . 10 Sonth Front St Breech-Loaders, JpiNE BREECU-LOADING 81IOT-GCJJS, Shells, Wads, Powder, 8hot, Cartridge Bags, Gun Cases, Reloading Tools Game Bags, Pis tola all kinds. If yon want a first-class artl cleof the above food . and bw prices, the some can be found at . W. E. PIIINGEH CO'3, , ' uccesr cr IKwn X Co feb 7 IS it and ? Market Mreet COUNTRY A TECCnANrS ASD EVERY BODY CA!I gvi suited ia quality and prices from I he largd stoc of MADOLKKY GOOD, at tho Xeir eaddlery and Trwok Ifone of No. 43 Market at, Jg MannfucKirca'-d Pcpnir. t! m Buggies I Buggies I XTEW AaD SECOND HAND FOR SALE 1 bome Bargains. T. J SODTITERLAKD. Aec 19 tf ' v Flower Pots V im SALE BY GILES & MCRCinSOX, Sand 40 Mcrrhfcon Block feb CAN'T IG515P TilEM ! JpEOPLE WILL HAVE THOSE STOVES. Another lot exptfetod. Send your orders. - J Coauaalca.Uoc mvaX a wrUi o one tide W tbe.' payee. ; : N ' ! Pttnacamoetbe aroMad ! And It la especUDj aod partieularfy '! to.l that tte Editor doea not aJways crfai U tVe rlewa of comnMmt, mY. L"' . the editorial colanma. v sew. a d vEKTisnrjnrrr: i no ! not AT 36 Market A GBEATMA2?T DESntABLC r TJTJr-JU.l" Jk' HJ ; 8S1.UXG OFF LOW TO SIASC . ROOM FOB . . : SPRING STOGlt:! ' JUST OPENED . . - , . i - :. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, ; i Embroideries, Cambrics, ; ; Seersuckers,-, ams; i ' ; Sheetings,;; . . -. ' Housekeeping Goods. ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL . - : . ' I : LINE OF r Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, AT j- . fi3. TJ3. ICAT2', Ian '29- -v ' - ' -'.!"" I 66 GARDEN fsERBS." tClii Wk VH jMtgo and Tnrnip fitexl, early and lata rarU tle;CoJLinl. Beet and Tomato beeds, a larc stock a ad an emliet rariety of Pen mv-t Beaus. retailed at w hokal prices by - a i j 1 1 i it ATI. riuna . m Itiunds BroG., Manufacturlos PharmarUU. 1.491 BUHaDWAY. X&W T02X. Drugs, Medicines, gPONGE9, FANCY GOODS, , PERFD14EBY For sale by WILLIAM IL QZZZZ, Market trttt fetCS C. W. YATEO. gcaooL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. ' Z- eTATIOSXBT. . - -V FRAMES, W -4- TAXCT GOODS, ; l WRAPPING FAPES,' A complete assortment Seotlatental Tilja- tiaea . S 'r - , - . 1 Ub LAcosAiosr or State assatzs ax Cmncrr, ton Eat Grace Stmt, Richmond. Y . Januarr fOth; UX c zekux ha made knrn u taa th compolIonof his H.iir trior r aad t hare aL-M an!fectel it ta chemical examtnaUoo. It toutal. no la t sllTer, .ub.uncea Terr ommoolr employl fn klny rrrpararida for the nafr. i or anything birmful. and may therefore be ned without aptrebensioa of lar iarioua reaoJia. WM. IL TAYLOR, M D.; - bUte Chemist WblUtt thanking yon. Mr. FiekleL forth flair Kt rer you so kindly ent tue. I tak rrcal iVjiure In sajlng to yon that 1U bena-11- tal eCcUt nm tay btr hare !eii ut arpar. ut a to a'inct the comrnodaUoa f all dt fiiBls wfttf have lnod.lt. , , , - j Itljin my eUmaUn a treasure, wttbont w h ch t!e toilet of none who have ocd it will becompset. ffopiu It mar re-iltM rou th pecuniary sweet yuu t-o richly datcrr; 1 remaia, Tery re-rctf,: y, - Mr-. a. aX T. TTirs. -ricteorii, Va Teb. t7, l. . ;. . Barga Bargal