- - - - TIH3 TAPER ' ' - ceptcd by JOSIIT. JA3IES,'1 rtt 4JTX EOPKUETOE . -D5Ciai'TlOX8 POSTAGE" PAID: r slx "onthBt iC0- Three e "... ! 00: One month, 35 cents. s .r wiu tc delivered by carriers free L orl'cenu TWWk. crfl'to rates low and UberaL . jHtieriLcrB wl" report any and all taU - - to ive tbclr itper regularly. "rrr Tke A7y Review has the largest fJrt fil' circulation, of any newspaper yuMisht'l. inth city of Wilmington. 3 Tho blil, fr redisricting the Slate t8 m have come up in the Senate to '.lav Thro has been some delay iri Ui icK-ti- 2-H arid it has not, altogether, been an t av j- b to make nine districts ontot ci-hi'an.latthe same tiiuo ar- range snd also have alt jikctiu'.ir.cy. th? c- uniies in .each dtslnct ccmtiu-, t o'f er. The following is ous to o.i-ci. the orter in which the bill presents jue i!N?rict.: m - Vuv IV-trict -Beaulorr, Camden, rhowin. Car trot, Ciiniiurk.- Dare, rwt" llertlnvd.llide. Martin. Pamli r! " "i'a-iuotank; lVruuiuians." Pitt. Terrell and Washing "Secid-Heriie. Craven, Green. Hali fax. ...ir.'N'rih.iiojn.ttnce, War re" nwl U'iJ-". ' - . TlrnJ lender. Duplin. Sauif'-on. II.'.fNn. Wayne, Cumberland II-irnKt nii'l Mfn'. Foi:rih-Na-!u Franklin. Wake. Dur fcam. Orange. Chatham. Alamance and fiuh Cranvillc. rerson. Casweli. i:..:kt!i:l..ti:i. Stokes, Gulllord, Surry S( Fill th. Sixth NVw Hanover. Urunvick, Coiumbn-. liichuiond. Anson, Unin. Stanlv. Cabarrus, Kubesun and Mcck- Seventh Montnniory. Kandolpji. IaviTn.'Kw.Mti. Davie?, Ireddl, Ca :jv W:i and Ya'ik n. . Eiiihih--Wilkes Alexander, Ashe. Waiaica. Alleghany. Caldwell, IJurke, ("'e:, l:ind and (iaMoii. Nirith-Clieiokee. Clay, -Graham. M:te.n. Swain. .latkoti,' . Hay w.;od. Trnu-lv.uiia. Henderson -Plk, Huth-erli-nl. IJuncoinbe, Melowtll, Madi son, Yamev aud Mitchell. It will be seen by this that New Han uver ha been placitl in the Sixth di triet. inMend t f ll e Thud, as now, and thai tlifre are ten counties in the dis trict, instead of twelve, as is the case at present. These ten counties are con ii,;uijs, one. to another, and although Mnkiei .burg, at the extreme West, is tunrly two lunidied miles distant from New Hanover, on the extreme East, jrt are thee two counties, by virtue oT railway facilities, nearer each other t!ia at the prwsent lime are New Han over ami Cartaret. or New Hanovcrand Diisliiw or, indeed. New Hanover ami Crun-wiek. We dislike to yield old aS B H-iaUw and old names and yet we can n.t but admit that the bill, so lur nl least us this section is cneerned, is a vory fair one. Neither can we grumble as to the ar rangement as regards the aggregate. Viiiieal strength of the district.- It is palely Democratic. The aggregate vole t the ten counties for this Congression al uV.riei at the election last Novem ber, was 15.173 Democrats and 13.510 Iit publicans. This leaves a clean Dem ocratic mnjnrity of '1,603, which could, we think, with, the proper effort, be w died u e,.rx.o, r more. An outburst of Southern feeling .was evoked by tho closing sentence of an address delivered by Gen. Jubal A. Kariy beibro the Association of the Man land Line in Baltimore on the mnin-of Washington's Birthday, and by the spirit in which it was received, "I trust." said Gen. E uly. -'that every faithlul boldierof the Army of North ern Virginia is ready to exclaim with me: It I ever disown, repudiate, or spolonue for the cause lor which Iah? toihtund .fackso,, died, let iho "light- nngs.ot Heaven bi:(t me, and t?u 'ru ! all gHl aiid tiiie women uu my portion: y we. Amen and auieu! i i-tvn, with the exct-ption 1 the U-w chcvtiits imHrtcl. arr itiijuict snljhied culcrs. and medium d:trk-.blue pnunises lu le lart-ly worn durini: tho comini; tisoti. There are a lew coppery ruwns and metallic reds, and m amenta He tints of crush strawberry aud rap 'rri'i. .ut a ooiuparatively sm:ill aJ unt of these odd, pronounced shadi s re shown, the majority of this season's ,n,Prtatins of cloih Ikmijs made up d" siandanl colors and neutral tints. Th new five-cent pieces, which were thniht to bo such models off artistic tsl4rn, have t be melted and coined Ver again because the. mint authorities JFri't to include tho- word -cents." Jle letter V indicates caily partially the nomination, and . without the wonl ccuuacjrmnterfoiterwould have very 'Hie difficulty in gildins tho coin and sing it for a ftV(MjoHar oia piece. Betides. a section of tho Revised StaU tut prescribe that a :designalion of Ut Tiius3 of tho coin shtil appear on it." .v .asuio. journal says ll.at.tbe last , MKmm an,iually in tensi4ns. F.uu j gleams ot the Unenial biightne.s and ' ftJu.r lhoJem of t,4 war the ' , J n" color wiiieii lor the lasi fe.vi - .:; i i-.r. ooo oon I Tho March number of this magaz: Mars have nia.le ali. Iress hmIs o.ge- j SKtt.t.n vejirs alter tho rnd ! of the wr hr 'BJ8 aud Girls' has been receive v - are lanuig-a w ay. i i,e. t.e w spring j. h..,, r,,--..!! ft68.(HK).C00. Last vear ! and is fully eiu.i. to any ot its preu 1 1 i VOL. VII. Unoje Sam sent East to Europe last year' 3.500:000 pounU of dried applti", a large proportion of which weregrowri in North Carolina. ' I The police authorities in Charleston have received instructions to wage a vigorou warfare asainst ali gambling houses and lottery concern 4 in the city. Oanibetta'ti father has it Is a i, kept Jii ..every letter that his son over wrote l ! linn ni'Oli r on r' stKtblb'f-w.rl anil 1i a eCBntenapIateSi publlhini the entire col- . . r L - ction. i President Boice, tho Jersey City j nans wrecker, is to oq niacte usetul la the State prison in ironing shirts. Tho iron has entered the rascal's. Sv'Ul already. Governor Butler reiterates his belief that tho Fourteenth Amendment fully covers the right of women to vote, and : ; i that the United States Supremo Court will so decide whenever! the question is presented. The Iangtry's recejpts in tho South did not reach the average in tho North and West, but the manager .said the reason was tho paverty of the south. In this instance poverty and wisdom were n a ly allied. ' I Baltimoro D ig: Tho j main -chanel arch and beautiful columns of molded brick at the .Whittingham Memorial C'ltirch were the united gilt of Bishop Lyman and wife, of North Carolina. The work is hiirhly artistic and has been greatly admired. j ! The total yield of the :cot ton crop thus far. acc)rding to the Chronicle, is i 5.703.022 bales; to same di.te last year the yield was 4,785.791 bales, and in the year 18K0-1881. it was .5.298.834. This crop is thus shown to run abfut 300,000 bales ahead ot the large yijeldof 1680 81. The bigcest house New York has ever boasted is to be erected lhee soon: jit is to be an apartment house, ten stories above ground and four below it. It will rise 155 feet above the curb stone. Its location is 59th street, fronting the, park' ft will cost $000,000 and will be ready in the summer of 1884. Russians must have a great predilec tion for pies. It is stated that the Czar has ordered 900 000 pies for free dis tribution at his coronation at "Moscow, in May. Tho Terrorists are also, it is said. Dreparing some pie. game pie. for the occasion, the principal ingredient of which, as proposed liy them, is to be uncrowned Tsar. j There were published in the United States during 188-2 3.472 books; As com pared with 1S81 fiction gained: at the. ex pense of theology andjjuvenile literature. The works of fiction jnumbered 667; the ofogy and rel'rgioii, 30; medical science IS8 ; descriptive and travels! 185 ; biogra phy 184; poetry and thi drama, 1P2; literary, history and miscellahy, 155; history. 118, and social and political science; 113. j . j Failing of bangs :Ohough from the -governor" and each other, tiio boy i so called arc now banging themselves, in imitation of their young lady friends flats and caps are no longer usad as coverings for the heads, but simply as too-knots to show off the bangs. But j b ys ill brboys, and it isjas well to! ! ltL bao away, iislhcro is no help fr I j- I TV-.. - C... T... ..e !, liiil I en e.n s .t i ivji iiic: -i mv - f - . t . f . . . . . . . .v.. al Vkj .lit ( i w:tr iuu vjoci uuit'uk w;w """ V" ' j - I In v lean to gllB. - (MHt.OOrt. Tho South must pay her share of this as well as the North at the real heroes of the war, our heroes, must live either by the "sweat of their own brows or else as' otherwise they may. t., ; - X Komautic K;ied $2 liauk ' liill. j Many different stories aro told about the prize which Underwood Fisher, of the Three Kivers House, drew in The luisiana State lottery. lie statedthe tacts thus: Dec. V2 he sent $2 and n-ct-ived in return two tenths ticket No 31.401. He put the ticket away and thought bo mre ot it until threoda)S after the drawing, when ho received a dispatch faying that his ticket had drawn 20,tHJ. his share of which" was $4,000.- From M A. Dauphin. PreVt if llw? L S L O)., New Orleans, through the First NatiotiAl Bank, he received his $4 000. Little things mako quite a difference He had.a bill laked. and he sent it for a ticket. The Jnoral ii, thai 3ou send ft r lottery tickets when vm cet a m?ed tvro-li)llar bill. IYom the Three Rixxra (Mich.) Herald cf Jan uary 13. - - j . j..r. WILMINGTON. N. C.. WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. I01I TO MW A0VcHriS.4fir. Mukds Dko- JanJ&n ecl W II Jrbex Dmi.iM"licnSi jA SpRTXCER-Coainnd Wixvt Heinrbkroeb 1'IananHTana ' it F Mitchell sosBl jjut Proof Seed Ou Col. H. B Short, of Columbus "coon. tT, is in the city to-day.. The' receijHs of cotton at this port to-day foot up 224 -biesl Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, xt Jaoori's . t F bruary. tho last of- the j winter nionths, goes out of date to-day .-" " This has been a bright, pleasant day. a delightful forerunner of of the beauti ful spring. I The Easter cards this year are beau- -4 tiful. Never were designs so varied and so artistic. Steamship Regulator, Capt. Doane. from New York, arrived at J her whar! in this city this afternoon. The merchants, by a larg$ majority will go North next week to lay in their spring and summer supplies. The almanac makers, as well as false Canadian prophets, were decidedly out of the way in their predictions for to day.' lion. D. K. McRae, Dr. A. j. De ll sset. Hon. D. L. Russefl and Gen. S. II. Manning, alt of VrIlmington, were registered yesterday at the Yarboro House, Raleigh. The funeral services over tho remains of Mr. I-aurence Bissett took place this afternoon from the Second Presbyterian Church and were largely attended. The remains were interred in Oakdale. I We are sorry to hear that there is no improvement in the condition of the venerable Mrs. Stewart, of Smithvtlle now suffering with a stroke of para1 ysis. But little hopes of her recovery are entertained. .Exports Foreign. Ger. brig Hermann Friedrich. -Cwt. Noijahr, iclearey to.day for Liverpool with 1,188 bales cotton, valued at $56. 598. soipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison &Co. The Place to Save Money. You can positively save money by buying your clothing, Gents1 Furnishing Goods. Hats & Caps at the old reliable clothing home, of A. & I. Shrier 34 Market street; give them a eall. I t Supreme Court. The following cases, from ihistlislriet. were called in the Supremo Court yes terday:; L State ts Oats and Pneh. from Samp son ; argued by Attorney General Kenan and E. T. Boy kin for the State; no counsel for the defendant, i i Wm. Stri&kland vs. H. II- Draughan, from Sampson ; arfued by E."T. Boy kin and Reade, Busbee & Busbee" for the plaintiff; no counsel for the defendant City Court. August Hart wick was brought beforaJ tho Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct, lie was.fnund guilty and paid the penalty-by a fine of John Martin,. colorcHl. was then brought on a charge of larceny, in which case I he testimony wnS such that the ilefenlant was requirel to give bond in !.i ... m r 1 1. i Mft siUli OI Di lor his Hiixni itniri: ui . j- 1 - I . next lenn ci iiie i.iruiiuai vourt. nc 1. eces- 'sors Its illustrations, of which there are many, are neat and attractive, its press work first class and its reading matter entertaining and instructive to oid or voting. Published by James Elverson, northwest corner Ninth and Spruce streets. Philadeiphia, Pa., at a subscription price pf $3 per annum, payable in advance. Fonl's Opera Company. Mr. Frank Arthur, Mr. Ford's agent, is in town, and they arc positively com ing and will perform the new opera id" Iolanlhc." It is said to be the finest of all comic operas. We notice that the United States District Court decided in Mr. Ford's lavor. ip the 11 jtmtion case against him, for playing this new and charming- opera. The Manager of the Opera House j tried to get the com party to play a matinee with -Olivette' on Wednesday bat we are sorry to say that I: is impracticable to do so, Mr. Dyer having received a dis patch to that eTcct this morning. t To Oivlfln the Diocesei Dr. A.-.f . DeRsset. f this city, was in Raleigh yesterday. He was , one of a commit ice, criiting of Revs Ej R ! licit. J-B. Cheshire anil E. N-Joynei anifR. .H. Battle,1 E:q . who were :tp! p 'nted at tho last Dicesan Conven iin of; tfo. Episcopal Church 'to cn f.T with Bishop Lyman in regard to the diviidt-njof the dioeese, and Jieis iu.Ral MgH n jlhi b!linri.- j Good style is Mni souse, tfiw-d health, good energy and gftod.wiil.'but'a" bo.tie t Dr Bull Ouih Syrup if a gKid ben tfaetiosr Hat suffering huntanity hc al ready" learned to appreciate. i 'I ; CZCAn JVlit. ' j An iHterestinj ceiesliaj event occurs to-morrmv niorniii. At" about twenty-five minutes after lour o'clock the moon will occult tho brighi star Beta Scorpion. s, and more than an hour later.tho&trwwiH - be seen emerging from behind the moon on the side op posite to where it disappeared. To those who own telescopes tho specta cle will be particularly interesting, be cause the star in .question is one of the most beautiful 'double stars in tho heav ens. Even without a telescope it will bo a sight worth .feeing. t : 1 - i Professor! Shepherd's Lecture. We.., hopo our citizens .will bear in mind the lecture. of this distinguished gentleman which will be ''delivered in Tilostqn Hall on . Friday evening next, March 2d, at 8 o'clock. . I Prof. Shepherd visits' Wilmington by invitation from tho Historical and Sci entific Society of this city. The -sub; ject of his lecture will be Language,'1 and we know of ntjfone more thoroughly competent to do justice to that theme than himself. t There "will be no charge tor admission, and a -cordial invitation is extended to our citizens to attend.. Professor S. is expected to arrive to morrow evening and will be the guest of. Mr. Edward Kidder while iu our city. , . -. 1 -V- Dangers of the Sea. Capt. Doane, of the steamship Regu lator, which arrived from New Yoik iu-Uu, rrprta that early on Monday morning he saw a three-masted schoo tier, with her iuizen mast gone about thirty feet from the deck, standing South. He was about a mile from the schooner and plainly saw, through his glass, people upon the de-k, but the latter gave no signal of distress. She was about 75 miles North of llatteias at the time aud about 1 25 miles from the land, aud was under her Ibresad, foregaff, topsail ami three jibs. Captain Doane , concluded "from the appearance ot the vessel and Lorn the fact that no signal 'of distress was hoisted, that bo damage other than the loss of the masts was experienced. Captain Doane left New York on S ituiday -afternoon, and at about , 10 o'clock there was quite a brisk gale from the southeast which continued ui.til 4 A M. oa Sunday. About 10 o'clock Sunday forenoon J he wind shifted sudV deftly to ihe uorth west and ble w a heavy g tie for about 15 midutes, after which L shifted again to the southeast,"' hut b'ew only a moderate breeze. It is the opinion of Cap;. Doane. (and a very ft -asonable one) that the schoonr got ciught by the gale tin Sunday, and when the wind shifted so suddenly and blowi d S fiercely she met with the accident we have decribetl. There was a very h avy ea at the time, which in part accounts f r the accident. Fr P cket Knives ir Tstb'e Cutlery, r za tJXcoBis Hardware Depot. Ui hop Lyman's Appointment March 1 Thur.-dny W.ldon. 3 -Fridaj -tlaUlux. 4 Suiid t -Knlield. f Tiid v-KiiiiwXMl. 8 Thursday SnoWjllill. ; . : ; 9 Friday, p in, New bern. I 11 Sunday Newbt rn. 1 13 Tuesday Bi Mufort. 14 Weduesd.iv Khiston. "lSTlihrstlkyIloly Innoceats, U-nir ti. "f -:f -...' , 16 FriU Goldiboro. 18 Snmlay -.Wilmington.. ' IU Momlay Wilmington. -2tl Tuesday Wiluiiniiton. 22 Thursday Iltcky Munt. 23 ;d Friday Tarboro. 25 Easter Day Wilson. 29 Thursday -r-So"uth Alills, con secration. ! , f ? 0 Friday Camden 31 Saturday Newbegun Creek. Fear not AH Kidnov and urinary complainL, especially Briihts Disease, and Livtr troubles, nop Bitters will surely and lastingly cure. Cases exactly like your own have been cured in own neighbor hood, and you can find reliable proof at home of what Hop Bitters has and can dp, j O ' : ' ;' : To Builders and others Go to J A CO si's for Sash Blinds and Doors, Glass c Tot get alV sices ' and at the lowest pricca." " r i 28. 1883. NO. 52 j Literary. At the rfgidar meeting of the Litcrr ary Club hst evening there was a la'ge. select and appreciative audience, a gre it put if - hieh was couip)Setl of alies. The exercises co nsisted of an oration -by Mr. W, H. I.mmar. Jr. and recitations (uim):i request) by W. S. Briggs. E-q. The other apinntees were absent. Cause, unknown ; effect damp ft onr j A finessortmentf Guns and Pistols it Jacoki's Hardwire Depot. I f . - Quarterly AleeliiiKS For the Wihnitigton distiics, of the Methodist E. Church. South: . y : . - (COOLUsjoX. l Il5T.EOUND.) Fair Blufi" Mis? on, . .'. . . . .. . . Mar. 1 ; Bladen, at Centre. .'. M ar. 3-4 Clinton,' at Andrew's Chapel Mj.r. 10-11 kesburg at Halls.. . ... ....Mar. 17-18 Newton Grove Mission,. . . -Mar. 21 Point Caswell Mission, at Providence-. . ........ Mar. 27 R. O. lU;uToy. P. E new ai vjj rris i;.iii:n ts. Ked Rust Proof Seed Oats. 3QQ BUSUS. CHOICE j . EED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Jnsi receded autl for salo by feb 2S 2t! B-r, MlTCnELlf A SON. 600 Tons CoaL jpRESII ARRIVAL CfO TONS COAL, PER aohrs. "John A. Griffia" ani "1 homa Sln- .... j . n'.cksen'Vrom Philadelphia. Quality nnsir pajcl arifl at ttottoni Itgures. Fa I t TK of Vl ! at l9v nrlnes. P. S. Remember pleirty icoMwetljerahe4 feb Aj-if 4 A. Sl'KiNGEU. office tax collector, r I CITY"bP WUJilNGTON, N. C, -- j February. 2Cth, 1863. I I . ' Notice. JS HEREBY GIVE-N;THAT I WILL COM mence the Sale of Real Estate. "for, ths City Tax of tho year" 1832, an MONDAY NEXT, j ... MARCli 5tb, at 12 o'clock, at the Court Ilouce dor. " - HENRY SAVAGE, feb 27-21 Tax Collector ; PIANOS & ORGANS - - . i ,-. A i FROM ALL'TUE " I' ' ' - " B.est Manufacturers in the , Country, . SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE M0NTHL INSTALMENT jPLAN, AT HEINSBERGER'S, , feb il j Lire B'vok am! Music St re Rice. Groceries. Potatoes. 500 Bljiiils' Xo 1 seed jstcit. -I(w BBL9 ERLY ROSE anl 1UU PEERLESS POTATOES. BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR. OOFFEE, BICE, MOLASSEI, SALT, CRACKERS, CANDY, ! SOJP, STARCH, CANDLES. A CHttE-sE, SODA, POTASH, ' BUNGS, WRAPPING PAPER WlCAPPING TWINE, HAY, "BAGGING, TIE, Sl. I " ' " ForigJilc bj -feb 23 KKii llK.t . CATrHW BtOft. If You Would be Happy; BUY A COOK STOVE. i The Golden Harvest," "CALUMET," Or, SOUTHi-:'ltN OAK," or AUKfc.it t TA V 1 R v T Pure White Oil.. 1 -feb t Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. JH. SCU LOSS, Prop. piBST-CLASSTN EVERY BESPECiy ST Flrstlaos Bir and BILLIARD fit mn?i ATTACHED. an 7 IOO Sets 1 0 F HAENE36 JUST RECEIVED, and vfl bare anolber btrge; Jot of Btnfgi"i a few ayaJ Give os aca ' ; 1 dee 3 GER'latfnT A CO. Mothers ilicad This ! ..'"' . , i : ' '-"". -; TOXX RlDOE. yt. Y. Vax .Decsex Bros. Dear fir: T,r Worm i ortcTroxs hate i ioriuaM u xx u'ur lUile lr, two rear oVU 'discharged nrr tit rty worm in a few" djy, us-r.jjco'y a few of yaur orm nfectloL I am jrlad to b a teetfoMwy to the value of VaaDeceenV Wvrm LotttecUas. Yoam. - . . - '-r lixrr. J. L. McNjjb. Try them 23o a Ur l l - ; , i- VajDECEN BEOS ' feariw . - atBtoa,.T. - : . rUEASSr-NOTJClL i We will bo glad to recclm crsaa&leat!o&s 'from nr frUads n asj sad ail KxtJccU ot feral taunst but " The nme f the writer tansl ahra js b fa ixH to the cavoT. 'I ' -'.' 11 i v-.; : . CoiaruuBtcaUm out be wslttea ca exij e We of the pepcr.. ' Pcrtc aAllLleis ibatt bo evoMed. - . -And tt U effpeclAll penlcnlarr radcr. fuo that the EU tor doce not always eat m ; t'e views of correpondeoU unless m tu i I NKW ADVEllTlSEMRyrS. Peach and Honey. , . '.-:.-.; ; - - -i-'-r . FINE BEVERAGE FOR THE Y ' Th!rtj, and aa excellent remedy for COTflu, : -j Don't -Hesitate anyonirer yoati oica, but como around acd vet t - b Eoyster Purest and Best? . -.-. .., ... .. - GO Cents Per Pound. Aa Excellent Brekfat FUh, : Fresh Codfish, 20 Cents per Can.' ,- , 'u ,m EXTRA.. MESS. MACKERF-C; FAT AND JUICV. J . Tin flo-ponnd Cans and Kits. " : P. L. BRIDGEKS &; C0.: feb 28 "GARDEN SEEDS.! FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS ( Cb- Mire and Turnip Seed, early and late rarle-tu-; Collard. beet ant Tomato freed. Lwr ptock and an endless variety of PeJ aad' Items, i ctiilled at u hole.-aU prices by -iViunds Bros., Manufacturing Phni4iianlKta i.4ui nitMiff.K,' SMXf TOSS j AND WILMINGTON, N. C , , V r jan 29 .,'..'..- -' , . J i' 1 Horses and Mulos for Sale. .; I AM OFFERING 3 or .4 cood Afoks Ad 1 Tloracfi at a burgitn, for wani of work. fob 14 J. A. SrRIXGER, Drugs, Mediciriesy- gPONGES, FANC GOODS, ' V . PERFfMERTi. 5DNDRIE0. For sale by . WILLIAM If. ORKKN. I5 , Market tr t fe' C. W. YATES 'i gCHOOL BOOKS, BLASE BOOKS, STATIONERY FRAMES, FANCY GOODS, WBAPPlNGiPAPER, PAPER BAGS. J A complete xusortnsent Seoftasnta Vafet- j j . " , a. - - - I , f.b LABOKATOKr OF "t '. t . -n v . , State Assater akd CucxIkT, 60 East Gnwo Street. " ' v mctnroyp, Va . ,Tanaarr)ib. lW. Mit. N. i-zekiei hs made known f me Ue oompolrlnn of his Hair ctorer and I hae aUo etibjectcd It to chemioal examination.' It contaii no lead or fellver, Bub&Unces very comnionl v employed In HNlitrf)r' preparation for ihc hair, i or anything harm fa I. and may therefore lx nsed wlthsut appreheneloa of Ut iurlous rciiBJte. - t WM. H. TAYfvOR, M D., SUteCbcmlsC Wldlst thinking yon, Mr. FxeTklrli 'for tha . Hair ir-t rer yuu s- klortlj ent tue. I Ukt mxat i44iiv In eaj 1" tn yon ihat IU bos- Q -iat effects op n n y h.ttr have Ixx-a so app ir nt a-i to a tract the Cfjtumealation of ail taj ' M-n-ls wi.o Uave -ilfed .' . -,: -' ' 1 111 In my estlmitt-n c tetuar, ,rilhoat whehtlie t.ill' of notJC wfcu 0r uikI It win ttcromp tt. Jl'pidjr It 3r reIU4 you Uw yvcattistry u-c s y it o rrV ffcierY, , 1 -tk rery T9i eetf al!, fHJ. . t 1. WjlK- Rlrtjmon't, Va;. Feb. V7. ls7. l -l-'or pair by allilrriiclM.; I'rlre St wrhtr t. - y I . felt 17 COUNTRY . JEECHAXTS AND EVEEY BODY dAK gut ultcl In quality and prices from tb rg9 stork1 of f A DDLKY."OOD W Ui 5W &;Mdlsry aod Tr. tit ifonanf . n H. JJ. JtuWDKX A C., I . No. 43 Alarket st. ifADufaetoreand Fepalr. feb 15 Brcecli-Loaders, T jprSE r.UEECU-LOADING SUOT-G133. K!U. Wa!. Pow.ler, bot, Ctrtrl Jrs BafSt noCam. ICekkftlng Tool. Game Vtx, fis tfi tll kiznts. If Mt wants dntLut a nit cle of the M above r'oi:, aod jw prices, tLe 4too can be found at ! W. H 'SPRINGE'S ft COS, I bneoewr t fawon ft Co.; ' feb" 19 ;t and 21 t arket street C. D. TJorrill. j SDEirTAKEB, CABLVET At A EE AJT AT CAUPENTEB. Office and Work Shop oa See- i oi streewopposite souinenaaa's sublsa. . ip(-rtful)y o belts orders aci raaraatres : rol work. proait tyt.irvrj and MtUfacUoa la Tsrr rt-i-ct. . j ir IMt S l'iBMsti of omc a( tts rorA Jkll 1 - i it j ." im safiarofcj tis Ij rr 4 r. O- 4.3 . r. o. . " .'