THIS rArz. ChM rrery Teuif . San da 71, ex empted by JOSH T.JAMES, Bnrro utd rrormirTtra. nRlPTIO POSTAGE PAUX A. A AA Six months, . fioo. inrM ;-,h. ft 1.00: One monta, oema. TJ 1 T , ..o. will be dellTered bj carriers tree eMrg. m ay parte th city, at the above KfJ. iff l" " 1 jabriber. will report any and all fall- i nmr rtiralXriT. V rrvTu t-i ix circulation, of any newspaper rJlishtd. in the city qf Wilmington. The Qi"n of Enland Is becoming a A.,Uor Kvcrv vpnr. faiwrfis gnuuu"""-" no Th wife of Senator Miller, of Cali fornia, is Mid t be the leader of Wash- icjion society now. Mrs.: l-anztry returned U New -York mi Monday for repairs, one piajs n-rt. la., to-morrow evening. Jumbo." mlt5t ntehient lmmi crants. has thriven since his advent in America, hating gained nearly a ton in flesh. . Mrs VMhcr E. Jevtil widow of the lute Marshall Jewell, died on Monday, within a fortnight alter ber husband's death. . . iin Caroline Kernhcimer, a domestic in yew Turk, fcll'throngh a skylight Mob day on a circular saw and was cut near ly in two. The Comptroller of Tennessee has is iied a check for $10 000 to the attorney of the detectives who captured ex Treasurer Polk. In December, IW2. the export of pe troleum and its products was 30,201,936 fallow. valued at .$2,952 914. The to tal export of the year was 503.492,612 gallons, valued at $41,623,074. Twenty years ago the doctors said that Peter Cooper, oi New York, could not live six months, and yet the old gentleman has gone risrht along living ever since, and has discounted more than one of the doctors. John Kelly, the New York Tammany Bom, is not an Irishman, as many pe -pie suppose. Ot the contrary, he was born in New York city. In earlier dtj9 he was a grate setter, from , winch humble employment he graduated into politics. Carlisle, of Kentucky, is believed to be gaining ground for the next Speaker ship. A Western exchange Fays that "lis is also daily becoming stronger as tke probable nomiaee of the next Dem ooratic national convention . for the Presidency." . The losses by the late flood in the Ohio, in Indiana, are figured at $4,848. 000, IHusville estimates her loss at "tnething over $1,000,000. and Cincin nati at $2,250,000. Tno total on the Ohio and its tributaries jt is -said will amount to $ 10.000.000. The Secretary of Slate has. upon the application of the British Government iued a warrant for the arrest of P. J. Sheridan, suspected of complicity in the Phoenix Park murders, and it has heen placed in the hands of Mr. West. me Dnusa ilmister. Mr. Sheridan fn Nw York. is The Monitenr des Interest Materials J8 that the railroad capital raised in Europe last year amounted to $564,081. 500. $14.000 000, of which was for American, while $225,000,000 was for reat Britain and its colonies. The Russian roads raised $? 000.000. Hoi land. Austria and Hungary about $10, 000.000 each. bmdon Enquirer: The mst.'vear has been ... uini.Klll jJIK.-Jl-l II J nr the ocean steam trade between England and America. We shall not. we have reason to believe, be far wrong if we. assert that such vessels as the Alaska. Sertia. Gallia. &c, earn. each voyage frnni to 20.000, nearly one half of which is profit. It U claiaied that evidence . has been obuined revealing a vast international anarchists' conspiracywhich is rapidly preading thmughout Europe. It is sported that they show that a plot has Jn orpuuxed to murder the Czar of pssia on the occasion or his coronation a May. A dispatch Trom Paris says it 14 rumored that the disclosures .made lead to the arrest of Louise Miche lQd aevtral of her associates. . Illinoit legislature is consider nI a compqltory education bill which. 11 itated. is almost certain to become w. It provides that persons "hav la "control or charge of any child ejuldren between the ares of 8 and 11 nail eend such child or' children to PQblic school at least Iwelve weeks in aachoolyear." Neglect to do this punishable by a fine of not than $5 nor more than $20l T3B kfert3d 'Fish Brand4 Gills caly zt Jaoobis Uard 1 1 VOL. VII. The throne which is to be used at the Czar's coronation is to cost 2 000. It will be ol black oak, richly carved . in antique Slavonic patterns, with a canopy supported by coluuis ten feet high and ornamented I with imperial eagles, and with a scroll-work bearing the coats-of arms ot -tho filiy-six gov Krnment.of Russia. The chairs for the Emperor and jEmpress will be placed on a dais hnng with criojson velvet riehly trimmed with gokl. Bcnj. F. Butler, of i Massacbueetts writer a letter this jtime. instead of making speech. Some little time ago Gov. Iiong, of Massachusetts,! was vis iting St. Ixjuis. when Mr. Charles E. Slay back. President of the Exchange in that city, said to him: "Gov. Long, I wouldn'c honor Butler with the title even of Mr., much less that of General. He deserves neither. Why, sir, he is to-day, I suppose, using a span ot the beit bayK evi stolen from NVw Orleans. It may be that they're dead by this time, for if he treated them as he did us dowi in New Or leans they wouldn't haVe lived through these twenty years. The hordes I'm talking about. Governor, were owned by my father-in-law, j Mr. Newman, ami t heru. wasn't a better span in ,New Orleans. They were confiscated, of course, and "Butler made good use of them during his stay there. But the horses never forgot their old home. One 'day Butler happened to have un hitched them on a side street. The horsos were at Mr. Newman's gate in side of live minutes thereafter, and were given their old stalls, of course. None of Butldr's hirelings could get them out again until at -length I an old groom was overawed. lie drove them to Butler's quarters. I saw the team for the last time on board a vessel bound lor Itastou, with a coffin lull of spoons, several' hat racks and some cooking utensils and furniture.""' ! Butler was moved to reply to' this. He had never denied the spoon charges before (so it is said) probably because he looked upon himself as a second Washington, . but this is his answer now: Boston. Febi 20. 1883. Dear Sir:--Il is not acoiperV con sequence to an body what such a fellow as Siaback may fay. If anybody would believe that I would put spoons u-a coffin he would believe the rest of the story. Unless the"coffln was of glass left open how couUl he iaee that the spoons were in it? It is enough to say that I had the carriage horses and carriage used "by me when in Newr! Orleans from a stable keeper there. The only two horses I brought away were those I took to New Orleans fnm Massachusetts. and they came in a ves sel thence to New Ytrk. Yours truly, Bkkj.F.,Rutlf.b. In response to this Mr. Slayback re iterates his charge and he is sustained therein by the entire Southern element .n St. Louis, many of iwhom are from New Orleans. The Widow is evidently in a fix. j Slay back's unsupported testimony would g farther with! the people of the South than the mightiest oath that But ler could swear. j LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Opera Houhe Iolaothe I Taxes cLj1 Books, &c j Musps Buos Gardea Seed W H GHEEKPruga, Medc4D D CTCokxok Furnished Rooict UEliffBEKGEKrianoft aal Organ j D Bellamt, Jr Foreclosuro al Silver Piated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. i j The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 40H bales. Tiiere was one trifling cases of disor deily conduct before the Mayor this morning which was discharged. The last measurements made of the depth of water at the mouth of the riv r give the following result: Bald Head Bar 13 feet, fl inches ;! Western Bar 11 feet, 6 inches. J A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at JACoiifs Hardware Depot t A lady in this cit3 resident! on Thiid street. South ot" Marker,! lo3t jover one hundred valuable plants from her premises on Tuesday night. The thieves broke into the greenhouse and stole them from thence. I There wil bd time enough for most people to use up their stock of three cent stamps before October I, the date which the conference Committee has' fixed upou for the two-cent postage bill to go into operation. j The Place to Save MonejT You can positively save money ky buying your clothing, Gents1 Furnishing Goods. Hats & Caps at the old reliable clothing house, of A. & I. Sbrier 54 Market street; give them a call. f, : To Builders and others Go to Jaoo Ei'itfbr Saahi Blinds and Doors,1 Glass &c , You can get all sizes and at the lowestTrioes. r WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH I ItlfigiKtrate'H Court. JefT Sanders; colored, was brought before Justice Mil. is this morning, charged with an assanli and battery up on his wife, Eliza Saunders. He was found puilty. but judgment was. sus pended anon f be payment of the costs. The same defendant was then arrest ed upon a peace warrant sworn out by his wife and was required to give a bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace until the 1st day of June next, and to pay the costs ol the prosecution. Harbor Master' Report. Capt. Joseph Price, f Harbor Master, reports the 'arrivals of yesels during the month of February as follows: Ames can Five- steamers, aggrega ting 4.333 tons; 1 barque 312 tons, and 22 schooners, 6,463 tons ; making in all 28 American Tessels, aggregating 11,- 178 tons. Foreign Seventeen barques, aggre gating 6,685 tons; 6 brigs, 1,570 tons, and one schooner, 178 tons; making 24 foreign vessels aggregating 8.433 tons. Total American and foreign, 52 vessels. aggregating 10.611 tons. Ko Of-fence Meant. ! - Col. B. R. Mocre, of this city, is in Raleigh on the fence question. New Hanover must be un fenced, and she will be, too, In all probability, although we opine that it is a matter of interest to only about one man fn ten in the limits ot the conaty. The use of any thing but genuine arguments to entorce the matter is dangerous, however. We refer to the statement published a few days since to tho effect that there was a difficulty in fencing in lands on the Sounds, owing to the scarcity of tim ber. This is all nonsense, as any one at all conversant with the facts is well aware. " Supreme Court. In this court yesterday appeals! from the third judicial district were called and causes disposed of as follows: Ida E Houston rs A J Smith et alfc. from Duplin; argued by H R Kornegay for the plaintiff, and O H Allen for the defendants. J N Stalling, administrator! vs Wil liam Lane t a! s, from Duplin; argued by H R Kornegay for the defendants; no connsel for the plaintiff. M A Patterson et al. vs. Silas Bass, from Duplin ; for defects in the trans cript, on motion of defendants a w rit f certi rari is ordered and the cause continued, i State vs C rum pier & Hall, from Sampson: put to the end of the-dis-tnct. . - ' I William Larkini et als ts John Bui lard et als from Sampson; argued by D L Devane for the plaintiff, and 0 H Allen for the defendants. F M Keathly ts Branch & Stanford, from Duplin; argued by H R Korne gay for the plaintiff, and O H Allen for the defendants. State vs Sylvester Lawhorn. from. Duplin; put to the end ot the district. Good style is good sense, good health, good energy and good will, but a bottle ot Dr Bulrs Cough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has al ready learned to appreciate: Clins. JE. ForiTrt .English Comic Opera Company In lolauthe. At the Opera House on Wednesday evening. March 7tb, our citizens wilt have the pleasure ot listening to the glorious melodies of Gilbert and Sulli van'a latest Opera entitle! "Ldanthe, or The Peer! and the Peri, rendered by Chas. E. Ford's Comic Opera Company This company is the favorite of all the com oanieT that visit our city, and we welcome their return tyith sincere pleasure. The following extract from the Sunday Herald of W asumgton City ot Feb, 25ih shows bow well they held their own against the world' greatest singer, Madame Patti, last week. . One of the most notable events de serving of especial mention last week was the success of Charles E. ForU'i Opera Company in Gil belt and Sulli van's new opera of -lolanthe; or. The Peer ana the Peri." at Ford's . Opera House. With the Quem of Song (Pat-' ti) at the other house, ner only engagu-' ment heie in the fourth of a century, this company had the most powerful opposition that the world could furnish. Yet the Ford audiences. Urge in the be ginning, grew as great a her majesty's operps before the week closed .They were not only crowded, but equally brilliant in fashion. The venerable W. W. Oirooran expressed his desire to hear lolanthe," and the manager received a charming autographic note from Pat Mr Henry McLowhorn. Vanceburg, N C. says : "I have used Brown's Ir on Bitters and was greatly pleased with u-n " ..: '-,r'. A Fcr PocScetrKnivcs or Table CuUsy, go to Jacob's Haxdwure Depot. - t Bi Iiop Lyman's Appoiutmenti March 1 Thursday Widdon. 5 Friday Halifax. 4 "Sunday; Knheld. -6 Tuesday Rinwootl. 8 Thursday Snow Hill. 9 Fritlay. p m,-Newbenr. 11 Su inlay Newbern. 1 3 Tuesday Bea u ft irt. 14 WeIi lestlav Kiuston. 15 Thursday Holy lunocents, Lehoir Co. ! 1R Friday GoUlsboro. 18 Sunday Wilmington. 19 Monday Wiliuiugtnn.. : : 20 Tuesday Wilmington. f 22 Thursday Rocky Mount. 23 Good Friday Tarboro. -25 Easier Day Wilson. 20 i'hursday South Mills, con secration, j I 30 Friday-Camden. . 31 Saturday New begun Creek. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist 'E. Church, South: (OOKCLUS OX tlllST KOUND.) Fair Bluff Mission ......Mar. 1. Bladen, at Centre... .Mar. 3-4 Clintdn, at Andrew's Chapel Mar. 10r!l Cokesburg at Halls,. Mar. 17-18 Xewton Grove Mission,. .Mar. 21 Point Caswell Mission, at Providence . . Mar. 27 -, j R. O. Buuton, P. K 1 Kitchen Market. The following retail prices rule in this marke to-day, February 22d : Beef 10 15c per pound; veal 12i 15c; lamb 12)15c;! mutton 1215c; Green pork, whole hog, 7SBc per pound; cuts, 12i15c; corned pork 15c ; turkeys, alive, $11.25 each; dressed. 1618c per pound ; chick en? 2530c each ; grown fowls, 35J 40c ; geese - all vo 75 each ; dress ed $1,; sausages 1520 cts,; pud dings 10 15, ; eggs, . 15 16 cts per dozen, ; - butter, country, 25S'30c. ; Northern, 40, : lard, 13 15,; Ba ltimore, hani8,jl618,; breakfast strips 1510.; N. C. hams, 1417,; shoulders, II 12,; sides,. 13i 14. ; fish, trout, 2025c, njullets, 1590.; shadi 75c $ I 00 jer pair,; . scalded oysters, 12c. per quart,; New River oysters 80c $1 per v gallon; New Rivei oysters, in shell, $3 per bushel; Myrtle Grove oysters, in" shell, 80cffli$l per bushel; clams, per quart, 12ic; per bushel, 50c; cabbage. 1525c per head; collards, 5 10c; turnips, 5 10c per bunch ; sweet potatoes, 25c per peck ; Irish do, 50c per peck ; onions, 2025i per peck; carrots and parsnip, 50c pel peck, i ' THE MAILS- Themans close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 8.00 P. M. Vorthern through and wiy mails. . . .S.40 A. M. Raleigh .5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad a .. A. M. Southern Malls for aU points South. ! dally 8 30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) dally, -(except Sunday). ..5.00 P. 31. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.O0 P. 31. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Bail road.. 6 30 A. M. and 8.00 F. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston.... 6.3G A. M aod 8.00 T. M FayettevUle aiidoffloefc onTDape Fear Biver, Tuesdays and Fridays. 1X0 P. M Fayette vllle, via Lamberton, dally, xoept Sundays.. ...5.00P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate om- -ces, Tuesdays and Fridays.. .....:.Ji A. M. Smith vtlle mails, by steamboat, daily (except SnndayS).... .S.3i A. M. Malls for Easy lOlJ, Town Creek, Bhallotteand Little Kiver. Tuctr- days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN TOR DELIVERY. WrightsrUle, daily .! ..8.30 A. M. Northern through and way mails 1JM and 8 00 A. M Southern Malls............... ....7,30 A. M Carolina Centra) Railroad... 0.45 A. M ' Mails collected from street boxes every daj at 3,30 P. M. ! Stamp Office open from 3 A. M. to 1- 31., and from l U 5. ft P. M. Money order and Regist j Department open same an stamp ofllce. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when tarap ofUce U cIokI. General delivery open from duylirht to dark ind on Sundars from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. . ' ' Groenshtfro Patriot: McAdoo has sol 1 1 his French plate glass i, Janus G rden Bennett, of the Sew York ZTcr alil. who will prt-sent it to Patti ns the hiiTittsd thintf in this country. The Tat gandaddy of all the turtles in i.uiit'oi'd county was cnujrht' jn S -uth Buffnlo j'tfterday. ' He weishti d ti& p unde, meaureil 4 hf t. 3 inches in I nirth; i TtH't. 10 inches In width, and was 13 iujebe bvtween theey8. - Best evecmade, Entry's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take stnrar cuated; nq jgrlpftfjn'WnyiS cents a Txx ot Druggists orby mail. Standard Cine Co.. 114 Nassau Street. Newjiorfc. Rice. Groceries. Potatoes. 500 BtrslId yo 1 sErD fiicE 1 flA BBLS EARLY ROSE and IUU 1 , PEE aLES POTATOES. ijAcoK. Trrn; sugar;" COFFEE, KICE, MOLASSES. - 1lt, cracx'ers, c !a Kor. 7 " SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES - CHEESE, SODA,' POTASnl BU5GS, WKAPPISG TXvt WRAPPINGTWrJfE, HAT, BAOGISG. TIZ3, 4s , w ' .i For sale by JkbSS TTERCHNEU A CALDtg BTOS. 1, 1883. NO. 53 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Furnished Rooms. 'pWO COMFORTABLY FCtiNISHED BED ryorn to let to irgl3 geoUemenat low rate Located on' Walnut near fourth 6treet.- Apply to m -h 1 3t 1 ' D O'CoVxor. - Opera House. lolanthe. 1 - j ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Wetlnesclay Eveniiigr, 3Iarcb 7. Chas. E. Ford's English-'Comic Opera Co., With Grand Chorus and Magnificent Coa- r v . , tuiae, w.ll TrpoCi.t for. tLc first tiuiti hi Wilmlegtoa, Gilert-& tvJlIvan'a new fairy Comic Open entitled I OLA N T H E, Or, the leor anil tli Peri. '; . With the splend.d instruuintation of 4 PROF. JOHN P. SOUS A. This Opera Ii the m:tic'.l peu'atlon of Lon don and New ik. In .the latter city it achieved 3 rcitahle. iriunij.h. j 'rice of nd"t-l;siou n ukuiI.f lie-erred m:ti 75 cnts and f 1. the saTe of Reserved beats tor l anthe lil commence on Monday morning, March 5ih, al DyerV. mca 1 2t th-'ni-tues - Foreclosure Sale. "gY VIRTUE Or THE POWER OF SALE contained In a certain dced raada by J.J. Ellis and irife to T. B. LipnUt, as Trustee for I . . ! Roatwrijrht & McTTor and their heirs and as sitjns, audi recorded In Jt.nk J el', pnpe of the Records of New Hanover county; thneji'Mlen-igned -g attorney for ihe said crui? ee. will sell 10 the idgtieft '"bidder tor cah i the Co rl Hnnte toor in the city of Wilmli'jr ton, on Monday April iml. Ia83, at 12 o'cl ck, M the "ollowii'g descriht d property oituate in fid city, beginning sii the Nrthwf6t in cr stcIlon or ' enih . with Chestnut "s'tret't, ru ( thence North j with the Wettern li c of, I enlh etreet 30 feetj U'egt hlng t ram.ertv lino 16 io i t, to Hunt's lin, thenco onlhl . fetto Ch' stout street, thence along the North line of Lbestuut street 16 poles to'ihe bciu nli.g. I J. D. BELLAMY. Jr., men l-30d j j Attorney, j Ked Rust Proof Seed Oats. 300 BUSUS cnJ tE i KED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Just rees.Yed and for 6als by feb 28 2t B. F. MITCIIELL & f ON. 600 Tons Coal. THRESH. ARRIVAL 0C0 TONS COAL, PER JL tschrs. "John A. Griffia" and "ahomas 6ba- ntckseu. lrm Philadelphia. Quality nnsxr passed and at bottom figure. j Fu 1 8tck of Wi i at low prices. P. S. I Remember plenty cold wcatherahead feb28'tf J. A. Sl'JtiNGKR. PIANOS & ORGANS FROM ALL T II E Best Manufacturers in the Country, SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN, AT HEINSBERGER'S, ..1 , -feb 27 I Live Bok and Music St re If You Would be Happy j. BUY A COOK STOVE. "Th'e Golden Harvest," "FAEMBE," ' ''.. ' " ' : "CALUMET," i- Or, "SOUTH I'Alli OAK," or p u: & TAV. OR. Pure White Oil. ieb 24 Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. ! M. SCHlJSS, Prop. T7IRST-CLA SS IN EVERT RKSPECT. tf - Flrstclais , Iiir aivl BILLIARD SA I.OON ATTACTrF-D lOO Sets o F HARNESS JffST 1IECEI YKD. an-I wJ have another Urge lot of Bigg7n a lew .- . - .- ' , . ays. Give us ac dec3 ! GKRf AHDT A C. Flower Pots OR 9 AXE BY GILES A MTJlXnJ605f feb 23 Buggies ! - BuggiesJ : jq-KVIT AND CECOrjflUATA'QirjAlX j T.J fiOCTHERLANTi, 13.U . Lrrsry aad aJ fiutles W will ta , recctr irBi,rrrVni from our frUada on aay aad..u mbleeU of acneralta wrest bnt - , " The.maaeof tho wrlierunut ahrtytl fa Bkfeed to tao Editor. -1 Lmsmnn!catloDs mast be wrlttea ea exrv oe side 'of the paper. '-" -. " I .-, j' Personalties must b aroldad. i ! ' 1 .1'".; j And jit U especially aod particularly vmCxx too.l that tho Editor doe not abrays eado- fee rlcwscf correrwBniit dviLmb so sUk the editorial columns. - KEW ADVEUTISEMENT51. Peach and Honey, FIXE BEVEBAUE FOR TUB Thirsiy, and an excellent remedy for Corg ts, Colds, Ac, HHesitate any Loneer, a oung man, but come ' aroun aad gst I , that Candy you promised her. Koyster Purest and Be !...'.. - v '.';- . ...v.-.:. oO Cents Per Pound. j Ap Excelleot Broaxfast Fish,! Fresh Codfish, t - .1-. . , ,r 20 CcutK per Can. ; EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, FAT AND JUIpY.' " : Tin flve-pound Cans and JKIts. j P. L. BEIDGERS & 00. fo' 8 - W 4i GARDEN SEEDS. AFRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS f Ck r i . '-.1 , i - v i ' i - " . iKtgc and Turnip JeedF'erly and late rarW- -: tie; Lollard. Beet and Toronto Seeds, a larg ?tock and an endless variety of t'eaa asut Beans. rctailel at w hole-ial prices by Rounds Bros,, ! Manufactnrlng Pharmacist,1 1,491 nuo vivv ay. SKVf TOSK. AND WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 23 - - ' ! ' ' ' Horses and Mules for Sale. r AM OFFERING 3 or 4 good Mules and -S- . ' ' njr&es at a bargain, for want of wtri.' fob U A. SPTtXVOElL' DrugsMedicine3, ''.''' " i ' ;'.. .) ; ' "h : ' gPONGES, FANCY GOODS, , .i- . PKRFtTMERr, SCNDRTK9, Ac For sale by -I-M ) WILTJAM II. GREKN. 'eb: Market tttrest C. W. YATES. gCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, - STATION ERT,. FRAMES,. . FANCT GO.OD8,' ' WRAPPINGJPAPEI. PAPER BAGS. 1 . . A complete assortment Rent'imeata Tales LABOUATOKV iK . . Stat Ass atejt axd Cn Eirrsr, - 0 East Grace Street.: RrcnMOSD. Va.. .TannarvMth Mr. N. y zekiel hss made known to me th composition of his Hair Hestorer and 1 hav also subiected It to chemical examination. Jt contains no l?ad or silver, substances .very commonlv employed In maktnjr preparation ror hc hair, 1 or anything harmful, atxl may therefore be used wlthsut arprehenslon of ! . WM. H. TATLOR, M P - SUtChmlct. r Whilst "thanking you. Mr. JtckIcL for th i air Whi i-er you e. kindly ent roe, I UU in e.iilneto von i hat its bca ifreat pfesure tl' lal effects upn n y lmir hare been so appar- - wuvs w a ir.cbiue commeaaauoo of au 7 r t 'nis wi o nave Moiiceu ?U li u in my estlmati o" e treasure. without wh ch the u.ll"t of none who hare used It will c complete. Il tpltiz It air mllxe yott tbm 4ccuaiary twc $ ymi o rci!r deservr i j -" i reusa:n, very rpectttllyp I I ( Mrs. a. T. Wnav R'thnjon l, Va Feb. 27, 181. Mi For akr by li druggleU. lrlc tl rw V tW. feHIT COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND EVEJXT BOOT.CA ci suited la quality aod rrtcca fraa tbe'torgv stock of F-ADDLKRY iOODat tht 5tW aiildJry and Trt ok l(onMt i ' u. m. a co - No. 49 Market UtJ. Manufacture and Pepalr. i feb if. Breech-Loadcrs. TKE BREECH:LOADlNO . FHOT-GCNa, fetieila. Waii. Powtlcr, Shot, C irtrUIz t!gai tal irU kin44.. if ytu wasta drot-chM arti cltrof the aUt gndi, ard Lw prtooa, .la same c.i n Irf found a i I t W. K. M'RINGEt A CCS. 4 ace0miT4 u Dawson A Co t " feb 7 19 21 and Tl lJarUt&trct C D. Morrill. -r TJNDERTA KEIL CABIN17T MAKER AJO CARPENTER. Of3cc and Vork Shop on Bco od itreet; opposite Mouther lacd's sublea. RcaprrtteUy solklte imlers and guaraatres . pood work, rrompt irtvrrj and saUdfsctloa ta ererrrrspt. ..' .j . . ..... - mr ia-tf:. n i Kb thmwuuvis t t t3 wont JHe4 t" 4 ff la Is thK ttJ.lUI t w1'4l TfaO i Oil Vi-i f m. ..X ' warn V Ai.r 4Ui TZATr - td. C