If -i Tins TAPES poba ovening. Sondaya ex cepted by . JOSHT. JAMES, tvTTOB. xyp nsorircETOK. .cUSCEIPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: rar f4-00. Six months, ti.00. 'Three ninths. $1.;. One month, 85 cent. The i -a per will be delivered by carrier free o cArsf.. la any P" 01 tbe abcTe A,ivc..ri9hiR rates low and liberal. .,ab-ribcra will report any and all fall--.u receive their paper regularly. Zat'fy Review has the largest Hnna fle circulation, of ant; newspaper 'rublished, in the city of Wilmington. rrince Bisniark has intimated that ho would lit to retire for a year from public life. positively this is the last week of the appearance of tho Conditional and Irjislatire nu:uDug3. Dnrins the past "twenty years tho dpaf dumb, idiotic, blind and insane people have increased iu oar country from 63,451 to '.SI 693- The Se York World jjoes for Sec retary of ;be Navy Chandler with bare knuckles in the Oornnge matter and the' President himself is not spared: - Ismail, the ex-Knedive. is going to livcin England.. He has purchased Caen Towers, Hihsatc, a luxurious , in an sion.with tweke acre3 of ground, for 150,000. Kansas City is the new Porkopolis of the West Swineville, perhaps, wpuld be belter. It is stated that 410,000 ho.8 were packed there ast year, as against i 13,000 in Cincinnati. ' . . Butler reiterates his belief that the Fourteenth Aniendmen fully covers the riht of women to vote, and that the State Supreme Court will so decide whenerer the question is presented. It is rumored that Senator Brown, of Georgia, will not be a candidate for the Senate at the next election and that Mr. Stephens is not happy as (iorernor and will have no more of it after his present term. Kentucky still regains the provision that "No person, while he continues lo ext-reise the luuciion? of a clergyman, priest or teacher of r.ny religion persua sion, society or sect, be eligible tor the General Asemblv '. - Mr 'Ed ward Atkinson, in-illustrating the advantages reaped ire m machinery, stales that with the spinning wheel and hand h Kim of o.ir forefathers it' would require 10.000,000 people to weave the cuLton cloth now. manufactured by 160,- ooo. According to the revised estimates made by the Mining Record, the value of the world's production ot . gold and stiver is almost exactly eual, thero being somewhat more than 90.000,000 ot euch. Of this the United States pro- duced nearly one-third of the gold and ccarly one-half of the silver. . i. The uew East River Bridge via Blackwcirs Island, will have wrought xron. ch:tn cables like the Pittsburg bridges And span like the great Kinzie Viaduct. The cost will be $4,000,000 o:i which 10 per cent, dividends would require onlvSJOO.noo annual receipts, or about thirteen cents per capital in,, the 3,090,000 of people connected by it.' ' The Washington National Republi cvi. in figuring oa the result of the next presidential election, claims ISO North ern Repulican electoral votes, which, with tho 23 electoral votes of Virginia and North Carolina, would c'ivo the Republican candidato 203 votes and "leave PS for the Democratic candidate. Of the 23 votes lacking North Carolina, ii hH)ked to to supply n. Will she do it? The matter is respectively referred to the General Assembly. m m 1 11 - New York was treated to a first class sensation lis?-, mol- ; u ...wv v-M., it UClllj i- nothing more nor less than an elope ment in high lite. Tho parties were Mr. Herbert C. l'cll, a banker, and Miss Kittle Kcrnochan, an artless miss of twenty-five sum men, or thereabouts. Kernbchan's parents had refused their consent several years ago and no other recource wasjeft but to elopo. Mr. Pierre Lorillard, who is an uncle of the bride, is also a silent partner in tho firm of which Mr. Pell is a member. ' We regret that a serions difficulty oc curred at Charlotte, on Saturday oven- inglast, between Mr. P. A. Grirhsley foreman of the Journal office, and .Mr.. H. J. Stono, pressman in the Observer office, irr which omo blood was spilletL We know nothing of tho merits of the oniroversy further than the reports published in the papers with which they are respectively associated and those rc somewhat conflicting. Mr.Griras ley was, tluring the last summer, for a considerable time a compositor in the office of the Review; and we wonld not willingly believe, front, his conduct.a.nd deportment whilo with us. that he would guilty. of any act inconsistenlwith character of a gentleman- at a braye raan. - v; fic assortment of Guns ard Pistols JaC0211S ilu&TtSXQ Depot " " t ; " - i 1-MM j '! i ! VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. - - - e IKDEX TO HEW A0YC8TIUUE1T&. I Cure Fit Consumption Wanted Teac&ers Mothers Bead This "Moore County Grit" Lime, Kalnit and Plaster Yaies ScLojI Books, &c Waited A German Girl Free Cards and Cbronioc Mckps ,B eos Garden Seed OTTERnOCKG ArriTll g Daily W H Gkeejt Drugs, Medicines Benson's Capclae Porus Plaster P L Bbidge&s Si Co Peach and Houe? Gxstox M. Hobbs Thorongn Baas BIddle HirssBERGER Ilyranala and Prayer Books ' Kekchkeu & CitDEJ Bros Bice, Pota toes, Grooo ties M I The receipts of cotton at th port to-day foot up 494 bales. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prjoes, at Jacoci's. t "We notice in the Charlotte Journal that Mr. J. M. i Walker, formerly of this, city, who has been residing in Statesville for some years past, hai re move! to Charlotte. Wo are glad to hear that thus far the fruit prospects in this State and; South Carolina are good. If no more hearyH frosts are experienced, the crops may be considered safe. But id Is almost too early for any but almanac makers and false prophets to file predictions. For Pocket Knives or Table Cntlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f j Mr. Paul A. Chatlbourne. President of the Massachusetts Agricultural Col lege, who died in New York city last Friday, was second cousin to Messis Jas. II., Georgeand W. II. Chadbourn, of this city. . : .l i !. Prof. IId)bg has another musical riddle in this issue. It is based upon the science of harmony, but it will require considerable knowledge of 'thorough. bass to render a correct solution. We i i hope Unit our friends who are pursuing musical studies will give us the answer, A New Postal Telegraph Company has bcn born. Its ostensible mission ... i I ! ! in Hie is to fight the Western Union; its actual accomplishment will be a pleasant and easy death by absorption into the bowels ol that " great monopo. ly. provhled it ever gets large enough to bo palatable. j j j County Institutions. i ! i i During: the last session of court a com mittee of members jof the grand jury, appoiuled lor the purpose. Visited the jail and poor house of the county and investigated their conditionj jThe. re port stated that both institutions were found in excellent condition, a due re gard being paid to the safety arid secu rity combined with the health of those in the jail, and for tho comfort of those who are iumates of the poor house. For the Penitentiary, SheriOIanning willleare to-morrow morning for-Raleigh. with the prisoners sentenced at the recent lerm of the Criminal Court to the penitentiary. Too following is tho list with the vtcrm8 for which tbey were respectively sent enced:' ' I J. A. McKee, larceny, six years; J. W. Wilburn, false pretense, five years; John McGuire, mismarkiriga hog, four years ; W. II. Campbell, larceny, three years; Henry Nichols larceny; three years; -.'James Burnett, larceny, two years. - 0 II House of Correction. The following persons were sentenced to the County House , of Gnrrectionl at tho recent term of the Criminal Court : Andrew Morris, larceny, ' sixteen months ; Ictitia Taylor, larceny, six teen, months; James Eagles, assault and battery, twelve months; George lenders, assault and - battery, six months; William Larkins, jlarceny,, six months; William Jones', assault and battery, three months ; j Thomas Dunn, assault and battery, six months, j During the term six were sentenced to a term of years in the State Peniten tiary, seven to the County House of Correction, twenty-nino were settled by fines aad costs and in five cases judgment was suspended,! and there was one appeal, making j forty-eight cases in which convictions were obtain od. I The Place to SaTe Money You can positively savo money , by buying yourclothlng. Gents1 Furnishing Goods. Hats & Ops at the old reliable clothing house, of A. & I. Shrier 34 Market street; give them a callJ j ' t To Boildera and others Go td Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. .- '-'.-;r."Y ; J WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY; FEBRUARY Mrs. Mattliews's Bond Suit. Judge Bond has just rendered an ppimon m the Ciremt Court of the United States for the Eastern District of jNbrth Carolina In the case of Virginia B. Matthews against the trustees of the first mortgage bondholders of the late Carolina Central Railway Company, in the course of which fee says : "This is a bill to dissolve the organization of the company and establish it under a new plan, alleged to have been the only one to which tho plaintiff, who is a large, bondholder of a former organization, over Sgreed, and ala tot isj unction and a recewer. .....XiA ' , ..; -.. , "It seems that MrsMdtthews was the owner of l.UM boo'ds,8 for the earn of $1,000 eaeh,secared bya-first mortgage on the railway; also of second mortgage bonds to the amount of $3,550,000.- The company made default in payment; of interest and the foreclosure and sale followed on May 31 f 1880, under regular proceedings. ' The defendants at ! the sale were a committee appointed by the first mortgage bondholders who be came purchasers.- A. new company formedthe Carolina Central Railway Companyto which all the property and franchises of tho old corporation were conveyed tree and discharged from all former liens. and encumbrances. In our opinion Edward Matthews, tbe husband of Virginia B. Matthews, was as appears from the whole' case, if not the real owner of these securi ties, tho complainant's plenary attor ney, and the case must be treated tas if he were the plainthT or as if all his acts and declarations were those of his wife. Several plans of reorganization h id been agreed upon between - Graves, a defendant, and Matthews; two gave an undue advantage to the old - second m ntage bonds (meaning Matthew), which were abandoned, and Mrs. Mat thews signed a paperauthorizing Fran cis O. French, a tlefoudant, to designate a plan and making him sub'tfintiall.) arbitrator. On December 12, 1871). Mrs. Matthews sold $500,000 of the old first bonds to R. A Iancaster & Co.. hypothecated &500,0X more on a loau from French, Stout & Graves and gave them a power of attorney for five 3 ears to vole on 1 000,000 ot hei bonds, including the $500,000: hypothecated ones, on condition that they should ap prove the plan of rcorganizatian. This latter plan was. by plaintiff, abrogated on the ilflh of May, 1880, French being authorized to designate a new plan. Before thjs -, however, on the t wel ft h day of May 1880, more than five-sixths ot the old bondholders had entered into an agreement looking to . tho purchase, of the C. C. Railroad at the foreclosure sale, j This paper "was signed by com plainant, among others, and was bind ing upon all who signed it, and the Court, as far as the natnre of the case permitted, would enforce it; -The pur chase was made under this instrument and no organization tiot effected in ac cordance with its-terms, would have had the consent of the parties in inter est,while it remained in . force.? -'. "We are isow asked to enforce it. It is plain we ought not to do w. It is not within the terms of the instrument ot May 12, 1880. The complainant re ceived new bonds; she attempted to buy more and oflered to sell them, and brought suit for some she claimed to be hers. To come into a court equity and ask it to set aside the organization of the new : company under these cir cumstances'and to take its property out of its hands and put into those of a re cover is little else than" monstrous. The motion for injunction and recelfer is therefore denied." Messrs John F Dillon and McRae and Russcllappearcd fr plaintiff and Messrs Patterson. Davis and Stedman &. Latimer for de fendants. -V. Y. World. Very III. j 1 We are sorry to hear that the venera ble Mrs. Stewart is very ill at her resi dence in Smithville. She was attacked about a week ago and at the last reports her situation was very critical, the en tire left side being paralyzed. Her daughters, Mrs. Warren, of this &ty; Mrs. Barnes, of Wilson and Mrs: Crf f ner, of Smithville, have been with her since the first attack. Mrs. Stewart is now 68 years oj ago and the chances of recovery are, we fearajrainst her. lolantlie. . . It is now urfderrtopd that Ford's Opera Company have made a positive engagement for the" Opera House in this city and if they da not break it we may surely look lor a representation here, on the evening of "March 7th, of the new and pleasing opera of lolanthe. We are satisfied that Mr. Ford will not rrgret the vesture, in apecnnlary sense, as the probability fs that tho house will be packed Ircra - tha parqnctt3 . to ; tho - if 1 '. .t Personal. 3rrIciW.-;Strangi of this city, who had b&iiW'a trip to the South for nearly k'tobntH past, : returned a few nights agq'ind has hurried off again to Raleigh for attendance on the Supreme Court. '"Mr Strange was present at the Mardi Graa celebration in New Orleans and.'sinco then - has visited the tiot Springs, in Arkansas, and some ether places of resort in the Southwest. . ; I &t. ThoarH. Hardin, of Hickory,' is lor the city to-day; ;Mr. flardin was, in ftnte-bejlur4 day;s, a resident ef this city, where be held the josition cashier of the Cape Fear Bank, andlie has "many inenuaua acquaintances cere yes. ; OurgooilfriendBerry ..Graves, fbrni erly with "Giles- & AInrchisbn of tis city, but now. traveling in conjunction with Mr.'At DLLippitU for the hard ware hodse of Conklin & Co,, of Balli more,. IsaIso here to-day, bn one of his rare and briet visits . Mr. R; S. Townsend. -who left ' here about two months ago for Baltimore, has re turned to Wilmington and ; ex pects to cast in his let with us again. LHe says that Hock Spring water is more potent thaii Her imagined. t ' . . . ; . r ...... "" J Go6d style is good sense, good health, good energy arid grod will; but a bottle ot Dr Bull's Cough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has al ready learned to appreciate. ! .DIED. CAKKOLL In this city, Ihts morning, at thi o'clock. JOHN CAKKOLL, a native ot -.wport, K . I., aged 46 year. Tbttfuneral servfod will tke place to-morrow morning', -at 10 o'clock, from-the residence of the deceased, on South Front 6lrect- Frlends and acquaintances arereepfctfutlj in- vitea to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVING DAILY f THE Latest iMovelties in Men, Youths and Boys' CLOTHING- NOBBY STYLES. FIT AND CUT FXOELLKNT. FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT LOW PK ICES I Otterbourg, KIKTS "CLOTHIER, jfel26 ' WILMINGTON, X. C. Rice. Groceries. Potatoes. 500 BUSas'2 1 6EEjt icc inn BBLS'EiBLY ROSE and 1UU rKBdLEbS .POTATOES. j . BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFrEE, RICE, MOLASSES, : I ' ' SALT, CRACKERS, CANpT, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, : CHEESE, SODA, TOTASH, BUNGS, WRAPPING PAPER, WRAPPING TWINE, IUtV, BAOGING, TIES, Ac. - - For aale by lebM KEKCiasiitt & C ALDER BtOS. If You Would be Happy BUT A COOK STOVE. : li The Golden Harvest," ce 93 "CALUMET, Of 'ARKER & TAY TXiVL Putb WhiU Oil. Ub2i Breecli-Loaaers, PtNE BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS, feaells Wads, Powdcr.Shot, Cartridge- Bars, UmrCaaee. Reloadlsff Tools, Game Bags, ru tola all kind. If you want a firsts Us art! ctoot the a bo to rood), and krsr prices, Lfce aama can ke4onnd at . . -k W. E. SPRINGER & CO'S, Suoceeeow U awsoo As Co feb 7 1 SI and Market Street ; Assignee's Sale, j TIE TDERSIGNED AS AS8 KNEE M der a deed ut inut froia Georzc H. Cra pon. aad la pursuance ot lbe,proTi2oo tbere ofrjrlll eell at pubUo auction, for ea-h. oa bafarday, tea 241 b day oX February, U'SJ, tne atock cl Groceries aad other tenmal prop erty, cooreyed by aid deed and eoculsft la btorea o. 15 ant 18, on Iroat street. Sle wlil oein ai kl iiore at 11 o'eloek, and be cooteiad from day to day until rood are r-!i. r A.G.li2CACP, 26. 1883. NO. 50 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS What Chord am I Descrlbiiijr? A THOCOUGU BASS RIDDLE. BT OASIOK JI. HODM. . We flad on the Snb-dctainant i Of any Major key, - ; , Te grandest ot all chords extant Tbe tolcg of Harmoiy j i A middle chord he sometime takes In gnlog to tbe close ; WU resolution bo ih"n makes, . ' Which does ol Lira dispose ; ' He neref will consent to end . ' A storr. r bsnlm.! , So, if you wUh to llnd hfra.tbea' 1 . v;'Ta ncit 'ejjquirc wltio". - .'Toual recognise tCxn by h to!c. w: iWWch we haver)nst described;- - . tn -Overy -ar he'il be m t cJ'oice, Br which uo'u leea''lallJlled,, -; feb 26-li : . ' ; . THAT SETTLES IT. ; ' - :' - - " fc : " - - - -i ,-''- ' " ' Brought Into Competition with - - ' .,- -.; v, - r , the yorld,; the Best Carries offUbe Honors. -v .,- At the great Centennial Exhibition-of 1ST6, the leading prodtots of all tbe branches of he World's' industry Were 'assembled at Phlla- delpbia. To carry off a priza In the faco of i - " i - - . that tremendoua.competitiort was a tak of no ordinarykdifflculty. Inrcntlons aud prepara tions for the allCTlatton of pain' and" tbe care of diseae.were preseoi la tho greatest ;pos8i bld variety, representins: tho skill and the pro foundest Btndy of the jage, and It may be of vital importancerto you, personally , to know th it tho highest ar,d tha oaly rac ial given to rubber Porus plasters, vris awarded f the niiinnfacturers of BENSO'3 CAPCJNE PO BJUsi PL A STER, by the following jnry: Dr. WM. ROTlirSurgeon-General, Prafslan Array. ' . , ', 1 . J. II. THOMPSON, A. M M. D., Wajhin. too, D. C. .1 . CvB. WHITE, il. D.. ew Orleaha. , ENE'T r LU.ISi;lI. M. U., Au-,tria. .-. The decision wa3 aft-rwards con firmed j by the medical jury ut the last I'aria ExnoiitLn KuoAing the value of s -b hi.;b Aud nnbiaded testimony, the lueilit-al prfeas oir,' buth in the UuIceJ Mate aad' in 1 Urope, quickly thivw a Me the old, slow-actlag pia-tcri lhy had been .using, jind adopted. Btrr.eon's in their regu ar irncli--e. 1 hat. phys'scHiie and eur geuiw ot the broaiir-st repxi.ulioim iii'i this, dis lincily prove the inti Susie iiicj it of the article." It is uo m re thaujusi to ad th.tt thei'Vtr ago phsiti lj ot tO;diy U not dominated by t;ie prjudicea which- retanled the "prow s and ni Kllfirfd the 8ucce-g.a of I is : prcre C38:ors ot iit more than twenty-tire years Kg-. lie accepts hinta f Cornell quarters aud cn :orr ei and adopts demonstrated healing agents wherever he finds them. - Tho right of Ucuson's Carcine Porous Plas ter lo ttuud at Hie head of all external appli cations whatsoevor, for the mitigation or cure of t.isease, is no longer questioned Let i be purchaser, however, be ou hi guard against imitations. Tbe genuine has the word CAPCIN E cut in the imddle. f Scabury & Jobusonr Cheail?t5, New 1 ork. - "feb 25-4 w i ' ' ' . Wanted Teachers! $100 Per month Steady employment during Soring' and turn mer. j AdreM J. C. JIcCURDTr & CU feb2G 4w P.illa., Pa. . ICUEEFiTSI ; When i By cure 1 do not man merely to 'top them tot ttlzae tadxhon have them return ain, I mean a rdl Ul cure. 1 hare mafia the tUcso of KITS, El'ILEPSY ar FALX.lNOSICKSES3aUfo-long.tadx. I warren t n j rtvaeAy to enre tbe worst cases. Because others hr.ri failed 13 no reason for not ow reeelTlnj a care, tnd J once f r a troatlso anil a Fre Bottle of rr.j lnribU remedy. CIto Kxprea and Tost OrHce. It col Jsi Motbiag for a frlrU nd I wlU rnre yoa. dOrsee ' . UL Ci. KOOT, 1S3 fearl St., KevTork Free ! Cards & Ohrbmos. - We will send free by inail & sample set of our large Gernian, French and American Chromo CarU, on tinted an gold groun, with a trtec list f over fiW different designs, on receipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send free by mail as samples, ten of our beautiful Cbrutnos, on receipt of ten cent to pay f Jr packing nd ptace; aleo erwse a confidential price lit of our large oil chioinos. Agenu .wanted.i Addre'aF. GtXA60X & CO., 66 efummer street, Boston, Mass. - : fe'3ft4w. L ; ;- . i I ','MOORE COUfJTY GRir iifiiiniiA mniinioTAtipp T (xxxtszzzsk BESTIIJTHEVOniD 1 or STX&X tXHT . C3BTR tlSZUZA inLLSTCII CX S Branch OScc-OrsdoMe, N. C Lime, Kainit and Plaster I BCILDIXG LUIE, AGRICCLTCRAL LIME CARBONATE OF LIME, KAINIT, LAND PIASTER AND MARL. GOOD FERTILIZERS, ; AND VERY CHEAP. Send for Circular r - : - feb 93 FItENCII BROS., Rocky Point. N. C. Mothers Read This ! stoxc Eincr, N. Y. V'a Decsex Bkos. Dear Mrs : Tonr Woau CosrEcnoss have ie tnvHhiable u n our lit tic boy, two years oil. dchared aver th-rty worm in a tew days, uswog ony a few of your orra Bfections. I aai glifi to b a- tetlciooy to tbe raius of A'anDecsen Worm Lotfectlocs. Toor. : - ' bev. j. l. McNainv Try them 25c a bo. VaDEUEN BEOS, feb 4w ' ! .1srAn Y. COUNTRY YERCHANTS AND EVERY BODT CAN gtt, stilted in qaaliiy asd pricca frota tbe largj stock of FA DOLES Y GOODS, At the Sew satVUery and Trvnk Uoneof - -. U. 11. 11UWDEN & CO.. No. 4 j ;:arttt5.v a. Cx 1 - i 1 .s i - . .- ' ' PUEAfiE NOTICR. ! f- Wo win be glad to rccclro ccacasslcatlss froaoCTfrl2dcnaay iij a tuytcta ct itfaraJlBteckbutr:,. '; . '."f. ' -f Tbe same of tha writjtr rnoti ahrars b ta j nlbt4tottetditar. i U Commnnlcfttlotu niut be wtutea ea, tztj one side of the. paper. ! t Personalltlea Rjust be avoldecL; And It 1 especially aj paxtleaUrr tadsri tood that the Editor does aot always eado) M te rlewa of correepondenta tmlesa to ttatc4 la tho editorial oohtxosa. - - XEWr ADVEUTISEMEjrm. W YOUNG GERMAN GIRL, AGED 'about 13. Call at third bouse on Walnut, btwcim Fourth tnd Fifth streets, Sxmtb aid, Utwwa 2 ami 3 o'clock, P. 51. -s - . feb 2d St x - -' - Hymnals and Prayer Books, JjrBLES AND TESTAMENTS, - V f Bible DicUtmarles. ; , KUrcienu of UlTtaitTi Ralsfr-a. : . Concord ce, i.rsden, LftwwfcbrtstatJd the-Apostles, Fleetwood. - , lectures on PreacAdcg. Brooka,' Sermons, Mood r. , M oruings with Jesus, Jay,".' . i i i ' ..Mommlnrcr, . , The.'lrd's Prayer; borinoa. by Murtco, Baptism, tested by ftcrlpturo ad History, Devoaioual Book s for Lebt aad s Hvbxd 4 . v Books of all kltds, at . , A J heinsberger;s, . feb S6 : ,. UygBook and Music S tori Peach a n d H b trey . FINE BEVERAOB FOK THE Thirsty, ind an excellent remedy i ot ConjfcJ, : " ' At : Col ls, c f: Don't Hesitate any Longer, young man, lut corpo around and gt i ' that Candy you promised bcr. EoysterV Purest and Best, SO Cents Per Pounde ! An Bscelleut Breakfast risb --' Fresh CoidflGhr, SO CciitH per Can.' EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, 9 .j'. ' FA T AND JUIUV. ' Tin fire pound Cf.ns and Klti.. j P. L. BEIDGEES & CO. fib 20 - . .i " . .,( .1 "GARDEN SEEDS." A FRESH LOT OF ALL 'KINDS of Cab- rlt and Ula wa4aw ties; OolUrtl, Beet and Tomato Seeds, a large k -lock and nn emMess variety of Peas ami -KeiUJs." retailed at u hoiealc prices by j . ' Munds Broo., 1 Manufacturing Pharrnaciet. f 1.491 UKOaDWAV NKUT TOKff ! AND WILilLNGTON, K. C. ! , Jan 29 ! Drugs, Medicines, QPONGES, FANCY GO0D3, 1 ' PEOFUHERy, SUNDRIES, tc r vi r hw uy - . . - " WILLIAM n. GREEK, i ' r Market utreet c. w. gCHOOL BOOKS, , v j ' BLANK BOOC0, 1 j . '. 8TATIONERT,; ; IA ' FRAMES. , FANCY GOODS, ' WRAPPING PAPER, s -'rj PAPER BAGS. ": I 1 cxrsrptcte assortment Pen time nlai Talsa tlie. " ": ' : '"fcb". -j Ljlbokaiobt or j ; . State AsitTn akd Qatstnj, j East Graoo Street, j RicmrosD, Va J January XOth, tHX Me. N. zekiel hs made known to me tho compoiMon of his flair estorer aad I cava aUo fubicctcrt It to chemical examination. It contains no Iad or silver, eobttancea very comraonlv employed In msktnjr preparaUoa for tbe hair, ror anything harmf al, and may ; mciciorc im uscu wiuiui arprenenstoa ci us inrlous rcsalts. T . : WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D.,' l tuteCkvemist. j ; WiiiUt than rtrrg -you, Mr.r-eUel, forrha flair Rest rcr you so kindly sent me, I taka , gTeat plsore la sa,j tftg to yoa that ita bene fidat eSeeU apoo my hair nave been so ar par -ent as to attract tho commtadatloo of all cj friends wno have botinedit. " Ills In my esamatl a n tretenre. without wh eh the wil of none who hare nsed. tt will be eomptete. II picg it is ay reaHza yea tL pecuniary nerxs you ro rlchiy duerva, I remain, very repeecfaliy, hi n A . E. T. Wlsx. Richmond, Tb Feb. 21, 18T.7. -For sale by all druggists. Prtco tl revla t'e. rhl7 C. D. Morrill. A YJSDEUTAKES, CA BXNET 1UKES ACT CARPENTER. 03co and Work rhop on t: ood street, Mpoeite sonthcr land's stables. - -Respeetfalfy solid as orders and -ircarasirfi sood work, prompt fIlrery aeilsatifacl-sa ta verv respeet. - . nav U-tf .nnnnnnnr" mill !J m:h j j j i v 1 !.- a p-vsriT reives -1 -r t. v . :- j t . t , iksmikm f ca i ti-e -t i'si-4ti - ridrt-; ts--) c?-' 1. J -''-, - -....' . rW ';: t ; , ... . . t. , ajtj j . -,. - - r ..,' . i ..... . . , . . 5 J

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